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Durham Chronicle (1867), 16 Mar 1911, p. 2

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JOB SALE AT A GREAT BAR- gain, a small 2-horse {power npri ht engine and boi'Ier, also a goo second handzladies’ bicycle. Cheap. Apply to W.J. McFad- dem, piano dealer, Durham. Notice is hereby given that all accounts due me must be settled on or before the 25th of April. Ac- counts not settled at that date will be placed in other hands ior collection. ARTHUR I BROWN. MD. Holstein. THE STORE FORMERLY OCCU- pied by Mr. Mockler. Good con- venient stand. Apply, for par- ticulars, to David Allen, 2-9t-f i AT AN EXTREMELY LOW FIG- ure. and on easy terms, an. up- town property in good location. Particulars furnished at the ___Chro:nic;e Ofiiice. Mar. 9'tf UOUSE AND LOT ON COUNTESS Street, Apply to Mrs. John Bar'- bottle, Durham. . 6303ptf 4 MARE CLYDESDALE COLTS. 1 pair coming 2 years; 1 pair coming 4 years. A bargain to quick purchaser.â€"A. B. McLelIan, - ,Lambton street, Durham. 2162p kind of sound timber. 33 ft. 9 m. top: 25 it" 9 in. top; 20 \i'..t 9 in. top; 16 ft. 13 in. top. Bats not to be less that 13 inches. Aipp'v to J: N. MURDOCK. m ROOMED HOUSE’AND TEN HOUSE AND LOT IN ALLAN Park. Good stable, well, and threeâ€"quarters acre of hand. For further particulars, apply on premises to Mrs. H. Edmonds, Allan Parrk. 2 9 4pd LOT GORE A, EGREMONT, 55 AC- res, about 45 acres cleared and in good state of cultivation. Well watered, frame barn, stone foun- dation, good log house. For further particulars apply to Mrs. H. Dennett, Varney. 223mc DIRECT TO WESTERN CANADA LOT 21, CON. 2, TOWNSHIP OF Ecremont, containing 106 acres about 10 acres hardwood bush, I acre." swamp timbered, the rest clear; barn 30x50, stable 30x40. Orchard 1 acre, Watered by 2 wells and spring. Part of purchase money can remain on mortgage. For particulars apply William Bradley, Orchard. Iant. The Cfinadiap Pacific “Winnipeg Exprqsq] .leavrqg Toronto at 10.10 A LARGE QUANTITY OF FIRST‘ class shingles for sale at reas-: onable prices. â€"The Durham; Furniture Co., Limited. 2 2tf i To Let on Shares. I ACRES OF GOOD TILLABLE land in the town, will be let on Ihaxes to suitable person. Apply to Mrs. Lauder. near the Cream- G'Y. 9293 87 ACRES IN MARKDALE, TWO wâ€"â€"râ€"'â€"â€" .'v.-v.“ LUL U11 LU Q‘ LUro-LU p.121. 631137,. carries colonist, tourist and sleeping cars for Winnipeg and Pacnhc Coast. The Colonist cars, in which berths are :free. are new leather-seated ears, .and' are exceptionally comfortable. This is rthe only train drcom Ontario points to Western Canada, and anaeruns the entire distance thru Canadian territory; making the tastest time between Toronto and Winnipeg by several hours. and ensuring a taut and gamble well located, in Durham, water- works, (good garden. Terms right. Apply ‘bo Robt. Smith, Durham. \ N10102m Apy quantity _o\f_pi§in,cz, and any houses on the place; '2 barns. 1 horse stable, well watered, 10 minutes" walk to the station, 4 churches, or to the schools. For imther particulars, address Box 233, Markdale, Ont. 9-3pd acres of land in the town of Durham. On premises are good pig pen, hen house and stable. Will rent house without land, if desired. Apply to John Moffatt Durham. 