West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 13 Oct 1910, p. 2

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7.16m OF GOOD TILLABLE land in the town, will be let on abate: to suitable person. Apply to Mrs. Lauder, near the Cream- m 9293 mfi'nn FROM LOT 2 CON. 9. .Glenelg, ppout the; 5th, of Sept, AL‘-“ .A-._ RUBIN}; cut-m GOOD Bum. ulna ordainâ€"Geo. Yin-s, Durham A BELL ORGAN IN FIRST CLASS condition. Apply at this office. iota]: AND LOT ON éooN'rEss Street. Apgiy to Mn. John Har- bottio, Du am. 6303pt! PEKIN _ DUCKS â€" LARGE, IM- A‘-‘ I- ’1‘"! roved, young. Also a tox- ound bitch, and dog pup about 3 months old. Apply to C. W. Lang. 1062 FOR SALEâ€"A GOOD COMFORT- able two-storey brick house, conveniently located in the town of Durham. This is a desirable property, and will be sold cheap to quick purchaser. For further particulars apply to Box 8, Mul- ock, or the Chronicle attics, Dur- ‘WM 1013“ NOTICE is hereby given that a Court will be held pursuant to the Ontario Voters’ List Act, by His Honor, the Judge of the County Court of the County of Grey, at the 'l‘own Ball, Durham, on the 5th flay of Oetober, 1919, at 10 o’cloch, â€"â€"J v- ___ I. m., to hearâ€"ind determine the lovers] complaints of errors and omissions in the Votera’ List of the lunicipality of the Town of Dur- ham for 1910. VIVMVDD, a Yorkalâ€"xi‘rvesm now, about four {nears old. Any person giving formation leading to her re- covery will be ”gradedâ€"Thou. (‘1 {Gus Glencrou, Traverston. All persons having business at the Court are required to attend It the said time and place. Dated at Durham, the 19th day of September, 1910. Jackson. Durham . _._.-,__ - __. 7â€"0â€"â€" SIX-ROOMED BRICK HOUSE quarter acre of land, full sized cellar, on Garatraxa Street, op- posite cement works. Reason- able terms. Apply to A. H 1.0mm). Durham. 918pd " -VJUUCOV ‘- ______ Wohnur u )owollory stoma. .P. Toliord :- a In omco, with star «on, wall «no. clock ad 1 right man. For. further particu- hrl, apply on the premises to A. Ford, Bunessan. f _ 12 31.10tf Lsmbton Street. Durham, oppo- site the Methodist parsonage. One of the nicest situated prOp- erties in Durham. In good state of repair. Will sell on reason- able terms to quick buyer. Ap- ply on premises to T. Moran. 4.7 may an. remain on mart age. all puticulua :p 1y Wi liam Icy, Orchard. nt. In the Surrogate Court of the County of Wellington. In the estate of Patrick Peter Francis Sullivan, late of the Vil- lage of Erin, in the County of Wellington, yeoman, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given pursu-l ant to 3.8.0 1597 Cap. 129, Sec, 35,! and amending Acts, that all per- sons having claims against the es- tate of the late Patrick Peter Fran- cis Sullivan, who died on or about the Fifth day August A.D., 1910 are required to send by post prepaid, or to deliver to J.P. 'l‘elford of the Town of Durham, Solicitor for the executor, on or before the 13th day of Detour AJ). 1:“), their harnes, addressts and descriptions, and a lull statement of particulars of their claims, and the nature ",9! security (it any) held by them duly certified, and that after the said day the executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceas- ed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the chins of which he shall then have G. R. Glonolg. 50 act-on. ,well- toncod. good buildings. two .omall «chuck. and good apt-inn and well. Also Lot- 2 Aongl 3 -2‘ 15. notice. Con. 1 W13 Rulentlnc loo oc- roI; M urea cloared. on 40 acres of good bush. The“ properties 'lll ho Iold toxother or separ- otoly. and on terms to Quit pur- cbuor. For emrther particulars apply to Wm. Legxette. Rocky lagoon. Durham P.O. 6-2tt To Let on Shares. Adam-an «f an. hell, or be. 25 out: to: Int hum, and 10 out. tot moi onbuqoon human Over one inch and under two inches, double the above Dgteggph 15th day of September To; 11. 