West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 26 Jan 1911, p. 5

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th Other Remedies Eppe, neuralgia iaches New§“'illiams Sewing Lest modelslof this cele- ';at rock bottom prices. ‘TENTHON ! ran” 81 id Save ’Per Ton rattle 01 In: as this is ,and it will pay you as the demand for it ces after New Years, $20.00 per ton. 0.00 we will give away king Chair, finished in :he very newest design. ng Machines Before bx GYPI‘T I't‘S G STORE Capsules Re stockrof Rugs and '8 at, Very clsse prices. ILLING C0. king Chairs TI OFFICE 'OOOMMW “le Durham, Ont. Jan. 26, 1911 R. and we Trains arrive 16 Durham at 10.30 3.15.. 1.50 p m.. and 8 55 pm. EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY G. T. Bell. J. D. McDonald. G. P. Agent D. P. Agent. Manfred. totem». CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY TIME TABLE Trains will arrive and depart. as fol- lows. until further notice:â€" lad dtwn son l).P.A. m- R. MACFARLAYE “Town Agent Trains teave Durham at 7 2!) 8.01., and .50 p m . of express tzains carrying through standard and tourist, sleeping cars for all points in VVestern Canada. Machine Oil. Harness Oi], Ame Grease and H001 Ointment, go to S. P. SAUNDERS T0 ‘W'INMIPEG A N D W E S T DIRECT ONLY CANADIAN THROUGH ROUTE CAR LINE DAILY SERVICE \‘n mute dvsiranlv runte than vm Gr. md Tzunk and .(mnecting lines. le infttlmatinn. til'kets, PU?" f1'iH|.JA.\IT R. GUN. Town Acent' or J. TO\V.\ER. Depot, Agent. Winter TOURS Double track, fast S‘l'ViCP. fins-SI 113'»!th d modern equipment. mwxcell- en (iiningr‘u SrrV-i 6". all elelnents u? safu Ly am comfmt. TO THE SUNNY SOUTH The Grand Tilltok Railway Svstem is :h.- pupulm- rnuw frnm all point: east thxnugh Canada. via. Chicago. J. TOWNER, Depot Agent JAMES R. GUN, Town Agent Fnr informaticm see R. L. Thump- ZENUS CLARK Course is a. safe guarantee to a good salary. You can master it in 6 months. The maximum cost i.‘ 3560. You may pay as you go. On graduatit n we aid you to secure emplt yment. Our new catalogue explains. \Vritv for it. CENTRAL TELEGRAPH 8: RAIL- WAY SCHOOL, Yonge Gerrard Sts. PLAMNG MILLS DURHAM TORONTO W. H. SHAW. Pres. T. J. JOHNSTON.Prin. Grand Trunk Railway TIME-TABLE Our TELEGRAPH and RAILWAY AGtNT’ ~ A180 a. limited amount of iron work and machine re- pairs. A call solicited. Ask for quotations on your next job. The nndexsigncd begs to announce to residents of Durham and surrounding country. that he has his Planning Mill and Factury cmnplvted am: is prepared to take orders for Jan. 26, 1.911 Custom Sawing Promptiy At- tended To SASH,DOORS â€"â€" and all kinds of -â€"â€" House Fittings FEATURES travel by the The Harnessm aka) To Mexico, Calo- rado, California and Pacific Coast Points ONTARIO The second half opened with a rush, and win' 'four minutes Fa'lkiugâ€" Eham again scored the last goal} 1‘; r the Durhlams, While Chesley. with three Durham men on the fence, secured tlheir lone tally fifteen minutes later, the full-time score standing Durham 4, Chesley 1. The game was the best ever seen on-nn local ice, though the Owen Sound team, who are due here on February 14th next, Will put up just as strong an argument. From start to fainisih there was no let-up, no listless playing, or no broke". periods to speak of, the game, for so hard 21 one, being exceptional? free from roug‘ihness. The only accident of the game happened When, with four minutes to nlrn' Kelly. of the C‘hes‘seys, and Thomâ€" as, of the Durhams, collided, with the result that Kelly was forced to leave the ice, Thomas going off with him. ’ That Durham has a good team this season is now an established fret. and whether we Win the district or not, or even the Leagm‘ Championshin. the team that takes the trophy will have to step in ‘ess tthm‘. 