West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 16 Feb 1911, p. 2

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.THE STORE FORMERLY OCCU- pied by Mr. Mockler. Good con- venient siand. Apply, ticulars, to David Allen, ' I ON LSADDLER STRELT. Cm rough cast hcuse. Soft hard water, 53.130 and .67? .‘Rent reasonable. For rnriic': appiy to Hugh Rome. 02- (:-~ Chronicle cilfice. Feb Q-tf 3 ACRES OF GOOD TIL ABLE land in the town. will be lot 0r: shares to suitable persom App'}' to Mrs. Lauder. near the Crerm- A LARGE QUANTITY OF FIRS'Z‘ class shingles for“ sale at reas- onable prices.â€"The Durham Furniture Co., Limited. ‘2 2tf THE UNDBstM-tn WILL PAY . ' 0‘ the high” at price in 9:19}: .0“ 1’ kinds of‘ 02:9. During: the w a- ter viii! b9 3: Aberdeen mi?! ev- ery W(‘r?'.99:‘ .ay afternoon tn measure 327'}. nay for all log; 681%???»5 the" â€"T\' WTrYQ‘V’O P3? 8'7 ACRES IN MARKDALE, TWO houses an the place; 2 barns. 1 horse stabie, well watered, 10 minutes’ walk to the swim, 4 churches, or to the schocls. For durther particulars, rad-dress Box 233, Markdale, Ont. 9â€"3pd ”USE AND LOT ON COUNTESS Street, Apply to Mrs. John Har- bottle, Durham. 6303ptf JOB SALE AT A GREAT BAR- gain, a small 2-horse zpower upright engine and boiler, also a nod second handa'. adies’ bicycle. heap. Apply to W.J. McFad- den, piano dealer, Durham. 4 MARE CLYDESDALE COLTS. 1 pair coming 2 years; 1 pair coming 4 3ears. A bargain ‘00 quick purchaser.â€"A. B. McLelLan, Lambton street, Durham. 2162p EOUSE AND LOT IN ALLAN Park. Good stable, well, and three-quarters acre of land. For further particulars, apply on premises to Mrs. H. Edm‘onds Allan Park. 2 9 4pc! IX ROOMED HOUSE AND TEN sures of land in the town of Durham. On premises are good , ig pen, hen house and stable. ill rent house without land, it ‘ desired. Apply to John Moftatt. Durham. 3.17.121 res, “101“ 45 acres cicared and in good state of cultivation. Wei? watezod frame barn. stone foun- dation, good log house. For furthm aparticulg: pply to AAA,_ unresof i2 P911; ill rem ‘ desired. Durham. A TWO-STOREY FRAME HOUSEI . well located, in Durham, water-‘ works, (good garden. Terms. tight. Apply ‘to Robt. Smith,s Durhâ€"a m. \ N1o1o2m \ Egremont, containing 106 acres about 10 acres hardwood bush, I acrer swamp timbered, the rest clear; barn 30x50, stable 30x40. Orchard 1 acre, watered by 2 wens Ind Spring. Part of purchase money can remain on mortgage. 831‘ __ particulars; apply William Bradléy, Orchard. “Uni. lea. Close to church. eschoo: railroad station, and other con- veniences. For further particn w" "75' -' ' ' . .‘ ' . ucf U1. 0. LLLkrtzuaa s .â€" â€"â€"â€"â€": . . weddmg lsells dxd not mugâ€"Tumzbody was found frozen 1n the Ice Leader. ‘ o 4. v 'on the outsku‘ts of the town, ' ~- "nus to the I‘- t - .. n. ? 11.3 ""'_"'""'""" about a wee}: Dre‘w lzfiignvflgéze Ontnpj t(1541') ‘ ' . K'arrest. The 2:er 154. supposed. d ‘EO 3-..