West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 16 Feb 1911, p. 1

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73. Jacob Thtcmpson, was marriage with Mr. Wm. H. Boil r. of Markda’Ee. L: bride f m ‘ rty gown '0 bisque silk {,0 ‘8nd wried Za Militia" m young son: ed that the ofiflcers and firs of fins Lodge do hereby Sympathy j , that t}}0 (7’0le n- n - iing high carousal down )g bazu', and the boy- ney where the shining ' may hear their joyous may hear them shout bey’re finding life a801- ,? hours takp wing. But the mm‘ninz when the hrs “.12“! “mm- .L- [Mr hompson’s lbert S‘tin so [1m "P ”"'»f--~'*’:r:d:ng 1.1] in ""3 Mn ugust pay the u'mcc is 51’ an 'al of en priv 'styli the w h friend FIDDLER J amieson Hi ll 'IQ‘ ll “V1180 tho nest. and tbs 5“ afJOnies re- 2? ~‘ that ascend! -' fiddler When é“Ir-“‘9 are fell- ' “1'" cutting 14 ”mt unless un-Ply in the L! nufioxuwgg. I "if {0 Rom. 33.0}:ny a,“ ‘ ‘HM some day I“? Will spread i :tlucks win 13; than you’ll K» H q «vas at I ‘ Fears. V38 r9 of ,rted .m. is home I) is V18- La skay U V .918 ice cu at nanover on January Hfb 1910. On 1191' 1391170th WQ‘S urO‘ed th t the rai‘way was negligent "‘ an Wing: Inmher to 1‘9 piled bv “'1" Knechtel‘ Furniture Co. 80- close to the tracks that "rhe brakeman ch forced to go out on the track in 1910. On hm- be th t the raihva'] an Wingjnmher Knechtel Furnit' the blacks that ed 8 - “q‘\"' \J.‘ UH'C'L' ouullu Irom In: Judgment at the trial which took place at Walkerton against the Grand Trunk Raflwav. to recnvm damages for the death at her hus- band. awbrakeman, who was km» As has previously been announc- ed: the date for the anniversary services in the Baptist church “‘2' se: some time ago for March 12th -and 13th. It has since been learn- ed that arrangements have been made by the Presbyterian church to have the Welsh choir concert on the 13th. To avoid a conflict of dates. the Baptists have decided toi hold their anniversary services n. Week later, March 19th and 20th. as it will be possible to secure Prof. ‘ Matthews for that date. On Mon- day evening. the 20th. he will de- Iiver an address on “The Old Tes~ tament and Modern Discoveries.” , -v , .n a k. 1 'l s. of the Board before the Easter hoiidays. The next move will be the creation of the oMice of Super-- intendent of Education .for Toron- to.,a position that Wild carry 2 salary of about $5000 a year. Inspectors Chapman and Elliott are candidates for the position. Since the foregoing appeared in‘ Toronto papers, Mr. Hughes makes a flat denial of his intention to re- Sign. Inspector Hughes is about to resign his positi3n as ChieI In- snecs m- arzf ’I ammo cit} who 3' He has heid the position for thirt1 1-six years, and his lesiO'naI: - tion is expect ed _to be in the hands . . â€"--â€"-.-«- LaUle Irom London, England, says mans OPIIIIOJI 0f boys oprowl‘ng n Carry told the po. around till all hours at night and - 9 then sleeping during 'the day .to Kinrade, of Hamilton, Ontario. He make up for Inst time. Our omn- . . says he was incited to shoot the i011 1113:! not carry 8.5 much \Vfi’lgh: girl by an ‘American’ who gave him as Dr. Hutchinso 1'5. but it W':111~' $500.00, an ° _ . not he hard to convince us thatlin a cattle boat .bound‘ for Birken- boys would sleep less during head ’ ' ' Working h ‘nrs if they went to bed . . wandering Lunatic, and the magis- earlier at night. trate ordered him to be detained . in Chatha..m Asvium, when enqui- Inspector Hnghes IS abeuj: to I pies will be made -‘ r8319!