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Durham Chronicle (1867), 22 Dec 1910, p. 3

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{he best Christmas M you | give a child is a Bank M E de sire to increase the ultra prong in a child and in 0rd" nuke deposits. habits of savin‘ ifurmed. Agmn, every time ‘ bait is made the gift is "Called j as. the years toll by file mghtfulness of the dong; 3 had and appreciated. m URHAM,ONT UP Open every ““0003. j REPAIRING promptly sad ,3". My attnnded ‘0. HE DURHAM EHHUIICU at all Banana. mum of all Kinds. )alvanized and Iron 1‘ ng; Brass, Brass Li; 1nd Iron Cylindorl. rdure F rdmmg on notm. HUGHES - Manage.- ital and Surplus. 36,3807... .nchcs also at Mount ’01.. d by“ the bucfipthl A. BELL N DE RTAKER lly Equipped to 00"” ficiont Sorvloo. and neral Directom $~.\'+â€"‘+‘Y LHI'KHDAY W - a. nr we": ”Hating Hon... ”DIM. walkerton Street. DURHAM. ONT" Business SH“! NADA Lasting Gift Pumas from $2 nun. D CONNOR Is PL'uLlanD EVERY 'l‘ul'm-mAY m L anniclc Printing "on... M 8000!. Emhalming a Specialty LI v ‘ -f ‘ 'uthnlic ROM 8"“ .\ hi!» Va]!!! fur 888d people. :Loriprnv'iqal our when 000M nus-truck's Thad tho bl it'd! ~ ‘ . . .ur ha p_dunu l .I- {n ‘A a~ fiPVOfll {1008" w" a ‘ ’ ' 1.7": ‘Ya'flfl fi" h m ' “rpdv- ('0’ ”QR” Wm pfl'»‘o< «111(99d 1"“ 1M wmmcrc 3|. Shaun-d.“ 4:» mr rrm vatalW‘M Manufamnr on A d Daley in -â€" ”nu-4 vit w Sumo” hnp Raulnutnâ€"Nu‘ Lh if “v. J. LOVED“! f I: shop. ICLACILM. 5 1910 ONT ‘ amistgnas... E‘ my and gentleman, girl is beginning to think of :h; ts necessary rto buy for C'“-"‘â€"‘ ~.~ and New Year’s Gifts ‘5 . . Q'lé‘flthn is where can I W 1 . nicest, best, most approp- '3'? Inna-mt at the least money. in n W. stion is easily answered y 1.. ‘cting the immense quan- b r‘ ‘65 mods that are daily be- ”; uz‘, {)3Lked at (M mm! Drug Store 26 d 3. 5‘ THE CENTRAL DRUG 5'!“ He ii :: Durham New Grocery Store Fresh Groceries Always in Stock Butter and Eggs Taken in Exchange Mrs. A. SULLIVAN L'ppcr Town - Durham Gwrge Whitmore Pumps.Curbing, Tile JV! \‘4 'Hl .' L'l‘Z of myself at!» the shop U .1 ., ”motion some of the “its. mandated nice Christ-nu ,3, We have u very lugs stock "n v [rather Goods. consistin of H md Bogs. lusic Rolls. rit- l’ ,.~,|im, lanicura Sets, Purses, ,, 4,...“ ”f nll description. ancy [Wm-y in prettv boxes, Perfum- Iz.” -y Confectionery in cases, k. ;;=,nl».~. Hymn Books, Prayer “A ( 'ut Glass and pretty China. .mu: Smoking Sou, Shaving o \1 Mn. Month Urgnnl, Fountain \lhmu-y Brushes. ancy Cigar ‘, ,. A... A large stock of Fancy , , ‘ mam l’rosvnta from 10 cent: 1‘- ', .53.. w. ‘ ful' old and young. present. ,. ,1 .1 puul'. Come and see our _ 1 «w jus' as Wfllflflue if you _'... .. .7335. Cmne early and get ”1' our imge stock Goods ,.l Nu‘pd fur you until Christ- v n z makes your (timice. Dec. 22, 19v at (In {antral Drug Store ..... In New Quarters Near the Ganfran St.’ mug: nmxu um NERHING New Pumps, Pump Re- pairs. Cement Curbing or Culvert Tile, see . . . . Jr the (imlreua St. Bridge l Wl-‘h tn .mmuv-ce '0 th» p‘l'fllf? that. 1 MD 11 nv wttlm! in my new 1 . uwrs. T. Mm-am’s uld «ml. nomr thw Gara- fmxa it. budgp, who-reg! am prepared tn cater to 'hvir wants in all Winds or custom tlarkflni'h- 'ng. All wart guaran- med 9! tut-class. ’ o O )0 5O¢¢¢OOOO§§ 1".“ tony-thing wonderful must happen on lCtu'hitmas eve I would watch at the window and look for a messenger to Z . } Amy weenely. ‘I used to believe that i arrive with marvelous new or expect n thrusting her head Mthtn the open library door ind read- ing from the yellow slip In her band. “ “Snowbound W111 arrtve late this evening. Don’t sit up.’ " “Thoughtful Christophe." murmur- ed Dick Mason from the depths of his easy chair. “Poor old Chrisâ€"what luck!” cried Amy. while Alia murmured to her lover. “I am so anxious thst you should meet Christopher. Dick." ""v°-~\'. who is Christopher? Tell me. v may he distraught at his irawied Prufleid. survey- . . stricken D‘ck and his be- tronv H v m». some disgust and turning to Amy. who was flowing him with unmistakable relish. “Christopher Browning is our coup- ln." she replied. with a wioked look at her sister. “The dam: fellow! Writes. you know." “I didn’t know.” murmured Penfleld apologvticnlly. “\Vcll. Chris does write for the pa- pers. magazines or anything that will take the stuff." Amy looked at him from mirth brim- mod eyos. She was dressing a doll for the rock’s little niece. and she tied a pink bow on the naxen curls and then admired the eflect with audible utisfm-tion. ”Isn‘t she too sweet? Now I'm go- i lug down to the tillage to leave this 1 at Mrs. Lee’s. and you may come. too. 1 Mr. Penneld. for the way 13 long and ' the night is stormy.” ! Penfleld arose with alacflty. Anv- thlng was better than sitting before I the oheery fire and atartng at the phoâ€" ? wgraph ot the girl he loved unwisely j and trying to summon courage to ask carelessly when the picture represent- ' ed. Didn’t he know? I When they reached the front door Any ran back to the library. and he ; heardtherlseandtanofherohrfllf grist: votce as she expo-muted with ' her sister. It waa evident that oh I gamed her potnt. for when she re- '. warned she was smiling and her eyes] were as bright an the auow crystals 1 apartling under the We from the } wide open door. ‘ They pmuged hate My tamng whiten“. and Penn. bared his head to the cold fresh air and endeavored to thrust aside the burden that lay heir!- ly upon his heart. - A I -, ‘Ewh an ideal Christmas eve!” add Amy. “When I warn lime girl"- that a long lost uncle would appear Ind shower gifts Upon us. But it never happened. Nothing wonderful ever does happen to me," she added. with a sighthat was mumed in a mist of fly- lng flakes. “Time enough for things to happen when you are grown up. child." Jack aid gravely. and then. arousing him- self from th- unpleasant thoughts that. vampire-like. seemed to filing to him. he udded: “(.‘ome! A race to the corner!" They reached it laughing and breath- V'â€"â€" - Later, when they bud returned and were sitting before the fire. each wait- ing for the other to make a bedtime uan Jack remarked lazily: "When do you expect Mr. Browning and Aim and her umber exchanged One of us nu bar the bell and come ‘1 was abnm to vd‘umefl' to alt up god wait for him." mm Jack. “I am In I wakpful mad tonight." "Benny. Mr. 1"endetd." began Mrs. [Adm nnthly. when Amy tater- name-1 her man-fly; "0‘. mother. in him I" up it be When to. We can an up and greet Chm aflmfd. but the". is no use in an of as slum; here like 0119 until that train mm in. It may not arrive for hour! 51*. and PM: will be wait- b; at the unto: with the sleigh, so Chrh rm he an rum." “Tn-y well. dear. It dnm‘t seem quite fair to Chris.” "marked Mrs. unmet mveiy, “but you may nettle that hams-en yourselves.” "Perbnpo I'd better go with Peters.” said luck. "I am “named that I did not think of Calm to before." “Oh. Peter! bu Me." and Mrs. L!!!- um. "1 than!” n ma fnr htm to be tho-re In can the mm should art-Iv. ammo-t than exported." ”fl"- no! a innit-«lurk bad Mght. Mn. Llama." aid Pnfleld mu.» TELEGRAU from Chm no mo. by Anna-Ian Pn- Alu- cation.) l There was much running to and fro ; and a great deal of merriment as the :stoekings were hung in the wide old chitnneypiece. Then each one brought lgifts carefully wrapped and labeled. iand with many attempts at secret-y [they were heaped upon the library ta- ihle. Finally. with warm exchanges ' of Christmas wishes. Mrs. Latimer and her daughters withdrew, leaving the two men alone before the fire. I When Dick Manon had finished his cigar be. too. nought his room. and then Penfleld kept his lonely vigil. [t was 11 o’.clock and the storm was chafing. The soft spot of snow against ugly "Mlss Amy and I got along .auumuly The snow la very light and mft. and ll ls not partlrnlarly cold. H (mam down In the valley at San. vlersnn. whore thP train ls stalled. lt m< drifted. and that has caused the vlm'kvdt‘ Mr. Browning will not mlnd {"10 adventurn unless he is an lnvalld.” '.\‘ “(He’d doubtfully. “Uh. Chris is quite robus." replied Alive sweetly. “Now that it is settled Mr. I‘m-field Is to remain up to grow! our musin Humumo we hang the stn.