--- a”; ._..._... A piece of flannel dampened vnthThave given Earth to the ch11 :11 NOTICE iGhamberladn’s Liniment and boundiithe Salvafion Army Rescue Home on to the affected parts is zsu-iin Toronto. At the inqgeet, Dr‘- All accounts owing to the late pefior to anyphaster. Wihen trop-;MacKay was of the opmmn thfiu Harry Harrison, Butcher, of North bled with lame back or pains .m the chfld yvas about two weeks 0 . Bgremont. must be settled on 01' the side or chest give it a trzal and that 1t had} been placed among before February 20311 next, 01' and you are certain to be more the willowa ahve. A blood-steamed M will be placed in other bands than pleased with the prom_ re- handekrchlef found Wlth the body -. n n o 1 u. .1‘.__J....~ $4.31: 59+ tin-‘1': LA kA‘:(sY?AA Rat: .knnn n1anafl €n for 'collectioi. ' r» a. ‘v: :"s H. Bennett. \ .-r- e, [-5 Taikéné to 'the Point Our Classified Want Ads. get right down to the point at Issue. If you want something say so in a few well chosen words. The Intcmgent reader like: that kind of straight - from -the - shoulder- tnlk and that Is one reason why condensed Want Ads. are to pro- ductive of the best kind of results. Whether buylnz or sell- lng they will help you. Advertinompnts of one 31-”: 02' Inns. ‘23 rt-uh fur first insert» subsequent insertion». 0??? 01.0 ir't'h ”W! “"3““ "“0 it"? amnuvt Yearly mum c-n application. UPS 2 AND 3 OF 4, CON. 1, E. 6.11., Egremont, 100 acres, 90 cleared and in good state of en]- tivation. Well fenced. well wat- ered. good comfortable house good frame barn and bank stab- les. Close to church. school railroad station, and other com veniences. For further particu hire an” ferms. apply to R. J Allan, Varney. Ont. 154p Shfinfjl For Sale or Rent. 21, CON. 2, TOWNSHIP OF House to RP” Store to Rent For DI- ‘ \ 1 net men 11’. amor €238 car k 21H {me-.5 ( H.211, D VS. V. S.V.D. )1 JR.‘.9".S ()v. DOMESTIC A'J‘ED L :mmmk hwxfnl] on most scientif- Er. prim-iy-lvs‘. .Ul mils promptly .ztte-mh-(E w. “Him and residence. Hm-afx-nvn ghm‘t. Durham, nearly an- :us'TH- 11w ('1): ride» Office. 6231 1U fi-‘fE‘EEI‘ Gun. M. D. 1w. st zuN ANDSURGEON, OF ~ Mm inn rim YYew Hunter Block. Oflmu.» nus H h I" a. m. to4.p m. and? M: an. Spnxivi attention given m fiieoasm -‘ women and children. RMidem-e or» who Prasbx'mrianl hurvh. i. P. :efi'ord. Q RRIS'PE‘L, <<,:.1,u1'r(m. Em '. 3 ”flit-9 zearlv Oht'f)~i e the Regi tr} afice, anhmn Durham. Any “mom I muum‘ tn lam. At 2') pm (mm. «m tm-u rapprh' firs. fiamiessn 6L Maclaurin. ww§ I no, ‘94"!1'43'3 fa. 1* mm, M 3.. C. 93! W1 F. hJJOPDs mocx DA“: 3‘ agent. Money tn homn. Issuer rf »isuze Limvsm A general hnmwial .ess travwnomd. ““1an .‘A ONT (Lawn? Tam n.v L) veymlcer. N«’»!:!.!'y Pnhfic f‘. ‘ 'nney tu iuan rm mrm property. In- surance efipczed. fife or fire. Ufflmâ€" over Standard Bank, Durham. Ont. Under the provisrluons of the On- tario Companies Act, The North- ern Dredging Company, Limited, hereby gives pruzblrlc notice that it will make appLioaItionHto His Hon:- A. 91. Iacksm. OTARY PU BLIC. COMMISSION L er, Com'pya rut-far. c. Inmra no; , i ty of Tnmnm. Graduate Roya 0”qu Den '33 Sm mums ofOntario. “Muh‘trv H! a” its Branches. "t‘EJR.