“ hlS I'H‘M‘dhnh ac: (“Indy- T» i man 5 I'erence, says: “Give the boy all the pie he Wants,” and “let him sleep if he needs it.” The amerage boy will agree with the doctor, but We would like to: know the medical Messrs. C. Firth and W. Scarf attended the Fairs Association in the city hall, Toronto, last Week. as delegates from the South Rid- ing of Grey. This was the larg- est convention ever held in con- nection with the Association. Mr. Scarf was nominated 'for the Vice- Presidency, against Mr. Leary, oil Peterhorough. After two ballots] v..v H, " “bl-l the Ministerâ€"â€" of Agriculture will be here Credit Auction Sellaâ€"Farm stock and Implements, at Lot 7, conces- sion 18, on Thursday, February 16. A number of horses, cows, young stock and pigs Will be offered for sale by public auction. 12 months” credit. Wm. Calvert, Proprietor, D. McPhail, Auctioneer. See bills for particulars. Deputations have been waiting on the Ontario Government with a View to having an agricultural school established in the countv Owen Sound, Markdale, Meafno-rd and Flesherton have already inter-t Viewed them, and Durham intends to follow suit on the 18th. when village ofIElmwood, on the Grey and Bruce boundary. The Bruce portion of the village will be .a-dd- ed to Grey county. ‘ Dr. Brown, L. R. C. P., London, England, eye, ear, nose’ and throat. will be at the Hahn House, Durham from 1 to 5 p. m., February 18th, March 18th, and April 15th. --,. ,1. sauce waIlLeU.â€".'.l‘0 learn The Royal Welsh Choir, town tinsmithing. Apply to IV. Sternall. hall, Durham, Monday, March 13th Hemlock, spruce, balsam, :bass- Wood, and cedar logs wanted, at . the rear of the foundry. ’ The sermons next Sunday in the Methodist church Will be on “A Mrs. May, of Toronto, visited her ' * - n u brother, Mr. Fred Search, and! sis-H gtelglssigilfi :fécauifiggy HOW God ter, Mrs. J. A. Glass, over Sunday. Mt. Forest Business College has MR “7111- Scarf intends hOI'aniP.‘ a started hundreds of young men sale of .farmstock and implements and Women on the road to success. on the 3th. O’f March. 36 801d hls- Will you not be the next? 112tf farm, and Intends movang away. Don’t forget the Horse Fair, to- Young man, remember the great day, Thursday, February 16th. men of to-day were once like you. There Were twenty-eight horses They succeeded, Why cant YOU? sold at the last fair, and this one You, will if you attend Mt. Forest. promises to be :better. . Busmess College- 110+: Apprentice wantedâ€"To learn tlnsmithing. Apply to N. Sternall. The sermons next Sunday in the‘ Methodist church Will be on “A Still Small Voice,” and “How God Deals with the Guilty.” NOW is The commit-tee to arrange for a -. ”anemia.“ AssOCIatea Press The Public Library is now an meeting With Hon. James S, Dlle'f, did like to know the medical , ~ ‘ ssured thing, and will probably With a View to secu - . ' '" . told the po-lbe erected during the coming cultural School [for till 311 110111‘5 at night, and ; ummer. Trustees have been apâ€" vieinity.â€"Carried. Ceiling during the day .to Kinrade, 01' Hamilton, Ontario. He pointed as follows: Rev. Dr. Far- Kinnee-â€"Lenahanâ€"That the ac- in for lost time. Our 0.73m? says he was incited 'to shoot the quharson, John Kelly, John Gra- count of J.P. Telford :for $168 be wt carry 115 much ‘Volflhilsir! by an American who gave him ham, Chas. Rama'g‘e, Thos. Allan Daid.--C'arried. thtthifisw‘fs. but it Will' ° . . . . hard to convince us ths‘ would s.eep less during'head, He ' . 3 ' . .. 0' 4y . .s- cuSSion. We do not wish to ap-lDr' Farquharson for. a rant 0‘ trate ordered him to be detained pear pessimistic, but there is a ,in Chatl'mm Asvl'um, when enqui- ctoz' Hughes is about t .