W98D€C [one Blankets it]: good Blankets see from. and and Hanging kind of Lamp you mmtry, buy a pair ur hills, when your :ettiug satisfaction as. Lanterns, they uralg you are not using I you can heat: the at per rham, Ont er Remedies psules i su per- every kind of a TORE ION I an. la: 19. 1911 ' T 0 Mexico, Calo- Wmter rado, Cayifornia TOU RS and Pacific Coast The Grand Txmvk Hallway System is my pupnlar ruuce trom all points eaat through Canada, vm Chumgo. Doub1e track, fast service. ï¬nest rnatlbed, modern equipment. unexcell- ed dining car service, all elements of safety and Comfnrt. To THE SUNNY SOUTH No more dpsirable route than via Grand Trunk and connecting lines. Full 7 informatinn. tickets, atm, frnnl JAMES. R. GUN. Town Agent. or J. TU‘VNER, Depot. Agent. T0 WINNIPEG A N D W E S T DIRECT ‘ ONLY 3 CANADIAN THROUGH! ROUTE CAR LINE 1 DAILY SERVICE of express trains carrying through standard and tourist sleeping cars for all points in Western Canada. BOD, B. MACFARLANE. Town Agent For information see R. L. Thomp- ~50 p.m. Trains arrive at Dathun 3t um um“ LN pan, and 8.55 p.13. EVERY DAY mm SUNDAY CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY TIME TABLE PLANING MILLS Trains will arrive and depart, as fol. lows, until further notice:â€" JAMES B. DURHAM Our TELEGRAPH and RAILWAY AGENT’S ‘ Course is a. safe guarantee to a good salary. You can master it in 6 months. The maximum cost is $60. You may pay as you go. On graduation we aid you to secure employment. Our new catalogue explains. Write for it. CENTRAL TELEGRAPH RAH.- WAY SCHOOL, Yonge Gerrard Sts. TORONTO W. H. SHAW. Pres. T. J. JOHNSTON.Prin. The undersigned begs to announce to residents of Durham and surrounding country. that be has his Planning Mill and Factory completed and is prepared to take orders for Also a. limited amount of iron work and machine re- pairs. A call solicited. Ask for quotations on your next job. SASH,DOORS House Fittings Ame Grease and 151001 Ointment, go to I s. P. SA UNDERS FEATURES travel by the and all kinds of -â€" '. D. EcQorpm. Town Agent . Town Agent- ONTARIO FLESHERTON. , Tateâ€"Richardsomâ€"One of the prettiest Weddings there for many moons Was tlhaxt which drool: place. at the residence of Mr. 31nd Mrs. MK. Richardson, on Wednesday" afternoon, Jelnlulary llï¬h, when, at, one o'clock, ’dheï¬r youngest 'dlaughâ€" ter, Mary Clhristinae, was united in marriage with Mr. ‘Fnanlk Tate, of lL'ucknoxv. The ceremony was. ‘performed by the groom's brother; Rev. Crawford Tate, of St. Caf‘har-i izines. assisted by Rev. HE. Wellâ€"i wood, of Flesh-erton. To the Estralins of L-clhengr n'ls xx‘edd'-“-g§ lmawrdh plaryed bv Mrs. Jos. Black-i burn, the bride entered rthe draw-s Ming room, leaning 061 the arm of :lh-er flaï¬her, by xx hom she was given Faxx‘a'y, and looked charming in a gown 011' soft ivory satin, xvfrh ;pez‘.rl and crystal trimmlng. .33sz were a mechlin ve‘l, caught xvi‘hl 'alley hides, and carried 1a bean- tiful bouquet of cream roses, lilies of ï¬he valley, and mraidemhaLr iyiern. M'ss Carr-“11115 Frost, 1‘ Owen SSound, xx as bridesmaid, and 100k- ied very pretty gn a claim 3‘ g.:xxn lof pale blue crepe idle chine. ‘Shc ,carr. ied pink roses. Tlhe brie .. {‘wzece, little M 53 Helen Websï¬er, iof “Toronto, was a sweet flower g.i,rl in white lingerie dress and lpink ribbms carz‘x‘f‘lg a bas‘z‘et of blink and white carrhlatilqns. Mr. CNN Richardson, c-:: 1118'. n o: the bride, W as best man. After '(he ceremony, the deje'u'ner Was servâ€" in the spacious drawing r..~_"om, «an small tables decorated Wlil’ih trail- .ng smilax and pm}; carnations. ._ ._.. -._........