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Durham Chronicle (1867), 22 Dec 1910, p. 7

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M'TUTB M'Hing' Mirrors Shaving Mirrors and ROI) Bonn es, cigars, etc. asand r Year uly our many [ATRS FUR ISTMAS AND NEW YEARS Errand Trunk WI] 8y.- rtween all Itationl in C8- )cmuu. DEC. 81 1910 est............. ”'9. heat .......... ”I. » tn Detroit and Port Bur- n, Buffalo, Black Rock. In- hlls and Suspension “.0 t Single Fare, mood to!!! up your aubcripflon I“ It 1911, and get tour (to... Bean-Guessing cont“. ’nsbes til Brushes Ebony Nail d inluaFy 131 and 20d, 1m Eur-um; untxl Tuesday. ’9' , 1911. re and one third, [00‘ embvr let, 1910, to ' 2nd. 1'11. inclusive. V 1g until Wedneodny. Jili- . 1911. Secure your tick.“ .1 information tron 028‘ Agents. rouayear RKET REPORT ()UNDRY HA“.ONT. ~r :34. 25. and 20th, 1910. r0- L'xt Tuesday, Decembc I" 3 gm“! going Degegnb. 31p ICKET OFFICE CK~ u“! Dunn's. Pinning“ estions STORE a very and vitality an co.- lt' invigvrratinfl boned 'hich curtains 01 fresh, 'itr'ate Hf Iron, an. {parlish Sherry Wine. lld be more benefidll Wumt'll and children. »le whuse.mength b all par-sons rnnodOWI ted. $1.00 W 1910 wwww wwnw 33.17 Christmas and New Year’s EXCUR 3.19.373 At Single Fare UH)“ wing December 24. 25 and 'b .-. mm limit Tuesday, December 33,1? 191.», 31.0 gnod gums December .‘f'. 1.0.1.. and Junuary 18% and 20d. 51“. ,‘Iul returning until Tmodsy. Eilnlllfl “ “H.“ “”l' M FAR E and ONE-THIRD n1_L ‘ll‘n Lâ€" Farmers’ Central Mutual Fire Insurance no «! (wing “Member 2183, 1910, to “ruin. January 2nd, 1911, incluoive; up] {wrurumg 00111 Wodneudny, mum}. 1L1], 1911. 5mm“ tit'kvts and full informstion m, JAUH‘H. R. GUN. Town Agent, ,J. THWSER, Depot. Agent. Ind Office. - Wal‘kgrton, The-ohm! 'm moron hi equipped in tannin. “My. 111 ohvmal n 300' '33.. “up m. hr tuh Junior Leaving ad IOW- Umon u orb The following "pot-t a“ u. bobarga: PLANING MILLS tuni. ALLANPmdpal. m Cbn cmm nu- snijmm sum... Eudfl. unann- Il'. lekaé-ping and Writing. mm l)U.\AI.UA manmwynz. RA. Mono M Queen'- I niv-‘Diz. “u.“ bin. French. AIM. Ar“ . I185 AMY KDGI. Grad” “h” d Idneat'um Bubjoou: um... .I. Gammon. awn 33‘ m Kneading atudanu should cu n no to.» .Iofthe term if Mk. Bond “I U“- Ibodu MuOMMQ ates. M- b . mg i um" wwx, mm). 1! II‘ a.» “of tendon“. Pun n duper “at“ J. 3. “1111111). 0 “I“ DURHAM SCHOOL. COIE’ANY The Second Strongest Pun! lutul fin Insurance (Io-puny In With Machine Oil. Harm 0“- Axte Grease and 3001 Ointment, go to S. P. SAUNDERO Between All Station II CID“: __ Custom Sawing Promptly At- tended T o ZENUS CLARK DCRIAM T he undersigned beg- to ammunce to residents of Durham and surrounding country. that. be has his Planning Mill md Factory completed 3nd is prepared to take orders for pain. A cull solicited. Auk for quotation: on your next job. SASH,DOORS and all mm of â€" House Fittings 8'1 AFF AXD EQUIP")! 'U‘lcl ONTARIO in thank!