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Durham Chronicle (1867), 23 Mar 1911, p. 2

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LOT GORE A, EGREMONT, 55 AC- res, about 45 acres cleared .and in good state of cultivation. Well watered, frame barn, stone foun- dation, good log house. For further fparticulags apply to AAA , - â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-‘â€" .- >‘fl ' A LARGE QUANTITY OF FIRST; Drs. limieson Maclaurin. class shingles for sale at reasâ€" . fl - - - s o ‘ o rnlture CO" L1m1ted. 2 2“ ! Lamb ton Street, Lower Town, Durham " ‘ “""“‘""“" ““‘f" 1 "“fice houra from 12 to 2 o’clock â€"â€" -m... 8 ACRES OF GOOD TILLABLE had in the town, will be let on ohm-es to suitable person. Apply to Mrs. Lauder. near the Cream- ” 9293 EOUSE AND LOT IN ALLAN Park. Good stable, well, and three-quarters acre of land. For further particulars, apply on premises to Mrs. H. Edm‘onds, Allan Park. 2 9 4pd AT AN EXTREMELY LOW FIG- ure‘ and on easy terms, an. up- town property in good location. Particulars furnished :at th Chronic’.e Ofifice. Mar. 9"cf iOUSE AND LOT ON 00:; NTESS fitreet, _Apply to Mrs. John Har- AA.\A A. 4 MARE CLYDESDALE COLTS. 1 pair coming 2 years; 1 pair coming 4 years. A bargain to quick purchaser.â€"A. B. McLeuan, Lambton street, Durhgg. 2162p p_â€"â€" __., -â€"._ .__.___,, ‘IIX 3001131) EOUSE AND TEE FOR SALE AT A GREAT BAR- gain, a email 2-horse zpower upright engine and boiler. also a good second band C. adies’ bicycle. Cheap. Apgly to W.J. McFad- den, piano eater, Durham. a_‘ Notice is hereby given that all accounts due me must be settled won or before the 25th of April. Ac- counts not settled at that {iate will be placed in other bands Anv quantity of piling, and any kmd 01f sound timber 3011., 9 in. top: 25 ft“ 9 in. top; 20 \ft., 9 in. top ;16 It..10 in. top. Buts not to hep less that 13 mches. Apply to m STORE FORMERLY OCCU- pied by Mr. Mockler. Good con- venient stand. Apply, for pasc- ticulars, to David Allen, 2-9t-f for collectiofi. ' ACRES IN MARKDALE, TWO houses on the place; 2 barns, 1 horse stable, well watered, 10 minutes’ walk to the statfron, 4 churches, or to the schools. For firurther particulars, (address Box 233, Markdale, Ont. 9-3pd Egremont, containing 106 acres about 10 acres hardwood bush, 6 acrer swamp timbered, the rest clear; barn 30150, stable 30x40. Orchard 1 acre, watered by 2 wells and spring. Part of purchase noney can remain on mortgage. For particulars apply William Bradley, Orchard. Ont. Do not throw away cream that has turned slightly sour, but add a teaspoomful of sugar, whip and serve with stewed yfruit, etc. It will be ,found equal to sweet cream :Ior this purpose. as even the Ireshest cream turns when brought in contact with cooked .iruits. bottle; Ddrhém. Farm for Sale or Rent Advortinmuu at one subsequent inlet-flan. â€"-â€"- --v vâ€"â€" acres of land in the town of Durham. 0n premises are good ig pen, hen house and stable. ill rent house without land, if desired. Apply to John Moftat‘t: -‘- . TWO-STOREY FRAME HOUSE well located, in Durham, water- works, {good garden. Terms tight. Apply ‘bo Robt. Smith, Durham. \ N10102m Durham. A. tiny pinch 0! sugar, .as well as of salt. is often added by French women to the water in which they boil vegetables, such as beets, tur- nips. carrots, corn, beans and peas. The flavor of the vegetable is thus preseryed, as much of the sugar 1t ongxpanyecntained is lost in AL _ ‘x_ _ SHORT and SNAPPY The secret oftho success of our Want Ads. I: that they are short and may. Peeple like a plain business story told In a few words and If they want anythingvthey refer to the place where they um find It with the least troubflt viz. the Cluelfled Want Ads. Is your balm represented there. Mun-'1'.