_.- .. â€"._. .__-_._._.... . The room, artistically decoraJ‘ ed, was drehicaxtely lighted Willth pin-1;, shaded camdles, set :in brass can- dle-sticks. Before r:sim.,mumerâ€" ous toasts were propose and res- ponded to tin a felici'tous manner. Among t‘he guests from a dis» a'nce were Dr. A.E. Webster and Mrs. Webster, Toronto; Dr. E. K. Ridhardson a'nd Geo. B. Richard- son ,‘To.ronvo.; Mrs. WE. .Soumxh- gate, Seafor’uh; Hon‘h LB. Lucas, and Mrs. Lucas, and two sons, Masters Ken'draxll amd Dx’ck, Mark- deale; Mrs. Geo. Haskett,Markd‘a\1e; Mrs. Tate ,mo'flhJer 01f etihe room, Mr. Stewart Taste, J.P.., an) Mrs. Thompson, of Grand Yalley. Mr. and Mrs Tate left on the eimnf.‘1g train for Torom‘oo, amid _o".!her The I.O.F. concert last week? given in Uh-e "town lhuall, was quine successful. Mr. Geo. A. Mitchell' Supt. of Field Work, presided, and the enter ,axiners. Harw-y Lloyd,j comic; M;ss Maude Bigwolod, esto-‘ prano, and Miss Dillon, pianist. gave a very plersing programme. During the even.ng, Dr. Murray, Uhsief Ranger ,‘Thos. Henry, Rec. See, and Fred McTa-vish. of the local court, were eadh presented by Mr. .Mitdhell with 'a gold locket containing tihe emblems of '.lhe‘ Order, and suitably inscribed" given as a reward for serv;ces to! the Order. The door receipts ‘Were $45. About ï¬if'ty new mem- ibers have recently been added to flhe Court here. | A pleasant gaflh-enin-g of the Iratepayers of 3.8. No. 3, east of the village, took place in 'their commodli-ous new sdhuool on Thurs- ‘dlay eveminxg last, when Messrs. ’l‘ Henry, Mark Stewart and Miles CthistleWa-i'te, the trustees who con- ducted the building of :nhe school, ‘Were eac‘h presented’ with .a hand-- some parlor dhalir, and an address as a token of appreciation of â€" -n.) Tr01 flheir labors. Speech making, and a pleasing program follow-ed. after which refreshments were :served, and am enjoyable _social time spent. .L‘-“I The mantle of mourning fell heavily upon the :home of Mr. Jras Cornfield on Saturday last, when his beloved Wife, after «a brief ill- ness, Wliflh pneumonia, passed away. The deceased, Whose maid- en name was Enhaabeflh McMurray, nnâ€" â€" ml“ was 46 years of age, -.Slhe was very highly esteemed woman, diev‘oted Christian, and *flaist member _of Mt. ‘Ziom rMe'ttho â€"- ‘L -â€".~L Aâ€. A d.:§r’“l)té‘°â€6hr'i§£ialï¬, atnd flaithful member of Mt. Zion Methodist dhugch. Besides ‘her hussbamd, 3 daughters survive her, all of whom have the deepest sympathy of the commsum'ilty in «their sorrow. The funeral took place on Monday A AA““' .L'HC Uuuw to. w v v __ ‘7 _ to Mt. Zion cemetery, -a «deeply ' '. :service being conduct-- ed in the church by the pastor. Rev. Mr. Weliwood. Officers elected xfor flh-e current vear in the C.O.C.F.W_are, Chief DCV. 8.5.5. I v--- Officers . electéd “(for flh-e current a, . C. LeGard; Marshall, W.M. Bur- nett; Warden, Mrs. J. Lever; Guald, ‘R. Moore; Sentry, T. A Blakely; Past Counclhlloxr, E. Bel- lamy. _ _ Lu-.. 24..-... AC mama “a... An interesting item of mews rev specting our iormer 'to‘wnsman, Dr. Ern. Armstrong ,is reported’ in the Cobalt Darily Nugget, of recent. date, as follows: “Another very important sale of Porcupine gold claims has first been concludei These are the eight claims owned by Dr. Armstron , and G. H. Booth, and situate on Pearl Lake. Although the actual] price is not divulged it is known to be beâ€" tween $150,000 and $200,000.. , _ r ‘â€" L.-.‘ kflmn .omâ€" in; aazgagement m ,nounced of Miss Ina Marry Wriglht daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Wright. of Bloomfield, N.J., and and Mr Kingsley Alden Price. 