“ SANTA CLAUS 0F THE W000. bells. Co children that are wise and goodâ€" Che Santa Claus that trims the trees Of Christmas in the wood; [Got in a single night he loads the boughs with gift and erodle here. 8h. no; to trim the forest tree be labors all the year. summer tarried while he hung the bauble balls of sill! and spore Upon the bosom of the ooh Hnd silver sycamore. Che autumn lingered while he wove the silver fibers and the floss 01 gold and amber in the lap I Find apron of the moss. 5|. m m °' ““9 “D ‘”"' leiss Lily Boyd is home ham 56 WWW up and find and 'mkllilégzs Ladies College tom the rain ' ' V ' - - Mr. Fred Norrie arrived Irom th( mm“ W cull. m m “'d West om Friday, to spend the hoi- m. tiday season here. ' Chm man his W of dmfi fl" ; Miss Lulu Mitchell is home flrom Hbout the fumed haw. i’l‘omon-to Nomma‘l School. Find. tndrilticd. be hung the mu ! Mr. Jae. White, bus driver, met flow bench to bougbâ€"O Mal) tn- With a painful accident last week .While at Ilia. duties he slipped and 2: far as“ antics of the W 1-611. C Sprammg glad tW'I‘b-Et badly. an m“. Dr. arter attain. le -0 t' e injury. "mm" °f a” which will keep him in elnd'm‘ced 17515 We. carol to the hymn 0' mm “’4‘ “m “'9‘ M prained ankle, Mr. D McTavis-h "“3 g a movered sulficiemfl to et ma goody-m the womb“! and 93¢ om crutchm y g 0' “‘9‘“ in “N 'Wflv Mr. Amthomy Kenny, who, .fifty- bio “flu 8|"! 0 mm W gevem vea’l‘a ago settled in AT??- Cbat app!“ down the an“! M meaia, has rented his farm cm the 0' "Ivan brooks. bio toy W 4th line to Mr. Sam. Shiems, and ' ' dgughter, 3113's. Hallll, mov- MADONNA AND CHRIST CHILD. Mrs. Barber and Mrs. King, of Georgetown, first-ems 01 Mr. IF. W. 1Sea-arch, were present at the tuner- la'l of Master Edwin Search, and ‘Mrs. Archie .McDougall, niece of i Mas. Search, was also present. Mr Andrew Bentham has return- ‘eri from the city to spend some . time at his home here. i Miss MacKenzic, assistant in the 7Cmntinuation school, and Miss ,Switzer, of the public school s.aff. ileave this Week to spend the holi- :days at their respeciive homes, ‘Listowel and Kirkton. 5 Miss Campbell, millimeu‘ at F. (i. :Ka'rsted't's, has game to but home {at Walkertmi for ghe holidays. Mr. Hildebramd't is in Strwtford om business. Mr. and Mm. Eml'ey Graham are guests for the holiday, of the for- m-enr’c sister, Mrs. W. Carl-den. Mrs. John Budd-e , and three children :fcrocm the est, are visit- ing her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Wolfe. Mr. amd Mrs. Emerson Kinnee and family, of Vancouver, B. C., are viaitin the *former’e parents. Mr. and .- m. John Kinnee, amd’ other nfmiendns and relatives in town. FLESHERTON. Mr. John Chadwick, of Yellow era‘ss, Sask., who was a residem of Axrtemesia ovea' thirty years ago arrn’ed here last Week to visit old f'rzeuoas. MA load of young people fa'nm here attended the opening of the new skating rink at Dundaalk gm Frjfla‘y eveming. _, _. p 'r smu‘- "4-,! L'LLJ‘IALIJ \ Mrs. Rfif'é'fiéw, of Lion‘s Head. is on an extended visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Thurs- Willuu “""r' idlenessmflotr some-iâ€"{ime Lpower Since we .0 g y b L aaxuu a-.- Aile‘r lom' weeks laid up with‘betting Bill last spring, or else] 'prained ankle, Mr. D. Mc’l‘avis'hfl'hey are trying to {latter hits, with his daughter, Mrs. Hall, mov-‘ta'rmeirs to Durham, - . ed to Barrie to reside. ' ' '1 option? Yeafl MT. M. Marcellus, studanrt in 0.3a cent per bwshe ° ' A..C., Guelph, in 3 mg the hol-‘ tam-meme to Durham, or away (rom day season With is hi‘other here.‘ it, or a couple of cents on the Cgt last regular meeftmg of . the dollar will canoe them to buy in - .C.F.. the forlloyvmg officers Durham, Mt. “Forest, [the T. Eaton gore elocted; Chief councillor, Company, as the case may be. 110-: palm? am amalgam ° “'1 W... Li“ “2;“ ii” "‘25 o 9 . 