West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 13 Apr 1911, p. 2

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Any quantbty 09f piling, and any kind or! sound timber 30 It, 9 in. top: 251““ 9 m. top; 2011., 9 in. top; 16 it, 10 in. top. Buts not to be less that 13 inches. pry to M“Ahh LADIES’ BICYCLE, SLIGHTLY used. in first-class con’diti-onm’ill sell cheap. Apply to Duncan Mackenzie‘ Upper Town. Dur- ham. tf AT AN EXTREMELY LOW FIG- me. and on easy terms, an up- town property in good location. Particulars furnished at the Chronicle Oflfice. Mar. 9tf DESIRABLE BUILDING LOT, 1-2 acre. corner lot, opposite Clark 5 Planing Mill. For particulars ap- ply at this office. If 4o BUZ‘V'CHES SHINGLES, THREE BBOQD ‘SOW FOR SALE, ON LOT 8‘! ACRES IN MARKDALE, TWO houses on the place; 2 barns. 1 horse stable, well watered, 10 minutes’ walk to the stp‘uon, 4 churches, or to the schools. For turther particulars, address Box ‘ 233, Markdale, Ont. 9-3pd 3 ACRES OF GOOD TILLABLE [and in the town, wili be let on lhares to suitable person. Apply to Mrs. Lauder. near the Cream- c1. 9293 LOT 3. 90):. :2. EGREMONT, 100 TWENTY-FIVE ACRES OF GOOD pasture land. a mile and a half from Durham, right ’beside school, good comforta'ole house and frame stable; good running water close to house. Terms easy. Immediate possession. Apply to Samuel Ritchie, Dur- ham. Ap.13,tf OR SALE AT A GREAT BAR- gain, a small S-horse {power upright emgine and boiler, also a good second hand i: adjes’ bicycle. Qheap. Apyly to W.J. McFad- Street, Apply to LII-3.30.511 â€"Har- bottle. Durham. 6303ptf [X ROOMED HOUSE AND TEN acres of land in the town of Dprham. On premises are good we pen, hezn house and stable. ill rent house without land, if desired. Apply to John Moftatt‘ Dprham. 3.17.6 . TWO-STOREY FRAME HOUâ€"Sâ€"E W811 heated, in Durham, water- works, (good garden. Terms right. Apply ’00 Robt. Smith, Durham. \ N10102m LOT GORE A, EGREMONT, 55 AC- res, about 45 acres cleared and In good state of cultivation. Well watered, frame barn, stone foun- dation, good log house. For turther particulars apply to Mrs. H. Dennett, Varney. 2 23mc bunches to square. A bargain to quick purchaser. J. N. Mur- dock Durham. A LARGE QUANTITY OF FIRST class shingles for sale at reas- onable prices.â€"The Durham Furniture Co., Limited. 2 2tf 6, Con. 3, N.D.R.. Gl‘enelg..â€"Mi.s“. Chas. Arnett. 3 30tf GOOD BRICK HOUSE ;ON QUEEN Street, ’7 rooms. garden and stable. (Also house in suburbs. with 12 acres «of land, stable [and tbarn. Apply to Ed. (Walsh. Dur- ham. Maa'. 301:1 OT 21, CON. 2, TOWNSHIP OF firemont, containing 106_ acres chant 10 acres hardwood bush. 0 we? swamp timbered, the rest dour; barn 30150, stable 30x40. Mud 1 acre, watered by2 wells and spring. Part of purchase honey can remain on mortgage. particulars up 1y William Bradley, Orchard. nt. acres. 70 acres cleared: \bIaxlance light "sush. Brick house, gvood {building-s, well fenced, Well wat- ered. r‘or :furthcr particulars. apply to D. Hamilton, Durham. Mar 30 3m'c For Sale or Rent. Farm for Sale or Rent L, piano- 3 ea.er, Durham. Timber Wanted To Let on Shares. Farms for Sale. What's.“ If you have not tried them. their illuminating power will surprise you. Our Classified “'ant Ads will place you or your needs in the lime light of public attention. 0n the stage of busmess the 5pc fight is on the man who advertises. Advertisements of one inch, 0: 16:53.95 cents for first insertion, and 10 cents for each eubeequent ineertion. Over one inch nnd under two inchee, double the above amount. Yearly rotee on applicatwn. Shingles for Sale House to Rent For S SMALL ADS. â€" v.