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Durham Chronicle (1867), 30 Mar 1911, p. 8

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M$fi%$%%%%%%%fi$$%%$%*$%k%%%%%%%%%%fi%%%%%* EIGHT THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. lusuaha good time \Was enjoyed .lby all. A large crowd .listened bgattentively to a program“ Which :was second to none. The debate ’proved a close one, resulting in a victory for the affirmative by just one point. The ijudges Weree :Messrs. Peter Rama'ge Jamie Far- !quharson, and Miss Julia Weir, and .. fair decision was arrived at, The Glee Club, “Seeing Nellie Home” address Mr. Thos,. McGomb; de- bate, “Resolved that wood has mere uses than iron. Affirmative. Mr. Alex. Alice, Miss Ethel Weir. Negative. Mr. Will Lawrence, Miss Elizabeth Scott; instrumental, Mr. 'S. and Miss K. Ritchie; editorials, Ernest McGirr: duet._ Misses '13. (Weir and B. McGirr° , , . . Mr. JIOS. Payne, we regret to lost a ‘fime two year old h recently. Messrs. in. Lawrence and Pal- mer Patterson, accompanied bv Mrs. Law ren-ce and Mrs. Patterson spenta week asgo Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John McGirr. act wise-.1} and put it before the 1191ple t - decid’e, or will they rush bi 510.1 y ahead‘ iatify the treaty. and sell C-anad‘a’s “birthright”? Time will tell. Reciprocity, 'the all-important question which is attracting the undivided attention of athe citi- zens of our fair Dominion, the que =L'ion which is turning the eyes of all people towards 'the Laurier administration at Ottawa. a 'treaty whim it is to be hoped will never be iatified bv 'the rulers of Canada. Wham does British preference com-.2 in? Is it ‘to :be thrown aside, and preference given to the Unit- ed States? Will the Government '1‘th Welcome harbinger of spring robin redbreast, 35 again with u-‘. Store will close Friday forenoon to 100 lbs. Japan Tea, Ireland’s regular 300, Friday and Sat, 226, 6 lbs. for..$1 . Black and Mixed at the same price. ‘ 100 gallons XXX Vinegar, reg. 400 gal, Friday and Saturday, per gal ........ 25c 7 lbs- Rice for ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 25c nYtrnnta ram ‘Illn A 3n” DI:- 1. 15 Men’s Fine Suits. latest. style in Tweeds and Worsted, reg. 10.00 to 16.00, sale price ........................... 6.95 12 Boys’ Suits, 2-piece, reg 3.50130 4.00, sale price. .............................. 2.00 See our large stock of Prints, Flannelette,Cottons and Lawns all at reduced prices See our stock of Working Shirts at reduced prices. See our table of Men’s, Women’s Children’s Shoes,selling at 75c,reg. 1.00 to 1.75 See our Ladies’ Slippers and Shoes in the Window,reg. 1.50 to 2.00,sale price 950 See our large stock of Men’s. Boys’, Girls’ and Ladies’ Shoes all selling at great- ly reducedpric‘es.‘ Qur-bnargains are genuine. CL- .. 20 Men’s Suits, and Tweeds and Serges, reg. price $8.00 to $12.00, Sflip price ........................ . ........................... 3.95 15 Youths’ Suits, 3-piece, reg. 5.0“ to 6.00, sale price ......................... 2.95 See Pricesjn Ladies’ Top Skirts and Underskirts The prices bring the people to our store and we have decided to continue the sale till the middle of Apiil. Our stock 18 still large and well assorted, and it will pay you to come and do your buying with us. DARKIES CORNERS. “Seeing Nellie Home”: 3. Th-os,. McOomb; de- mxew sale bill and '1 A. Heather; God MEN’S SUITS Highest Prices for all kinds of Produce Gillett’s Lye, regfilar 100 for ................ 25c Mrs. iHal'l, 84 Flora St, St. Thom- a-s, 1'Ont.. says “I suffered zf‘OI‘ years Ome Ibox «g3, lasting cure. I have not had a headache or dizzy spell s‘ I .feel :likie a new person. ve me a complete and DISTRESSIN G HEADACHE 3 Headaches are largely the re- sult «of disordered kidneys. f“) 303 0 E00 03000 See Prices in Carpets and Carpet Squares DURHAM arrange prices for the following days 10 dozen in brown and black, reg. 1.50, sale price .................................... 95c Regular 2.00, sale price ................ 1 .25 Regular 1.00, for ........................... 690 See our Table Linen at .................... 1 9c Extracts .Lreg. 100 .............. 