'ht‘ee nfin-‘Itns The following is the line-up: (’Q“‘ncsley.â€"-Cn‘"”. Hefnbeckrr; pt, Rookery; cover. Taylor: rover. Le- mont: centre. Beatty; rig‘h-t, Kelly; left. Whetlamflfer. Duvh-am.â€"Goal, Laidlrzw. point. homes; cover, Lavelle; rover, Cowan; centre. Falkénglham; right. Saunders; left, Rowland. Refereeâ€"Ernie Cook, Toronto The curling club went to Ches- ley with the hockey team last ’Dhursday, and were beaten by 12“”) Shots, on four rinks. "Bhe 'Chesley curlers played here Tuesday, and lost by twenty-one shots. It was Dur'eham’s day, all right. The juvenile hockey team went to Hanover Saturday, and were beaten, 6 to 3. The county council is in session this week in Owen Sound. W. Cal- der is in attendance “from here. 'Dhe game started at 9 oclnclz. and from the face-oofi, both teams \1 ent right after the rubber, and in :11 0 minutes, Falking'iham hsad tallied for the locals, dmplicvat-11g W111 teen minutes more,W1h'le Saun- ders Oll pned in another tallly n :1':‘.- other twelve minutes of pay. The. ended the scormg for this perL-g the game at 1113 If time stande Durham 3, Chesley 0. Though the Score was 4 to 1, {it was no 4 to 1 game, as the Chesleyites made the locals step every minute, but were unable to score, owing to the ma-gn'ifiCent work of our stonewall defense, the checking back of the forward line, and the fact that they were check-- ed so close they could not get up close enough to the nets to sho-: effectively. 1-- v--_ The fact too, that Chesicy had won from the 1K- cals on Chneslev ice the previous Thursday event. 152; b3 a 3 to 2 score, ““51 n indiczzcrm that he play would be c1::se, an; the game a hard one. and when it was learned that hex were coming by spocia! train, the exchement became intense. ‘HOCKEY Nature makes the cures after all. N ow and then she gets into a tight place and needs helping trout. Things get Started in the wrong direction. Something is needed to check disease and start the system in the right direction toward health. People were there from miles around, Flesherton, Markdtale. Owen Sound. Holstein, ME. Pores. Hanover, Walkerton, and other places being represented, whiie even the farming community for fifteen miles out, .f-orgo; flhe r trou- bles, and Ihiked for the game. And it was some game too, and, so far as w e can ascertain, not 0 e W )rd of dissatisfaction has been express- ed. Ex er} bo< y got their m neys Woflrth, and retur: red home )1" ho opinion that it was a wh 1e. big qunters worth of amuseme3. ‘ Scott’s Emulsion of Cod Liver OH with hypo- phosphites can do just Before a record house, num- bering over 900 people, who jamâ€" med Dunham‘s big skating pavdion from end to end, (the £33. Durham septet'.‘e of (hockeyistg took the re- turn game from C'hesley om Tues- dtqy evening, 4 to 1. The gate was the largest ever taken in Durham, [and zfor so big -.. crowd. was a most orderly garb-v ering. It strengthcns the nerves, feeds famished tisp 5:16. and makes rich H...“ of papers-dull.-- Whfim Back 3nd Child'- W ”www.cwmckm. SCOTT 30m “WMMWc-r TM“. DURHAHS TAKE CHESLEY’S MEASURE MILLIBYALLDM Mrs. D. Galbraith and daughter Lvme frum mmnitoha are visiting her par- ental home, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mc- Cnnnel Sr. As you have no scribe from this burg I send ynu a few items and hnpe they wili be uf interest to some. uf your read- ers. Mish' Ida \Vilson went to Toronto last. week. \11. Jam: H‘vrguson "farmer” was the guest of his manv hie! ds around Bnuthville al. the latter end of last er‘k. Glad to see» that Mr. Noble \Vilsnn and feuninaJ-e- (able to be out again nfz'm- a rligh! attack ufdiph! hex-in. Mr. Ed. ‘Vils n th" ”My one affvc'm} is ant-fight, again. Mr. Om) Knm'fld our noted buyer visited the farmers here this last week. B-zd roads and bad weather do not. pl'v- vent him from doing b1_1.