‘IAL ' . Iceljtedoâ€"‘C3rried. ’ “ strong probabiny that every'hing,’ B . 1 \I 593 t . t t ' ‘ ' Ch' ‘ I 0mm m” be made esmmamy the 5919050“ 'O'f a Site’zteeg-fgifvthg urea: "adgtlilhuai‘ilhsii 1 \ '1‘ 9 } " ~ I I- . ‘0‘. v. I . - . . :m- mm (31L\ w .‘m- . . 4' tion Two locations have been ail-l”c 00' ”trio ‘ O Dur am, was Le 1...:(1 +1.9 position f0;.!fl‘lllt and vegetable growers Cu d 1, f w is “the. {IQ} his" ..e._ji._,.,l,.__,iEastern Canada. that is, Canaauda rea y 31’0“?“ ‘0’ â€"the place Wherelpm through its several readings , , - - , . ‘ land adoted. The trustees were _ , .4“ ~, - ‘ .‘east of Lake Superior, waited on the 01d.bu1]dmg stands. and the, ' 1:121 : f n - J G - POCKC-‘ t“ ”G In “10 halzdfi.‘ , _ .L land 1“.an Immedlatel Wesf- 0'” lappOln e as "0' 0W8. o A... ra . ., i, 4' h F .Ithe Dominion Government last ~ 33, , ~ y . .. "I‘d .o.ore t e .astew {week to ‘irotest a ainst clauses in and adjoming the ;. Zho next move Will hr“ "‘ I g ‘ ‘ pew market‘ham' one 'year; J. Kelly, two 0 o ‘ r | C . ,~ t} e o't'c -f at r {the reciProcitv agreement. which bundmg. It must he remembered 3eێihc§°§h§8§£édthree years. f )‘ D“. ‘l v-1 8 0 pl '. " ‘ . ' . ° '. . * ‘ , “uni: Fdl‘P’lIla’V-l tor Togasâ€"HM." regarded as detrimental to thgtRa. Public Library. and. Read- “si‘i‘on‘ that “Li” 0.1.1.; . fthe fruit growers of Canada. They Egg fligm ‘5 3f Becreation place 'ijI‘ -â€"â€"â€"-.-â€"__ fir. spent $5000 a “1...“; seemed to be united in opposition’ s $111749“? Ob Wurham, and ViSit- N If. ":hmmnn 'llld Fl’io‘tito the removal of the duties :fie 539123838 (:13; tlgwnf) andh the ’ OBIIUARY- 5 \ LINL c A... ~ ' ‘ o e? . t _ ‘u e '.-.e - wares the pcsn:on.;:;g;§h 53:8gegfg‘ffbg;”3,2313%,ngzwith a to moraine Seth? MRS- ‘WM- MOORE . - .i . . . " e foregmng apnearedklr} United States A {.m’odatio-n easfly acceSSible to all. We reglet to chronicle the l‘i'flDGTS~ 311‘; Hughes ma 95' , ‘ _, inlil either of the sites mentioned death of Mrs Wm ' trial of his intention to re-! On Wednesday evening of last fill the . . requirements properly? aweek, 3} mggngfilefilt bfinquet 32335 9If not, where is there a site thaz‘ given In I: e a 'er 011.86, “0-" will 311nger the Ul‘ 086 bettp qek'd -'_. - ,â€" . I..." - , o u o ‘ ‘ ’ yr, . l ne tI‘OUble ‘III‘P‘ 10Ll§l3 beer! apn'oun» : ronIO, byv s‘q'he Canadla,n Farm, 'Individrual p p . . y , :zate for the anniversarv f . f d b and for a whole . . . . anoies o in iVid a ear has een , l B _ t h h - ,Ihe Dominion Live Stock Breeders citizens should car . u 1 y m inc anus 0 are W12 , . . th b t . t t V182}? to serving the attendance of her only surviv- , , , ' . ; e es in eres s o the arrangements hare been laces in the United States, num- W the Presbyterian chiurchfg , t Th t holeging sister.d Eeeltiing that nothing . . .comm'uni v. e .own. as a’more coul e one the doctors , , , ermg. In all, about one hundred whole. have to pay the expense of advised her to be when to Toron- he “96110110” 007190.91": (”gland nifty. Mr. Wm. :bcanf repre-, ° . for a Special examination Mr To {Wald a “mill“ Y‘lsented South Grey, and Mr. T1103? ave a deciding Moore, acting accordingly .took. ’Bfiptlfits have d-ecxded OiMercer, East Grey. In the after~ _’ voice in the selec - “ t . " . ’ 1‘ aanel‘S'U'.“ SGPVIC‘PS " dinner speeches, the trade rela-;site. To bnv a new lot In - r. Hard] 19th and 20th~ 515‘ tions were touched on, but did not' nossi’nle to secure Prof l‘ttl ~ ’th t I.