â€"‘::Q’I!PT Him-k, 0V9! PMS? (,fizl" our, The Lieutenant- Gov ernor of Ontario, in Counci1,for the sur- render of its Charter on and from the Seventeenth day of February, A. D.,1_911. "'DEi’ecâ€"i' 31f Durham this 9th day 0.: Fepruary 1911. A‘- n O A young lady living a few miles from Tara. was the victim of a dastardly act, this week. About two months ago she made the acquaintance of ayoung man visiting in town and a mutual feeling seemingly sprang up between them a and it was reported last week that they 1 were to be married on. Tuesday of this I week. Preparations were made on a ‘ la: ge scale for the big event, and many guests were invited. On Saturday last the young man left town, prubahly p: mnising to be back on the day set for lht: wedding, but he failed to put in an appearance. and consequently the wedding lsells did not ring. â€" Tarn. Leader. H J 3? GRAPE. D. D. S .L D. S IONGR HR \HUATE, UNIVERSI- \d‘ a; u .S Bid. \V N L R. (‘ P. , LON DON. ENG RM"? 1.3V“) of London. N9“: ‘ “V" ..m' “P150930. ”33"9‘4-9 M S-‘y Ear Nose and Tbs-hat. ’ 2w 2.: 3-1; m; ‘Irmae Durham. tha “m! "JV“ 3" 0-" 2v mmfh. Hnnreâ€" 1â€"6 r m (Slwrossnr to \V. F. Dunn) )ARRISTER, SOLICITOR. ( Profeséional Advgfiisgng The physician has a sign on his door. That is an advertisement to the passer-by. Comparatively few people see the sign however. Why not carry your sign into all the best homes in town 7 You can do so by a Classified .Want Ad. “'mm [.17 M n ' Um", and without loss of professional dignity too. and f0 r2 first insanmn, and 10 can“ fur each :.... two inches, double the va0 § Medical Directorv. “I . DU -? .?-.~.t:tm‘-P 9:151”? Huapp’:~ HUT-03- ~ . ”apt anpt Town. Ikll‘han w- "run" 12 m 22 fo‘chwk )(2 Mal Dz’recfomz NM Ry.Lnndon Imhthalmic Rm: 0 I'rn‘th-h Qq, ”brow? amd None Wm». ETP-E'CIALFST: ' A“, THROAT NOSE If! (I! ‘7)377’1’3‘0’ 1" Lambtnn Sweet. Residenceâ€" u . and Wenrge Streetsâ€"North ~I Church Office hoursâ€"9‘]; ~ 19 um. Tplenhone N0. 10 A C. Grant 0%.. at 3. 8158?. Dentist. n .r J .J Hunter’e NOTXCE. tn Luau. Issuer d Mar A general hnmu-ial bu»: Picker ing Ri-fiSihEb-"CB Chas. R. Lavelie, Secretary. \own-s Qnflfir‘ N ,C UP -ed by the sound a: wegzgng mews 's at the home 0": Mr. $11121 MI? .310- ‘ 4. ° ‘- "C' .. lseph Ferris wnen Lhfi‘lr 8.111., amWn ' "‘ '“ a Ema-s1." 3 E ter Sepna 37mg joxdpd‘ 1.3m}? e'hruâ€" - to Mr. Eicnard Parslonvv 0.; .n “:g‘ro ary lst by the Rev. MT“,M‘T‘t.1:E‘PN The wedding was fix my quLL 1o.,1.- ..A'2n+§xrn.c (W? 1119 --_-_ ._ v 5- L...) Ferrovim is the pleasmg' nun»;- 2.x- the best preparation of Beuf, Iron and Wine ever picced on the m=-...r- ket. If you or, any of your friczxm are anemic, generally ru .1-ciowlu palm, 0.11513; oxh".usted, fry om» bottfc of Fczrm'i'n, and you wi‘f: be gra“.iffe-..1 by the result. $1.60 at druggists. The big: Wind stor‘m last ch'»; made a pretty bad wreck of MP), A. Stewart‘s windmill, which rem- dc-red it useless for a 150"“? (1:32. but is to-day all ready agai‘ fer use - r ‘ _ _..' -cvn n 1*.«sfl‘flâ€" The storm on lVlOI‘ICIay w": “W ably the Worst for a mum-bet: or: vears and filied the c0iicer‘-':.ir:.: almost level. We were out h ghe Worst 01' it efor Chem, and we thought several times we Wculd have to make an assignme'vt fur the benefit of our creditors before we finallygecched home. Prompt- 11v 1113‘}? road overseen locaiities. We forgn- .n “C‘- Wee‘y 1, 1110 5211': 02 Mr. T: farm to Mr. Mlv..."..c_ 3i Egret? o1t, ;:-r the 3.3.31 which is cons; dere 1 a era‘tc :i‘fLIrC. \Ir. cm: N V intend {‘0 I‘CITI"JV C' .'.' about Mcrch.The_1?r 33817.