~iness. Mr. John L. McDonald our new tpmhet sm ms tn be getting along well b\_ _the xep(.1-_ts we hear. Miss Emily \Vilson returned Satur- day to \Vinfield whexe she will resume her tezu him: duties. Thé annual meeting of the Pres- byterian congregation was flmld "n: Wedn'eslay of last week. _ \Ve am: glad to know that Mr. New] Cameron is imprnving and hope to hear of his fiumplgte recovery _Sn"u. M1°.‘Vm. Sackett is engaged with Mr. R. Nelson for the winter months and has gone to nearThornbury where. he will act as fore-man of a timber gang. The people of Boothville have org- anized a Literary Society for the year 1911. The officers are President Mr. George Witter; Vice President, Mr. Fred Runceman; Sec. Tress, Mr. J. L. M cDonnld. A committee was appoint- ed to arrange for programme meet- ings to be held every other Friday evening. The first meeting was held on Friday evening of last week and was fairly well attended considering the stormy night. The programme consisted of songs, music, and adehate which was the chief feature of the evening. The subject was “Resolved that Fashiod does more harm than Whiskey” Those on affix-mitive being Mr. Fred Runciman captain. Mrs. J as. R. \ViISon, Messers Noble Wilson and Archie Clark. The negative side, Mr. Jas. R. Wilson captain, Mrs. Fred Runciman, Messers J ohn A Ferguson and John L. McDonald. Mr. Aaron Wrurts has sold his farm property at Saugeen Junc- tion, 57.35 acres. to flhe furnitu: e company at Dur’h1am,f10r $9000 There are about niinetv acres 51.“? fine timber, Wihzch W11 be very valuable to the company. We 1111- derstand Mr. Wm VVhi-‘Le has be”: from the compam 75:10.1‘05 r1f {he propertv adjodnino h s 1:11 n va'rch was formerly the (116 W211r111 b homestead. al‘; cleereh Mr W'mrts intends going to tlhe West, 2nd in the meamlhme W111 move 11.5 fami 1_v to Fles'herton Mr. Janié-s Max-shall is engaged with Mr. Neil Alex McQueen, hauling ings to Durham. Dear Edi tor, 'bride, ulho was 1111.2. tien :led, enter-- ed the parlor, u hrich wz-‘us 'irns e l}' decorr‘ted for the «:- cc2.3«s on, on the arm of her father. and laked ohe .rming in a (lla‘nty gnu-'21 Pf vhite mull trimmed w'th overleco and baby r; bhon, and veil c uglht up with orange biossmns M s: H Bellamy, arunt ocf tlhe br: de, pl<ave' flhe Wedding march. After the ceremony and congratulatirs, :1 sumptuous weddli ng breakfast war; served to about twenty-five guests, immediate relatives of the bride and groom. The bride was the recipient of many useful amd beautiful wedding gifts, that from the groom being a gold bracelet set with pearls. The following day Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair left for their home .in Meaxford, amd a large circle of friends Wish them happi- ness and prosperity: The negative side won. The judges were Mrs. Wm. Sackett. Messers J its. Marshall George Witter. Mr. Alex B. McDonald sung acouple of good songs, also master Gordon Sackett and Miss Jennie McCannel. A buartetto consist- ing of Mr. and Mrs. Runciman and Mr. and Mrs. Witter gave a good voc'el selection. Stanley Williams gave a. violin solo. Music was supplied by the string band. Mrs. Fred Runciman on organ. Mr.'Fred Runciman with picc- ola and Messers J. A. Ferguson and J. L. McDonald, on violins. The chair- man for the evening was Mr. Archie McMillan from Swinton Park. It was decided to have another debate .for next evening, subject, "Resolved that women have more influence in the wofld than men”. The meeting cloéed- by singing the National Anthem. Get your commercml printing, 1nd 311‘ your stationery at this of- fice. We do good work at a reas- onable price. - . The annual meeting of the East- Grey Agricultural Society was ‘held held in the town hall on Saturday“ last, and officers elected as ‘ fol-g lows: Pres., G. Mitchell; Vice Pr.