West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 27 Apr 1911, p. 3

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Ding is a business that is watching- When is no book-keeper to he? bf every payment, it iseasy F a bill twiceâ€"and never Fnbalming a Specialty pvlicau'un to t RHAM, ONT; WM Raft»! hnsort. “be-r Sb: 1’ South :ksmit} m: < i ! ztholic Robes, and M 11in ( ups for aged people» =8, Merchants. Ials Solicitad. - and ral Director IS PUB! "1H ED ERY THU Rb" ).\\' MEN'ING 'ronic/e Pn'n mg House, Germ A. BELL DEETAKER 3 :2‘.’ ”TEL'RJ‘R: 3‘1"”! - ‘ g awnfu 7w! 311:» for the first ;:~.:.j v :9 periine rum mmmr: .':;c~a~mro. some or) unbucfjpfion i. .xder S. HUGHES PAH; 5.71. ONT Line Oil. Harness Grease and H nent go to .SAUNDERB )I‘ also at Mount F‘ .HCLACHLAN. Principal Tt ISP 4 ' F‘ ”.4 NM'LR will be 0.. ‘0 .- azfidt't‘tla'. free of p03“ h . pal-"recur. payahk- in w; ‘5 not ~10 maid. Th- completely stock W TYPE. mm m for turning m 80¢ Manager '::;.e of the year for you -: Students are enter- mmence vour cont). 0‘ The r m m 1201‘11‘8. ”mud and Telegn ,. um women shot! 1i RI April 27. .-\ “Hod 3011001. "Ewni has a con- ‘Ewn for high- :H' the success We have three ae free catalogue- d SPO whatourgmd‘ ’HUPRIETOR "mute inaction D fimgnt. in 120th 1L6. I" z} vernaamontl fll‘ CHRUN J I .21 wrence’t No The ELE FOR FINE STATIONERY To those who are blindly gropâ€"lh; in the dark for relief from their misery, who may perhaps be using wrong methods to recover their halt-h and their strength. Here then is why we have inaugu- rated a policy of actually buying hun- dreds of thousands of bottles of. Pay- chine to give to those who should use. Here then is the reason of our unal- terable confidence In Psychine, that It 15 in fact the greatest preparation of its kind in the world. Here then is proof that we have in Psychine a preparation with abundant and demonstrated eflectivenees, more so than any ether preparation we, or any- one else, ever heard of. And we have grown from a. small beginning to be one of the largest pro- prietary manufacturers in this coun- try. of We have in our 111 thousan es man <13 of unsoliciyteltlinndtzggis monials. cased upon our mira Of a centqu experience with Psychine. Ten years after Confederation we commenced commanding Psychine. Since that time, we have sol-d many millions of bottles. We have cured many hundreds of thousands of virulent and oftentimes fatal cases of diseases. And we would go out of business. But we’re not going out of business, and our confidence that we’re not is based upon our third of a century’: experience with Psychine. â€" â€"'â€"_ w were Psychine a. preparation withoa‘t’ a. definite, be_neficial action. After the first bottle which we would buy, no more wgpld be purchased. From Your You know what it would mean to us ,' A h__--‘__°__ - _,_ -- No job too large for us to handle. N ojob too small to receive careful attention 1 AluLLué U1. uuvy nxuu Supply You Wedding I m itations, Ball programs or ( 0mmercial Printing ,of any kind . . a./. 9'. o. A r LAGRI‘PPE. 1911 And the result is Psychineâ€"for a third of a century the most eflfectivo The one preparation lat has cured many thousands of the following dis- Tney are compounded in the most costly hemical appliances in this conn- own remedies, have been the most ef- ficient foe to disease. Nervous Troubles Dy: Amy-geys- of Plead”, Poor Appeflh China and Penn Catarrh at Stomach Night Sweats Obstinato Coughs “â€"- The next m-‘lorm'ngt We were still sin sight of land, along the south- iwest coast of Ireland. The coast M‘- the coast, but could learn moth; ing of the appearance of the land, nor of the places along the shore. i We sailed on. past the tail of the Bank, turned south down the, 2 Firth in perfectly smooth “waiter”? gliding past Holy. Island and the; i. hills of Arran on one side, and the! . shores of Ayrshire and Kir~cud-§ g bright on the other. We passed; 0 close to Aiilsa Craig as the shades; : of evening fell and most of the.é i passengers remained on Reel: .35.! I long as the Scottish shores could;l be discerned through the darkness. 