01' Grand Junction, C’O'lOr-aJdJO. Miss Wrigwht‘s parents were formerly residents of Fleslherton and Mark- idale 5 Mr. W.J.. Bellamy has been re- elected for ‘che infrih term of three years on t'he Fleshertcm public school Board, of which, we be- lieve, 1he has been Secretary-â€" ‘Treasurer al‘l ’dhe years of his ser- ; vice. Mr. Walter Loucks has taken the position of Oroagnizer witlh "the 1.0 F., and enterea upon this duties on Monday. After assisting Orgw'nn‘ izer Ranesbottom atâ€; Flesuherton and Dundalk, for a couple of Weeks, he expects territory east of Toronto. Mr. Ed. Craft, son of Mr. J-cs. Croft, 4th Mine, is ill with pneu- monia. ° Mrs. W.A Armstrong received the sad n8'WS 0:11 Sunday otf "the sud-den death of ‘her srlrs'ter, Mrs. W. Mat‘heson. alt Havel-ock. Mrs Arm trong lef't om Monday “00 at- tend the funeral. ’ ‘ Mr. Andrew Carr (has moved to Portlaw to spend :lh-e winter with his daughter, Mrs. T.R..iMc1xenz.e. Rev. W. Howie, pastor of "the Euâ€" gemia circuit, 'W-‘h’O has passed thru a severe illness at Owen Sound was in town 0.11 Sunday, and '11; ï¬he evening service in the Metho- diist church, gave an effectively rendered solo. Pastor FWD Gaff, 01f Clarksbulg, xx as a vis tor at Mr. 'WHA er- str 321g s_ 0} e_r Fdea} nigxh‘; "Y' -- Mrs. Edwin Stafford, 01f Wing- buam, is visiting her uncle, Mr. G Clark. Mrs. W.E. 'So'utlhgate, 01f Seaforzh is visiting her broth-er, Mr. Geo. Mitchell. IN“; ‘0‘-- Miss Jean Collinson is home from Meds'an-e Hiat, Alta, visic..ic1g her parents at Ceylon. Mrs. Jas. insher, 4th line, is on an extended visit wiï¬h Lher mot-her. and Sisters ast OlnneLdIa, N.Y. It..-“ w- Mr. 'W.A Armstrong was last week presented with a Pasf', ‘M-a-s- ter’s ie'wel by Hliram Loudege, A.F. A.M., MarkdlaIl-e, uin 'Whtidhs “he has served as Wondhlipf'ul Master since the institution of the Lodge about two years ago. MOTHERS l Presl‘rve Your Childv'ens’ Shir Every mother should see that? ’her crhzil-dren‘s their is dressed with Parisian .Ssauge, the wonderful hair restorer and germicide. A li-‘aule neglect on your part mo‘W, may mean much loss of beauty when your girl grows up. \ Parisian Sage is .a rigidly guar- anteed *hauir restorer, and cures alzl scalp 'diiseaxses, prevents ihiaiir from ï¬al’iing out {and creates a rich luxuriant growth of :hair, a glory to woman, and â€dine pride of IILflJl. - . A pleasant :hsalir dressingâ€"ladies like it, and your druggist, Mac- fsaxrlane C0,, guarantee every bottle that they sell at 500, and stand ready 'to refund your money siaf it fails to do like work. By mail postpaid from Giro‘ux Mfg. CO, Fort Erie, Ont. See “what the Girl with the. Auburn hair is on every package. Sold and guaranteed by Macfarlane Oo. The (‘nnn- } clecL for the 'l‘uwnship of Bentiuck f n' the ye‘ar19‘11v'szz: _ Samuel Pu. nex‘bough â€"-Ree\‘e, Roi)- ert. Grlersou â€"â€" Deputv Reeve. and Wm. Lnnney. Henry Mercalf and Henry Crossâ€"Councillors met at Lamlash on the 11th. inst. and made1 and sunscribed to the Declarations of Qualification and office and took their seats at the Council Board. The Reeve in the chair. Minutes of December meeting: read and passed. By-law No. 1 for 1911 appointing the following of- ficers of the corp-oration for the curr- ent year was duly passed. Thomas Clark and J. W. Vickersâ€"Anditors, Messrs. John F. Dodsworth and John Gender to fill vacancies in the Board of Health, Robert Grierson â€"Roud Commissioner for Division No. 1, Wm. Lunney for No. 2, Henry Met- calf for No. 3, Henry Cross for No. 4, Duncan Campbell clerk and James Garnerâ€"Treasurer. Griersonâ€"Lunneyâ€"That the reeve and