“: the Corners w L". be ref-I they have been go-m invasur-‘w, and good citizens {3e 20‘... v Few cattie and hrim' barrers are more c~enscie11ti-- ‘ r. Main, who has bee“. :zhiwgizmg ir-rm Hoistein. We s-clld '.0 him a load of h.c:gs,:for which he pail $7.3“- per mm. We we“: W211 sa i:.£ie-...-. and came home whis.‘i'1r: a merry tune, but on Saturday Li‘s‘f, we re- hls buyer, ceived 75c. more fires. as the market W15 5c. per cwt. higher than What. he exp 0.221. We have long been 05! the opinion the"; Holstein could well surgor': aar- ‘other buyer chesi-ies Mr. Brown, [and for that reason We wax-d like {to see Mr. Main get a git-rd Shi’l‘e of the trade in and around this iprqspefircms Vicinity. 15-1.-.. L...4 by. hi: wan-IRS' Mr. Geo. Peter ha sion a mare ONE: age, and at 1:19”; as though_ sh_e‘\"“" f3 ‘4‘ ‘a’1-UDIJCI- 'uluu v -v___- 'd _ Mr. Geo. Peter has in his posses-â€" sion a mare .om'cr thirty years of age, and at 1:19”; accounts, Booked as though she Wruid Zi‘.'e a while longer. W'Icmldn’t a wife five a long time with George, at *hc-r rste V when a dumb animal Wi.l almost refuse to leave him. he be. ieved had been placed in the mouth to prevent any out cry. Bearine, a c grows hair been genume Canadian SUPPOSED INFANTICIDE. Pearl Smith, an unmarried wom- an, 24 years of age. was arrested in Coiling-wood on Thursday of last week, charged with the murâ€" der of a month-oid child, Whose body was foundirozen in the ice on the outskirts of the town, ohnnf a week TVI‘GViO'us t0 the )rother oi the groom. ‘x'nos: :1t.c‘:ai‘n *0 have the time m. lives, While excel-lent mus-3% urnished by the :far famm musicians. and Mrs. A. E. Hardy, Wh: been Visiting» for the p35 BLYTH'S CORNERS SWZI-ITON PARK ;IIS \‘0' “5' . v v- ‘ L unediate relativm off the 'e pres-cunt. In the course 1.}1‘ 1“- :Lzsvs Mr. and Mrs. A o ‘l gnu. J. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE 3“ â€"~vdb*‘ M .1 .lizxca w .. .. U ._-. an assignme 1’32 in" ma? z'ur creditors .‘OGf-Ore ‘ 01‘ . med home. Prompt-Z t0 rned! out next mor - ’ the 'oad‘s are pissable 1 me; we rafhrn's 5‘? 1 con '0 stir-fin: ,. aw c a "110 .~.-' rec 4 ‘ 1‘; in' the 1:11 -- ‘h':.:"n C". 1h;- 1‘0‘11. bar result 1: :1 new Wif ~ ‘0- 0‘ . "i‘: Q 93 ‘ . 3 02 Mr. T15 Bird‘s IS /Ii"h:::e 31 1 01 0. 8a” :m "7" an; a. de‘jcmte porn'r‘fllfi, recwxse it oonrc.':.;n-., [inn Bear greas'e, 50c. A Ceslsaxh from E~-:1.:1«'J:-;_on «313'.» ed February lath sayszâ€"“In 1119 the lasc :31 hours 61 3i‘ co:1-p..: ie were gran (-331 cm i- 1.33.1-5 cf inch.- poration by the P110111 C...1 1311-11. ernment. Yescerday after-7.01:1 1'6 a11p1r‘1 ions were filed and this, mornir1g' he 1311111191" was i Ct'e:;:.;:-1 by 35 more. All these C,I‘.‘.}_':‘..Li‘j" rop_-c.se to operate t-h: \'iC_'...i “ morning ’11:}: 1311121130? “'35 i C'." 'lt._‘"..1 b3 35 more. AI- these 013171.143: propose to opera th: vici..i1 ' 0f M11-i111i-.e 1"he:ee :hc mimic-1111 righ‘ s 011101€r 100 560. i013 0 {.121 Va trnfeum 13111 haxe {net-11 less-01;: from 1110 Demi11ion 61011111111113 each 001117111111: ieire: limige'lf 1 0'11 square mi‘. e. It is unders 001d’ that 30111011101311 the i1120rp0r1i/m 0f 1"]1ir. 1* more companies will be made. brinpifiq‘ the to '11 2.110". M r:' a hundred \1'1’fh 211 arg? '72”'e cypâ€" itai of over 1, (‘00. 