“ To Let on Shares. For Sale or Rent. Shingles for Sale '21, CON. 2, TOWNSHIP OF Farms for Sale. Timber Wanted D‘é'fiâ€"nett, Varne-y: '2 23mc Store to Rent J. N. MURDOCK. For $2 ARTHUR I BROWN, M.D. N otice SMALL ADS. Over one amount. ' Holsteih. 3011., 9 ir. 2.0 \ft., 9 in. B‘uts not to as. 25 cents for first insertion, and 10 cent: for each , inch and under two inches, double the ubove Yearty rates on applicstmn. eaospg 3.1m I. 6. Hutton, M. 0., C. II. ( FFICE. TELFORD’S BLOCK, UP stairs, Lambton Street. Residenceâ€" Corner Queen and Gear 6 Streetsâ€"North oi Methodist Church ce hours-9-11 mm. '44 3.m., 7-9 p.m. Telephone No. I: flee in the New Hunter Block. Office tours. as to 10 a. m., to 4 p. m. and? LOB ,2. :11. Special attention given to disease: if women and children. Residence op posite Presbvterian Church. BB. BURT. 2656 mutant Roy. London Ophthalmic 505. £112., and boGolden Sq. Thmt. and Nose Hoe. SPECIALIST : EiEl EAR1L THROAT NOSE - ,____J Dr. D.S.Cralg, D.V.S. V.S.V.D. ISEASES OF DOMESTICA'I‘ED animals treated on most, scientif- ic principles. All calls promptly attended to. Office and residence, Garafraxn Streec. Durham, nearly 0p- pnsite the Chronicle Cfiice. 6231 ‘J York 4nd Chicago. Diseases of Eye, Ear Nose and Throat. Vin be at Knapp House. Durham, the 2nd 4m?n:d9v in each month. Hoursâ€"lâ€"G mm. éofleggipevfital Bifigegéfi oanntagio. 1. P. Telforri. " ARRISTEL, SULIGITOR, ETC. ; Ufi'xce. nearly opposite the Registry office. Lambton t.,Durham. Anyamount ‘f mnqnv to loan at 5 per cent. on farm "”“b’eshiié‘t’ri iflu its Branches. tX’fice.â€"Calder Block. over Post Ofiice aropertv. A. C. Grant, Durham,0nt. Offers the following For Sale (Successor to W. F. Dunn) WARRISTER, SOLICITOR. CON- h veyancer. Notary Public 8m. Money to loan on farm property. In- surance effected, life or fire. Office over Standard Bank, Durham, Ont. J F GRANT.D.D.S.L.D S ONOR GRADUATE. UNIVERSI- ty of Toronto. (3:11:1th Roy: N er. Conveyancer.’ c. Insurance Agent. Money to Loan. Issuer of Mar- riage Licenses. A general financial busi. ness tarmac-ted. DURHAM ONT (annr Town.) H‘F‘ICE: Farm-â€"100 acres, in the 2nd con. Egremont, gwood bank barn 52x60, good frame house, well fenced and well watered. To be had for $3800. For further particulars, call or Write A. C. Grant, Durham Farmâ€"100 acres in 2nd con. Egre- mont. '80 acres cleared, 5 acres good hardwood bush, barn 36x50. brick house. To be had for $2500 for a quick sale. A bargain. .5R.. BRC WN L R. C. P., LONDON. ENG ‘RADULATE of London, New Farmâ€"Part lot 22. lst con., E.G. R.. Glenelg, 100 acres, 85 acres cleared. balance hardwood bush. good frame barn 50x30 with stone basement. 2 storey 6-roomed house, good soil, and well fenced and watered. Can be thought for $2700, â€"$1000 cash. and balance on easy terms. Call or write A. C Grant Durham, for ufurther particulars. A. Hflacicson. VOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSION. er. Con veyancer, c: lnaqrgxpoe Farm.â€"Part lot 7. and part lot 6. 3rd con., 'W.GR., Bentinck, 150 acres, Large barn and stable with cement floor, stone foundation, warm roomy .2-storey house, ex- cellent fences, part rail and part wire, one acre orchard, 40 acres hardwood bush, convenient to school and post oflfice. For fur- ther particulars, write or oadl on A.C. Grant Arthur Bun, NI. 0. HYSICLAN AN 1) SURGEON , 9p. Farmâ€"Lots 26 and 27 in the 11th concession of Egrem-ont, 140 acres 3acres of hardwood bush. Good 2 storey brick house with cement cellar. Good frame barn, 40x60. cement floors. First class .fences. An acre of good