West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 13 Apr 1911, p. 8

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‘ " 'Vâ€" v-vvvltw g 61200133193-th Groceries arriving continually. THE HIGHEST PRICES FOR PRODUCE Q Underwear Made in Canada patterns of cloth, in the newest‘cuts. Come Ind have a. look through. Underskirts Made in Canada Habit Pips. . . .50c. Long back garters attached. .856. Pér‘50F"§"‘3~ 4 garters..45c. Long Hip. 4 Rarters..$l.?5. Linoleums Made in Canada We have a fine stock of Lin- nleums and Floor Oilcloth in the m “est designs. D” but UV]. 0. o xrectoire. 4 garters..85c. 1W suitable for our seasons. Boots and Shoes Made in Canada «:stmwrs get a more reliable article. EIGHT ALL MADE IN CANADA La'ge Sales MCKECHNIES’ WEEKLY NEWS l’r ic es 3 n d ~ - - _--K" .vvvo “V“: Lon'g' Hip, 4 garter-3.31.25; ~Direcfimire, 4 garters. 75c. They cannot be excelled, all qualities andfisizes kept in stock. The celebrated Stanton make, noted for be ing most artistically gotten up and for using good substantial paper. This department is a veritable flower garden, lacking only the perfume. We cordially invite you to have alook through before buying elsewhere. The D. A. Corsets most carefully made of the best material in the NEWEST DESIGNS. agincesg Hi9. .50c. ngg ij, 4_ga.rters . . . .$1 Good and substantial, at reasonable prices t desi a ................. Iu.th.e.n.e.wes ...... gn ..... 75c and $1.00 We carry a. fine line of Men’s 8: Boys’ Clothing in the neatest Y “arters. 7556. Non Rustable 'irectoire, 4 garters ........ $1.25 Made on good easy fitting lasts to suit Canadian feet,aud Small Profits THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. __.v ---65 lvu‘uul‘“’- ists v3ill have to “reciprocity” some. That; word may be in its wrong place but one hears and sees it so much these days that a. person is apt to come across it almost anywhere right and Mr. John Laidlaw returned to his home in Pittsburg. Mrs. Laidlaw will remain for a short, time with her par- ents Mr. and Mrs. iValter Geddes. Mrs. Goddes is improving very slowly from injuries sustained by falling on theice. Mr. Austin Derby who passed his final examination at Mt. Forest bus- iness college is laid up at his home here with a. very severe attack of in- flammatory rheumatism and is being attended by Dr. East'on of Ayton. His progress toward recovery is as favorable as can be looked for. Mr. and Mrs. William Little arrived home aftera three weeks visit with friends in ‘Yestern Canada. Mr. Andrew Geddes left; for his home in Melville. 843k. after a months visit with relatives and friends in South Grey. Mr. Thomas Young and daughters. Hazel and Ethel visited with Owen Sound relatives mgr lqng since. Lame shoulder is nearly always due to rheumatism of the muscles and quickly yields to the free ap- plication of Chamberlain’s Lini- ment. For sale by Gun’s Drug Store. Itis almost needless to say that the heart of the town bled for the young widow and little children. Indeed if sympathy could thlll to lighten a grief so sudden and so severe, the fam- ily have it in flowing volume. and Mrs. Hare on her part deeply apprec- iates the goodness and condolences of he community. Mr. Hare was a. highly respected citizen and while in the dray business won the confidence and good will of the business men. His tragic death while in the flower of manhood and with prospects of a brightand success- ful future, comcs as a. distinct shock to all who knew him. N4 mess. Dr. Bibby, coroner. of Fleshertwn. was called next morning and when he made an examination of the premises 3 and learned the particulars, be deemed , an inquest unnecessary. 