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Durham Chronicle (1867), 22 Dec 1910, p. 6

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H fig IHE DURHAM CHRONIcuV .,.,¢:“.,::::::“: m [than in town and vicinity con- That is the worst of this Santa Claus business. He starts by giv- ing a present, and the next Christmas he has to give Dome- thing a little better, and the next Christmas something a little bet- ter, and as those twins are just a- bout as good as anything could be. the only way 'he can» better his gift is by increasing. But I don’t giant him to lget into an arithmeti- cal pro ession habit. But i it is too late, and he has the habit already, I want 'him to skip this Christmas. 1 am willing to get along with .no present at all, or a polka dot mecktie, or a pair of boys’ size suspenders. I’ll ac- cept a couple of doglets, or cat- Iots, or a bracelet, or an emerald doublet, amulets, or violets, or epaulets, (though I don’t know that I would do with them) or my kind of -lets, but I don’t rant triplets.â€"Ellis Parker Butler. He also gives a rap over the knuckles to the wealthy man who contribute their thousands and tans of thousands to the Y. M. C. A., but haven’t a penny afar the poor .newsboys. “1!.” said Mr. Wilkinson, 11 workingmm goes to the Y.M.C A. in this city in his working clothes, he gets the cold .honlder every time. I’d rather ave s boy on the street, than the can of :a millionaire any time.” the girl busine'és oC'erdxme. Ithavw to draw the line at triplets {or this Christmas. However the work of the Lord’s Day Allinnce may be viewed by most 'people, and it is reasonable to believe that the great majority Ire in favor 0! Alliance principles, it must be admitted that Mr. Wil- kinson’s remarks are well worth considering. .The good people mean well, but the goody goody’s have a decidedly wrong way of putting their goodness into prac- tice. Thou-ands oi people who make no profession of Christianity believe in Christianity all'the name, but they don‘t always .feel just in the right mood to have religions teaching crammed down their throats. It’s unwise to attempt to force too strongly even the best moral movement. Most peo-. ple will be .led better than driven. I don’t want a set of triplets. I‘ot that I do not love children, but because I received a pair of twms last Christmas. One was (a girf, and the other was a girl. made two girls. And before that I had one girl. That makes three irls-three of the sweetest, 'pretv st girls I ever saw in my life. I! I should receive triplets this Christmas, and they should be girls that would make six iris, and yhile I _love girls, _I ’t want I don’t want that old stork to get. the habit. One girl was all 'rigvh'.,', and last Christmas, 'two girls were ill right. but if he should bring m9? three irls this Christmas, and I. preten ed to be pleased, Lberre' might be mo shopping him. It: would be {our girls next Christmas am! five girls the next Christmmsg unrnmnm JUNI- Rev. J. I Wilkinlon, in an inna- vit‘h advocate. of the Lord’s Day Alliance. He regarded t‘hem as “buy bodies, w‘bo, as sen-appoint- ed judges, go about peeking into the keyholeo of the homes of res- pectable people, to observe it any infraction of the Sunday Law :9 going on.” Ind nix girls the next Christmas; and sevenâ€"No! No triplets this Christmas. Miss Eliza McCormick returned home last week, after visiting with hiends for the past month in King Tp., Toronto, and other places. Mrs. Hugh Edwards is laid up with a severe attack of the grip. line Lizzie Binnie of Station! Normal School, is holidaying at home at present. Mr. Sanay McCormick, of British Coiumbia, came home last week. :nd expects to remain for the win- a. Mr. Willie Edwards, and sisters, of Glenx-oaden, intend moving into