3.17.tt TWO-STOREY FRAME HOUSE Farm for Sale or Rent Of time and energy can be avoided by the use of our Classified Want Ads. Time and energy represent good dollars in this age. Do not ex- haust them in an aimless search fox good he!p. Use our Want Ads. and the help will come to you. W'wl'm For Sale or Rent. Advertisements of one inch. or loss. 25 cents for first insertion, and 10 cent: for each unbooquont insertion. Over one inch and under two inches, double the above Farms for Sale. Shingles for 5‘19 Timber \Vanted Store to Rent For Sale. Notice :1 Canada, and? TERMS- All sums of $5 and un- rq distance thru der, {3441). over that amount, 10 '37, making the months’ credit' will be' given on if; Tex-onto ant} »mmhmg approved hint notes. “by 55%», my ‘0311‘5, and \are Everything must be sold, as the rtable. This Droprietor is going West. diam Ontario; SALE AT 1 O’CLOCK. SMALL ADS. amount. Yearly rates on applicatmn. ' MONT on FRIDAY, MARCH .17TH, 1911 th e following : 1 mare, rising 10 years, in 110a}; 1 horse, rising 5 years; 1 horse. rising 4 years; 1 colt rising 3 years: 1 filly rising 1 year; S “cows calved or supposed to be in calf: 1 darrow cow; 1 fresh milcn cow; 2 steers, rising 2 years; 1 steer. rising 1 year; 1 heifer. rising 1 year; 1 heifer cale: 1 brood saw; 5 spring pigs; about 60 hens; 3 geese and gander; 2 turkeys and gobbler: 2 ducks and drake; 1 Massey-Harris bind- er: 1 binder truck; 1 mower, 5- foot out: 1 Massey-Harris 11â€"ho-e combination drill; 1 10-4001: Mas- sey-Harris steel rake; 1 set Tol- lton barrows; 1 set spring tooth barrows; 1 2sf'urrow plow; 1 walking plow; 1 3-borse Massey- Harris disc; new: 1 wagon: 1 bay :nack;1 pair bob sleighs: 1 top Ebugg‘y, new: 1 :buggy; 1 cutter: 1 stone boat: 1 turnip pulper;1 [platform scailes, 2000 lbs.; 1 set :double harness; 1 set plow har- ness: 1 set single harness: 1 cream separator, Oapital, new; 1 Daisy churn-No. 3; 1 bedroom suite; and other articles, boo inoperous to mention I i I I . Drs. Jamieson Maclaurin. The under’signed Auctioneer has been instructed to sell \by public auction at LOT 12. CON. 3. EGRE-é CREDIT AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS. Etc. veynncer, Natal-y Public (3. MEmey to 1mm on farm property. In- surance effected. life or fire. Office over Standard Bank, Durham, Ont. 4 1-2 per cent. per .anntum discount allowed mor cash in lieu of notes ,ALEX ALLAN, Proprietor, ROBT. BRIGHAM, Auction’r. Dr. D. S.Craig, D.V.S. V.S.V.D. ISEASES OF DOMESTICATED animals treated on most. scientif- ic prinoiples. All calls promptly attended in. Office and residence, Garafraxa Streeo. Durham, nearly op- posite the Chronicle- Cflhe. 6231 ( FFICE. TELFORD’S BLOCK, UP stairs. Lambton Street. Residence... Corner Queen and 6901' Streetsâ€"Nora e 01 Methodist Church (gflice hoursâ€"9 am. 24 J.m., 7-9 pm. Telephone No. ~11 6‘. “$09.. nearly Opnosiw the Registry ) fice. Lamhfon t... Durham. Any umpunt Office hours from 12 to 2 o ’clock Arthur Gun, M. D. HYSICJAN AN 1) SURGEON, OF- fice in the New Hunter Block. Oflics 4001‘s, a to 10 a. m., to 4 p. m. and 7 1.09 p. :11. Special attention given to diam 3f women and children. Residence op posite Presbvterian Church. { FFICE AND RESIDENCE A short distance east of Knapp’s Hotel. Lambton Street,__Logvexj _To_wn. Durham DR. BURT. into ”31mm Roy. London Oph‘thalmm Hoe. $33.. and to Golden Sq. Throat and Nose Hon. SPECIALIST : mama, THROAT nos: UR. BROWN L R. c. -P., LONDON. ENG {‘1 RADULATE of London, New York and ('himzo. Diseases of Eye, Ear Nose and Throat. Will be at Knapp House, Durham. the 2nd *am. dov in each month. Hoursâ€" 1â€"6 mm. ‘ er. Conveyxm-er. 8w. Insurance \gent. Mnney :0 Loan. Issuer of Mar- iage Licenses A general financial busi mas trauma MM. J F GRANT.D.DVS.L D 8 { ONOR GRADUATE UNIVERSI- ty of anonto. Graduate Rays ‘ollege Dental Surgeons ofOntario Dentistry in all its Branches H15: 9. -â€"( B'alde! Blmk over Post Offiotv W‘F‘IOE? R f mmer to loan at 5 oer cent. on farm ropertv A. H. Jackson. OTARY PUBLIC. COMMISSION. er. Conveya III-er. 814;. Insurance