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Durham Chronicle (1867), 23 Mar 1911, p. 3

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Id Surolus - $6,550,000 'oman has some ;n for recording old expenditures. . 3001:. will fit into every and simplify the wing time and the preserving receipts. checking account. 9. . BELL 1 ERTAKERV ems (ya-(Lanai by stranger. Ii Vnnt‘f‘. ave .‘hz'ue dvpartments: Shorzhanc and Telegram' ies :Hv tl'nu'ough and The" l‘eavhing is done PX :w: ienm‘d instructori n». 'v <4:- uiuntPS in gOOd 9 m are enter-mg each week. zuod time for you to enter. our free catalogue 3‘ 0” what we can do for yo“. . McLACHLAN. Princivll -A.‘ ream FROM' Mimi. 39¢ PRU? {Catholic Robes, and M Caps for aged people. Iming a Specialty mic ‘cle Printing House, Garafruxo N. IRWIN at Mount Forest and Am. March 23rd‘ 1911 ‘v‘mmmg on short“! notice. FORD. ONT R AND Pmmmrz'ron. (moo ’ a "’ ”Tim 2.6 HAM. ONT., W0 For :tutfirnt advernsan ‘ ‘ mt‘ pct flue for the 81" 15s «uu;;..rt~-Sy stocked with O \‘1-\'~ '1‘Y“F thusafl :;1::r~‘ ior turning out. IS PUBLISHED TH URSDAY MORNING HUGHES Manager TE AM, ONT. and Director\ ywq,‘ advernsomonb b $0 the office. *fu;,()xzf‘m will be sent ta “Mfr-35. it"sr 9f mm 1»-.:'_'.«’ad' pa3ablein n: it no: :30 paid. Tho 1mm- in pmdis (knots! irve‘m label. Nam feet :3 ansum insani- . brought. in 11mm” ', 1911 ER? Th: Chronicle : Durham FOR FINE STATIONERY w â€"â€" vâ€" â€""_â€"vâ€" ‘- Then some one comes along and the mom] m $33:ng whole school of medicine is overturned, Sleeplesmesand Laryngius new and apparently indisputable theor- NW0“ Troubles Dyspepsia ies, 3,11 gOOd, all progressive. Wot Heurisy, Pnenmnia and In the progress of medicine we some- Now we don’t ask you to take our films discover new values in Old word for the tremendously beneficial thmgs. effect of Psychlne. Fill out the coupon One Of these ‘13 in the eficacy Of 091" below, mail it to us and we'll give your tain herbs to cure disease. druggist an onder (for which we W And the reason they cure is that him the regular retail price) for a they increase and strengthen the white 50-cent bottle of Psychine to be given corpuscles of the bloodâ€"the Phagoâ€" you free at cost. Every now and then we come to a certain epoch in medicine when we think advance or improvement im- posnible. They promised well at one time in gains entrance to the body. their career, then they seemed to come A third of a century a to a full stop. was compounded of certai Just because of that unhappy dis- Since that time it has trust, that suspicion that won for them dreds of thousands. the same attitude in return, that made And all because it can every one distrust and dislike them. herbs that science now I: Now you're not a “know-it-an.” up and strengthens the Only about one per cent. of the pe0ple pusoles or the bloodâ€"the We feel sure that you have an open receptive mindâ€"one that is anxious to learn more, to advance. And to you we say that you owe it to your own best judgment to try Psychine. -â€"becau se Psychine (Si-Keen) is its, 0W1 ment. Read this offer: March 23rd\ No job too large for us to handle. Nojob too small to receive careful attention Wedding In\ itat-ions Ball programs or Commercial Printing of any kind Let Us Supply You SOC. Bottle FREE You pwq it you. '9 Sus- cyteaâ€"the scavengers of the body, do- We will undoubtedly buy and dis- sflt2__ __ o Now, we don’t ask you to take our word for the tremendously beneficial efiect of Psychlne. Fill out the coupon below, mail it to us and we'll give your druggist an order (for which we pay him the regular retail price) for a don’t be a ‘howIit-all,” it 'won’t pay Learn something at our expense, rm out the Coupon and mail to us. A third of a century ago, Psychine P33011139- was compounded Of certain herbs. And we do that to show our entire Since that time it has cured hun- confldence in this wonderful prepa- dreds of thousands. ration. And all because it contained those A confidence that has been based on herbs that science now knows builds our thirty years’ experience with this 11D and strengthens the white cor- splendid preparation, with a ful1 know- Dnsoles of the bloodâ€"the Phagocytes. ledge of the hundreds of thousands of Female Weakness Catarrhal Affection: Indigestion Cabal-r11 of Stomch Poor Awecite Ni ht Sweats cums and Favors organs“ MW and laryn fig Nervous Troubles Dy 8‘ We! Pleufisy, Pnenmniaand In Grippp It you have any of these ailments every gem of disease i l I Your correspondent has long since Wished to go through a printing omfi-ce, so last Friday when in Durham he visited the Chronicle office where the different machines were shown in operation. It is an old saying that “the pen is mightâ€" ier than the sword,” but the pow- er that chJan-g'es .a blank piece of paper into :a neatly (fended and printed paper [for intelligent peo- ple to read. is much greater than a hundred double barreled swords and a dreadnaught thrown into the bargain, The name “Printer’s Devil” prevents a man 0%! 