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Durham Chronicle (1867), 23 Mar 1911, p. 4

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CORNER CONCERNS Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jack. of Travâ€" erston. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McFadden L“. and at- tended service in St Paul’s church. Mr. Wm. Allan will return next ‘week from his mission work near Chathnam. We all Welcome him back. The place seems dull With- out him Mr. David Gordon was in Owen Sound last Week. having his eve treated {by :a specialist, which was iniured a month or so ago. ama- nun affiking him om the ball Mr. Alex. Allan’s sale on Friday was well attended by good liberal ‘buvers. horses going up to $175 cows well over $50, sucking pigs $4.25. a go'bbler $4. turkeys $2.50. geese $2.50. hens. 75c. each. Mr. Jas. Matthews. lot the 3rd con.. was taken 2211 last week, but Dr. Jamsieson has him well on the way to recoverv. He pronounced it an acute attack of neuralgia. Mr. Thons" Tucker has been laid up for the past fortnight with a sore knee. He is recovering verv nicely now, and can bobble around home very well. but would be no good yet for a long journev. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE As we intimated a few weeks ago a wedding at the home of Mrs. Dennett. occurred last Wed-* ‘nesday. 'in the marriage of Miss Sarah Dennett. to "she man of he:- ch-oice. Mr. Ro'ht. Sken‘e. of Wiar- ton The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Wright, 00? Durham, in the presence of close relations and nearby neighbors. Alter the ceremony. congratulations. and a dainty wedding supper. the happy couple took the afternoon {train for Toronto, to spend part of the honeymoon. We have not receiv- ed a d‘etailed'a-ccounzt of how the bride was dressed, but know she would she tasitilly attire-d. and 1001: well. and. what is better, will make a good wife. They carry with them the best wishes 0:! all in this part. Mrs. [Bennett had a Wood-cufâ€" ting here on Monday, and party in the evening. which, We presume would have been well attended. and would have been at least one better, had it met [fiallen on the day oat Mr. Queen’s :buz'ial. Mr. Fred Schwe'i'ber. at Arthur township, Was up exchanging buns with Mr. Wm. Marshall on Monday. Mrs. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" o'f ’Wiarton. nee Martha Dennett attended her sis- ters weddfing, and has spcm the past -~few days with old friends. Another of the few pioneers left? in this part. passed away Friday morning in the person of Mr. Sam- uel Queen, who was nearing the allotted age, although Ian exact record had not been kept. Elias ill- ness, of pneumonia, was of short duration, and the best medical skill could not check its ravages. H5- was a native 0:! the Emerald Isle, and emigrated to America in 1853, settling for a few years at Mont- real. From there, with his father. mother, brothers and sisters, he came to this neighborhood. Forty years ago, he joined heart and hand with Miss Sarah Brown, and the union was blessed by three children. Mrs. Alex. Allan, of this place, Mrs. John Chapman, Mark- dale, and John. south of the old home. who with their aged moths r, mourn the loss of a kind father and indulgent husband. He has been acting magistrate for a good- ly number of years, and served several terms on the school board. notably the year in which our fine new school was built. The funeral on Monday was conducted by Rev. Mr. Hartley, and the remains laid at rest in Maplewood cemetery, a large number of friends and neigh- ‘bors turning out to pay fie last tribute of respect. THIN HAIR A Liberal Offer When the hair thins out “on the top. of the head and‘ the bald spot is getting ready to appear in pub- fin. don’t get :discouraged or. ir- ritable. Just go to your druggist and ask :for Parisian Sage Hair Tonic. He will charge you 50c 10? a large bottle, but if it does not cause hair to grow where the hair is thinning out‘ nothing on this earth wilL And we want to say to every- body. man, Woman and child. thai you can have your money back if Parisian Sage isn‘t the best .hair grower hair saver, hair beautifiar. and dandruff cure on the market to-day It stops itching scalp and falling hair. and m: kes hair grow thick and abundiantlv All