l. G. Hutton. II. D., C. H. l. P. Telfora’. sRR‘S’I‘EL. summon, ETC. (Sur'cessm- to W. F. Dunn) ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CON- HURHAM ONT {anpr anz» 3 M a r r i ag e Prohibited If you issue Marriage Lic- enses. tell the young folks about it in ourClassified Ads. This paper is popular with the young people. Without a proper iicense They all'know a license is necessary. but they don’t all know where to get one. bfiitw :3, Fmst 8 0mm Sound. Dr. w. 0. Pickering Dentist. . Medical Direttorv. Dental Directorv I. am! ‘Dz'rectorv A C. Grant (mm .1 . .I‘ Hunter’s ennui-(Univm. Farmâ€"100 acres in 2nd con. Egre- mont. 88 acres cleared, 5 acres goo-d hardwood bush, barn 36x50. brick house. To be had for $2500 Ifor a quick sale. A bargain. Farmâ€"Part lot 22. lst 00-11.. E.Gr. R.. Glenela'. 100 acres, 85 acres cleared. balance hardwood bush. good .frame barn 50x30 with stone basement1 2 storey ‘6-room-ed house, good soil, and Well fenced and watered. Can be bought fio-r $2700, -$1000 cash. and balance on easy terms. Call or Write A. C Grant Durham, for \further particulars. Farm. -100 acres, in the 2nd con Egremont good bank barn 52x60, good frame house; well lfenced and well watered. To be had for $3800 For further particulars. call or write A. C. Grant, Durham ‘ Farmsâ€"Part lot 7. and part hot 6. 3rd con., ’W.G R., Bentinck, 150 acres, 'La-rge barn and stable With cement floor, stone foundation, warm roomy 2-storey house, ex- cellent fences, part rail and part Wire, one acre orchard, 40 acres hardwood bush, convenient to school and post office. For fur. ther particulars, Write or cad] on A.C. Grant Farmâ€"Lots 26 and 27 in the 11th concession of Egremont 3acres of hardwood bush. Good 2 storey brick house With cellar. Good tram-e barn, 40x60. cement floors. First class :fences. An acre of good orchard. Wind- mill? large ' ' For £11: or call on BLYTH’S CORNERS. This week’s budget. Last "Wednesday night, M! :rch 7 was ared letter might in the his- tory of Varney. The meeting; c311- ~ed ‘on that evening for the. purpose of organizing ”a brunch of the “Grange.” was a decided success in every respect. Mr. W. L. S-myth editor of the‘xSJun- and organizer W. Dickson, oi Alma, were pres- ent. Mr. Ja-s Moore occupied the chair, and called the meeting to order shortly after eight o'clock, and after a lfew brief remarks. called on Mr. S-myth to address the meeting. Mr. Smyth on rising. was given. a very hearty recep- tion, and after a .few remarks. by ’way of introduction. entered into the subject with a vim and earn- estness, coupled with a thorough knowledge of the great problems 'comfrontting our conntry at the present time. and for nearly an hour the large representation of farmers were held spell-bound 'by the able ability with which he handle-d his subiect. Mr. Smyth ref-erred briefly to the large depu- tation {of farmers which went to Ottawa in December, the largest deputation that ever reappeared be- liore Parliament, and one of the most imposing sights he had ever witnessed, as they marched :from their place of meeting to the Par- liament house. The object of that deputation was to impress upon the Government the necessity of better and closer trade relations with the United States. Mr. Smyth wsemt on to show how the rolling years have greatly changed the political aspect of the country. In the city of Toronto alone, there is a large section where you can scarcely hear the English language spoken. These people .for the mos-t part, have no high ideals .for the up-buildimg of this country. and their {votes can, and are, being purchased, by our bloated monop- ol-ists. Taking up the cry that re- ciprocity 'w'o-uld ruin our manufac- turers, Mr. .Smyth showed very clearly, by one example, that or; to be entirely groundless. In the year 1891 there was only one mac- t-ory in. Canada manufacturing cream separators. In rfive years, that industry had increased twelve ‘fiold, notwithstanding the fao'l' that cream separators were admit- t-ed :free into this ooruntry. Contin-t u‘ing, Mr. nSamyth went on to show‘ the unscrupulous practises which? have taken place in this Canada of. ours.