3 Charles Hare was born in St. Vin- ;Cent township over 42 years ago, I where he resided untill about four lyears ago when he went to Toronto f and worked at the car-pen ter trade for l a few months. He then bought a {farm at Vandelenr on which he re- }mained for about two years. A year lago last Fem-nary he came to Mark- ldale and bought the drav business gfrmn Mr. T. H:_W'ilson. This he suc- c-vw- \a Factory. and a number of local mem- bers. took charge of the funeral on Saturday. Rev. Mr. Phalen, Presby- terian minister, conducted a short service at the house, when the body was conveyed to the Markdale Cem- etery for interment. the Order con- ducting an impressive burial service at the grave. The pall bearers were Messrs. Ed. Baker. Alex. \Vilson. Gen. Pritchard, Geo. \Varling, “7 J. Hutchinson and Albert Jackson. Mr. Hare was a member of the Can- adian order of Foresters at Vandelenr and that body. joined by thirteen members in -the Markdale Furniture Two brothers reside in these parts. James, in St. Vincent, and Samuel, in Thornbmy; also three sisters survive, viz: Miss Margaret. in W'oodville; Miss Sarah J., in Thornbury. and Mrs. W. H. Kinney at Tacoma, Wash. __v__- -u-v “u Q'- cessfully handled for five months when he resold to Mr. W’ilson and has since been employed with Mr. Ford in his chopping mill. One more day and his contract with Mr. Ford would have been completed. He. was married five years ago to Miss Sarah Johnston. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Johnston, of Vandeleur, who with two children,a bov and a girl. are left to mourn their sudden and se- vere l4 as. Deplorable beyond the reach of the saddest words was the fatal aetideu' which happened to our respects? townsman. Mr. Charles H. Hare 0' Thursday last. He was employed 1) Mr. J. W. Ford running his chnppe in the power house. Mr. Georg Hartley was working outside lb power-house endeavoring to reuwv some timbers of a shingle mill whim had been erected there some years me: Mr. Hare. who was in the mill. “1‘1 watching Mr. Hartley’s op--rati:w~ fro: an upper window when he \‘n‘ unta ‘y came outside to as.~ist M:- Hartley With his work. M-nmtiug : ladder which was leaning a;- ins! th mill. he endeavored to dislo lge :i s'ic- of timber, and keeping one foot on th ladder he placed the other on th timber. When the latter gave way t ; his efforts to dislodge it. he was in. able to readjust himself on the ladder and fell heavily on the timbers below. a distance of fourteen feet. striking the back of his head on a log. M1. Hartley was immediately at his sid. and. securing assistance carried hiw tohis house nearby where doctoh were called but could do nothing t. save his life. He lingered for abnll. CHAS. HARE MEETS DEATH AT KARKDALE POWER HOUSE - -“ - (I -'---‘ hour, never regaining con sci W V "WV“, “n 9011311 remedy 'A‘ AAâ€" A. HAMPDEN. D511"; ,__ _â€".-uu u; $0 and under. Cash;‘over that amount, 10 months’ credit on furnishing ap- praved joint notes. ' 6 per annum off :for cash in lieu of notes. ' i .Mr-Ed Thompson. baker, has sold :hls business here to a baker frvm l'lamDS: 1 parlor lamp with shade" I ”Singha’mpwn W110 takes possession a quantity of crockery, afberOEasber. Mr. Thompson is mm“ . in his famil thxs week to the 1‘9?’ '91 plates covered dxshes. e.tc.: gem lidegnce recentiy vacated by Mr. “I yams; quanuty of carpet; hnoleum. , Be ’ }etc.: 1 scythe: 1 cutter Rev. avg. Hilligan. 341‘ A. willpregg: rietor has di osed of h's Mrs. .Ayms, of oronto 1s prop 8p. ow 1 ,ing hendau hter. Mrs.Blackbuorn. 1. n‘ ’ Principd ollmd .5" 4m“ km a" |K1tchen sideboard ° 5 icupboards; 1 lounge; 8 chairs: 2 rocking chairs chaus: :6 dinin 'lamps : J. neuroom suite. 3 pieces; 2Wood- en bedsteads; 1 iron bedstead; 3 Washstands: 2 dressers; 1 larg‘ bureau; 2 parlor .setts, 3 pieces in each; 1 parlor table; 1 dining kitchen sideboard,; 2 'kitchen cupboards; 1 lounge; 8 kitchen chairs: 2 rocking chairs; 2 arm (3113113826 diniho -1.-:-â€"-- ‘ H ‘ 1 bedroom suite en ‘bedsteads; 1 washstands: 2 bureau; 2 park The undersigned Auctioneer has received instructions from MR JAMES IRELAND to sell ‘by Public Auction at his residence BRUCE STREET, DURHAM on SATURDAY, APRIL 22nd, 1911 the following: 417 ‘I world. Particular attention is called to the Coronation tour to England, also the National Educa- tion Association tour to San Fran- cisco. Full particulars from A.E. Duff‘ District Passenger Agent. Grand Trunk [Railway System, To- ronto, or LN. Gordon, St. Cathar- ines, Ont. V ‘ Write to-day for free trial bot- tle to the D.D.D. Laboratories Dept. DD. 49 Colborne Street, To-. Proven