auditor Vickers be a. committee to examine into the Treasurer’s sureties and report, carried. Griersonâ€"Lunneyâ€"That the Dep- uty Returning Officers at. last; mun- icipal election be each paid $4, the poll clerks$2 each, polling places and place of nomination $2 each, and Henry Push $4.50 distributing ballot boxes. â€"Carried. Metcalfâ€"Crossâ€"That the account of the Municipal World. $10 for election stationary, and the account of Schlae- gel andMuter for repairs to grader be passed and that cheques do issue for $7.55 also the account of James Led- ingham, $3.§5 for gravel, carried. Lunneyâ€"Griersonâ€"That the sum of two dollars be paid to John F. Dods- worth for assisting the treasurer in getting out Financial statement for 1910,ca.rried._ Llinneyâ€"Grierson â€"That clerk order municipal world for use of council for 1911, carried. Lunnevâ€"Metcalf~That the applic- ation of Dr. J amieson re-electric power be recieved and that leave be given to erect ole. along the Garafraxe road provi ed they do not interfere with pu_hlic travc1,_ carrjed. __ Lunneyâ€"Metcalf â€"â€"That tha co ‘lect or' s salary be paid one hundred dollars carried. Urossâ€"Lunneyâ€"That this council do now adjourn to meet in Hanover at the clerk’s office-en Monday the 6th day of February, 1911. for the purpose of appointing an Assessor and the transaction of general business, carr- led. . S. PUTHERBOUGH, Reeve. Duncan Campbell. Clerk. A sale at household furniture and utensils, also one Bell piano; all da_y_ Snagnjday, J anugry 213}. lan Park. BEN‘TINCK COUNCIL. FURNITURE SALE. Bakef’é, merchdut, A1- THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Ruh- Mr. J no. Picken J r. returned from the west some time ago looking as if . the country agreed with him' He has ‘pux-s'h'ased the property of Mr. Robt. ': Picken and will try farming: here. ' The interior of our school h as been . greatly improved by a fresh coat of ipaint. A new desk. Chairs and other ; requirements are also being added. â€"k cc. --A‘--â€"n_‘A,J News is rather scarce in this vicinity at; plresent but. snow is still very plen- ti u . “Tun...†, .. Miss Dollie Hopkins has returned to college in Mt' F‘nrest. after spend- ing a, few weeks with hm' sister Mrs. Chas. Mighton. Viokers. She thinks Vickm‘e a fine part. of the country and we wmfldn’t he snprised if she took a, permanent situation there. â€"- " ‘ . h .L ,, \LJLAL Ln“ t’U‘ U“ V‘-‘ Mrs. Iiéï¬Ã©it Brattnn. Mulock has been visiting: Miss M. J. Cuffe and Mrs. H. McCashin retently; Miss Jean Miliigan, 'l‘m‘nnto is vis- itinsaP her sister Mrs. 'I‘. Mlghton at present. Il‘ L ,-_ _-L.._ L...‘ ‘Anlxv‘ Av v- Miss: Marv Morton. who has heen artpnding Normal (7011929. Sit-at fur-d recentlr nndm-went-an rmemtion for appendicitis. \VP have to hwar soon of hm- complvte recovery. by ]r__‘3 .1‘.’ .AJ M r, and Mrs. K. (érierson Sundnyed with Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. Grier-son Vickers. Mrs. Elijalh Armstrong has been suffering for the past few Weeks from an attack of pneumonia, bu‘ under the care of Dr. Gun. she is recovering. Miss Leila Vollett accompanied her sister, Miss Delia VoLlet'f, to Toronto, and [has taken a posi tion Uhere for a few months: Uï¬k‘ IQ. -â€"â€"‘ Mrs‘. Jam McGirr, (ilenelrz. spent Saturday and Sumday with her pgrlentsL Mr. and Mr_s. Geo. Noble. “A“‘A‘I" 1J6.LC LLD, â€LL. uu-u .v..-u. wvv. _... ---- Miss Bella and Alice Don'nelly and their friends Messrs. George Allen and Alex. Aljoe, spent 9M1- day with the former's cousin,Miss Bessie Walls. “Poor! What has that to do with it?†“It takes a comfortable man to be a philosopher.