-vv-' An acre of good orchard. Wind- mill; large driving shed. This land is good loam soil and ifree from stone. Can be ha_d for $4900. 1:-.. 1.__a_1_ -._ , - - -â€"â€"-vv -V- for a quick 55.le A bargain. Farmâ€"Lots 26 and 27 in the 11th concession of Egremont, 140 acres 3acres of hardwood bush.. Good 2 storey brick house with cement cellar. Good lrame barn, 40x60. cement floors. Ij'irst class fences. Farmâ€"Part lot 22. lst con" E.G. R.. Glenelg, 100 acres, 85 acres cleared. balance hardwood bush. good frame barn 50x30 With stone basement, 2 storey 6-roomed house, good soil, and Well fenced and watered. Can be bought for $2700, â€"$1000 cash. and balance on easy terms. Call or Write A. C Grant Durham, for further particulars. Farm.â€"-Part lot 7. and part hot 6. 3rd con., 'W.G R., Bentinck, 150 acres, large barn and stable with cement floor. stone foundation, warm roomy 2-storey house, ex- cellent fences, part rag’l and part ceuent fences, part rail and part Wire, one acre orchard, 40 acres hardwood bush, convenient to school and post oilfice. For fur- ther particulars, Write or call on A. C. Grant Farmâ€"100 acres in 2nd con. Egre- mont, 86 acres cleared, 5 acres good hardwood bush, barn 36x50. brick house. To be. had for $2500 Farm.â€"100 acres, in the 2nd con. Egremont, good bank ba'rn 52x60, good frame house, well «fenced and well watered. To be had for $3800. For further particulars, call or Write A. C. Grant, Durham (Successor to W. F. Dunn) ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CON- . veyancer, Notary Public c. Mbney to loan on farm property. In- surance effected. life or fire. Office over Standard Bank, Durham, Ont. 1 er. Conveyanoer. 8m. Insurance Agent. Money to Loan. Issuer «If Mar- rifme Licenses. A general financial busi- ness tramacted. DURHAM ONT. (Lower Tam ) Office. nearl'y opposite the Re; o’fice. Lambton t..Durha.m. Anya 3f mopev to loan at 5 per cent. on aropertv A. H. Jackson. VOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSION 91'. Conve‘vamer. 81m. lnanmnm Dr. D. S.Cralg, D.V.S.. ‘a’.::.‘d.D. ISEASES OF DOMESTICATED animals treated on most scientif- ic principles. All calls promptly attended to. Office and residence, Garafraxa Street. Durham, nearly op- posite the Chronicle Cflice. 6231 J F 03.51611). Dis .L.D s ONOR GRADUATE. UNIVERSI- of anonto. Graduate Ron Yollege Dental Surgeons ofOntario. Dentistry in all its Branches. )fli¢e.â€"Calder Block. over Post Ofice L. R. C. P., LONDON ENG IVRADULATE of London, New ‘1 York and Chicago. name Assistant. Roy. London Ophthalmic H00. 3:12.. and to Golden Sq. Throat and N030 Hm SPECIALIST : mama, THROAT NOSE Diseases of Eye. Ear Nose and Throat. Will be at Knapp House, Durham. the 2nd hmzdpv in each month. Hoursâ€"lâ€"G um. ‘FFICE: ()ver J J Hunter’ FFICE. TELFORD’S BLOCK, UP . stairs. Lambton Street. Residenceâ€" Corner Queen and Geor Streetsâ€"No,“ of Methodist Church ce balmyâ€"9il a. m. '44 o.m., 7â€"9 am. Telephone No. Arthur Gun, M. D. )HYSICLAN AND SURGEON, or. fice in the New Hunter Block. Oflae 10m8,8 to 10 a. m., to 4p. m. and? to. J. :11. Special attention given to discus 1f women and children. Residence op- ‘oaite Presbvterian Church. Drs. lamieson Maclaurin. ")FFICE AND RESIDENCE A short distance east of Knapp’s Hotel. Lamb ton Street, Lower Town, Durham ')fice hours from 12 to 2 o’clock J. P. Telforri. agglsTEL, somcu‘c C. Grant, Durham,0nt. Offers the following For Sale l. G. Hutton, M. 0., C. U. 33th v.. '3, 'F'P‘JT, S". , Owen Round, Dr. W. C. Pickering Dentist. WM“ mu ‘7 I ' 8'00", A MIS-HIT Did you make a mis-hit the time you employed the Don’t worry. There are lots of good fish in the sea, and a sure bait to catch them is a Want Ad. last “ help.” Dental Directorv. Lem] ‘Dz’rectorv Medical Dz’rectorv. 