A TWOâ€"STOREY FRAME HOUSE well located, in Durham, water- works, (good garden. Terms tight. Apply mo Robt. Smith, Durham. \ N10102m ‘X ROOMED HOUSE AND TEN acres of land in the town of Durham. On premises are good ig pen, hem house and stable. ill rent house without land, if desired. Apply to John Moï¬att‘ Durham. 3.1M! 59.1733. AND LOT 99* cgumss FOR SALE AT A GREAT BAR- gain, a small 2-horse {power upright engine and boiler, also a good second hand :1 adies’ bicycle. Cheap. Apply to W.J. McFad- dem, piano dealer, Durham. AT AN EXTREMELY LOW FIG- are. and on easy terms, an up- town property in good location. Particulars furnished at the Chronicle Oflfice. Mar. 9tf I ACRES OF GOOD TILLABLE land in the town, will be let on ï¬nes to suitable person. Apply to Mrs. Lauder. near the Cream- “. 9293 LOT 3. CON. '22, BGREMONT, 100 acres. '70 acres cleared: \boailance light 'bush. Brick hâ€"olus'e. gvood buildings, well fence-d, well wat- ered. For lfurther particulars. apply to D. Hamilton, Durham. Mar 30 3mc LADIES’ BICYCLE, SLIGHTLY used. in first-class con’di'ti‘onm'ill sell cheap. Apply to Duncan Mackenzie‘ Upper Town, Dur- ham. tf TWENTY-FIVE ACRES OF GOOD re land, a mile and: a . half from Durham, right beside school, good comfortable house and frame stable; good running water close to house. Terms ' easy. Immediate possession. Apply to Samuel Ritchie, Dur- ham. Ap.13,tf LOT 21. CON. 2, TOWNSHIP OF ï¬remont, containing 106 acres about 10 acres hardwood bush, 6 acres swamp timbered, the rest that; barn 30x50, stable 30x40. Orchard 1 acre, watered by 2 wells Ind spring. Part of purchase may can remain on mortgage. For particulars apply William Dudley. Orchard. Ont. 40 BUNCHES SHINGLES, THREE bunches 'to square. A bargain to quick purchaser. J. N. Mur- dock Durham. DESIRABLE BUILDING LOT, 1-2 LOT GORE A, EGREMONT, 55 AC- rea, about 45 'acres cleared and in good state of cultivation. Well watered, frame barn, stone foun- dation, good log house. For further particulars apply to Mrs. H. Dennett, Varney. 2 23mc BROQD 'SOWWF'OR SALE, ON LOT A LARGE QUANTITY OF FIRST class shingles for sale at reas- onable prices.-â€"The Durham Furniture Co., Limited. 2 2tf Street, Apply to Mrs. J 071m Har- bottle. Durham. 6303ptf acre, corner lot, opposite Clark's Planing Mill. For particulars ap- ply at this office. if ntnvyutulu :3 L'FUUBDXY patenyxhle. COmmmc‘ uonc Strictlycnnndczxtial. BADBODF. on Patent: aunt. free. ones: mm for seem-52;: entr. Pater.- , , . Wr?§n§2§9Â¥i§-Â¥h§n_ _ 0. mean?! 6, Con. 3, N.D.R.. Gl-en'elgrâ€"Mrs. Chas. Arnett. 3 301:! mention to prohabty pawn-1M9. C“: 1 one Sts‘ict‘ygï¬nfldcnti ml. _B.«.Z’JBflm( o Farm for Sale or Rent For Sale br Rent. To Let on Shares. ways. sue-a If yin have lost a ptrso.“n't you think-tho flndor would do the If you wish to ï¬nd the ï¬nder use our Classiï¬ed Want Ads. Flnd the Fï¬â€˜ader If you found a purse your first gppulso would be to look in the Lost and Found " coiumn: of our p.909. Farms for Sale. Shingles for Sale For Sale. the and descï¬ptlnn may ; .zion free w gather a: _-- _A c. â€"n- v mont, 89 acres cleared, 5 acres good hardwood bush, ba-rn 36x50. brick house. To be had for $2500 Ifor a quick sale. A bargain. Farm.