West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 22 Dec 1910, p. 10

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ayat- Ikdgh-toquaflthcfngnnoeofhilfimidcchm UT still the folly Jack Tar upon the billowed brine, For all his lonzsome feeling, is never heard to whine From scmewhcremst of Suez he gets his Christmas greens And dcc :3 hinmch" all over with a wealth of woodland scenes. With gorgeous glee he decks himself upon the hammock deck, With evergreens upon his heart and holly round his neck. {OUGH folly Jack has not a chance to hang the mistletoe And kiss the girl he left behind in case she gets below. He hitches up his trousers and he whistles through his teeth And gas and makes the mascot goat a iolly holly wreath, And then he sings a chantey song, with loud guffaws between, Matt the merry mascot and the wearing of the green. N down within his mas room the iolly jack Tar sits And calla aChristmasdinnet-from the galley and the kits. And Billygoat and Nannygoat are both remembered. tooâ€"- They get a bounceous fast themselves when jolly Jack is Par. though they have no opinach. they devour the Christan! The holly and the shrubbery and all the woodland some; LY JKCK Ti 7 BY \ HARRY SYPHER THE ~ Why Should lndiscriminate Gift Giv- ing to Grownupe Continue? la the movement for a safe and [ sane fourth of July to be followed by ' one for an economical Christmas? Do I the majority of people feel that the Christmas present has been as much overdone as the firecracker. the toy cannon and the plnwheel? (Copyright, 1910. by American ciatinn.] It must be understood in the outset that the movement to curtail Christ- mas giving has no relation to the chil- dren. The Joy of the little ones in their Santa Claus and his bounty is too beautiful a thing to disturb. It is only the presents to the grownups. to every Tom. Dick and Harry with whom one happens to be acquainted. the presents that are a burden and a bore both to giver and recipient. that it is proposed to abandon. Frequently. these are the through UNDER IHE EEULLY BBUBH. who have loved each other. Sine! and friend and brothc. In this fast fading year. Mollie! and site and child. Young man and maiden mild. I Come gather here And let you! head: grow food. As memory shall ponder Old loves and younger wooing Are sweet in the renewing Under the holly bough. E who have nourished “duet. Made aliens from your kind. Cone cube! here. La not the melon oorrow Pm you n'gbt sud norrow. If e'a you hoped. hope now. Take been. uncloud your face: Aldioin in out embtaca SAME CHRISTMAS NEXT. By WAYNE HENRY. Under the hollv bomb. V Use it for bread, pies, cakes, biscuits, % everything unbroken vow. When Smoodge shut up his ware house and went home on Christmas eveâ€" he lived in lodgings that had been Barley’ aâ€"the doorman assumed an ex- pression which he had never noted ;there before. The head of that dead 'doornail resolved Itself Into the head I of Barley. a sense of 'dufy and cannot be at- forded by the donor. Just as frequent- ly they are not needed by the one on I W whom they are bestowed. Thus the ‘ ‘ I L ifled. I i d .ri - 3228:, semi.“ m, gazette: TO WIN N | PEG benefit to the other. The recipient inJA N D w E s T turn feels it a duty to make presents to . the giver. presents that perhaps he (an I travel by the as little afford and that his friend ! _.,_ as little netds. Thus both have had to 3 DIRECT ONLY ’ $5§§$T§3§3§J$§atbfiymhi’bvi: .CANAD'AN THROUGH ROUTE CAR LINE sort of giving when we eXpect a re- 3 turn. this giving through a sense of ‘ past or prospective obligation. against 1 DAILY SERVICE which there is widespread revolt. it :of express trains carrying through is not in harmony with the Christmas a . . standard and tourist sleeping cars for spirit. It is commercial. onerous and all points in Western Canada. lacking in spontaneity. It makes ua dread the return of the holiday when ; For information see R. L. Thomp- we should welcome