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Durham Chronicle (1867), 27 Apr 1911, p. 6

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M”W”ON WWW New Pumps, Pump Re- pairs, Cement Curbing or Culvert Tile, see . . . . JNO. SCI-1U LTZ or myself at the shop ‘ ANYONE ONE NEEDING George Whitmore Literature and full information from any Grand Trunk Agent, or address A. E. Duff. Districn Passenger Agent, Toronto. JAMES R. GUN, Town Agent; TOWNER, Depot Agent. Pumps, Curbing, Tile_ at Low Rates, via Samla or Chicago Round Trip Homeseekers’ Excursions to The West THE POPULAR TOURIST ROUTE To MUSKOKA LAKES LAKE OF BAYS TEMAGAMI ALGONQUIN PARK MAGANETAVVAN RIVER FRENCH RLVER GEORGIAN BAY LAKE COUCHICHING KAVVARTHA LAKES. Etc. B. MACFARLANE, TOWN AGENT M. D. MCGRATH on .n excursions. Comfortable berths. fully equipped with meencundumdmurwlhroush local neat. Early application must be made AQK FOR HOME$!EK!R.3' PQIPHLET containing nteanndfullufomnon. Apply ootC.P.R.Aaent bR.L.Iba¢npoon. to “amt. Pan. Act. $oronto. ONLY DIRECT LINE I0 CHANGE OF CARS Spain] Trains lave Term 2.“) pan. on ”R". 4, 18 “IV 2, 15. 39 JUNE 13, 27 JULY 11, 25 IUG. 3, 22 SEPT. 5, 19 SeconddutickdafromOnuxiomfiom to principal Northwest points .1 LOW ROU N D-TRI P RATES ngipec an}! rem $331”; _ Edlnonlqo and_retum “£06,133"; a.“ 3073;; an'me' ‘"“ ffm‘“ good to return within 60 day: from going dame. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS Ne. the 6mm St. Briige TO flauitaha, Saskatchewan, Alberta In New Quarters Near the Ganfraxa St. Bridge I wish to announce to the public that I am now settled in my new quarters, T. Moran’s old stand, near the Garw- fraxa St. bridge, where I am prepared to cater to their wants in all kinds of custom blacksmith- ing. All work guaran- teed first-class. HOMESEEKERS’ SIX such as you may obtain un- der the \91) best conditions at The Central Busine. s College of Toronto, is asure passport, to success. Thous- ands have proved it. W'hy not 'nvpatigate for vourself" 0sz f: ee catalogue explains. “fine for if. W. H. SHAW', Principal. BUSINESS EDUCATION EXCURSIONS “How did you come .to fall into the ,hands of Hossein Beg?” i “We were betrayed by some chil- dren,” was the simple answer. “They saw our ayah's mother baking chu- patties, day after day, sufficient for four people. My sister and I lived nearly three weeks in a cow-byre, never daring, of course, to approach even the door. The children made some talk about the lavish food sup- ply in the old woman’s hut, and the story reached the ears of their father. He, like all the other natives here, seems to hate Europeans as though they were his deadliest enemiess He spied on us, discovered our where- abouts, and yesterday morning we were dragged forth, while the r creatures to whom We owed our yes were baaten to death batons our very Malcolm had heard many such tensely dramatic stories from fugitives who had reached Lucknow during July. Phrases of pity or consolation were powerless in face of these tra~ gedles. But he could not forbear ask- ing_one question: “Unfortunately, our acquaintance with this part of India is very slight,” said Miss Harriet Keene, sadly. “We remained at Calcutta four months with our mother, who died there, without having seen our dear father after a separation of five years. We came up country in March, and were going to Naini Tal when the Mutiny broke out. We only saw the Ganges three or four times before our ayah brought us acnpss on that terrible night when father was murdered.” “And her uncle? Is he living? She was very much attached to him. How did she escape from Meerut?” broke in Grace, eagerly. “I wish they had never left Meerut. The Mutiny at that station collapsed in a couple of hours. Unfortunately, they are now both penned up in the Residency at Lucknow, which is sur- rounded by goodness only knows how many thousands of rebels. But I must give you Winifred’s recent history at another time. I want you to tell me something about this neighborhood. What is the nearest town on the river, andwhich bank is it on?” “Thank Heaven, she was alive and well when I last saw her three days ago.” “Yes, do ybu know her? What has become of her? We were told that evggong at Meerut was killed.’