West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 8 Dec 1910, p. 6

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HHKMS-‘i ’w! 2"!“ 6 its 23: (I are Realz (52 235.... Win“ It]. lmpmted Fred), 19mm. German Old Austrian Wan :- mll a» Lbe Incrdmmmtic good.~ r . 1 Wk. «'4 Our ltlfik Hf hnlidezy’ .31. fbily strong in gate 0' “'J ~‘if18 that NIL-L't‘: gund '0“ M .106 95357. '11:. _\.' “fluids 0! a pvrtwt g m d! ruble Mm un flu nu. magma and c1 cups m; “nests, and a wide vatm.y of Sing: pieces. (6m Glass You will flu: fine samplva of Ml an ht”! cutting» Ho m!" ’I'olidfiy hue. \‘f: '0" especially ('nl'wfifl Lu .plect, [hum that display”: 2hr 'w-uu-u ul il'ivlw cont nus than «Hi .~. haw-ls m the. as: tractnvnm n. this .uv m g was. Books Tht une present rim: c-mnu nearest tobui g universni‘; J‘ nwl. You mm buy :9 'o-e'rnlnlmi r hunk" mow forwhut one as.“ [00031. ;n : -.. » .3» stock )ou one use“ to am. J1 can find book.» mm ‘ class :nd condirmn be?!) fully dnuhlml “awn. A large w and 3!” bunks. Y. boob. we know: cm 0am Item Space forhios extended mention of all the beautiful rlnngu we are show- ing. urd you cannot. appreciate “mu: anyway without. seeing them. Better come in soon before the assortment. is broken. flompany mrwwo-s»:*:«w~:~ww-s macfafiam C.P.R. Town Agent. 32:3- Yrur Tickets Here in New Quarters Near the Garafrnu St. 81161: \NYONE ONE NEIDING’ 2' Pumps, Pump Ila-i in, Cement Cami-(or, , wen Th. see . . . . fl'axa Qt. In 31 n prepmed ‘ps. Curbing. Tilwe , "mg on. 'iLere was a momunmry re- 3' ”m1," Pump R"’11et in looking at m; land. The cliffs, i cut C M“ of the solitary wince houses. the little '3' cm ll :hamlets halt hidden in cozy nooks. WM 1‘“ $88 . . . . seemed to be so absurdly near. It was 7 . ridiculous to imagine that help could " -.bL‘l‘Z 0" "“75“" 3‘ thodop Jone be deferred. The seaward pou- ing of n st-.â€"-a.;1:s~.r, cgrryingzflowenV rge Whitman W the Seiky isles to Penance for ‘ . “ m Garden,“ «m.m a u'terx, 'i I wish to annou- ce to e bum": that I all) ad firs w settle-i custum pun!“ \\' nt‘fll 301]” V'dI‘I W M n ..- ?he bulida) ty of juveni!» l .-.o- to look at I .3! .rde is carve-g u" ying Home1 (1 ..g.|gmpnt 9!. y t-dnoubirnr ”0‘ Km. for they! at as ‘0'“ as. --o- ’a-O‘ ' “Q HI Druggnu and Du; es ery Jar. 3 I. rfl‘ koala" all) m~w old ran- mum has The tribu-‘ationl which clustered, in: tieedike 2.1:...rm. in and around the? .5, ‘5’ Rodâ€"c Lighthouse during these; ‘ my rm were many and vmioumi I)“. p arm ng, insufficiency of food. [ imc-rior ten neratures ranging from. the chill draught ot the entrance pas» rag” and 31.. râ€"ways to the partial suf- i. #3.: .1 1. oms with windows closed; - - a ir.gvrsions of the rising» “lg flgppeqatp 0! 1:15 seriously aug- ’ ifl".2i,331ng list of, f ‘ tuml absence; r, . . ,:«.zz.d a grow- 1:121: ( on the part of those: mm mm «i s m: (lent. to think, that . ~;.jz' a1” :4 " .1: :" 111192.111 be deferred fc: (1-11“ 9-».1' than hours. 1 to or In): t.£-‘:;*2:?