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Durham Chronicle (1867), 27 Oct 1910, p. 8

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M “0".”M'W.“ WOMWW “WWW.“OOOOMMWOO Although I am not going to move owing to the Standard Bankgo- ing to occupy the premises, still the sale goes on and bargains con- tinue to be+given.---C. L. GRANT restores every nerve in the body and vitality. Premature decay and Electric Restorer for Men THE DURHAM CHRONICLE 12 to 13 to 10 to 10 to 83to$ 83to 39 2 .8 Fate of e Speeder. Gunner-Bigwood. the millionaire. started ed for a banquet and was ar- rested for speeding. Guyer-Tben he wasn’t wined and toasted? Gunnerâ€" No; instead he was fined and roasted. -â€"Chlcago News. “Perish zhe shought!” gracefully re- plies the courteous husband. “Perish zhe shougbt! M’ dear. surely you would not sb’pose I would ever 811ka you ought to shay zbe shings I shin]: you ought to shay!”â€"Judge. in the sepulcher of Metella, the wife of Sulla, in the Roman Campagna. there is an echo which repeats five times in different keys and will also give back with distinctness a hexam- eter line which requires two and a half seconds to utter. Brewster men- tions an echo on the north side of Shlpley church. in Sussex. England. which repeats twenty-one syllables. “What do you tbi'tl'kivl-‘dught to say to you for coming home so lateâ€"and in such a condition?" demands the lady or the house. Some Famous Echoes. There is :1 famous echo on the Rhine between Cohlentz and Bingen which repeats a word seventeen times. while He did. for he became lord chancel- lor of Englandâ€"Lord Russell of Kil- lowen.â€"-London Graphic. In the middle years of the last cen- tury. in St. Malachy’s college. Belfast, a boy carved the letters “C. R.” in the wood. The French professor reported him and declared that he “was besides a worthless boy, who would never amount to anything." “I will amount to more than you!” returned the youth. That boy was Arthur Wellesley, known to fame as the Duke of We]- lington. hero of Waterloo. In a country schoolhouse in Queen’s county, Ireland, a boy with a blunt knife cut in the deskfi‘ux. W.." the in- itials of his name. The teacher, who caught him ,in the act, cried out: “Stupid, you are better at cutting let- ters and destroying desks than you are at learning your lessons!” “My heart is fairly broke with that brat, Tammy. and be is so stupid he can learn nothin’!” One day a slattornly woman rushed out of a little grocer’s shop gripping an unkempt boy by the ear. and as she pulled him along she shouted to her neighbor: That stupid brat Tammy became the poet Tom Moore. man and orator. Dean Swift, the keen- est wit of his age, was “plucked” at Dublin' university. Newton, Shake- speare. Michelangelo and Oliver Gold- smith all come in the category. Stupld Boys Who Developed Into World Famous Men. There is quite a long record of fa- mous men who in their boyhood were regarded as fools and dullards. Sir Walter Scott was called a “blockhead” by his mother. The mother of Brlns- ley Sheridan despaired of teaching him the simplest elements. ller death aroused him to activity and he became a scholar, philosopher. poet. wit. states- It is as it the skull were laid bare and the surface of the brain struck lightly with a. hammer every few sec- onds with mechanical precision. with never a sign of a stop or the failure of a stroke. Just in this way does the annoying idea, the maddening thought that will not be done away with. strike or fall upon certain nerve cells, never ceasing, diminishing the vitality of the delicate organisms that are so minute that they can be seen only under the microscopeâ€"Journal of Physiological Therapeutics. Genuino Genius. “Jones is a genius.” “I pever thought much of ‘Tbey are not the reason. He suc- reds in selling them."