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Durham Chronicle (1867), 16 Feb 1911, p. 3

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61‘ MRHAM.ONT" mtg. 1- S: m t 3“. rksmit'n ‘3“! hite ( m' Rm nts her 8?"! ~10- o ants for fir“ ron! ill-onion. not In ad How-finer! Ob ‘ x3 cowzaimrly stocked with O ‘ NF.“ '1 \‘Ph. thus wording rune-m ilitzm fm- turning out. First- ‘A‘OT‘L. 'hronicle Printing House, Garafraxc Street. IC! r.m-- 'n‘ N“? v :mx-ernsemenu 1" 1'1'4 aim: to rm: office. ..?v:-rtiwm--nt to ensnrv insertion . wee-k. «1.1126 be brought in not hurt). r at “- p :n. .rtion pmercia! fiVe 1.! 'IaPhH-tn' I 1;. Haz'zmb‘BOfl, Dmtment, 'DA Ll. H . P. SA UNDERs ,.-~\,: ¢< «~14»me 53 ii Ul§€CEGr )IT( :counts re flan. A b eivo ions, .ierchantS. 'iduais Solicitedo Hf and n “'e \V. IRWIN I'LZIEZZIIQ IS P173138" THY’RS‘DAY *3" SP! ”our-“on Tar. Punnwrr'nz «m be sent 3. m-y addrvss. frre Pf pt'flt‘azi‘, f0! v9 rm: ordvred by strangers ‘ a ‘Rpeciaity :3; ~ iil7i \\' 'N' \! AND PE’mPRIB'ruR. Heme and CLACht 15'. Principal nd the store- :que for his 1:) med to bother ,EJt. The bank 1;. and it doesn’t 346:0. \x'unt it next' 3:13;. the record- Shorthand and TelctflmI ~1nanhnl instrtw-j w u may enter any: .‘ Hl‘c'l’ fur Our free 3 tn‘vzwhntisN-eing :ttli'-;: hrhinwss‘ 00l‘ t" h ()thriu. Our 'zn'o- ;_'. “d unsitiun" h ~”a 'an~\': business. an 1h“ “(v-st. We Tia-Kr to Swallows R mnmxr‘lcâ€"«Next \V ~. : n .f vemsemenu M adv: :nswn'eintl i fur the first inser- ’\ It"? .irw . 8“?) suba- Q".1\ TV I’I'Ufesnim m : $4 00 per annm :v-w'1fic directwna will "in g-cl according“. 9 f?‘t)';'.hd.' "POT 3‘ {11111.35 can“! for $ U‘ ”“1 "~. «'11- l’)131‘k :pd ptmp‘u- on 51107165) Jays there. to explain account. 5. s”: 1131:! Ayton. MGR It: V4) pt‘pnr‘ d mic-out st i‘J: HOLE .a w l‘c nce’e bl} KING xmxsmakel n adv: In all lines of COMMERCIAL PRINTING. :: Satisfaction guaranteed. I We would like to show you what we can do with that next job of yours. We Specializeâ€"£1 herbs cure disease. Now we don’t ask you to take our Because they strengthen and in- word for the tremendously beneficial «ease the white corpuscles or phago- efiects of Psychine. Fill out the cou- cytea. pon below. mail it to us and we'll give The body becomes steadily sicker and sfcker until actual disease sets in. .Now that science can tell to an abso- lute certainty, we know why certain herbs cure disease. These white oonpuseles attack and eat up every gem of disease that in. vades the body. “Bu; years agoâ€"before even science was able to tell we had the right treat- ment for diseaseâ€"viz, herbs, nature’s own remedies. The greatest scavengers'of the body are the white corpuscles, or phagocytes in the blood. And a great many people have seri- ously endangered their health ex- perimenting with them. Now, we have had all sorts of so- called cures. That is when they are strong enough and in sufficient numbers. If they’re not strong enough, then they wage an unequal warfare until they are finally overcome by their more powerful enemies. It usually commences in a subtle made remarkable cures. tashion, almost unconsciously. Toâ€"day it is making remai-kable Yet if you do not check your illness, cures. it grows and grows. T Lt- 9_L__,0,,. ,91‘0_-_ _, D 1._LL1___ -1 And one fine sick. N 0 Sick Person can Afford 5 This being ill is curious business. Feb. to throw away this chance to get a 50c. bottle of I(: Black and White Check Ginghams Blue and White Check Ginghams Nice clean goods, also Some New Prints, Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Linen Handkerchiefs, Table Nap- kins, Towels, Tray Covers, Hand- kerchief Linen, 850., c., at C. L. _ Grant's you find you’re The Chronicle Hundreds of thousands of people made well and kept well. Why ? In the interim, millions of bottles of Psychine have been sold. w‘due we“ all“ “PL WWW And we do that to show our entire Why? confidence in this wonderful prepara- Because