4 for 250 See our prices all over the store. Furs at half price. Ladies Foams half price. Men’s Overcoats half price. FELT HATS The readers of this paper will be Ple‘9’d to learn that-there is at least one dreaded disease E lhst science has been able to cure in all its stag“ ‘ an that 133 Cs arr-h. Hell‘s Catsrrh Cure is the only positive sure now known to the medic."1 f”. ternity. Catsrrh being a constitutional dlflwse' requires a constitutional trestment. Ha“:s Ga. tau-h Cure :3 taken intemslly. acting (”may noon the blood and mucous surfaces of the 85'3”” thereby destroying the fonnistion of 1116 419“” snd (Wing tha- pstient strength by build'“ .np the constitution and assisting nature in 510‘“ its work The proprietors have so much faith 1” ”0m" f0? may case that ii 'fiiiis «5 care. Sew for list of “admonish" Address: F. J’. cauunr a 00.. Toledo. 01110 Sold by m Damian. 75c. . Isle Hal'- may Pill. for oomtipstwno The Mayor of our town is thinkm'g 0f applying to the council t9 .M‘e cement side walks built, he can t Kt’t‘P the mud off his boots. Mr. Robert, Herd is getting (my tifg' her for a new drivmg sued whxch 6 Intends to put up this summer. Mr. and tMrs.‘ W. Falkinéham of Burhggn page a short call on Mr. and Say Mr. Editor is your Blvth‘s «‘nrn' er scribe likely to get hot enough 3- bout reciprocity that; he will haw to take off his under clothes like he does when he goes cutting wood. as Bailey. near this place a short rim! ago. We are pleased to say that M rs. .j« bhn Park is able to be out again after nav- ing an attack of La. Grip. at foot for something over one hund- red dollars. There is no need for special Auctioneers where Mr. Brig- ham is for if there is a cent in it Bob is bound to have it. In the last. seven sales he had, he sold fourteen thous- and dollars worth of stock and im- Miss Prast of Hanover was, visiting vnth Mr. John Park on Sunday and attenaed Church. â€"'J -v nag-VA \I' “‘6 RAIL/Cl: (11 kc‘ her illness. Mrs. Tompkins is able to be around again after being confined to her bed for a week or so. Mr. Gordon Smith of Elmwood is engaged with Mr. Herbert Brigham for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Mervyn have moved into the house lately occupied by Mrs. Edmonds. Mrs. Ed- monds and part of her family have moved to Durham Mr. Robert Brigham was in Toronto last week on business. Mrs. Edward Bailey was visiting in Hanover latelv. We are pleased to report that Mrs. W. P. Bailey is improving nicely after kn.- :II_--_ guarantee to refund your money if thev fail "Do relieve any disease having its origin in the kidnex s or bladder. Postpaid sfrom the R. T. Booth 00., Fort Erie. Ont. Sold and guaranteed by Macfarlane S: Ir. and Mrs. James Bailey of Shall- Lake was visiting with Mr. Tham- 3ailey. near this place a short time $100 ReWard. $100. '. Bailey. 155581155434. ALLAN PARK March .30th . 1911‘ . s Gingham pe and Chec on the addition ture Factor} is m , as the “'9th >1“ ui Jioundation “as put ‘4' nd the thrick have n ‘ " arrive from Chest McDonald and 11' have the brickâ€"la; 3 and it is infiendec factory in ope ddle of Septembe: Armed negroes swan [span a crowd of white: ff'Delaware. on Satu1dav fifired a Vollev 0f hul‘et shot into them. fatallyw ' and seriously injuring filtee others. Needless ”flee riot is 11011. in nu file officers of the 1311 : ent unable to handle 1h Dec-pic hzn‘ maintenanv meet “‘3 ' far. we 31:“ Li )D 1'11, hrs of 1 Wn (_ W sent} new ian Contingvn May. Sergoan in Durham. :11‘ Hr. Harrop W}? Years agm. cm business here. . From the Victuria. B. “We learn that Sergean Barrop has been chase "the three men {rum the ‘Inent to represent thv Victoria at the (,‘ul'onzLi George V. They 3min We have a comfnr: {house for sale. We can terms so easy that a: young man starting in {ind it very little troub ifor it. and have a ham {bwn in a 1ew years. A [Chronicle onfice for par‘ “'8 are I‘- improved c McKechnie the past Though his at one tinn State that 1 For sale.â€"J 5very easy me payment p111: write to the BOX 1623, (MW tion‘? Have how many Mt. Forest Dr. Brown. ‘ England, eye ( will be at the i tram 1 to 5 1' April 151b, - Macfarlane’s Tm- bottle. Will (one Spring work. On Good will be 1191 11 a.m A1 Piowshares a the various p1 at the foundry the very posing. Begin your mum Markdal-e new station arm: and Did you u: for the new $30.04 :rfitank has already a gnd when the Work VOL. 44 ~N0. 22 committ l the Furniture Com Lcauy be in posses «own «ire-fighting four sawmills, at vch. Holstein. .and E inning full capacfi': . every indication rd summer. NEWS and set" . Grant. 111' For “ m in ope: eptember new 80,0! Ha V0 W

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