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Durham Chronicle (1867), 22 Dec 1910, p. 2

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I GOOD ROUGH ‘nply to 1.1 Litiw. 0 ACRES or" (3061) TILLABLE Ind in the tow::, will be let on dates to suitable person. Apply to Mrs. Lauder. near the Cream- 9293 iii 113:1.me OCCUPIED BY EBA. web-tor u )evclluy stars, .6 LP. Tweed u s luv omen, db allow an... wdl on“. clock . .d ado. At 3 hugfln. Afily o- A. Gov-don, Woybun. an is 'BBLL'ORGAN IN FIRST 01.433 condition. Apply Arthur Gun. I. D. HYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OF Bee in the New Hunter Bloch. 0.00 PHYSICIAN AN 1) sun Bee in the New Hunter hit-.8 to 10 a. m., to 4 p ’. II. Special “nation giv d woman 3nd gbildren. 1 .0. and ”Golden sq. Throat 5 SPIOIALISIL: n In. CON) 3, iiiâ€"WRSBIP 0"! 100 tern talent, eontdnin 30‘! 10 cent but wood bmh, O a!" "my flmborcd, tho rest my an. tom . k particulnra upply W liam ”by, Orchard. Ont. For I. G. Hutton. ISEASES OF DOIES’I‘IUAL'nu animals treated on must scientif- ic principles. All calls promptly attended m. Office and residence. Gash-ax. Street. Durham. nearly 0p- poem" the (‘hmnicle Cffice. 6281 Dr. D. 8. Craig, “18F. A888 01‘ D. V. S. V.S.V.D. DUI ESTIUQTEP veyancor. Notary Public c. ( . . BARRISTER. SULICITOR. CON- oney to loan on ftp-m property. In- surance efiocted. over Standard Bank. Medical Directory Side by T399"- *â€" A. N. Jackson. To Rent: For Sale TENDERS 7 9 p m Telmbone No. 733‘: 6600 any- reo. Yin-s, During BRC WN Shares. 5; ,0'9" MARKED will be re- m Har- 6803ptf “it! Jack- WANTEDâ€"LOGS 01" ALL KINDS also lath timber, delivered to our mill at Durham. Good {prices will be quoted by applying at our office. Also at our mill at Dor- noch, with Mr. R. Dargavel in charge. Also at Holstein mill, with Mr. Buller in charge. Parties having logs to deliver to either of these two mills, will do we]! to call on these gentlemen, when tempting prices will be quoted.â€" The Durham Furniture Co., Ltd. M AGENTS WANTEDâ€"WHOLE OR part time; liberal terms; outfit free. Over 500 acres in trees. ngte at once. “The Fruit Spec- ialxsts.” Tpog. W. Bowgnam SPOTTED 3L2“??? WHITE ‘_ -kl‘ I‘ VUI‘IDU Dung», n .____o brown bound, on \or about Wed- nesday, Nov. 2nd. About 2 years old. Answers to name ‘0! Shot. Any information leading to his recovery will be rewarded. Parâ€" ties found detaining him after this notice will be prosecuted.â€" T. Ryan, Middaugh House, Dur- 939M For Sale or Rent. gfilpm,’ horn hon-o nnd table. desired. Apply to John 10mm Durban. 3 . TWO-STOREY FRAME HOUSE well located, in Durham, water- works, ‘good garden. Terms fight. Apply ‘bo Robt. Smith, Durham. ‘ N10102m lit for machinery. Good bearing orchard.‘ bank barn, hog pen an comfortable dwelling. Good well at house and never-failing spring One-quarter mile from school, con- venient to church, town and post office. For further particulars, apply to Robt. Hastie, Travel-non. Lot 14. Con. 9 township of Glen- A Ln“ Logs Wanted. rYOU Fruit Trees INTEND PLA‘N‘TIANG ’(ué‘ clt‘iy, 0X1 ac-i roif mannxd for A By-law to provide for thel We a;~ .iic‘» 1".