000 5 00k. ” .31 ‘v D~.\.‘-\. .2. \LL - x - -. u. ever imitated. It is cvidnnt "hit “D.L.” Menthol P as ers since e..s- fully relieve rheumatic 3:273. ban‘w'fl-xe peurisx. etg. “The D. 8: L.” have been so Widely imitc=’"‘r1 Avoid disappointment. Get the genuine. Made on‘ly by the :vis Lawrence. Co, Insanity .is one of the most fea- ri‘oZe eviis that afflict humanity, and few there are who will admit that they are insane. And yet, is it not strange that when ra- bad man commits .a eni'rne, eifiher he CO} x You are probably aware that I1311c>.1111“.r~n’.'1 always results from a geold, but you never heard of, a 'cold resulting in pneumonia wfhen Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy was used. Why take the risk when 0 -â€"insanity, of‘ course. A Iuciuu, lowâ€"minded man assaults ‘a girl of tender age and ki’fs herâ€"‘6' r3." soon it is Whispered that his m'nfl. is not :in the normal condition. A soldier -c’..-e-Ialberate1y shoots 1m 0535i- cer, and .aet once the insanity piea is raised though ‘f'he criminafl is sane enough to plan a cie‘ce-r ~35- capc from an asylum. A V'iCi‘-:u'~:-- temf'icred 'f'a‘i‘hr‘r {guests his if‘n'fe ‘7 - s- :anl‘ LU 11 '\.«.\V. < ‘._._ chiial so that he (Diesâ€"he 1 215001 of .rzmurse. ‘?0 we m 0*). The ‘ates'f ‘2on 131*. ‘rp-o have seen i" "'h" Utimti: Travers, e:'-- ' ' 1 H. ran-c Wrecker of th~ “nw~-~h-~s' 3?. not just right Km his "win r‘: Sayâ€"is fit not tI-me thw' .‘Eéf ity plea for seo'undre'v peril out Of sighf, and hrs: V ed to make 'fuoqo's m? ~va ing‘ to find some e '67-? wrong-doing of“ ”2"" “r: We think it is.-â€"Wi"_fham A '4': flees 1.1 0:213: svc- A properly c-o-ndsucted printing ; ofaiice is as much .a secret society 1 as {a Masonic lodge. 'Ihe pmnters ] are not always under an oauh o: 1 secrecy, but always feel themselves 1 as truly in honor Obounld Do keep 1 secrets as though 1n tmple oaths. ‘ Any employee in a prmtmg oiflfxce : who wil‘uingiy disregards this nude; in regard to pnin'ting edifice secrets, 1 should not only be scorned by the i brethren of the craft, but should . lose his position in the iofli'ice at once. We make this statement be- cause it sometimes happens that a communication appears in a. newspaper «under am assumed sig-z nature which excites comment, and; various parties try to find out , who the author is. Let all be sav- ed the trouble of questioning the\ honorable employee or attaches oft the printing oflfice. They are kmow' nothings on such points as these. On such matters they “have eyes and ears, but no mouth,” and if they fail to observe this rule, let them be put down as dishonorable members of the craft, who are un- worthy to be trusted , with anyâ€" thingâ€"Ex. ' qualityâ€"the reason why it holds first place in thousands of Cana- dian homes. Will you try it. PRINTIN TH? INISANITY PLEA. Your Grocer Vv’ill Recommend it OIL IN ALBERTA. NEVER SOLD IN BULK OFFICE SECRETS. e (Tiesâ€"he is inbafi- e. ‘?-0 we might g.- fon rump'o 5:351 we hn in‘ti. \rfotioq i'h: .' ' ”for and chi-3;“ “aw-rws' Dink, \V:"S l I. '1! 11;: "1"\ r" f.+u“|‘i T“ ~10 â€"r~ 'n-t-“e r‘nr thr‘ “PK" "Nd men? Wi‘ ‘_f‘ h am Advance. sayszâ€"‘in 1he. oil co:1:p..r.ie~.1g 35¢ 5 cf 12cc.