â€"-103 acres, in the 2nd con. Egremont, good bank barn 5'2x60, good frame horn-5e, Well afenced' and well watered. To be had for $3800. For further particulars, call or write A. C. Grant, Durham Farmâ€"Part lot 22. lstco-n" E.G. R.. Glenelg, 100 acres, 85 acres cleared. balance hardwood bush. good .frame barn 50x30 with stone basement, 2 storey 6-roomed house, good soil, and well fenced and watered. Can be lbought for $2700, â€"$1000 cash. and balance on easy terms. Call or write A. C Grant Durham, for ufurther particulars. of May, A.D., 1911, to send 'by post prepaid or deliver to Duncan Clark or Hugh Fulton, the ex- ecutors of the last will and testa- ment of the said deceased, their Christian and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full particu- lars of their claims, the statement ,of their accounts, and the nature of the securities, if any, held by - _ v 0' Mwflhem Farm.â€"Part 101: 7~ and part lot? And rfurther take notice that 6. 3rd con., ‘W.G.R.. Bentinck, 150 after such last mentioned date acres, large barn and stable with thesacid {Executors will proceed to cement floor stone foundation, distribute the assets of the de- warm roomy 2-storey house, ex- ceased among 'the parties entit- cellent fences, part rail and part led thereto, having regard only to wire, one acre orchard, :10 acres the claims of 'Which they shall then hardwood b11811. convenient to have notice, and that rthe .s'ai-d‘ Ex- School and Dost Office. For fur-g ecutors Will not ‘be liable 'for the ther particulars, write or call on‘assetg .01- any part thereof to any A.C. Grant ‘ i ' [person ‘or person; of whose céairéis ‘â€â€œ "â€" ' â€â€"M .shall not have ‘ een receive y Farm.â€"Lots 26 and 27 in the 11th , . - .. 1concession}!oidEg'redmgnt,h 14%} acresï¬im at the me or such distribu- acres 0 ar woo us . ood 2' ' . . - storey brick house with cement1 â€Rated the 15th day or May A‘ D " cellar. Good frame barn, 40x60. ’ cement floors. First class fences. DUNCAN CLARK‘ . An acre of good orchard. Wind- Mulock 'P.O., On't. >5 mill; large Adriving shed. _. This 7HUGH__ {FULTON _ *â€"â€"â€"â€" nelu oy tnem. A. H. 130.30"- And take notice that after the . er. Conveyamr. 8m. Inmance'proceed to ‘distribute the assets of Agent- , Money to Loan. Issuerpf 8491- the estate among the persons en- 'iï¬ï¬‚e L’Cenm- A “new â€mum! W" titled thereto, having regard only mess transacted. - . - - :t-o the claims of Wthh they shall DURHAM ONT. (Lower Town.) 'then have notice. and the said A. c Grant ,Executors will not be liable for the (successor to W. F. Dunn) ‘said assets or any part thereof to ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CON- an}? Person Or Pers‘ons 0’ thse veyancer, Notary Public 8m. claims they shall not have notice Money to loan on farm property. In- at the time of such distribution. surance effected. life or ï¬re. Ofï¬ce Dated at Mount Forest, this 5th over Standard Bank, Durham, Ont. day Of April, 1911- Farm.â€"Lots 26 and 27 in the 11th concession of Egremont, 140 acres 3acres of hardwood bush. Good 2 storey brick house with cement cellar. Good frame barn, 40x60. cement floors. First class .fences. An acre of good orchard. Wind- mill; large driving shed. This land is good loam soil and tree from stone. Can be had ‘for $4900. For turther particulars, write or call on A.C. Grant, Durham. l. P. Telforri. ARRISTEI., somou‘on. ETC. Oï¬ce. nearly opposite the R ° ofï¬ce. Lambton 'it..Durham. Anyamoun of monev to loan at 5 per cent. on farm Ol'oDertv. 1‘ er. Conveyamser. c. Insurance Agent. Money to Loan. Issuer of Mar- riige Licenses. A general ï¬nancial busi- ness tramacted. DURHAM ONT. (aner Town.) Dr. D. S.Craig. D.V.S. \'._S.V.D. ISEASES OF DOMESTICATED animals trearpd on most scientif- ic principles. All calls promptly attended m. Ofï¬ce and residence. Garafraxa Streec. Durham. nearly op- posite the Chronicle Oflice. 