9 o 0 ll! ,‘ . . ‘ Acct. Rec. Mrs. H.8mi ° . n . or: so muc goo ’ 1t '38 ire ' g. Bum-t; Prelate. Mm. ILC. LeGard',which they have been ke t loa' amhall, W. Burnett; Wardenuao long by the'pu‘eas an usineaa MN. J.A. Lever: Guard, Rom.;mem in general, claiming it was? M00??? Sentinel, T-A- Blake-1y; Pat; dialoyal and meam for: them to buy. 901' call away ”mm the home town, theljuat because they could do alit-,' ' tle bit better, when their own town‘ ‘h expense in pro- viding good accommodation :for them, for when there was good ‘nlurml: U‘ I WUV wâ€"- _ the action of the present couneildligh candidates were slated for nomin-i the atiorn on Monday next. The pres-t ed 1 ant council will all be in the tieldé wou At the meeting of Prince Arthuitha Lodge on Md: ni ht, Charleymuc'l Wu raised to t~ In lime degree' put PERSONAL. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Mr. David Hamilton and eon John. attended the Fat Stock show at Guelph He has been an exhib- itor tor the past two years. Means. Jan. and Alex. Allan re- turned home a week ago, from i Municipa‘l politics are 'beg‘innjng: {to warm mp, and ‘by next ween;- gmay be real 'hot. The population ‘of ngemomt ‘h'ats increased asuffic- lien'tly in the past year to give us! in depu'tyqreeve, which will also ! a‘dd 'heat to «he .mflfuair. _ ' their duties in connection with {he Morley Twine 00., Sioux City, 0W3. Mr. Robt. Reid returned home from the West on Saiurday. 01' course, 'he don’t exaculy live on this lme, but we appropriate the item, and say we are ad glad to have him retumn. Mr. Dan. and Mixes Jessie Eccles, of Dromore, 'paid a vusit to our domicile a Week ago awwday', and attended (the service in SL Pauls church. The Durham Methodist chow- spent Friday evening pleasantly in the home 01 Mar. Rom. Mend Mr. Robt. B'a'rbour bought one of AS. Hunters thoroughbred Here- ford bulls liatet week. it is a fine specimen, and “he 18 :to be cong-raL- ula'ted on his enterprise. Mr. Jacob Fortmey, of Normanby, w-a‘s over this way a WBcK .agu, skunk hunting, and made mime doi- l-a'm per day. The skunk market must be stromg this year. Mm. Jo'hm Lawrence, sr., is suf- fering Isro'm gm attack of bronc‘hiLias at eoent. ins Ma‘ud Hamilton returns home from Tonoomto on Friday, to spend the winter with her parents. Four or five of V-anney’a most valued church m-c-mbens 113% late- ly s'ha‘ved at; their qgustaphes. Towers to the height of eighty feet are being constructed by Govennmant officials over our town-ship, one near Dromore, and others near the south-east corner. The people seem cwrious to know What they are to be used atom, and surprised that none of the offi- cials are able to tell, bun most ulikely the genera’l ‘run of Gov- ernment officials don‘t know. They gs‘hovuld ask H.H. Miller. The Be- .view last week says he is doing things, and carrying measures a- gainst the wishes of-‘the Prime Minister, the Minister of Justice, and others of the cabinet. He seems to have gained vastly in ioower since they set aside his they promised ' m the mast dash-on! to see oth- .. cm out their put a? a” to the must. cm! '1‘ tot-ova condemnlns the Govern- W 'en them, spartan-on real buy-1 ‘hc a'nd telling. Thai supply: lfheh- own hocpi 'lit w an they ’ to town, cta'hle t eir horses in 't sheds they have prepared for Sunday accommodation, and those itoo, give much