druggists everywhere sell Parisian Sage, or Dostpaid iron: the Giroux Co Fort Erie Ont See that the girl Wi.h the Auburn hair is on every bottle Sold and guaranteed by Manta):â€" lane a: 00. W. IRWIN. Edifor and Proprietor. DURHAM. MARCH 23, 1911 FLESHERTON The Women’s Institute concer‘t. given in the town .hall on Wednes- day evening 01! last Week, encoun- tered «foul Weather, but notwith~ standing the storm, there was a twenty-six dollar house, which was gratifying to the management. Mr Geo. Mitchell presided. and the programme of a varied character, and Wholly given by local talent, was highly pleasing. The first part consisted of $0105, duets. trios and quartettes. and We have not space further than :to say that all who took part acquitted them- selves splendidly.. In the second part a Mod-e1 Institute meeting was o»! a very mirth provoking character, ‘both by the conduct of the meeting, and the grotesque at- FISHERâ€"SIMMONSâ€"The resi- dence of Mr. and .Mrs. W.R. Sim- mons, 4th line, Artemesia, was the scene ed a pretty wedding, at 4 o’clock on (Wednesday afternoon. March dith. when their second daughter, Margaret J... was joined in marriage with Mr. Rorbt. J. Fish- er. eldest son 10»! Mr. Wm. Fisher near Portlaw, In the presence of about thirty guests. the ceremu-ny was conducted by Rev. G.S. Milli- gan. M.A.. pastor at Chalmer’s church here. and the bride’s sister Miss Flossie Simmons, played the wedding march. The «bride, unat- tended, was given away 'by her father. and looked very dainty in â€"â€" v â€"â€"_ tire or! 'the members, which includ- ed zthe. modern harem skirt. “Tenting'on the old camp ground.” was Well given. and the National Anthem was the closing number. a dainty gown of cream iolienne, with pearl trimmings land tulle veil. caught up with orange blos- s-oms. A nicely tailored suit of brown cloth, with hat rto match. comprised her traveling costume1 After the ceremony, and season of congratulations, the wedding sup- per was served, at the conclusion of which the officiating clergyman acted as toastmasrter,in a very happy manner. The company spent the evening very enjoya-bly. Mr. and .Mrs. Fisher will settle in their xfarm home on the 4th line. and many 'frien'ds wish them pro:s~ parity. The bride received a large number ox! beautiful wedding gifts. VVICKENSâ€"PEDLAB.â€"A very pretty house wedding took place at Rock Mills on W-ednesda‘y'. March 15th, at high noon, when Miss Nellie, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.T. Pedlar. became the bride of Mr. John 'Wick-ens, son of Mr. R. Wickens. oof Kimberley. To the strains 0:! the wedding march, played by .Miss Nellie 'W-icken-s. sister out the groom, the bride entered the parlor on the arm of her father, daintily attired in cream satin striped delaine, with, yoke of overn‘et. and pale blue pip--9 in‘gs, and wore the conventional wreath and veil. Rev. ISLE. Well- wood, B.D.. of Fleshert'on, tied the mystic knot. which [binds “till death do us part.” Mrs. Forster, of Euâ€" genia, was matron of honor, and: Miss Leon-a Weber was a sweet little flower girl in pale 'blue silk xfrock. and carrying a basket of carnations. The house was decor- ated with evergreens, :bells, and beautiful arch, under which the bridal couple stood. The ceremony ’and congratulations over, the ' guests, about fifty in number, re- paired to the dining room, where a ,choice Wedding dinner was served. Mr. «and Mrs. W'ickens left on the afternoon train for Toronto, amid showers of rice and confetti, the bride’s neat traveling costume be- ing blue serge, with blue velvet hat to match. The \bride was the recipient of many beautiful and useful gifts. which testify to the [esteem in which she was held. St Patrick’s Day was honored ‘19 9re vs: '.