§ D McMillan; 2nd? Vice. A. Mu'r: D'rectors, J. Lcuglheed, G.H. Wed» ters, F. Studet, A. Harrison. W.H, Bunt,.D. McT‘nvian. R. Allan, J. Carson, J.A Boyd; arudritors, .3. Blackburn, W.J Bellamy. At subsequent meeting of the Direct- ors, J.A Boyd was. elected Seer. Trees. _ A quiet but very pretty wedding. took place at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Wm Siharp on Wefines- day afternoon. January 18'1“h.,-w\'hozz their eldest daughter. Ruby ny. was united in ‘fihe h 1v bonds 6 matrimony with Mr Orr-In Winfred ‘Siinc’rcir, of Mead‘crd. fibre hrl'e's pastor, Rev. 8E. Wel‘.”.v-:>v_>d. B.D., perfiormi‘ng r. 3 ceremony. The The Centre Grey Farmers’ Instiâ€" tute meeting ‘held here on Tuesday the 17th inst., was well attended, and proved interesting and profit- .able. The excellent delegation consisted of Mr. D. Borris, of Perth County, Mr. Laughlamxd, assistant demonstrator in Cclâ€"Iingwood Ag- ricultural Sdhool, and Mrs. Par- sons, of Forest. Con‘tinzued‘ next Week. BOO'THVILLE. FLESHERTON. ‘ .V THE DURHAM CHRONICLE FOR CON STIPATION A Medicine That Does N 01: Cost Any thirg Unless It Cures. The active medicinal ingredients of Rexall Orderlies, which an odor less, tasteless, and color- less, is an entirely new discovery. Combined with other extremely valuable ingredients, it 'forms a perfect bowel regulator, intestinal invigorator and strengfihener. Rex- all Orderlies are eatenlike candy and are notable for their agree- ableness to the paflate and gentle- ness of action. They do not cause sniping or any disagreeable effect or inconvenience. Unlike other preparations for-.2 like purpose, they do not create a habit, but instead they overcome the cause of habit acquired thru the use of ordinary laxatives, ca- thartics and harsh physic. and per- r‘mnently remove the cause of con- kglfipation or”irregular bowel ac- on. . If some of the kiddies “tuna VValk-' erton were as adept at running up a sum as they are at rolling a cigarette we could predict a most promising fu tux-e for the juveniles. But although there is a law to prevent tobacca being sold to minors on the one hand and; compelling children to go to school on the other, yet we believe the cause of education is making less advances here " than the tobacco trust. VValkerton isl probably not Worse off than some oth- ' er towns, but as we should take the? beam out of our own eye before we point to the mote in another’s it is well : to forget the foreign heathen until we I have dusted off our own door-step. } Whether the children here get their to- g bacco by proxy or whether it comes direct from the dealer, we are not 8-, ware, but at all events it seems to be’ coming into their handSSome way. and l certainly for no good purpose.â€"Times. | ‘We will refund your mone with- out argument, if they do no do as we say they will. Two sizes, 25c. and 101:. Sold» only at our store- The Rexall Store. Macfarlane 8:00 Saws Mmednnd skates sharp- ened a; the tawdry. The white corpuscles of the bloodâ€"- the Phagocytee, as they are known scientificallyâ€"are the policemen or the scavengers of the body. Not a germ of disease can invade the body anywhere but these white corpuscles get after it. And, if they are strong enough or in sumcient numbers, they devour it. These herbs are incorporacad 1n Psychine. Certain herbs more than others are noted for their curative powers. And it has been found that those herbs that are most efiective in main- taining or restoring health, do so by building up the white corpuscles or Phagocytes. If they’re not strong enough or in sufficient numbers, then the invading army of disease germs triumphs and disease holds the body.. Herbs have always been great cura- tive agents from time immemorial. Any preparation that strengthens these 'white corpuscles or that inâ€" creases their number, will not only preserve health, but will build up its defences so strongly that contagion or infection are impossible. They have been styled nature’s own remedies. A good oven is the housekeeper’s delight. A poor one is ‘11: do. :pair of her life. That's why we want to tell you about this Chancellor. A Speciz. 