.’ “Why,” he said, “you were fellow- passengers on the Assaye with Miss Winifred Mayne?’ A sudden recollection brbu‘grhvt‘ of‘surprise from Frank. “My dear father was killed by Mr. Tucker’s side,” said she. “He was the deputy commissioner of Fattehpore. Keene is our nameâ€"I am Harriet, this is my sister Grace. We only came out from England last cold weatherâ€"” He introduced himself with the Well- mannered courtesy of the period, and in response the elder of the pair raised her blue eyes to his and told him that since the 16th of June until the pre- vious day they had been hiding in the hut of a native woman, mother of their ayah. Now it is an enduring fact that a woman’s regard for her personal ap- pearance will engross her mind when graver topics might well be to the fore. No sooner did these sorrow- laden daughters of Eve realize that they were in a position of comparative safety, and in the company of a good- looking young man of their own race, tthan they attempted to effect some change in their toilette. A handker- chief dipped in the river, a few twists and coilings of refractory hair, a slight readjustment of disordered bo- dices and crumpled skirtsâ€"above all. the gleam of the magic lamp of hope that illumined an abyss of deSpairâ€" and the amazing result was that Mal-l colm found two pretty, shy, tremulous: maidens awaiting him, instead of the‘ disheveled, woe-begone women he hadI seen pushed down the steps of the ghat In his perplexity, his eyes fell on the two girls. Being ladies from Fyzabad, they might be able to help him with some knowledge of the locality. Sum- moning Chumru to take the helm he went forward and spoke to them. and the night. Yet, some plan must distant from the left bank. Three be devised to keep faith with that 'miles ahead the river curved to the wretched zemindar. The man would left round a steep promontory. The not die if left where he was for an- . farther shore was marsh-land, so it other forty-eight hours, or'even longer. might be assumed that a hidden bar- But the word of a sahib was a sacred tier of rock flung off the deep current thing. Whatever the difficulty of there, while the one chance of escape communicating with Mohammed Ra- that presented itself was to steer for sul, he must overcome it somehow. {that very spot and effect a landing be- T_ 1.2. ___ As there was a favorable breeze and the current was swift and strong, he wondered why these pursuers strove to keep the boat in sight. Then it was borne in on him that they had a defi- nite object. Could it be possible that they knew of the presence of other craft, lower down the river?â€"that he might be called on within the hour to make a last stand against irresistible odds on the deck of the budgerow? Rather than meet certain death in that way he would head boldly for the opposite shore, and trust again to his tired horses for escape to the jungle CHAPTER XII. The Swing of the Pendulum Malcolm’s first measured thought ens an unpleasant one. It was his Lntent to land one of the budgerow’s 3"€W at the earliest opportunity with 2 written message, which the bearer would probably be unable to read, addressed to Mohammed Rasul, bid- ding him go to the assistance of the unlucky Hossein Beg. That plan was now impracticable. The crew had bolted. He could neither send the ryot ashore nor trust to the help of any neighboring village, since men were already galloping along the left bank with obviously hostile designs. 3. 9.x; of {£23 imiiaa Mufiny :o'rf" - ‘3“ b v M c Leod A H e .n LOUIS TRACY d _v'__v_ -v-v Wu“ “LL. 2.