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Durham Chronicle (1867), 2 Mar 1911, p. 4

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Messrs. Andrew. Dave and Geo. Marshahl, each purchased a. cow at the sale of Messrs. J. 8:. J. .Erm- {Friday evening next. Unfortunateâ€" ty we were left out. f Mr. John Thompson purchased a fine two-year-old rfilly at‘ Mr. John Gray’s sale on Wednesdav- Lam mr. .Jonn 'l'nompgon purchased a fine two-year-old rfrlly at‘ Mr. John Gray’s sale on Wednesday. John is a hustler and knows all the snaps. " wi 83’ Ha Mr John Grant British Colum- bia arrived home on Saturday last to visit his aged mother, bro» thers. sisters and others, and to revive fond memories of by-gone days. Mrs EWm. Grant to Show their ap- preciation of his services as treas- rarer of the congregation, by preâ€" senting him with an! address and a handsome writing desk. The ad- dress was read- byr Mr. James 'Wat- son in his usual style, and at the close, Mr. Grant, ailthsough taken completely by surprise, was neverâ€" thetheless sufficiently composed to reply in a suitable manner. Af-i terwards the company amused; themselves in various ways till} quite a late hour when all re-{ turned to their respective places; of abode. I On Friday night Last a large number of the Youth and Beauty, and the not so beautiful, of Knox church. ,Normanby congregation, assembled at the home of Mr. and the horse, becoming unmanageable upset the contents of the curlter nn the creek, and made «for Durham. Both men came to 'four corners. One started north the other West. We haven’t heard ixf thev met yet or not -â€"or got home. going- to leave .for Alberta soon. . ABERDEEN. The weather man made us pull «on our overcoats again. Dan. McDougalil says he lixkes to see :Ma'rch coming in’ stormy. We will take it «for granted he is right. Quite a number attended the sale of Mr. Gray’s. While coming: towards our little burg, two 1.0ch option men ufrom Bentinck were doing some reck- less driving. Owing to the per cent of the Indiam beer, they were tOp heavy. The horse wanted a drink at a spring creek, but the driver refused to .alxl'ow him, and 'We have an able gang Obf lumber- m-en at our .burg at present, board- ing at John Lunney’s. Dam. Mo- Innes is foreman. the loudest when vested interests are in danger there are yet many able men Who do not see eye- to eye With their business brethren and do mot hesitate to say (so. One of the weightiest pro- muncements against the agree-o ment was made by the Montreal Board of Trade, an organization- which generally gives the cue to similar bodies, at least in Eastern Canada. Yet this pronouncement was by no means unanimous. While Montreal is the king pin. cat the protected interests and shouts the Canadian Parliament and the American Congress one way or the other Will it let up. Deputa- tions are heading for Ottawa to oppose the agreement while those who agree are very little heard Montreal, Feb. 20th.-The reci~ procity controversy is now in full swing through the Land. From the Atlantic to the Pacific it is the chief topic of discussion, not only to the north but to the south of the international border, and the question has even invaded the le- tislative hails of Great Britain: No doubt the storm will continue to rage around this bone of con- tention for some weeks yet, and not until the matter is decided by BECIPROCITY CONTROVERSY IN FULL SWING (From Our Own Cmrespondentn THE DURHAM CHRONICLE 1'9;sz *3. 