~k- logs and go to lwd. We must dopmit nut gifts on the table here. and mother win lilktbe Markings at some we sma hour. as usual When Chris arrives mm her and 1 Wm come down and give the» vbim sommhing to eat. You must kc'op up a rovmng tire. Mr. l‘enfleld." "ikpénd on me for that." returm-d lurk. .oc-fls from! the but“! WM“! 91'0- xhhnd that banned W shop- ven m nurturing out. lie-r round chin was lifted above the low collar of her white blouse. and from the (town of her hat to the tips 1' her riding boot- aho appeared the 'mboditnent'of rife. health and love. Tet love she had withheld from Jack Pmfleid. He was thinking of that now as he sat there-thinking how strange it was that he shonid have found her picture in the home of his cousin’s znaueee. among people whom he had . never before met. but who had greeted him warmly as lm-k Mason'- cousin had taken him into their midst as f and of them-elven. fie had come out 1.5mm- mum-d Jack Pamela Goa Hammad that up to the fluffy mflk nod "one whom»: In or did hp. when m an accustom mum of sleigh '1": ‘10 ----._ ”f 1h? wpst a fmtmight beforeâ€"out of * where no had made m. home '9‘- years away frdm the open life of mg mains. the free air of Montana. "pub Y'o'L'i'TAKE THAT PICTURE, KITTY?” THE DURHAM CHRONICLE west God was everywhere. That was i hit- fancy. I ‘ He had come east because a girl had implanted the germ of restlessness ‘ within himâ€"a restlessness that for- bade him peace of mind until he could persuade her to reconsider her de-‘ cisiun The picture before him was an enlargement of one he had taken him- self with a pocket camera. its dupli- cate in miniature was folded in his! letter case next his heart. in the Spring Kitty Brown had come to the . west to visit his neighbors. the Clarke. She was a writer. one who was tired and whose body and soul needed relax- ation. She found it under the free blue sky as she skimmed over the ranges side by side with Jack Pen- field. their fleet horses ever in harmony with the spirits of the young riders. and it is true she found something be sides relaxation in the eyes of Jack Penfleid when the day came for her to return to her enslaving pen. “You do not understand ” she had told him. “i could not give up my work. and i do not love you as much as i love that. You can see.” she had added with that frank smile of hers. “that my love is a divided one. and you cannot accept that?" "No.” I)» had replied gravely. “I can- not accept a divided love." And so they had turned their borsea' beads balm-ward. and their parting had been a warm band clasp andâ€"chat was all. That was an Jack Penncld bad to think and dream about. The great had not asked for M u“- â€"v the nobihs went by and bdmnnt an- tnmn chimed an had. and the broad plum and distant nu!- chanted color under her bud. (dd touch. he grew ,-_L___ L- in upon his cousin D!!! Mason. wuu had picked him up and est-fled him of! for the holidays to the country home of the Lstimers. and hers he was. with the first clev to Kim Brown staring him in the face. He felt no elation now. for with the nurses of her disvovery come the thought that she would send him away again. Nev ertheless be determined that he would unhosom himself to sweet. motherly M rs..Latimer tn the morning. There was s tinkle of sleighbells drawing nearer. the faint sound of an arrival at the door. and he hastened to his feet to greet the coming stran ger. whom he had almost forgotten The halt door cloned softly. and then the door of the library wee pushed gently open and s slim. dart clad ug- nre. with arms brimming over with packages. slipped into the room end “From the Bar '1‘." he replied la- conionlly. holding her hands firmly in hit great brown palms. “Explnln why you or. here of all places. I left you riding the angel to Montana. 