West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 27 Apr 1911, p. 8

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*%%%%%$%% “wwwaufiwfifin$§$im¢finflmfififlafiqtnifikfikfinfifi EIGHT Flanfieiettes, etc. and summer work. Dry Goods WALLPAPER in the newest patterns fresh from the factory. CARPETS in pretty designs, the newest shades. RUGS, nice Tapestry Rugs in shades to suit all rooms. LENOLEUM, 6 feet and 12 feet Wide, in neatest patterns. STAIR OILCLOTH in the newest shades. Boots and Shoes House Cleaning Requlisites In Rotation The Highest Prices for Butter and Eggs posed of the newest styles in s pring good Heavy Working Shoes, suitable for spring Groceries-=Fresh Groceries are Continually Arriving Our stock is very large, being composed of the newest in Dress. Goods, Ginghams, Prints, Wrapperettes, For May are now in stock 10 cents each. Small Profits varied, befing THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. ing. If beef cattle are as over the Progince as they advance much. Very fov posed of their cattle vet. “Praise God from whom all ings flow ” should be a. very .4 riate hymn for every farmer singing. for the past. week ha one of the finest that one coulc ibly wish for. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred t-ained a number of their Wednesday evening. Mr. Thos Clark is at present critical condition through the ing of a blOUd vessel internally. many friends wish him a speec‘ covery. Nr. John Whit‘eford shipped load of cattle to Toronto last : da_y_. Mr. "VViliiani Crowther of Welland and daughter Dora visited for a few days at the home of Mr. Jas. Byers. At the meeting of the Guild last Friday night new officers for the next: six months were put in office. They are Pres.. Mr. James Byers; Vice Pres.. Miss Maggie Gilmour: Organist, Miss Etta Anderson; Sec. Trea.s., Miss Janet; Kerr; Committee, Miss Rebecca. Nichol, A. Schillemore and Norman Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. David Gilmour visited with the former’s sister, Mrs. Samuel Allen of Chesley. Mr. Alex. Cooper. B. A. of She]- bume visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Cooper during Easter Week. Mrs. Thos. Young spent Easter with her parents at Chesley. Miss Vina, Schantz, who formerly taught school here spent a few days as the guest of her friend; Miss Isa- belle Fulton. Misses May and Bessie Mat-her vis- ited last week with relatives at; Price- ville. â€""--“h v- V‘I-llb‘VLL If you give ,Rexall Dyspepsia Ta‘blet-s a reasonable trial, We will return your money if you are not satisfied With the resuht. Three sizes, 25 cents, 50 cents and $1.00 Remember you can obtain Rexail Remedies only a'tâ€"The Rexall S'to‘re. Macfarlane Co. Rev. Austin L. Budge B. A. who has been pastor here for the last: nine years, has accepted a call from the Grenmre congregaiion in Simcoe county and leaves on May 14th. to take charge 'of the new field. Mr. Budge. will be much missed bv the young peoples’ Guild .or he was a. reg- ular attendent and a diligent; worker. Mr.Hem-y Bvers visitved with his two daughters at Ayr. Ont. recently Rexal-l Dyspepsia Ta‘blets are very . pleasant to take. They soothe the irritable Weak stomach. strengthen and invigorate the di- gestive organs, relieve .nausea and indigestion, promote nutrition and bring about a feeling of comfort. FOR DYSPEPSIA You Risk Nothing by Trying Tfihis Remedy _'We want everyone troubled with indigestion and dyspepsia to come to our store and obtain a boxer Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets. Thev c-on'tain Bismuth-’Subnitrate and Pepsin prepared 'by a process which develops their greatest power ‘to overcome digestive dis- turbance. ‘ , .