better «satisfaction gt‘han was anticipated, for thev .have become so public through use that there is not one-tenth part oi! the thieving around them .that there was whom less fre- Cfiuented, and they serve very well if rough business hours, though they are mot trusted so far after night, as might be seen by items in the Durham Review, after Far- mere’ Bustit'ute concerts, following - the adoption: of local option. ask- ing why such a falling off in at- tendance, and such a fine .11 ght? -Were they going to lot a 'li’ng - of such value to them drop? But business will be carried on in Dur- ham much as ever, though in fut- u're it Will be by having things u“)- . to-dnte, as the McGowmn Mills: are, . which get so much credit, and not _ an the plea that .farmems :are un- ., de'r obligations to come and denl , with them because of the comforts :it‘hev supply them. Dav for not Going w'htt they shoal to make the Act all that had been claimed {or it. You, {ar- meu feel independent now when they nee bow much interest is yak- Ant-ll thlt mesa reel independent an no how much kites-at is tak- m them, apart uni-om real buyâ€" “ a'nd un' . fl‘hei their own hoapi tit w to town ata'ble t eir t sheds «it Sunday accommodation, and those too, give much better satisfaction than was anticipated, for thev have become so public through use that there is not one-tenth part oi! the thieving around them that there was When less fre- uen-ted, and they serve very well rough business hours, though they are mot trusted so far after night, as might be seen by items in the Durham Review, after Far- mers’ Institute concerts, following the adoption: of local option, ask- ing why such a falling off in at- tendance, and such a fine .nght? Were they going to lot a *h’ug of such value to them d'rop? But business will he carried on in Dur- ham much as ever, though in fut- wre it will be by having things up- to-date, as the McGowam Mill's: are, which get so much credit, and mt an the plea that .fair'nens :are un- der obligations to come and deal . with them because of the comforts .t‘hev supply them. ' Mr. Benn. Woods is now possessor of what has long been known as the Model Farm, Egremont., The ’other deal through at the last moment. ! price, we hear, is about $1300. on horses in The We wish the Editor, the (‘lrr mi- cle staff, and its «numerous readers gand frriends, all the comsplimenta | at the season. ‘ -â€"â€"-.--â€"-â€" i '1!“ they'. the sky clear and ln'ighf. _ organization. we spoke. of fell land benefit of the Kn()Xl‘,i-h. . reverend very table and intensely effective Isms COBNIBI. Ju tom the amount at .now Ina (alien, and is still am this Honday afternoon. 'there will not be, almoct tan- a I - . supply certainty, a green Christmas. they. Mr. Geo. Ellh is a welcome vh- itor in and around the Cornelia, al- ey 1““, prepared for tea- an absence of 15 years, during which time he has been out in the State of Minna-on. where he hu prospered. we are glad to learn, exceedingly well. He speak: quite favorably of that country, with the exception of it being very cold in the winter seas-on. On the date he left, Dec. 12th. it was 16 degrees below zero, with amt a {lake of now on the ground, ans Lat) values have inereased very rapid. ly. Land that: could he ‘zlfu'. 