- ou1c-..1 Gov y aft-2109;: f Lied and this, I I 1 (I I “'35 1' CI 03.2,; 1‘9““0 -Il big-LL; meeroa lVL-l‘s’aLghwn is lam LA: \ugh an 3.....ng o; pleu- laudi... 111..., Lua Anderson has pea: on the ”lug duL 8.1802'01‘ LW'O “Lipid. Min 1;.auegie Mearua has return- an nome axer Sgaluling a mungh wizh Hano .« er frienus. Mrs. and Miss Anderson spefi (m aircrLoan wiLh Mr. and Mrs. AIL-an ui.m0..r, rccgady. 4'54. Q 0 ‘ “.2ch ”tr. an? ECLFE. 0.. erfit. WING... VHF farm“ .01...“ / Hm»... LC (5. bgttrmhv .1. Lu» -urrurhrrmv QB... MPWF‘ EFFII: (\Votr'. (who (G‘.‘fl..’m0 :‘ruuuay, February lith, being the a1mi.erb..ry of the Hanover Pres- byterian unurch, no service ”as held here, so that those of me Hampeeg congregation who wish- eu, com d atteimd the serx1C3s in Hanox er. " Mrs. M ize Byers entertained her mosc indmate friends not 104;; since Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McLean, of South Berninck, entertaigled' Lhcir friends on Friday night (mi 12152 Week. That Eampden will have tele- phone connection before long 15 now a fact. A number of the cit i- zens held a meeting last wcek, andaif enough subscribers can be secured, connection \xill be made with the line built by Mr. Robt. Brigham, of Allan Park. Among the many benefits to follow, one may be that some of the “10v 015 of single ble sedness,” and “un- claimed.trexsures,” may be pc-r- suaded to enjoy each others ain fireside. Seder 1mm he .1ai‘. 5, lack of cu exercise, iz1: ufficient maszicct food, cons ipa i’)n, a t:>rpi d Worn and anxie’ry,a11e the common ca1zses n t .1 11:12 1-1 bles. Correct 11-:1. 11:1 '1 '11“ Chamberlain’s Stomrrzhl and Tablets 111111 3.10.: 11.1117 "1'1 11 gain. For s:.-e at Gum‘s; Store. V in the (:3: ".‘-:1 be: 915‘: of I‘c‘-z"‘:1r3'. younr: rec-(fife Wi mne‘in'z. To you who g: A? i'rui-, ‘.'.1 in a large 01' 51".» Li! \v '.y the tion ‘of spraying in of 'ital ir. ance at this 50 130.1. The A: number of the Ca‘arrdi'm Hm t‘urist publisher} at Peter‘soro turist published at Pe‘. er‘-:oro, :1'.. contai1s 3'a1:111bei11f:.~rr11'.1..o; 11:1 regard to ‘his s11l1' eet.1’11- wil‘. do much in arming the n1o.c:11e.- 3.:- the pr odruc ion of ll‘et er Cassi}: ' 1 fruit. That sprains: is pro it. be is shOWn 13 the. resuics Chared‘ b3 fruit growe: 5 £11 .he Burling: 371 District as dese ribea‘i in thi- 7111111- ber. Elseu here in this issue” direc- tions are given for the prepara- tion of Home-made Solub.e Oil and other sprays. Ofiher crtic'es of interest to afrurlt growers are “ferilrlzers lfOl‘ Fruit (‘Irrc'wers’ “Intensive Fruit Growing". views of .fruit growers 011' the 1:111:51“! uesâ€" tion, a report of! the prOposed tar- ifxf changes as the3 sill affect fruiti and vegetable growers, 11‘» 1: :1-11‘. correspondents in the (133011 - pro3inces, 11211131: :1 11117311: of the 3111111111 mec i1“; of '.h1 1:11-51: Co'u11l'vi'1 Fruit Growers .1: m1?» tio 11 a 1117‘: he ”are": {71111310 ' fruit growing 1101‘ Z“: .e'17-.‘.3' :1 1h N0"a tentia Co ore of -‘-srricul ture. and man3 (1 her :r‘ie' c1 ~z':. practical and timely Enter: ‘7 “Dormant P.-8.I‘1'f$ 1.". Vi tor" 71.11:.- “Our House P1a1ts in Februarr. ” are articles in the flower :21':33'f;'.:.r department which con-1‘ i1 111:1 7: he'. 