- behind the high tarifif wand One aiactlory, which manuuilactured! exclusively Wagon and buggy' wheels. were paid $5000 a year for: ten years, just to close up their= shop and dis nothing. These ‘f-el-' lows fool: this money, or part (.f' it. and purchased autos to chase the farmers off the road. B; many infallible proofs, the speaker showed that with closer-trade re“. lettings, our country would be immensely ben-fieil. Protection. A. C. Grant, Durham,0nt. Offers the following ' For Sale 23 it: stands t-o-dwy, is greatly en- riching the classes at the expense (.1? the masses, aiad ';-s an instance in the city of Ottawa 'axllo'ne "there are mo less than thirtyâ€"one million-- "wives. We are. the speaker con- tended. .f'a-st approaching the same condition of affairs «as they have it in England, the whale country u‘n- (Ber the comtr’ol 0:1 a few weafithy landlords. Turning- ‘20 the special session of Congress, called by PI esidemt Taft in April, Mr. .Smyth was firmly ‘C‘lf ‘th'ewc-xpinsf'on, that the Dunocrats being greatly in \fl'av-o-r' ofzhe nasty. would insist on? " (~ THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. Mr. John Grant, of B.C., gave us a pleasant call one clay last Week. John has seen a good shore of the working ways of the ' World. and being a genial fellow, he makes a very interesting talker. and We shall lO'Olk lforWIard with delight to havingF another visit from John- ‘ sztisfacti'on‘ and are certainly a no: improvement (‘11 the oil lamps. Mrs. .Jas. Ross, at Holyrood, Bruce county, is oV'er to Norman- by at the old home, to see her brother Andrew AMcIlerd'e, whr). we regret to say, has had a very secure attack 0:1 asthma and in- tends to leavefor the West again the latter part of Elvis week. The cosng'reg 15-3an of Knox church Normanby have nst~ alled a sys- tern or? 522 s lighting; 1n the churn h, which appears to be gix ing entire Mr. Dickson was the next speakâ€" er. and the time being late, be. briefly pointed out the advantages of «organization, as instanced by the Cowan Drainage Act and the Lancaster Btil-l, relating: to cattle guards in railways, both measures which were procured by united sifor. mm} the part of artners i: lrmg‘ing‘ :nflncncc 0- beam Wm P3?» lixmenl‘. and misc the taxation 0" railways. The .Gnamlge aims to bnhg producer and consumer closer together. thereby saving a nae dless outlay to the middle man He relalt ed an inst? .nce where a lady wear F‘Iesher‘ton was supply-â€" ing a lady in Toronto with but- ter at 22c. per lb. The supply run- ning short the lady in the city Lurchased a Lew pounds from the retail merchant. who charged her 33c. per lb. almost half :0? the cost of manufacturing: it. A branch was organized, with 18 mem )ers joining before the meet- ’sz broke up. the mflficers elected as foliwws : Jas Moore, Mmter; Dr M- :nsfiaeld Leesc'n, Secretary: Ja- Wattle! Lecture}. The Trrrrw ur'm was not appointed, and the :‘c it met-inc: will be held on’ Tues-- (11y evening, March 14th, at the mme place. Vzrzwv, when i": is, c):â€" pected that a large number more still wider sweep Olf the tariff, and in that case our mainulfacturers would use every conceivable means .to block the treaty