Ir. Thou. Nichol’a house. We wel- come them to our burg. me than: to our bur Mr. and Mrs. Jack cDomald of Durham, visited It 'tbe home of their nude, Mr. John McDonald. on .qmlaz. Many in this neighborhood m1 my to hear of the illness of Mr. Charlie Par uharlon at Port Wil- liam, but a] hope to hear of his qpeeay recovery. Chan-no was a (ox-ma achool teacher in this burg. Miss Katie McParlane is at pres- ant atayin with hen-grandma 'nt Boothv lo. In. Warwick. who hu hud the damn“. attendance for the Mr. Jim McArthnr, and his moth- C. of the 4th concession, cflled on this: McCormipk family_ an_Mor_xday. DI BEAU. DECEMBER 22. 1910 O MUM. Editor and Proprktor. WHAT I DON’T WANT. '. I'M! IN. Thou. Bub, BUNESSAN. i The mwnicipa‘l races are already :fairly well filled with competitors, Messrs. E.W. Hunt and Thos. Mc- Fadden (or the reeveship; Mr. W. ‘Weir, and Councillor McNally, for 'the deputy s ell/air; while a bunch of lusty youngsters, Messrs. Sam. Baines, T. Brodie, Joseph Young, Dunc. Sinclair, and J. Callahan, are .men-tioned as likely ones to ‘compete with “Uone Joe” Firth, .w‘ar ‘horse J.A. Molilllam, :for the ’Cowncillor seats. It promiiâ€"es It: be a most interc‘rfing election dhom in town ‘and vicinity con- cerning the repeh‘l d the 101211 op- tion By-law., the right to vote on the inane being refused, the elect- on o! that municipality. Pea-eon- ally. we are one of those people who are known as total abstainems, the) More it makes comparatively no difference to us whether it is local option or not. However, the fremsal to allow the electors to vote on the question, seems to us to be somewhat unfair, "We are mudh pleased to 10mm at time of Writing, Monday, that Mr. Chas. Farquhatrsom is improving nicely A meeting was "beld 1n the 561100] on Friday last to rear anize the Green Grove Lite-nary ociety for the season. We have no particu- lars as yet. Mm. Chas. Ritchie, Edrna. Miss S. Kennedy, and M1. Murray Ritdhie, called at the home of Mr. amd Mrs. John Hewitt one evening recently. We wish to extend our very best Wiches t-o Ye Editor and staff, all brother correspondents, and all readers of the Chronicle, for a Merry Christmas, amd a bright, Hggpy mnd Prosperous New Year. The quicker a cold in gotten rid of, the loan the danger from pneu- monia and other serioul diseases. In. B.W.L. Ball, of Waverly, Va, «ya: “I lirmly believe Chamber- lain’s Cough Remedy to he abso- lutely the beat preparation on the market 10: eolda. l have recom- mended lt to my til-lends, and they all agree with me." For sale by Gnn’a Drug Store. Mrs. Richard Banks has had a .fime granite monument erected over her husband’s grave. It is a piece of good workmanship, and was purchased Mom the Hanover Marble Works. the farm. They have been most o-bliging, kindly, neighbors, and shall take with them the good wishes of a wide circle of ac- (Kimiai'ntances and friends. We wish t' em every success in old Durham. On Thursday, Robt. Hastie held- lhis sale, and though the storm raged, the family are held in too high esteem for it 'to keep the the crowds away. The bidding was fairly brisk in .all lines and everything [as disposed g‘f‘ in Mrs. C. Ritc'hie, da'u hten' Edma Mr. Murray Ritchie an Mina Susan Kennedy, of Buneasan, spent a p-leasant evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. McCanneJ, recent- ly__ .. --_ ., -_ L Mr. Robt. McFadden spent a week ago Sunday with friends in a northern burg. In it much cold- er_pp t‘_h_at way, Bop? ,_t__,4. For over :a score of years, we’ve penned items far the Chronicle, and we realize that mhe circle or acquaintances and Jriends has greatly enlarged ; so to every reader on! the bright, ably- edited, newsy weekly, to the scribes, stat! and Chief, we wish more heartin and sincerely, a right royal Merry ,Christmas. To make sure of this, come to Zion’s Christmas Tree concert on Satur- day_ eveuiing. “‘ 0 Q , J _ __ â€"â€"d _ Little Norman Blair had .a se- Vere attack of pneumonia Last week, but under Dr. Gun’a cafe}, is recovering nicely. Tom and Mrs. Blair are also suffering from se- vere colds2 or_la grippg. 