___ vvvv-I“ “wufitlvwl \IL Mr. and Mrs. O. Holderness of Brant, was hurt, about; four years ago by a runaway beam crashing into her bumry “D at. Treherne, Man. The internal in- juries received on that occasion finally Besides her husband, she is survived by her aged parents, four brothers and two sisters as follows: John. Bertram and Maud (Mrs. Ed. Bennet) of De- troit}. Arthur and Harry of Regina. and Miss Dwinda at home. The funer- al to the W'alkerton cemetery on Tuesday was largely attended.-â€"â€"Walk- erton Times. Mrs. McIlwain lived here for some time and was well and favorably known.â€"â€"Edit0r. Fidth Holderuess, Wife of Mr. Arthi qr McIlwain of Wingham, died aL the Bruce County Hospital here on Sun- day last, aged about 31 years. The de- ceased, who is the second daughter of 11-. __.I It A â€"â€"â€"â€"~v wvv-v -‘Jl. Rexafil 'Ord-e-rlies are run-surpass- able and ideal (for! the use ‘Olf child- ren, old :fiolkvs .and delicate per- sons. lWe cannot too highly rec- ommend them to all] swfnferers from any «form o»f constipation and its attendant evils. Two sizes, 250 and 10c. Remember, you can O'b- tain Rexalil Remedies in this com- munity only at our storeâ€"The Rexall IStore. Ma-efarlane Go. Rexall ,Orderlies are a gentle, eflfective, dependable and safe bowel regulator stren'gthene-r and tonic They re-establish nature’s functions in a quiet, easy way They do mot cause any inconveni- ence. 'g'riping or nausea. They are so pleasant to take, and work so easily that they may be taken .by any one at any time. They thlor- oughl'y tone up the whole system tohhealthy activity. NO REASON FOR DOUBT A Statement of Facts Backed by a Strong Guaran ee We guarantee complete relief to all suitferers from constipation. Ln every case Where we :fail we 'will Stu_pply the medicine nfree.. EIDTH HOLDERNESS DEAD BLYTH’S CORNERS HAMPDEN. Alfred Fritz present in n all bless- Bry aiDPIOp- Pmer to be II has been could p033- - dis; they b u [‘8 t1- “and the holding" of prices at ;higher standard.” . ',' the course of his conversation led |us to believe that some (of the ,farmers Whom“ he has benefited; :through this source, have pmved] Ivery ungrateful to’ him for the‘ :benefit thus gained. .not as many homes offered tori .3 ' guuu pnces were realized. We also had a brief interview with Mr. Jas.’ Wilson mecerntly on the reciprocity question. Mr. .Wil- son is mom'inJavor 01 the treaty, although he admits that it wfln nnf â€"v- “v; Dca « ’and the ho‘lding‘ o shigher standard.” ,’ the course of his e 1115 to behqve that Butterflies are again M Mr. Murray Ritchie has of fields of :grain sown a' 'Writing‘ the first that we w “cum 0.: :grain sown at time of 'Writing‘ the first that We know of in this locality. In a brief interview with Mr, ,.w_ R190]:- ;Mn',Aâ€"‘ -n ~\ - 1y restore kidney health and com- fort. They are guaranteed. All dealers and druggists. 50c., or paid from “the RT. Booth 00., Ltdu. Fort Erie, Ont. Send for Free Box which Will be gladly .sent on appll- cation. ’ bwvv uu nu uupUl'LKHL It SIIDJPCC $0 111' telligenrly discussed, coupled ‘Witb your rather harsh criticism of the same, isntead of giving it more in the speaker’s own words and letting the readersjudge for themselves. Few farmers get time to read Hansard. No. No Mr. Editor we always want to respect the opinions of others. Mr. Albert Marshall of Pop] ar Hill and Mr. Geo. Marshall on the Home- stead have traded farms and are at present busy moving. While there is a vast difference in the value of the two farms. we hope it may turn out to be quite satisfactory to both parties. That little touch up We gave you Mr. Editor, didn’t do any harm. You expanded out considerably on the sub- ject. That stereotyped idea of ours originated from the “little space you gave” on so important