1 di\ 1<L flue makes , 1, the own a perfect baker. ,‘Thcrc is not 21 range in the " ‘ ' country can beat it. J - Law")? in the store. when you’re down % tryvq and lat us explain if) :3 MI LIFL hOK'.’ lhifi {1-10 (litztributes the ma: (“rally over the whoic oven. Ijnkcsin front inst as W211 v.53 back under crass: as well RS upper- W’c czm clemonstrgto to you the VthlC superior Chancellor princi and efficiency :11 ten 11111‘111tcs. ‘ Isn’t 1t mirth that much of your time right now ? The Chancellor 15 made fr21‘ either coal or wood. Other Gurnev-l or every sort, for everv purpose and all kinds of fuel, on diSplaV Special demonstration now. means a marked 59 urine; in fuel, and Chancellor not only does its worl Other range A JUVENILE EVIL HOW TO GET FREE ThFBest Baker #7 0mm da 50c. BOTTLE OF PSYCHINE tn. to you the Vthle superior Chancelbr principle of economy "a114‘l‘t‘ '21: d ay instcai of being a adisappoint mcnt is a pleasure a n. I “Oh.’ whispered the little lady, con- fidently, ‘they don’t really learn any- thing, you know, but they like to come and their husbands like them to come.’ “What do they do. then?’ “They just talk. and play. and smoke their water pipes, and if there is any matter of dispute their husbands lit in committee and decide the quest- ion.’ “Well, there was one,’ said the little lady, sadly. ‘Who had plenty of ability, but: when I pressed her to study she complained tr,- her husband leab she was being ill created and that was an end at it.’ “There is certainly a pathetic side to this new craze in China for education and Western knowledge in any shape and form. Even the man who adver- tised that. he could ‘be wh the English language up b0 the letber G’ probably did not lack for pupils.” “What do you 'ceach them?’ asked my friend. “But what a pity.’ said my friend. ‘Conld you not urge them to make bet- ter use of their time?’ ”Eager to display her knowledge of Western rustnms,” he says, “the prin- cipal. a Chinese lady of rank. herself well educated. dressed herself a l’ang- laise in a purple, sacklike tunic, belted in at the waist. a shiny black sailor hat, lined with flannelette and trimmed with real flowers that had withered away, and 1astly.hr0wn boots on her pooglittle rmisshnpen feet._ A. S. Roe, in his book called “China as 1 saw it,” gives an odd pen picture of a school, many of whose pupils, from 8-‘to 40 years old, were the wives of high officials. When given as soon as the Croupy cough appears, Chamber- lain‘s Cough Remedy will ward off an attack of croup and prevent all danger and cause of anxiety. Thousands of mothers use it suc- cessfully. 831d h? Gum’s Drug-j Store. for dhildrén Eear in mind that Chamberlain’- Cough Remedy is most effectual tor_ coldg, group Ffi'wBSJfiifig' eéia'gh, and that it contains no harmful _ drug. For vvâ€""‘â€"â€"" v-â€" contains no harmful drug. For ‘Séidi {ahaâ€" g sale by Gnn’o Drug Star. Alana Co. And it is the tremendous curative power of these herbs that is respon- sible for the unequalled record'ot this splendid preparation. Think of it. In Psychine we have a preparation that has been in use a third of a century. That has cured hundreds of thousands of many kinds of diseases. For which we have received hun- dreds of thousands