PSYchine is largely made up “0“- of those herbs that scientists now know A confidence that has been based on increase and strengthen the white cor- our 30 years' experience with this puscles, the phagocytes. splendid preparation, with a full know- led e of the hundreds of thousands of That’s why we have received h‘un- curges it has made. That’s why we have received hun- dreds of thousands of unsolicited tes- timonials. that’s why we can afford to buy and give away hundreds of thousands of 50-cent bottles of Psy- ch'ine, that’s why Psychine benefits these diseases: Female Weakness Catarrhal Afl'ectioue Indigestion Catarrh of Stomach Poor Appetite , Night Sweats Chills and Fever-8 Obstiuate Coughs Sleeplessnesa and Laryugitis and Nervous Troubles Dyspepsia After-effeets of Pleurisy, Pneumonia and La. Grippe Bronchitis Hemorrhages A third of a century ago Psychine Psychine FREE Weak Lungs Weak Voice Spring Weakness Early Decline Catarrbal Afl’ectious Bronchial Coughs nanny in the house as a clock. Daws’ Menthol Salve; cures quack- ly a great many of the simple ailments such as cuts, . slain injur- ies, msect bifies and atmgs. 25¢. a _._wD' VlJv‘uENu“ The Ontario Agricultural College is endeavoring to help 'those in doubt about drainages. Any farm- er in Ontario wishing assistance in his drainage problems, may have the same by making application to the Department of Physics, 0.A.C., Guelph. As soon as possible after receipt of the application, a drain- age .advisor is sent to make .a sur- vey of the land, after which he makes a complete map, showing the location of the drains, the grade, size of tile, etc. When com- pleted, the map is sent to 'the :own- er so that he has an accurate guide to follow in putting in his drains. As in previous years, the only orutlay to the farmer is the necessary travelling expenses of one man in connection with the survey. The railways give a rate of a cent a mile for this work. so that the travelling expenses are light. «- After one survey in each local- ity .a Drainage Demonstration is held right in the field surveyed, to which all the neighbors are invited At this meeting, simple methods are demonstrated of making a drainage survey, finding the fall of a ditch, determining the‘ grade, digging to_ grade, etc. - _fi,1â€"-_° ~v 8‘1‘5WD’ VLV. Those wishing to make applica- tion rflor a survey, should write the Department of Physics, O.A.C.., Guelph, whereupon regular appli- cation rfiorms will be sent. O. A. C. RENEW’S ITS OFFER OF ASSISTANCE IN DRAINAGE Physics at the O.A.C. prepared a plan of drains rfaor a 52 acre block of land that never grew a crop. It was too wet. The drains were laid thaxt autumn. In 1910 that 52 acres yielded potatoes and corn to the value of $2250. The sfarm lies within five miles 01f the city 01‘. London. Why had this land lain useless for generations? Perhaps the previous owners thought it could not be drainedâ€"as a matter of afact, it was a difficult prob~ lem, for this land was very flat and the outlet poor. Perhaps they did not“ believe drainage would payâ€"this none crop should convince them. Or perhaps they believed in drainage, but did not know just how to undertake such exnt‘ensije‘ drainage operations. We will undoubtedly buy and dis- tribute in this manner, hundreds of thousand: of these 50-cent bottles of Psychine. your druggist an order (for which we pay him the regular retail price) for a 50~cent bottle of Psychine to be given you free of cost. This coupon is: not good for 3 50¢. bottle of Psychine if presented to the dru ist -it must be sent usâ€"we will then uy the 50c. bottle of Psychine from your druggist and direct him to deliver it to you. This offer may be withdrawn at any time without notice. Send coupon to-day. My Name 00000 0000000.000000000000000... OODOOEOB Street and Number My Druggist’s N ame. Street and Number COUPON No. 2H To the Dr. T. A. SLOCUM: Ltd. 193-195 Spadina Ave... Toronto I accept your ofl’or to t 3 50¢. bottle of Psychine (pronounce Si-keen) at. your expense. 