'our high standing, six meet one and a half inches without [boots «on,.from ioining' the st-afxf as an apprentice. Moreover the delicate mechanism of some of the machinery would puzzle the deill himself nfor a few hours at least, so we decline the iocular offer with thanks. :Some day, (in ‘a moment of albsent :mind- edness. it would the awful to mis- take the typesetter flow a turnip pulper. If any person 'has the idea that an editor has no work in preparing :a.‘-â€"‘bright. neWrsy paper .for his readers, :3 visit to the Chronicle office will cure the ail- ment. - If you have trouble in getting rid of your cold, you may know that you are not treating it prop- erly. There is no reason why a cold should hang on for weeks and it will not it you take Cham- berlain’s Cough Remedy. For sale by Gum’s Drug Store. , A happy event was solemnized last Wednesdlay at the home of Mrs. Louise C. 'Wu-elifinng, Detroit Michigan. 'when her daughter, Miss Elizabeth Chara and Mr. 'Wm . E. Little. one of H’ampdens smart fmen 1W ere united in the holy bands for matrimony. We extend our gratulat'ions and wishes of happi- inaess and prosperity. Mr. and Mrs. James Math-er en- tertained the Hampden Presbyter- ian. :choir on Monday evening, and all spent a very enjoyable time. Mr. .Ramaxge, choir leader at Dreo- morefiwas alsd-a guest of the ev- eming'. In some unaccountable manner our last 'budg'et maimed to ‘appear in the Chronicle. It no doubt _Wa.s mahslaid by His Majesty’s mail, and will come to light under some mos- sy 1-09: on Arbor Day. Miss S, Anderson lleaft Last Week ‘to visit for .a couple at months i with relatives in Gnand Valley [and 'Hamilt-on. Mr John Cooper attended the Royal Welsh La-drixes Ch'o‘ir concert in Durham last Monday night. Mr. Jam-es -Mather sold a horse to Mr. Nichol. of Pricevillle last Thursday at the -Durham Horse Fair The price WHJS on the biplane principle, almost out 0t! sight, and the man who owns many horses these days is more to be envied than the automobile man. Mr. John Whiter-0rd lost a $200 horse last week. Omei‘od his other horses kicked it On. the stizfl-e. Mr. David Gilmour purchased 50 acres to! land ‘from Mr. David‘ Roth- inson. The price, we understand, was $2000.00. CHAMPDEN. Mr. Albert Mearns. tone 0.! :Ha‘mpe d-en’s progressive young :farmera. left for St-ettler, Allb'e'rta, on Tues- day 0;! Last Week and we unden- stand that he intends 'to purchase land M the country suits him. tribute in this manner, hundreds of thousands of these 50-cent bottles of Psychine. cures it has made. My Dmgzlst's Name...... ......... ....... Streetand Number..." o...‘.......... . This coupon mnotgoodforswebotfle Obe ehineitpreee ntedtotbedru 'b â€"it must be sent Ireâ€"we will then ny the 500. bottle of Psychine fromyo druggist and direct him to deliver it to you. Thh effer may _be w_i_tbdrawn so To the Dr. T. A. SLOCUM, Ltd. 93495 Spedina Ave” Toronto lament. your ofl’er to trya50c.bottle gt Psychme (prgqounced ‘ S‘i-kgen) at -___ - IA- women“. I have not had a 506. e of Paychine under this ndlyadvise druggistto 6 var thisbottletomefny My Name. Street and Number. dime withbut nBfiée. “Scâ€"3nd coupon 00.0.000003036300 0.000 0.0 00000000. best advertise- COUPON No. 28 :90... oooooo- ”omnuooOo 0.... 'ooooomuoofioouooooo THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. flu. . m The years came-and wemt but Swindlestein jogged about: at the “See‘here, Swwindlestein.” said the other\ “I not only respect but sym- pathize with the man who‘having made a hard (but honest «tight to hold his end up, af‘a'ils to do so, but who turns every dJo-l‘llar’s worth 01 his assets to his creditorsâ€"and I have known some who afterwards scraped and saved until they had paid every dollar Of their old in- debtednessâ€"but as .for you. Swim- dlestein. there isn’t enough hon- esty in you: to make :a speck Large enough to 'beivisible to the naked eye. You’re a swindler by nature as well as «by name and a dâ€"d s-coundrel to eboot ! Swindlestein was shedding tears copiously as he llistened to the other when suddenly his hand touched a soft «bulky roll in his pants pocket with .a string tied around it, and he smiled. “Vell. I had! some mpensashun