West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 29 Dec 1910, p. 5

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rgg; StOCk Of Oat d That We Are t $15.00 per Tun LOtS 5 Sewing Machines 91 11 Oak Bucking Ubdl’, wk": no “:0 very no! Customers UVU.‘ vâ€"â€"â€"~ _ a wry large stock of Rug. 0" a'aw tolling u. very claw”..- .‘OCh “'0" buy‘“' H8 v be New Wimulo 80m lute” models 0! “I“ ”'0' g at rock {10$me lift [\v hr hugs 1;qu .- m it will pay you s thv demand for it < aftm‘ New Years, 1 L04) per ton. Durham "m give 3"! Air. inn.“ ‘0 new E'I'o dw- hUWB this i. Good 2010;; Decpmber 24. 25 and 33th, to turn limit, Tuesday, Decembvr 27th. 1910. 8100 good going December 313:, 1910, and January lst. and 2nd. 1911, valid returning until Tuesthv January 3rd. 1911. A; FARE and ONE-THIRD At Single Fare IGood going Deceniber 2lst, 1910. ‘0 onday, Jenna-y 2nd. 1911, inclusive: 'tlid returning until Wednesday“ *a'mmy 4th, 1911. in , tickets and full information or ER. R. GUN. Town Agent. i“VNER. Depot Agent. of express trains car all points in Western Car For information see R DLRHAM SCHOOL. 31 8. DEPT Pom IIIâ€"A. Clark, J. Green- wood, L. McCuaig, C. Ramage, M Ion-flay. Pox-m II-J. McIlraith. N. Danna, 8._Pultor_1. M. _Smith_, A Bell,_ P8. DEPT Sr. IVâ€"J. Marlball, M Calder, M. Bqttozg; I._ Campbell, J. _Kelaey I. Luna-n. Form Iâ€"R. Far quharson, 3.11-9- Iaxld. FL Ritchie, A. Hildebrandt. “‘ 'J Jr. IV Promotion to Sr. IVâ€" B Benton, L. McCrie, 2. Crawford, L Krv‘Q, J. Bryon, E. Lloyd, C Mc- ,III-M. Smith, J Matthews, Knisley L. Billia, N McKee}:- DIRECT ' ONLY CANADIAN VHROUGH ROUTE ‘CAR LINE DAILY SBA/Lil: R. RACIARLA NE. 70' Jr. 111 Promotion to 8r. III-C KcDougall, T. Levine, V. Allen, B iackenzie, R. Parquhmon and H. IcGh-r, 1181, N. human, M. Bart )rd.‘ W. __ WM 39d A. )1ch} [113], I. Mitchell 1. Wise, ttton, N_. Leviné, G. Bryon ZENUS CLARK DURHAM The undersigned begs to announce to residents of Durham and surrounding country. that he has his Planning Mill and Factory completed and is prepared _“A‘, â€"â€"-â€"THE NEWâ€"â€" CATALOGUE of Th9 Central Basia.“ Col- lege of Toronto contains somo special guarantee. of [rat intoflmt ‘0 student. who dc- oire to attend a tit-web“ ruli- uble school. You or. invhod to write for it. Add”..â€" W. H.8haw, Prat. 8.3 VONOI IT. TORONTO Also a limited amount. of iron work and machine re- pairs. A call solicited. Ask for quotations on your next job. Custom Sawing Promptly At- tended To take order-é SASH, DonRS House Fittings '.A., or Honor Rolls. and all kinds of # . 1910A m'r “w H g {fie ‘5 ‘5'" ‘ ‘ @ flappiness unaEQrosperltg ONTARIO WY OF THE ! RESOLUTIONS _ Nine little resolutions won- dering at fateâ€" Ten dollars comes in sight. then there are but eight. Eight little resolutions but seven. Seven little resolutions in a sorry fix- Pretty woman comes along. then there are but six. Five little resolutions. only five. no moreâ€" Keyhole can't be found at all. then there are but four. Four little resolutions still must pay a fee-â€" Wife makes some in- quiry. then there are but thiee. Three little resolutions look- ing very blueâ€" Some unheard of circum- One little resolution leave. a month beforeâ€" Nevcr mind ; next New Year'l ‘LONG com A HORSE max. to two. 3:53:1ch Record-Herald. there is but one. brings them down ? Six little res- : o In ti o n s trying hard . to thriveâ€" : 'Long comes a horse race. then there are but five. Ten little res- olutions all in a lineâ€"- G o o d m a n burns his thumb. then ’ t h e r e are but nine. Two little rea- olutiono pondering what's tobo done- Preacher’I a e r m o a hurt: the man. then HE New Year’s resolutionist is I thinking hard these days, smoking against time to get rid of his Christmas cigars and get himself as fu‘ll of nicotine as possible before joining the anti-tobac- lco league. making memoranda of the {errors of his ways during the past ’year and buying nice. fat. inviting 3 journals, with 365 white pages and a 1 cover of red leather. lettered in gold. THE SAD FATE OF A