‘-.h two special functions, in the ev «11.110 being an “A”: Home.” 21.311 by Prince Arthur Lodge, in Lhe Masonic H211. and :an Assembly. given by the bachelors and beneâ€" disets in the Norris hall. Bdih events were well attended, «and an enjoyable time at each reported. Mr. Will Crossley is home -from Toronto on a short holiday, and to visit for a few days with his sister Mrs. Geo. Cairns‘ Who leaves soon to join her husband at Win- nipeg. Mrs Buskrin, and 'cbanghter, Lil- lian are spending a few days with friends at Owen Sound. Mr. Henry Holman, 4th line, is in Toronto, under osteopathic :treat- ment for spinal afiection, result- ing from injuries in the Caledon Wreck a 'few years ago. Mr D. McTavish has been trav- eling for a couple of Weeks in the interests of the carriage compnay in Toronto, Olf which he is a mem- ber. ' Mr. John Flynn moved last Week to the Milne farm on the Meaford Rc ad recently purchased by him. During the electric storm, which passed over this section some days ago. Wesley ‘church‘ Megamord Rd.. wa : struck‘ and a‘baurt $10 damage di 1 church here was improved last week by having the pulpit plat- form moved forward. 8101818 to ad- mii spa‘ct .at the rear 'f-or a'n-other rc w of sittings. a hrief Visit at Dr Murray’s last Wsck - The electric service here is off ' for the presentcby a break at thei power house at Eugenia on Friday; last. which necessitates sending, the d} nam-o to Toronto for repairs? An epidemic odimu-mps and grip: is felt in‘ many homes in the cam-l munity‘ and the attendance at the l schools is being affected by it. I Mr. aid Mrs. John Patton, who went the past nfew months With~ relatives left last Week for their; home at Calgary, Alta. Miss Ina McMullen accompanied them to visit relatives at Calgary, andi Cihtl' paints. ’ 4 Messrs. .1011!) Cairns :and AM. and Charley Chais'lett have gone to the 'West .1: Joseph Henderson. and dmghter Millie. 01120.1) Roy, paid Pesherton and Kimberley hock- ey team . which-had each Won a mat-ch phayed Off at Mtaxrkdale last Wee-k when Flesherton Won, the SCU.°-.' being 5-4. Mr. Fred. Sheppard, 0st Toronto, paid a ‘ short visit here last Week‘ and was. accompanied home éby his familv MissI Ruth Paul,.01f Eugenia, vis- iteu the past Week with her sis- ter, Mrs. Rmchard Bentham. M1 and :MrS. IHerb. Bad'gerow. moved on Friday last 'to Durham. Where they formerly lived. Mr. Aaron Wurts’ sale took place at (Sangeen Junction on Monday‘ and he will move his family here in a few days. Mr. 'Wzill Bentham hJa-s this week taken .a position in a hardware store in 'West Toronto, and Mrs. Bentham who will ‘be much miss-ed here is preparing to move to their new home there. YOU TAKE NO RISK Our Reputation and Money Are Back of This Offer 'We pay tor all the medicine used during the trial if our remedy tails to completely relieve you of constipation. {W e take all the risk. You are not obligated in any way Whatever it you accept our ofifer. Could anything be more :fair to you? Is there any reason 'Why you should hesitate to put our claims to a practical test? The most scientific. common- sense treatment is Rtexall :Ord'erlies which are eaten like candy. Thev are very pronounced, gentle and pleasant in action, and particular- 1y agreeable in every way. Thev do not «cause diarrhoea, nausea :flatulence. griping, or any incom- venisence whatever. Rexall Order- lies are particularly .gwoaod xfor child- ren, aged and delicate persons. We urge you to try RexaLl Or- derlies at our risk. Two sizes, 10c. and 250. Remember, you can get Rexall Remedies in this community only at our store â€" The Rexasll Store. Mac'farlane Go. ABERDEEN. Mr. and 'Mrs. D. Lamb visited at Mr. 'l'hos. Terry’s, on Sunday laxst. Mr. Wm. N-o-ble has got settled on his .farm, recently purchased from Mr. W. Scarf. McCrzzcken Bms. purchased a fine Clydesc‘L‘mIe filly \fro‘m Mr. W. Scarf‘ for the .sum of $156.. Mr. Duncan McLean recentlv purchased a ifitfle span of eo'lts from his Ibrother-in-Ia'wx Mr. Jas. McArthur. Mr. Alex. Morton had his gang 0.! carpenters making some chan- ges in Mrs. Smith’s house, one day last We L:. .Mr. John W. Lunney sold a 3- year-old oo'lt on 1:33: day, to Mark Willis, '09! Allan \Pzark, for $185.. Mrs. Arch. McLean, \We are glad to say. is improving. Mr. Alex. Mort‘oln, has gone over to Ceylon to .help Mr. Collins-on (it up his mill for his 'big' cut of logs this spring. Mr. Stanley Graham, Who has T’breen wonking with Duncan McLean for the past two years, is helping Tho‘s. Fulton rto cut fivo‘od this week Do you know that of all the minor ailments, colds are by far the most dangerous? It is not the cold itself that you need to :fear, but the serious diseases that it often leads to. Most 01f these are known as igerm diseases. Pneu- monia and consumption are among them 'Why not take Chamber- lain’s Cough Remedy and cure