for der droublea und hard things some be-oples say apout me,” he added sodtly. “Vy, dot vas almost was much as to say I vas mot honest,” he 'blub- °bered reproach-fully. And aSWixnd'lest-einâ€"Why the ten- der-hearted gentleman alctually wept 'When someone hinted that he had not dealt squarely with his creditors. “ Once more .great bargains in :bankrupt goods were heraldied flar and " near and! great was the slaughter th-ereod. Every dollar was so much ‘Sfco'unld money.” so what did it matter ilf prices were “cut in two?” As Swindlestein. had remarked on 'a .ftormer ocea- siuon. “Dot’s vat vie are here lfOI‘.” What the 'badly skinned creditors thought about 'th W318 quite an- other matter, and what they said about .Smilndlestein was really un- printalble, it smelled so strongly of sulphur and 'brimstone. As flor the travellers‘ they exhausted Iall the cuss words in three languages and even then they did not feel them-; selves equal to the occasion. i l Again the countryside was Estrcwn with posters, this time an- nouncing a “great sale of Swindle- stein’s bankrupt stock,” and once more goods were :b'elim'g sold at “your own prices‘” and once more Swindlestein was at the helm and the smashing of prices went on as merrily as before. And again the wholesalers lent a too willing ear to the hard luck story and opened accounts with the new firm. Every- thing went lovely, bills were promptly paid for a time, and thenâ€"well. another sudden change of .front occurred at the “psycolo- gical moment.” and once more the creditors realized that they stood to lose a few thousand dollars. and again they recognized thei “fine Italian hand” of Monsieur Johannes .Sw'indl'estein. But again the awakening came too late ! One thing was certain, however, and that was that Swimdlestein was undersellsicng all his competitors, and the latter wondered thW he managed to do tilt. But Swindle- stein knew how it was done, and later on when a certain bill of sale came to'dlilght. the whlol-esallers also got wise but it was then too late to did anything but kick them- selves. For some months the rush con- tinued Occasionally complaints of light Weight and " short measure were heard. and that goods were charged up that had never been ordered But some people will grumble at little things like ‘that and forget the big bargains they are getting. “Sure,” said Swinud-lestein‘ “dot’s v'ot ve are here afiorâ€"beople had pen shwindled too long already py Oder peesitnvess men” John Swimdlestein went into cbu- siness ten years ago last ~fiall He bought out .a bankrupt stock at a low rate on the dollar 'and pair? the cash If he could have bought it on credit he would gladly have dome so He hated to separate himselsf from the cash but to get a start .at the {out of the commer- cial ladder there wens nothing else {or it but to “cough up” And he “coughed.” but it ma ode the cock sweat come. He mot the start and soon the re- gi-o ns round about were flooded with posters announcing a “great sale of bankrupt stock at your own prices ” The latter part out this sen- tence caught the popular ufiancy'. though just why it did was What I could mot determine, as no one really expected .Swmdlestein would hand over goods to custom-ere at whatever prices the latter chose to obfer But the phrase “caught on” and a rushing business W138 done JOHN S'WINDLESTEIN’S GET- RICH-QUICK SCHEME “Nefer mind, it vill all game back vionce more alred-d‘y.” he groan-ed. “You’re giving real bargains, Mr. Swindlestein,” said a customer who had just purchased a suit of clothes :for “five dollars and fifty centsâ€"der greatest pargwain ever Olflfered in dis gfiountry !” A patent medicine bill-poster who was hanging up cure-all litera- ture here on Saturday was asked by Chief Ferguson to show his li- cense as a bill-poster. The man :found himself in the same predica- ment as Simple Shnon did when he was asked by the pieman to show him nfirst his penny, :and in the words of Simple Simon he said to the Chieftain. “Please. Sir, ‘I haven’t any.” Instead of enriching himsele by making :an example of the man, the Chief gave the erring one a lecture and allowed him to depart hence wiser but no poorer than ‘when he came here. The Bill- Posting Act. being a county meas- ure, is a new one to most or! them, and an ambitious policeman who’ wanted to make hay while the sun shines. could gather in a bountiful harvest while outsiders are getting acquainted with it. In our opinion the measure is a ghastly one and should be hastily repealed and buried. Foolish legislation will never have totally passed out of Bruce until the rag-weed and the turnip are growing over the grave of this by-law.