1o' 11‘. suscestm 1" such as 'Lho amate3r°flo33er grow or is io'-_ri :2 for at this sec. son. “Gcrle 011i“. ., ' a Prof es i311 (for Worn (-1.1 31111111.: read before the Cal...:1.r3 H111 in; - tural Societ3, “Gardens and Gar- deners in' the Old! Land,” “End. ‘1‘}; r?» cess with Asters, ” are 0 her a: iâ€" c'. es whieh wi 1 interest e'c--'r3 Iover of 1fic337ers.'- . Among the ar‘. ic es in the ch- eable Department are those dc he; Wi h tomato grow 110' urvior glass, insects that at ack vege a les, and groning tomstoes fsor 1he factory. The issue contains '44 pages, and is we‘i ii‘ztustrated. Those of o-ur readers who desi‘ information such as is contait‘cd in this issue, may secure a copy by writing to the publishers. The village of Elmw-ood, on the County line between Bruce a u S. P. SAUNDERS Grey, has decided to inco1poq111- the unmeasmake’ with Grey. A bill 1ncorp.111.1.., the \iLlage and identifying 1111' 111 this county is now before the Leg'rislature1E1mwood 1111 1111“-“ porate with Grex in 511110 01 the 'W’WO‘WOW‘W fact that the vilsbage would be * )cLFI‘I'IHI. ’ :1 much nearer the B1 11; e c0111; . ,-‘/’" l/ // /’:// ' / [2,1,]? 42/}: /,r/ 12!;11/ [-‘U// town if so incorpora ed. The fact that there is $10. 000 111018 a 1 )L’I b” /,~.C/ V [94/4 g. 3"” Q7330: 1 \ ." K' ‘ . {Ely-1. ment in Grey does n13: ma 112 so ‘Vrite us at nm 0 fm nm f1 99 1:?" j 391: much difuference, but the fact thz1 3 lower than that 0'. Bruce ‘doos i' :Italogneuncil III'II\\II: Itishvim. the county rate of Grey is one milâ€"1 {11. make a considerable di’ [forwnce t0 "n'll‘ "I thP. IR: Idlhzz htI~IIIPS< 1'1‘1‘ the prospectlve Ci IZ"nS (If th" vi'._ !4- ‘8'" III \Ve~1 91 n )1.1 Univ 0' II‘ . ‘ lage' Then, to‘"'-, II hi. 8 the Covnt‘ "I”dll' 'Itt‘S SPI IIIP 1. (1d ‘1”qu 111' 1“ counCil IOIf Bruce Was bupv Ivy; {i‘f‘g "Nd HIFPI \"I' h <II' (*~\: I\I]~III(’SS ; a resolution ao-n i‘wqt E'm11'63-1s men 51y they :41. 1h: 111.31,,“6 ' ' ‘ Ann” 9119 111; incor oration Wz‘ ~~ v v, ,1 hnu threat» Meargs of Han'oveeras guesy, ggt commm'“! Shmhan“ 3"" Te‘°’*“"“’ tmg Grey County COH'VfiI tn .9; ve “78 gave. indnidnnl instru- the new V1 .age a bir' hiwv gang. 0: hm! and you m: {V enter any $150 if it owned Grey as its mother time' , . _ This turned the tide in favor of D A.McLACflI.AN.Innc1paI JGreyâ€"O. 8.81111. . . W:W We chm-i :1 them forever Our hcari's ’t'om on“ o 1 1 fiends: 30 changes shall Ci;_.se':er. ‘k. . ‘-. l: ‘ O "a ‘ . . .p. I : ‘1 ” Q. h . Q. . .‘ec OF CANADA The Accounts 0'; Corporations, Merchants, Manufacturers and lndividuais Solicited. Small Savings Bank Accounts receive Specie! Attention. - EAMPDEK >1e growers. :1" 4 f .. v a J} 'nts i1 {110 (13301" "““ the v mere i1"; of :11- Bri“s rui‘; G-rr-Wcrs' A: ~13“. Ar“ ' '11@ 77km“: ~f§:7'\v.‘.1"30 '; " ~ I 9 l 1;; held :‘c-.:~'17_.;3’ z 1 1 C0 lore of -‘~.gr1c111- ‘ @211; Ohm :r‘in'm -7:.'vAdV 1 - , , n. or Pros 1‘ .~ - (3Q ”as. mu? true .-r10;1.. The flan-n1: i.1 conduct thp 5 and Gar- .’ [qu “ (3n- 0.. 0110*: 11‘. i- czm-ry lover :icat 0.1 ~ ' loUrV caloroWud t C...