†. Shows It. “That is a bright poodle of yours.†“He ought to be.†“Why?†“My wife has the maid scour him every morning.†Her Dad Has it. “Wonder why he is so stuck on that redheaded girl.†â€â€œ011. it is getting cool of evenings now, and he wants a nice cozy place b hang around.†Scared to Death. “I want to die! Oh, I want to die!†“You do ?†“Oh. me, yes!†“Well. you will.†“What?" “I said you will.†“0h. help! Help†Police!!!" Custom sawing has commenced at flhe Durham foundry. Now is the time to bring in your logs. REDFORD. â€"In Be‘ntanck, at Mul- nock.. on ’Dhursdxa-y, Jamwary 12th, Jioth'n Redford, aged 82 years, 5 “He is a philosopher.†“Philosopher. is he?" “Yes.†“I had an idea he was poor.†Certainly. “Brown has lost his temper.‘ “Was it a big temper?" “Yes." “Then it was a small loss.†Scott’s Emulsion is a Wonderful foodâ€"mediâ€" cine for all ages of man- kind. It will make the delicate,sickly baby strong and wellâ€"will give the pale, anemic girl rosy cheeks and rich, red blood. It will put flesh on the bones of the tired, over- worked, thin man, and will keep the aged man or woman in condi"ion to resist colds or pneumonia in the winter. momï¬hs. He paia his passage on the sea, And then the ship was wrecked. “Why did I,†cried he. sinking down. ‘fNotflsend myself collect?†8694100., mmeofpaperundthisuthto‘ beautiful Savings Bank and Onild’a Skew Each bunk contains a. Good Luck Pom. seen a: gowns us Wonk-atom Street- We“ Tm“ Might Have Saved Money. BUTTON HILL. ron 3m BY ALL DBUGGIB‘II It Follows. DIED. Strenuous. “You are looking thin.†so?†“Sure.†“I didn’t know it?’ “What are you doing to your self?" “Well. you see, I am trying to live a hundred years.’ “Do you think “Caravans" Are.- Now «a Smart Set Fad In Englapd. Travelers in England’s southwestern counties can witness now the begin- ning of the most surprising health movement the world has inaugurated for many’ years. - r‘ a 1. - w--J -â€"_ A “caravanâ€â€"-one of those traveling house wagons such as the English have been taking to more and more numerously during the last few years â€"is making its slow and comfortable way along the hedge-bordered roads, stopping here and there to greet a hamlet- or village with a free popular entertainment that brings the folk out aâ€"gaping and sends them home again ï¬lled with wonderment and many doubts-doubts of the wisdom and even 'of the propriety of the show they have attended, and more doubts of the wisdom and pnzpriety of the lives they have thus far been leading themselves. ï¬'l In another year that solitary caraâ€" van will have its duplicates rolling, in like leisurely fashion, all over Eng- land, and Scotland will have its cara- vans, too, with Ireland following a good third, yet entitled, by all rules of enterprise, to rank ï¬rst in the general movement of which the caravan fea- ture is but one incidental develop- ment. The methods, surprising as they are, even for a modern health and hygiene campaign, are rendered actually start- ling to the stolid, conservative British mind in the promulgation of a wholly new set of the Ten Commandmentsâ€"- commandments of the care of personal health. And more startling still, they are being handed down, not by any man in the role of the modern Moses of a peeple’s salvation, but by a woman, and a noblewoman at that. _ “LA onvw-vv The noblewoman, reverend enough herself, disclaims any. divine insplr. ation to usurp the authority of the famous lawgiver of the 01d Testa- ment. But she contends that the time has come when somebody must do something; and so, 'why ‘not she? 77 1 ,-1___ Uvuï¬vvn4nooc , w__._ r- _’ The Viscountess Muriel