it with Joy. ' .0“, D.P.A., or . Fortunately the habit is dying out. Withnnt nnv meconcerted movement ' 3' “ACFARLANE- 70"“ Agent Without any preconcerteu movement to that end it is still being dropped by mutual consent. A has reached the point of insurgency where he doesn't give a hang whether 8 remembers him or not. He will not rack his brain and deplete his pocketbook buying un- welcome things for B. only to cause 3 in turn to hurl. perhaps grudgingly, equally unwelcome things at his own head. All unknown to A the same in- surgeucy has been working in the heart of B. and the irrational custom tails of its own weight. in conse- quence the day on which we celebrate the birth of the Son of Man ceases to be a bargain counler enhance. With tho childrnn it is diflemnt. W0 give to them for the pure joy of it. without any hope of return. We enter into their )0le and partake of the Christmas npirit by shaving it with them. Thus we uncmuciousiy fulfill the command of him in whose honor the day is celebraiod and va'itnbly ho chine as little children. r '9 » Smoodge kicked particularly against Christmas presents. He didn’t believe in Christmas presents. Barley. his old partner. dead these seven years. hadn’t believed 1n Christmas presents either. Barley was dead to begin with. He was as dead as a doomull. which must be going some in the dead line. as peo- ple have been using a doornail as a “mile of death for seven! centuries. But Smoodge was alive and kivkjng. “Hey. Jacob; I thought you dead!" cried Smrwlge. "SoJ ann. Ebmuwr." replied the vl~ talued doornall. "but I’ve come back to warn you (hm you will be visited at midnight by three ghosts. one after the other. So long Eb!" Bariey’s ghost a; 31:1 became a dead doornall. Smoodge went to bed and promptly at midnight was awakened by an apparition. u was the first of the three spirits. It seemed to crawl out from under his bed. It danced on the toothoard of the bed. Not by Charles Dickens. but an In- cipient Parody on His Famous Story. “I am the Ghost of Phristmu Pres- ent Past." said the splriL “You look to me like one of those slippers my niece gave me last year." said Smoodge. “You win." said the gum and van- fished. Presently the second aplrit 3 doing a merry dance over the “You look to cm» like another slip- per.” said Smoodge. “I am the Ghost of Christmas PM entA Present” said the 35mm. .0 n. ‘0 v » Ba. 1 son. said Sx.1nm.‘.ge. "You're one of the slippers my niece l to give me 1 his Jrear.” . going NEW “CHRISTMAS CAROL.” amived, e wash- O 1““ MARK (lawman J iR. MAOFARLANE. - Town Agent. DIRECT ONLY "" CANADIAN THROUGH ROUTE CAR LINE DAILY SERVICE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY TIME TABLE L6 Tx-ains will arrive and depgrt as fol- lows. until further notice:â€" Rad down store and _ dws Hing, _bir;a', 'ou'm {tinâ€"1;... Jwelling and 84 000 stock GENERAL COUNTRY STORE five miles frum Durban: very cheap. 325 ACRES vlose to Proton Station. hrick dweliingfine large out-buildings windmill gm; _ha.y._ 2 tons go acre. only A.- -nl‘ “Ya. I know.” remarked Sam “Mynhcewllmtqunu berm bargains. 633 ACRES near Protnn Station and Stnueen Jmctiun. fine brick re~idnuw ‘pleudid ban». 8 Ieudid auil [loud Wat” MPMU'd 8:" “’H 30” lea-s than “3 :.- :cre. Abargdin surely A HARNWARE and Tinsmith Bud. oess.Grey Count . post office in oonnem hm. has: thnn‘mIOHanll buy 40 men 0f laud. 33:11. Land Huntel Look HBIB Largo number of cheap farm prooerdn. Mo ney to Lend 3t Low RAW. Land» bought and mid. Debts can“ Ail kinds of writings drawn. N0 Ila“ uhu dnies busing“ wit'l H. H. Mill» iv (war owlfied to go (manna-e. Our meUmds seem tn pious. "Alwayr anpt. â€" New Negligent." Tnina lave Durham 31. 7.050)..