3003938810131. 3}. Notice to Creditors. MIQEWE 0N Pig Egt‘ray. For Sale. For Sale. Nb‘tIEâ€"e‘i Sonatai- iii WM. B. VOLLET, Town Clerk. SMALL ADS. mount Yearly mm on apphat‘on 9153p SEALED TENDERS MARKED “Tenders for Farm,” will be re- ceived by the undersigned up to Dec. 1st, 1910, for purchase of part of lot 21 and all 0! lot 22 Con. 2, Normanby, 127 acres in all. No tender necessarily ac- cepted. Apply to A. ‘3. Jack- son, Durham. 922“ For the privilege of running a booth on t e grounds of the South Grey Agricultural Society on the day of the Exhibition, Sept. 27th. Contractors to provide lunch for a limited number. Contract mon- ey to be paid on acceptance of tender. Tenders must be in the hands of the Secretary on or be- fore Saturday, September 17th. GEO BINNIE, CERES. FIRTH, : coon 300338 FOR an Apply to J. I. Latina. NT.â€" 41m Drs. fiiioson Iaclaurln. FFICE AND RESIDENCE A short distance But of Kngpp’u Hotel. Lamb ton Strut. Lowor Town. Durban 01500 hours from 12 to 2 o’clock Chrner Queen end Gear 0 Streetsâ€"norm o! Methodist Church. oe homeâ€"OJ! monk-491.. 7-9 on. Telephone No. 10, Arthur Sun. I. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OF- fioo in tho New Bantu Block. 0.. haunt! to 10 s. 3.. to 4p. m. we” to! 9. II. Spam “to-“on ghoul to (luau. d woman 5nd children. Butane. op and“ Pmbvuthn Chuck. CPIOIAUIT l av Lani, 'fmion 5 I085 - -___A-A mm‘ .UULJUUV ‘v- ._ _._._V U animals treated on wort salami!- ic principles. All call: promptly attended to. Office and residence. Garafren Street. Durham. burly op- poeite the Chronicle ( 0 u. (1: Dr. 0.8.craig, D. V. S..V. 8. V. D. “ISEASES 0F DOIIESTIOATED DR. BROWN L. n. o. 2.. LONDON. mm BADULATB of London, New Yorkand 0M wuln.lulhuudm Will to at Kn: 80m Durhl. tho Ill 31:ng in month. Homoâ€"~14 p}: Dr. W. e. Picket-Ina Dontlct. OFFICE: Over J. t J. Hunter't A pretty wedding took place at the residence of Mr. HA) Quigg on | I > be first “union, and 10 out. to: not . . .. under two inches, double the Ibovo gTueeday mte'rmun’ QUEOUu‘ 11m, .‘when at 5.30 o clocx, him meter. Lum- s on appliauon . . . - 'elme. youngest uaugmer a: Mr. land Ma‘s. P. Quigg, of tnis place, . 'was Joined in marriage wmh Mr. For sale 01‘ Rent tuchibald Stewaiwt, the ceremony ___.-â€"â€"â€" .__â€"â€".. ,â€" EB O’DONNELL PROPERTY gbeing conducted by Rev. G. S Mil- near Grand Trunk station. Ap- ligan, M.A., pastor of Chalmers ply ,to A. E. Jackson. 4.7t1.§iiurc§.’l‘he groom’s Eicce’dghss .__- *‘ ""4 ay tewamt, playe t e we ing [X BOOMED HPUSE AND TEN much. The bride, who was given ”1'99 0‘ land In the town of away by her brother, was attired Durham. On premises are 300d in a dainty gown of white Swiss $3 POD: hen W39 and stable. muslin trimmed with val-anciennes ill rent house without landhi‘f lace. She wore a tulle veil, passing ll strictly dorbidden on Lot: 47. 48. and 49. Con. 3. N D.R'. Glenelg. Parties lound so doing wlll be prosecutedâ€"W. J Mc- Farlane. J. Collier. ’1‘. Ritchie 3m 7 1. 0mm. 1). n. 1.1..» s HONOR unwmm, umvmsx. w of Toronto. Grunt. Roy. College Dean] Snrgeono “Ontario. Dentistry in 3|] in Bunches. 06cc.