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Durham Chronicle (1867), 9 Feb 1911, p. 4

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A PETTY BLACKMAILER. The Blyth Standard received an anonymous communication which was properly \vitheId. The next Week, a letter came from the same party or parties, threatening to cancel their subscriptions if the article were not published. 'Ihr writer of this anonymous artic'c represents a class too common ir~ most communities. They are" moral cowards of the me-wnes'. kind. They haven’t the county-re come out like men. but prefer a" have their dirty work done by th: local editor, from whom "they threaten to withdraw their arab- scriptfions if he doesn’t act 'ke .: blind toes} .in their interests. A newsroaper is just as well] Without the‘ support of the moral cowar-fis who have neither the courage no. the manliness to stand up from their own rights. It would be. no sur- prise to learn they are already tour or five years in arrears. Effective. economical, pleasant. W'hat more can you ask? Davi's’ Menthol Salve .flulfills these speci- fications and is the best remedy for bites and stings, skin. disease piles. etc. 25c. per tin. v--‘ Knox church. Nrormanby, congre- gation, held their alnnlutml meeting on Monday night, January 23rd. Mr. James Moore acted as secrcm tary. The various reports present ed showed the various branches of the church to be in a thrifty con- dition. with a somewhat reduced balance on hand. Treasurer Wm. Grant was re-elected for 1911 and Wm. Wilton was elected mammger, to fill Mr. Richard Barber’s place. who was the retiring olflficer. Axi- ter the bulk of business was fin-1 ished, tea and ea‘t'ables we’re 133158“! All nfiA,“-§IJ A‘A We noticed. with some amuse- ment. the comment of that West» ern subscriber, regarding the Writ- ings of some of your humbie scribes. We have some of th- same kind of cmoakers in and a- round "the Corners,who have con- siderable of the same "1nd of dictation to offer, but we pity The printer who Win have to depend on such for a write-up. A Little nonsense now and then is relfisha-«f by the wisest men, :50 that surely your poor. humble scribes may be excused. This month of January huts rath- er spoiied its reputation, to-ciavy, 30th. being possibly one of the miidest on record. The revival services held in Knox church were much appreciat- ed, and large crowds were in at- tendance. The Rev. Mr. McCulloch of Owen Sound. conducted the ser- vices, and proved himself to be a 'real gifted and downright earnest servant of God, who labored most earnestly by alble preaching and inspiring song, to lift the people onto a higher plane of living, and We trust that much good will he the once-me. Mr. Andrew McIlvride, of Cayxley Alta. who is dIO'Wn east recruiting his health. and who, for the past seven years has been *a great awf- ferer from that most distressing ailment. asthma, is greatly improv- ed, having made 'a gain of 141bs., notwithstanding the feet 011' hav- ing had .a rather bad attack of grippe. We sincerely hope that Andrew may continue to gain in health. and return to his fiamcfiy again in the spring, greatly bene- fited by his trip. -Well, Mr. Editor, We have got badly side-tracked lately, but since N ew Year’s came in, We have been very busy building a “char- acter,” and consequently \a lot of rather interesting news has had to stand over. To all young men in South Grey this Opportunity is to be granted on the 15th and 16th of this month. In the village of Holstelin is to be held a short Judging Course, un- der the direction of the Depart- ment of Agriculture. At this course animals will be gone over and the good points shown. Then those present will be given a chance to judge the animals for themselves and their decisions Will be commented rupon by 'the men in charge. This is