orchard. Wind- mill; large driving shed. This land is good loam soil and [free from stone. Can be__ha_d {or $4900. ___ â€"vv For mrther particfilérs, hit; or can on A..C. Grant, Durham. But there are peOpIe who are constantly looking for opportunities to lend money on good security. If you want to borrow a few dollars, or a few thousand.our Want Ads. will put you in touch with _- - ‘Aâ€"A those loan. I I Oflicv {3, Fmst- -"- Owen Maud, Medical Directory: Money is Tight Dental Dz’rectorv. r. w. 0. Pickering Legal ‘Dz’rectorv ~vlrli'o have money to A. C. Grant Dentist. Ovpr J J Hunter’s will"... “M CLASSIC“ CITY CHRONICLES. The Cl'a'ssirc City has been. tfnavor- ed with a visit sfrom tW-o some- what distinguished lecturers re- what distinguished lecturers re-‘° cently, (in the persons of Dr. Sheard of Toronto, and Dr.. New- ell Dwight Hillis, osf New York. Dr.. Sheard gave a thoroughly pra-cti-i ca} lecture on oco‘ntazgiixous diseas~es.| dealing particularly with the! subject along the Line of preven-g tioln According to the Doctor’s? ’opinxion-s, no one is likely to take! any disease if he exercises common! sense in the care of Ibis healthi Disease germs oan 'cznly grovw 1nl congenital soil The 'best disinfect- ant Ifc:r the prevention of disease is plenty 01f lfresh alir, pure water, wholesome ufood and sunshine. The Doctor gave an. amusing inci-j dent in connection with his wide‘ experience which is worth recordâ€" ing. He was once called to “visit a very sick lady who lived in a beautiful home. He .f-ound the window closed tightly and the 'blinds down He told the lady that she would have to put up the blinds and open the window, ixf she wished to get better. The lady lifted up her hands in horror at the suggestion, and remarked that such an action would spoil her carpet. and ruin her curtains. She . thought more of the .furniture and ThelDo'ctor also (severally con- demned the practice on! keeping cats in the house. There is scarce- 1y such a thing‘las .a healthy cat. They may ‘be inflected with diph- theria tu-bâ€"erculossis lor typhoid dever germs. and are almost inâ€" variably with intestinall parasites. The cats’ prowling hralbits are ex- tremely conducive ”00 the spread 01! diseases. and therefore should be strictly prohibited from entering the homes. The speaker also Strongly urged the parents to give their children plenty or! fresh Dr. Hillis gave an .afble address on “Ruskin’s Message to the Twen- t'iseth Century.” At first, it was dtfiffi-cult to understand 1the Doctor. *but he s-o:on’ warmed to his subiect and the stisfnfness departed from his voice. His lecture was a strong, brilliant. masterly and eloquent effort. a aer and sunshine. Tie a? dentally hit the "teacher a giving so much homework. Last Week, we \Were treated to a few days ozf beautifuh balmyxsprimg weather. The snow rapidly disap- peared, owercoats‘ .fur caxps amd felt boots were discarded, When almost Without a moment’s warn- dug. a snow storm burst upon us. and the mercury fell with an awful- ly sudden thump to 5 degrees «be- low zero. Resultâ€"Spring toggery is again consigned to the closet. and winter wraps are in vogue. However, if the weather prophets «can :be relied upon, we :are likely to have .fiinle weather in April,_ be- cause Maurch is’cold and stormy, There has been quite «a “ruction” over the spelling in the Collegiate Institute. The Inspector’s report was very favorable in every res- pect. with the exception of orthog- raphy. Quite maturally, the Coll. Inst. authorities began, with one accord, to» make excuses, and ulti- mately laid the blame on the pub- lic school pedlalgogues, and sent a letter to that ‘xefxfe'ct to the {public schoso‘l Board. The public school Board rightfully re- sented this uncalled for action on the part of the Coll. Inst. Board and dressed them idmvn to a fin- 'iISh for their unwarranted imputa- tion. ' Our local papers are «at it ham-i mm and’ tongs on the Reciprocity question. ‘Whether they believe in Ifree trade or mot they :are certain- ly practising it as far as opinions are cancerned. There is free exchange of mental products. any way, and iudgin‘g from the pugn‘alci‘o-us na- ture 0‘! the latter one is almost afraid that there will be a free excha'nag; 01f muscular products in the near future. Then, of course, =it is clear as mud 'that a free ex» ‘change le natural products Wm cap the climax. Shades Olf Socra- tes ! iWe had the pleasure this week of a visit \from Mr. .Martin McLeod, 01f Pricevililne, Martin is also visit- mg friends in Newton. Milvert n. and Strabford. 0 Dyspepsia may be completely eradicated if properly treated. We sell a remedy that we positively guarantee will completely relieve indigestion or dyspepsia, or the medicine used during the trial will cost the user nlot_*.h"i.n§£.1 This remedy has been named Rexal-l Dyspepsia Tablets. Cer- tainly no offer could be more fair, and our :ofier should be. proofiposiâ€" tive that Rexall Dyspepsia Table-ts are a degendJable remedy. Inasmuch as the medicine will cost you nothing it it does not benefit you, we urge you who are sufifering with indigestion or dys- pepsia to try R-exall Dyspepsia Tablets. A. 25-cent box contains enough medicine .flor fifteen days’ treatment. For chronic cases, we have two larger sizes, 50c. Md $1. Remember you can :olbtain Remll Remedies only at - The Rexaxll Store. Maetarlane 00. IT IS CURABLE so. inci- rap to r BLYTH’S CORNERS. Mr. James Baird’s sale held on Tuesday last was quite a success, notwithstanding 'the bad state of the roads, and prices flotr live stock ruled high. Cows quite common in quality went up to $50 and young cattle solld like hot bun-s a't uncom- momly high prices. Horses also sold well. One aged mare in -f-0la.l brought $210.00. and one \filly ris- ing two years, $229 Mr. Adcaxm Pet- tigrew being the highest bidder. while Dave Gilmlour. out Rampden. was a close second. Mr. Andrew 'M'cIlvrinle left on Sua- turday laist tfor Bra'ndlo‘n, where he inteds to stop omf for a few Weeks to try the Climate :ouf Mani- toba in the hope 0:! it being bene- afzicial to his health, beftore return- ing to his home near Cayley, Al- be‘rta. Mr. Albert Hlolesflsixn left Wednes- day last .for Toronto. Where he in- tends to remain ‘to look after the interests :0»! his business. A meeting was held in Varney Hall on Tuesday evening last to complete the organization of the branch of the Grange. The roads being :bad and also the sale on that day not many turned out. However. three more members were added. Hereafter the meetings will be held the first Friday after the full moon in each month. The principal sub- ject Will be “:Slofil Cultivation” Everybody welcome. Truly. Mr. Editor. you must be taking the Reciprocity treaty .swe- riously when the “web footed” tribe are trying 1.to console you. We are lindebt ed to the Gand'eI! for the compliment he paid u:l where he says we were one «of number on a certain occasion! who drafted a resolution whenl “horses went immediately up in‘ price and have remained at .a high level ever since.” A wonderfully efzi'ective rc'so-iuti-oxn, but the truth is ‘Mr. Editor. we believe the Gan- der 'did mot know whether we were writing a resolution or asking for quotations on feathers. for on be- ing invited to speak -at that par- ticular meeting, he turned 3111 the colors of the rainbow in