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Durham Chronicle (1867), 8 Dec 1910, p. 3

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ized and Iron Pig)- was. Brass Limd n (‘ylinders. BELL :3 RTAKER d Sorpl... 3. k) raw urn. and mm. {or until 0“ UH um Paar-“tinfoil \\'. IRWIN mms can be sent 1 cost by m rs. Any bank '1 l excepted) win n ma 0! all Kllhm. Out-of-town CCOuntS “)0. ”T“. out m “In!“ Dw- ”Inflammaâ€" :ml. Shanna“ I“ 70“.“ wk»: Mm '9‘ .3! applicatwli m N m PO? Call-mom > and {:‘hU me! man 'lL‘Hé' HP? (”If (1...: JONNOR ’uilvga is rocoflnim u ‘h rravtir'al traininl ”M d . ()umrin. It is “9'1"". “ ?' 9: Ms?. (”If “mm 1'. our teacher! .1 -_A .nd ”DR at Mount Pom. ad A“ CENTRAL 1m iv has need of 33"“ 11:: 1h [11. For ~8 of the Inn-'5' 1’81'15. IhCH'G i. a! a”. (Surge. and they 0;; m! m t: A mericancitie‘ at the following um: from 32 Howard .3 ”.,l. mu LUllt‘llUI' way-r. ..â€"-_ <. our mamm- IM° ‘c L \L' N LAN. HP ,Morchlm Is SoIIomd- rompfly “d p W. D MIMI LCNW nu v-flain’l. .o'nl aah‘Prflflom . :Hv‘ HH‘ thfl .f" m .m ;vor§int' 0.0. '» Inmssuro. Prof.“ ’04 by CW I. 'F ollld. "0' I Lion. :5 can b Specialty Y ”(Him rqu florid '" I). Ho use, Gan/ml IO 15 iRflNlEL 89'" 2M: y. will ho not b «a 01f p00“. 1 myahlo- iltd't': U paid. ‘b. ‘10. ma no tlow‘y [n Swallow. cau- . 550.00. md b' sin» lets) WI‘ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++¢++++++ +++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++4 +++++++++++++++ Dnc. 9, 191 0 MILLINERY Price = Cutting We have made special preparation for the Christmas trade. Holiday time brings visitors, students and a host of every ladies’ friends- We will make a special effort to cater to and please each and all in suitable Millinery. Bring your piece of fur and we will make you a smart fur hat. We have 35 stylish Felt Street Hats we are clearing out aba low prico, regular $3.75, $4.25. $4.50. nah», prion $1.98 We also have a num- ber of Misses’ and Children’s Trimmed Hats for 980. 23 Black hats, felt shape, 3111 i." and large velvet toqnes, and plain «111. red 1m 0'9 velvet hate. all good quality, 131 1mmed “ith 1ibhon, Wings, fmu: 1 mounts and ostrich feathers, reg. $3. 50 up to $10, sale price $1.,9d 2.98, JNH, 1.96. THE I r A‘ ~ - _\ '2' .) Van y Blue hats 11) felt. and velvety. A lat-”for assortment than we haw bud n12 393,801). All new aml ire sh from 0m workroom. Some deep- 91' tmlnua among the list. sale prion, $1.50, 1.7 5, 1.98, 2.25 and up. Bargain ’ Sale ! 9 Brown hats in felt and velvet. Some drop m trimmed with wings, flowers and sprays, sale price $1.19, 1.04m yards of beautiful Taffeta and Satin Ribbon for hair bows, eaehee and 111i|li11ery bows. All bows made free of charge. We are trimming over hats every day and such value giving was never heard of. ”l1irnmed hats of the best quality at very low prices. Smue beautiful Green hats. also in grey, Baby lumuets and children’s hats. Lambton Street Splendid Showing of Handsome l\ew Hats The following are a list. of what we have in our immense stock: We are prepared to giw you as good value as ever 09- fure. )verythiug sold on a may small nmrgin. We have a full stock of Fur and Fur-lined Coats for ladies and gents, to be sold below wholesale prices, also a. We alsn have a. complete stock of Crockery in sets,a.nd Fancy China. at Very low prices. We also havea very large stock of Boots and Shoes, .