1nd I nee you again in the country home of my cousins. and you call the MR. Browning!" she said. withdrawing her hands and removing the heavy cloak that enveloped her. "I was ”pet-ting Christopher Brown- lng. l was sitting up for him. 1 was surprised when you entered." “i am Christopher Browning.” she said uuoily. “Don't dare to tell me that you did not know THAT!” “I didn't know it.” he admitted hum- bly. “I knew you as Kitty Brown"â€" “Oh. the Clarks always abbreviated it. And so you did not know you were waiting for me?" she said musingiy, drawing nearer the fire and holding her hands to the comforting warmth. “I’ve been waiting for you ever since you left the ranges, Kitty." he said gravely. She turned away suddenly. and her voice shook slightly as she replied. “I told you that you must not." “I cannot help It. Kitty. You must know”â€" he began. drawing nearer to “You may help me distribute my gifts.” she said quickly. recovering her composure. “and while we are filling the stockings you must tell me how you came to make the mistake in my name and why yon. instead of my at- fertionste cousins. ere waiting for me now." Jack totd his story while the girl dis- tributed the parcels she had brought among the limp stockings. There was even a gift for the capacions sock that represented Dick Mason's Christmas. ”I have nothing for yours. Mr. Pen- peid.” she laid. regretfully surveying the remaining empty sock. “A We note flying that you had changed your nind"- he began. "Bit I'um't changed my mind.” ‘0 W «may. "m you cure?" he muted. “Your cm Km. bctrlyed you when you cum into m- room. You WERE glad to can an. at: tint you wlll go back to the Bar '1‘ with me lo the spring." 8h. hesitlt'd. ”Oh. there is some- thing in the cock." she said evasively. and she stepped forward and. thrust- ln‘ I [and Into the toe. brought forth a small card. which the extended to- ward Penflem. He took it and glanced at the appo- site side, He uttered an exrlamatiou of sun-prion. Then he held it, out to She took It reluctantly. As she look cd I warm flush spread over her face. Ind sh. cried impulsively. “Why. that’s also!” cattle. "Did you take that picture. asked Jack eagerly. She nodded shametacedly. ”How did" get In there?" I: with a puzzled look. It n. a snapshot of the master of the Bar T ranch standing in the cor- A merry voice called from the door. m: "1 found it on the floor of your room, Chriswpher Kit. carefully wrap- ped in tissue paper. after you went helm at Thanksgiving. 0! course I Mud Mr. Penfield when he ar- riveayuta'dly. andâ€"â€"and I wanted saint-(hm wonderful to happen on Christmas m. and for the first time In my life it has happened. And that: an except Wm both!” ”Bun the child!" murmured Jack "that's what 1 say. too.” pend softly. ob. whit Not the Christmas Spirit. “It isn't the presents-it's thv spirit." said January Jones, the millionaire miner of Goldfield. apropos of Christ- mas. “I was in a jewelry shop last January. and something that tmk place there showed me that with too many of us the Christmas spirit is out the proper one. l was talking to up. proprietor. One of the clerks stepped up exritedly. his eyes beaming with (hp hope ohs big-sale “ ‘Say. hoss.' he whiwered."¢ive "1r the hi to the safe. There's a lady wants a solitaire Just like the one she has on She thinks it will be fun to Its ve two rings alike.‘ “7mg prnpnotm- am not hang forth the how. Ho only shook hi- “6.106 uld sadly: “ ‘Don't want» any time on her. The flux «be has on In a Christmas prod-m. am! she (ml, want- to and out CM! 3 surrounded by hundreds of horned he asked. Kitty ?" Only 3 more Shopping Days __ __ Do ynu realiza hnw abort. the Limo -? Don‘t puL ut’f making your selec- Livns until the last day. Come in and [)0 ['1‘ NOW. Bargains in film “79. are vlearing nut a lot of odd pim'es at cost. Only one nf a number nf dainty pieces. very suitable for gifts. Early Rimming means better .wlm'tliun. Hlbums at a Snap This linv we are bound Ln unload if prices will do it. COME AND SEE. This line we are dropping and must dispusc of all. even at a sacrifice. Zomc am [look ()Ver nur stuck. \Ve want yuu to 000 it. Your selvctiona will be carefully put away until wanted. mactarlanc s; fiompanv mm, C.P.R. Town Agent. Buy Your Tickets lien ZOVS How I'm hop-g every day The you're tally on vow way And that soon we'll has your “ Santa Claus! (ML 1310. by Alum Pull A. cla non.) Santlclaut. Fa In we that you Inn haul. 517/;

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