Helmsley is the new leader of a peOple otherwise presumably lost. She avers that she has found it in a darkness equal in opacity to the fearful plague of Egypt, but a darkness due this time to a com- bination of ignorance and dirt. She prOposes, among other remedies in- cluded in her new ten command- ments, the sovereign remedy of water, and she is smiting as vigorously on the hearts of her people as ever Moses himself smote on the rock in the des- ert. ‘LV AAAAAAA VJ , w‘u 'â€"â€"â€" _ of the Women’s Imperial. Health As- sociation of Great Britain, had the joy of christening the ï¬rst of the num-_ erous train of caravans she hopes to‘ see carrying the gospel of health- throughout the land. She did it with a bottle of water, having an intimate sense of the ap{ propriate. As the bottle went to smash over a front wheel of the cara-g van wagon, the vehicle started off on its peregrinations, and. the good wishes of thousands of high-born English- women, backed up with the endorse4 ments of hundreds of the most promi- nent British physicians, urged it on its way. ‘ ‘ T r-__°-'l ‘VA V. V. It was only this fall that Viscount-055 Helmsley, as the .leadep and organizer 'VuJ. Lady Muriel and her Imperial Wo-l men’s Association are puzeiy altruistic ', as well as philanthropic in their 1110-, tives. They feel that they have a' genuine, if curiously modern and now el, gospel to propagate â€"- the gOSpel which, in a phrase, avows cleanliness to be next to godliness, and to be cer- 1 tainly synonymous with health. That gospel the caravan carries; and that gospel all the succeeding caravans will carry, in its pristi.1e purity, its apostles being up-to-date lecturers and its miracles the miracles of modern science, with moving pic- ture shows to display them. An interesting story has got into circulation concerning a famous pi- anist. Unable to tear himself alto- gether away from his art while enjoy- ing a rest in Switzerland, he had a piano taken to a secluded chalet in a wood and every day went there alone to solace himself. By chance one day some one strayed into the wood and, hearing the music, spent a pleasant hour drinking in the sounds from the closely-shuttered chalet. Next day he went again with some friends. At the end of a week the virtuoso dis- covered that a big crowd was enjoy- ing his performance. At ï¬rst he felt inclined to blame this intrusion on his solitude, but better thoughts prevailed, and during the remainder of his stay he threw open the shut, ; ters and played his very best.â€"Lon- i don News. “The handsomest peeple in the world,†said a university lecturer, “are the Abyssinians, slender, high brewed, capper hued -â€" these people who have rednced stealing to a sci- WHO LID-V1": LWu .. w--.__,,, ence and begging to a ï¬ne art. The color of the healthy man is a black and a greenish bronze hue, of a shade often seen in statues, but generally believed not to be found in real life. These men, by the way, have the most luxuriant hair in the world, and yet they never can grow more than the scantiest, scrawmest beards.†The Best Salesman. The best salesmen are those who are always trying to become better salesmen. They are the men who are trying to learn and to improve. They are the men with the 0 en 'minds. Open-mindedness is the wi lingness to accept suggestions. The man who knows it all is standing on the banana peel placed by the fool-killer who is waiting for him with a club just . Parting Civilitnes. Cook (leaving)â€"-1 should like to ask you for a written character. “'Why, what am I to write, you idle, good for nothing girl? You sure 1y don’t eXpect me to say you gave satisfaction ?