your cold while you can? For sale by Gun’s Drug Store. Mr. Elias Edge 'bought .a dime 2.. Year-old ,fiflly from Mr. J. ‘Hesl‘op, :o the chimney and roof. Mr. Herb. Allen was engaged working with Mr. Thos. Davis. cutting wood {a 'few days last Week. Mr. Donald McDonald. of the gravel Roerd, rigs going to teach for a 'few Weeks. «in Mr. Farquharson 5 place. who ilS very ill .at present. Mr. Jae. McGillivray of our ”burg, has started to make maple syrup, but the weather being somewhat changealble._has not had very good success so far. but we Wish him much prosperity in vthe future. Miss Annie McGillivray. is home from To'rontxo‘ to assmst her sister, Mrs. D. 'McArtihur, of the Glen. Mr. Geo. Arnett is engaged for a month with Mr. fRth. chor, of Edge Hill. ‘ We oflor (be Hundred Dollul Reward for any one of (‘amrrb than cannot be cured by Hail": Cutarrh Cun. We the undoniglad have known P J. Cheney fr- :ho Int 15 Yuri. and bdieve him perfectlv honorable in at! buuinou unuctions and finan- ciunv ab}. to carry out any obligations made by his firm. Wu mxe. KINNAX a; MARVIN Wholunlo Bragg-ism. Toledo. 0. Hall‘s Cafanb Cure is taken it uwally. actinz directlv upon the Mnod and mucous smfama of the system Tootimonnln sent free Price 75 cent- per bottlo. Sold by 311 Druggiats. FRIDAY. MARCH (24th.â€"Farm 3‘00}: and implements. at Lm‘: 4 (33:1. 1. Normanby, hialsf mile south (A: Varn‘ey. ‘2. months’ cre- 9 Take 3311': Family Pills for collimation. south (4: Va rmey. 2 months’ cre- dit. Miss Jessie Mchream, e'Pr-o- prietress; R.M. Fortune, Auction- eer. See green hills. Sale Register F. I. CHENEY 00.. Toledo. 0. I." .~ This? lately to son. of the largest feeders in this district and they glaim it in as good as Bran or Shorts for feeding stock, and as it is a lot cheaper than bran, we think it would pay you to give it a trial. FARMERS ATTENTION ! If you wait the names of parties who are. using it, let us know and we will be pleased to let you have them. The MCGOWAN MILLING Co‘ in ton lots yet, but u we are having more deménd for it now from the Eastern Provincu, we are likely to advance the price shortly, and it will pay to .lay in a stock while the prxce is low. Oatmeal Millers FOR THE FLOORâ€"Rugs, all sizes and colors, Floor Mats. Door Mats, Floor Oilcloth of difierent colors. FOR THE KITOHFNâ€"Tablea, Chairs. Glass Cupboards, etc. FOR THE DINING ROOMâ€"Bufiets, Sideboards, Extension Tables, Dining Chairs. FOR THE WINDOWSâ€"Tapestry Curtains. Lace Curtains. Window Shades, Bobinotto Poles. Brass Poles of difierpnt kinds. FOR THE PARLORâ€" Parlor Suites, China Cabinets. Odd Chairs, Parlor Tablet. Music Cabinets. Picture Mouldings. Picture Frames. and all other requisites. FOR THE HALLâ€"Hall Racks, Hall Tablet, Hall Seats. FOR THE RED ROOMâ€"Bed Room Suites,Mattresses.Spring3~ Bed Room Chairs, Couches, Lounges, etc. NEW STOCK JUST ARRIVED living profits. 8 ring Furniture Sale OW ON. NOW IS THE TIMP Tn an OW ONT NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY OAT DUST The Price is $15 Per Ton We have sold a. large quantity ot UNDERTAKING RECEIVES SPECIAL ATTENTION Spring is here and our and will be sold at lowest Durham, Ont. 23rd. 1911, New Grocery Fresh Grocl Always in S Butter and Eggs Mrs. A. SUL T Trains Arrive at Durham '5 Winn" ml 835 pm. “§§§¢§§§O¢§§++§Q We would draw tention to the fact price of Clover and Seed is advancing We have bought ea the best and m0s1 seedsmen in the pn large consignment othy, Red Clover. M: Alsike and Alfalft We cannot give ; same prices in fut ments that we can I at once and select yc The largest stock t from in town. Give The Central Store :: DI WNQ+§¢§§¢§¢§¢¢+ Upper Town CANADIAN PACIFIC TIME TABL at The Central Dr SEE J. TOVVNER Depot . JAMES B. GUN. To Tfltins will arrive and d« N". until further notice:- March 23rd, 1911. PLANING M Grand Trunk R TlME-TABL DURHAM ZENUS CL Ointment, go 0 s. P. SAUNJ The undersigned h announce to reside! Durham and surrou country. that be h Planning Mill and F: completed and is p11 to take orders for W‘lkom Msple 8111 Hanover _ Also a limited anm iron work and mach pain. Acall solicit/ed for quotations (m nextjob. m DAY EXCEPT Machine Oil. H Custom Saw Prom ptly A SASH,DOO House Fitti -â€"- and all kinds 01 Exchange

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