“ _ 13.0 6.5” m ... -~-'-<â€". h - ”Haulldm .r." p. m 11111) I » ‘N: " ;;:_: zutdon When you hand the store keeper a cheque for his account there is no need to both: about the receipt. The bank keeps that for you, and it doesn‘t matter Whether you want it next week or a year hence, the record of the payment is always there. We Will be glad to explain how to use a. checking account. so: ~ ° ' Tm; (”IROKIPLE will be sent u anbscnptlon (my addwss. fro-e of postman, for. Rates $1 0011" roar. payable inadvance _§1‘5n mat N- (“Am . M’ n mm as paid. he data m which rvuv‘ um-lt'iptinn it- will! is do-nmed by the vain-'- ' the ”11.4"er .ahel Y0 ,mpsr d1? nnnu ’0 all *r"-ars arr zvaid. except at 21!. -. .- of thn prnprieurr. IS PUBLYS" ED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING it the Chronicle Printing House, Garafraxa Street. .1 8th; Funerai Direcmrm Pzdure mezug on 5110775951 mil} ‘5. ° ‘ . Fnr (mnnwm ade'tmemenu Advu'tlsmg (writs pr! “or fur the first 111861“ Rates . Han; 3 cm :3 per zine . avh subw- eqnent inst-"ion minim. meamere. Professions cards. not exceeding nnr im-I. $4.00 par autumn. Advennwmvats without spm-ific directions will be published till forbid and vhmxrd aco'rdingq. Transic -t notionâ€""Ix at." ‘W‘onnd.’ "For Sula. ’ etaâ€"~50 rents for first in senior). 25 cents for east subsequent insertion. Contract rates for you-.1: adveruaomenu far- nished on application to the ofice. BUR” ii: M, ONT. Capital and Surphzs - $5.550, fl. EELL UN DE: ”TEEEER All advenisemmts ordered by strangers an“ be paid for in adv-coo. All advertiuemenu, to ensure insertion h aux-rent week. shuuld behmnght in not later thfl Moxntr at 6 p. m. to com letel stocked Mt The Jab ' ' NEW '1‘ PE.ythus afar-ding Department muss for turning out First-c For M, MaChintH :u. Harness Oil, Axar (heme and Hoof Ointment, go to Branches also at Mount Forest and Aytcn. Wu” H“? nfvnthulio RIE‘WS. m.- ' Mark and White (331's fur 3.1.296 peoplt‘. )/ :PGLEVIAL 7 ///‘y //. 12/"; ’_ 0/41/09” ' {fizzy-we: .4. 'th Itlft‘t “'I'h ~11 m (he; Much)??? "'9" SW ”10" Hit lhv best. “e f h“? throw» damn om» w; " Commercial. Shorthand and Telegraph!’ “78 give individual inSH'WC- tum and you may enter any time. s-M ATFGM ~ “ W' - ‘Vrite us at mu 0 fm nnr fl??- ‘ 3/2" ; ’t'gp in \V (N P! n Uht: Hi” “' 1r ix "with: ctes sm mv uund piisiiim' i j ’/ i :ttalogue and Ian M \\ h.- lt is twine: : done m the le: idinzz bruins)» « ~-1' D. A. McLACHIAN. Principal LALAAA LAAALAAnLAAAAM DURHAM. ONT... Snow Roomsâ€"Next tn Swallows Rn rber Sh. .n. R ESIDENCEâ€"Next dm 1' South Hf ‘V. J. Lawnnce’e Hat'ksmith sht ’31. Embaiming a Specialty EDITOR AND Pmumua'ron~ W... IRWIN H97". 1‘3.:luz1 wort; to eomrjgjglyftockfl fit}; I HUGHES 5?} CEHWELE EAN/AD In all lines of CO] T We would like Because the: crease the whit Now that sci‘ flute certainty, herbs cure dise “But years a was able to te‘: ment for disez own remedies. And a great ously endang perimenting w The body 1 and sfcker unt Now, we In called cures. That is whe‘ and in suflicie If they‘re r they wage an they are fina more powerful These white eat up every 4 vades the bed And one f1; sick. This being It usually tashion, almo Yet if you it grows and in the blood The greates A good for a new 8! A full' Leather M i1 see or Mocho coats, 3 offers be than yo GLOVI Her Feb. We ha' NECK ['NDE CHRI S H [R these.

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