â€"Caldor Block. over Post 0600 President. I. P. Iolford. BARBISTEL, SULICITOB. ETC. 0500. nearly opponite the Registry o'fice. Lambton *t..Dnrhun. Anymoum A mouov to loan a 5 per cent. on farm oroportv. l. 6. Hutton. I. 0.. c. I. FFICE. TELFOBD'S BLOCK. UP suits, Lambton Street. Ruidoucoâ€" >rnar Queen 3nd Georg! Guptaâ€"N959! (Successor to W. F. Dunn) ARRISTER, SOLICITOR. CON- ? veyancer, Notary Public (iv. onoy to loan on farm property. In- surance. effected. life or fire. Office over Shanda-d Bank, Durham, Ont. 11 “motor on piano and organ Term. on applicativn at her residence. (huh-ax. Street. Durham. L‘ or. Convoyaumrf to. Insurance Agent. Honey to Loan. lunar of In; than Lineman. A general munch] but» am unnamed. DURHA)! ONT. (Lower Town.) ). RUDD IATHBWS, IARKDALE Ont” Licenned Auctioneer (or the_Cgunty 9! Grey. _.,;Salep at- A. H. Jackson. NOTARY PUBLIC, OODIIISSION Convoyaumr. c_ lunrgnoe waded to at remnublo terms. Arrangement. “16%...th at ITA lRVVlN. MUSICAL IN Med ical Directory; Dental Dfl’ecm. Licensed Auctioneer Musical Dz’nctozy Lela! ‘Directow To Rent. BR. Bill". A. C. Grant Secretary. a‘ The towm hall was crowded on th‘F’riday evening last at a free and he‘high class entertainment given :h.l.u'nde'r the auspices of the l. O. F “Court .here. Dr. Murray, OR, of n_'the Court, presided, and a pro- of gram, perhaps as highly pleasing he as any before given here by ro- »e- fessional talent, was rendere by iMr. Harvey Lloyd, comedian, Miss H iMaude Bigwood, “soprano soloist, ’ and Miss Lillian Dillon, coinst-raxlto- ‘pia'ni-ste. They are a etrongcom- bination. and furnished a splen- .did program, each in turn being heartily applauded and «evenly mfhoniorred ‘with e-nocores. Mr. G. .A. a iMitchell, Superintendent of Field Work, gave a somewhat lengthy addzress dealing with the benefits and work of the Order, which will I. most likely create interest in the A local Court. :el. George, the 13-year-old son of In Mr. J.O Patton, met with a nasty accident last week. While leading 'â€" his father’s horse on the halter the animal dealt him a severe fblow IP51!) the face, inflicting a bad cut aâ€" on the lower jaw, cnwshing inward, rth a number of the teeth, which it is “I yet hoped, may be saved. The lad m is bearing his mishap with much " bravery. On Friday last, Elija, the 9-year- ll- old son of Mr. Richard Bentham, h of the suburbs,met with a fall '0’ which might easily have cost him '. life. From a scaffold in the W barn, he fell to the floor, 14 feet, and on the hard impact was stun- tried, and badly shaken up, but for- turnately no bones broken. 4.- LOTS 25 AND 26, S. D. 11., GLEN- elg. Convenient to church. M11001, and post office. Well watered. For particulars, apply to Wm. Jackson, Buneasan. 1063p Weétéi-n Lands For Sale Re B. 1-2 Section 19, Township 89 Range 17 W. 2nd M. iocationw-Thie he." section is situated in the (mono Quill Plains, about twenty miles north of Wet- Ion Station on the C.N.R. It a in the midst of a good settlement, chiefly 0! Canadian: and Ameri- irom school, store, church, post office, etc. It in in a very fertile pert 0-1_ the West: which is claim- n-..‘ .- fl-‘ sr-0- v- â€"-v ..-_-, _, ed to be equal to the Portage Plains, one 0! the most fertile ar- eas in the world. Besides immense yields of wheat, the neighboring farmers raised as high as 100 bush- els of oats to the acre in some In- stances in 1909. The survey oi the Thunderhill branch on! the C.N.R. is near, and the road in already completed to within 70 miles of it. Water.â€"-A tine spring creek runs nlon the East side, and cuts of! the orth-east corner of the half section. Woater can also be easily obtained in wellsalmost anywhere in the neighherhood. The low tend near the stream furnishes ex- cellent_hag_ end pasturegei ___ .1 Wood.â€"'l‘his is convenient and olentifiul for fuel. A few miles distant good building timber can be not, and 31130 timber large cnpugh Io_r_ gawmg‘into‘ lugber: Game.