6231 SPECIALIST : EYE, _EAB,__ muons; nos: OFFICE: ()ver J J Hunter’s J F GRANT. D. D. S .L.D. 8. ONOR GRADUATE. UNIVERSI- ty of Toronto. Graduate Boys College Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Dentistry in all its Branches. “meshâ€"Calder Block. over Post Oflice l. 6. Hutton. M. 0., C. I. FFICE. TELFORD’S BLOCK, UP stairs. Lambton Street. Residenceâ€" Corngr Queen and Gama Streetsâ€"North ot methodist Church. co hours-an “In. 2â€"4 mm" 7-9 pm. Telephone No. Laue Assistant Roy. London Ophthalmic Hon. 8113;. and to Golden Sq. Thmt 3nd Non Hal. U York and Chicago. Discuss of Eye. Bat Nose and Throat. Will be at. Knapp House. Durham. the 2nd 43m; dav in each month. Hoursâ€"lâ€"O tun. Mtveiiï¬gesï¬vmrian Church. Arthur BunM HYSICIAN AND 503(33on ï¬ce in the New Hunter Block. 0%(B 101118 Stow a. m., 1:04p m. and'ltoB ). :11. Special attention given to disease: If women end children. Residence op- FFICE AND RESIDENCE A short distance east of Knapp’a Hotel, Lamb son Street, Lower Town. Durham Jï¬ioe hours from 12 to 2 o’clock Farmâ€"100 acres i_n 2nd con. Egre Drs. lamieson Maclaurjn. DR, BROWN L R. c. P., LONDON. ENG .RADULATE of -. London, New C. Grant, Durham,0nt. Offers the following For Sale Is the time when domestic help becomes pressing: A Wantï¬d. In our paper mu sown t ptoblem. Desirable poems who want employment appreciate Its value and consult the “Halo Wanted †â€fry {3, 'F'V‘St S". , 0180“ annd. Dr. W. 0. Pickering Dentist. Medical Directorv. Dental Directorv. Legal ‘Directorv muluwll I HM BR. BURT. will solve tha Notice is hereby given pursu- ant to the Revised Statutes of On- tario, 1897, chapter 129, that all creditors, and others having claims against the estate of the said John Redford, who died on or about the 12th day of January AD. 1911, reâ€" quired, on or before the '20th day of May, A.D., 1911, to send by post prepaxid or deliver to Duncan Clark or Hugh Fulton, the ex- ecutors or the last will and testa- ment of the said deceased, their Christian and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full particu- lars of their claims, the statement 1 of their accounts, and the nature; In 'the matter on! the estaxte of John {Redford late of the Town- ship of Bentinck in the County of Grey, Retired Farmer, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to Sec. 38 of Chap, 129, R.S.O., 1897, that all persons having any claims or demands against the estate of the said deceased, who died on or about ‘Mar. 17th. 1911, at the town- ship 01 Egremont, aforesaid, are on or before May 10th, 1911 to de- liver or send by post to the under- signed Solicitor for the Executors of the last will and testament of the said deceased. full particulars of the claims and a statement of their accounts duly verified and the nature of the security, if any, held by them. In the matter of the estate of Samuel S. Queen, late of the township of Egremont in the cognty of G‘rey,_deceased. THE STORE FORMERLY OCCU- pied by Mr. Mockler. Good con- venient stand. Apply, for par- ticulars, to David Allen, 2-9tâ€"f I Is (there anything 1n all this Eworld that is of more importance to tyou athan ' go-od digestion? Food lmust be eaten to sustain life and must be digested and convert- ed into blood. When the diges- tion fails «the whole body sufifers. Chamberlain’s Trab‘lets are a ra- tional and reliable cure for indi- gestion. They increase the flow of bile, purify the blood, strengthen the stomach and tone up the Whole digestive apparatus to a natural and heallthy action. For sale by Gun’s Drug Store. Any quantity of piling, and any kind orf smmd timber. 