15 years ago for $6 and $7 no. new, is .zno'w worth 870 an acre. The owner of the 160 acre farm (Sow-5w has had rented, bought it a tow vem ago for 82200, mud this fall he wu offered $11,000. No “'(rildt"l' that the Yankees are coming in such large numbers to settle in our Can- adiaan West. By the way. we-f'vncy it is largely through their Lilac!)- ce that the farmems in the West haVe got am “eye-opener" as to the benefit to be derived from an We were ’Iilt‘ll'bt‘d to learn {from Mr. Ellis that he intend- ed to try [and purchase a farm in the vicinity of Orchard. vhere he thinks he will be enal i to en- ‘joy more of the comforts of life than can be had out where he now resides. «‘ Rev. Mr. Little. of Holstein. oc- cupied the pulpit in Knox church on Sunday, much to the pleas’lulre ‘ e gentleman preached a A merry Christmas to all. ii . Miss Arm Hall, am 0. ed (resident * lot this meighboa‘hoo , has been, very poorly, and under the doc-‘ tor’s care. of late. We hope tor? her speedy recovery. ‘ , Mr. C. Moore invested in a new 1 ihorse recently. i . Wood King, Wm. Moore, has a |ga'ng of men in his bush cutting {wood and logs. ; ! Mr. R. Gre or, 'of Mt. Forest” spent a Jew ayws in this neighbor-' hood last Wee-k, He was {accompam .i'ed home by his son James, who has spent the past Jew months a-. zround our shack. A 1 1 Miss Bella Moore, who has spent gthe past itwo or three years out. nWest, is at present visiting her. I old home here. 1 Mr. R. Reid is home .from the v‘gWest, visiting his many :iricnds in flthese parts. , L.O.L. No. 861 held their con- i cert in their hall 3J1 Groeuside, on ,iFriday night last. The weathr'r ”was all that could be desired, the 1‘ hall was packed to the doors. a" ‘. hthe program was A1. As a prom- .Iinent member of 'the Chronicle -1-staff was on deck. and took pm“. «in the program, we’ll not go into ' {details}, but. will 1: ave it to him to B'jgive tbe'rfull grist. _ A - gnnn 1-...IA 4L.‘:n “(3011‘9' When on go to the country takeme-rmon [mom the team: “but no a tim out .avis’ Ment‘bolSalve'alongman deceive himself.” It was on. It is unequalled to welieve mache,fot tbooe kind of sermons that to sprains. cuts. bum and bruises.1li¢ten to would «tend to make a 25 cents. ’pez‘som either a great deal better, -â€".-"' lor a great deal more hardened in «I. mvv v f A 1.01??? I n l‘heart” - IBI‘C ‘uuL “ul- ; L.O.I.. N0. 1192 hflId thvir roguiar {meeting on Monday night, Doc. i12th. avd after routine business, 'and adding one new .momlmtr tr. ‘their list that 10110“?ng officer;â€" webe oiected for the ensuing year: 'Joe Brnwm. W.M.; A'HV. Aline. I). "1., UCU. any)», v--_r., _ , _ Rm. Sec; Will Lawmncp. Fin. Sea: Thee. McFadden. Treas.: W 'I‘. Brown, D. '01 C.; Henry Lawrence. Lect; Domald Wa'tenn, Tyler: HR. Allan, W.J. McFadden, Thos. Ritâ€" ' ‘ -A A-....-JL When you have a cold, get a bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedg. It will soon fix you up all rig t, and will ward of! any tendency toward pneumonia. This remedy contalna no opium or other narcotic, and may be given an confidentl to a baby as to an adult. Sold y Gun’a Drug Store. exceeds t‘he allotted spam Syb. 36 notonlynourinhalhem Musharel‘llfm Scott’s Emulsion God but Penny. SCOTT Dom McWILLIAMSVILLE. MT. Jan. (Watson is in Owen Sound this weekâ€"not in jail, but, We mume, in business. 