1 have not had a 500. bottle of Psychine under this Ian. Kindly advise my druggiet to de 'ver thxs bottle to me. 0.8.0.... .0......x....0 OOOOOD 00.0“9000 .. OOOOOIOOOOO....OOOOOOO 9.0... ‘COOOOOOOOOOOO 1 He was a man of mighty deeds and evidently thought that only in some mighty way could Israel be cleansed from her idolatry. God has a way so difierent from our way otttimes (Isa. 1v, 8, 9), and it becomes us to hear and heed His voice, “I will work, and who shall hinder it?” (Isa. xiiii, 13.) How suggestive and search- ing his commission now as well as the twice repeated “What doest thou here?" “Go, return. anoint Elisha to be prophet in thy room; I have left Me seven thousand in Israel” (xv, 18). Let us never think that we are the only helpers the Lord has nor that we are all important to Him. lat He set us aside and appoint another. After his first reply he was told to go forth and stand upon the mount before the Lord. Then came a great wind which rent the mountains and broke in pieces the rocks before the Lord, then an earthquake and then a fire, but it was not until after the fire there came a still small voice that Elijah heard the second question, “What doest than here?” After all that he had just seen and experienced his answer is the same, and he is still occupied with himself and his zeal for God and his importance to God. Well, in due time the word 01' the Lord came to him with the question, “What doest thou here. Elijah?" (Verses 9, 13.) His answer each time was that he had been very jealous for the Lord God of hosts and that he was the only prophet left and they were seeking his life (verses 10. 14). There be lodged in a cave. and the same Lord who cared for him at Che- rith and Zarephath must have cared for him at Horeb, but what were his medi- tations? Did he think of him to whom the Lord here appeared in the bush that burned, but was not consumed, and who here fasted forty days on two diflerent occasions? Did he think of the thunders and lightnings and quak- ing of the mount at the giving of the law (Ex. iii and xix), and did he long for some manifestation of God? Could he forget the answers from heaven on Carmel so recently? But many days or even weeks had passed since then, and he had not been in full fel- lowship. It is a sad thing to lose in any way or for any length of time the conscious fellowship with God which is our privilege. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. As he sat under a juniper tree far away in the wilderness he realized that he was no better than others and not worthy to live. The conflict was too severe, and he would fain be at rest. He was a man just as weak as any of us and strong only in the Lord. The Lord, who is always full of compas- sion, had not forsaken His weary and discouraged servant, and as he lay and slept one of those blessed ministering spirits (Heb. i, 14) prepared something for him to eat and drink and awaked him that he might be refreshed with food as well as sleep. Again he slept, and again he was awaked to partake of more food. in the strength of which he went forty days and forty nights unto Horeb, the mount of God (verse 8). Text of the Lesson, l Kings xix, 1-16. Memory Verses, 11-13â€"Golden Text, Isa. xl, 31â€"Ocmmentary Prepared by Rev. D. M. Stearns. In the last lesson we left Elijah in humble. patient, persevering. believing prayefr on the top of Carmel. down upon the earth with his face between his knees. commanding his servant to go again and again. even seven times, until he should see some indication of the promised rain. At the seventh time the servant saw a little cloud like a man’s hand, and soon .the heaven was black with clouds and wind. and there was a great rain. How sugges- tive the little cloud was of the man’s hand that was taking hold of God in prayer! Lesson Vlll.