‘5â€" establishment of a Public Library .~ 'peach, ['l ~, 1 ~ We Town of Durham. ~rrv trams, “15:0 her; MidliflliAS the present Library : ..:‘:i.=imentai 79“ Board, and certain electors have N madt‘ f‘- 999mm- ‘a-tiiioined Ithc Council of the said and 8PM“. '3’9‘95- Town «‘7 Durham praying for the re us. or write f0. istiblishnu- t or a Public Library B'I‘OWD’I' Nurse: 19 3- under the Public Libraries Act, Ont- N1“ = BE IT ’iHEREFORE enacted by? Withe said Municipal Council that rm For S‘le. i« 1. In) case the assent of the el- ~â€"â€"~-â€"~~â€"-â€"-â€"â€"~â€"â€"-~ » â€"- actors is given tp this By-law, a p‘ township of Glen- Public Library be established in r 100 acres. About this Municipality, in accordance with the provisions or! the Public ' d b sh, the rest “32 n2“; haul-int? Libraries Act. C AND TIN €0hn-iatmaa. Whether they are re-‘ ‘ Mingle authorities or: :not, time will. 'te . ‘ Min 8. Knox, furom Dm‘hwam, and 9 Miss M. Ktnox, Ottawa, we spend- r ing their vacation with their 'par- Ls eats, Mr. and ers. Jas. Knox. '1” Mr. Jan. Pattan attended the ‘ Guelph Pair. Be exhibited a in home, emd was one of the lucky Pl“! . . El; Messrs. Donald and John Fergu- 3 son, and Geo. McCormick, meturnâ€" :1. ed from Moose Jaw. The boys are " ‘ quite convinced the West it! the an lamd of_:0pponr_tuni‘ty_ .â€" A h-..â€" Mrs.'1‘t;oa."H_-éndénson, of Dun- dalk,= spent the Week with 'her sys- ter, Mrs. R._Fergu§_0:n. I'Iflo fps “iasg‘éc't'of'cgmai,%éi1"p'aid his offi- cial visit to 8.3. N10. 7 [ast week. Quite a snumbar from here were disappointed in not (getting to the- A.O.U.W. comcenrt in Priceville on Thursday night‘ as 'the roads were too heavy. -v'v The Swinton Park L.0.L. held their annual meeting on Wednes- day night, when 'the .following of- ficers were elected and installed for the coming year: Noble. G Wilson, W.M.; Jam. Knox, D.M.; W. Richardson, Cha'_p.; Bert AMartig, Rec. Sec.; Bert L‘HaW, Fin. Sec.; H. Mime-1x 'Dreaa.; J ohm 'Wleir, D. of C. Thos. Bnoug'hton, Lecturer., Wh‘ile W.A. Richardson, W. McCormick, Neil McFay'd'e'n, G.W. Paralo'w and Herbert Haw are the members of the Committee. _ __ 'â€"-v v-â€" St. Andrews S..S will 'hold their annual Ohmtmaa entertainment in the church on Thursday evening, Dec. 22nd. Mrs. J.H Martin, and Miss Min- nie Martin spent a week with friends in the Park. Santa Claus is making this head- grunt-era at .Swinmton Park store. in pack _is ibrim‘afull of beautiful and useful Christmas presents. "' T ’ ' t The SS. at Boothville held 'their‘ 2t fggflrfie ape; ammual Christmas entertainment on! horse freed hm Friday, Deco 16th. REV. ‘LII‘. Mathe-‘ The hmnness W2 son ably stgled t'he charir. There cutter was n was a goo program :0 song, rec- . itatiomls, dialogues, which (reflect-E worflh Progress ed muchbcregfit or}: those who w’Fge -- responsi le norr t e program. e , superintendent, Mr. Renwick, and 1‘3"" Mr. J.L. McDonald, spoke briefly, If Thin Irdicin In fact, anyone who missed this, You Pa missed one of the treats of the , , A physician v 89380“. _ _ _ A.