“ a cost lfxalfinnationk préived too severe . a l 8 money on e s a i, t the; or er wea ene constitution and - receive much ’m ath from the ° ' - . . i for That date. On .NI’OH- StOCk men. 8) p y .bUIIdlnq 15 to serve the Dr ing. the 20th. he will d-o- and future generations, and .ddress on “The Old T95, On Saturday afternoon last, a'beplaced where greatest 'be ;d Modern Discoveries.” team belonging to Mr. James Mc-,may result ! . With a little Ronald, of Bentinck, which were mon sense 'isional Court has dig- tied in front ‘Olf .McIlraith’s 3 be easil‘v ’ settled e d "t h ’ l 9 anneal of Mrs. John store on Garazfraxa street. becameican . ' . . on. T e maiden name of the dleceaS- of Owen Sound from th: 3 frightened at a couple of men omwant any 'C'ZM‘S inst vet h b d ed r 't '(‘hron'icle co‘imns '° ° 31‘" {id W3? Jegnie C. McRae. She was t t t 'al which too-l: orse ack an m e a run or i .1 « . , .n . ‘. are open or cm in t e county of Glengarry Fiialklgitoiil against the! Breaking ’ from, their m'oorings,'r8880nable discussion - ink Railwav, to rec-'H'pr they Started lup the street ' .41. years ,«ago, went to Manitoba L bt sti- but han th ~ "m 'Wlth.h§rtpa§ents in 1890, and was - .- ., hus- am on eet : c gmg eir ‘ marrie o , 3:5,. 251;??th 3;; k m" minds, they turned ground and CONSERVATIVE common novel. on Janna” 14f}. headed south. In making the turn, A meeting of the Conservatives In January 1901, they came to Mar behalf .it Wes'uro-ea ’ one lot” the horses took to the sxde- of South Grey Will! be held in the aim.“ was negligent .-.. walk In front of Matthews Lati- . mm": to he piled bv the mer’s grocery shore, the other re- 'urniture Co. 3.0 close to maining in the ditch. Straiddhn . that +119 brakeman wqc tree, they got loose from the and the Ontario ro out on-the track in sleigh and started dOWn the maid 12118131988 ‘Olf the regular business . _ on each a “dead” car that at a record clip. .After a miles a public meeting will be held, and brothers, two at Welwood, Man, ing to. couple on to .3 run, one of the animals was cap- addresses on the great political one in D ' . . . - ‘ e, In some wav. he. tux-ed down near Camp Creek, but _ _ . . , Quebec. Her mother died eight WU While on the track. the Other animal OHIY, ran about James 3- Dmfif, Minister of. Agri- “yearsago, a sister seven years mes. The Divisional three b100,“, and turning east at culture for Ontario, A. s. Goodeve, ago, - ' the bratâ€"ems» til: Cthroncilcle corner, {:10 ’11!) Age? 3 P, (if! British Columbia, W. R . tarilv - 2‘ . s ee,an was cang near. . . m Inan c _ d‘s obediegzgntotdlufv gag: ~Lawrence’s blacksmith shop. Be- ers. A cordial invitation is ex- hflani shmves 3% isepifa . evidenee {in show gnwiyond a set, of broken harmess, no tended to everybody to abtendthis dang-M > ~ ~ ' ' be’ run downyo's. Sun. other damage was done. ‘ VOL. 444m. the‘ 18th, When M- you thought about our 011- . 1- second contest? It will be quite an 16 Vice: interesting exercise for everyone aary, 01 to sit. down quietly andJ-buildhvords $211825 from the three words given. The , conditions elsewhere will explain election . what we want. We omitted say- mmous - mg last Week that two r’s occur in 3f New the words given. All letters mayl hoy all occur. Write out your lists as; et him instructed, Sign your name, and- l‘Qrao-e give Your pOSt‘O‘flfice ad'dress. b tor, hut: A Canadian Associated Press mt‘dIFaI Cable from erndon, England, says, rOWhIIEI Edward John Corry told the 130-! ht, and lice there that he mrurdered Ethel; by .to Kinrade, of Hamilton, Ontario. He F 0me says he was incited ‘to shoot the “TIEâ€"1‘1}? girl by an American who gave him . \VIIL’ I$500.00, and secured him passage . IS that l in a cattle boat .bound' for Birken- l during 1h “1- He is charged with- being .1 . fn lam . ----__ _‘I . - and Imfty. Mr. Wm. Scan: repre-, sented Sou'th Grey, and Mr. Thos.