1 Mr. Alf. Murray‘s :..z-1-3 came off on WednesdaV lam Wut' :. and: despite the high wi:1,d 'a good V crowd gathered, and pric.. were, well maintained. Mr. and M :3 Murray 'have rented a 'house iv, town, and will «s’h-prtly retire :fromi good time. Hay brought $11 a ton in the barn. Rob. is anxious for other lines of activity, and his mother, thcug'h smart as a maid- en, at 74 years, teels it is time s‘he took a quieter and less active life. She will remain on the farm {or some mom-tbs yet, unless a quick purdhauer wants {possession They have 'had some airly good offers already. Mr. S. Pattemsm, and his daugh- ter, of Egremomt, were up to the sa‘le, and made themselves useful indeed. 1.. ' Hourly Anyone I” lulu-o A Spun- did Growth of Ed! and grow new hair, that we per- sonally give our positive guaran- tee to refund every penny aidns for it in every instance re it does not give entire satisfaction to the user. Rexall “93” Hair Tonic in as pleasant no use as clear spring we- it; 5:03, Iidtiyetlight'mlly “perinatal, or 0 hair ”Two man-eta m hilly tekeno rink. Golden“ our-boreâ€" nvmam. kaumaoo. , DON "1' BB BALD TRAVERSTON. on Dec. 27th. "Also Saturday, Sunday, and Moudz, Dcc.31st, and Jan. y1 ao-and find, good to return Tueoda-y, : Jam. and. 5d, Faro and one-third ticket will he be on weWedncoda, Dec. 21st, th. to Honda Jan. 2nd,wd11h return mâ€"lhnt of aha-day, Jan. “111. Be atigurc your tickets_ road 01.3, [qr VARNEY. Inn-t week’s budget. he annual Christmas We at the Vmey Sunday school, will be held on Monday, Dec. 26th, in the dhurch,w1em a splendid woman will be rendered, consisting of dialogues, drills, recitatious, cho- ruses, Instrumental selections, solos, etc. This will be one of the belt yet. Admission} :20 gand__15c. Sam. Caldwell, Who has been out West for the past summer, retunn- ed “name an Thunsday {night 'of last week. We are glad to .see ”him back again, bwt will mot be able to keep ’him longer than spring, as_ be hyt-endza to returp then, J o'hn Leifh tr'eta't-ed ‘himBeM to a dandy .new cutter a couple of we_e_,lm ago. Minus Winnie Blytth spent 3 might with her comein, Maud Bur- nett, of your town, last week, and took in the school concent. last, the fo-llowimg officers were elected and duly instaldod afar t‘hc coming year: W.M., Jas. Petty; D. M., T1105. L-om ; Ch'a p., J.W. Blyt’h: Rec. Sec., kWil m‘t Bivth; Fm. Sec.. Wm. Long; Trea:s., R.J. Eden: D. n4 0., Earl Matthews; Lectuarer, J Eden; Committee, Jos. Leznnox. W Davis, Jo'hm Queen, W. Drew, and S. (f‘hia'pmmn; Tyler, Alf: M-chbe. Cam. Lauder was mot long ‘home from Ema-over, when they new. for ’him to come back again to help repair up. This goes to show than Cam. is} 30991 faithful f_ellow. We were very sorry to hear of Mrs. D. McOrie getting her arm broken, but We sincerely hope she may-100111 be able 'to use rt a ain. We wish our old friend, erb. Vollet, and his newly wedded bride, of Poplar Hill, .many years of_‘lrappin_e§s and Brospecrity. We regret to learn-01f the death in Saskatchewan, of Herbert 11'â€" vine, a former resident -of Bar- ber’s Camera, and son of Mr. R.B. Izrvine, and son-in-law of Mn‘. Wm. Morrison. We are sure 'we voice the sentiment of the communih in expressing sympathy to the 301'â€" ro_w ing wif__e and relatives. Mrs. James McLaughlin is'ou't avt figugeen J unctiop with her mouhm, A miaxn who does [not live many miles from Durham told me a atory of a hem of 3his, and I'Would like to know who has a men