â€"_ v... A inoditication of his scheme flashed through his brain, and he decided to adapt it forthwith. First asking Miss Keene and her sister not to reveal their presence, no matter what hap- pened, he told Chumru to stand by the horses and help him to make them leap into the water when he gave the order. With difficulty he induced the scared ryot to take the rudder while he explained the new project. It had that element of daring in it that is worthy of success. beinz_no* '“' “- the well amidships: th'ese river. cgafi helps 013;: partly decked fore and aft. it occurred to Frank that the Fatteh- Dore men could not know for certain that there were Englishwomen on board. They could see Chumru, the Wet, the horses, and of course, the steersman, but the girls were seated in â€"v-â€"°v uhvyylué 9W It was now a matter of minutes ere the rebel marksmen would render the deck uninhabitable. To beach the boat, land the horses, and get the Young ladies ashore in safety, had be- gome an absolute impossibility. Then With a smile and a few confident words to the girls, he went aft, took the helm from Chumru and bade him help the ryot in putting out the port sweep. The effect was quickly appar- ent. The budgerow ran into the se- cond channel, but she allowed her dangerous rivals to approach so close that the natives opened fire with long- range dropping shots. , _-'â€"â€"_ Side by side with this terrifying discovery was the certain fact that his awkwardly built craft would gain little by manoeuvring. There was a new danger, too. At any instant she might run ashore on the shoal that was surely forming in the centre of the river. At all costs that must be avoided. â€"._ ..... u A “LA Lynn‘s; AAVVLD, â€" V b was cutting a new bed through the sunken reefs towards the Icy-lying marsh. At the wide elbow there were really two channels and he was now sailing along the comparatively mo- tionless water between them! He kept on grimly, however, never deviating from his perspective, which was the swampy ground on the outer curve of the bend, It was not until another mile was covered and the mu- tineers were almost abreast in the true line of the river, that he knew Why they were making such heart- breaking progress as compared with his own craft. The Ganges, after the vagrom fashion of all giant rivers, l Chumru kept the budgerow steadily {on her. course, and ere many minutes elapsed it was plain to be seen that the rebels were alive to the tactics of their quarry. Fresh gangs manned the sweeps and the riders on the east- ern bank eased their pace to a walk. The space between pursuers and pur- sued began to decrease. At the out- set Frank thought that this was the natural outcome of his plan, and gave no heed to it beyond the ever-growing anxiety of the time problem. But at the end of the first mile he was ser- iously concerned at finding that the mutineers were gaining on him in an; incomprehensble manner. The boat' was then seemingly in mid-stream, while the enemy kept close to the shore, and they were certainly travel- ing half as fast again, a difference in speed that the use of the oars hardly accounted for. However, to cross was the only way, and the only way is ever the best way. Having once made up his mind Frank coolly reviewed the situation. Food was the first essential. The boat itself, having been used for carrying hay, con- tained sufficient sweepings to feed the horses, and he set the ryot to work on gathering the odds and ends of forage. A brief search brought to fight a quantity of ghee, boiled rice and dried peas. He divided the store into five portions, and set a good ex- ample to the others by compelling him- self to eat his share of the cooked food at once, while the peas went into his pockets to be crushed or chewed at leisure. fore the enemy could head off the bud- ”erow and force it under the fire of {he horsemen. The Fattehpore boats were a mile in the rear, but that advan- tage would be greatly lessened if Mal- colm crossed the stream, and perhaps altogether effaced by the powerful sweeps at their command. At that point the Ganges was about a mile and a quarter in width. The budgerow was some six hundred yards distant from the left bank. Three miles ahead the river curved to the left round a steep promontory. The farther shore was marsh-land, so it might be assumed that a hidden bar- rier of rock flung off the deep current there, while the one chance of escape that presented itself was to steer for It must be confessed that a feeling of bitter resentment against this last stroke of ill-luck