â€"Fisinfléréflabundant in the lakes, and game in the woods and on the bakes. __ _ Soil. â€"The soil is dark and deep, rich with vegetable matter, and In short, is a strong clay soil that is_ not too heavy to be eamly work- ed. General. -â€"This is a very dc- sirable property, sloping gradual- ly to the creek, the gimater part of the {term comman1ng a fine view of the surrounding country. It is surrounded by prosperous and progressive faarmers, one of; whom has a fine steam thi eshing . outfit, and steam p10ug~h.The.e is a little scrub on the farm butI nothing to hurt. Many cans little scrub an indication of great or richness in the soil. Anything else you may require to know, I will be pleased to supply on re- «meat. It the aforesaid land is not what abuyer wants I have several other sections a my disposal, some, to close to a railway station. others entirel tree from scrub. -W. L. DIXO More” Farm for Sale. Flesherton THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Mr. Geo. White, Toronto line, was last week kicked in the face by one of his horses, with the re- sult of a bruise in the forehead, and five double teeth knocked out. Mr. .White recovered .from the shock and is about as usual. Rev. J.H Kelly and family mov- -ed dram Binbrook last week, and Mr. 'Kelly commenced his pastor- ate in the Baptist church on Sun- a . gev. A.P. Stanley, of Maxwell, and Rev. H.E. Wellwood, of this glace, will exchange pulpits next ' abbath. Service in the Presby- terian church here will be with- drawn, .owing to anniv-ensary ser- vices lalt Proton, to be conducted by Rev. L.W. Thom. A social evenin will be given by the Guild in t e Presbyterian be supplied (by a clever young minister, Mr. D.W Spence, assistâ€" ant astor in Victoria Presbyteriâ€" an c urch, Toronto, the past sum- _ mer. a Mr. John Kenton, a highly res- pected old resident of Osprey, died , suddenly on Saturday with heart! failure, and the news was ashock to those who knew him_here. He , '--vvâ€" v was -66 years of age, and leaves a widow and 'three sons. Mrs. J os. Radley, of this pLace, is a sister; , Invitations have been issued for the marriage at Winnipeg on Tues- day afternoon, October 11th, of Mr. Frederick R. Sproule, barrister, son of MT. R.J. Sproule of this place, to Miss Ethel Maud Scott, to 'Winnipeg. Miss Wilcock left on Saturday “nu, - vv â€"â€"â€" Elf-.011 a monihfi's holidays at his 01 home in St. John, N.B In Mr. Milliganjgi gbq‘encc, hi‘s pulpit will Elam-ch nthâ€""Tuesday evening, in honor "oi [the pastor Rev. G. S Milligan, fwho lgqves on Wednes- |-J____ -1, L:.. " e'or two un- “.66. nailed tony od-| I. dun. The. hobo“ Drug Co. :t.‘ menthoflnu. Ont. ‘ in rum-«wow W. for New York. Miss Mabel Munshaw is spending this week with her sister in Toron- to. Miss Gemtie Bella-my visited over Sunday at Markdralo. Miss Bits Bellamy is visiting her sister at OWen Sound. Mrs..A. Eaton, of Cartnage. N Y., is visiting her cousin, Mr. W. W. Trimble. ,, _ j L.” Lruuuac. M'r-s. W.J. Douglas and children, are «spending a ,few days here be- low settling tor the winter at Dundalk. Mr. John Gibson is moving his family this week ‘to the residence purchased {rem Mr. A. Wilson Mir. Thou. Fisher has purchased 'and taken possession Olf the Andy Wilson barber business. Mr. Wil- son left on Tuesday for Boxalder with a car load of household et- .fecta and stock, which included ”our head othoajses. L_!-9L‘A LA- nous Inconu 5 “um.