‘Llsn a full line of Rubbers of all description with prices to I suit the pocket. We have a nice stock of Ladies’ Mantles, Skirts, and We have a full stock of Fur : ladies and gents, to be sold below large stuck of Mufis and Buffs. shades and at very low prices. new stock of np-mvhdate Dress Goods, all newest ++++++¢+ giw ynu as good value as ever be- g.9+ya+eze+z z++++++++++++++++++++++.... z++++zu¢r..+++++++++>+4+++++++++++44. Some dmp thrbans in velvet, ale price $1.19, 1.98, 2.00. red, old rose, in man y styles. DURHAM THE DURHAM CHRONICLE .++++_ _++++. I .".Q“. 0‘.- ' ADVERTISING PAYS Last week a young lady lost a valuable locket and chain. Atrax- cling tramp-e of medicine 1811111111.: and wonder Workers held Imth in town. While one o1}the'compan.y was hypnotized, it “213 give-.1 (1111 that she would 3.1.511'1-11- any (111.;~ tion that might be asked. The yowng lady 111111 got 111: locko was wpresent and asked where she might ”Jud it. Tf-1 :1 ' -. '11 11 that a mam 1ftrom Sou1tl1amptnu had ka(Cd t 1;, :‘1 home with him. This haidly sat- is1ied the 101's .' 0'1 1111 he 1. , V1 1 insert ’11 a lo:â€".t ad 311 111-9 'l"m1:<. On Thzumday the locket was re-b turned to 1.1110 T111 :1 '1..1‘ice by‘ .11 Port Elgin Ladyâ€"131119.15 One «act is better than ten hear- says. Ask Dc-ctmc Burg; 33. Supt. Hoepital for Imm‘ne. 'Montrr-ml. "r op'mion of “Kim Do'zLy Month-Z thol Phaeter. The genuine made only by Dav-is Law-remc-e C0. An Italian resident w:.:.:m, askâ€" back to Guelph to Lake in the Fat ing why the slang word “Dago,” 5(00k “WW. should he need uh”. I cw“, ‘4. Mess”. Pat and Jimmy Ryan are reference is made to persons of at the Old home at present, ham'mg his I809. Frankly gpc-aki-ng, WC diBSO’Ved partnership 'Wl'th their do not know why Italians :shuu'uj uncle, Mr. Jae. Kelly, of the Bowel? be referred to as “Dagoes,” or House, Markuale. there is a re- Why (Shines-e uhouid u. call u port of them abowt to go tutto bus- “Chink-s.” or has“: 2'. o; “mun- ; Minn-:53 in Kincardin'e. Englishmen “Cockneys,” and “spar- Mrs. Hoeg, of :near Butte, Mou- rrows,“ or Irishman “Nicks,” or taxna, has been 6,!”ng munr Mexicans “gr-Pagers.” -â€" I-Ianziith‘: Weeks with her parents, Mr. and Spectator. Mrs. Wm. Anderson. Her husband will join her “here for the Christ- A LIGHT :FOR EVERY HOUSE mas feasting. ”Tia ten years smce ' .Mrs. Hoeg went West, and {the 1‘“ connectrou WI“) ”he “‘5" “47 looks younger than when she “'t m hour sovvzcc or tha: Ilyd'ro-lulcctrx . ,, ' ’ ° 1‘ L :4. :n ...... dWCdfy' _ r‘lsflnu--A-An -“ n--l.. ‘ _ - ‘ A A , A NARROW ESCAPE. ' 'Some of the men. on) the C. 'P: R. election gang at Cataract. had a :nzamrow escape frmm electiwncution at: Kelly‘s crowning, on the 2nd line, west C‘afledmm, la'7t*Saa"'11'r-d.-"iy. The Railway Commission, it ap4 rpears, requires 3]} Mircvf. crossug 5a railway track to he at”? inc-mat 25 feet above the rails. {The ‘mem threw .a measuring tape, «or ‘nr‘iain- ing 'a strand of “steel. over the Cataract Electrr‘ic Co‘s toamamission line, to asemntaien if i": was the r9- qui-red height above the track. Sec- ,t'ionmuan Kelly caught i‘hp wire and Igot -a shock that: trend-med: h'i-m umconacious. Foreman Knight fa‘r- od similarly, and the two men would i'x!'<'.