that cam beat it. The story is as fol- lows, am-d, I believe, true: One Sunday, ‘he and some more of the family, :went to church in the Ileig ',h and when they went to blanket the homes, out jumped one Off his 'hens, and they tried 'to catch but could mot, but when they came out of churdh,t1he hen Wars in their own sleigh, land they covered her over with a blanket, amd away home they 8 ed. When in their own barnya'r , out jumped the hen, and she 'had laid an egg in the meantime. Pretty pious hem that could not lay an egg on Sunday without going to church. bevfm'e do- ing so. She was a Wyiamdaot'te. THIS WEEK’S BUDGET. Mrs. Arthur Sewell, :from Owen Sound, is visiting her anther and mother, Mr and gMns. John McCal- A. Seim, o'ur genial poet master and otorekeeper, was down to Holstein on Tuesday of last week on business. Youm Mlmble scribe was in Bol- r‘ein on F1' may on 'busmesss in con- Inectdjzw. with the Vrarney :sdh-pol. Those who attended Ithe -Winter Fair at Guelp‘h last week ‘fzrom Vanne were Measns. Colin Blyth. Wm. ‘ranrt, Matthew Barber, Ad- am Pettigrew, Henry Wilkinson, and y_m_1r 'humble scribe. mom. Mr. Jae. H Allam is an aim on the “Md selling books am. wall m'fflt- ‘ ~9~1.Tlm is lookmg after the Christm" s tapde. We Wish ‘him fho immatest suumsa At the regular mee‘timg of _L.O.L.__689,_‘h(_eld on Friday night. Con. Krelle‘r, from the 1West who has been visitin .for the past few weeks around arney, will return 'to his home 0111 Wednesdm <1! this week. He did initsnd taking acam load of ‘horsm. bu 'Esays 'he (-91" '1 uy them as cheap in the West as here. Two young men, Salvation Army workers, rspeurt a pleasant visit with Mr. and Mm. .J. '11. Allan, Int 3 short time last week. them as .ch‘ea- in the We: as here. We are gla to f-r'fionm readene of Vanney news that Mrs. Wm. Long is getting along well in the Fergus 'ho_spibal. Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Blyt'h visited Mr. John Backus last "Week. MT. B. was verv memr death’s door, but we are glaa he is improving. We hope he may 130011 be in good health again. Don‘t forget the Christmas Tree on Monday night nextâ€"and come. There ““15 a large crowd at A'rc'hie McDonald’s sale on Saltwr- day, and things sold well. R-nbf Brigham was auctioneer, and, as 380:1, did well. Bob is 'hard to ea . SINGLE FARE C.P.R. CHRIST- MAS AND NEW YEARS, 1910-11 Return tickets to all points it; A ' sleigh 'lotad of Vanneyitea drove back to Ham'pden to attend their agniyarsazry. Does your back ache? Don‘t ex- periment with invitations, ‘but et the genuine, “The D.L.” Ment ol Plaster. It cures. Davig Law- Canada, Port Arthur md East, and to mum, Niagara Falls, N. Y., Detroit, and :50 stations in Maine and "Vermont will be on sale wt all 35'?“ 925“”?003“ “é“‘sfifind ‘“ g e 1 e, om ay, Sunday, Monday, gecember 24, 25. 5nd 20th, good ytg return Tuesday, " C00, THE DURHAM CHRONICLE l " ceived some good ‘advice ”tram t'he editor of ' he Fleshe torn Advance, in a recent issue Oif that journal; Whatever may bv the doug‘hty reeves motive for lessen- ing the Continua“ inn Grant to the CLASSIC CITY CHRONICLES ‘ OBSERVATIONS IN GENERAL. : thn had an entertainment in his school on Wednesday \of thisweek,‘ and three teachers who formerly taught in South ’G1rey took part in the mgram, namely, Mess/vs. J.H ‘ Smi , B.A., I P.S., 'Geo. W. SIaugh-' w‘w’ D. g l ‘ .U.’ “W. vv . â€"-â€" â€"a_ ter and W.’J. Blakeston. E very youngster and “oldeter” too. for that matter, is :anx- iously awaiting the arrival of Santa Claus. “Sandy’s” effigy ocâ€" cupies a prominent position in nearly every store nowadays, so that he should lbe meadiily rec-3g- mized wlhen he makes his midnight visit on Christmas 'Eve. May the jolly, good-manned old tellf have a gift for everyone. mining overtime, nearly night, .ouir factories have still been unable to fill all the orders they have received this tall. One factory has almost doubled WE ca- acity for turning our furniture, at is still 'behin with its ship- meats. Koo many men are willing to run for Mayor and Aldermen, when their services are evidently so liat- tle appreciated by the public in eneral. Just mention the word, ‘taxea,” to an ordinary ratepayer, and it will have the same _e.ffec;_as mies. Pliblic and High :Schm.)lzs of South ' Grey, it is not we formad untitled one, to say the least. In our humi- ble opinion, ’he deserved the onus- tic, t’hough wholesome, advice, f‘reely tendered to him by the m -. spoken editor of the Advance. i I t is often a mystery to mz why every man in a com- munity ‘doesn’t take his loocal‘ newspaper. There is not a better paying investment that «I know of1 than a subscription to the village; or town ‘paper. The local happen-i ings alone are worth more than cents a week. to say nothing about the exceedingly useful hints and helps along all lines of work, including particularly the farm and home. Local newspapers al- most without. exception, champion every good cause, and without their help, many -of the Local re-‘ tor-ms we are new enJoyin would not have been so rea ily o tained. Many a time has the local 'paper exposed the fraudulent \schemes of f smooth, oily-tongues ‘trickzsters, and thus saved the public .from be- ing fleeced. Often I have heard men say, “that 'is the use of taki- ing The â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" ?” ing in it ’but advertisements,” as ifl that isn't one of the best reasons why the local paper should be talc- an by everyone We buys and sells. A live, wide-awake, u‘p-t‘o-date man wants to know where he can sell ‘his goods to the best advant-i age, and 'buy What he needs at the most reasonable price. It is the fellow who never “reads the paper’. that sells his ashes to the ash pedl-' lar, and props this balm door with. rails. 5 trauma 1! preparing for a big local option campaign. » ’ '1 :-3y 2 cents -a Ité V. UUIIIII ua uvavvq W awwHâ€"W Bancssan; and the Misses Annie E.‘ .id Agnes McGrimr, of Dur‘ham.‘ have than to pretty strenu»1 o. -: term’s Work, and will doubtless en; )y their well-earned holidays. Alamy a Christmas dinner will be minus turkey this year, as that particular bnand of 'flowzl is too hug‘h priced :for the pocket book of the ordinary mortal. Twenty pound flow them on the market bo-day, 17th, Fortunately geese could be had lfor 12 or 13c., which is dear enough. Christmas Carol was recited recently b Mr. :Williamaon, of Toronto, under the auspices of the Y.M.C.A.. Dramatic Club. Mr. Williamson’s impersonations were most admirable. We (never Upent a more pleasant and profitable ev- gnting since coming to "the Classic 1 y. S 'plend‘id s‘leighing is making business brisk, and the mer- There is noth. chants are happy. There is noth- ing like a plentiful supply or! the beautiful to make things run smoothly in more ways than one. * Deafness Cannot be Ocrsd b local application. as they cannot reach the «inauguration oithc car. there is only one way tccnrc deafness. and that is by m- tional remedies Deafness is caused M an In- flamcd condition of the mucous lining at the Eustachian Tubs. When this tube is inland ea you have a rambling bound or i. and when it is on not closed. tacit, and unless the lamwatinn can he bk. out and this tube rcsurod tom normal hearing will he (intro ed forever; nine mass on oftenmaucd by tau-h. which is nothing is expected that she vote Will take butan um condition ofthcunoons cal-tacos place in January 1912. As we have never had the opportunity of 11v-” inc in A “dn'v” nunininnlflwr chillusznollnndI-cdbolhntocaa case Dcatncsucaascd by man-hp