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Durham Chronicle (1867), 8 Dec 1910, p. 4

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"IE DURHAM BHRUNIClE l ' ' ‘ u.-- .. -- _ ___ ; Another case of “dog runmn' ' g at "" “ "' l" ' ' ' ' 3-: hr e” trouble, name up before W, Ps‘ficgtnaxl-rl'iey. Lamb, H' Casw f’l’ yan, J'P" dn Ayton, last (Fn- . Sr Pt Iâ€"A. 'Wilsorn, A. Redf‘ hy’ Which ended 31p in a rather Jr. Pt. iâ€"R. Caswell romantic manner. ° Jake F9"’- Primerâ€"R. Honess, lW. ‘Croz my, a hard-working, industrnoua M McQuarrie _*~ u, when unable to work on the. Average attendance 22. rm, Mk“ a“ “P‘Wd‘?” ”‘1' ME WHI'I‘MORE’ Teacher niece-{Ill hunter, and whale paas- ’ ' ’ ' 1 down through Orchardville the NO. 3, GLENELG. at er day with his dog bollowing. Vâ€"A Edge .. Hm, the Orchard detective caught Sr IVâ€"M .Ector K Ritchie ’ on, and poor Jake was summonedEdg‘e’ M. Ritchie. ’ ' ’ to appear, as above stated. It cap- _ . . . . pears that Mr. Fortune, the ham. 3133811}; 0- thchxe, N- lehams . clerk, was out of town, and had _ - the key of the hall, and when the. 31'. 111111 fi' 11781113118; 1" I“, 11 hour not to hear the case. 3 o’clock.‘ 3" II .1} 'p ”I" OT’M OF 3%.: ugh cum-e, behold, .no entrance could be ' K ERNIE $8; ofiitchiea“ ““3 ‘ "made. Mr. Ryan gave orders to; .Jr. IIâ€"GY, Williams, B Ecto'r, ghm the lock. NOt wishing to do ‘ Paylor, J. Morrison L. Morris J; that. the Itgple W88 'dl‘a‘m- 1" L. Palkingham, J. ‘Rit-chie, R. B e meantime, Mr. Fortney and _ ,. brother Wm. had arrived _ on ; Kgrlleile. H° thchle, 5- Eel”. N. l ’A modern (ox-huntâ€"L'ast week,} W- “me“, 5- “WW“- 1 John Thompson and son Welling-3 Sr. IIâ€"R. Noble, 13' Sharpe. , ' - ton, started out to round up 3* Jr. IIâ€"S. Lawrence, A Mountalny 3: fox if possible. After trampingiM.. Webber. G. McC-aslmn, C. Monm- J for some hours, they were joined tam. G. Cuiff, 3- Armstrong. ' 3 Adam Keller. and Jake Stewart. 3‘" I’L Alexander, M- Lawrence, 'L. Ho'pk'ms. 1 35 ogether they all plodded on, . , , trackin up the dogs, (or by this; Jr. Iaâ€"C. Ritclne. i Ibâ€"A. Kmisley, W. Grierson ’i-flme. t ey were ten miles ahead.‘,‘ J'I'. . ,3 Dy and by. Pete Cornish and Jim-W“,d M- Mighton, equal, H. Moun- my Blyth joined the procession, tam, A. Armstrong, F. Horpkans, ' find to the command, “Forwarda'nd I. Armstron , equal. .7111.” with clenched teeth and: Average atten me, 26. ” I A. LAWRENCE, Teacher. .' tom‘s-inf step, the brave :fellows3 plo e on, when another ‘man.: NO. 3’ BENTINCK. . unknown» , held in reserve, oin-l , 0d the noble procession. The kithi Sr. IV-E. Derby, M. Park, A. Bailey, J. Derby, F. Corbett. in] dogs. still strict] on the fox . ;’ back. had been to olstein, near! Jr. IV‘B- Livingston, M” Math- It. Forest. through the long. 61', 3- Park, M- MCRO'MM’ M" HOP" Lawrence, equal. ‘ , swamp, and on the ‘return trip. R- : This seemed to revive the now. Sr. IIIâ€"W. Mather, C. Reay, A. 3 weary and staggering hunters,’ 3933’- i those eyes Were almost becoming. J'l'. IIIâ€"E. Milligam, MJ. Adlam. Sr. IIâ€"M. Adlam, J. Hopkins, E. Q :3” ~ and, the