West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 30 Mar 1911, p. 3

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119(‘»f(.‘;11h01ic Robes, and M ite (Hips fur aged people. ' Travellers and ml Director-w b: "02' ‘cwsmnt 8d _ B” 1‘ t . S“ 5 0mm pct Tum for the hit . 2:43.; 3 manta per mum “tun: minim: meaumre. onwlinw «me inch $4.“) petal Imam wig’hou: specific dir 18’ 3'3 forbigi and charged potiws-u Lg st. “ "found." “Far his 5w first. insertion. 25 can“ u could not find 3 mt way to carry 1 ' travellers’ cheques. m insertion Every Branch K811) A. BELL DERTAKBR pted as cash in all pat; 'orldâ€"no identification h y. Issued in books d denominations, they are ~nt to carry. 1 supply before going ERY THURSDAY MORNING «tin .ent S. HUGHES are G TERM FRoM EbRIL 3rd '8! Ionic/e Print: to all Buslz Bank. also at Mount Forest and Am. and Surplus - $6,550,006 P. SA UNDERQ balming a Specialty 11‘ 3hine Oil. Harness le Grease and I .tment, go to RHAM. ONT" \V. IRWIN 1.12" rm-z-o departments: 1. Shswrthund and Teletrlm' ("“3“ Ilh‘ thorough 3nd i. 'l'iu‘ reaching is don. 1--.\:: m-imzrod instructor’ V pww- ux'uluates in g 8. FR cue of last year’s Stu- ? nww earning 31009-00 1m; 01' Matter. r:;?~' 2r» antenna 636!) "9" . zwd time for you to 00““ our free catalogue at M . what we can do for yo" 1. mmcnus. Princml “.1 HAM, ONT. notzce. . in.nts-â€"~- Next to Swallow Framm Manager UH .xx 1) PROPRIETOR § '- Uf-Zt‘ffld by stranger. ‘ $21119?er stocked vi m; thus Mn N fur coming ontm ;2 :‘uxnwzr’li “‘3” be “I". ~- 3‘24‘57"“. firee 0f D08“ “In." :13: 'rd‘flb- ”in ‘ x --.,f M) {)2th 1h. “EH-"1'; ‘4 323d is (3“ 1.'- 1"?“ ~LU€L No waxy advertisement. it m ensure infirm. I ... brought. in not lat-rm 7.9 929 House. Sara!“ {ED Lu W rend! 111301110! b We are receiving many thousands of requests from every part of Canada for the 50-cent bottle of Psychine, which we buy from the druggist and give away. And it is doing some very remark- able things, making some very extra- ordinary cures. Not more than we anticipated how- ever. With our third of a century's ex- perience with Psychine. With our knowledge of the hundreds of thousands it has already cured, in mind. Since scientists know now all about the white corpuscles of the blood, or the phagocytes, the scavengers which devour every germ of disease that enters the body. Since they also tell us that certain herbsâ€"nature’s remediesâ€"help and build up these white corpusclea. We have the most absolute confl- Now, we don’t ask you to take our deuce in what it can and will do. word for the tremendously beneficial :16 3k * effect of Psychine. Fill out the coupon ’below, mail it to us and we’ll give your Since scientists know now all about druggist an order (for which we pay the white corpuscles of the blood, or him the T981113? retail price) 101‘ 9- the phagocytes, the scavengers which 50â€"cent bottle of Psychine to be given devour everv germ of disease that you free or 003t- Unprecedented interest is being taken in Psychine. 00”“... The Ideas Gent’s Furnish'ng Store WM OWOMWWW March 30th‘ 1911. :49”. iq w heme fashion reigns supreme in Col- ln’rn‘. 119.5. Shi ts. Hats, Caps 5.0011? assort- ment. is cmnpletc in ev erg thing a, man wears. Tn.» "Rum-Had King” Peabodg’s Brand Overalls, Smacks and GIOVCS for 5319 here. A fun Stock in all Lines For The Working Man your Druggist will give you FREE a 500. bottle of Psychine and we will pay him. And since these herbs are compound- And we do that to show our entire fed in Psychlne, we know why Psychlne confidence in this wonderful prepara- 18 so phenomenally successful in treat- tlon. ing disease. A nnnfidpnnp. that has been based We know why Its use is indicated in the following diseases: We will undoubtedly buy and dis- tribute in this manner, hundreds of thousands of these ISO-cent bottles of Psychine. La Grippo Bronchial Coughs Bronchitis Weak Lungs Hemorrhages Weak Voice Sore Throat Spring W’eakncss Anaemia Early Decline Female Weakness Catarrhal Afl’ections Indigestion Catarrh of Stomach Poor Appetite N ight. Sweats Chills and Fevers Obstinate Cougms Sleeplessness and Laryngitis and Nervous Troubles Dyspepsia After-effects ot Pleurlsy. Pneumonia and La Grippe. Read this: V'W") 155. ”a «my .hmm 1 “Fromv 1880 to 1906 there were 481 . g-chartered banks established in iCanada. and of that num‘tzer 1”. m ‘25 per cent“ failed. and others Eonly saved themselves nirom fail- ‘ure by amalgamation. In the {neighborhood of 30 per cent, "'of all‘ lthve banks which have been estab-i lished since 1880, have )flazi‘led, and? worn-e hahf Of these failures have: :occurred \since 1896, during