†Bur “I'DLGU LLV LA . .Gookâ€"You need do nothing of the kmd. Just say that I stayed with you three months. That will be the best character you could give me.â€â€" London Telegraph. NEW HEALTH CRAZE. The P'ianist’s Vacation. The Abyssinians. The Paisleyâ€"Durham hockey match on Friday hast 'was one 0! biggest burlesques ï¬lmâ€: has taken place here this, or any other win- ter, but "ahe hockey management are glad dhat where is no chance of a repetition again .'this season... as all {the other games will be a! a sup-enior quality. This gan‘e. however, was a \v‘alk‘ovefc "for the locals, wlho scored 14 goats on their opponents, and could have made it 4.4 if they had wished. Paisley, fhowever, got one. which was hand- ed them, so than: they might not go back empty ’1 "Jaded“ Tie game 2-). night, Thursday, in Chesley, viii? be (me at? 1.1129 best "Ibis season, rm ï¬lm locals are running a sperva‘ trini: . leaving Dtlrï¬v‘m of 234-". ram ‘Tlhe round trip fare is $1 00. As 3.: evening’s outing, flhis‘W-ill be Hz: "~\ . bes‘ “his season, mi . have signified ï¬heir inten c20mg, a bumper crowdi for. OOLLEGE STREET, TOROITO THE HGSPITAL FOR SICK clllLD'REI :3me FOR uo'rnm we “and (me. TbacmbOcuudchbfeaM THE HOSPITAL 13 [LPROVINâ€" Thesickehild hon the moat wheel-etc. Ontanohastbe sameclumuiechfldlivil. within ohhe greatHomeo‘ Mercy mCqu. Street. _orqn_to. Our cause u the chfldmet's ante. Couldthercbe oncdmbunm ddmonthe pmplc oftthrovinoc? were relieved of this teaiblc Jefcrmity last yen. cheHospinl is to continue ingeuVOILi must appealto your ketbookuwellutoy. heart. Lgtyomelecnbgwdmcy. heart. Let your Dollar: bones-gel the mï¬ering little children of Ont-no. Rosa Robertson. Chan-man. or to Douglas Davidson, Socratuy- 415-...- upop, The Hospital for Dick Chuck-:5 VlCTiMS 0F CONSUMPTION. MOTHER AND TWO CHILDREN Ax" MUSKOKA FREE HOSPITAL. DURHAM 14, PABSLEY 1. “ THE SWEEHST OF ALI. THE GHARITIES.†Are Now Under Treatmentâ€"Husband, A story from the Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives tells of a mother who, with uer two children, is now under treat- ment in that institution. The husband had been a patient, but the case was an ad- vanced one when the patient entered, and he has since passed away. There is little doubt but that the wife was infected as a result of caring,r for her husband, and no“? she is in the M uskoka HOSpital. ‘Her little ;;1,'1£3Gé3'elrs of age, and a boy of ten are with her, both being afflicted with this dread disease: _ .. . “yum..-" __ good, as she is not very strong. I have me three more children, and one of these, a *1 boy of ten, seems also to be sï¬licted, anti i it is advisable that he should enter the hos-‘ pital.†[at These three are of the 104 patients who ere residents in this deserving institution and being cared for without money and“; without price. The sorry part of it is thabv the trustees are carrying a debt of some- a thing like $40,000, incurred largel ' through: the additions that have been m e withimm Please send your contribution to I. vuv ww-â€"_ _ the {3315 year, and that have more than: donb ed the accommodation of the mamaâ€"â€" tion, together with the heavy cost of maim-p tainin so large a. number of free patients.â€th Reagers who desire to help this great. charity may send their contributions to Mr. . W. J. p,ad(l3hairman Executive 03% mittee, 84 'n3 avenue, or to the i. . rotary-Treasurer, 347 King street westaflf ed up to its claims of never having refn ' 3 single patient beau-o of bin at" Perfect results jn quip pugs. _ '3 if. Will You Help It In Its Hour of Needâ€