--â€" Mm. J. vBlagckbu'rn tviaioted her mother and sister in the city on Thumdav and Friday Int. Rev. H. E Well/wood, Mr. A 8, Thurston, Miss Zilla Trixnble, and Mm. .J. Blackburn were at Eugenia on Tuesday evening assisting on the program at th'a Methodist fowl supper. .A HANOVER. Condensed 1mm the Post. Chan. Thiels and family, who have been residents in town and vicinity {or the past seven years. left last week for the West. Mr. Thiel having purchased 960 acres near Vieyxburn. Sask. Mr. Wm. Gatemam, who was aer- iously injured by the caving in of ‘a bank of clay, died on undazy morning, Oct. 2nd. He was years of age and leaves a widow and fivechildre'n. YOU . ”have pm. I bably been in- tending. , to try Red Rose Teador some time but from “ force of habit" have just Kept on using another tea. "Vicâ€"{oi winâ€"11.23pm, Ia youth, had his fight 'hsam-d taken off in Dirat- ei'n’ls saw mill, Ebmwood: Joseph Majncock had his leg broken at the cement works on Monday of wet Wgelg. Peter Barber, 0.! Garrick, While engaged in bhreshmg, fell from the overlays above the threshing “£013 and had his shoulder dislo- -c e . Mr. W.J Mitchell, of the Clinton News-Record, was in town over Supgiay; . - AA "iiiis'iaan. trained nurse‘ left for Philadelphia. ”Miaâ€"a Lam-a Whittaker open-t Sun- day With her skater in Durham. cl! lexuaf weaknou uverted at once. PHOSPBONQL gm - 1|ka reetoree every nerve In the body and vitality. Premature decay end :1! sexual weekneu averted pt van a new or two tor! Electric Restorer for Ken uzvu 301.0 m IULK B O """â€" .uâ€" v , . _ audlsctgltlts, each class. The prizes for Here- lords are made very attractive by the addition of 8220 from the Am~ firicag an: Canadian fiereéord . d“ ree ers ssociations. e an- : iipvfirgf. adian Hereford Breeders’ Associa- ;tion is also prepared to add fifty rigited over per cent. 'to all the prizes won by .animals sired by Hereford bulls in risiting her the open class :for Grades and 'Crosses. The heifer prizes for .nage. N Y,, l beef Shorthorns have been increas- Mr. w, W. ed by 87 in each of the three sec- ions. id children,. The National {Lincoln Sheep Breeders’ Association has doubled winter stithe amount of special prizes {or gLincoln s‘heep, bringing the total oving his,up__to 3100: Saturday last January, and received the ex- act three-«(inns majority. The ap- plication of Philip Scbmaker to have the by-la’w quashed was dis- missed. Now the Attorney-Gen- eral has directed an enquiry with gegard to an affidavit made by W. , ,.I _-â€" “nfi‘IC'nM1‘ro-p which will be in the hands of J. B.| Mackenzie, will take place at' Walkerton on Wednesday before Justice at 'the {Peace McNamara. Its purpose is to ascertain whether the statement in the affidavit is true what Mr. Durst produced. his appointment as agent, for the, temperance party at the polling‘ booth. (Without it, it is said, he; could .not vote, and owing to the! ‘- 7â€" ‘_--0 ‘UVUIu luv:- v V'Iv‘r, ..._.. _ v extremely close voting, the by-law would be lost wiMhout this vote. It is estimated thmt tthe costg of Suhum-akevr have already amoumt- ed to between $500 and $700. The «beaming at this case has been put of! two weeks.-Toronrto Telegram WINTER run PRIZE LIST. In the revision of the prize list [or the coming Winter Fair, the Executive Committee made m'nay additions with a view to encour- age exhibitors to bring out otill better exhibits and so. to make the Winter Fair of 1910 greater in; educational value «and attractive-' ness than any of its gedecessors. On looking throng the new grize list and beginning ,with the‘ arse department it will be notic- ed that two new sections {have been added to the class for Canad- ian-bred Clydesdales and Shires' one section is for stallion toaled in 1910, and the other for mare foaled in 1910; the prizes in each section areâ€"lat, $15; 2nd, $12; 3rd. $8; 4th, $5. A section is added for Shire mares toaled on or after Jan. lst 1909, with prizes of 1st, $1512nd $10; 3rd, $5. There are now two sections for Standard-bred mares instead of one, they are for mares foaled previous to Jan. 1st, 1908, with prizes of lst, $25; 2nd, $15; 3rd, $10; and for mares toaled on or after Jan. 1st, 1908, with prizes of 1st, $20; 