â€"Bruce Times. When ryoru have rheumatism in your moot or instep apply Cham- berlain’s Liniment. and you will get quick reliant. It costs but a quarter Why sniffer? For sale by Gu-n’a Drug Store. Not only {for eczema, but for ulcers, abscesses, varicose vein, bad leg, poisoned wounds, cuts, cold sores, chapped places, piles, ringworm, children’s eruptions, burns, scalds, and all skin injuries and diseases, Zam-Buk will be ,found unequalled. All druggists and stores sell at 50c box, or post free from Zam-Buk 00., Toronto, for price. Refuse harmful substi- tutes and imitations. “Well. :fnom thle‘u-se of the very first box I saw Zam-Buk was {:0â€" ing to do me good. I persevered with it. and the improvement it Worked in my condition was really wonderful. It leased the irritation, stopped the pain, [and the sores began to dry up and disappear. In short. I nfnound Zam-Buk all that was claimed ”for it and within "a very short time it worked a com- plete cure in {my case.” “Seven years ‘is 1a long time to suflfer. and I had Least used to the thought that I never would be cured when I saw :a report in the “Family Henald"’ telling how benâ€" eficial Zam-Buk was in cases Olf skin disease. I thought there would be no harm in giving this balm a matir trial, and bought some Mrs. Young says: “I suitfered with eczema tfor seven years, and to my great delight Zam-Buk‘ cur- ed me. The disease started on my breast, and spread until it ext-end- ed over my“ back. The itching and burningâ€"especially when the at!- tfected parts were warm,â€"was ter- rible; and yet when the eruption was scratched or rubbed, it turn- ed t-o bad sores. and caused great pain. I Went to a doctor 'ancflttried various prescriptions, but seemed to get no benefit, so tried another doctor. Again I got no relief, so tried a third doctor, and then a \fourth. Although they all did their best for me, I gtot no relied trom my pain. 'Fnom the lighthouse at Lobster Cove Head, Bonne Bay, Newfoundâ€" land. Mrs. W. Young sends an ex- perience out Zam-Buk, which should certainly act as a true beacon light guiding all sumferers from skin disease to a safe harbor of refuge. A LIGHTHOUSE KEEPER’S STORY old pace, bills of same bobbing up with the regularity out chock-Work. A lbfirned Elm-(i wears the .fire but it would almost seem as though some find .pleasure in repeated scorchim-gs PICA QU'OD. writs: ‘ For many years I have been troubled with chronic Constipation. This ail- ment never comes single-handed, and I have been a victim to the many illnesses that constipation brings in its train Medicine after medicine I have taken in order to find relief, but one and all left me in the same hopeless condition. It seemed that nothing would expel from me the one ailment that caused so much trouble, yet at last I read about these Indian Root Pills. That was indeed a lucky day for me, for I was so impressed Wlth the state- ments made that I determined to give them a fair trial. They have regulated my stomach and bowels. I am cured of constipation, and I claim they have no equal as a medi- cine.” t For over half a century Dr. Morse’s Indian Root Pills have been curing con- stipation and clogged, inactive kidneys, with all the ailments which malt from them. They cleanse the whole system and purify the blood. Sold everywhere Mr. Andrews praises Dr. Horse’s Indian Root Pills. GUBED 0F BUISTIPATBI Mr. George Andrews of Halifax, N.S., HE HADN’T ANY “I sufifered To make room for new spring stock of Paper, bd- ance of stock must be clear- ed at a genuine sacrifice. Come and let us show you some real snaps. Sacrifice Sale (Z. P. R. Cm Office Buy Your Ticks“ Here Any person contemplating buying a Bicyle will do well to examine our “Couter Brake” Cleveland Wheel. A full line of bicyle repairs on also colors in Japan and Oil. With this month the build- ing season openq up, and everything points to great activity in Durham and sur- rounding country. We are prepared to meet the wants of the needy in all Buildem’ Supplies. The house cleaning time it near at hand. Don’t forget we sell Wagon and Carriage Paints the best prepared paint sold in Canada, in all colors, and every can guaranteed. also Church’s Alabastine. a wall preparation that gives uni- versal satisfaction. In the different colors. Genuine B. B. White Lead has no equal. Turpentine, Rum and Boiled Linseed Oil at the loweet possible prices. Try our China-an, the var- nish stain that beats all others. “English Liquid Paint” Maria» 8 0.

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