-. A! mtnman‘h f - Mrthv'L. McDonald 'has been err-T gaged as teacher for Boothville school far 1912. Miss Weir goes to No. 12, Egre- mont. Miss Maggie Campbell, of Arthur is visiting igfu‘iendas in and around Bonbhville. ‘ Mr. Wm. Mmrshall intends to move to Haznover This Week. Mrs. V. Hill has been vecry ill with la gri-ppe, but is improving. , Miss Smith is the guest of her cousin, Mrs. Jas. !Wi19011. ROOMS TO LET. accommodated ; accommodation niture. stoves, e moderate. For lara, apply at " be taken on this By-law bn the 2nd day 01 January, 1911. com- mencing at 9 o’clock in the fore- .noon, and continuing 11.11111 5 o’-~ clock in the aftvmoon, at the 1.41- derm ontioged _ plgges; _-. “All€nn “1111‘ up UL Ipuv Vvaâ€", V.’ .__ _ amd one person to attend at each polling place on lbehalf of the persons desirous of opposing the! passing of this By-law. 4. T e Clerk shall attend at the Clerk’s Office in the Town of Durham, at the Ihour of 11-o’clock 1n the forenoon, on the 3rd day of January, 1911, to sum up the num- ber of votes given respectively for or against the By-law. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE ET, OR EF'AMILIES ed; 3:80 excellen. ion (or storing fur- 3, etc. Charges very l'01‘ :further Iparticu- at 'this office. NIOU ran“ no 3st | If This Irdicino Does Not Bomfitf1 You Pay Iothing. ‘1 A physician who made a special-1‘ ty of st'omadh troubles, particular-E4 Hy dyspe sia, after years of stud}; ? perfecte the formula from whi ‘ Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets are made ‘ I Our experience with Rexnall D ys- l‘Fpepsia Tablets leads 'us to believe them to be lthe greatest remedy kurowm :for the relief of acute inâ€" digestion and chronic dyspepsia, Their ingredients are soothing and :‘healing to the inflamed membranes 'of the stomach. They are rich in; pepsin, one of the greatest digest-; ive aids'kmown to medicine. The relief they afford is almost immedr-i ia'tve. Their use with 'pemsiistency} amd regularity for a short :imel “brings about a sessation of the? ;,|pa_ixns caused by stomach disorders? - _.:_ mnuinam mm , Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets will; insure ‘healthy a‘ppetite, ‘aid ddges-‘ tion and promote nutrition. As evidence of our sincere fait‘h in. Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets, ‘we ask you to try them eat our risk. If they do mot give you emtizre savtisd faction, we will tretm‘n you the money you 'paid us for them, with- out question or xfm'malify. They come im t‘htree a‘zes, pMice". ‘25 cents. 50 cents and $1.00 Remember you cam obtain them only xa“-â€""I‘he Rex- .all Star-e. Macfmrlvame v00. This year you can enjoy .a h ng visit at film old home, or with you? (criemds, as fare-and-o‘ne-thixtl rates will be good goimg from Wednesday, pepember 215t to _‘_10_1 M‘ 'V CUALLKDUHJ u---‘.-__ tu szuary 2nd. inclusive, valid re-' tumimg until January 4th 1911. i There. will also be single fare! rate over Chr'etmals, good going December ‘24, 25 amd 26th. returning until December '27t‘h, ’and again forr New Years on December 3lst, Jam- ualry lst and 2nd, good until Januâ€" wry 31rd. Tickets may be secured in ad'- vamce, and avoid delay at station. ) LIlU'll. . u i w. h..