2nd, $15; 3rd, $5. Ad- ditions have been made to the Pony class for Shetland Pony stal- lion, any age, Ist, $20; 2nd $10; 3rd $5; and for Shetland Pony mare, any .age, 1st $15; 2nd $10; 3rd $5 The Championship class includes new sections for Hackney mare, any age, and for Standard-bred mare, any age. Grand Champion awards will be made for the best Clydesdale stallion and for the best Clydesdale mare. Winners of ,Championship prizes will receive special ribbons instead of cash pr_izes. r ...... Important changes have been made in the Beef Cattle Depart- ment. Formerly Herefords and Aberdeen-Angus competed to- gether, as also did Galloways and Devons. The latter breed hasbeen dropped from the list, and the re- maining three breeds each has its Own class. The sections are the same as last year, and the Fair Board gives 35128.00 in prize: .to v- vâ€" The most noticeable \chan-ge in the Dairy Cattle Department is the increased grant made by the Holstein-Fresian Association of Canada. They have added 8875 to the regular prizes for Holsteins so so that exhibitors of this breed will now compete for 6510. The Canadian Ayrshire Breeders’ Asso- ciation has also increased their rant, and have added specials of 50 in each of the three sections it animals making the hi host scores are recorded in their erd Book. The counties of Well-° on, Hai- ton, Brant, Norfolk an Ontario are offering special prizes in the different live stock departments to amateur exhibitors resident of their respective counties. Prospective exzhibitors are re- minded that the dates of the Fair are December 5th to 9th, 1910. The prize lists “are now ready {or distribution, and. may be had free on application to A.P. Westervelt. Secretary, Parliament Buildings. Toronto. CHARGED WITH PERJURY. Purchasing 40 young pigs, Mr. J. H, Brick, of the Walker House, started .in to rival the Eumber pig gem-y scandal, by raising the sweet-scented animals i_n his yard ger ‘an dthe air fouler, but on summing up the account, Mr. Brick figured that there wasn’t room for himself and forty pigs on the same lot. Somebody had to move and he decided that the great hog industry must 30. Ceiling in the buyers be disposed piecemeal of the entire lot and soon had flhe iiem; th eriver side. Every 'day that pages! by_mgde_ the pigs big- 91859? ‘Mttffl‘eq thiply OVef the {o'frou‘r (roe catalogue. Ian . r. Buck 18 still convmced n. L ”menus. prim”, that there is money in pigs, but his constitution won’t let him raise MW Every Department II fully Equlppod to can!" Prompt and Emclont Sou-vice. Savlngo Bank at all Bunch“ OF CANADA W. D. CONNOR Pumps of all Kinds. Pumas from $2 uuwm. 830? open every afternoon. “I REPAIRING promptly nnd prop- orlv nttondod to. Funeral Director\ Picture Frammg on A. BELL UN DE RTAKER WE flUflHAU EHBBIICU It! on if: ‘0 cl.) P: 054!" .- 'IJ" ill. ‘31.. sixâ€"fid- r-cnflr-Hn It! Kara o. o v. I. Full line of Octholic Rahal. all It“ and white Cup. for AM pooph. THE TRADERS BANK. OF CANAM Galvanized and Iron Pip. ing; Brass, Brass Lind and Iron Cylinders. is a convenient feature of the Traders Bank Savings Department. It saves the dang” of keeping much money in the house, as the wife can draw whatever is needed {or the week’. expenses while the hue. band is at work. Either can depositâ€"either can draw out cash. {a the Savings Department. DURHAM. ONT» 830w Romaâ€"Nut w Button Babe:- Shop. Wonâ€"M doorSouth of W. J. but“! Hannah chop. for Two People ust ask to open. INT ACCOUNT Embalming a Specialty DURHAM. ONT. Manhattan: 01 Add Dal" in W. IRWIN and .W. D. Cflllll M 13, 1910 I have ‘ manufactur' Boots, shoes: hurrv tn 3‘31; pnq m rm! and q unlit} “it; M M Boo 0|

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