not .a (93138 of “telling” farmers what is best, but it ,is a case of “showing.” The stock, which shall be judged under the direction of Dr. H.C. Reed, of Georgetown, and John Gardhouse, of Highlfield. Dr. Reed will have charge of the light and heavy horses, and Mr. Gardhousse the beef cattle and sheep. There are no two better men in Ontario for this work, and all farmers and others interested should make an eflfort to attend. The Department of Agriculture has had Mr. T. H. Binnie in Holstein making final sur- rangements for the course, which should be one of the most bene- ficial meetings for farmers ever held in South Grey. It is necessmgr that the live stock man bea goo judge of the anim- als that he is breeding in order that he will be alble to breed and buy to the best advantage. Many of us have learned by experience what are the best types to keep. Others have not paid so much at- tention to this matter and are Wiv- ing to learn all we can. We have never had the best chances to learn Which is the proper type to bring in the best money This is especially so of our young men. They have not had the experience of their fathers and are anxrious to make a start in life .for them- selves. If they are to make the success of life they deserve they should haVe a chance to studV the animals With Which they will have to deal. STOCK JUDGING CONVENTION. "1E DURHAM CHRONICLE DURHAM. FEBRUARY 9. 1911 W. 18%" fi‘m‘en- and Proprieto: BLYTH‘S CORNERS. heir subscriptions if the -e not published. 'I'hr this anonymous artic'r a ciass too common i1“ “'3'“ ‘ “C”: AP!" ICA'rmNs. as they cannot "‘a-"h ”’0 ~‘ 9? of the disease. Catarrb is g b‘o'Ofl "" c "‘Ti'mi‘m -? His 399 and in order to care 1!. V0“ "HI-{f fukP inn-rug] rFVNPdiO-‘S Han,“ Catarrh Cure i ': k ‘71 inn-wally and acts directly on the M4206 and nvm-nus Surfacvs. Hall’s Catarrh Cure i8 Data Q“ 't k medicina It “'89! prescribed b' “"9 “W“ “St D“.\'siciam in t “a country for ynars arm i-z a regular prescripti n. It is com- «owol nf t-ht- host touia's known combinedâ€"with tho- 1) 9t blood purifiers, “Cti'vg directly on the ""10"" snrf‘ncvs The perfw-t combination of "‘9 ”:0 ingredients is what produces such wnzuderfnl results in curing Catarrh. Send for tN'immuials fwe. -v ‘J~r1u~“u. Now we turn hack ‘00 Price"::1‘0 again. :md t3 k9 the Durhvn Po and its pretty m :ch 11) hf} ual the way, but the C. P. 72. now is e.- gwre.‘ ( com enicnpe and 3:1“5'110' an hers cs- e 'rf-D W”! mm“: "SIHIZ f > f F I DR., where we find another bridge No 14, of the olden type. Then it takes down in am angle, till it cros- ses at lot 1, con/2, one mile from the D.R., where we find bnidge No. 15. From thence we follow what is known as the Slamigeen Valley Rd which goes alongside the river in southwesterly direction till we come out at bridge No. 16, on the D.R., which, by the way, .is anew one, but not yet completed. The river then takes its course about1 one-quarter of a mile south of, the Durham Road, till it lands in ‘ the town of Durham, and we con- cluded to aniIlOW it no «further, 38' there are too many mill diams onI our way, so we came to ta halt at; McGowan’s mill. On our way, we fancy we counted 20 bridges all] told some forur private ones. No. wonder that Glenelg taxes are1 high. Some blame the council for. highrates. others the 3358959011" and f we cannot vouch for anybody ; blaming the collectors, but the‘ , Creator saw fit to bless the .inhmb-s itants of Glenelg with a super-‘ abundance of running water, so he left the matter to their own i will to bridge them or cross them ' as they pleased. The distance from Priceville to Durham is ten miles. and we faafncy this would be; a good question feor a half grown- up boy to find how many miles it 4 is, taking the river’s course ’90.