- __l rimming until January 4th 1911. $DLOVE FOUR MILES DOWN ; There will also be single fare C, P. R. TRACK. a rate over Chr'-"tmas, good going A 'm'iraicuwus trip in a cutter December ‘24, 25 amd 26th. returning; (10%.. me 3.44mi,- 'wwds. ”Mug, ‘ mntil December 27th, and again forsuvai-.iig in its daring, a my over 1 New Years ova December 3lst,Jaxn-‘1Niag..h ML... .n a banner, was 1 uary lst and 2nd, good until Janu- PeILUA.JeL. b; .. farmer en ruule , wry 3rd. to haulage om; evening recently. ! Tickets may be secured in adâ€" Some enamel sped-eon may suggest .‘ trance, and avoid delay at station; that muss due-devil trip W‘uulu c Iseezm were appropriate had he W gbeen travelling in the opposite l The Strange Conduct of Willie ‘d'lll‘eCtiOll, but LNG man was us his . . . .way no sown. AL use ‘70' siueroad, 1 I didn’t have to call hum thce to flour miles marsh 01' Markdale, m4 get him 0m '0‘ bedtoâ€"day, turned his horse onto she railway And when I “aid “bedtime” 13“ track, and made 'tnel'ouir mile trip 'gvlshtt 11‘: §losed his book and to Marhdsle down the c, P. s. ,9“ a 3- .tmacks arrivin w'flbo t m‘ . He didnt ‘plead to be allowed t°;and aipparentlyg indiffwgm 025%: read 8:“th chapter: 0? *terrible risk he nan 01' coming in Stay up until 'the clock stiruck 9, or contact with a train en route. On , slam his book upon theifluor. the trip down, uvs high, single- Th“ “‘0‘“an he was washed and track bridges were crossed, w'here greased, Prelim?“ _ior 9011001, a slight swerve to cthe right or left 1“ shoes ‘hed shined, ’out of the direct course, might 'Whe‘n I .8“ down ‘0 breamast- I easily have precipitated both driv- fihe"? gherâ€"e s something 011. er and outfit over the bridge into s mm ° ihhe deep water twenty wet or His mother tells me'that he comes more bebow. Arriving at Mark- straight home iron) school..dale, he turned his horse u Main. and that is strange, l‘stzreet, 'and came-up town. ad he He wen»; {or 'hread the other day, been ten minutes later he would and didn’t ask her fos' thallium met the night train which change; , Earrived in Mardkiale a view min- I saw him his his sister Jame good‘ utes altar and whose whistle in nightâ€"’tis seldom 'he doeslflhe distance was easily discern- thatâ€" table when he switched off the And when he lemme theme eaten-day ! track at the Main street. However upon a hook he ailing his fibers are no disastrous results of hat. the trip to record, only “what ' He seems a different ‘boy two-daytmig’ht have been,” and we would to discipline he is resigned,!nlot advise anyone 'wishin ashort Last .night I winked at ma andlcut to Markdale to come route said: “I’m sure there’s someâ€" and run chances on srriVing as thing on his mind.” safely as the lucky individual His hands and! he w l s n ow, above reportedâ€"Standard. at least a dozen times .a day, When supper’s done 'he doesn’t beg to be summed *to go and play; a He whistles while he does his _ chores, he runs upon his er- - rainds now, 0F CA And anI look aYhimI‘giink Iseoa haloround‘his ow. Y He Is: “ es sir” and “yes mfiam” 31 {ashram boy you could Every Department Is 9 no e With Christmas just three days FIG!!!