from going through, and money is al- ready morw being spent as Ifreiely1 as water among the ifsorei-gn element of our immigrants, to balffle the agreement «from being put into effect. The hope of this country. said the speaker. lies with the farmers, they are the only inde- pendent people, who can, and should, act {or the general good? oai the country. With thousands of employees, completely under the, control of the employers, coupled with thousands of ifore-igners realdv‘ to sell their votes, where else can the hope or! the country lie but with the sfzarming population, and if .the reciprocity agreement is ever going to become law, it re- mains entirely with the {farmers to put their shoulder to the wheel. regardless 'Olf party feeling, and put it through. The Dundall; Herald says: tea is the result of care and experience in blending â€"â€"-must be the combination of fine flavor, smooth strength and richness. Because all these elements are so generously included in Red Rose Tea it well merits the term “good tea." ‘ - 84 Intended for last week. Your Grocer Will Recommend It NEVER SOLD IN BULK The Gold, Silver and Govern- ment Notes - - . $3,084,584.35 Due by Banks - - - 1,508,928.93 Government and other ads 2,910,243.84 Loan: m. run ”.4 fi' ing and rlecitatilozns. After the program was over, the time was very pleasantly spent in games. singing and dancing, which was kept up till the small hours. Mr. and Mrs, Ectaorr and mamuy are leaving this week mom LEIbO‘W, rS'ask, We extend heartiest Wishes of the community 1f0or their success and prosperity in their new home, The lfuol'lxowring is the address: Mr. and ’Mrs. Archie Ector. Dear friendsâ€"We, your neigh- bors. have gathered here 130! spend a social evening with you before your departure for the Great avaaaiauaaWest. It is with sincere regret that We see you depart fr an our community, as during your lifetime amongst us, we have always found you kind land oblig- neighborrs your good qualities )be- in}! too Well known to need men- tion. and We feel assureta that a change of climate will not alter alter your characters. On Tuesday evening last the neighbors. young and old, '01! Mr and Mrs Archie Ector, met as a surprise party at their home to -y an evening with them, be- 'fore their departure for their new home at Elbow, (Sash. Mr. John Moflfzat was appointed chairman. and tier the first number on the program asked Mr. and .ers. Ec- tor tlo com-e forward, when a short and appropriate address was read to them by Mr. C.H. Mofiat and a presentation of a hand- some set of dinner dishes was made by Mrs H. Williams. Younger members Ile the family were not Iflorgotten either, as a generous treat 1of candy was given each :0)! them, Mr. .Ectlon‘ re- plied briefly, thanking them .for their kindness to him and his :fam- ily, and assured them it was not without considerable regret that he had decided to leave Edge Hill :for the go-lden wheat fields of the “West. As he {finished his reply, all joined in singing “For he’s a jolly good afeil~ow..’7 Short ad- dresses were :given, all testifying to the personal worth of Mr. and Mrs. Ector, and the high estima- tion in which they are held. Along with the speeches, weresome sing- Mr. Archize Ector’s sale 'on Thurs- day last was well attended. and grand prices were realized by auctioneer Brigham Mr. Sam. Edge, who has spent the winter with his moather, and other friends here. returned to his hflome at Antler, N D., 'on Wed- nesday last Miss Amy 1. Edge is teaching at Bunsessan during the il'lnezss oxf the regular teacher. Mr W.