â€"-First Quarter, For Feb. 19, 1911. How great the contrast between Ahab eating and drinking, enjoying himself, thinking more of horses and mules than of perishing people (xviii, 5). and the man of God caring only for the glory of the living and true God, whom he represented! Since the Lord said to Elijah when He sent him to meet Ahab. “I will send rain upon the earth” (xviii. 1). Why should Elijah need to pray so earnestly for it? This is perplexing to many. but it is His way. Concerning His great promises to Israel in the future He says. “I will yet for this be inquired of by the house of Israel to do it for them" (Ezek. xxxyi. 37). The question should search us. Have we anything of the zeal for God and persevering prayer that Elijah had? When Ahab reat-hed home and told Jezabel all that Elijah had done she was angry indeed and sent a mes- senger to him with a threat that she would have his life within twenty- four hours. Now comes the strange part of the story in the seemingly sad fact that the man of God who feared not Ahab nor all the prophets of Baal should flee for his life at the threat of this wicked woman when it seemed that he was needed so much just at that time to lead the people back to the God who had answered by fire. By a look in the wrong direction he seemed to lose his hold on God. Like Peter, when he saw the wind boister- ous, he began to sink (Matt. xiv, 30). If we would be established we must always see the Lord alone and re member if God be for us who can be against us. :\ M NH NONI: f5. 'lsrgfi if. sE'W%=§~,-Emf {1% w. :3“. ca . ' . L ‘ .. 1.3;” 5 Remember we are basing our statements upon what has already been accomplished by the use of ’Rexall “93” Hair Tonic, and we have the right to assume that i’what if has done mar thousands of Iothers it will do for you. In any event you cannot lose anything by {giving it a rtrial on our liberal guarantee. Two sizes, 50c. and $1. Remember you can obtain Rental] Remedies in this community only at our shoreâ€"The Rexall Store. Macbarléane 8: Co. ‘ . We have a safe, dependable and laltogether ideall remcd‘v that is particularly adapted to the re q-uirements of aged people and persons of Weak constitutions who suffer from constipation or other bowel disorders. We are so (:1?- tain that it will relieve these com- plaints and give absolute satisfac~ tion in every particular that we offer it with our personal guaran- tee that it shall cost the user noth- ing if it fails to substantiate on? claims. This remedy is called Rexall Orderlies. in this remedy, and it should in- disputably demonstrate that We know What we are talking about when we say. that Rexall “93” Hair Tonic Wliu grow hair on bald heads, except Where baldness has :beien of such long duration that the roots of the hair are entirely dead, the follicles closed and grown over, and the scalp is glazed. 5We Want you to try three Large bottles of Rexall ‘93” Hair Tonic on our personal guarantee that the trial wfill not cost you a penny if it does not give you absolute satis- faction. ThaJt’fi pnoqf pt prur_ @aéth A Treatment That Costs Nothing I It Fails. When washing red-bordered covers or quilts, dissolve a little borax in the water in order to preserve the color. Vegetables cooked in a. steamer are supposed to be more nourishing than those cooked in the ordinary way. If feather pillows; have an unpleas- ant odor place before the fire and give them a thorough drying. Iced cakes or tarts, when returned to the oven after icing. require only suf- ficent heat to harden the sugar. A nice garnish for braised beef con- sists nfs prigs of boiled cauliflower and baked tomtoes. A bowl of slacked lime in a. cupboard m- closet will quickly absorb any mois- 'ure there may be. Carbonate of soda. when used fur cakes, should be added to the milk, w hich should be tepid. 