that can“, he cured by Hall‘s Octanh Con. Goad to: m. L-- a red rag mason a mad bull. Our, rate is high, '27 mills, but we are! getting an adequate treturn IfOP the outlay. We cannot keep our cake and eat it moo. ‘ ! t our correspondent was more. 3 man delighted to have Mr. Alfred Hardy, of Delvora'jne, Mam, drop in to see Ihim one dlaxy last. week. Mr. Hiardxy was on his way; tram the Prairie Province to his' old home in Swin'ton Park. All reâ€",, ceived the finishing touches :of his education under the supervision of your scribe, in flhe old “Hillside A- cademy.” so well known to the boys of N o-rflh ‘Proton, away back! in the “eighties.” My! how old we are getting. C ‘harivaris are not usually per- ‘ mitted in a city, but the rule, was broken recently in 'flhis burg.’ The occasion was flhe return of the! Boys’ Secretary of the Y.M.C.A.. flhe llama-us “Billie” Woods, of. Marathon flame, and his bride, fnom. flheir wedding tour. The boys presented their popular [Secretary’ with a beautiful china closet, and. completed the celebration with an, old-fashioned c‘harivari. Of course a few “old boys” showed the younger fellows ’how 'to do it, and: the latter proved apt pupils. It' was a “howling” success. appy smiles adorn the faces of our public school peda- gogues these days. A generous increase in salaries is the cause out! a big local option campaign. It is expected that the vote will take place in January 1912. As we have never ‘had the opportunity of liv- ing in a “dry” municipality, we are not in ta position to say much about its benefita, 'but we do know gomet‘htngoboutfle (results of the flh-e street, and the worst of it is.* The W would be a nice most of flh-em are mmrriedmnd hard (film-Mas {present for that boy up, With all that means in «8 City away from (home. It would force when food and fuel m 80 high, him to remembu- you gvory week. that it is difficult to make ends and tr wages. If local opton meansl better fed and clothed children, xppier homes bard logger £11131)ng an we want , a more an that, we are your} to have it. 3%.!“ t':° 7”" “d tried all be: T he lollowlng Norm 1 school Mm ind “indent- lun 30m Grey left " 11%;, wdfowmmm a. . for the Christmas holidays, mu Ky. “l‘wo pleasant looking phys'ogmo- ea'lly, it is surprising Why eeve Agnew, of Meafiomd, re- ’ much I J. CHENEY 4:00.. memo. Donna, DEC. 2: . know Sold by Drum“ 760. Fall Wheat ............ 3 or the In. aur- Emily mm W. Spring What. .......... y day, Om r! a t ng‘ -â€"".â€"""’ m .................... 1 i8, 12119 W m be . nice 0’. ................ d hafd 0mm. present for flat boy Buy .................... 1 'ahgghy .wa-ytogm (home. It would force ' are: .................. 9 him rembu M 0V” week. I .................... B mmmudu’mlmk $011000 Potuoeo. [JOIN ...... ‘ Id 181? 0‘ a. M m ”on. r m ......... ‘ meansl Gaunt pot luck ...... : Ifldretn, â€"â€"-¢â€"â€"â€"â€" - . 0'3 .......... ‘ abands Ll" op. cwt it. ”M 1“ two yam. “d M“ Ill 8. COO:...:O;.::: 0‘ th. t pm m mo" w 00000000000000.0000 that“, could do mm. lillo‘.....u. 00.00.0000 ' 1 one a» m Thou. 3. Williams. w"... |' m. x . m lub" ......C...‘.... I mu ’ o “3:- W...:.O.....OOOI.... d. .m . m ..d . ' ' Mono- Ema” h” m ,0, ” WOOOOQOOQQQOOQOO râ€"' V-“ wrâ€"uuwna i Army a Christmas din-new wmlNot‘hirn could be m;’;;“})~'cnmâ€"cm 1 t be :9?an gmke ghgzwxfg’txifw anemic women and children, t :1 am men arr mm 1 . r . . 3 high griced for the pocket book of elderly people W‘lwae .streagth I ithe ordinary mortal. Twenty (“Hug md all persons run-down cents 'a pound for them on the and debilitated. $1.00 bottlem market bo-day, 17th, .Eortunnately geese could be had that 12 at: 13c., â€"-.'