the Itime the present :Finance Minister ghas held office; Surely" Sir. it is I I a sorry commentary on our ibank- ‘ing system, and on this governd !ment :that the percentage of fail- {ures of chartered bamks in the gDomin-ilon of Canada, hlalS ‘been {greater since this «administration a gcame to power in 1896. and under 3"} ‘the care of the present Minister of ’ IFinan'ce, than in any other coun- try in the "world. Mr. H.C. Mc- . ,Leod, dormer general manager of .3 llthe Bank of Nova Scotia, com- ) 'menting on this deplorable state of ’asffairs. used these words: ‘Most it met all the above mentioned fail- ‘ures were fradulent and it is now tplaimly evident that a lf'ew huours’ ‘iexaminati-on by a skilled banker 'w-ould have disclosed an insolvent icondition in any one of these “banks, years before it 'c-ol'lapsed.’ ”' g The Bank Act is designed to gipromote lsau’e and conservative thanking throughout the Domin- 0 § -~ ~} '- 4 fi-oan. The {banks are given many iprivileges and liranchises of great lvalue. and the Bankers’ Associa- gti-on has many powers, as ta rule ‘only confided to bfficia'ls of} the gGovernment. The chartered banks iare indeed given‘a monopoly in ythis country. People generally '1 are aware of this as .a matter of ilfact, )but few realize how true it {is as .a matter of law. The matter lwa-s rbrought to fthe attention of gthe House in the debate on the ‘Farmers’ Bank. by " Mr. Donnel‘ly‘ South Bruce, who quoted Section Ottawa. Mar. 24th. 1911. â€"- Two entire days out 01 the past week, were devoted to the affairs of the defunct Farmers Bank. This institution operated only in the province 01 Ontario. but its history is of nterest to all the people of Canada It was authorized to do business by the Treasury Board of Canada on November 30th 1906. It was finally closed in November ,1910. Although it actually [operat- led less than four years, the bank %managed to loot connfiding‘ people itvothe extenst of $2,000,000. The ‘sharehuo'lders.â€"nearly all 1011 them. iinniocent and deceivedâ€"Will lose {not only the money they paid for Estock, but Will be called upon to gpay an assessment of 100 per cent. vaen this contribution (will not ; greatly raid the depositors. who bid Hair to lose all their savings. Bank failures have been fre- quent enough out late in Canada. The statistics as furnished by Dr. Edwards the Oonserveutive' mem- ber Ir'o'm Frontenac. are somewhat startling. In his speech [in the House on Thursday last, he said: A confidence that has been based on our thirty years’ experience with this splendid preparation, with a full knowledge of the hundreds of thou- sands of cures it has made. 158 of th-erB'anIk Act. which reads as nfioliows: “Every person (assum- ing or using the title of (bank. banking company, banking house. banking association. or banking institution Without being ant-hor- ized to do so by this Act. or some other Act in :force in that :behalf. is guilty om an oflfence against this A‘Ct. ” f It is thereto-re evident that the Government should carefully sup- ervise the Banks to see that they are properly conducted and 'that the savings of Ithe people are not To the Dr. T. A. SLOCUM. Ltd. 193-195 Spadina Ave.. Toronto I accept. your offer to may a 500. bottle of Paychine (pronounce Si-Keen our expense. I have not had a 50c. ttle of Psychine under this plan. Kindly advise my druggist no deliver this bottle to me. MyName.... ..... HogOOOIOQIO‘OOOOUOIo IO. 0......00000 Street and Number... . . My Druggist’s Name ....... . ............. Street and Number ...................... This coupon is not good for a. 500. bottle of Psychine it presented to the druggiso â€"it must be sent usâ€"we will then buy the 500. bottle of Psychine from your druggist and direct him to deliver it to you. .This offer may be withdrawn at 9115: time without notice. Send coupon OUR OTTAWA LET I‘ER a“??? M COUPON No. 28 THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. 