1933-1“ ‘0‘ the death BLYTH’S CORNERS. \ IRWIN. Editor and Proprietor. '. MARCH 2 Mr. Robt. Thistlewaite, of Emo,‘ New Ontario, is visiting his home; 0 here, to recuperate after a se-' Vere iifiiness. Mr. Will Barnh-ouse, :of Edmon- ton. arrived here on Monday, to ioin his Wife at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John ‘Weber. Mrs. Archie Sinclair, Teeswater. is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hales. ’ Mr. John Clinton, of Edmonton, who has been a visitor here the past two months, leaves for the 'West this Week. 2 " . [ Mr. Cowley. Inspector of Con-‘ [Itinruation schoois, spent part Of a i 6J3): here last Week, and unofficial-j I1y Visited the new school, whichi throughout was highly pleasing to f‘him. . Mr. Cowiey was accomâ€"V ipanied by Inspect-or Hwfif, who is ghere this Week, inspecting- the gschools near by. i Mr. and Mrs. W. Meldnur; filaft on Saturday )fOI‘ their new home in the West. Mr. IMax. Barman, who had been for some time in~’.W.A. Armstrong’s ieweliery store, left last week to take a position in the city. i Mrs. Lobsinger was at Mt. Forâ€"f est last week attending the zfnmj eral of her aunt, the last surviv-'E ing' member of the old Fro-oksi .family. I Mr. Chas. Stewart will probm’oly lose one of his yaung horses, which, by a afahl on the ice last week, so injured .one of its legs as: not likely to recover. g Mr. and Mrs ’W. Jackson were given a pleasant surprise at itheir home at Mount Zion on Fri- 'dav evening 1:t,as when a Large company of their neighbors and Eafriends meL. and as a token 0:! 'good-will to Mr. and .Mrs. Ja‘ckâ€" son, presented them with two Ehandsome chairs. accompanied by an appropriate address. The ap- preciated gifts were diuly aoknow-L ledged and afterwards the even- ing was enioyably spent by 2111.1 Mr. Jackson. We understand Wi‘l tfor the present Locate at Port’law, and conduct the post 0 fice and store there. Mr. F.L. McGilrlivraJy, who re- cently rented 3de took charge of Mr. CJ. Bel-Lamy’s tin shop, spent part of last Week with his Wife. who is stim at their Stayner borne. the West. returned last week, and contemplates again starting busi- ness here. Mrs. Bowler and child- ren have been visiting .f-or some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Crossley. - Mr. 'W..J. Henderson. roof Wareham moved his family to town Satur- day. Mr. Jas. Bowl-er, taflror, dormerly in business here, but recently in At the morning service in the Methodist church on Sunday last. the :follllowing members were elect- ed society representatives ron the Official Quarterly Board: M. K Richardson, R.J.. .Spro-ule, Isaac Sinclair, Dr. E.C. Murray, and Thos. Clayton. Mr. James :McCltoclalin is going into partnership with Mr. Mark Wilson, in the butcher business, and is moving his iamily from Ceylon to again occupy their for- mer residence in the Norris Bik. At the meeting of the W.C.T.U. last Week, Mrs. Jos. Clinton Was elected treasurer. The Methodist Leasg'ue turned out strong at . a very enjoyable social evening in the church last week. The League at Vandeleur was expected, but the weather Kimberley hockey team played! a return match with the boys here last Week, Winning With a score of 4-3. The I.O..F. Court which is now very strong, has had a remark- ‘able growth in membership re- cently, which makes it at present the banner Court in the Quarter Million Club. The contest contin- ues until the meeting of the High Court in Many, and Court iFlesher- ton hopes to maintain its lead. and be the final winner or! the lla‘urelp Six lady members joined at the‘ meeting last week. I ing. The Ceylon string band gave a liberal supply of music. FLESHERTON. The A.O.U.W. society held an At Home in their lodge room‘ on Thursday evening last, which was very successful. About «fifty cou- ples were present. and 3111 ioimed heartily in the pleasure of the occasion. Dainty refreshments were served. and an hour spent pleasantly at various games, after which a pleasing program was given. Mr. CH. Munsha‘w presid- Benth: r l o f I Any quantity of piling, and any {kind of sound timber. 30 It, 9 in. 'top: 25 ft. 9 m. top; 20¢t., 9 in. ’ top; 16 it, 10 in. bop. Buts not to be less that 13 mches.App1y to 'j J. N. MURDOCK. mouse 18 hereby given that all Shee élfin .__. accounts due me must be settled W00? 8 on 0:: before the 25th ‘of April. Ac- Tallov}..:..'