30 It." 9 in. top: 25 It" 9 in. top; 20 it, 9 in. top; 16 it, 10 in. top. Bruts not to be less that 13 inches. Apply to J. N. MURDOCK. Mr. 'Robt. Brigham has alréady had some. trouble: with his tele- phone line, but he‘lxl soon get it in prover shape. ‘ One of the progressive farmers of this locality has been tryingta new {kind of seed dri‘rl, but finding it {too hard on bags, has decided to abandon it. Mr. Ed. Lynn. of zMurilzl-o. .is in this vicinity, making:- arrange- ments for the erection of a new dwemng, to replace 'the one re- cently burned. Mr. Jas. Bailey ds making re- pairs :and improvements on the store and residence of Mr. Wm. Brigham. Mr. and ’Mrs. Eidt visit-ed Hano- ver friends recently. Mr. Aflex. 'Mervyn has recovered from a serious attack of pneu- monia. ' Mr. Julius Bartman has a ï¬ine horse laid up with distemper. Mr. John Lynn moved into his residence on the Durham Road‘ re- cently vacated by "Mr. J. Bailey. Mr, and Mrs. ‘W.P. Bailey visited Elmwood friends last Week. ' Notice to Creditors Notice to Creditors WM. KINGSTON, Solicitor for the Executors, Mount Forest P.O. .. wv 'umu v4. rauvcu ulbLI‘lDUr' ‘ander. ;S. Greirson,â€"iSâ€"T: Eéay, . _ . Torr J. Mather A. Corb tt. d-the 15th da 01' Ma A..D.., Y ' ‘ e‘ . y y ilfghtonr ,W. McBonald. ’UNCA-N CLARK\ JI‘. Ibâ€"M. B-eay, J. Turnbulfl . Mulock ‘P.0-: OI“- f r.~.vmgston. L. Hu-mt, A. Hop] .UGrHH £21323?) 0 Ont E Brigham A. Derby, R. Johns . o, o . Executors: of the last will 2‘“ ' Charlietonk R‘ Chmfleton. and (Testament at John. Average attendance, '51 Radiord, (deceased. ‘ - A C. Mgnw‘nnm nun-a.-- Farm for Sale ALLAN PARK THE DURHAM CHRONICLE 1 ant). .l’r. IIâ€"N. HaW, G. McDonald, E 1TLI‘ ougall I. Runciman. Pt. {IIâ€"K. McCannel. A. Harrison, C. :Scales A. Clark and! A. Lane eq Sr Iâ€"J. McCanneI L. Sackett F Witter, G. McCa.nnel H. Williams. Jr. Iaâ€"J. McCannel, R. Williams, N. .,Haw A. Wilson, E. Kinsman. R M: Dougall. Jr. I’bâ€"R. Lane, A. Clark Average attendance, .36. J. L. MCDONALD, Teacher. NO. 3, BENTINCK. Jr. IVâ€"M. Mather A. TurnbuL-l. B. Livingston B. Park, :and M. Jr. IIIâ€"M. Addâ€"am. M.J.Ad'1am Reay. J. Hopkins. ' Jr. IIâ€"T Corbett. J. Mizlflligan, B. Mather .1“. Relay, B. Grierson, V. Reay Y. R-e9ay, M. Haney, G. 'H Torry. R. Mighton. Pt. IIâ€"A. McRonald, 'H. John- ston J. Park. " Sr. IV- :Sr. III. Jr. III MacR'ae. IIâ€"E. Cook, L. Black, W. Black, M. Wright, H» Timmins, R. Peart, E. Edwards and K. Edwards equal, R. Jackson, M. 'Witherspoon, E. ‘Wri-ght, M. Haley, K. Cook. Jr. Illâ€"M. McCannel, E. Harrison E. Sacks-ti. B. McDougaLl, T. Wil- liams M. McDougall, A. Marshall. Sr. IIâ€"A 'Wsitter, E. Runoiman, Sr. Iâ€"B. Nelson, W. Jackson, E. McClocklin, EW. Halley, LR. :McOlo-ck- lin, J. McGfllvray, P. Rye, cI--F.5Ha1ey, C. Cook, W. Gray. Ibâ€"J. Peart, A. Blair, M. Green- wood. 'Iaâ€"J.B. :H'aley, E. Cook, H Firth, W. Haley. L‘.$.S NO 14, IEG’T 8: PROTON. 1V«E. Sackett, G. Sackett, J. Wi'son and J. McDonald equal, J. III. 11‘ 5} all Sr illâ€"J 'We-ir. M. Cameron, A? MC (‘31 nel i Number on roll, .38. Average attendance, 30. IIâ€"E. Ritchie, J. Bell, W. Mat- thews. - 'Iâ€"A. Lindsay, G. ‘Behl. Sr. 'Primerâ€"V. .Ritchie, M. N ewell Jr. IIIâ€"M. Lindsay, L. Aljoe, M. Bell. ' {.x' ‘ gâ€. 