“ '0‘ E i/el away, 2 he? this-43’s some- , . ' â€"D0tl'dt mm... 4...... ‘ . 8"“... an“ HOLIDAY RATES 0N G.T.P 15, $1.50, inspectmg :Ho-ffmans grav-- Selling, $1.00, total sum. Reportl ‘adopted. . Com. P'hilp.-â€"R. Renwick, «lumber ‘fm‘ swow fence, sand building snow: 3 drawing lumber and building snow ffence, lot 22, con. 10, $25.50. Re- }pou't adopted. Com. .feecs, $2.00. 1 Com. McIlv.ride.â€"John McBeth, 2 culverts, 10¢ 10, con. 22, $6; 1 cul- ,vert, sideroad lot .26, con. 20, $5.00. L. Report adopted. I J .C. Adams pmid in'to treasurer __ _ n man and fmnrn ‘f-ence, $24: Yates and McQueen,‘ 6w... DCWLL Mr J .C. Adams paid into treasua'er‘ Imam A. McDoug'all, $30, and ftrom Ge-o. Lane, $20 expenses on drain J. McBe'bh was paid for tile-«making $17.20, [hauling cement, $5, deliverâ€" ing til-e Ferguson’s sideline, $2.00. Miss Ross «received $3.10 refund of tax-es 're Marx‘s estate; Wm. Petti- mrew was paid $10 use of council '800011‘ uwn, vus JV... u... -7 ....-_v " ed a willingness to incl 3 ‘help- ‘ing band, and, while at times, dit- derences of opinions may arise, you have invariably been impartial to one and all. land these differences were always settled amicably. Trur‘i ‘g you may along be spared 1 . 1. .md your usefulness for the \‘x'elfea'c of the municipality. ‘ Ir. M" Arthur made :a very suit- abn. reply. The other members x. "85‘~'.'-i their satisfaction of the year's work, and ‘the harmony that y , reyiiled. Council rose. 5 D. ALLAN, Clerk. .er and outfit over the bridge into 1118 deep 'wter twenty wet or more behow. Arriving at Mark- .dale, the named this bone u Main 3 street, and came up town. ad he been ten minutes later he would .‘have met the night train whicn arrived in Mardktaie a Jew min- ;‘utee miter and whose whistle in .Whe distance was easily discern- ;mble when he switched off the "track at «tihe Marin street. However iifihere are no disastrous reaqite of mot advice amyonc 'wiahin ashortl cut to Mamkdale to come 'a mute " and run chance: on arriving as safely as the lucky individual; above reported.â€"Standard. '- .I--“ ‘â€" ' OF CANADA ' Evan-y Department I: fully Equlpped to 9'1“". From“ and Efficient Sou-vice. Sula” Bank at III Bunch“ on dmann 9-4crlnaking1 ’ eli‘rea‘- mg, 8.00;! {B NAD UCWIL la Illauk Lu: 5“ L h r- .. tamed . 311d 88 the years r011 bv ‘h “I: us mention some ufthc- Lhmqu ' e .5: are considered nic-v (‘hm 0:. ~ thoughtfulness of the do . realized ' UOI‘ ‘5 "on. We hOVe a VP:‘\' Mr H- s . ‘ and aPPI’CCIaLed. 5‘7 ‘chy [Author (Luvds. ANN: ., L k‘ . “dies' Hand MS..Mll\‘l" }{I)H\.\\' ’. u Portfolios, Manicuru \‘m \ ‘b A -. as? good: at t“ dourripnuu. I a, mimicry in prenv mum, mu , nvy (‘ullfw‘tiunvu .1. Books. BihlEb. Hymn Hm.” \, Mk3,c..(.'ut (“mes Mud pn-I 1)“ l ' . Fur men: Smukim: N'La. ~r. . ' ‘9:.~‘.Vinlins. Mouth Urgmm I‘ i ens, Military Hl'llhlu‘S. I.“ x ,5. HUGHES - Manager Em... m. A k , v ! nrl't‘dfd RFC-895 l’l'eM‘H'h 13 .1! } - up w 825.00. PI‘efientfi [Or ”Id “[111 )HHIIL' mv p‘. ! D U R H A M, O N T. for rich and pump .1: m‘k. \'Ull an- jib Ip' i ‘ m , ‘ ’3 I shes the.