}mal.)iy .h"\'e hewi kibiO-d, ,o'nly for the presence ntf mind of a ,m'n'n named Cox, 'W.lm qrabht-d :1 spick'sx-o. and releaaed them by ibmakiang the tame. Thoin' "hands iwnre (badly bummedâ€"Erin Advo- icate. Ln connection with who. m-w "2+ huwr service of the Ilydi'u-Elcctrlc Commission in Guelph, it is sug- gested that the light and heat com mitte-e comsidiu' a plan |.- : 'l‘\_'i11u;'~.'t: all the st'rt‘ut lights now in opera- tion in the city, and place an elec- tric light in ”row of uvojv hmuse in the cizy islliiil‘LJd. In is inn-Lnâ€" stood this syisfigem of lighting is in operatiun in the town 02 Onliia. and works splendidlyr-Mt. {Forest Confederate. Menthol in the ‘1 1mm bf Davis' .Mes 1th-1'l 'Sia‘h'a 1.15 1h b “51 11.11}; 111‘ ' t'mm fm' mosquito Iamd insect bites and stings, (111! 80105, etc. -50 a tin at d11~uggi-s:.s. If taken im time, “The D. L." Emulsion will surely cure the most snx'i-Wu's Mfr-'ctioms of th‘ lungs. Thnat “rum-down” cwndi‘fan. thr after effects at Ia heavy cold. is quickly counteracted. SAUGEEN VALLEY. M'iss Vina McNah. who hm hm '1 visiti-"tr her nine!“ and "um. Mr. and Mrs. T. 'Harrisorn. (xf Egremnnt. has come back to nur hwrg. hate and hearty. Miss Besmie Davis is engagcd 10"".t‘fz-‘r dress-making in town. Mr. Adam Andaman, -n.f the 4th lirm, h-‘U-s taken Mr. David McAml- iffu's firm on shares for the com-- ing season. . _‘I ref-U wvâ€"‘â€"- â€" -â€" V . (290 n. Arnett was 'engaged 1M) king on the Siaugoen bridge. Mr. Jas. P. MvGiliixriv. accom- 1m. 2"! iw Miss Mary Binnie, spent an ('vr'ning last week at Mr. Don- 2127! Manda 10's The trwxm of G3]; is protesting a- gainst {are running Hi the Gr'md Vqlloy Railway cars twithim the limits of the corpomtiun on Sun- days, contrary to their agreement, and trouble is likely no come out of the affair. The Lord‘s Day Alli- ance has taken .up the matter. ‘ “I had been troubled with cono‘i- -pation for two yem, a‘nd tried all of the best vphysi‘ciams in Bria‘nl. Tenn, and they could do nothing ifor me,” write: Thou. E. Witliams, Middleboro, Ky. “Two packages #0! Chamberlainfafitomgchgnd Liv- 1: rm‘ér Eéd'fiié?‘ Fin sale! by. Gun’s Drug Store. ‘ ~ x-"ir, G90. Binnie loft Mnnday last. reaches out in all (Lira-minus Mr :' '~‘.;-- llri‘vri, where h? will act as your patrtmage, :nnd wd! (1"8('}"\'l1$ mJgraticm Agent fm' (he Dnmâ€" it, for its vestibule coaches, park»? in.‘ (:‘pvrzrnmmnt. and dining cars, and modern Pull-e V355 A-nnio MoGilthray, Of this: mums give the service dash-rd. ~ ~vho left about two mnmht» Consult»- your nearest Grand :0 IM‘ 'l‘orronto'. has been takvr‘ Trunk agent for information r0- .-T<n1'al_\‘ ’1 We h'me 97m 116:" garding your m'xt trip. A1 . NATIONAL NICKNAMES. I.’ fur)?’. am' Miss Jeanne Peters lemes on Friday out than We ex for bu... aim“, “here she purposes to‘remain tor the Winter. She and her nunmL: have had a "sumxuous summons work, ong to the building 01 the fine new home. Mr. and Mrs. Will Jackled for Brantford on Monday, and after spending a couple 01' days with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Jack, wxlllcome back to Guelph to Lake in the Fat btock slmw. The old home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cook was enlivened 0y [llL' pi't‘a- once 01' a jolly group from the south, on Thursuay evcumg at last 'week. Mr. and ers Josepn Lawrence, er.’ and Mrs. James Matthews, and Mr. and Mrs. W.J. McFaddep _compriseu the‘ party. Mrs. J.J. Pent, and Master Oren lel't on "I‘ucsaay to man” the home 0: her brother-5:14am Mr. H. Mel- cake, at Hanover. TRAVERS‘I‘ON, Mr. T.E. Blair had tWO hig' piles ot logs that be though; m uuid keep the sawing macmuc qu sul- ‘id days, but Mr. Wm. mwme. cun- -\'erted them Rho wuod m Less than a day and a half. The best sleighing of the season is now on, and miny are l.a.i<.