rose in Malcolm’s breast for an instant. He conquered it. He recalled Lawrence’s bold ad- vice, “Never Surrender,” and that in- spiriting memory brought strength. And then Malcolm found that the a._1 danger came from the opposite shore. It was a case of falling on Scylla when trying to avoid Charyb- dis. He learnt afterwards that the ebels had organized a code of signals from bank to bank, owing to the num- ber of the craft with Europeans on board that sought safety in flight down the river. That some. device must have drawn pursuit from the right bank was obvious. A couple of roomy budgerows with sails set were racing after him. and the long sweeps on board each boat were being pro- pelled by willing arms. Malcolm choked back the hard words that rose to his lips, and sought such local information as the ryot could give. It was little. The tiller of the Indian fields lives and dies in his village and has no interests be- yond the horizon. This man visited the Ganges once a year on a religious ‘éasi, and perhaps twice in the same )CI‘lOd in connection with the ship- _ 11g of grain on his brother’s boat. i‘o that ext+nt, but no further, did his sure of general knowledge pass be- :';:;l the narrow er limits of those who a :veit far from a river highway. Y e: it xx as he who first espied a new Kid most ac1ive peril. ” “Look. huzoor, he cried suddenly. "They have made signs to the Fatteh- pore ghat. Two boats are following The speaker was a fair English girl of twenty. Her sister was eighteen, and their previous experience of the storm and fret of existence was drawn from an uneventful childhood in India, four years in a Brighton school, and a twelvemonth in a Brussels convent! THE DURHAM CHRONICLE _ ___._--v WILL]. escort, in order that they m1; Major Renaud’s column, and h “Huzoor!” yelled Chumru, excitedly. “Look! There below! A smoke ship! And see! Those sons of pigs are mak- iing fin'the bank!” ! Malcolm could scarce believe his eyes when they rested on a small steamer with the British flag flying from the masthead, coming round the bend. Yet there could be no mistake about it. British officers in white uni- forms were standing on her bridge, the muzzles of a couple of guns showed black and business-like over her bows, while her forward deck was packed with men in the uniform of the M'adras Fusiliers. Her commander seemed to, take in the exact position of affairs at a glance, and, indeed, the half-wrecked and almost empty boat in midstream, so eagerly followed by two thickly crowed craft now close hauled and putting forth desperate efforts to reach the bank, presented a riddle easy to read. “No,” she said, “we must not do that. Our lives are not our own. The Lord gave and the Lord taketh away. Blessed be the name of the Lord!” Frank winced in his anguish. To a puissant man there is nothing so gall- ing as helplessness ;what a game of battledore and shuttlecock had been played with him and those bound up with his fortunes since the moulvie’s man-trap brought him headlong to the earth in the main street of Rai Bar- eilly! Grace was sobbing hysterically, but Harriet, clasping her fondly in her angg, looked up at him. . Malcolm suddenlyr became aware of his wounded arm. With a curious 'tatalism he began to dissect his emo- tions. He arrived at the conclusion that the drop from the nervous ten- sion of hope to the relaxation of sheer despair had dulled his brain and weak- ened his physical powers. This, then, was the end. There could be no doubt about it. He quieted the startled horses with a word or two and spoke to the girls again. “You may as well come on deck now," he said. “It is all up with us. If a friendly bullet puts us out of our misery, so much the better. Other- wise my advice to you both is to leap into the river rather than be recap- tured.” And now the maimed craft was car- ried along sluggishly, drifting back to- wards the centre of the river, while the men in the other boats set up a fiendish yell of delight at the catas- trophe that had overtaken the doomed Feringhis. Their skilled boatmen evi- dently knew of this reef. They stood away