0R BRGWN A. C. Grant DB. BURT. SOLICITOR , ETC. opposite the Registry quham. Anympum write 0 The applications *for Licenses for 1911-1912 are as follows,â€" Town-ship ‘of N orm-amby 5 Town-ship of Glenel'g ...-.. 1 Town of Hanover 4 Village of Neustadt - 2 All petitions relating to the granting or refusal of License must be filed with the Inspector at least four days before April 21, 1911. Parties interested will gov- ern themselves accordingly. THOMAS DAVIS, Inspector. NOTICE .is hereby given that the Board of License Commission- ers for the License District of .South Grey will meet on FRIDAY; APRIL 2lst, 1911 in the town of Durham at :the Inâ€" spector’s office, at 2 o’clock. when applications for licenses for the License year of 1911-191:2 will be considered. The number of licenses issued for the year 1910-1911 wasâ€" Tâ€"own-ship of N orm'anby -_ -------- 5 Township of Glenelg ............ 1 Town of Hanover .--. 4 Village or Neu‘stadt 9 NOTICE 1'0 HOTEL KEEPEBS AND‘ WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Parties to Whom the lame Coalin McDonald .Blyth is indebted, WiU pleas“ Enfnrm the undersigned of the respective amounts due ethem. JESSIE McVEAN. 3 WELL BRED YEAR OLD (COLT for sale. W141 make fine driV er. â€"-Ge0. Fimney, Durham. 323d THE STORE FORMERLY OCCU- pied by Mr. Mockler. Good con- venient stand. Apply, for par- ticulars, to David Allen, 2-9t-f DOG LO.ST.â€"A WIRE-HAIR FOX terrier‘ answering to name (A “Tony.” Finder will be reward- ed by leaving same at this ‘odfice. FOUR YOUNG PIGS, BORN MAR. lst.: one large Yorkshire sow: three good milch cows. due to calm in May; and (3 pair of well matched fillies. rising two years. bred from heavy. Belgian horse. They have tbeen driven together several timesâ€"R. T. 'Ed‘Wards, Ebordale. - 46tf Dandruff is the cause of bald- ness; dandruff germs cause dan- druff. Parisian Sage rzkil'ls the germs, eradicates dandruff, stops falling hair and itching scalp. We will refund your money if it .fails to do this in two weeks. Parisian Sage will cause the hair to grow. if the hair root be not dead. It causes the hair to grow thicke1, more luxuriant and puts new life into it. The girl with the Auburn hair is Giroux Mfg. 00.. Fort Erie, Ont on receipt of price. Sold and guaranteed by Maofiarlam-e Go. THAT BALD SPOT Don’t let that band spot grow! Go to your druggist at once and get a bottle of Parisian Sage and if that don’t check the flaming hair and cause new hair to .grow, noth- ing will. the gas lights‘ which appear to be giving good .s'a'tis'fiaction. At 'a congregational meeting .02! Knox church. Normanby, 136‘: Thursday, it was decided to keep Mr. Wm. Carson is on the fair road to recox ery under the skiil- :fu-I aid of Dr. D. B. Jamieson. Mr Wlillie Watson. of Detroit. spent a few days vacation at the Darenta'l home in Normanaby the pasf couple =01 weeks, and return- ed ‘back 'to the city on ‘Wednesdtav last. ' The ca/ttle market must be nin- pin-g up a lbiut. as the cattle buy- ers lare hustling around lately «and rbasirly good prices are ‘being realiz- ed accordling' to quality. Messrs. Limin and Calvert purchased {our head from