three sec- onds and) tar outdone Moses by the way he did exceedingly iezar and “quake. Had he attended the .flalrm- ers’ meeting last Tuesday night it would have quite convinced him that the prediction we made was not .far out, 'for on trying to ar- range a debate on Reciprocity only one could be induced to speak against the Agreement, although more than hair of the members present were Conservatives. vor grather leaned that way ‘We are somewhat surprised, M1. Editor, at the umcomplimentary re-? marks you made in your last issuei regarding Mr. Smith’s remarks at; Varn-ey as reported by us. 'In our humble opinion we regard Mr Smith as being one Of the best posted Ed'it-ors on all subjects of any paper published in Canada. and no man is held in higher es- teem by the farmers than the same Mr. Smith and no Edit-or has done and is doing: as much :f'or the farm- ers to place them in their proper . class and give them a square deal. 11>! there was anything displeasing {to you, Mr. Editor, the error might inossibly have been in our report. but we are sure Mr. . Smith can 'back up anything he said. will like the fine flavor of Red Rose Tea. It has the cup goodness that comes only from Red Rose qualityâ€"the reason why it holds first place Whipped cream, stirred lightly through a tinted ice cream, like green pistachio cream or ca cream colored pink with druit juice, while it is Ireezin'g will streak it with white. thus producing 4a pretty color eifect. ' in thousands of Cana- dian homes. Will you Your Grocer W111 Recommend 1t NEVER SOLD 3N BULK DARKIES CORNERS. No. 9 literary and debating“ 90- ciety was held .at the home t01f Mr and Mrs. Robert Lind'say a week ago Monday night. A Marge num- ber were present and spent a very social evening. ' Miss Clara "Ritchie is . visiting Ingersol‘l .friends. . ' Mr. and :Mrs. Joe. Payne spent a Week ago Sunday with friends ‘11 D-o-rntorch. Mr. Robert Aline, Who spent a couple of months recently at the parental home here, returned to his home in ‘Fielding, Sash, »on Friday last. Mr.. John New'ell, who has been under the Weather thfis past While, is again on the mend. Miss Kate Ritchie is sumfering from an attack o.f la grippe. Miss Annie Alice is also sick with an attlanck .011 la grippe. Miss Etta McAul-lifsfe, of Gl‘enealvg‘, Centre, spent from .Saturday till Monday the :guest of Mrs. Chas. Ritchie. Mr. Robt. McFadden spent Sun- day With :frien‘ds north of here, A sleighload numbering about fourteen people .from this part Oaf the burg, spent a very enjoy- able evening at the home :od Mr. and Mrs. Thos. chOomb, Thursday evenmg of last week. Mr. and .Mrs. Geo. Matthews, of town‘ spent Friday afternoon of last week with Mr. and Mrs. R-obt. Lindsay, and attended the presen- tation at the home of Mr. “and Mrs. Wm Noble the same evening. Messrs. 'Wilson and ‘Pick‘en are doing the grand‘ these days, hav- ing shipped two car I'Olad-S of stock on Monday laste- As we write these lines, we are on the verge :onf losing two good neighbors. in the persons 0:! Messrs Abraham Crutchley and ’Wm. No- ble who are both moving). their effects to their new homes; the former to the «Hunter :farm, nonth of town and the latter to the Scarf {arm north of «Hutt'ian Hill. We re- gret to loose them. but at the same time we' wish them both an ovenflowing measure oxf success and prosperity in their respective homes. On Friday night last the home of Mr. and EMrs. {\Vm. Noble was the scene of a very social evening when a large number of their friends and neighbors assembled together to honor Ithem previous to their departure to their new home in Bentinck The chair was taken by Mr. Thomas .McGi'rr who gave a brief