_«;:":~ bum: fortune~-ne:r;. wen: «vtmzary problems at once com- p10»; in! c; ‘25} ezive. By adopting . fantastic devices, bringing: into service empzy jam-pots and sardine-tins, they found it was possible to feed twenty at a time. Thm mes!" the preparation of four distinct meals, each requiring an hour’s work. Long before the last batch. which included themszlves, was lamenting the absurd diswepancy be. tween appfiite and antidutc in the shape of any thing to eat, the first was ravenous agahL The women complained the least. In the occupants of the two bedrooms the girls encountered a passive forti- tude which was admirable. it was an extraordinary scene which met theit eyes when they entered either of these stuffy apartments. Many of the res- cued ladies had not given a thought tc changing the demi-toilette of evening wear on board ship for more servic.» able clothing when the hurricam overtook the vessel. They all, it 9. true. possessed cloaks or wraps Oi some sort. but these garments were still sudden with salt water and ther- fore unnva'able, even if the oppres‘ sive warm". in each room rendered such a thing possible. Their elegant costumes ot muslin. cotton. silk or 33.- tin. were *erlv ruined. Lucky we'e the fs-w him-es or bodices had not beer ' ' i t~ ratters. Sum» o 't. ? sufferers in this resist“ ‘. 7’ .,. best provided. l‘iiaxikels -‘ c . N Hem; ruthless- }; 3"r11 1's ~ ' ~1":lltfli llitC tube. and the c ever) tione could while thus more (Lev LIL-{bl DEV ul 'i‘h to a a lit: was it on 81‘s?) tient: the 1 fresh force Ne time They fil'uli -. ." 3‘“ iii‘TrT‘Yl‘EQU.S seaman had heeL do; u in nu: attempt to pick the 5:39.. NW '1 ism-1;. 1135 4:12:11 3. tray scold ham was deliberately upset whih“ a r'ootbail scrimmage took plave for the pieces. Mr. Emmett etpppeo these ehullitions by arming Lhe watch with assnrted weapons from the work 8110;) and issuing stern orders as to their use in case of need. Here. 3.-...1. the warring elements which tom. the human clay were ad- mirably displayed. On duty, under the hon-ls e: disfipline. the scars:- grained furertmst band who had gob bled up a surreptitious lump of fat pig during the first successfulicuffle. would brain the daring rascal Wh’? tried to better his condition by admi- lar trick 5: second time. Discipline sometimes. converts a skulker into a hero. When the state of the tide permit- ted stornrshutters were opened and a tree draught or air allowed to enter thrc t1; (3 es. Then all hands eyed the sea with anxiety. The wind was strong and piercing, and the reef maintained its ceaseless roaring. “then-ever a window opened towards, the land there. vras a small cut». waiting to petp family}: it. At last. the sense of orderliness gradually per- meating the inmates of the lighthouse actually resulted in the for nation oi queues. with stated intervags for mov- (up) n‘, in by McLeod C Allen. :15 me 1’8 -' HAPTER XI. ‘,‘,-..QS|TTART’$ FEAR '9. am can understand, and a .‘nary experience can hat 1c. the dirticuity mm e1: ‘ the task undertake: a: Light m a; to se~v togethex on 3 d by her own elegant xhauste m , metamorpho- I no? Constance by impounding 95' must be re- those sufferers time in smok‘ ma speculatine amber clearing "4. Vansittart, ', ggested this - risito Paris he who follow I the avai! xiug 01' the run feel un‘ an to play Drovisicns )1 3 life quit and in in 1e he com- rsnaded mm: hi“ mmmwem W mddhig tinder jib and close-reefs.) 101-6331! between the rcck and Guthezr bra“: Painf'c'réated 11m: Hm. L ;:c fer: (11:: Noah, gazing zero-.53 tze mam} W1 fie “:‘ef’cm 0! we (3‘. 