0000......OI9'0 Qoo .0...I."".O. dissipated. Certainly great care should :be taken in the matter of licensing a new «bank. The Bank Act itself attempts to provide a number out safe guards: 1. A bank cannot do business until it receives a certificate from the Treasury Board‘ which Board is to consist cut the Finance Min- ister and five other Mnistcrs of the Crown. fl 4. The Treasury Board is not nermitted to issue such certificate unless and until it is satisfied by sworn evidence, that $500000 of shack has been bong sfidue subscrib- ed. and $250,000 has been paid in on account 0:! the same 'by the subscribers cut the stock. Mr Fielding is one of those for- tunate men who? do not «talk much. and therefore can get along for years Without [being liound out. The Liberal newspapers have cul- tivated an impression that hei is a remarkable :finan-cier, and the most honest man on the :faoe of the earth. The recent revelations in respect to the {Farmers Bank compel his .friends to choose be- tween two painful alternatives. viz. either Mr. Fielding is not strong enough mentally xfor his position. or some extraneous and improper influences were brought to bear on him when he granted a certi- ficate to the Farmers Bank. The debate on iWed'n esdsay and Thursday laast {brought out all the :fa'cts. They were well stated in Whole or in part by Messrs. Henderson, Sharp-e, N. Ont, Blain. Foster‘ Thornton, fB-oy-ce, Porter, Donnel‘ly and others, including Mr. R.L. Borden. Nearly 3:11 or! them are supported {by documentary evidemce. That vth-e Farmers 'Bank was granted .a-certificate impnovid‘ermf- 1y is not denied. It is now admit- ted that $500,000 of shock had not been subscribed, and th-ad: $250,000 had not been paid in by lthe share- hold-ers. Some $211,000 had been collected on stock subscriptions bv the provisional directors, but $41,000 of this had ‘been appropri- ated 'to various purposes‘ so that only $170,000 remained. In order to get the additional $80,000 to make It appears that in 1905 'the char- te-r was granted to the Farmers Bank of Canada. This chart-er Was renewed in 1906. Beattie Nes-bitt. at that time a popular politician, but not seriously considered as a business man, and Walter R. Trav- ers. who was out of employment and reduced in circumstances, were ‘busy in gettingfaarmers to subscribe to the stock of «the new bank. in order to sell the stock, and keep themselves floated, they used up. in various ways, some $40,000 thus realized. and in Nov-ember, n906, stood in .a perilous position. They had on hand $170,000 in cash, but required $80,000 more in order to make the deposit with the Receiv- er-General, required by law. They begun illegally discounting the notes 0:! subscribers to stock, and thus got entangled in several law- suits. In {these law-suits, the dissatisfied stock holders charged them with frauds of various kinds, including the discounting of notes. They managed in some way to re- turn the money to these dissatis- fied stock holders, and to have the suits withdrawn, but their position was made worse. Mr. Leighton McCarthy. then a Liberal member of Parliament, wrote to Mr. Field- ing, Minister of Finance, and told him plainlly what these men were doing, and cautioned him against issuing the certificate .for the bank to do business. Nesbitt and Travers were at the end of their resources, and could never have collected $80,000 more in cash :from stock holders. ‘Ilndeed, they -had to have the certificate at once, or throw up their hands and submit to civil [and criminal prosecutions. To make the situation more des- perate, they were exposed in var- ious ways: by law suits; by pub-â€" lications in the newspapers: by the letter of Mr. McCarthy 'to the Finance Minister, and :by Verbal warnings given to the Minister by Mr. David Henderson, M.P., Mr. E 13‘ Osler, M.P., and other gentlemen of high standing in the public life 01 Canada.- ~- ' up the additional $80.000 required, the provisional directors discount- ed notes given them :fior stock. All these facts are now admitted by all land it is likewise admitted that the discounting of the noises, and the raising Of the $80,000 therelby. was illegal ' and improper. The only excuse offered by the Gov- ernment is that Hon. Mr. Fielding, Minister of Finance‘ was deceived and h-oodlwinked (by Walter R. Travers, general manager 'O\f the Farmers Bank‘ now a convict in the Kingston Penetentiary. BY hypnotic. or other influences, Travers induced Mr. Fielding to take his unsupported stamement against the tremendous mass of evidence and to issue the certifi- cate‘which enabled the Farmers Bank to start on its career of ruin Travers had hardly gotten out of town, when a positive statement ifr-om' the Bankers’ Association reached Mr. Fielding to the effect that a part of the $250,000 had been borrowed 'from a Trust Company by discounting notes The ’Finance Minister, however, mad-e no effort to recall the certiâ€" ficate or to stop payment upon the cheque nfor $245,000 which, as Receiver-General, he had just is- sued to Travers. It is also admit- ted that .before Ith-e bank had been long in operation, the Finance De- partment knew of gross irregulari- ties in its conduct and manage- ment. Nothing was done to stop these. and all the circumstances in this case point to such incompen. tence on the'part of Mr. Fielding as to make his resignation sa neces- sity in 'the public interests. ECZEMA CURE A BEAUTY WASH Although D.D.D. Prescription has ‘been recognized for years as the one remedy for Eczema, Psoriasis. and all other forms of skin diseas- es, it is now known that there is no other wash. even those used by the {beauty specialists, that can compare with 'this mild liquid for cleaning the skin of pimples, lblack heads. rash, and “all other similar skin affections. D.D.D. seems to (remove the cause. .