“ Mount Forest and AMI. my .50 or $2”. ( . m. ' .» ' our pick ()1. mn- Ly“. O 7 was i" ynu makc- 5n.” The best Christmas presemt Von can give a child is a Bank 360k. The desire to increase the balance is strong in a chiid and in order to make deposits, habits of 38\'ing are formed. Again, every time a deposit is made the gift is recalled and as the years r011 by file thoughtfulness of the donor is realized and appreciated. 547 W. D CONNOR Pumps of all Kinm. Galvanized and Iron Pip. in ; Brass, Brass Lhd an Iron Cylinders. SHOP open every afternoon. All REPAIRING promptly sud pup. orlv “tended to. 4:...w. [1. mm A. BELL UN DE RTAKER and Funeral Director‘. Picture F rammg on IHE DURHAM CHRUUIE IO PUBLEHID EVERY THURSDAY zoo-lam fit an Chronicle Mating Houu, Om anwpuon' 1. mm- . :1. 00:1? an!“ - 81 {Dyer war. [unmet-m 4LWW boobnrgod i. uu‘ no Paid. TM“. a which "an “boat-1pm.: in pad in dud. ti. III-h. .I the “Mr“- label No p90! mthlnd to .11 mn- arr paid. aw... out“ of flu pawl-hm. ° ' For mum: “Vern-Ii. ‘ ‘dvm can 1m 1130 for the lift at FIJI] line of Catholic Rubens. and Mali and white Caps for aged peopie. vy-Ivuv- Vâ€"v -.r..r-,, - For mum: MVM‘ Ad'm can; m line for the flat at ht“ - son, 9 wt. pertinent“. (II-9 W Iiliou nature. PM“ . loan" at O'p m. Snow Roma â€"vit to Swallow Barber Shop. RESIDEM‘Eâ€"Nm door South of W. J. hwy-neck blacksmith shop. 8treet. DURHAM . ONT., EVERY THURJ‘DAY mm b r Walker-ton M Chronicle Printing Noun, Octal!!!“ Busi n e s s Pumas from 32 mm. Embalming a Specialty Mtnuhomror or L d Dulor in TII (Summon will In 3". fly ndmo-u fro-o a‘fp‘loo Next to chljp'l WALKERTCN BUSINESS COLLEGE 0.6.4 THE CENTRAL hula. STORE x Duflumm. New Grocery Store ' Fresh Groceries Always in Stuck «wow?» w -> i College Butter and Eggs Taken in 1. Exchange ; Mrs. A. SULLIVAN Upper O... +9¢¢§¢OO¢¢§¢3 990000 V o. 3N0. SCHULTZ ul' mama" M ”W all George Whitmnre Pumps, Curbing, _T_i_l_g m My md gentlmnan. gin} m U beginning to think of ”flu necessary in buy ; 'r ”a and New Year's Hills. the (mention is WhH‘p can 1 the meat, be“, most appxum- 3 mt It the least muxu‘y t (nation is easiiy ansumyud ”mu" the immenso Qua”- I of goods that are daily 1..._ antral Drug Store [I b link in Canada's Great out Chain of High -grmlv 00110300 founded during lhv wt (Vinny-six yuan. This chin in the lnrgmst H «invw 0‘ young people in ('almdh id it is fmly mhumed “fit it- gruduupe 2.4 m- M Minions. 'I‘lmrr is a m: write for it. .\ «hp- loan from the (‘nmm rvxa‘. Muenton' Assn-'ialinn nf Canada in: pus-3mm 2.. MI"- Ce“. 1W the Gmlrun St. .{rhigc M. D. MCGRATH leu- thc Garth-an St.‘ Bridge You may study In: '- Y}' M homo Mid finish :1' H104 U!- Iege. Enter any My. FALL TERI OPEKS ,u'u. MI New Pumps. Pump Re- plifl. Cement Curbing or Culvert Tile. see . . . . ANYONE ! 'IUh N) uumm' (‘9‘ In “I pwmc that I am .0. flanked in my Inuw ‘UM‘C. T. ”Uigtu‘n £1 “M. ulnar mun (u‘m «- h‘fi at. bl'Odzp, whv Hal I. WM loiqm'l'l' In u? wane. in .1” t He is d cuhtfl‘l.l .llfll‘k"“i'h- Town Durham A" '1 wk inst-claw ONE NEEIHNU 600. mm. Pr!» guura n 000 IO'

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