‘ Mercer, East Grey. In 'the after-' dinner speeches, the trad tione Were touched on, but d1d not 'I A deputation of two thousand gfruit and vegetable growers th ’Eastern Canada, that is, Canada least of Lake Superior, waited on {the Dominion Government last week, to protest against (313111888 in the reciprocity agreement, which they regarded as detrimental to the fruit growers Olf Canada. They seemed to be " ' to the removal of the duties which gives a free interchange 0’: fruit and vegetables with the" United States 1 V After being barred .for over one hundred and fifty years, finger bowls are to be restored for use in the royal household. Following: the customs of royalty, we strug- gled along without them, but henceforth We’ll be able to Wash the liver ofif our mouth before Wading into our dessert of Lima burger. I I “The man who uses too much Whiskey and tobacco, can’t ex- our ofifice not many days ago, and We didn’t try to dispute it. Many Who are stupid in schnol, might trace their stupidity to this very caruse. i Tuesday was “Valentine’s Day, a day sacred to St. Valentine; the 14th of February. It was a very old notion alluded to by Shakes- peare, that on this day birds be- gan to mate. Hence, perhaps, arose the custom of sending love tokens at that time.”â€"Webster‘s Dictionary. ‘ vâ€" “yawn“ U‘L. L'Ul'CEH. Business Eofiege. 112tf It is said that the first para- graph Mark Twain Wrote When he began his editorial duties With the Virginia City Enterprise Was this: “A beautiful sunset made Beranger a poet, a mother’s kiss _made Benjamin West an artist, and $15 a Week makes us a journalist.” Time to Renew Your lOlf the regular busmess, a public meeting will be held, and. addresses on the great political! questions will be made i y Eon. James S. Drmfif, Mi ' ° I Nearly every spring a spasmod- ;ic eflfort comes from the newspapâ€" ‘ers on the advisability of tree gplanting and town decoration. lt iisn’t too early to begin to think 01‘ lit now, and if: some means could be devised for a concerted action at ;the proper time, a great deal imight be done in the spring of 1911. The outlay need not be great, but it is high time that something be don . The Council should lose no time in planting Tuesday’s snow storm blocked up the railroads and interfered with the service. Both lines mad: .the morning trips, and the C. P. R. 7noon train got in about an hour and a half late, following the. snow plough to fWa’lkerton, but not returning till eleven o’clock next day. The Grand Trunk has not returned up to this Wednesday af- ternoon, but {barring further obâ€" struction, will soon be making the regular trips. ’ I! The contest in the Epworth League of the Methodist Church is 'creating quite a friendly rivalrv. IThe White Ribbon perty gave an ening last. 'inere were 80 1.19. tendance, a vast numerical imâ€" provement. The Red Ribbon pan;~ will give the program next Mon- day evening. ° Mr. Wm. Sins, of .Unity, Sask., renewing his subscription, says: “After .five Weeks of very severe. Weather. We have it‘ fine again. Mr. Crawford got away just in time.” The breaking down of the engine delay ed the return of the hockey nvnnnah‘“: 9.4... A - A__r Hon. 1. B. Lrucas, M.P,P,, ‘flor East (key, was re-elected chairman of the Private Bills Committee of the Leglslature last Week The annrual meeting of the Ce- ment Company Will be held in To- an «ofâ€"the placeâ€"{flugfe ding stands. and the immediately west; of. ‘“.I‘ 5;; ‘_l D (:11. a.f:fioâ€"rdin§ accom- accessible to am. 3 . sites mentioned me. The Council [me in planting market grounds, favorable condi- make a very of individual ' ”0' Weight in Choice shouald 3W to serving )f the Whole 1. 