RESULUTIUNIST The New Year’s resolution habit is one of those things that won’t be snubbed out of gashion, as Valentine’s day. New Year’s calls and other an- cient institutions have been. It is an instructive proceeding, this making of promises, signing of pledges and tak- ing the vows. It shows up one’s weak- nesses and one’s strength to all and sundry. but especially to the signer of pledges and maker of promises him- self. It proves that two-thirds of the :world’s resolutions. like pie crust, are made to be broken. and occasionally it wakens up dormant pride and prin- ciples in some weak willed individual and sets him strenuously on his legs. But the success attained by the man who keeps his resolution unbroken through the year is sometimes of doubtful value. It puts him up with pride. conceit and intolerance. Having accomplished his feat of strength. he has no patience with the weaker ves- sels who fell by the waysideâ€"to put it Hibernianly. One such individual resolved one New Year’s day in the flower of his youth to take a cold plunge every morning. He considered cold plunges good for health and good discipline for a lazy I: WOULD 83A. AND E! WOULD nun-mu. and sleep loving body. He lived down south when he began his early morn- ing aquatic performances. but later he came north to live. and he kept right on plunging head first into a cold tub every morning, winter or summer. He kept this up for years. and bin vigor and bloom were splendid adver- tisements tor the benefits of the cold plunge habit and incidentally to his strength of will in acquiring and stick- .113 to such 9. habit. But he had the weakness of hls strength. He would brag, and he would lecture people who did not like cold plunges or else took them only six months of the year. As the years went by he got more and more vigor- one and more and more impatient with complaining. late rising. cold catching persons who would not be converted to his ways. “1 rise every morning at 6.” he need to tell every one who could be prevailed upon to listen to him. “Then I draw the tub full of cold waterâ€"the colder the better. Then I plunge in. and in ten minutes I am ready to dress after a violent ornbdown with the roughest crash in the market. And do I ever have a cold? Am 1 ever ill? I haven’t had a pain or an ache in thirty years, and I am never In bed after 6 o’clock a. m." Perhaps it is cruel to tell, but it was a positive relief to his friends when one morning he was found dead in bed or 9:30. The coroner said he had been dead five hours. So his friend- blemed it all on his not having had the cold plunge at 6. Had he lived until then and taken his ueuni din they said. he never would have died a nil. a never would have died at all I Soldl‘pynmuwm You qunmz Pong ‘ nu nm'. rally mute-napalm s." *\¢A TOWNSHIP NOMINATIONS Glene-lg.â€"Old council elected by acclamation. Egremomt. - Reeve, McArthmr, Lot'hiam; Deputy-reeve, McFadden Phin, Watson; Councillors, Mell- vride, McLach-lmn, .McRobb, Roberts Bantinck.â€"Reeve, Wilson, Put’h- erboug‘h: Deputy-reeve, Griemm, accl.: Council, not received Normssuby..â€"Reev~e, A. Schenk, accl.: Deputy-vreeve, Shiel, Um- bach ; Comma. Don. Baetz, Wm. Kenna, D. Leit’h, C. HoLm, J. White- iford, G. Stewart. ‘ by locsl spplicstiou. ss they csunot reset: the diseased portion of the car. There is only one wsy to cure desfness. end that is by constitu- tions] remedies Desfness is csused bv en in- flsmed condition of the mucous lining of the Enstschisn Tube. When this tube is inflsmed you but" s rumbling sound or imperfect beefing sud when it is entirelyn closed. Business is the result, sud unless the flsmmstion can be token out sud this tube recur-ed to its norms] condition. hosting mil be destrogd of ten sre caused by firth. Which is nothing nrfnces but an inflsmed condition of the mucous s of Desfnes: (csnsed by cstsrrh; tbst csnnot he cured by Bell's Ostsrrh Cure. fiend forcimnlsr. means a marked saving in fuel, and better baking results. The Chancellor not only does its work