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Durham Chronicle (1867), 13 Apr 1911, p. 1

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CULTURAL 50(315 he auspices of the tural Society a. fine I ant will be given in ‘ ticultural and vic Improvement” ;st to Hand UTT,of the 0.A.C.,G ; an illustrated lee’; specially desired that fildrvn should attend .rn to Ladies’ F ". 'llled Corsets always ~O ‘m CVlinders g from $2 unward. very afternoon. ENG Dromnnlv n: OWE Elma-he‘d and Unbleaéh- Wing and Pillow Cot- Ucuuine Russia Coach mufacmrer of d Dealer in â€"- fi‘ “nub: Mm }_ Dzstcus , Cowman-rs ac. Latch and descrmtiou ml! Brunoa‘ greeghczhelt a! .--_‘ ~Iections will be the best Of 100: pies of Ladies’ Black ierskix'ts at $1 each. 9 W Pappere IS ar out at so vems- "a EXPERIENCE V. D. CONNOR and Scarlet 4 p: 1F and orop' émlally low Coats, were ] and of local tax." 9 5.00. ttes at 90 e Durh‘n In A telegram from Mason City. Iowa. announced to Mrs Beggs that her son. Herbert Kearney- Was in a very serious condition, and his younger brother, Guy, left Monday afternoon, to be with him in. his illness Mr. Kearney has been in Mason City {Or the P35t three or :four years. and has been ill for several months. He [under- Went an operation some days ago. and has 'been declining ever since. He has a wife and three children. Mira. Kearney formerly being Miss Lottie Beaten. of this place. Mrs. Beggs has had a great detail of ti’C'uble during the past few years. ma we regret to learn of her ad- diitonal burden of sorrow ‘ Mr. James Ireland announces an auction sale of his household goods on Saturday, April 22nd. Mr. Ireland intends leaving shortly, to enter business in Toronto. and has decided on the sale before going. Many good articles of furniture 'Vi‘l he offered. See full list in 2335' issue A meeting of the Poultry As- au-cizution will be held in ,C. P. Kinnee‘s harness shop on Thurs- day, April 20th. As important business is to be put through, a amod attendance is desired. We have a comfortable brick I house for sale. We can make the terms so easy that any careful Young man starting in life Will find it very little trouble to pay for it. and have a house of his own in a few years. Apply at the Chronicle. office for particulars. ' I The “Grangers” will hold an open meeting in the Orange Hall, Varneyr on {Friday evening, the 14th. A short program will be given, including a discourse on “Reciprocity.” I Are you satisfied with your posi- tion? Have you stopped to think how many have passed through Mt. Forest Business College, into the very positions you desire? Begin your course now. 1121:! For the 'best and purest "timothy seed red, mammoth, await-a and alaike .clovers, go to the Central Drug Store. Durham. Our seeds were bought early. Let us quote you prices before buying. It Will pay you. For saleâ€"Alberta farm lands on very easy terms. Time or crop payment plan. For particulars The 3131: Begimenta‘ Band has bean engaged to p‘ay at Pa‘lmer- a‘ton on July 12th Mr. Robt. Aljoe has pruchased Mr. J. Ireland’s residence on Bruce street. Mr. Ireland intends 231:1: to Toronto To rentâ€"The Rocky Saugeen 53:91 propertyâ€"Apply to J. A. Bmwn. Durham. 2 Dr. Brown, L. R. C. P., London, England. eye ear, nose and throat. will he at the Hahn House. Durham trom 1 to 5 pm., April 15th. P};.\'~'shares and sole plates for the various plows in use for sale at the foundry. wr te to the C. Pg, R. Lands Ofifice Box 162. Omen Sound, Ont. See the new wallpapers at Mac- larlcme's. 3 VOL. 44â€"N0. 2293. NEWS AROUND TOWN W. J. Young. a few days urcnzzsed the 01d Parrot; '3' next to the McIntyre 21d #38 having it fittea up '1 in: purposes. On Thursâ€" 3: he rL-sc’ld the property \‘.'?1i:mc~2'e. barber, who Will “JOY? his business there ht“ 13"esont Stand on thé‘~ 53110 of the street For “Quality” Printing, The Chronide JOE) Office v A meeting of the juvenile laâ€" crosse club was held in Cald-er’s hall on ‘Friday evening last, which was well attended. and it was decided to enter a team in the C.L.A. «for the coming summer. There s’eems to be no reason Whv a good showing cannot 'be made 2this season, as almost all '0»: last Year’s team is available, as Well as several more Who sprung into the :game the latter! part of «last season. As this will, in all prob- ability, be the only xsporting orâ€" ganization in town this summer. the kids will in all lieklihood get a generous patronage. ‘ The fol- lowing are the officers elected: Hon. Pres., 3W- Calder; Hon. Vice. Pres., H.H. Miller; Pres., J. F. Grant: Vice 'Pres.., W.C. Pickering; Sec. Trees, E. McKech-nie; Com- mittee of Management, N. Stern- .all. E. McKechnie, W. Laidlaw, P. Ramage. J. Johnston, (W. Hoig; Manager. G. S. Burnett‘ Field Capt. IE. McDonald; (.Z‘omnttittee1 for collecting. R. Calder, 3. Kelly; .From the World-Spectator of Mo-osomin, Sasku we learn that M12; W. E. ,Jopp, son '0! Mr. J. ‘C. JOpp,1 was successful recently ,in passing, his final examination in law and} is now 1a lull fledged disciple of Blakestone. I From the same source ' me learn that his br othei, Victoz, ‘ returned from Rossl'a nd “here he spent the 'win‘. or as a member of the hockey team, where heg oained considerable distinction as a: pl 3V er and also succeeded in Win- ninv the skating championship for litish Columbia; which carried} wi:h it 1a 'g-osld medal. We Itender all round .