.:::: nnashfn “-4. - ‘LJ‘ Messrs. Wilson and Picken ship- ped another car Dead of hogs on Tuesday. Messrs. Alsfred and Ellsworth 'Waatson, ozf Paisley, Visited their numerous :friends in this burg re- cently. 'We omitted to mention that”; the dialogue entitled “The Unclaimed Jewels,” was acted by ten girls, in the oddest costumes imaginable. But We doubt very much if any of the actresses will ever reach the shelf as an old maild'. ( Misses Bebla "and Alice Donnelly, of Hutton Hier spent a tfew days at the home 10f Mrs. Riobt. *Belil, re- cently. We are pleased to see Mr.’- and Mrs. John McGirr home from To- ronto agairn, Where John went safely through an operation. We sincerely hope that he may com- pletely recover, and not have any more trouble. He is doing fine. Mr. R. Alice, and sister, Miss Annie, visited Hanover [friends recently. DARKIES’ CORNERS. 1' On Friday night last, the third ll of the series 0) Green 'Grove Lit? ; erary Society entertainments was - held in the school here, and ‘was I more than a success. The ladies ~ of No. 9, bless them, always. put ; forth their best efforts, but onl : this occasion certainly went itf ,- one better. in putting on .a 'first-l ; class program, which was listened‘ - to by one of the largest audiences! e that have ever put in an appear- ance at 'No. 9, who, under the sup- " ervision of Miss E. .Scott, who ad- - mirably acted her part .as chair - lady. gave the .best of order. Dur-l ting the program routine, the difâ€"fi ’-ferent Provinces of the Dominion! iwere briefly placed in the lime- ;light a short sketch 01f ea-ch' g'Pr.':vi.zlc-e being given by a girl 2dressed in costume, representing Isuch. Following the exit of eachi one. a song was sung to corres»I pond with each Province, or cos- tume. The Dominion was repre- {sented by Miss Julia Weir. in cos- ftiume of Canada’s Liberty emblem. fiafter which the song, 0 Canada, ;was sung; Ontario was represent- ed by Miss sScott. as .a college {girL song, “The Old Ontario EStrand.”:.,Qluebec, by Miss McGirr, “as a Frenchman. followed by the French sang; Manitoba, and Saskatchewan, represented as ‘* twin provinces, by Misses Clara Ritchie and Annie Aljoe, each in white, and carrying a sheaf of 1: grain, ioiowed by the “Song of ti the Reapers”: New Brunswick, by Miss S. Scott as a sailor .lassie, t] song, “The Sailor Lass,”: Alberta, by Miss Ethel ’W-eir, as a cow-girl, Prince Edward Island, by Miss C. McGirr, as a .farmer girl, song, “The Farmer’s Song’“ British Columbia, by Miss M. McFadden. as an Indian maid, song, “The In-â€" dian Captive: Nova Scotia, by Miss E. Weir, .as Evangeline, song, “The n Fisherman’s Song”: North-west Territories, by Miss N. Collier, as G web Timber Wanted THE DURHAM CHRONICLE DURHAM, MAR. 1 Fall Wheat ....... ..... Spring Wheat ...... 'Oats........ {Peas .............. Barley.. ................ Hay .................... Butter .................. Eggs .................... Potatoes, per bag ...... Flour. per cwt ....... ;. Oatmeal, per sack... Chop, per cwt ...... Live Hogs, e- gides,_ger IE I Cthh THURSDAY, . MARCH 9th. stock and Implements, at Lot 3 of 8, con. 1, W.G R., Normanby. 12 months’ credit. ' . ‘ Chills. Isaac Hutton. proprietor. D. McPhail, auctioneer WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8th.â€"Farm stock, implements, etc. Lot 46. Con. 3, W.GR., Bentinck. See green bible, and full list on page 2. W. Scarf, proprietor, Robt. Brigham and Wm. Shepherd‘son. THURSDAY, MARCH 2. â€" Farm stock and implements, at Lot 39, Con. 3, E.G R., Glenelg. See pink bills, and full list on page 2. Archie Ector‘ proprietor, Robt. Brigham, atuctioneer. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. AM. Baifiey, of ALLan Park, spent Sunday Wrth Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Kennedy. Mr. and Mrs Fred Reay visited (friends at Abla-n Park. We are pleased to report that Mr. ‘Wm. Coutts, an‘d- Mr. John Mil- liugan, have each recovered [from an attack of pneumonia. Mr. Thos. Kennedy and ‘fvamiiy move this week to the old homeâ€" stead nlorth 'Olf Ahllan Park. ’ Mrs. H. Remy spent Sunday of last Week with her sistel. Mrs. (Marshall, of Durham, who is ill. A very enjoyable time was spent at the home Iof Mr. and sMrs. D. Donnel‘l'y recently, whena number 0f the young peOple assembled, and spent the evening in dancing, and other games, Mr. and Mrs. Donnelly and family know how to entertain the young people, and each one went home satisfied that they had spent .a very pleasant evening ind-.eed Music was fur- nished by Messrs. Wm. Sharp, C. lDunsmoor, Roy Vickers, and others. Born.â€"'Do Mr. (82nd Mrs. Hunt, February 218t, a son We extend our hearty congrat- u’l'ati‘ons to Mr. and Mrs. Ted. Vickers, who were married in Tic- rontoo on Wednesdiazy, Feb. 22nd. Ted. is one >Oif our most 'populxsr volung men, and we are pleased to hear of his success. audtioneers. Miss Dolly Hopkins, of Mt. For- est, spent a day with her sister, Mrs. Chas Mighbon. Mr Thos. Smith, Olf Louise, “as the guest of her niece. Mrs. Herb. Hunt. ' MARKET REPORT Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Lindsay, of Glenelg, visited their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. .A.W. Hunt, last week. Mr. Jess. Wise took a- pleasant trip to Mt. Forest recently. Mr and Mrs. Jas. Atkinson, our Darkies Corners, visited recently With their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ben. Coutts. Misses B. and A. DonneLIy spent the Latter part of last week with their .aaunt\ Mrs. Robt. Belil, of Glenelg. Mr. and Mrs. Falkin‘gham, of Durham, spent Sunday with rela- tives in this Vicinity. A famous scientist states that Consti- pation , or non-actionof the bowels,canses more deaths than all other diseases combined. Constipation inflame. the Kidneys, ruins digestion, is the found- ation of Rheumatism, poisons the blood, causes Headaches, Neuralgia, Nervous- ness and Insomnia. “Fruit-a-tives” Alone. Cures Ihis Disease THE GURSE 0F . THE NATION IS‘ DUNSTIPAUUN 000000000 00.... §§1_!e Register 0000.0 O... VICKERS. .. 2. 1911 "mmwm _KM%% 2216 § Beautiful Arm Oatmeal Millers we nascern Provinces, we are likely to advance the price shortly: it will pay to lay in a stock while the prnce is low. If you want the names of parties who are using it, let us] and we will be pleased to let you have them. in ton lots yet, but; as the Eastern Provinces, w it will pay to lay in a stc lately "to some of the largest fe and they claim it is as good as feeding stock, and as it is a lot W9 think It would nav vnn tn n-i FARMERS ATTENTION ! The Price is $15 Per Ton We have sold a. large quantity ot of the largest feeders in this district Emma-\â€" e and Upholstering \‘ (Inn... .. _ , Rocking Chairs ”Mu, ex; w» m 9% $»@ , Durham. Ont. using it, let us know Mar. 2, 1911 ', and 3?; TOURS 2:? 2.! at The Central Dr We would draw tention to the fact price of Glover and Seed is advancing We have bought ea the best and mos seedsmen in the pn large consignment othy, Red Clover, M. Alsike and Alfalf: We cannot give ‘ same prices in fu' ments that we can at once and select 3' The largest stock from in town. Giv SEE Winter The Grand Txunk Ra is the popular route fr east, through Canada vi Double track, fast. ‘ roadbed, modern equipn ed dining car service, a! safety and comfort. TO THE SUNN from JAMES. R. GUN or J. TOVVNER. Depot No more desirable 1 Grand Txunk avd mun Full informatirm. CANADIAN PAC” TIME T4 Trains leave Durhaq‘ .60 p m. Trains arrive at burl 1.50 p In” and 855 p m. EVERY DAY EX Trains will arrive : lows. until further I) w down R. MACFARLAN For J. TOVVNER De'. JAMES R. GUN PLANING ZENUS DURHA.“ Grand Trun TIME-T4 Mar. 2, 1911 The undersignc announce to re! Durham and an country. that b« Planning Mill an complebed and i: to take orders f‘ Also a. limited iron work and pairs. A call sol for quotations next. job. Machine 0 Ame Gre Ointment, Custom 5 Promptl; tended SASH, D â€"â€" and all kit House Fi FEATUR Torb: TolW rado, and? Pan!

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