of unsolicited testimonials. Anaemia Early Decline Female Weakness Catarrhal Afl‘ections Indigestion Catarrh of Stomach Poor Appetite Night Sweats Chills and Fevem Obstinate Coughs Sleeplessness and Laryngitis and Nervous Troubles Dyspepsia After-effectq of Pleurisy, Pneumonia and LaoGrippe. Now we don’t ask you to take our word for the tremendously beneficial effect of Psychine. Fill out she coupon below. mail it to us and we’ll give your druggisr an order (for which we pay him the regular retail price) for a 50-cent bottle of Psychine to be given you free of cost. Here are the diseases for the treat- ment of which Psychine is indicated: AN EXTRAORDINARY SCHOOL La Grippe Bronchitis Hem urrh age! (PRONOUNCED SI-KEEN) gel, and beatter baking results. The a eqngh gagdigine BrOnchiaJ Coughs Weak Lungs Weak Voice Spring Weakness Early Declin" Catarrhal Afl'ections better but at less cost the. Other (Emmy-Oxford (lesions t. i ramsian Sage 1"“: we dandruff {germs '33:: eradicate} dandruff, } Oh yess I am a joyous jay! I chnrtle 'all the livelung (12v. I sidestep grief and son-0w; on ywterday l was :15 gay . and fl'UllCHHne as I am tuday, and I’ll 9 he gay Io-uiurrow. It’s just 2L habit, éand no more; some men mav practise 1 being sore. and looking round forevil: for them each rose is mostly thorn l they see the cob and not the corn, their 'Wheat 15 full of weevilfl‘hey can't enjoy fasunny day: they’ll paw :Lruund and snort and say; “A storm will soon be ' ripping: ’twill knock the steeple, off the church. and blow the roaster from his path and paralyze the shipping." If they are healthy. sound as wax. they’ll search dod gasted almanacs to read of PARISIAN SAGE An Ideal Hair Tonic Parisian Sage is compounded on the most advanced scientific prin- ciples, and nothing on the market to-day can compare with it. It accomplishes so much more than the ord‘finar'-' ‘.‘=::?-~ '- ' -. _.-;po tailing hair, itching of the scalp, and splitting hair-s in W0 weeks or we will refund your mgneyt fell diseases: and when some pages they unfold they'll swear tbt‘y have a frightful cold. and fill the air with sneezes. All that’s a habit. friend of mine; it’s justa. habit to repine, and deal in gloomy phrases. to say that things are out, of whack. that, all the wheels have jumped the track. til sound for merry blaze a. It”. just. hab- tobelieve that it is waste of time to grieve in these dim worldly regions; but such a habit makes you strong, 1nd helps you as you pass along and brings you friends in legions. “7. Mason A confidence that has been basal on .our third of a century’s aperienot with this splendid preparation with n full knowledge of the hundreds at thousands of cures it has made. We will undoubtedly buy and dia- tribute in this manner hundreds d thousands at these 5mm bottles at Psychine. And we do that to show our enth‘ confidence in this wonderful prepari- tion. Stm Md Numw..... .00. This coupon is nagmd for-35k. bottle of Psychine it presented no the druggiss -â€"it. must be sent uaâ€"we will then buy the 500. bottle of Psychine from your dmggist and direct him to define: it. to you. .This offer may be withdrawn at. :23an without. notice. Send coupon y. To the Dr. T. A. SLOCUM. Ud- ‘ 193-195 Spadim Ave” Toronto I accent your offer to try 3 50¢. bottle of Psychine (pronounced Si-keen‘ at {our expense. I have 11% had a. 506. 39w}; of - lfsychine_ undgr this. glam Town ....00000 .nom0.o.ooooo-000¢.d ' Street. and Number. My Drugng Name- home of Psychine undgr this man. Kindly advise my druggmc w dehver this bottle no mo. My Name. A MATTER OF HABIT. COUPON No. :2» .a. users are astoniokoa .g.... .u. -.ooooooooooooooooooo' lay on our floor. .0009... 0000' co... {Vi

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