3 'Sr. éIIIâ€"E. Patterson, G. Whit- more. ' Jr. IVâ€"C. McGirr, E. “Atkinson. B. Ben, L. Neweflsl, W. McGirr‘ HONOR ROLL FOR APRIL 8.8. NO. 9, GLENELG. aSr. IVâ€"M. Patterson. .51. Bell, A Aljoe, L. Aljoe. 5:. 1â€"3. Hopkins, G. Reay, H. ighzm R. Baddey. ' ’ A. ‘(3.. MacKENZIE; Teacher. to you flavor or strength or fragrant richness. Red Rose Tea is blended with such nicety that it is the combination of all three points of merit. Will you try a package. m tea may mean our Grocer “Jill Recommend it NEVER SOLD IN BULK Nexander, M' I. LOVE, Tï¬cher. 'an, G. Johnston, Brigham, 8 Ad- ,. Johnston, Hopkins, Alex 81 ; As no prizes are given for man- 'ufactures. the whole of this a- mount .goes to ’ .live stock, dairy {products horticulture woman’s Iwork educational exhibits, and gsimilaz- slines of Canadian industry. ATTACKED BY STALLI‘ON. At the Holstein. Horse Show on Tuesday a young man named Mc- Meekin, of Durham, who was in charge of a stallion belonging. to Mr. ’Walpole. of Durham, mas at- tacked -by the animal, and was se- verely bitten about the ‘legs. Only for the interference of Mr. Alex. Ross, of Yeovil, “with a club, the groom would: probably. have been killedâ€"Mt. Forest Confederate. That the management fully ex- pect :to reach! the million {mark this year is evidenced by the announce- ment «that the spectacular attrac- tion will be The Fastival of Em- pire, a reproduction of the glories of the coronation ceremonies, in which 1500 performers Will take Guards Band, musicians to the Royal Household, will be the musi- cal feature. The prize list can “be had! by writing Manager J.O.. Orr. «Citv Ham. Toronto. In women’s and children’s work and educational exhibits new class- es have been. added. and im short every department shows the exhi- bition is keeping pace with its wonderful increase in attendance. The increase in the amount giv- en to live stock is rparticul'arly noticeable. Nearly 85000 has been added to the? horses Iaiiozne, while special prizes of $500 each. for the best animal in! "the -Holstein and Shorthorn classes, Show that the cattle have :not been 'Iieglect-ed. Poultry also gets an add‘itiionail $1000. ‘ Canadian N itional Exhibition Prize List is Out The Prize List of the Canadian National Exhibition, August 26th to September 11th‘ which is being distribmted, shows that the prizes have been increased in nearly ev- ery department tihl the grand total reaches $60,000. For soreness of the muscles. whether induced by violent exer- cise or injury. Chamberlain’s Lini- ment is excellent. This liniment is also highly esteemed for Ithe relief it affords in cases of rheumatism. Sold rby Gun’s Drug Store. Sabbath school opens for the summer at No. 9, on Sunday next. Mr. Thos. Whitmore has been en- gagea by Mr. Ben. Sharp for the summer. We regret very much to learn of the sudden death of Mri'McLean in Montana, brother’ of Mrs. Neil M:Cannel. of this place. The sad news 'was flashed over the Wire on Saturday morning last, and Mr. McCannel left for Montana on the afternoon train. 'We have no particulars at time of Writing. Monday as to Whether the re- mains will be taken home for in- texment or not. ‘We Wish to ex- tend our sincere sympathy. with that of the community, to Mrs â€\IcCannel and all sorrowing mem- has of the family. Mr. Sta-niey McNa‘lle has taken charge or 'a school in Barker, Alta. Likes the country Well. and is getting along fina Mr and Mrs. John McKech'nie, of} Rocky Saugeen, visited! Mr. and" Mrs. Geo. Ryan, in, recently“ " .Lura. UCU. nyau, ,u’.’ I‘BCUDUY» Mr. and $11-53. Art. Hunt spent For treasurers Of Small Sunday With Mr. apd Mrs. Robert CIUbS or SOClCthS there is Lmasay. ino better means of keeping Mr. [Rennie Smith. of ’Mt. Torest. ‘accurate records than opening a spent Sunday with friends in this'checking account. When all burg. imonies received are deposited Messrs. ‘Heffernan and! Ryan and all payments are made by shipped a car load of cattle one ch ue the bank bookisarecord dav last week. 5 4. e.q ’ 1 M . . ;1n1tself. The cancelled cneques rs. B. Hartford. of Top Cl'nff. ’ are the only receipts required. 5“ (591103 9* ‘qu ‘lnnmo A? My. :1an Mun Satisfactory Service assured to all Basinâ€! Entrusted to this Bank. Mrs. Richard Banks‘ of Glen- roaden. called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas, iWi'mon, one day last week. Mrs. B. Hartford. of Top Cliff. called at thd home of Mr. and Mrs. John {Hewitt Mon-day. Mr 'Wesley iMcNafldy, of Owen Sound intends remaining at home this summer. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hooper, Top C‘Iiifr called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Hewitt. Monday. Messrs. 'Heffernan and! Ryan shipped a car load of cattle one dav last Week. ' $60,000 IN PRIZES DARKIES’ CORNERS. OF CANADA names . -uon; émuperuno 53- quent mutation which measure. 1%†mos, not oxoeodng on: inch 34.3? pox-«we, VW. w: Mo. .- w .~: be published fl forbid and charged -. ' . " Tami»: no "Lest." wound. " ‘ ‘ ’ or ohmâ€"60 cents ï¬rst insertion. 25 out: to ' anbsoqnent Won. All advmomsmts «dazed by strangers Inn! be mid to: in admoo. All advertisements. to ensure hearth: in zumnt week. should he brought in not later an MONDAY at 6 p. m. to com letel stoc with 0 The J01) ' ' NEW 11.3}an Departmwt ilitige an taming out n nbhed on app? ' ° TBEUHBORWWiHbemO“ inwpuon any address. free of pop 9. es . . $1 OOperym.puyahlein -â€"$1.5O may be charged if not no paid. The to which ever} subscription is pad is the number an the address label. No «.233: continuoa to all mm are paid, For mutant MW cents £6! ï¬ne for the ï¬rst ‘I‘nn . “n IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY WRITING At the Chronicle Printing House, Gamfmc 8treet. IHE DURHAM CHRONICLE chtzm’. Fraqug on sharks: and Funeral Director A. BELL UN DERTAKER Contact m 4,0500. advertisement: tn ï¬shed on app Capital and Surplus - $6,550,006 DURHAM, ONT. Full line of Catholic Robes, and black and white Caps for aged people. Branches also at Mount Forest and Ayton. DURHAM. ONT Snow Roomsâ€"Next to Swallows Barber Shop. RESIDENCEâ€"Next door South of W. J. Lawrence? blacksmith shop. Machine Oil. Harness 05 Ana Grease and H0 Ointment, go to 8.x. P. SA UNDERQ EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. S. HUGHES W. IRWIN wort. Manager -'U'-â€""- The Harness!!!» May 4‘ 1911 l O I £16 an: 5.9% L00 para mg. di , Spirella Co Corse Something extra“1 rived. Call and S09 th‘ These are the newwst i1 Give us a trial 21.1 ï¬t and quality grim: good assortmvn t mi T The “Railroad King†I’m Gloves for sale here. Before buying ym see our Tweeds. sum Here is Where fa} lars, Ties, Shirt-s. Ha, ment is complete in e A full Stoc For The The Ideal Furr May 4, 1911 K131}: Ladies having met culty in obtaining: a. s corset. are invited to (‘011 NICHUL. our eXpert Her advice and assistanc A full stock of Corset: Forms found at Parlo: Spirella. Rep. requirements of our cl: gard to corsetryâ€"mtoo n: creations to describe. before to meet, the mo: 3'“: . 'IX‘ PK CEDENT /’ Our spring import 15-4: QNTRE% May 1