by thousands of cures, for ten years, to be absolutely harmless and relLa‘ble 1n every case of skin trouble, no matter What it IS. “Worth its Weight in gold.” “All my pimples washed away by DD. D." “I found instant relief,” “D DD. is littie short 01 miraculousfi‘ These are the words of others in describing the great skin remedy. D.D.D. ROBT. BRIGHALL “I have had eczema on and off for about three years, and nothing I tried has done so much good as D.D.D. It will stop that irritation in a few minutes. I can do my washing, and if I have D.D.D. on hand. it will ease it at once,”writes Mrs. A.J. Squires, Coleman, Ont. These are just samples of letters we are receiving every day from grateful patients all over the; country. . i “Your D.D.D. Prescription for Be- zema is the best thing we have ever handled, and is giving good satisfaction with our customers.”â€" Srur Stevenson Drug Co., Birtle, Man Mr. and Mrs. \K'. P. Bailey, Allan Park visited in this vicinity one day recently. The majority of farmers around are sewing their clover seed. Some have stszted to mow. Thu party at Mr. Donald BrownsJ "pleasant View? farm", was heartily" enjoyed, \Vednesday night last, also! the-one at Rher Park Farm Friday; night. A good tum out of young folksl at both. : 0. those lmautiful days Make thy heart grow fundeg‘. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Staples, Edge Hill took in the party at theix home, River Park Faun. Mr. Ruy Vickexs, spent. one day last week with his sister Mn. Chittick. redit Auction Saie of Household Effects “ I took Father Morriscy’s Prescription for Inflammatory Rheumatism. I had suffered everything with it, but in three weeks after starting Father Morriscy’s Pres’cription I was able to do my work, and after taki:.g four dollars worth of “medicine I was well. I highly recom- mtud it any sufferer with Rheumatism. ” Rheumatism cams from bad kidneys. The poisonous L'ric Acid which th should remove stays in the bl accumulates in joints and muscles, and causes agony. Father Morriscy’s “.\'o. 7” puts the kilneys right. removes the Eric Acid from the blood and the w ' 201 e system,and cures the Rheumatism. 50¢. a box at your dealer’s, or from Father info-rise)? Medicine Co. Ltd., Montreal, Que. 63 M rs.1~.gnes Edganof Grand Falls,N.B., End a .errible time with Inflammatory R :~u:ra.:ism. Anyone who has had 'hi smost painfuldiseasewillnndexstand h :- ,ufi'eringIâ€"and her joy when she founi Father Momscy’e “No.7” had cnrcd hcr. She says . :34 Worth of Father mmscy’s “Ila. 7” 32:23 Hz! at Iaflaamatory Bhemafisn. 5%? WEEK iii 3 WEEKS DRUGGISTS PRAISE D D D RIVER PARK mg hendau Btei': firs“fil:l;:b;rn. . ' ' gonad will join hig mic tex- holidays, visitmg 8‘ ; mm and residence at. Ceylon togezhvr with 300 acres of land well timber-rd possession to be given next fall. Word has been received here to-day Monday, of the death in Toromn this morning of Mrs. Sydney Robinson. nee Miss T. McKee, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. McKee. now also residing in Toronto. The dew-wed who was 24 ‘ears af age; was born on the 4th. line Artemesia and married in Toronto in Angus: 1909. The re- mains were brought here on Wednes- Parker. who : sustained a. fracture of the hi and some broken ribs. Mr. G. Collinson of Ceylon. learn completed an extensive his propeaty to the Durham 1" Company. The sale includes 1 mill and residence at Ceylon l with 300 acres of land well I possession to be QiVoh mu» *‘u' Mr. J. Alexander I Dundalk to his fora Mr. Scully. Mr. John Reid of his sister Mrs. Josep week. Messrs. R. Thistle than), 0. Morris, J. L HaSLie have gone to summer. Mrs. Hastie and Miss Vina are ing this week to spend the SD! with the farmer’s daughter at V eter. Mrs. Dr. Carter spent a the city last week. Miss Hall of Toronto. i Aunt. Mrs. Archie Boyd. iast week; I.” Mrs. Clark were leaving again reside in Toronto. Mr. Wm. Clark spent. a old friends in the village Mr. Cll‘a‘zrk. informed us I: ti now nearingocompletion at 913.0: At this exhibition the Con, lw The Grand Trunk Pacific Iidllw2§ and the Grand Trunk Pacific Stead: chi Company. 