â€"â€" Which is dear enough. .IJOW RATE FOR Ohmistmas Carol male recited CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEARS recently b Mgr. :Willinmoon, Via Grand mu]; Railway Sys- ol 'l‘onmto, . er 'the auspncea ofgtem, between all stations in (530,. ’the Y.M.C.A. Dramatic Club. Mr“ . . Williamson’s impemmtions were , “1" “‘0 “00 Den-oat and Port Bur moot admirable. We [never upentgo'n. m» Bufmoo Black 3031“ h" a more (pleasant and profitable ey- Mam '1’th n'nad Suspension Bridge Sening since coming to the Clawcgfi.Y” at Single Fare, good going IC'W- Insemina- 94- 911 mm mm. 1910. re- Bum-essan; and the “Misses Annie E. ;.!‘d Agnes McGimr, of Dm‘ham. '1 :3? have had (3 pretty «st-rem):- 0‘ -~. term’s work, and will doubtless en; )y t‘heir well-earned holidays. “lastly a Christmas dinner will hp. :m'i-n-lm tmkev this year. OS Splendid s‘leighing is making business brisk, and the men'- chants are happy. There is noth- ing like a plentiful supply of the beautiful to make things run smoothly in more ways than one. THE YEAR 1910 fitters suppliu. Engines and‘l‘hmdzera. Sub and Drum. Mag and General Wood Wat-k. Iron and Bra-u Castings and xenon! Repairing. F‘eed hnilom. 33mm THE DURHAM FOUN DRY C. SMITH Gt SONS, DURHAM. ONT. F J. CHEERY t. 00.. Tobin. 0| Strength and vitality are coni- “Ill 01‘ billed in the invigorating find I) Ferrovim, Which consists of fresh, _- ,___, lean beef, Citrate Of Iron. and DURHAM 8‘ pure old Spanish Sherry Wine. mum tun Nothing could be more beneficial -â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" fou' anemic women and children, £1‘3M‘3h‘3“ elderly peopte W‘hmb‘e strength is an. Intuhlnnlor} (filing, find all persons run-down r.“ 'hfdh'm" and debilitated. $1.00 bottleIL mm'cz Mm 'Faik and Suspension Bridge N .Y.. 01: Single Fare, good going Decembeu' 24, 25, and 2611h,191o re- tum limit Tuesday,D December 27, 19101130 . od December 31, 1910211911 “mm 30" foiand 2nd,1911 valid”).d returning until Tuesday. Jan- mid mil infbmtton lrom W: 3nd. 1911. A| Me and one third, good goi- fnx December 2m, 1910, to Mon :1 “my 2nd, 1911, inclusive. valid PM: until Wednesday, Janu- Ir! Wk. 1911. Secure your ticket: h, ’0“!- guwipflon until use; 111911.11: e1 tour saw" htll Ghoul-Gad 3 contest. MARKET REPORT DEC. 22. 1910 800!0 wmww wwfiw 3’17 75w wwflmw. 3217 75 “MD DOPPIIHN'I 21h! 1n“. ,” ”5’. January 2nd 1911 i,..| m \ .2 returning unlu \\ edln Nil-IV. “M, 1911. “or. tirkets .. J. TOW'NER. Farmers’ Central 0'; Mutual Fir_e Insurance 0; buud llohted dwelling. at no .0 alt at... and under low- iFARE nndONE-THIRI) W. J. MCFA[)|)EN. Ag’t. 0m ONTARIO W All sutlons In Canada â€"â€" .3 W3 and ‘ ruins: III W‘LII‘ IC‘XI'HI' A“ "FF 7*) w”. 'I lnkmtn [khan his. Autumn: AI! Want a! the I'm t: “u. m%: Limtwn Compa- snd Art hquflpr unthi- adv-Int atmm c MIA“ wmmuumprpw COIPAhY m w Strongest Purcl Hamil Ill. luau-a Colman) In Ommo nan omen. - Walkerton. OI ‘ December 24. :25 and ”mm | Ill“. Tum-d» y. llmwmhm ma w ‘00d [{0ng lhwmn’wl m0, und Jcnunry 131 mm 2:..1. "fid returning until TUPbda.). my 8rd. 1911. m undersigned h9g5 [u announce to l‘ebideute of DIM and surrounding country. that he hm- hi. Mning Ml“ Illd Factory mplcud and is pwpured In ate orders for m ‘ limited amount of Iron work and machine re- paint. Acdlsoliciwd. Ask (or quotations on yuur :CURSIONS fl b I vqotppod n warm. 7. EW 3 ~10; «ppm» .1 D. ‘. Ill till Junior lama; uur Mr!“ I "I. The following coupemm out a Single Fare SASH, DOORS House Fittings [whine Oil. Harness 0'11. Ana Grease and H001 Ointment, go m C. F. GA UNDERG um um uwumn'n and nu mm o! w. m ”u ‘--'0 “.0 should cut-r M a" .- If M10; 1303“,, on and New Year’s I and full infurmuinn B. GUN. 'l‘nwn Agent. K. Depot Agent. 1910 #1 man“ a bum it a must W‘- “it“. I“ h I n. Wan-non. M U’ mw-Ininon. 0T 3]. m Chum Comr .hahd (Inn ONTARIO {It

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