us to he delivered on Monday next at $5 25 per cwt. and Mrs. John Thompson, rto re- cruit. Her health being, We are soxry to say, somewhat indispos- ed :and under 'the doctor’s care. Mr. Stockdey returned to .the city on Mondav :l'axst. Not in h long while have we seen the mm Wheaat Look sicker than it does this spring. The un- usual hard crusted snow banks a- round the fences and the ice on 'the other parts of )the fields, have taxed it-s enduring qualities pretty severely. Mr and Mrs. Shockley, formerly Olive Thompson‘ came up from Toronto one day last week, the batter to stay over for a short time with her parents, Mr. One Of the twin infants born to Mr. and Mrs. GeoQ Sedm on April lst, died on Sunday last. The oth- er little chap and mother are pro- gressing ~fsavorably. 'When We Started to write up the Store to Rent Colt for Sale BLYTH'S CORNERS. Dog Lost NOTICE For Sale THE DURHAM CHRONICLE is not the kind of matter lie desire to read. We n1 reference to our report Mzfller’cs address, but flail 13¢ .and we are sure not -e'1ther.. From our lofty pinnfcle we hope to be :able to- report from time to time the progress of all important matters and “signs of the times.” We were rather .amused at the ex- tremely meagre attempt of our worthy Editor in reporting the Miller Reciprocity meeting in the 'town hall on Saturday last. We are considerably disappointed that you should continue to ‘be so “hide ”bound” to your party, in showing so much partiality. In our opinion Mr. Miller gave -a very clever, fair and comprehen- sive speech and carried with it considerable weight ': Of course it has its humiliating ,feature and that is the measley -,'surroundnigs, and the still more -§mea-sley official, who figured so jpromzinently in the coronation. 31What he says as regards the atti- itude we took regarding the Ses- i fwsional Indemnity, is quite true -}a1nd no wonder the d1i111a1ptiate‘1d3con- - ditiom of the choking, gasping, ' qu1a1king Gander 0111 the one hand 1 and the splendid oratory of Mr. Miller om the other, really con- fused us so much that our brain for the time being, became 1some-. what deranged. An act 0111 ouri ipart for which we have long since} idone penance, for we did noti !think then and we don’t think yet. i that Mr. Miller nor any other imember of Parliament has any" right whatever to vote himself one fdollar out of the “People 5 Treas- :ury.” The Gander says he was shocked. W.'e11, Mr. Editor just ’watch him when Dr. Jamieson is;i gout for election again, who hasl :been gu1ilty1o1f the same offence on! !a smaller scale, and see what a‘ 'two- faced “b1luf1fer’ he is. Actions speak louder than words. Wei fancy it will be our turn to be: l“shoc1\ed” Ibut Heaxen spare us; from presenting such a sorry and‘ pit ful plight as he did on that particular occasion. A we1a'the1-i cock is not only a thing oil beauty. but is decidedly useful asu‘ an indicator showing the direction 1 of the wind, and consequently,true ' to our nature. We always are heading the right way in sh-ow- :1 ing the direction of the somewhat '1 swirling breezes of public senti- not true,” etc., but that does not', change the breeze 1a single inch, ,1 for while your “Gander” is seldom , right, 1a true working weather- cock is never wrong. (Right you care Brother. Such _‘4_ {1.1 ~ 'Wzith the sly «old ‘bird, if you will convey to him our heartfelt 'thanks 'for the magnificent honor he has conferred upon us. To be accredited “weather-cock” of this fair township Orf N ormxanby is no :sm-aml .honor .and 'We would be greatly .o’leJiged to you, Mr... Edi- tor being as you are more‘falmiliar news of this docaklity We had not the slightest idea that we ever would Ibe promoted beyond the common class, but to our surprise and complete satisfaction We have been whether Worthily or unwor- thily. promoted head and shoul- d-ens above the Gander and the wonder is by himself at that. Break the Habit and buy Red Rose next time. bably been is:- tending’ to try Red Rose Tea for some time but from “force of habit " have just Kept on using another tea. O. Y -Unha.ve pro- Your Grocer Will Recommend It NEVER SOLD IN BULK read. We note Sfour our report of Mr. "bII't flail 130 see the pmb- 83 It is with regret that we an- nounce the death of Mrs. Dunlop, who passed .away on Friday even- ing last. Her death was'nort un- expected as she Was ailing and confined to her bed for the last two years. uShe was 82 years old and a native of Scotland, and was living with her daughtemMrs. Wm. Brigham, Ifor a number of years. At time of writing we are unable to give Ifull particulars. The .funeral took place on Mon- day to the Hanover cemetery, and her remains were followed 'by a large conteg-e of friends and neighbors. The service was con- ducted ‘by the Rev. Mr. Farquhar- ion. ,of Durham, .in the absence of Messrs. T, Ryan and J. Whi‘- taker of Durham, called on some friends one evening last week While driving ‘over to Hanover. Mr. Geo. Alexander’s little boy is very ill with pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Eidt vi friends in Hanover Last Week We have all kinds of peddlers come through this place. One day last Week there came an old tome cat along peddling a grain bang The que {‘3' is “W’ho let the cat out of the bag?” While Mr D. Brown .WaJS driv- ing through this place one even- ing his horse became a little fractious, and in the action he took the whipIeâ€"tree out of his buggy, but no serious damage was done Councillor Cross and daughter Annie, were visiting at Mr H. Brigham’s (last week Mrs. J. ‘Blyth of Blyth’s Corners, visited Mr ‘Robert Herd lately. Mrs Armstrong of Hutton Hill. visited her duaghter, Mrs Purvis, of this place. lately Mr Edwafd Action has return- ed ho:me after spending the win- ter with his sister in Lansd-own’e In cases of rheumatism. relief .from pain makes sleep and rest possible. This may be obtained by applying Chamberlain’s Liniment. For sale by Gun’s Drug Store. Satisfactory James ’W. Mickfleboro’ of the Mitck'lebvoro’ Muldrew, Toronto, accompanied 'by his wife, were the guests of his parents and were present at the golden wedding. The Rev. :Mr. .Mathesom of Knox College, spent the early part of the Week in one of the homes 1n the village. ’We heard the distant .but not yet far distant sound of wedding bells. 'W. J. [Keds'l'ie and family left for Regina on 'Wednels-day. W'e be- lieve there is a good opening for a tailor here. . Still the move goes on. This Week .’W. P. Ellis moved to W. .L Ked'sl-ie’s residence, and F. Mc- CIIOCkll’iln moved to the residence vacated by 1W. P. Ellis. On Monday of this Week Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mickleborough had the pleasure .of [celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding day. James (W. Micke- borough of Toronto, and Mrs. 