} Durham. We would suggest that the Traverston correspondent act . as teacher, and solve the question if the small boys failed in giving 1 ’the correct answer. Talking Glen- 1 'than 50 bridges of all sizes, and 1 l elg as .a whole, there are no less about ten times that numlber of hills, so that there are rivers to a cross and hills to climb and stones 1 to remove from our .footpaths. 1 Now we turn back ‘00 Pricevzflfe 1 aggin. and take "the Durham Ro-l. : 4 Chas. McKinnon, rotf Alberta, who was viaiting an: the old home, South Line. Artemeszia, for a few Weeks, left .for his home agaiin on Saturday Bast, February 4th. ‘ ' T . -w-v'y - VVL '1 L11 W , at J . Norman McIntyre’s house had a narrow escape -a couple of weeks ago lonf being-.‘zyuirned, the stove pipes running through a room where clothing was kept catching fire some way, and burming all of Mr. and Mrs. McIntyre’s good clothes, consisting caf 'fisne suits and dresses. However, they are thankful that the loss weasn’lt any larger. Mr. Arch. McC'uaig, of Top Cl'ifi, attended the Emmy-3.1 meeting of the Grey and Bruce Insurance Co. on Saturday, mammary 28th. ‘n- v-- ~Vâ€" â€"â€" \ ¢ “‘0 ‘AUL Lu‘1_ eral toxoyk place at Pricevxllle on Wednesday of last week, and was largely aat'tended. There were from Durham, Mr. and Mrs. John Graham, Mrs. Calder, and Mr. and Mrs. John McQueen. Rev. Mr. Matheson 'orfuficsisa'ted, assisted by Rev. Mr. Berry. The bereaved family have the sincere sympnzzihy of all, who «form their acquadnltlance As was :seen in last week’s paper there are many deaths, three flun- erais in silccessfon the firsv't threo days of last Week. Mrs. McOor- mick and Miss Ha"). both old Gi-en- elg pioneers, and Mrs. McKechmi-e, of Prieewil e, another of Glenealg’s pioneers, coming there to luot 21, con. 3, N.D.'.R., in the year 1851, When on‘ly six years wld. Her fun- A_A‘ as many have them in Pnfcoviilr. and take the t1" tin to Durham 2.‘ C. return, which only means 60c, and when a person rays 'Dc-r hie. dime:- and horse statbling‘, there's not much Yeft of the extras. We are now into February, and it’s cold and stormy :since it came in. Lots of sickness from one cause and smother in the local- ity. F. J. CHENEY 8: 00.. Props , Toledo, 0. Sold by 3'1 Drugzists. 75c. Toke Hall’s Family Pills for constipation. We find a good substantial bridge a 'feW rods below the Catholic church, which makes bridge No. 8. One-quarter of a mile below, on sideroad 30, we find another bridcge two and tome-half miles afrom the D.R., No. 9. The river then takes a north-westerly course, at lots 13 14 and 15, con. 5, and rat the 'flarth4 est point is about three miles from the DR, when it takes a sudden turn 'to 'the south. Here We .find bridge No. 10, and crosses at lot 15, con .4, Where We find three bridges, Nos. 11, 1‘2 and 13, tall (in a I‘OW' and two and one-eighth, miles from the Durham Road. The river then takes a southwesterly direction, and- cro-sses at lot 5, con. 2, one and one-quarter miles from. 40, just one mile from the D.R., and here we find bnid'ge No. 5. The river then takes a westerly course for about -a mile, and one mlile from the DR, then it takes a north-west course, and crosses at Black’s, con. 2, where we find brdiges No. 6 and 7 close to- gether, then the river takes some- what in a north-easterly direc- tion till it comes to con; 4, two amd one-half miles from the DR. Here 2, one mile from the Durham Road. and on com. 2, lot 47, We find No. 3 one and cine-quarter miles from the Durham Road. Down a half a mile, there is another, No. 4, on con. 2, then the river takes 4 its course dawn to lot 40 at siderâ€"oad This week, we intend to take 233: imaginery walk down the Semgeen river from Priceville to Durham, for the purpose of counting all the bridges, and giving am outline of the course the river takes, While wending its Way that am, and to begin, We find the first bridge 0.; the