-n.g advantage. of it afzter dark, as well as during the day time. Results later on. One of the most commendable things for the. liVing ;o do is to keep the reszing places o. their departed kindred neat and, trim, and the marble or granite monument vertical, and the lines legible. \Ve noticed the thoughtâ€" {unless of Mr. Geo. Lamb in this respect. The rf'amily plot in Zion had become somewhat out of re- pair, amd he had it iixe-d, the names had become somewhat blur- red, and he engaged Mr. Alex. Smith, of Thornbu-ry, to ne-letter them. ’Twa‘s an act of :thoug'hti‘ul- mess, and worthy of imitation. By the ‘way, Mr. Lamb is as shrewd in business as he is thoughtful. His real estate deal in Durham this autumn bids .fair to be one of the most paying inivestmenms made in the old town for many a long day A GREAT RAILWAY SYSTEM. _ Hardly a toqu, village or c-ity' i; Ontario that does imt receive daily benefit from the. operafiion of the Grand Trunk Railway Sys-’ tem, and considering the tnetworkl 0: launch line connections, it is wonderful with what regularity: trains are run. Not only is a good service provided between all [mints in Ontariu, bun this line also reaches nearly all the im- portant cities of Michigan. viz; Flint. Saginaw. Bay City, Lansing Though municipal matters seem very quiet, we predict a lively contest for the townshdp‘s chairs of office, ere election day is over. Mr. and Mrs. James McClockLin ‘amd tfamily, of Ceylon, were guests 'at the old McCiockL'm. home the first of the 'week. . For deep .seated colds and coughs, All-en’s Lung Balsam cusres when all other remedies Lail. Battle Crook, Jackson, Grand Rap- ids and Mus-Regan, South Bend, 1nd.. and the secund city in Amor- ica. Chicago, III, the gate-way to the North-west, West send South, bringing Ontario in dlnse comme- tiun. On the .East, the Grand Trunk connects Ontario with blunt real, Quebec, the Maritime Provâ€" inces and Boston. Masas. With a double tz'aack li-m- all dho way from Chicago to ’Mu'ntroal, and also to Niagara Falls. cw:- tnecting with Lehigh Valley for New York. the Guild Trunk reaches out in all (Mr ‘ctions lm- your patronage, and m ll (Pawns it, for its vestibule (mac-hos. pa'rlm' and dining cars, and modern Pull- mmns give the service dcczirvd. f‘ ,1 Scott’s Emulsion MMrcnny. '93 an DY ALL DIM This is thc tradc- PLANING MILLS WINTER TERM OPEN. JAN. 8M 1/) ELLIOT: IX 19/) 'ronozi'ro. our. Canada’s Hi b-clm Commercial ucbool. shun utely superior in- struction. Write My for Inge anionic. Custom Sawing Prom ptly At- tended'To ZENUS CLARK DURHAM The undersigned begs to announce to resident: of Durham and surrounding ommtry. that he has his Planning Mill and Factory completed and is prepared to take orders for Also a limited amount of iron work and machine re pairs. A call solicited. Ask for quotations on your next job. SASH,DOORS â€"- and all mm of -- House Fittings ONTARIO

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