1 Mn. John Marshall. whom we re- ‘gorted on the sick list in our last . udget, is now convalescent. Her husband, Mr. John Mmrs'rmll, nar- rowly escaped a serious accident :by hailing from the scaxhld onto the barn .floor, from the «fleet of which 'he felt pretty badly shaken ;ug_1or q _¢_lay __o:r two. “‘MxS-and M'l‘s'. DaVP Marshall somewhat improved, also Mr pip-M11311, lately home from West. "Wâ€"é'are aorry to report the very serious illness of Mr. John Bmckus 9! Poplar Hill, with kidney brou- Mr. Archie McDonald’s auction male on Saturday last was largel attended. and fair prim-a ml cows going up to the neighbor- hood ol 850, while the young cattle also realized mgh prices. Mr. Robt Brigham, with that sharp, black, ‘hawk eve of his, can catch on to the hidden and jolly them along a bit, about a swell as the an at o! ' them. blc. V--v-â€" . We will conclude by wishing the :(‘hrmicle and its royal staff,a11d its rumor-nus «roadort: a Merry Christmas and a Happy 1111“ Proc- “mucus New Year. ! Our bwr is iairly well repre- mented in he log buying line. No fewer than three buyens are it work, Mr. J.W giant1 :30:- 3119 {Iago- wulv" w 0 U. " “u... ' U-v â€"â€"â€"_ Iver Furniture Co.; Mr. AJ. Bullet for Durham, and Mr. (LT. Calder {or St. Mary’s. Surely the farmers ‘will profit by the competition. 1 Mr. Alex. Freeman, of Rose City .lflichq is mending a couple a! weeks with friends here. It i5 18 Bears aince Alexa bit here for I Min Bella Vance, of Mosboro, gnea'r Guelph, is the nest of her cumin, Mu. L.B. Nic clean. 3 Mr. Henry 1!. Reid came the" being oeu'iomlly injured while ,d'tawxitng 10f! to the mill. One of .tho link; on the “bunk" brake. and ,in comquence, ‘the‘ load shifted. - -â€"â€"----_.‘I n- When your feet are wet and cold and your body chilled through and through from exposure, take a big dole of Chamberlain‘s Cough Remâ€" edy, bathe your {feet in hot water before going to bed, and you are almost certain to ward off 1 se- vere cold. For sale by Gun’s Drug Stereo. Ithrow'ixng Hmlg to the ground. Ho Jacaped gwith ht injury. Mr. John Mc enme. Queen’s .Utndvernit, Kingston, to homo :loa' Chria g5 fqntiviUes. ‘I A- L‘- Mina Mary Little, oi the Hamilton Normal school returned home for Chrwtmas vacatiugn on: ‘5atLUX‘dfl‘y. -â€"§wn.;0n Saturday, 17th 51151,. to Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Smith. a 018318th- " ‘ 1' ‘14-.. _ Ln... .-v "v“ Mrs. Rev. Marshall, after atwo Weeks’ stay With her muUu-r, MAI. Cavern, in Toronto, returned Mon- day afternoon. Mm. Robt. Main is «seriously ill of pnwmonia” and at time of writ- ing, no 1w es of her recovery are antertaine IW ulna-us...â€" -w--- Mr. Geo. Bye ha. Hum into the residuum lately vncated by 111'. "Aug.“ Andrew â€" L - "_L- ufi;.vi.i.fixhp has some to not: we nudes-mud, to look after I holiness clung iq thnf plac‘e. "WI-J61,“ v-1...“ Mr. Chan. Clarke, 0! Victoria, B. 0., Mid formerly of Grand Vanpy. VII the [out of Holstein friends a couple at! day- lut week. Hi“ Gertie Pettiger is quite 11?. The Farmm’ Institute meetinz' was held here on Wednesday. In: week, and both Genie": Were we: attaided. Fully seventy-rive to:- mm were preoent in the ahemonn and received many valuabln hint; from fir. ?a;:mr. 2‘30!!! 280 View men i ov as am: on. ind Melted with marked Infra-eat ito the mare-oe- of Mr. arbour and um. Watts, both of which mvoflhyofmto. Agnodm'o- - by 10:11 taknt m given“ the evening. m " in the Queen HO LS’I‘EIN. 5mg ground. as

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