'nfl A strip of emery cloth makes an ex- cellent grip for unscrewing fountain- pens, stoppers and so on. To remove sewing machine oil on garments soak in turpentine and wash well in cold water with soap. In dry cake flmvors try mixing al- mnud and rose together as a flavor for angel food cake. When beating eggs for a pudding. add the sugar tn them. and not the other ingredients. Try dredging a. little flour over the cake before icing co prevent the icing running. Wnefi cake-making do not open the oven door often nor shake the cake in anyway ti}! set. a nu wm we last, n-um paths of Shillin' ‘l‘. e igbt tn cmnfm-t and 1:0 Mess, The widow and the fa. herless. The tight the little ones to guide In <imple faith to him win» die-d; \Vit‘h earnest love and gentle praise To bless and cheertheir youthfuldays. The right the intellect to train And guide the soul to noble aim; Teach it to rise above earth’s toyS, And wing its flights to heavenly joys. The right to live for thoe we love. The right; to die that lave to prove. The right to bright/en earthly homes. With pleasant smile: and gentle tum .~ . Are. thew». Thy rights? '1‘ __ I! hon Ilse tine, The rights of \s omen what :ue thex. 9 The right to labar, love, and pm}: The right to weep with those the weep, The right to wake when others sleep The right to dry the falling tear, the right to quell the rising fear, l‘he right To smooth Lite bruw of mu w .--\ud uhbper cumfn'rt, in despair. "She right I0 watch the pat ting hww: [‘u smolhe and ('hrel' [.09 Led Hf death. [We right. when earthly hupcw‘ :1“ {43K To point to that within the \eil. l'he right 0 wander to reclaim. A nd win the last frum paths of shun” u (7 "' ‘ well; The holy influem e none I! ...~ v ”1‘ Jnuw WHY. Thou hast enouvh m an: Aw the e thy rights? '1 --_.. w suv\auluu\)ll l1\l\)ll\’llo Clean marblé mantles with benzine. Do not use soap, as that takes off the polish. Rexall Orderlies have a soothing: healing, strengthening, tonic and regiulative actionupon the bowels They remove all irritation, drynesS soreness and weakness. They re- store the bowels and associate organs to more vigorous and heal- thy activity. They are eaten like candy, may be taken at any time without inconvenience, do not cause any grip-mg, nausea, diar- rhoea, excessive l-Iooscness, flatu- lence or other disagreeable effect. Price 25c. and 10c.’ISold only at our storeâ€"The Rexall Store. Macfar- lane Co. Put grated cheese m soup if the flav- or is p )0: Iron chiffon with tissue paper over it. and with only a. moderately hot iron. FOR AGED PEOPLE Old Folks Should be Careful in Their Seiection of Regulative Medicine nob That woman’s mission is thy {nun-«we the talents Um! I) as Lite’s dus ices duneâ€"4115' rest it HOUSEHOLD HELPS. FOB BALD HEADS RIG HTS OF WOMEN Hg me and £9“. 13‘ ask for In” (’3‘ answer fur. is {.hylnr; ’1‘!) 1 I l . ‘1 l ‘ I ‘ n a» given. vsmu beau-u. that ed at a. genuine sacrifice. Come and let us show you some real snaps. To make room for new spring stock of Paper, bd- ance of stock must be clear- Sacrifice Sale 0.00....” F.Lenahan and Company Spring is coming, think a- head and take advantage of this GREAT FURNITURE SALE. which lasts only for THIS MONTH. The greatest, bargains ever (flared in the Furniture line in Durham or elsewhc re. \Vv luv? a, large .«tock Whin‘h must, he reduced be- fme rpt'ing'. (3d! and ex- amme fur )Otll'r‘t’lf. and Furniture Thv‘beat and largest Vine of Felt; Mattresses ever x'ifel't‘d at cub rat/9. Dining Runm, Parl r", Bed- room and Kitchen Fm niuu‘e all reduced in price for Feb- ruary only. Get a good Elm Axe Handle worth the money, while we have them in stock. If you want a Chopping Axe or Gross Out Saw, dnn‘t bm-ruw, it, will pay you‘ to huy one from us and have it for your own. Skates and H«.)ckey Sticks at reduced rates. FEBRUARY Furniture SALE Buy Your Tickets Here HARDWARE (5. It. R. Cm office . " F a K’: ' 1 #‘C Wd .4. '2 re PAPER w“ .fi-‘v-MOQOW; "Out- ~~~

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