towards the shore, but the trium- phant jeering that came from the crowded decks showed that they meant to pass their dismantled quarryi and wait in safer waters until it lum- bered down upon them. Then the budgerow struck a sub merged rock with a violence that must have pitched him overboard were he not holding Nejdi’s headstall at the moment. She careened so badly that the girls shrieked and Malcolm him- self thought she would turn turtle. But she swung clear, righted herself, and lay broadside on to the current. Another crash, less violent but even more disastrous, tore away the rud- der and wrenched the spar pulley out of the top of the mast. The heavy sail fell of course, but by some mira- cle left the occupants of the boat un- injured. v “I don’t like leaving you,” he mur- mured, “but our only weapons are a sword and a brace of empty pistols. it“ we run on another half mile we shall be shot down where we stand without any means of defending ourselves. On the other handâ€"” "We are all in God’s hands, Mr. Malcolm. Whether we live or die we are assured that you have done and will do all that lies in the power of a Christian gentleman to save us.” At the final moment he communi- cated it to the two sisters. They agreed to abide by his decision, and :ne elder one said with a calm serenity that lent to her words the symbolism of a prayer: Malcolm’s theory was that, if he and Chumru made good their landing, they would hug the river until the bud- gerow was sufficiently ahead of pur- suit to permit of her being run ashore. Though the plan savored of deserting the helpless girls, yet was he strong- minded enough to adopt it. It substi- tuted a forlorn hope for imminent and unavoidable death or capture, and it gave one last avenue of achievement to the mission on which he had come from Lucknow. than an attempt to araw the rebel’s attention entirely to himself and Chumru by making a dash for the shore, While the ryot was to allow the boat to continue her course down stream with, apparently, no other ten- ant than himself. Garafr-axa St- D UzR H A M The Big Shoe Store pat. tip .................. a“. (3 Many other lines in Ladies’ Shoes’ at all prices. jg} .a-nifig £9 a See our Trunks and Suit Cases, the best for the money. And Where are you to buy themâ€"AT McGRATH’fiâ€"mro you can get the latest style, best quality and lowest prices. We have a larger and more up-to-date stock than ever before and are prepared to cater to the wants oi the public. Call and see our stock before buying elsewhere. The following are but a few lines of our specials:: ~ Ladies’ Pat. Bal., velvet l Men’s Pat. Blucher. top, high arch.short vamp $4.50 Goodyear Weltfrom $3.50- $5.00 Ladies’ Gun Metal Oalf Men’s Box Calf Blucher Blucher, Goodyear Welt.. $4.00 Goodyear Welt. prices, Ladies’ Gun Metal Calf, $3.50?$2‘50' 3:3-00’l.$3-50. $430, $4.50 button, Goodyear VVelt.... Men’s Gun Metal Calf . , . . . Blucher and Button Shoes Ladies V101 Kid Blucher ,t __ s o pat. tip .................. $3.75 1$4‘OO’ 34'00 and """"" ’° ' ° 5'0 SPRING ! SPRING !! Buy Your Spring Shoes 30 per cent. on .0 :5 $4.50 3? $4.00 T: $3.50 ;. Ulocks and Jewelry promptly re- WORK GUARANTEED. Misses’, Boy’s and Youth’s Shoes in tan, patent; and velour calf at all prices. We also have a large stock of Women’s and Men’s Heavy \Vorking Shoes at lowest; prices. Men’s Box Calf Blucher Goodyear Welt. prices, $2.50, $300,133.50, $4.00, reduce our stock discounts: April 27. 1911 FRANK LENAHAN April 27, .1911 line. 1‘2 dozen new own Judgment moderate price. ask any purchaser i Lambton St. Specially good the Millinery Par] plete and everythin and friends to kn are doing, and we whyâ€"because our .5 is beautiful in Trim nets. We have own iudgment decil in white and burnt. straw, legth, in s Babv Bonnets in all Spfing¢ Summe and small shayes in milliner} fine we ha at very moderate p1 black. A Q'm,=d colors. and one 1 mohair. ta flat. d m pt Have a look Champion, high : “73811812 They sir Ifyourronfne It now before- the Roofing from us. u DOES YOU 'C. SMITH 6: THE DU 3126 a!

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