'IEhe several tourist and fishing and hunting distrbts in Easte ' FE ('anad‘ will be represented thX'Ough 1am l photographs and a valuable 0):: . . of mounted fish and game. by large pictures, showing the . . = cultural possibilities and deuilp. ! ments. as well as by the ex ' 9 grains in the straw. giaSs-es anti the products of the land from Manitohm : Saskatchewan and Alberta. i mountain division of the Grand Trunk - Pacific will be well portrayed through a series of oil paintings of some ,1 principal show places of the (Tenadian . Rockies. painted by G. Horne Russell, 5 the well known Montreal Artist. Who 5 spent last summer in these mountain ; fastnesses. The centre of the interior ,of the building will be occupied by a ‘- large model about ten feet square of the “Chateau Laurier”, the Grand ‘ Trunk's beautiful new hotel-at Ottawa, painting ttawa hotel, the parliament buildings and sur- : roundings. Models of the steamship; . “Prince Rupert” and “Prince George" l of the Grand Trunk Pacific North 3 Pacific Coast service will be on view. 3 A separate room has been provided in j the building for the projection of cin- i ematograph pictures, and the subjects 3 owned by the Company will be shown ‘ several times each day. Among these ‘ cinematograph films are Lachine Rapids. Maskinonge fishing near Ste. â€"â€"â€"-v\- VJ VV (1“ (‘lldlu by an accident to her aged 3. Parker. who fell and frzuxure Cf the hip joint. hnlOAh ‘_:L â€" â€"â€"â€" cm L {ALLJALULC The Sale includes his mm- y. Thistleph waite. FLESHER’I‘O‘NT‘ - e unchardson of Toronto. visit at. his old home here â€" vâ€"‘cnllvu I‘Um former position with spend the summer Spent a few days in Meagal'gyj‘;nd 3, v Toronto for the extensive sale of :9 A. 898’ Jrne R ussen’ Artist. who at “'rox- 'urniture has we e leav- than of the Grand Trunk great advantage 0 ve ‘ ‘ Points And no“ comes the Gian Northern accoxding to 1 ; test fodder. with a line 1 ;e Quill Lake counzry cros ' ‘ Grand Trunk Pacific at N - '~‘ the-n leading south-west last mountain lake in the II‘fqn of .Calgary. With t The 17th annual ~35 "' 'ShO-w will be 1191.3 :‘-‘~ Armouries, Ton-2:2: -. 226th, 27th. 28th 3:14.? ; '. ’3 expense is heino s; 22-» L. 2‘: building Will be d: c «322‘ a luminated on a so2‘_ w ~ 0 attempted. The largou 21%;:7‘. 'hOI'Ges in the histoxv of Will cOImDete this ‘ \931‘. an Promises to be the event n-f 889.8011. Single fare on 3}} Ways For full infmmatiun to the Secretarvâ€" Txfasmer. Stark, 12 .V. eningz. $2.. 1:. "’th 0n ta r10. On the Monday 1 lat. 3. Convention > ance workers o.’ N ’be held aftexn >0:1 ii the town hall. OWL" addressed by A3132. 0n the following May 2nd. .3 simili for South 'Grey W5 Durham. All My are cordially these meetings. Sunday, April 30th, “'3 e'brated as Dominion Alli. Day in the County of ¢ over 100 special Icmgwt‘ vices will 'be heid in c}: of the various deuumizm dressed ’by spakers :w; the Alliance. Mass mm- ‘8180 ‘be held in Owen g Hanover in the afturno» We have just rvcm‘x fromer. Geo. Lam'tw. some weeks ago When leaving, he had ' hand, and shortly at: Detroit, had three of amputated. The tz‘wu“ gangrenous nature. a: tors concluded that was the best course tr. The masons are a: 22:23:- Lena'han's house. which 12 late last talk He stay-:3; ing an the same- 102: W2 mOrning. and intends to another house zigh arc; understand they “112' 1'22? or rent when completed W'e have a con‘. house {or sale. We terms so easy that young man startittg find it very lime tr for it, and have :1 own in a few years. Chronicle office for 1 For saleâ€"Aline very easy terms payment plan. write to the C. F Box 162. Owen R. T. Edwards says: Withdraw my ad {pm 1 ms. The Chroni cit: not clean out the farm- yarai' The Easter term 1 Mann Business College begins: ‘ day, April 1911). T11 s is a] lent time to begin 30111 c The Annual Meetinz church, Egremont, xvii Friday evening: at church. Piowshares and my; 1 the various plows in Im- at the foundry. See the new \K'allpatn'q'; tarlane’s Servant girl \"3DI€iij.â€"â€".. me. E. A. Rowe. fomis certainly has t' in life. VOL. 44-4“). 2294{ NEWS A For “ nSo OI'K 1f

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