'L. B. Nicholson were the only mem- bers of the family present. A few of the old friends and; neighbors spent a pleasant after-i noon in 'the home. The old couple‘ have spent their married life in. this vicinity. l HOLSTEIN. I Too date for last week. I Mrs. Thomas Stewart of “the 10th concession of tEgremont, moved to Ethe village on Monday, having 'leased the rooms over the South ,End Store. The joint auction .sale of Dr. Bnown and NV. .1. Kedslie was held 01L Monday: M. CouLson was the -aucti;o:neer and did well. The Manse is undergoing a thorough renovating to be in readiness for the. incoming pastor, Rev. Mr. Malcolm. Messrs. Bould- ing and Brown are the artists. ALLAN PARK a washing is the «order~ ~so'me took phace - the y Service assured to all Entrusted to this Bank. Ei-d’c visited OF CANADA unmet rates for you: O‘NNIOIGI‘EI fl!- linked on apphfion to the OB... All “Ins-daemon“, to an current week. should be bro: HONDA! at. B p. m. -- â€"â€"â€"-.v‘ .u -v' “v to which over) subtle-union is my“ is dated the number on the uddms fish}. No ecluuurd to all men-sate mp0“. nct mun of the program. Subscription T“ Wm will he can u an “like“. he 38‘“ . . $1 gamymt.pfl;:m bl â€"$1.5O may be char-get; if not no pad. The d m 'hiflh ‘VAr‘ LBWAâ€" :. “.4! .2- j __ At the Chronicle Prjnmg House; THE DURHAM CHBUHICLE ,Opnpuct mg» for chture F rammg on 51201125! notice. SHOW Roomsâ€"Next to Swallows Barber Shop. RESIDENCEâ€"N811 door South of W. J. Lawrence't blacksmith shop. and Funeral Directorw A. BELL UN DERTAKER Capital and Surplus - $6,350 DURHAM, ONT. Farmers needing money to put in crops can make mango. ments to borrow from this bank, Money is loaned on the security of collateral notes, personal en- dorsements, or to good fax-mm on their own notes. Full line of Catholic Reba, and bled}; and white Caps for aged people. Cash for Seeding Branches also at Mount Forest and Ayton. DURHAM. ONT EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY max IN G Embalming a Specialty fiifififl S. HUGHES work. Manager Aprél 13th ‘ 1911. 60: m medical men were 8310 :b 869 Janna: soldiers with I‘ m loamy the world had known M such a. wonderful I: WM». M The Surgical Department d Japanese Army. in the hm} but, first drew the attention ‘ enlist world to the function [mm corpuscia of the blood or It will give you an unmistak mention of its wonderful pom-1 new the Wily vitality, to SL1“! “Let us bu a Wen: botiie chine from your dmggis: and to you. free. to prove he great, That so-cent bottle of Psych! tell you more powerfuliy mat wards can how tremendous?y be. We will be for you. There are still those who so hear the dread “call in the n: they do not take prompt. action. 1N0 Job toolarge f« 2 too small to rec dipping There are still thousands 1 gradually losing their vitalit; Whose body the necessary r power to disease is slowly bu: There are 8UP} thousands u trying to cure themselws by methods, who are using danger-1 hurtful medicim. There are still thousands o “flexing from disease, howevg Psychine can benefit. ~ We have received thousand solicited testimonials {mm whom Psychine has cured, of uses, hopeless ailments. a Psychine is the greatest builder ot the age. (an: thirty years Psychine Luz-mg almost every disease ti: Io run-down vitality. Hundreds of thousands H LA ”chine with wonderfui bem Read the The "Railt'U-‘t .Gloves for 5.11» l: Befure [my 31:; 5 see our 'I‘xvaslda 54 fit and quality 3;!) good assortment uf Something ext: rived. Call and See 1 ThPse are the new ost Give us :1 trial . April 1mm 1911. To £1166 we have thé above HPI‘Q i8 \\HH] . lars, Tie8. flirts. ment is (tony-Jaw» Wedding Invitati‘ Commercial I lint: Chroni away. Next ti) th he:

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