town line, three-edghths of a mile from the Durham Road. At soderoad fifty, we fiind hridnge N 9. Catarrh Cannot be Cured PRICEVILLE. - er even spoke to the King before he married Queen Mary. Decent minded peOple will henceforth refrain from repeating the scandal, and all but the worst gossips will drop it from their repertoires. The King and Queen have set. up a court that bids fair to be as influential in uplifting the moral stand- ards of the Empire as was Queen Vict- orias’ and all loyal subjects will laud them for furnishing such a worthy ex- ample for Whereâ€"Toronto News. I February, up to the present,! has been cold and bzbustery, amd ;if the dxiflferent almanac weather! fpredict'ions are true, we have ev-. ‘ery reason to be1ieve that it will! ”remain so until the end. At time‘ of writing, Monday, a fierce bliz-- :zard is raging 'from‘ the east. , I - No one else is quite ~o contemptihle as the. man or Woman who makes or circulates slanderous statements about oth« rs. The lzeinousness of the offence i» aggravated when the victim is M) highly placed that he cannot readin or wi..nout 10ss of dignity take the necessary steps to defend himself. For years past vulgar persons of a low oriier of intellect and the yellow press of the United States have kept going the false. story that in his youth King George married and then deserted a daughter of Admiral Seymour. Lately a black gaurd, desirous of injuring the monarchy with right thinking and right doing people, printed the sland- er and circulated it in England. Nat- urally anxious to clear his reputation and that of his court in the eyes of his per ple and the world, the King at last decided to stop the story once for ali by having the whole issue fought out in court. The slander-er was arrested. ! Admiral Seymoui, his only surviving 1 daughter, and his three sons all went‘ nto the witness hm; and swore thati his younger daughter, whom the King was accused of marrying and desert- ing. and who is dead some years, nev- The serial story, “The Pillar of] Light,” which has been running in this paper for some time DSJSt, land! which came to an end ’in hast? iweek’s issue, was to us .a very iii-l Iteres'ing one, and we, were always- anxious to see ‘the‘ continued chapâ€"A iters from week to week. Pers-tu a! ;aliy, we consider it one of thel gbest and most interesting; S:"-’:I":€S fpubiished in the Chronicle, for at. ileast eight years. The ednitor,l ffrom our point of View, is getthg, ghetter in the art of selecting readd fine: material. The second 'of a series of lliterâ€" ary entertainments was held in the'school here on Friday night last, taking the form of .a debate being; Resoived, that fhe regula- tion license 1Iaw is more beneficial than local"; option. The result was a victory :for the negative. Ev- erybody enjoyed the program immensely. _ Messrs. Wilson anH Ricken ship- ped their regular car domd of mi_x_ed ldve s_toc._k on Tuesday. Mr. Wm. Bourne, who has been visiting in this section and Sam- geen Valley, returned 'to Dam- phin, Man.. Tuesday. Mr. Wm. Noble, of But“: on Hi1,1 is at present caretraekr at hc home of ..Mr and Mrs. John McGirr, during their absence in T-:orrmto Mrs. Jos. Payne, and daughter, Miss Mabel, spent a few days Izast week with the vformer’s sister, Mrs. Edwards, at Mt. Pleasant. Mrs. Hanna, 'W' mni peg , is at pres ent visiting her old fr end a:.d schoolmate. Mrs. H. Firth, at the hqglewof Mr. and .Mrs.‘G<_eo. Ryan. Mr. and Mrs. John McGirr left for Toronto, Monday. where fhey will spend a week with friends. Mr. and Mrs. 'R.J. Scott, of Field- ing, .Sask., visited friends in this section. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Noble, of Tononto, are at present spending a few weeks 'With friends and rela- tives :in this and other places. Mr. and .Mrs. H. Hocper, south line, Glenelg‘, called on Mr. and Mrs. John Hewitt .one evening lasz week. k ‘ Mr. and :Mrs. A. Crutc-hley spent a .feW days hast week with ‘fniendis in Berkeley. - Mrs. Jas. Wilson, accompanied by her brother, Mr. S. :MéGirr, of Durban, Mam, spent a [few days with Paisley :friends recently. “Fruit-a-‘tives” is the only .remedy that actually cures Rheumatism, and Sciatica because “Fruit-a-tives” IS the only medicine that actually prevents Uric ACld being formed in any quantity in the body. If there is no excess of uric acid in the blood, there can be no Rheumatism. "Fruit-aâ€"tives” keeps the stomach clean~the liver activeâ€"the bowels regular â€"the kidney strong and the skin healthy. These are the organs that rid the body of all waste. When “Fruit-aâ€"tives” so regulates the system that all waste is eliminated, then there can be no waste or “urea” to be changed into uric acid. Thus, there can be no uric acid in the blood, to inflame nerves and cause the pain which we know by the names of Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lumbago, Neuralgia. “Fruit-a-tives” will cure every trace of Rheumatism, Pain In The Back, Swollen Hands and Feet, and other troubles due to the blood being poisoned by uric acid. If you are subject to Rheumatism, cure yourself now with “Fruit-a-tives” and be free of pain this Winter. 50¢. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25c. At all dealers, or sent poatpaid on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, Ont. I saw “Fruit-a-tives” advertised in “The Telegram”and decided to try this remedy. After I had taken one box, I was much better and the pain less, and I continued the treatment with good hopes. When I had taken .three boxes, I was The cure of my case by “Fruit-a-tives” was indeed splendid because all the doctors failed to even relieve me of my sufferings. For the sake of others who may suffer from this terrible disease, Rheuma- tism, I give you permission to publish this statement.” “I was a terrible sufferer from Rheumatism for 31111 was swollen and the pain was fearful. All c was dreadful, and I could hardly move for the ag physicians but their medicine did me no good, a remedies but received no benefit. I was simply a from Rheumatism all during last winter. Five Boxes Of “Fruit-a-tives’Tured Her HElPlESS CHIPPLE DARKIES CORNERS. THE [)UHHH-I I'm-tnfx‘lt'LE a-tlves” advertised in “The Telegram”a.nd decided to try this had taken one box, I was much better and the pain less, and I ttment with good hopes. When I had taken three boxes, I was ld use my arm again and the pain was practically gone. After boxes, I was entirely well againâ€"no painâ€"no sufferingâ€"and [ROM RHEUMATISM 4 HOME PLACE, TORONTO, DEC. 15th. You are probably aware that pneumonia always results from a cold, but you never heard of a cold resulting in pneumonia wéhen Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy was used. Why take the risk when this remedy may be had for a trifle. For sale at Gun’s Drug Store. He leaves his emu h at 9:1er dawn , And umkes the file to him, 'He puts the eggs and «:uffve un A d mmks them to a turn; -Ti;e:i when the meal’s prepared he takes, ‘ VVithuut, a hit- 0f noise HR way unto the bed and wakes l The part ner of his jays. ,H» kggws “here all his things are kept I He’ puts them there you see! .It' wl en he’s home his den is swept l He laughs right, merrily, ‘ He wipes hi f ~et upon the mat l Until frc-ni mud they’re clo-nr, He never. never. hangs his hat- Upon the chandelier! He is on time at. eventide, Nu dinner has to wait; 8- smnkes his fragrant pipe inside His little humeâ€"tha Us 24' Night! A WHShlli' y lunch he likes it, yes! i ~\n«l if some talk there he Of cash to purchase hat or dress He scorns vconomy. Sn doth the model husband do In winter spring or fall. ’ He is a saint in summer tonâ€"- He has no faults