cunning fox. see- t 9" 90"? Plight. ran almost Reay, G. Johnston, E. McLean, M. mung them. and into his hole, and , Tunnbull. of! to sleep, while the foolish, but ‘; Jfl‘. II-G- Hopkins, 3. Adlam, M- We hunters had miles to travel Ch'mrleton, F. Reay. . . before they could close an eye: in- 31'. Pt- IIâ€"B. Griersom, J. M3111" fact. we don't know whether they ; gan, B. Mather, M. Bailey, '1‘. Cor- an: . all got home yet or not. . bett, G.H. Torry, R. M'i Mon. Jr. Pt. IIâ€"V. Reay, era Rea , v'Grierson, . Reay, ' . 7g n. COBALT. GOWGANDA f Jr. 1_J, Tumbull, 'W. Charleton, AND PORCUPINE. ‘M. Reay. 3 Investors are now flocking into‘~ Average attendance, 43. . ‘k- nknvn nom€nnn our. ORA mlnn..‘ A. C. MKENZIE, T8801)“. und call aloud three times, “JacobI 'tgtncy,” which was done, but by. th time, Jake was :scarce. Just. how it will end, we don’t know, but ; we 'wish Jake all the luck possible. I ‘ Mr. Jss. Man-shall lately -retum-, " Cd from the (West, is at present. _- quite poorly, muttering from a -. complication of troubles. We hope! 10 see Jim himself soon again, for; {ilit certainly is very unnatural for. him to be on the sick list, sud we; {have no doubt he Will leel “quite, ‘tsbamed about it.” _ ', Investors are now flocking into} Average 3 W W the above regions, and the splen-‘ A. C. MCKENZIE, Teacher. did reports of new silver finds at 1' Gowganda. and gold at Porcupine. . , hdrcate that before long there will H 3- DEPT- I be a rapid expansion in values, Form IIIâ€"H. Willis, J. FEI‘Q‘J-har' and that those who now embnce son, A. Clark, L. McCuaig, J. (TureenE . the opportomty of getting in will wood. 5 _ be richly rewarded. The 8.30 pm.1 Form IIâ€"M. McGowan, N. Bum-115,. f; Grund l'l‘x-unk “Cobalt Special,"J. McIlraith, M. Smith, S. Patton; . luv.” 33301136 kdatily. ”Full attic; Form 1â€"K. Fan'quhamocn H. Ire-' .13? e s om ran ' ° . Trunk agents. or address J.D. Mc-'::;c.l’ K thchle, J9 108303. N» um i :. Donald. District Passenger Agent, P S DETS . f to, Ontario. ' Sr. IVâ€"M. Button, E. Own, ML]. - m Calder, 1. Campbell, J. Marshall. ! 1 Jr IVâ€"M. McIlraith, A. McCrie, "'3. 0 Mann nun-nu. ;z. (inward, r. Barclay, N. Leon- _".,°°, "‘3'- °‘ ‘1” 90““ 9“” Fwiugr. III-L. anus. M. Smith, J. , lnatntute will be held "t Matthews, J. Duncan, W. Knisley. 1'" \. WWW .. mat gwwroon, ', Jr. IIIâ€"A. Ramage, '1‘. Levine. c. fioyiwmrém .md gncpougan, «u. Hartford, H. McGirr DROHORE gwss 11â€"53. lYbitmoxfia, é. liatvio, L. n i on, . 'oran, . esi t. to Ram“? 12%: :3“: 14th “6, Jr. 11â€"3. Bildebrmdt, a. Search, ‘ddredgeu'glelcbee‘yfim on livelB' L£u%erégl.tfiutton, and W. Bond agricultural topjca at all the meet-‘ u. 'Pt 1133?.Even'ett J Allen F m by txcal lumen, who Jawrance, A. Davis, V. Snell. ’ ’ have ma e a mecca «of their Donn ~ ', Easiness in different pm 0! the Asgrmf: Nkhoflz’dAiNKifilx: k bovine. ual A metâ€"'3‘!!! PREMWOQWI 1"“- e‘lsr. iâ€"c. Wiggiml, 0.11am and _‘__.4 ._ _ ‘_ iii-Fe?