-congraltulations ) I Low rates for Easter, via Grand Trunk Railway System. Return tickets at single fare (with min- imum charge of 25 cents( between all sta'to-ins in Canada, also to Ni- agara Falls and Buffalo, N. Y. Detroit and Port Human Mich. Good going April 13, 14, 15, 16, 17. Return limit Wednesday. April 19. 1911. Full particulars and tickets from any Grand Trunk Agent or address A. E Duif, District Pass- enger Agent, Toronto, Ont. Mr. W. 'J. McFadden sold his home on 'Lambton street, near the furniture factory, to his tfather, Mr. Thos. (McFadden, and #5111 build anew residence for himself on Bruce street. Mr. Tho‘s. McFadden intends moving to town, as soon as he can get possession of his newly purchased property. The annual Easter vestry meet- ings will be held in St. Pauflfs church Egremont. on Monday next at 2 p.m., :and in. Trinity church at 8 p.m. I The maids and matronxs have is- sued invistations 101' an assembly to ‘be held in the town hall on Easter Monday, While the bra-Chel- ons and benuediets are holding 'an- other on Tuesday evening. Pu lost.â€"On-=Monday, April 10 betw n Vickers and R. Burnett‘s store, .urham, a ch‘ate-Laine, con- taining a sum of money. Reward on returning to R Burnett’s store. The contract for building the furniture company’s dam at Rocky Sang-ecu, has 'been awarded to Mr. David Key-s. Kincardin-e. Young man‘ remember the great men of to-day were once like you. They succeeded. Why can’t ion? You' Will it you attend Mt. Forest Business Coilege. 112tf On .Easter Day there mu be a celebration of [Holy Communion at the morning'and evening .service. Special mu'sic, appropriate for the day, will 'be rendered by the choir. The offering on Easter Day will be on behalf of the Diocesan Mis- sion “Fund -\ Service will be held in “Trinity church at 11 sum. on GOOd Friday. Mr. John 3Watt desires to ex- press his gratitude to the (friends and neighbors lfOI‘ their kindness to him and :fiamigly during his re- cent affliction. Ma‘cfariane’s Tonic Elixir. 50¢. a bottle. Will tone you up (for the spring Work. 3 Hemlock, spruce, balsa‘m, bass- wood and cedar logs wanted, at the rear of the foundry. Mr. W. (A. Mahoney, architect, of Guelph met the Public Library Board on Tuesday night, with a view to getting out plans and spe- cifications for the new building, and superintending its construc- tion. He has had a wide experi- ence in )Carnegie Library architec- ture. and his work has been highly approved for its excellent charac- ter. He left a very favorable impression on the Board, but def- inite action will not be taken for a few days. The bride’s many 'friends in Durham and vicinity. Where .she was so well and eflavorably known. Wish the young couple much harp- piness and prosperity. Before leaving Toronto. the bride was entertained by her many friends. when she was made the recipient of a miscellaneous shower. comprising mostly all the necessaries for housekeeping. some worthy 01' mention being a cheque .f-or $500 from the groom’s parents and a beautiful Bible from her Bible class teacher. Miss Mabel E. Hill, paid a flying visit to ‘her home at Welbeck, and friends in South Bentinck, over last week 'end. returning to To- ronto on Monday. from Where she left on Thursday for Edmonton. Arriving there on Monday, .she was ’united in marriage to Mr Sydney Herbert Robinson, young- est 5011 of Mr and Mrs. A. Robin- son. Perth Avenue. Toronto, bv the Rev. J. E. Hewson at the manse. Edmonton. The groom’s .father accompanied her'from Toâ€" ronto. After spending a few days there they tieave dfor their home at Beaver Lodge, Alberta. Mrs. Geo, Blackburn, Who has spent the past month with 'friends in Chicago, returned to her home here an Tuesday. tom, Mr. Gibson having been trans- ferred to the Durham branch of the G. T. R. Mr. and :Mrs. D. Gibson moved to town this Week from Palmers- Miss Rita McComb is home from Stra'tford, where she was attend- ing the N armal School, Mr. Peter “Hill returned Saturday from a weeks’ visit with friends at Toronto and 'Orangeville. Mrs. Sutherland has returned from Stratford‘ Where she spent the winter with her daughter. Miss Islay Campbell, of West- minster Ladies’ College, Toronto. is spending her holidays at her home here. Miss EVVEnniJe Smith 0:! Mt. For- est. is visiting Mr. and .Mrs. W’LJ. Young and family and other :friends. Mrs. Redford eatt'ended Mrs. Dunelo‘p’s L funeral, Monday, at Allan Park. Miss Gladwin, of Toronto, is visiting Mr; and Mrs. A. Holmes Miss Lillian 'Walker is home: from eStratIord Norma-1 School. Mrs. Dr. Mahan, and daughter. Dom-alda, left for Regfina on Mon- day morning. Mrs. RObt. Burnett attended the funeral of Mrs. Dun'lop at Allan Park. Monday. Miss Jean Crawford lei-t Tues- day for Buffalo, tto‘resume duty in the hospital there, after a Week’s ,visit at her home here. Mr. ‘W. A. McGowan was in To:- :o-n'to Saturday on business Mia-s Allen, of Mt. Forest, spent over Sunday ‘With friends in town. Mrs. A. 'W. H. Latud‘er. and Miss " Park, visited Toronto friendts last : week ’ ' Mrs. J.A. Glass is zvisiting with Georgetown friends. Miss \Edith Lloyd. and sister Norma, are visiting in Toronto. Miss Anny Kelly is visiting 'in Toronto, and .Wi'l'l 'spen-d East-er with Miss Rita Irwin, Newmarklet. Mrs. 'R. Macfanliame is visiting in Toronto. MARRIED IN EDMONTON DURHAM. ONT . THURSDAY “PHIL I3. I?” PERSONAL. Interment took place last Sun- day .at Amos Church Cemetery, ,Rev. Mr. ‘Kenda‘ll taking charge of i'the obsequies‘ which consisted of ;a short service at the house and ian appropriate sermon in the church. All the members of. the' family, with the exception of Frank‘ ,were present at the burial. The deceased was always a strong, healthy women, and all- though she long since passed the allotted span ‘0’! life, death always brings sorrow. To the mourning relatives .we extned our sympathy in their are bereavement. . -- The arrival of Mr. Lynn, just in the nick of time, saved what might have been a much greater calam- ity His mother had been working alone .most heroically, land was throwing the contents of a lower room out “of the window, when she found herself shut .in {by the flames, which now reached the door of the room. In making her escape by the open window, the sash fell down, and held her there in such a way that she might have been burned to death had not her son arrived just when he did. Discovering smoke, she went upstairs, and found the pipes on fire. but there was no flame to be seen. To be ready for an emer- gency, .she went down again, 'and returned with ‘a pail of water, when .she “found the flames had broken out, {and “the house in danger of destruction. She gave the alarm :as best she could, and immediately set to work to save the contents. With great pres- ence of mind, .she started by re- moving .so-me from upstairs, but having to abandon the work very shortly, she continued removing the contents from the lower flat. Mrs. ‘Red‘ford, Widowed sister of Mr. Lynn, had some of her house- hold leifects stored there, and these Were all burned, entailing a considerable loss. Some articles were highly prized, because of associations, «and she 'feels the loss of these, even greater than some of the more valuable :articles. Help arrived, but too late to be of much {service in saving the property, and Mr. and Mrs. Lynn will suffer much loss. Even their clothing Was destroyed, and no other avaiLa‘ble house being near the premises, the Work on the 'farm this year (will have to be done at a very serious inconveni- -ence. We regret to learn of the des- truction by 'fire of the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Lynn, of Allan Park On Tuesday forenoon, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn were engaged in the suger hush. while Mr. Lynn’s mother was attending the house- hold duties, and taking care of the baby. D'ESTR {MED BY F’RE Lace Curlams, new dealgns, rangmg.1n pnce from 250 to 5.00 per pair. Special prices in new patterns of Floor Oil- clothe and Linoleums. J. J. HUNTER i Carpets in Union, Wool, Tapestry Brussels. ' ‘ Never before has our stock of Men’s and Boys’ Clothing and Furnishings been so complete as at present. We guarantee fit: and quality. These are very snappy styles. Come in and gets suit that you will be proud of. 1 318, plaids, etc. Some striking values in Shepherds Plaids. We have a. complete stock of plain, fancy and wash fabrics, consisting of checks, stripes, diagon- Our Spring Millinery is the event of the sea- son. Our display Consists of the latest, original millinery creations from Paris, London and New York, backed up by the work of the best milliner As our spring goods are arriving daily, we are now able to meet the needs of the spring shoppers. previous years for quality and style. MILLINERY Spring Opening S. F. MORLOCK Fancy Bugs in all sizes. . House Furnishings glowing Department Spring Clothing In Dress Goods $1.00 PER YEAR

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