‘S. Flamqu- harson Miss Aggie MC-I‘T‘fat, ro-f Narwa was the guest at the different Ritchie .iamilies in the neighbor- hood ' Mr. Jas. Edge leaves on Tues- day, to. spend the summer at Elâ€" bow. .Szask. Mr. Cl'isflfeo-rd Howell, who has been mor lover a year employed with Mr. Thos. Ritchie, left last week to. work with a farmer near Paisley. Mr. Albert Irvine, 04f Grand ley, spent a week with Mrs. Edge and family. Misses Maggie Firth. I and Fanny Ector. N'arva, : last of the Week .at their ive homes. . Miss {Mary ’Edég‘e. who is teaching near Atwo‘od‘ was home ofirom‘ Fri- day tilsl Mada-y.- EDGE HILL. Mn. A.'Cr.ancsto-n, of North Da- kota, ways the guest of his cousin. Mrs. D. iEdg- 13:3“: week. ch’eaves this Week ‘for his home. Mr.. and Mrs. Sam J'Iack, Brant- ford. ane Spending a :few days with his sister, Mrs. H. "Williams. Mr. .and Mrs. John A. Little, 0:! Proton. were visiting with Mrs, R. Ector. and other relatives. Mr. Thaos. Greenwood disposed of a mice colt. rising two years old, to Mr. Alex. Allan, Egremtont. Head 05cc : TORONTO Record of Business as at 31st January, Head Ofice : Petherton spent the r respect- ESTABLISHED 1373 Va* - and Profits - 2,616,556.69 otc,â€"50 centâ€"3;); firstâ€"iikrflégrzg‘aont; 3:3 subsoq uent insertion. All advertisements calmed by “rangers not be mid for in adhnoe. Contact rates for young «immanent. fur. nicked on uppflmfion to the 0500. All admu'aements. to ensure insertion b :nrrem week. should be brought b not but an MONDAY at 6 p. m. . .13 com letcl k d The Job “,va rm 9 ”b ' PE. thus 06 f Department mugs for turning out “gage; ._-_. . . THE mmnm V“! be sent ts Subscription any addresa. tree of mm ’ Rates . 31 0098: year. Within {um - â€"$1.50 may be charged if not no pm. The d to which ever) rubu-ription is paid is denoted the nnmqm on the address hm No pie.- ' oont'xuu-d to all arrears are paid‘ “cap a“. .p um of the propnietor. Adverti ' For transient. ndmenu i R t mg cents fine for the first hm- 888 - “on; ceataporlineemh Imb- quent mutation minim: Inmate. Profession cards. not exceedin one inch “.00 per annuu. Advertuemenm wit'bout specific (11er win be pulgushed fill forbid and chanted 8cm ‘ . mt no aâ€""Lcen’W-F'onndf‘Tor " «to. -â€"SD nan”: :- Hut {nu-44.“. o: --_.- :-_ IS PUBLISHED EVE-RY THURSDAY MORNING 4t the Chronicle Prthlng House, Garafraxc DURHAM, ONT. IHE DURHAM EHBBNIELE fig 8mm i , M72211 0464/52 L Future Frammg on shortest notice. and Funeral Director , SPRING téRM' Elio'u' A. BELL UN DERTAKER Paying store accounts perlodically by cheque is safer than paying cash for each purchase. Handling cash is always attended with a certain amount of risk. The use of cheques avoids this and beside. puts your home accounts on a business basis. Open a checkmg account. m Capital and Surplus - $6,550,060 Branches also at Mount Forest and Aytcn. Full line of Catholic Robes, and blank and white Caps for aged people. DURHAM. ONT.. SHOW ROOMSâ€"Next to Swallows Bar ber Shop. RESIDENCEâ€"Nex‘. dnor South of W. J Lawrence’e blacksmith shop. EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. Embalming a Specialty S. HUGHES wort; '. IRWIN Manager March 16th, 1911 ', 1911 APRIL 3rd We’ll buy This is a hop many. “A vale of re; sickness, sufierin; And sickness i of the misery. Now a good I sickness as some. tvisitazion. They may make to cure themselve well. Now we want 5 let us buy for the Psychine from t we'll give them them know that preparation that less. that will su: March 16th. 191 We've been Ysychine for thu We have sold bottles in that tt Psychine has of thousands of We have recei sands of unsolicl Psychlne has most remarkab: cure of disease. Now Psychim its ingredients. Psychine is utnre’s 'own re: Fc: Th OS

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