“ :fivvédtfgnée Fina enacted. I'he J.P. opened his books, read a 'Ittie of the Paw, and told the 0rd ward getqctiyedto gq‘t'o thg_doo_r the scene promptly at 3 o’clock, went awa , returned at a quar- jer pant -t ee, and ‘ immediately turned and went away again. Very thorny after. [they left the last ‘ an--‘-.l Rev. Mr. McCollough. of Harris-T ton, has kindly consented oto con-f duct the revival services in Knox; church. beginning the second week; h January. That there is muchf Iced for a general toning up of. the spirituality of the. c0ngrega-? flan, one may safelK surmise, from: the fact that on t e last regular, myer meeting night only one 'I'as present belonging to the old, We mince", with the game trou- Ne, water on the Magmmd pleur- hy. For one member in ‘a family to be sick, in unlortnntte, enough, but when 'a whole tamily is laid ID at the name mine, it is indeed a you serious matter, to say the fleeting! of the South Grey Fare .en’ Institute will be held at 1 BLMWOOD. = AYTON, , _ BOLSTEIN and DRODIORE, on December 12th, 13th, 14th and 15th, respectively. . Address“ will be given on live! agricultural topics at all the meet-' bye, by tactical lumen, who have me e a queen «0! their induces in ditlerent part! 0! the Province. A meetlng o! the Women’l Initi- tlte will be held st eeeh pulsed an the name date,nd.ddreuedby a l In. David Marshall, 3nd son, Junie, referred to as being very II, are, l! mything, Nightly im- proved, and this week we are sor- ry to report the severe illness of BLYTB’S CORNERS. Bountiful, bright crispy weather Inca December came in, and most mellent aloighrlng. DUBHAH. DECEMBER 8. 1910 0 lull. Editor and Pnnrlctor. 9“ oanenzie. ‘ ceased personally, but ileanrn she nar- Jr. I-T. Morrison, J. Boyd, 3.. Was of a retiring disposition, and q .Ector, M. Boyd. .much force of character. She Was Average attendance, 25, ,born in Scotland, came to Canada 11- V"?! JOHN L. McDONALD, Teacher..with her parents, bomb 0! Whom be last died here man - - y years 2a 0. "£323?! N0. 5, GLENELG- I Interment takes place glt-o Bur. the O ‘1 Grade VII-M. Edwards, M. Mc-iham cemetery this Thursday after.- r 'Clocklin, C. Nelson, ’1". McRme. ]110011 at two o’clock. he do”: Grade VIâ€"E. Peart. a??? GrMacde IVJJiu~Edzvarda H. Hunt! "'""°â€"â€"' . ' A. ' Rae, . ear . THAT A gw‘rggg' Grade IIIâ€"R. Part, B. ’I‘immlims,l . " 3 LD SPOT ' K, Cook, E. 'Wq-ight, I Don't let that bald spot grow! ’Omb‘e's Grade IIâ€"E. Cook, M. Beaten, M. Go to '8 dINgg'ist at 0008 Mid return-t- - Wright, E. Edwards, M. Haley, K get a bottle of 'Parisiaan Sage amd FY98?“ iEd‘wards. .if that don’t check the falling hair mm a. Grade lc-R. Jackson, 'W. Jack-;'Wnd cause new hair to gr ow, “Oth- gfnhzgg‘m. W. Haley, E. M'cC‘locklin, R. mg will. ’ ‘ 'McClocklin, B. Nelson, P. Rye. . Dandruff is the cause ~of bald- $1 1;; Bâ€"J. Beaten, J. Peart, C. Cook'ness, d'andnjqff germs caugse dan- Lu uite'and W. Gray, equal, M. Greenwood, d'ruff. Pamsnaan Sage kills the q : A, Blair. 4 ' germs, erad-ioates dandruff, stops H . t A,â€"F, Haley, [falling hair and itching scalp. We 't arms] MRS, J, LOVE, Teacher. 