-Blflalo Rx- Worry, to make the theory still stronger, is an irritant at certain points. which produces little harm it it comes at intervals or irregularly. Occasional worriment the brain can c0pe with. but the iteration and the reiteration of one idea of a disquiet- ing sort the cells of the brain are not proof against. Thus worry kills. lnsidiously, like many other diseases. it creeps upon the brain in the form of a single, con- stant, never lost idea. and as a dropâ€" ping of water over a period of years will wear a groove in the stone, so does worry gradually, imperceptibly and no less surely destroy the brain cells that lead all the rest, which are, so to speak, the commanding otflcers of mental power, health and motion. It is believed by many scientist: who have followed carefully the growth of the science of brain dls- eases that scores of the deaths set down to their causes are due to worry and that alone. The theory is a sim- ple one. so simple that any one can readily understand it. a combination of them arises death finally ensues. Briefly put, it amounts to this: Wor- ry injures beyond repair certain cells of the brain. and. the brain being the nutritive center of the body, the other organs become gradually injured, and when some diseases of these organs or It Slowly but Surely Destroys tho Coll. of the Brain. Modern abience has brought to light nothing more curiously interesting than that worry will kill. More ne- markable still, it has been able to de- termine Just how worry does kill. JUVENILE BLOCKHEADS. WORRY DOES KILL Not Ladyliko. “Perhaps." Integrupto'd the worldly muster. One of our dashing comedian. was endeavorlng to dazzle the worldly man- ager of a North London music-hall the other day by the alleged magnificence of the prospects offered by Mo forth- comlng engagement In Canada. “Yes.” he said. with all the enthusi- um of a man who want: his hearers to belleve what he to extremely doubt- in! about himself. “I'm to have ten thousand dollars perâ€"perâ€"â€"” ' Johnnyâ€"Oh, pretty' good: I ate a jar of plums yesterday and she blamed the servant. Friend of the Familyâ€"How do you like your new mamma, Johnny? Tommy Jonesâ€"Please'm. a stream of hot water springln’ up an' disturbln’ the earth. .. that important country governed the Kaiser. Tommy Jones. what 1 Kaiser? healerâ€"Sorry I can't oblige you. madam. I don't handle stuffed birds Miss Oldham (In bird shop)â€"I'd like to get a parrot that Isn't tricky and doesn't swear or use slang. The Mistressâ€"Bridget. I must object to your having a new beau every night. The Cookâ€"Thin buy betther food! Hno'll niver cume again wanco h." tackled what I have t’ serve him! Husbandâ€"You mind the baby. Jessie, and I'll go and get a tooth pulled out! Wifeâ€"I’m going to the dentist's to have this tooth out. Juat mind the baby till I come back. Teacherâ€"Now we Iron and Brass Outings and canard Regain-ins, Feed boils... fltte lies. Engines and Thrashers. Sub and Doors, .M rs supp (hoard Wood Work. “was ltd THE LESSER TROUBLI MA \"AS ALL RIGHT SENTENCE COMPLETED \‘VAN'I‘ED A PARROT CHANGE THE MENU Showtnbformuhtoyourdodor. Askhimwhathethmhof 1.0- An. (II-rm Inn-ll I... 656:: 'Persons with the whitest or the Muffin-J "K ”‘9 Nondhahmyuufihedywflhwthmmehahmadeamw Wemmtopumvdymdmwymdmm . ‘ does not meet the cola: o! the hair. even to £31th Am- PM; with the whitcst or the Iiflhtnt and .....-t . “M THE DWOUNDRY SLIGHTLY M l X I'ZD C. SMITH 6: SONS. DURHAM, ONT‘ falling Hair come to Germany. governed by ‘. what is a J. 0.4m Conn". loyal]. It... Machine Oil. Harness Oils Axle Grease and H00! Ointment, go a: s. P. SAUNDERS“ An up-mdate flour and M m grocers keep our flnm- {01- Sale. If your grocer does not keep it. come!» the mill and we will use y_«_)u right. A." - I PASTRY FLOUR [a trade from selected winner win: and is a superior article for making pastry, etc. Goods delivered anvwhem in Chopping Done Every Day Oar pane Manitoba flour, made from No. 1 Manitoba wheat. cannot tn but for either bakers or domestic u. 08." "8 up [1)" Lti;l;i)h‘;u'w:g;. ‘8‘?“- kll Hod: of Graig bought at mm 0F TORONTO Best Place in Canada fur Sun orior Business Edmmtinn. Um" monoe now. Outflow"? FE; ATTEND TH! BEST. W. H. BEAN Infant’n. (Ihildrnm‘ :unl L'ldies' \’(NL.~‘ a.“ [Him‘s NJW Prints Mad (iiuzham‘ Sve our 250 and 5m Drc» fin )4 New lot. of Glassmm- just In CALL AND SEE I'S yard ..... .1 Table _ Linen. Table Oxlclotb 45 in. wide, find .............2 Floor Oilcloth. l and 2 yards :wida. Large: 30:60 Smyrna Rugs :1} 2 Wild! long, 25 in/ he.~ pair ........... .. 2‘ yds. long. 33 im [19* pair” 3 yards long, .‘(3 inchws pair” ... ........... 3} yda. long. 513 im in 3‘ pair” 3} yds. long, (3:) im he» paur ................ .. T.ble_Linen, 51 illltht‘s He Sell. Cheap. John McGowan Lace Curtains ELLIOTT SOVEREIGN BIG 68 inches The in Chas Wide inches wide. 00.0.0004...“ inches wide. Hérneslfl“. Calder’s Block wide. ,. 61.00 wide. wide. Wid'! $3.0) ”30‘ Within the next few years, ; will be possible to buy 3 20-11011, power automobile (or $500 tha will hat longer and gin- Lott.- “tilt-action than those sold l0-da} It from $2000 to $4000 each. “th in the next fifteen yunrs, .30 3»- cent. 0‘ our farm Work and tram, mum W1“ be done by malur farmer will pun-ham- a wagnn {or $500 that will transpun his not on week days, carry in, untidy to church on Sunday... and Lu between time, the motor will be removed and connected to (LUM- entt machines. when :11 “ill culti- vate his fields, our and split his firewood, cut and thu ah m s [rt-in, milk 'hia cows, sepaxau his cream, churn his butter. pump his wuer, shell his corn, cut his cat- tle (88(1 and at short do UH lhuu :- .nd and one things necessar} on a (Inn (but the now dono bx hand “0 was ploughing a town gar' den it some distance away. Shvnl' inside the curpuratiutl is not Vlble‘ cud the young ma“: .0 auction was very fortunatr 2') m mam“ hlmb'Plf 8 Illul‘t' 51‘- Van 1850011. “'0 regret in 5'4} I‘m! grace is the only toaohvr that (“we the actions uf sum:- ”a c, tad we hope the furiunato mute of Monday 13% may ‘0 I WholeJome 1965011 to an. ”Mienced yuung gummr. \\ h, t jut M easily hau- shut air! 11)? drin’I‘. as [a Man Wed the hOPSP. I! "11‘ fll'HIWE ‘ the home, it isn‘t likrly Mid have hit him. in HM! “can‘t mend matters», any. Bw “I“, young man. or ynu m.“ h my When it is too latv. lad contents, a sham d xx- mJOuth-West of the town. \\¢-:¢-' While pulling the swim-h in the power house at the cement \Vurm on Tuesday evening last at m o'- clock, Mr. Wm. Humphrms. the chic! engineer, had his right hand severely burned, and has tau slightly scorched. Though able u oversee things as usual, it will In several weeks before he re- covers the full use of hls hand TI!“ is the 'first timv Mr. Hum- phries met With an accidvnl during the (our years he has been engag- d there‘ 811d 88 three 4))“ full! others had been burxwd pl‘cViuus- I]. he always (clt like (-«mgx‘axu- ht“ himself on his good fortune Offlit‘h horses, at such 'a (re- mentions loan in time and mum-y. -Uticl Globe. While pmctising for amucvmvm VIII 3 small 22 calibre rifle on lunkugiv'mg Day, Mr. Wm. (‘amp- ball. .0211 of Inspector (fampm-lk, didn't aim just right, and NW Lulv let Wed .im the body of a horse PEM‘LDK to 311‘. John Blarhhall WHY destruyvd M (-41-. t “l I 1088 of l“t'l\'r u: NH.- “ undred dollars. \\_.ln l'L‘hl-l a. covering aluuul had '9 ”I! 10“. The building. a tram eture With stum- lutlluin" 3.0.. W fleet square lwlwngq-«x u no load the contents. mom: 3.; “nt Mteen tons of hav. lu in LtOhu-lie Ritchie. It ~54 Med 511 I peculiar way ly .l - ‘9' little buy. a lad .w-l bl old. He, with his mm» m- “mg pasty Ln 4?” ~13! iv. -2; g own .‘unvlay. Hm li - ~'fllow found a man-H ' '1 tho " "' . When in llh ~'.'1,‘.¢' llc‘ see it blaze. :vxvl :n *«m' In the burn hip fl'lgvrs h. d0‘Vfl on Wyn" l"' “ ' “Mediate“ tank fire. 1‘34th ~ to Mp out the Man. ‘I ' J ”De draw on it M «moth.- but the plan {am-d. and ' II: was soon a mass of; he children had a var" . Two pigs. valued at number of implements deltroyed. Charlie near? ‘ _ , bicycle on tho veran- ‘x “miner, but Saturday ,1 but It in the barn for to have it burned. _, m whole mm took “I flutes. “ â€"~â€"-. . . I in WGuelph cuuncLl. aim noting, had a paint,“ r. “69 names. asking in: 1; n of a local op'mm In January next, at thw mu election. The by-lau “ah “I first and second l'vadmg .- We have been ihfwl'lnwi ’. “In McDougall haa «Lap. m hotel bub'uu-ss in (1..“ to “1'. Frank Muhm‘. { mm: the Revere Huum'. Muri‘duh Ir. McFadden (hi :1 h; I“ [m Wt'ck, hdvmg an mm to Mrs. .{Hdcl'buqn u: f on organ to Mr. \\.~ :11. at ickers, and a 11m Jim W to “'m. Aldcm‘n. or S o A ”(31:31 Ulldvr 31.1 “pk” “vill lvt’ hpid ӣ3, NO‘:CH}‘..Q-f 5111' The tir't 8110\3' of 3}” fl Thursday, 0mm” :_ Bee McLellan f”,- ,.. “d hIPDCSS. All {H‘s}. \ fl“ always in \stock. I! only 'to luck. ( ”u will be 351mm .0. in winter milliz: N EWS ARO 'v. and Mrs 43â€"1“). 2273. 0 ot( last

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