5 It was rather a thoughtful time;' The great majority were leaving their native lnad for the first time parting With their friends and all the associations of home and eatr- : 13' years, venturing out into a new » and unknown land, to make a I home for themselves, and perhaps I focr others Whom: they have left rbehind. And all of ms bid Scot- : land good-Abye, ,perhaps never to L see her shores again. Is it any ' Wonder that silence for a time ' was felt in the crowds that lined the railings. But We all at last; another steamer "by :a narrow imargin, and as the fog lifts, reach- .ies the landing stage at Liverpool. {Another batch 'of emigrants came Q'aboard, land at noon we left, Canada. Our course lay along the south of Ireland, and before we re- tired ‘We could .see the flights along. W9. sailed from Glasgow on April lst. on the Allan Line steamâ€" ship Hesperian. The Weather was fine. clear and cool. as if it en- deavored 'to leave 'the best possi- ble impression of Scotland on the minds 0.! ‘the hundreds !of her sturdy sons and! Winsome daugh- ters leaving her shore- 'to trv their fortunes in another Inna wku H V" on our 30 years’ experience with this splendid preparation, with a full know- ledge of the hundreds of thousands of cures it has made. And we do that to show our entire confidence in this wonderful prepara- +1'nn bute in this manner hundreds of thon- sands of these 5 chine. O-cent bottles of PsyL Now we don't ask you to take our word for the tremendously beneficial efiect of Psyohine. Fill out the con .pon below, mail it to us and we’ll give your druggist an order (for which we pay him the regular retail price) to: a 50-cent bottle of Psychine to be given you free of cost. A confidence that has StreetandNumher 99.900000“. : on -00000 my W's NmomomO”00000' Streetand Number OOOOOQOOOOCOOCOOOOO. - bottle of Psychine it presented to the druggist My Name. Town. I acceptoyour offer to 3 50¢. bottle of Psychme (pronounce Si-keen) at: {our expense. I have not had a 50c. ottle of Ifsychine under this 1311. Kindly advme my druggist to d ver this 0 - To the Dr. T. A. SLOCUM 'de. 193-195 Spadina Ave.. Toronto cocoa-ouooooqoyoooouom-uo 0 COUPON No. 28 . ‘ es, one would have ex- ! to leave the best possi- " pected them to be at lea-st hungry. ession of Scotland on the! On Thursday evening, the gale .f 'the hundreds ;of her .' had somewhat :aba‘ted, but all day ans and! Winsome daugh-f'the long heavy 1‘01' ing her shore, 'to trv lan'tic kept our" Wessel in active :unes in another land. motion, and not until night did the es were thrown off, and sea become comparatively smooth steamer left the dock. in and many of t'he passengers began a diminutive tug boat to appear ready for their meals. good-bye greetings and! The captain took la very ,south- 18 of Auld Lang Syne, erly course, much below the lati- the people on the boat. tude ofHalifax, in order to escape hundreds of friends on _ ice and fog. But on {Friday night; unison. Followed close-5W9 ran into a bank of fog. The steamship Saturniraln, of ’S'tealmer slowed down. and the fog a... . 00... 00.0900... 000.0 HOME THE DURHAM CHRONT ‘ CLE been based Toronto, Well - known Basso of SHERLOCK MALE QUARTETTE §0Los BY w. “(NORRIS ADDRESSES BY REV. B. H. SPENCE Secretary Dominion- Alliance and others -vvrAV,l all sociably inclined, 't'hey mingled freely 'to'gether‘ and (seemed to en- " ioy them-selves thoroughly, and; A Convention On Sunday, April 30th, over 100 pulpits in the County of Grey will be occupied by repre- rentatives of the Dominion Alliance. DOMINION ALLIANCE FIELD DAY . EEKâ€"Bah; oéimu I On Tnesday night everything; indicated a change. The barom- eter was falling rapidly, the Wind I began to rise, and the s lowering. -. MOLD 'Wednesday, over the huge Waves in a manner! Saturday .m that would make :3 green wands-through the sometimes ship sped rap of the :sea, (sea "being fail and sometimes with her bow im' the air, riding. .over the crest of a On “Friday eve , ' ' ‘ kept up concerts in 1 all] day, and into the night, ia'nd'roams and ‘t‘ had a Very unpleasant effect up- first and sec< on ninety-five 3361‘ «cent. of the . trance zmorney sixteen humdred odd passengers ‘a collection b on board. Not more than three} Quite-a sum per cent appeared at the tables, 'ized. which we A ‘I.A.