'c wit“ p711. [he Emmi. coma nc-r b_w :.'.;:.1.-.~1_-d than these caste? i: 1;; -, smite "'K when the bra" a; z': .e.‘ ’.. t" male ithin their View ' 11h“. V'.1'..Csi)s‘-’ 511-1.; urglw‘clia? open- c-d faLr towazds 3.1.23 1115 End, a.-d ’ihe men of t1..= watch were always ’c'tiuned for new}; 2:} :2. -.1nemp;u3~ ....'.,;.,.;;,. The) pointed the com. in”: and goings of the Falcon, carried snyathetiv inquiries from story to ‘“orywpm‘...{canons passing to and {ya being :‘t..;-;,vid(i- n owing to the nar- mum-35 :1 thr. stairs~and seizul wry t.ri1‘!i._-z pretem. on their own pan. to react. the. topmom height. and f;)33[ 4:hr~~' ' yes on tie-7 extensxve pan- ‘4 J: 21.; =1 .1 iii; :a - '. m m th e; storm-gin gal"?! , “-22" 2133) “TA?"hgd the CORSP hm; '3 :5. ('1 ;-f Y; s. ' mow: their 0b- 361' .‘Z‘J ' -? shit," ;.:'1 313.11 value. Q. in .i 1: the puiser haild.‘»’if Hr rip; y- -.7‘ : :~" (‘Puxl‘l room a full liar = «’ rhea-r w rs: an: it"s-"s with the an .i.«‘;‘>3 ,g; ,. «ml S‘I'Lfilrlil'tfly. m .4121 . ihsvum .5 Vue nusbard and *' . r to at: 2:1. :5 'l‘iza- nwi‘ul scene 11‘. ”the .‘":’ r. 2-220”: H’v-ti {Of this Siem- war: n~- -‘~ ”(-3. il;:' (-91} men an“! _. _- . .. ..._ ”A ' - 1 9.. _-.- fli'bmies Két'. 2. O'I‘he votes of the electors: shall be taken on this By-lanw ion. the 2nd day out “January, meme-in g 1911, CO!“- at 9 o’clock in the fore- .noon. and continuing until 5 o’-' clock in the aim-moon, a; the dermwttioned places: In. the North Ward, Suhâ€"zlivisiom Number office of George Lamb, tu: «as; Officer, Clifton Elvidge. the East ‘Ward, 01‘ Pulling 2, at the Deputy Rea turning Office-r. W.li. Bean. 1.1 Sub-{tn isimt Town», Hall. Durham, Ln ‘SUb-t songs 3. 1910. iivisiom the West Ward. m' gNlinll. {‘1' office, ill!‘]')l'ty Officer John =S:m ; 1 h. N um i‘wr {I'll- or Polling ‘1, at gouty Heâ€" 3, at the Pulling (Wr- Rc! urnmg‘ On. the 3lst day of Dec-0m" or at the ovfi'icv Hf {h e r“, “. . iii The (bird and. I was cab»; in silu. the Spare wps kitchen, because ther detaimd sun made in «'zompm ‘ and the purser. {I was an alarming, ter in the cistern In the hurry of 12m earlier hours a serious miscalculazien had been made in transmitting cubic feet into gallons. It became an. instant necessity to use every heating appliance at command and start the distillatian of a drink- able fluid. The Gulf Rock Light did not possess a proper apparatus. The only mtthod that could be adopted was to impro- vise a coil from canvas sewn into a tube. The exterior was varnished, and wrapped in wet cloths to assist the condensation of the steam. Hence, every kettle and pot new; requist tioned for this paramount need, cocoa could be supplied to the wonuen alone, whilst the taste of the watt-r. ”.‘wu thus disguised, was “tattSERIillgf'. 't) more potatoes could be boiied. Raw, they were almost uneatable. And [Jada-[Outs happened to be the food most pit htti'ul. The genuine fresh water, reduced to a minimum in the cistern, was onzy a little better in cendition unliss it was filtered, and Bra d decided that it. ought to be retaine for the enlv- site use of those seriously ill. tients were multiplying so rap ,- that the hospital was crowded: a " azl {mash cases. as they ore-grit p2."