“ “0 pan. Tnim arrive at Durham at 10.!!! mm" 509111.. and 85bpm. " ‘MR‘J'JI. ”' ‘ ' ““33“. J. TOWNER, Depot Agent JAMES R. GUN, Town Agent . fl. MILLER Grand Trunk Railway TIME-TABLE wen 999‘*99 , 3388§=83238 00 50 00 00 I 00 t. ‘0 H Walkem‘ Maple Bill Huhuvel Allen Park Durham MnWiI isms Pfloovzlle human: Jot. Toronto EVERY DAY EXCEPT BURDAY ‘I‘he thovcr Conveyanci- H. H. MINER w! ., Ila,,a UUIIS bu M'l' C, "III \ K1101 ks the sunshine off Ai J. I). ycpomld. It’s the champion aH-purpose brand. Onollle The new House. uncover | u:- l A.“ up-bnodate flour tad had and LI. Doers keep uur flour tor sale. If 1.10 '01" grucer dues nut, keep i'. come to g-fiithe mm and we will nae you right. 33:; Call us up by W008 No. 8. Egg All kind! of Grill! bought at. Marko A amcll or huge h or a fine gram. White. nutritious our, i‘ mld About brand. Htve you era? tried it} Get mu groom to give you our khd next than and see the supedor bakin qual- ifies it possesses. Batter a umre who‘esome. 900ml“! (1' t newt pmcess that. we put the do“ through. Don’t forget. Cal. E Egg?! hi. 3!? 3.38 20. a K358?â€" !r‘p Btloo ca :3» an 115-. its 8 .5502? :8 People’s Mills A, his“! off Manitoh nod Ontario what and is a ":1ch t. clam family flour ls nude from selected winter wheat and is a superior crack {or making 10 Bag Lou. Goods delivered amvwhom ha *nwn. ipeuhl Radac§1q§u_l"bnrh5m Chopping Done Every Day I’- ‘u arm Km goods me am,“ lumen. But these 8’1”“ Christmas prpmm for‘dl. can- dating of TOYS of It“ kinda Work 3011“ Games Glare sud D0115 Hunk‘I Buxvh Picmle Banks Shell Box» Rocking HUI‘EBS “Oath ur‘all?‘ Doll Carriages Tuy Watehm‘ Sleiglw I’m-M». F'nnov Cups Silk Hunk-17H and SMICcn Matnr Scar“ Drums Fungv ('nll H's Toy Pinnns “'oul Shaul~ Cund y. Nuts c. SHOP EARLY AND GET YOUR PH‘K ut "'0 BIG 4 with a bu; SANTA CLAUS has JUST ARRIVED W. H. BEAN John McGowan PASTRY FLOUR SOVEREIGN ECLIPSE TH E I’ll ‘ W mull IIVUI .V m but I an; mu «m .3 usual to hour) M11110." ‘8 OIS- ‘3 " w” “ t u tugeuwr. [ went to Wflu‘ h . '--' v‘ ’m “be eighu-e [1.) ’ul 1 Hunt M mother and I (:lkv q'nto w Interest in it as grnwn pomp]. U the Circusâ€"quite for thv Child?!“ “Ivonld 881'. you to dnimmr immc __.... _- “I would at: you to dinnor imme m on your arrival Christmas 9 u If I dared to suggest the pres"! II M then» would he 3 h‘ m W W [mwers ”ml Fuk- m andâ€"at this flPzzsouwthv five you come at ‘J prfi‘isvly, sn : '0 may have a limo chat More w of our other gumm" not! ns (be familiar door and dd brow doorknnb whlvh had ”on: kw! with his eyes. An ‘Aâ€"‘ k- “ W. whom the Salmon! had ant'enu yearn. opened the do! all nod answerod his greeting wl "at“!!! “Good evening. Mr. I “e.” um: hlm his Christian 1 II If he had called only the cm ”I”. But the hall was hidden .- ot evergreen and holly, m m bolbs glowed in llwlr d *1- hnge berries in the greenery. “'0 he Mmad suddenly a at“ coming now on thv old (‘hrfi w to 'hk‘b his nhsvme bad film In nlipn. I! bvwildured bl mt!“ ”(HEW “a.” Kim: hin CI If he had (‘8 W. But the m of everm W bolt»: 8] Ike huge borriv.~ m be mum-d coming now 0' “If“ to which ‘1.) an alien. noun behind it. Erma mm was t] C Chrbunas wromh in fbv middl “V. I womnns figurv H" (1 mm tn am. "Why. Pam-mum D filld to 800 ynnf" and mm" W flown with a warm «M White hand. fie was not of that dflicm 1 “kl! be had tome-mimn-d S (h elder sister of her old :01! the exdtemem and pic-usurv n “I hel’ wake and manner w:- ‘ the flfl whom he had Inn-d -m years before. He smi‘a Idly. “How you bane gru She "rhea her Pyvh “And you?" She laughs-d II broad and brm"n as shouldn't h!" “30““ 3“ nnâ€"d strong." e IV the picture of Mme! ‘0 awed In her memory of R pained him. He had that lib letters womd have mm 1 She held the wreath up to W. “How are they a} ' “LI ”ll ‘8 ever." she 9mm p to tell him of themâ€"4m! â€"-Aâ€"-I‘nn. “Have M we bane been 01 y‘ I‘d your |eltvrs and SI! tuber as soon as Hwy Md risen She went uh ‘0' m hang the wreath. D Mm. ”H? used to w M u-engerly an l (11‘ “Yd. you were an v Ill-d. It was unkind. 1 path: by tme , 1910 1?" Ho cant!" at it IV the trouble in 1 all be delighttd to D '6'”th avoid! m alim! eyebrows themâ€"ho Wh‘

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