'Will refund ymur money if it fails OKC‘)" i ,to do this in two weeks. Parisian n “0“" BUTTON HILL SCHOOL. ' ' Sage will cause the hair to grow, if 3:1 3:99?! Sr. IVâ€"S. Lawrence, E. waf, Wfi the hair root 'be not dead. It caus- L- 110“ angrill. es the hair 'to grow thicker, more 5 “P ”f L - ' J luxuriant. and uts n w life ‘ t grew-HERMEX’H' Nome’ A' smith’ °,1t. p, e 1_ fmgo Langrill. Sr. IIIâ€"M. Donnelly, B. Knisley, M. Grierson. Jr. IIIâ€"I. Vollett, J. Patty, W. Knisley, G. Langrill, L. Mountain, W. Vollett, A. Picken. y Sr. IIâ€"R. Noble, E. Sh-ampe. ‘ Jr. IIâ€"S. Lawrence, A. Mountain,» M. Webber. G. McC-aslion, C. Monm- tain, G. #Cufl, H. grmggrqng. ' J .' t Sr. 1â€"1. Alexander, M. Lawrence, L. Ho~pkins. Jr. Iaâ€"C. Ritchie. . Jr. Ibâ€"A. Kmisley, W. Grierson and M. Mighton, equal, H. Moun- tain, A. Armstrong, F. Hopkins, and I. Armstron , equal. Average atten nee, 26. A. LAWRENCE, Teacher. NO. 3, BENTINCK. Sr. IV-E. Dewbz, _ M. Bark, A. Bâ€"J. Benton, J. Peart, C. Cook and W. Gray, equal, M. Greenwood, A. Blair. ' vâ€"n. nugc. ---------- ~---.; -....--.---,_, nun, .. st. IVâ€"M. Ector, K. Ritchie, E f the age or 74 years. .. Edge, M. Ritchie. ; The deceased was a sister of Jr, IVâ€"C. Ritchie, N, Winjamg, C, Messrs. Gilbert and John McKech- McNally, . .nie, of this town, [and has been a Sr. IIIâ€"A, Vaughan, fresident of this place we are :told Jr. IIIâ€"M. Paylor, P. Fa'lk'iangham for over had! a century. In her Sr. IIâ€"R. Paylor, M. Fakingham, younger days. she was superin- K. McNally, W. Ritchie, .tendent of :the Millinery depart- Jr. IIâ€"G. Williams, 'B. Ector, C. ment connected with the business Paylor, J. Morrison L. Morrison, then carried on (under the firm L. Palkinzham, J. 'Rit-chie, R. Bell. bugle of N., G. J. McKech_nie._ - Jr. IIâ€"G. Williams, 'B. Ector, C. Paylor, J. Morrison L. Morrison, L. Falkingham, J. 'Rit-chie, R. Bell. Sr. 1â€"3. Ritchie, A. Ector, N. Mc- . Vâ€"R. McGillivlmy. IV-S. McGiqu-ay, T. McGim- my, )1. McMillan, J. McKeown, Pt. Iâ€"J. McGillivray, P. Pen- 1:, J. McFarlane. Pst Iâ€"W. Edwards, C. Smellie, FARQUHARSON, Teacher. NO.10,BENTINCK. ' Sr. IVâ€"I’. McLean, Jr. IVâ€"H. McDougall, R. Lamb, J. Clark. Sr. III-J. Clark, C. Homess, J. Grim-son, J. Smith. Jr. IIIâ€"B. Homess, B. McQuarrie, C. Griersom, W. McDonald. . Sr. IIâ€"S. Lamb, C. Lummey. _| Jr. IIâ€"J. Cas-Well, G. Wilson. Sr. Pt. IIâ€"M. Lamb, H. Caswell, P. McQuarrie. Sr. Pt. Iâ€" A'Wilsom,A. Redford Jr. Pt. Iâ€" R. Caswell Primerâ€"R. Honesa, IW. ‘Crozier, e nan-1,13 . r. Pt. II Lawrence, J:. Pt. II A. Graham. eggiâ€"c. ‘ J. Mon-lock, he , B. Dd r. Iâ€"M, new-ions affection- at the lungs. That “run-down” sandman, t.h_e my, 1!. Willem, J. mcneown, 11. Benton, IIIâ€"E. Poole, E. Amett, M. Mc- Keown, I". McFarlane, O. Pennock, N. McDonald. ’ 81-. 11â€"8. McMillan, '1‘. Edwards, A. Pennock. _N,4McFIarlane. filter olfact- 01 u Jr. II-L. McKeown. D. McArthur M. Edwards, A. McGillim-ay, E. Benton. Re}, R. Davis, 1'. Iâ€"M. McGia-r, W. Vollet, E. Shuts, '1‘. Brooks, W. Koch. Aâ€"W. Tmynor. A. Everett, 1. El- vidge, L. Milbnrn. B. May. I! taxan In Lune, "Luv u. u. u. Honor Rolls. , equfl, 'J. Davis, R; Pil- sir. and Mrs. Hogarth, West back line, on Tuesday evening {of last week, xfol'lowing a successful wood gbee during the day. , Mr. Kem'p, who «was to preach berm ' went in his steed tt'o Corbetton. Mr.’ ;Wellwood 'pregched here, morning quad evening. but did not venture the drive to Mumford Road in. the garternoan. His trouble but. hOW' ' OBITUARY. MARGARET McKECHNIE. After an illness of Isome few ;weeks, Miss Margaret M-cKechnie .djed on qusday morning last, at Y , Mr. John Runstadtler had: a suc- cessful sale of his household ef- fects on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Run-stadtler leave this Tuesday ; {or their new home at Hamilton. 3 Mr. )Wesl-ey .Buskin, who Ilost his. .piano in the (recent lire, was the , gmhaser of Mr. Runstadtl-er‘s fine ewcombe instrument on Saturday ' Rev. John ‘Wel'l-s, who is visiting this old friends here, was greeted ‘with a lmrge congregation in the iPresbyterian church on Sunday, and his able sermon was approp- griate to the communion occasion. Many visitors from “the sister Iohutrches in t'hedviuaige were ‘pres- The girl with the Aubumn hair is on every package of Pasrisiam Sage. It is sold for 50c. by all dtruggists or sent postp‘aid 'by the Giroux Mfg. 00., Fort Me, Out, on receipt of price. Sold and guaranteed by MIarcfarlane Co. Mrs. Jacob Lever sniffered a slight paralytic stroke some days ago, but, we are pleased, has al- most (fully recovered from its ef- fects. Mr. Joe. Cairns, of Ceylon, is also reported recovering .frorg. his recent stroke. Word was received here onMon-v day of the death on the 30th inst. at Datiphin, Man" of Mr. Samuel Cleland, an old resident of Atte- méflia. Who wen_t_to fly; Wag} SbO‘Elt ent. Mr. Well; attended the Methodist church in )the morning, and, invited by the lpaetor, took part in the service. Owing to Rev. Mr. :WeflWood‘a affliction fleet week, Rev‘. .Mr. 25 years ago. Mr. Cleland, who was a brother-in-law of Mr. J08. Blackburn, of this place, is surviv- ed by his widow and .five dau h- ters, all of whom live in Manito a Mrs. N.W. Campbell, 0! Durham. is visitin [her niece. Mrs. Rev. Wellwo The sufferers in the recent fire here are having their insurance claims satisfactorily adjusted by the companies interested. Miss Irene Smith, of Thamesford, returned home after spending five weeks with her grandmother, Mrs. 0. Wiggins. Mr. D. Gibson was up from Pal- merston over Sunday. Mrs. Gib- son has been visiting her home in Glenelg for the past couple of weeks. Mrs. Adam Brown, of Parry S‘d, is visiting her lather, Mr. J. Byers Mr. Frank Vickers, of Renirew. was in town bver Sunday and Monday Mr. T. McClocklin, visited his home heme over Sunday, and left Tuesday morning foa' Aylmer. Rev. Mr. Ford, of Clinton, spent a day or two last Week with his daughter, Miss Ford, of the math- Eng staff , Mrs. Benj. Sharp returned from a stortnight’s visit with her dafigh- ter, Mrs. Pawaom, of Stratiord . Tho Rev Irl R Hicks 1911 Almanac The Rev. Inl R. Hicks Almanac (or 1911, that lguardisn angel in a hundred thousand homes, is now ready. Not many are now willln to be without it and the Rev. 1 R. Hicks Magazine, Word md Works. The two are only One Dolls:- s yen. The Almanac is the. prefsld. No home or billce shonldugl to send for them. to Word _kas “Publishing 00., Mr. V. Hahn in in Toronto, Mn. Jamieeon will not receive till Friday, December 16th, 1910. Centinued next week. FLESHERTON. PERSONAL. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE HARDINGâ€"In Hamilton, on 'Wed- 'nesd‘ay, November 30th, to Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harding. 3 son. THE. REPLY. Our engine :fine came down the lime, Amd, killed your hog, we know, But razor-backs orn railmad tracks They often come to Woe. So now, dear-friend, we cannot send The cheque rfor which you p'me, Just plant ygur dead, place o’er NOTICE is hereby given that the gartnership heretofore bubststing etween us, the undersigned, an Stemnall Glass, !n the Down of Durham, has this thy been dis- polved by mutual consent. All debts owing_ to the wig partner- Dated at Dusrham this 2901} (it; 0! November, 1910. NOAH STERNALL, WM. A. GLASS. WALKERâ€"COUTTS.â€"In Toronto, on ‘Wedm'esday, Nov. 23rd, by the Rev. A.T Taylor, D.D. William 'Walker, of 'Domcmto, to Miss Jés- aie Robinson ‘ Contts, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Coutts, of Vickers. I am well acquainted with a man, known to thousands in Vancouver. Victoria and New Westminster, who for nearly a year was ractically a crigrle from rheumatism. e was so trou ed with the disease that he found it difficult to even turn over in bed. His heart ap- pealed so weak that he could hardly get u stairs. Last June, he received a sample 0 “Fruit-a-tives.” He used them and dates his recovery from that time. Toâ€"day‘there is no other man in Vancou- ver' enjoying better health. He was .building a house this fall' and shingled a good part of the roof in a drivin rain storm without suffering any bad e ectl. Glass, on or before the 2lst day of December, 1910, and all chime a- gainst the said partnership are to be presented to the ntd William A. Glass, on or before the above date. when the same will be settled. McKECHNIE.-â€"In Durham, Tues- day, December 6th, 1910, Margar- et McKech'nie, aged 74 years. TEASDALE.â€"In East Zom'a town- ship, Oxford 00., Out, on Nov- ember 30th, Ann Teasdale, Wife of John Pearson, aged 71 years. The deceased lived in Egremont township :for a While before her marriage. She was a sister of W.L. Dixon, of Egremont. DURHAM, DEC. 8. 1910 Fall Wheat............$ 80: Spring Wheat .......... m1 Oats. ................... 321 “Fmit-a-tives” is a positive cure {or Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lumbago, Pain in the Back and all Kidney Troubles, because it is the greatest blood-purifying medicine ever iscovered. Notice of Dissolution of Co-partnership 50c a box, 6 for 82.50; trial aisg, 256. At dealers or sent on receipt of pace by Fruit-aetives Limited, Ottawa. CRIPPLED BY Bis heéd, “Here lies a 'foolish swine.” MARKET REPORT T0 “ FRUIT-A-TIVES " Gentleman In Vancouver Owes His Recovery . owing to 'the said parrtner- an to 8’be paid to Wimgm A, A pon'rib’ ILAwsm'r