- force remained where they wt Neither t_,‘;'=1)8tance nor Enid tel- time 11331;; heavily an their :a'. They we". too busy. though ox-umam, transferr cooking sils whi< water at 11V blamed in: ‘x’ankeg: ma: v.1? “No,” .11: cried. “He said it represented the eff-.4. an unedwaed man to make- a s, -. - . Every time his vocabulary gase 0m. he lined his-voice to show he wasn‘t halt thruugh with his ideas.” “Oh,” sam Consume, ”that is nei- ther kind nor true, surelyf” I ‘1 x made Wi‘ ». a. yeast and wasmc (in With water Lasting of tar and Lupe an . Confirmed 0!! menu“ “\Ve‘i" ur-Y‘eed Pyre. anv‘ty, “13‘“ is the vi-r; a friend of mine took of : remark. So he asked the: professx . he had a. uh e agreeauie sort u. u nition, 21‘- ready for use, of the Englishmen clipped their syn-ab; 5. The other inflow allowed that he --a.d- n’t ponc'-.'ea on it. ‘i guess.’ said n.,-. triend, ' ‘ represents the .th‘ort of a1 educated ass to talk Englisn.’ ” Though the laugh was against them they were forced to snigger apprm at. “I think," said Constance, “that our chief national toiling is pomposity, nnd your story hits it oft exactly. In one of our small Cornish town .we have a stout little Mayor who mad-e money in cheese erg-bacon. He We: f he. to see the Paris Exhibition, and a 11 Exeter man, meeting him uneXpectn . 1y at the foot of the Eiffel Tower hailed him with delight. Hello, Mz. Mayorâ€"’ he began. ‘Hush,’ said ti mayor, glancing wound mysterioudg. ‘I’m ’ere incog. ’ " None who heard these light- beam; your 32- 1.. yelling with men-1mm t '0!“ ..:' ~ am that. they had Jila‘t dian 01‘: :- Liece '3: hard-baked bread hp}! .arr the timeomz' rt 3 213: from ('b 19 W0! in the adjustment 01' I‘m 5 tubes over hot spouts nation of the condens at it might act efficic mming of lamps. and gri'mv cc 9:) ff! an w 110 iii! ly- dept "cbzistan 1‘ fife at. U stairway. t0 t0 4d b0 himaell' RM? red clasp eithm as or during pays )ittie heed to the 31' gaming hen‘ ante ust THE DURHAM CH RONICLE I) i1 attention {1" replenishing be kept fuJ he Ha ate-d 5319338 01' each room .z‘rrs 12d \.I'n*.\', with ped separately. In as wme husband 0.. The awful scene anted for this seem- Dazed :‘fien and ,’.>-'[‘;' V312 £10th from either by the mast- uring the final wild e head of the com- A wreck, a fire in 3i] 7“? meal of the day and gloom. All 1‘)’ V8.11? e it of 3 End, a.-d .iv. compart- t the rues- Ux) in the man mslb ied to the ing a fur- ‘4) stores, . Emmett that there fresh wa- ssistant Yorker .yllars to .te in the 13k she we share 01' an isa who! Ham. 8 quip or nd-x it} about kin sit 8( .11 WHEREAS the. p!v5‘:) Board, and certain E‘1( petltioned othe C0uncfl s.) TOW:n 021’ Durham pruyi. establishment of 3 Pa“! under the Public Li‘ozxxvie BE IT THEREF-(MHE enacted by the said M11.‘i('-.;val (.‘uuilcll .uis'. 1. In case Us. dSSydL (Ma 311:) 81” actors is given to this By-law. a Public Library be establfih’d in this iM-mnicipality, in accordance with the provisions of uthe Public Librf‘ries Act. esta l 2:1:n: :t of a Pub in. the Tom Off’Durham 3. On the Slst day of Decem’ or" 1910, at the office of {he 'l‘-::\\‘N. Clerk, at {10 o‘clock in the, {man .noo-n, the Maya: shall appoint 3;; writing, signed by him, two prer- some, to attend at the final sum- m‘mg up of the votes. by the Cncrk, and (me .pm'snn to utfvnd aL ezwi': pollit“; place on ."lu h Hf" 0f