1'0": may cbéi Siam, bat the '“J "JCAL mtest the , -..v “I. W CLWUOU, man” lone in Dauphin, Man, and one in ’Quebec. Her mother died eight ‘Years ago, a sister seven years husband, she leaves an adopted daughter only, having no family - v --v‘. MCI“ V Bu n'usoana 'on December 27th, 1894. y 1901, they came to Durham from the West, and have been residents here ever smce. She leaves to mourn her depart- . who cared for her durmg .the past seven more could be done, the .d' ‘ adxiised her to be 'taken to 'l‘nrnn_‘ _ V_ - v a. wuLA \J'Ull LLIUUH. Llon School District. of Durham, put through its sev and adopted. The trustees were appointed as follows: J. A. Gra- ham, one year; J. Kelly, two Cochraneâ€"Kinneeâ€"T of Inspector Campbell Dr. Farquharson for : $50 to ’the Public Li'b cepted.-â€"â€"Carried. I On motion, council adjourned. to meet at the call of the mayor. The adjourned meetinO' was held on Friday, February 10th. all 'the members present excepting councillors Brown and McCracken. Calder-Cochrane.â€"That the May- or Furneaux and Lenahan, be a committee. to arrange for a ‘1qu . Lenaha'nâ€"Brownâ€"Tiiat the clerk be instructed to have 50 copies of Abstract Statement printedâ€"Car. McCrackenâ€"Furneauxâ€"That G.J. Wright be refunded $2.50 paid as rent in connection With the band.‘ â€"Carried. -.__â€"v Broxvnâ€"Lenafianâ€"That {he reso- lution regarding rent for lower hall be amended to read $4 in- stead of $2.50, as at presentâ€"Car. Cochraneâ€"Brownâ€"That the re- quest of “the C.P.R., asking priv- ilege to build a switch across Bruce S-t., be grantedâ€"Carried. v _ U-WIJ pu.‘â€"\..d.111L‘LL. McCrack enâ€"Lenahamâ€"Th at Thos Ryan’s application for a pool- room he laid over“ to next meeting -â€"Carried Furneauxâ€"LenahaanéThat petition be acceptedâ€"Carried. 3 Rev. Dr. Farqluharson, Rev. R.W. fWright and Inspector Campbell {addressed the council and pre- :sented a petition containing 35 names requesting that the Legisla- ture amend the laws so as to give councils of municipalities power to grant or ref-use licenses to pool or billiard rooms as they see fit. This petition is based on 'the‘ e.\'}'vr(â€"‘s:-se._i wish of the 'Log'islatm'ei who have intimated their willing- ness t do $0,..if askecl’ by the mun- icipalities. , The regular meeting was held on Monday evening, February 6th, members present, Mayor Black, and Councillors McCrack-en, Len-a- han, Brown. Oochrame and Fur- :he county of Glengarry igo, went to Manitoba parents in 1890, and was 0 her bereaved husband} LA_ 15.11 __â€"n rnxlwu Burnett; Wdod-u-u-«uu» 6:50: .8. Hunter, hardware, etc. 19.62. $278.33. The {inneeâ€"That request Campbell and Rev. son for a 0'rant 0" h L Lublic Library be ac- Fâ€"fl‘hat the $125.00. .50. 90. 8. 75. 10.00. ~ 5 50. .One and two buckle and laced; these are first snag proof rubbers, all sizes. Men’s and Boys’ Heavy Rubbers Men’s Heavy Reefers In fact every department is fast filling up _ with new goods at The Balance of Our Trimmed Winter Hats and Millinery Goods must be sold regardless 1n Men’s Overcoats all departments 8 u c h Ruffs, Muffs and Gauntlets,Men’s Coats, Coat Cellars and Mitts. All new styles at prices to suit the careful buyer. Greatly Reduced Prices on Winter Goods 0f price. COATS $1.00 PER YEAR

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