‘l_ lands seemed ted be rocky and hilly, scarcely mountainous, and the shore line indented with num- erous bays (and inlets. But we drew .away from 'the land and in a few hours we had our last glimpse of the Emerald Isle, and tunned our faces towards the west, where to some of us. .at least, lies our home, and thefiarospective home of [all the rest. ‘. All day Monday. and Tuesday. the weather was calm, and the sea ‘ :smooth. not "by any means still. ’The Atlantic is :never still. But .our vessel was gently rocked by ’the long, low swell, that rolled ’along from the West. The air was mild, and the sun shining .clear, everybody was astir, and becoming acquainted with each other. Games of all kinds were started, inside were cards. draughts. chess, etc., outside the deck steward was initiating the sport inclined to ' various :games. The most popular was deck curl- ing, which was played by both male and female whenever the weather was fine during the v-oy- age. There was also |ring the hoop, rope (melts, .and even crick- e't and golf. I ltiOD Session ...... 2 p.m. Mass Meeting. . . ..8 p.m. ON mu w v.a.r10us :games. popular was deck curl- very south- 510W the lati- der to escape Friday night g of fog. The. fine, For commercial printing a! all kinds. the Chronicle fills the bill. Mr. Donald Brow has purchased a. high stepper. We Wish him every succeeg with his new horSe. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Bailey were the guest; of Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Noble one day last week. Mr. Robert Brigham has completed Mr. R. B Hopkin’s phone. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Staples and his brother Clarence, from Markdale spent Sunday evening at the parental home here. ' Messrs Robert and Alf. Noble spent Easter Sunday With friends at Louise, Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Noble have moved to Durham. Miss Pearl Hopkins spent Easter Sunday at the home of Mr. George Mighton of Mulock. croup.” SLurO For sale 1" v“ v“. OD‘tO Canadian BOil- and home. -GEO. BINNIE. â€"_.â€"â€"-.â€"â€"_, “Our baby cries for Chamber- lain’s Cough Remedy." writes Mrs. T.B. Kendrick, Rasaca, Ga. “It is the best cough remedy on the market {for coughs, colds, and I 3 Quite a .sum 'Olf money was real- ized, which went to the support of the Sailors’ (Orphans’ Home, in Glasgow, a very worthy object; and nobody begrudged their con- tribution. I can only speak of the first saloon, and there we had a very fine concert of music, speech and elocu‘tion. It fell to (my lot ‘to propose a vote of thanks to Captain Main, the officers .and‘ crew of the? .ship, for their court- esy, kindness and, attention to ‘the passengers under their care. The resolution was carried with hearty cheers and musical hornors. I :took philosophically any ,unpleas- ant incidents in connection with {the voyage. Y' Saturday morning we were fairly through the fog. {and the good ship sped rapidly on her way, the (sea "being fairly callxm, and the log recorded a good run for the day. On “Friday evening. there were two concerts in the steerage dining rooms and ‘to-night, one in the first and second! cabins. The en- trance ;morney was :a shilling, and a collection besides. Bond 1°C.. name or paper and this ad. for beautiful Savings Bank and Child’s Sketch-B Inch bank oontsina a. Good Luck Penny. SCOTT BOWNE 126 Wolliwton Street. West Toronto, There are thousands of so-called “just as good” Emulsions, but they are notâ€"they are simply imi- tations which are never as good as the original. They are like thin milkâ€" SCOTT’S is thick like a heavy cream. is the originalâ€"has been the standard for thirty-five years. Scott’s Emulsion RIVER PARK FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGIS'I‘S 'by Gun’s Drug Booksellers Druggists avoid skin eruptions, boils, abscesses, rheuma- tism and other disagree- able results of impure blood. Price $l.00 a 1’0““ .acfarlanc a 0"")le THREE "I?

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