the Dz-rmv's desirous nl' upposing‘ thw past" 2;: of this B’y-lnw. 4. The ClP‘fl-T sh all rt?" 1 4. The .ClPt'l-t sh 1H nt-f". the (‘lerk’s Office in lhc- Tm Durlum, at the hour u. 11 im. the Iforem‘rn‘on, on ahp 3rd Januéuéy, 1911, to sun up th hm. nf Vut‘Ps "IiVC-ifl l'~'-Dectiv Jamzm‘y, 191.1, to an ber 0f vat?!» givrâ€"n 1 or against the Byâ€" i Ross Row. . Chan-mu or‘ g . Dougla- David-on. m- dingy. u $9,113. Hospital mm W mum-gm 3 the Passed the nary, 1°11. ( NOTICE BY (‘L QRK. The abovr- is ,1 :11:- c~mv 1‘11 :1 proposed By-law,\1'h’i‘ch.will he 1:83:11 11th a 1151 ’1“: 161.111 Council of the TOM 11 111’ D11 ham. 3.11.1 51328 111111.11 fru: 11 119 811 1.;‘\ of Dvavmbcr, 1010, 11111.11; the date of the first publicatiu , thereof and the 1.11118 7:"(11‘ taking T'hv votes of :31“ 1-100t0rs will hr P111113 '1'“. {1‘10 1 1117', day amvd 1119113011 1121411911 in thx When your MM ”-0 wv‘ and cold and ynuar body chiller! through and throup'h from exwmmr', fake a big dose of Chambetl'tifis Cough Rom- edy, bath? your ‘foo‘ in but Yater befnre going tr‘ bud. and 1'01) are almost cer‘rr'ti'w to ward o’f n ur- ‘rm‘r- cold. For 9:219 by Gun's Drug Storne By QQHEGE SH? THE HOSPITAL IS A PROVIN- CIAL CHARITY. The sick child from the most remote corner ot Ontario has the some claim a the child living within d ht of the great Home of Mercy hCollege Sheet. 'l'oronto. Our cause is the children's came. Could there be one thu ha a scoop claim on the people of this Province 9 FFEE E65? FETAL FM? £265 £3133”! 19.» agar . 3.4. SE 8Ro~%<.rr%. if}. £95116...â€" r8§§nflttonrs Pleas. lend your Mutation to J. “ ”HE SWEETEST Of All. TIIE CHARITIES.” Will You Help it In Its Hour of Need.,.. E . ”E‘ishmenf 6f 51; ’L ibrary W. B. VO' I 37. Clerk t0 -pr0vide 4")? the ’3 Of a Public Library the prescnt Library certain 21 ctows ham: xe Council of the saic’i rham }.rr:1y.i;.z.-g for thy- t of a Public Library .blic Libraries Act, EREFOIIE emgcted by 3.104.133] (.‘uuzlci. .ugu. JER were unable to pay an were heated free. m xts up! chil dren rrv' of dub feet corrected 'l W ,flfl'ér . day of “Vanni. aqadnacyb . organaation. .al has treated .nd beds 16,837 32,370 of the": fififiio N11 M 83 wuc elm 1’ at H ken ml J. S. McILRAITI-l 27.2323" m1mum.num.wuuw i Matthews Latimer ‘0 T0 »: --}+%+HH+++++++W+M+++H‘+++++~t~aâ€"€»§-++H+++++++++H . -:~+++++++~x-++++++++++++++ H- +++++ozo+++eu§ MM-z-HHHHM ++++W++++++++++++++++ awe-HWW 00“.“WMaJOW ll‘ 1‘ Bread and Pastry are mam n- ' ‘ 2:- mt Can be} got. We have a him mu l'fies. (2mm: in and try them. Lunch-'38 For Your Breau. AND COOK Q Fresh Groceries New Fruit and Nuts Choice Confectionery Pure Spices and V’én egars No. I Family and Pure Manitoba Flours Fine Salt. Farmers Produce Wanted For Four BU RN ET": 3? COOPER fratâ€"55w :_VT'$3~_A«I jufiflwe the best materiall Hm- of Hanna-made hes surved all 11mm. Fan Cy VVhat ‘ Assorte LI Ocean m dozen 01‘ Reg. PHONE r. ohn UFNM" lbs. of L I I we“ bout at great a - the 119“'!9]lalu‘l’9 \\ lit Hr. Ayivswwth L B .lemrket Canal. of sixty no a depth drilled another 9i; ‘. but has now £th a MOTTIU‘: L F0 ‘ u when mend 5:" .61 dargcrons b for ~ ALL ORIH Altho u 0W1!) b we - ‘ ‘I‘J tinue to ak lau ' and .b 10 Q “N urea. lifi VIII. ha!

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