a subject so inâ€" telligently discussed, coupled 'With W'e attended the spring Stallion Show in Holsteiq last week which Wasagrand success both for attend- mce and splendid quality of the horses exhibited. Mr. Alex. Calder lwas awarded lst. fur his heavy .draughc animaland aim the sweep- stakesfivfeazing the almost invincible :‘Cd. tiny, who certainly owns three In“ horse’s. '_â€"â€"‘v‘â€"- Among other matters dealt with. a short discussion took place as to the best method of dealing with Wire Worm fields. The general opinion and experience of those who took part was to work the land up to a good tilth and sow at a time when rapid growth was assured. _- râ€"vvrv-‘\*JI Sacrmnenb was dispensed in Knox Church on Sunday. It being Easter Sunday and a. fine day a large congre- pation attended the service. There was fairly good attendance at the monthly meeting of the Grange in Varney on Friday night last. Two new members were added. Toronto. spent, their Easter Holidays at the parental home I) ‘ar Orchard. M r. W. Stockley of Toronto came up on Thursday last to see. his Wife, nee Olive Thompson, whom we deeply re- grst, to say is very little improved. ‘ I. v â€".â€"r-VVV“ Mr. and Mrs. James Baird leave to- morrow. Tuesday 18th“ for the West where they intend to homestead. We wish them health and prosperity. o“__ A Mr. Ab.H0ef1in who has been up from Tm-(mio fora. erruple of weeks mum-med on Monday last. We are «my to say that; Ab. is not. making as "apid recovery from rh ' effects of the feVev' as might he wished fo~', but we hope soon to he :1 1e Ln report; him :mnh improved. Received :0» late for last; week Mr. .luhn Kerr nf Vm'ney was a- .nvmg Luv first t0 start. ploughing, be- ginim: April I!) h. and nnw at time of writing. April 17th. it is quite general. \I.’ Dr. D. B. Jamieson called on his patient. Mrs. W. Stoukley on Sunday last. It WHS rather amusing to see the haste everything in sight made to give him the right of way. had Jack Sharp not had much faith in a high uriff fence his. cattle would have ~t‘amteded and Jack of course would mve been our, on the hunt for more protection from the Aurmuubiles. The Sunday School in Knox iéhurch will opfap 0‘13 thntjfirst} Supdny in May. are waiting for “Reciprocity”not a bad 'dea. e pnoposed reciprocity especially. along the es, in which line' he a will dmop if the sed. And by the'way! 11m out on mecipmcity, turned gtp ‘ ‘the an :A:-.â€" ’ . BAD BACK 3 there 'OW’IIEI‘S, and it will H6t' a_ pouple :seriously affect him as a shiDDC’r' He says that‘in this case. the 13?‘ mers are the losers, as they “‘11 reahze lower prices for their h0g5- F{meg to the fact that the Canadr glan market will be glutted Witn ‘American corn fed hogs, and the Canadian farmer 'will also have to compete with the United States market in lambs and cattle. M.“ Wilson proved thq truth of 1‘15 statement by comparing the 033' adnan and us. market report5 in that day’s paper, which showed a matemal difference in the prices paid. We cannot see why our “”7 tics. .They will certainly regrtt favonng the proposed treaty 4‘ It should ever pass. ' Continued next week Pumas train $2 uaWam. SHOP open every afternoon Ml REPAIRING promptly and 9'0? orlv attended to. NW. D. CONNOR Pumps of all Kinds. Galvanized and Iron Pip: mg; Brass, Brass Linen and Iron Cylinders. W. D: CONNOR Residenceâ€"l Door South Rowe’s And all orders will be promptly ex- ecuted. Yours for business, I have purchased the Bus and D: Business from Mr. John Whittak and beg leave to solicit the pan-om, of the public. Fred 5. Buckingham PHONE No. [0 Bus and Dray Business Some Ruffs an equally low prices. Two Ladies’ Fur Coats, were $37.50, to clear out at $25.00, Someinice Wrapperetbes at 9c per yard. White, Black