‘whatev-er 'the trouble may be. cleansing the ‘skin‘ and leaving it as soft. as smooth and clear as thit of a healthy child. We send in a 'feW items, to in~ terest .others as well 'as ourselves. As. spring is {drawing near at hand. times are Looking like hard work again. ' ‘ Not beingin position to make up and distribute the prescriptions themselves. the Sisters arranged with a number of gentlemen,who had been Fathchorriscy's friends, to do it for them. These gentle- men workingunder thename ofthe“Father Morriscy Medicine Co., Limited," had b} the first of the year placed the remedies in nearly every store in the Maritime Provinces. So gladly were they received, and So satisfactory has been their record ofcures. that the Sisters and the Company have decided to place them on sale through- out Canada. Write the D.D.D. Laboratories Dept. D.D., 49 ‘Cvoluborne St, To ronto, and prove its wonderful efâ€" fectiveuass. Many (friends and neighbors spent a very pleasant evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Mewyn on Tuesday night. The evening Was socia-bly spent in dancing and chatting. we hope it won’t :be long till Mark gives us ancther invitation. for we heartily enjoyed this one. Music was fur- nished :by Messrs. Pratt and Park. Father Morriscy's “No. 7", for Rheu- matism and the Kidneysâ€"“No. to", Cough Cure and Lung Tonicâ€"“No. n”, Stomach Remedyâ€"“No. 26",for Catarrh, and “Father Morriscy's Liniment"â€"can now be obtained from most dealers in this Province. If yours does not keep them write the Father Morriscy Medicine Co., Limited, Montreal, Que. For this reason alone, a bottle of D.D.D. should 'be kept on hand in every household. A free trial bortle W11] show you the merits of this are -.t remedy as a complex- ion wash ' HAIR HEALTH If You Have Scalp or Hair Trouble, Take Advantage of This Offer. We could not afford to so strongly endorse Rexall “93” Hair Tomi-c )and continue to sell it as We do. if it did not do all we claim it will. Should our enthusiasm carry us away, and R-exzall 5‘93” Hair Tonic not give entire satisfaction to the users, they would lose faith in us and our statements, and in consequence our business prestige would suffer. ‘ When Father Morriscy, the famous priest-physician ‘of Bartibogue, N. 8., died a year ago last spring, he left his preseriptions to the Sisters of the How: Dieu, at Chamam, to be used for 1110 benefit of humanity and of the church. Messrs. 'Robt. Tra'fford and son- in-laW. are busy cutting 30 cords 0! wood for BB. Hopkins, who in- tend: building a barn this sum- mer. ' 'We assure you thart if your hair is beginning to unnaturally fall out or if you have any scalp trou- ble. Rexaxll “93” Hair Tonic will promptly eradicate dandruff‘ stim- ulate hair growth, and prevent premature baldness. Our fiarith in 'Remal‘l “93” Hair Tonic is so strong that we ask you to try! it .on' our positive .guar- antee that your money will be cheerfully refunded if it does not do as we claim. Two sizes, 50c., and $1.00. Sold only at our store â€"'I‘he Benn Shore. Msacfarlame MI. and Mrs. Geo. Mervyn’s little bc-v has been. very ill With .an at- tack :01 1a grippe. But he is now on the Way 9130 be W;ll again. Father Morriscy’s Remedies Co. {For sale by 31 druggists. New on Sale in Ontario RIVER PARK. qu nae or mcyle repairs on hand. Do you want a comfortable Go-cart for the baby. We have different styles of Fold- ing Carts. We would like you to see and examine them- FURNITUREâ€"VVe are the O i 0 people to buy Furniture from We :(have the assortment to select from at; prices to suit the purse. Come and examine our grade? and get our prices; our motto is “Often the cheapest, always the best.” A few remnant room lots at half price, still for sale. Our complete stock of new Papers is now in, and we would liké you to see it, Whether you intend paper- ing or not. fluvernment Standard Window Shades In all The Leading Colon Druggists and Booksellers New Wallpapers CLOVERS AN D GRASS SEEDS (Z. P. R. tom Office Buy Your Ticks“ Hero acfarlanc 8 0.

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