at all! He is the catch to bring delight To any maiden fair» I know that he exists all right, But I can’t tell you Where; '_ _ i I Dr. Gun has taken his phone out of Mrs. Baker’s store and placed it in -Wm. Brigham’s. Mr. Robt. ;Brigham ds busy getting up his ’telephone line. He (is running it as ifar north as Lamla sh, and south as :far as Hampden. Bob is a hustâ€" ,1.er, and is bound! he is going to be able to tank to his neighbors. Mr. and ers. Moses Donnelly {were visiting )friends near Varney ylast Week. - Mr. Henry Brigham intends to ship a cam load of! xfence posts this Week. \Vn nnriced that. some of your Hock- Py f Hows on their way home from hannver lost comm] of their horse and got into a mixup and we might say accux-ding to the amount, of nuise they made going along the» road they hnd lost C(mtrul of more 'han the horse. Mr. Moffet has sold out his stock of goods which he purchased from Mrs. Baker and has gone back to Toronto. The store looks empty at present but we understand that the man that bought the property intends to open up a business here. Mr. Thos. Brighahi purchégea a fine horse from Mr. John Brown, of Han- over. Thomas knows a. good horse when he sees it. ‘ Mr. End Mrs. John Winters of Elm- wood were visiting with their daught- er,‘ Mr: Wm; Bailey, last week. Mrs. Baker's sale was largely attend- ed Luzt week and every thing sold at a. go_n_d figu‘re}: Mr. Edward Acton has gone to spend the winter months with his sister in Lansdowne. We wish him a pleasant time. . A MODEL HUSBAND ALLAN PARK. MRS. LIZZIE BAXTER. [It’s Us.] DIRECT CANADiAN ROUTE DAILY (- __ - 01 «km-(xxx Hm: Oatmeal Millers If you want the names of parties who and we will be pleased to let, you have them. in ton lots yet, but as we are having more (let the Eastern vainces, we are likely to advance 1; it will pay, to lay in a sfock while the pmce is low. lately to some. of the largest feeders in this district and they claim it is as good as Bran or Shorts for feeding stvck, and as it is a lot cheaper than bran, we think it would p-ty you to give it a trial. GUN’S DRUG STORE “ Hazel - Lemon Cream,” “ Mellolin,” “Almond Cream” for chapped hands and facefetc. “Nasaline” for colds in the head,catarrh,etc. “Lipsoline” the only remedy that cures 001d sores and chapped hands, at Come m and see will save you money we are carrying Floor Uilcloths, which v U Machine, and have the brated make, which we a The Price is $15 Per Ton e have sold a large quantity of Williams Sewing Machines are sole agents for the New carrying a. very large stock: 5 which we are selling at vm-v are having more demand for It now from our stock before buying, Durham, Ont, using it, let us know ZOf Rugs and r. and we F91) away ’, and 1911 TOU RS Winter The Grand T! m {I the popular ro act through Caum AND TO THE SU of express train: standard and touri all points in VVesté For informatiod Double track, 1 roadbed, modern 9 ed dining car servi ufety and comfor No more dpsirw Grand Trunk and Full infm'mat from JAMES. R. or J. TO‘VNER. ' Trains will arriv lows. untii further “down CANADIAN PA‘ TIME B. MACFARLA Trains leave Our .50 p ”‘0 Trains arrive at I 1.50 p m.. and b” 55 p1 EVERY DAY E G. T. Bell. W. D, CO R. MACFARLAZ‘ Pumps of: Galvanized ing: Brass. and Iron 0; Pumas fro 330? Open over} m REPAIRING l 0er at $60de I J. TOWNER, PLAN 1 N for 1,110 pnsiti you. Ahuut and women pl tit)" u: better ing a fww umn SChOnlâ€"SHA‘ THE CENTR COLLEG B Our new (tatth you. Ynu are for it. w. H. Yongc and Gem ZENUS Grand Tr TIME' DURHAM G. P. Agent. Mann-Pal The underd announce to Dmham and country. thai Planning Mil completed a; to take ordd pairs.- A call for quotath next job. Also a limi iron work 3.1 Feb 9. Custom Prom] tend SASH, -â€"â€" and al‘ House FEA' ., or Mum! travel To:

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