better but at less cost than other ranges. We can demonstrate to you the whole superior Chancellor principle of economy and efficiency in ten minutes. Isn’t it worth that much of your time right now ? The Chancellor is made for either coal or wood. Other Gurney-Oxford designs or every sort, for every purpose and all kinds of fuel, on diSplay on our floor. Special demonstration now. Deafnes- Cannot be Curod 7/32 fillflfifl’m'fflflflflifl 70F RI. CHENEY‘OQJPOI‘MG Baking dav instead uf being a trial and a disappointment is :1 pleasure. a satisfaction. Come in the store when ynu’re down town and let us explain to 3' m just. how this flue distributes the heat evenly over the whole oven. Bakes in front just. as well as back «under crust as well as upper. “What the Farmer Can Do With Concrete. " Tells you how to use Concrete in constructln‘ Barns Hltchlng Post. Clsterm Horse Blocks Dalrleo Hon». 1 Dipplng Tank. Poultry Houuu 1 Foundatlono Root Cellar. ' Fence Posts Silos ' Feedlng Floors Shelter Wall. ‘ Gutters Stables “ Hem' Nam Stall-o A good oven is thovhousokeener’s delight. A poor one is 111 ~ chf)ait‘ of her life. That‘s why We want to tell you about this Chancellor. A special divided flue makes , the ovcn a perfect l,_\ukvr. There is not a range in the country can beat it. Canada Cement Co Th=e”"8est Baker 13? Cane dd A Sllo bullt of Concrete, on the other hand. ls '9 practically everlestlng â€"-â€"lt to proof agalnst heat. cold and moistureâ€"and It has the merit of comparatlve economy. This economy feature is further ex- plained in our free bookâ€"“What tlu Famwr F C D Can Do With Concrete."â€"whlch tells how to armer an 0 mix and use Concrete for the maklnl 0' II Concrete. sllos end other buildings on the 3 Concrete in construct!“ ‘u-m. Hltchlng Posts Horse BIOCks Houses :3". copv of book I Poultry Houses cpl ‘ d d f th . 7 I. . Root con". Tanks 13301383042; ‘3 entitled ll hat the Sllos ll 30.19". Farmer Can Do Willa l Shelter We e a I . .. Stables Well Curb. Concrete. Stslrs 3%" ete., etc. Nm’ .0..................... a ament . W‘d Addre” 00......000000000000000. tionel Bank Building, Montreel. ‘ Thinking of Banding a $220 2: Better Build it 5 of Concrete CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY TIME TABLE ‘I‘rains will arrive and depart as fol- lows. until further notice:â€" Tutu into Durham at [flan 3m pan. '1‘:anwa t On ham d m [.mpnnnnlaazpu.’ ‘ "Y DAY Inc-n SHEA! 0.1“ IL J. D. “about $- .AIIIM. D-P-ACI J. TOWNER, Depot Agent JAMES B. GUN, Town Agent Grand Trunk Railway TIME-TABLE HE construction of a Silo affords an excellent example of what the farmer can do with Concrete-â€" and of the superiority of Concrete over all other material for various structural work about the farm. The usual wooden silo, besides being expensive. is far from satisfactory. In the first place. it does not endure; and. more important stillâ€"being far from weather-proof â€"â€"its contents become water-loggedâ€"producin; an unsan- Itary condition. A 8110 built of Concrete practically everlutlng â€"â€"it is and moistureâ€"and it has th Bull. Steps Tank. Trough. Walks Well Curb. mix and use Concreto silos tnd other build arm. ‘ “In ‘0.” Fill 1nd Iifl'fi bSr'Esi'Iglbua'id soil. good was; orchard (kc. Wi can has than U a. ton. A bsrcdn surely. A HARDWARE and Tinamitl M M loamaroy (Joanna. post office in bus thcn 010. mu buy 60 are: d u store sod dwelling. bun. 0th. f. dwafling nod “.000 stock. GENERAL COUNTRY STORE Ivo- nilel hon Durhm: very chap. 325 ACRES 01030 bc Proton 9t.“ brick dwellingfinc lame nut-bu! yiqdmillgcq _hny,_ 2 tom [-9 “"2.“ bdrm bugnim. m ACRES our _Prot_on_ Lam number of chap fun M Honey to Load at Low Bun. Lands bought sod 001d. Debt 0“ All kinda of writing! drawn. N. no wag.» boot nou m n. a. mu: in over ut‘fiadto [o m. Our clothed: nan ”piano. _ Ml. Land Hunter Look "8!: structural i The Ila-over H. H. MILLER [ZiacBâ€"‘t'h; vowabino OH it heat. cold comparative . fing bljhk 6.39:3 .++++.T.:v .u.

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