address, ‘followed by Messrs. Joseph and James Atk'inâ€"v son. Robert McFadden, John Bell. and George Noble in short sad-- dresses. Misic, singing, games and dancing were the chief feat- ures of the evening’s pleasure. A recitation by Miss Scott was much appreciated. Following is the aid- dress:~- To Mr. and :Mrs. Noble,â€" Knoming that you are about to leave our community and make your home in a neighboringl township, we, your 'friends andl neighbors have aSsemsbled here t-o-night to express our regret for your departure and to extend to you our best wishes lfOI‘ a long, happy and prosperous life in your new home. During your sojourn iamongst us we have .{zcund you lnot only good citizens, but kind land .obliging neighbors as well Though quiet and unassuming in disposition, you were ever ready Ito do the neighbor’s part in the truest sense of the word... iWe are sorry to lose you as permanent {resid-ents, but what is our loss is iothers’ “gain, and we are glad that you are not going so tf'ar away, but that we may hope to have you as afrequent visitors in your oommu-g nity.. iWe ask you to accept this couch and rocking-chair, as tokens of .our esteem, and be assured that the wish of the neighborhood is that What is best in life may be yours wherever your lot may be cast. ' ‘Smgned in behahf of your friends. MRS. JAMES McGIRR MRS CHARLES RITCHIE. Gold, Siljror and Govern- V MflQWâ€"Mflpmpm mutual-pm cm. mm Had Ofice : TORONTO Record of Business as at 3131: January, 1911 ESTABLISHED 1873 DURHAM, ONT. Every woman has some little plan for recording her household expenditures. A bank book Will fit into every such .plan and simplify the recordsâ€"saving time and the trouble of preserving receipts. Open a checking account. 5,, UPC” (:5 bllbbnllle upwvuxun and Funeral Directorw At the Chronicle Printing House, Garafraxa chture Franz-mg on shortest " 'f' TnnWwfllbemtu “MP axon any mama. tree of mm Rates . $1 OOpor year. payable in â€"S].50 may be charged if not a. paid. the to which ever.» nubwription is pad is denoted the numqm or the address hhel. No - Gontluu- a to all arrears m paid. arm on «W of the WW. ‘A. BELL UN DERT AKER . {HE DURHAM EHBUNIELE All “Wants, to ensure mm . Jnrmnt. week. should be brought in not law an Momn! 3t. 6 p. m. The Job . . £33391 lctlgly omggdgh o ‘ I. thm . Devartment mugs £0: tmmg out. mm: F: Branches also at Mount Forest and Ayton. Full line of Catholic Robes, and black and white Caps for aged people. gapiul paid nag $2,000,000.00 apital and Surplus - $6,530,000 DURHAM. ONT... SHOW ROOMSâ€"Next to Swallows Barber Shop. RESIDENCEâ€"Next door South of W. J. Lawrence’ blacksmith shop. IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY ”BRING Embalming a Specialty EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. Funa W. IRWIN work. March 23rd‘ 1911. Manager HUG HES vâ€"wvâ€"w- E Th iv One of these is 1' mm herbs to cure And the reason they increase and s corpuscles of the In the progress 0 times discover n« things. They promised ‘ their career, then 1 to a full stop. Just because of trust, that suspicim the same attitude i every one distrust ~becau s' Now you’re m Only about one pe: Every now and certain epoch in think advance a possible. Then some one c whole school of me‘ new and apparentl: fies. all good, all pm We feel sure tha receptive mindâ€"on learn more, to adv; And to you we 1 to your own hes: Psychine. March 23rd, 1911 82 A good SW for a new suit. sec Leather Mitts’ or Mucho GIO‘ Hats, coats, .500} Offers beta than you’l Here NECK WE anERfi L'HRISTYI (I [10‘ V ‘33 S H I RTS \Ve have these .\\\" \\ Uom Nojo Weddii full su

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