and Scarlet 4 ply Yarn. Clean Bleached anngn bleach- ed Sheeting and Pillow Cot- tons. Genuine Russia Coach Fancleoweling. Three styles of Ladies’ Black Sateen Underskirts at $1 each. Just to Hand FRESH BAKED GOODS full supply always on hand ALSO FRESH GROCERIES Cooked Meats and Candies Doznot forget our Ice Cre Parlor and Restaurant. :l‘his is the_place Careful Attention Paid to All Calls . Burnett April 27 - .1911 Whittaker patronage am in “ream Bakery r. O m Managing Com., W. C. V9111: ihg last. the following nffiw lWere elected: Hon. Pres., “L'm: :Dav’ie” MCCIOCkIID; PX'L‘S.. T. glan; Vice Pres., J. H. Hunter: . :Treas" W. Hunter; Mom: 9: icomn F. 'W. Search. F. L; 71.1? L.. we are informed [.1131 :11: ‘ nothing wha: ever a} :2. {‘5‘ Lhan Whart Was (201113111131 L11 1.1.11 'umor. It is to be 310111-11 15...! here is ad truth in the 1'1x'1_~ “3;. ‘ Very impressive tempezu 11' 1 :1 F lresses were delivered 0:1 5:1:11; list by .Rev. B. \1. Hamllu Moronto Field Secret :11 v of 13.11“ Minion Alliance. He 51111;;1- 1.? he Presbyterian church in 114 10mm and in the Methudist‘ hutch in the evening. In the helm: church, Rex. F. J. Lynch Duke in thq‘morn 11g . and in the 5am Church in the ex ening. A1l ”mans being in the 111 erest of ;e Dominion AlliancU. Fmlitteseo Baldanza. the new; We at the “San Carlos “as him find for the manag 11111111.] At a meeting of the Bowling Club, held in W. (3‘ lett’s barber shop on FridaN ing‘ some heavy boxes on t} Vehicle‘ When one of them slippc killing him almost instnati}: Mr. Julius Keller of Yarney ri ceived the sad news on FM d 33 la: that his son Otto. ‘a 30qu ms about twenty-five years of ag had been killed in Regina. We a: informed that Mr. Keller was cf staged at drayin-g, and was load Allen, S. Hughes. A rumor reached tnx‘s'n ")1: Yr lay last that Mr. Arthur was. 3381‘, art one time a I‘eriiitill '. Ins place. had fallen undu- rain near Port Arthur. 3:12: 1.; ’Oth legs CWT. Off. Tn 011! ’d inquieies, how \"1. I rather, Mr. John \Vhi HEW: t evenings performs. ac ’Dlayed not onlv 0110 Of 111â€" flu-i ”baritone V0; ces been 1 11111 i:; 1 31's: but his interpx 9111:1011 of 3133.111: of Charles V .. in \ 1 1 _l.~ Nani” and hi 5 dramatic gci‘n- ‘ as to the demands. That Balm “a is an American, whose 11 dc } he is 1W. Francis Firth, will be m to those who heard Italy. At urham, on . ,. Earl .man at Central MrS. Hugh McLeIlan and dang ter Mary F., of Glenelg (.‘en: moved to town recently. and s fled in their residence up to“ recently purchased from Mi Lizzie Lauder. Mrs. McLollan mother of Mr. A. B. McLell agent, here, 1 Miss Dick was in Toronto 31¢ day and Tuesday, buying a in: stock of summer millinery. 3 also Visited the different millinc wholesale and retail stores to g the new ideas :and styles for 511 mer. The Mutual Life of Canada, old Waterloo 'Co., established years. Profits paid to poli holders only. General Agent Grey and Brur‘e â€".~L J. C: 5110 Owen Sound. Waiting to be humanâ€"4000 r‘ of new and attractive wall pap Come and let us ShOW you t cheaply you may make 3' rooms bright and h0me1ike.â€"M fixclane 8: Co. The PriceVille branch of Women’s Institute will hold a meeting on Thursday, May 1 at the home of Mrs. Rev. Be: All welcome For sale.â€"Alberta farm land: very easy terms. Time or < payment plan. For particui Write to the C. P. R. Lands Of Box 162, Owen Sound. 0111. Try Perry’s Yellow Levia mangel. Greatest yielder. teeder. At Macfarlane's. Piowshares and sole matey: the various plows in use for? at the foundry. 1 Have you got your gardcl good shape for the other fell hens to wallow in? See the beautiful summer and cotton voiles. .at Grant’s VOL. 44â€"N0. 2296 NEWS AR For “

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