Vancouver, B.C., Feb. lat, 1910. MARRIED RHEUMAHSM BORN. DIED. JOHN B. LACY. . a RAJ-N Oatmeal Mills D U R H A M The MCGOWAN MILLING Co. ‘W‘g are in the murket for tny quaint“.n gdod Drive your loede direct to our elevator ee Two do no. keep e buyer on the street. Remember the place, McGOWAN’S ELE- VATOR, DURHAM. Milling Oats Feed Oats Barley or Peas Are prepared to puy the highs“ cash price: for it delivered all our elevator. AT I'm. lurk. ”Chum-l» Roy Roll“ om Doc. 8, 1910 ~ m a. mention scmw nf lhv things i ”'0 considered nice (‘hnslnm‘ ”a, We have a “my largu \hw-L I” ”WET (;0€ldz~'. ('Unkixtl‘l‘; n? *‘ and 8888, Musit' RHIISAVHI M ' ‘ ,foflns, Manicure Svts. l’ul'sm. ”M of all descripliun. Fun: _\- M in pretty hum-s. I’m-fun. V0 pwcy Confevtmnvr} in mum. ”g. 8‘“. Hymn Boukm Prayer “uncutGlus and prvl 1y ('hizm. u men: Smoking SP'S. Shmim: “Vioflns, Mouth Organza. l‘luullhtlls ., unitary BrUshPu, Fancy ('igul m kc. A large Star}: of Fam'} w B” Pro-onus from 1“ «‘t‘nls ' fl $35.00. ”a for old and ymmg. prawn! .~ M and poop Grand Trunk Railway TIME-TAB LE “vial-cti-«Iui- fihénhilck incidence, id barns. mleudid mil. good want. Mite. “‘il no“ loans than .16 u . A burnin surely. HARDWARE and Tlnunlth busi- .Groy Count. . postuffioe in oonuec ion man ‘10. wall buy 40 was of it“. b und dwelling. bu'n. o‘bfl {rum Iiu Ind new stock. [HERAL COUNTRY STORE fin "tom Durham; vary char). and p009 UOIIIO and h‘PP (HII' k. You are Just .8 Welcome if yum ficor m. Come val-l)“ and KM [I pick of our large stock (iowh and uved for you until (‘hrisb 3’01: make your vbuice. â€"â€"â€"THE NEWâ€"â€" CATALOGUE W.H.Shaw, Pres. “ The Central Business Unl- bye 0! Toronto contains SUIHO ”cm autumn-es of great Ilium.” student: who do- ‘I'O to Stand 3 first-(‘lusa reli- INO ochool. You are invited to write for it. Addressâ€" lull Who doien businou with H. H. I 8 our ut‘fied w go elsewhere. “boas noon to mouse. "I m â€" Kev. Nun's-n.” “C VONOE 81'. TORONTO I. MILLER - .8 CENTRAL DRUG DRE :: Durham i1 hdy and gentleman. mm m in beginning to think ‘. ”out. necewary ”in buy {.,, flu Illd New Year's up“ the queution i8 Whm‘u (um i the Mt, best, “108! a‘vlgj‘.;‘._ , pmmt It the least mam-5 ; qouflon is easily alwxuzmz ”pectin‘ .the 111111101190 (“1:11, I of goods that an» daily ”mocked It :Zmral Drug Store [and Huntel Look Hem ACRES close b0 Proton Stci0u. dwellingfinelarge out-buildin a mill c.; hay, 2 tons to acre. on y D. Knocks the sunshine off Al- Intgains. ACRES hour Proton fitting sud The fluovcr Convoyncer H. H. MILLER » Int-bot of chase fun propane. My to Lend M Low Rim. 5 bought. and sold. Debts conned All kinds of writing: drum. I. DA! m GUIDAY “In; J. D. Kgfl‘. h- will afi-ivc and depm u M Ilfll III-char notice:â€" 3,1910 N PACIFIC RAILWM TIME TABLE m, Depot Agent 3. GUN, Town Agent 'AM SCHOOL . Io'll‘h-I Wilk- hnm Jot __ .1 W mm. Dubai 0! “an at fight: WWI“ lone. lluover 00.00 Al. NH. 0.16 0.61 1.10 0.55 I! 67 I“ I ll.‘‘ 8.15 for t with mom be In don ream! «he is girl, this Tl She big} “I up'j In en! 01' 81 (if m tt

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