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Durham Chronicle (1867), 18 May 1911, p. 2

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M 21, CON. 2, TOWNSHIP OP‘ Igrmont, contuning 106 urea than 19 acres hardwood bush. I actu- awamp timbered, tho rest Ill-r; ‘parn 30x50, ntablo 30x40. Any quantity of piling, and any kind 04’ sound .timber. 30 it, 9 in. II 30013:) HOUSE Ami TEN acres of land in the town cf Durham. .01: premises are good I‘l- ___â€" ”USE AND LOT ON COUN’TESS Cheat, Apply to Mrs. John Har- hottle. Durham. 6303ptf FOR SALE AT A GREAT BAR- ga'm, a small fi-horse power upridght engine and boiler, also a :00 second hand Iadies‘ bicycle. Cheap. Apply to W.J. McFad- den, piano dealer, Durham. THE STORE FORMERII? occu- pied by Mr. Mockler. Good con- , venient stand. Apply, for par- figulars, to David Allen. 2-9t-f TWO cows, Spmxctké * 5‘0 calf. One grade, and one wellâ€" bred Durham. Sold right to quick purchaser.â€"â€"John Cuff, lot 48, con. 2, Bentinck. 511tf1p 33091) sow FOR SALE. ON LOT DESIRABLE BUILDING LOT, 1-2 acre. corner lot. opposite Clark a flaming Mill. For particulars ap- ply at this office. 11 TWENTY-FIVE ACRES OF GOOD re land._ a mile and a a]! from Durham, right beside cho-ol, good comfortable house and frame stable: good running water close to house. Terms easy. Immediate possession. Apply to Samuel Ritchie, Dur- ham. Ap.13,tf m GORE A, EGREMONT, 55 AC- rea, about 45 acres cleared and h good state of cultivation. Well watered, frame barn, stone foun- dation, good log house. For turther paniculars apply to Hrs. H. Dennett, Varney. 223nm IDT 3. (ION. 22. EGREMONT, 100 acres. 70 acres cleared: balance light 'bush. Brick h‘rms-e. good building's, well fenced, well wat- ered. For further particulars. apply to D. Hamilton. Durham. Mar 30 3mc IAC'RES OF GOOD TILLABLE 1» ACRES N0. 1 LAND, 232mg ur.u.3.uralg,u.v.3. v.3.v.u. Lot 3. Con. 9, arena; Cheap; ISBASES 0F DOMESTICATED and on easy terms. Apply to J,; animals treated on most; scientif- A. Russell Box ’39, Sedzewick, ; i0 PfiDCiPIPS- A” calls promptly Alberta. 5-4 :1 pattended to. Office and residence, _ . . , ff : Garafraxa Street. Durham, nearly op- LOT 3- CQ-V- i2 EGRQIOW‘ W; pnsife the Chronicle Ofiice. 6231 .hi‘tna hhnr.‘\ A"_p...- JLA.,A‘A- ‘2 Don. hen house and at‘éble. ill rent house without land, if desired. Apply to John Mottatt‘ _Durham. 3.1M! HE HIGH SETPPING TROT- ting Sta-mom “King Sherman,” Will be at the Midjdaugh House stables every Monday night. In- tending breeders should see this horse.â€"Jas. Crowston, Prop-a Markdazle. 3112'od T AN EXTREMELY LOW FIG- me. and on easy terms, an up- town property in good location. Particulars furnished at the Chronicle Otfice. Mar. 9t! Orchard 1 acre. watered by2wefln Ind opting. Pm of purchase my can romun on mart nge. For particulars up ly W2 lam My. Orchard. nt. 6. Can. 3. 5.103.. Glendaâ€"Mrsâ€" Chas. Arnett. 3 SM! class shingles for sale at reas- onable prices.-â€"The Durham Furniture Co., Lim;ted. :2 2tf land in the town, will be let on dares to suitable person. Apply to Mrs. Lauder. near the Creamâ€" ". 9‘293 Notice to Breeders of Light Horses 1.9.222 Qtufitt‘r’v Off FEB??? Dmiamieson Iaclaurin. l‘-_ -.-,_A“AA ’-_. .‘.A h Farm for Sale or Rent For Sale or Rent. 1W9 of one incn. or Less. :5 m for first inst-man, and mounta'foreuh Mum: insertion. 0'??? one inch and under N0 inches. double the sham annunt. Yurty races on applicators. To Let on Shares. Timber Wanted Shingles for Sale Farms for Sale. Store to Rent Cows for Sale For Sale. SMALL ADS. 3112M .‘ Farm.â€"105 acres, in the 2nd con. IEgremont, good bank barn 52x60, fgoqd frame _house,_ well fenced and Farmâ€"100 acres in 2nd con. Egre- mont. 89 acres cleared, 5 acres good hardwood bush, barn 36x50. brick house. To be had for $2500 for a quick sale. A bargain. Farmâ€"Part lot 22. lst con. E.G. P... Glenelg, 100 acres, 85 acres cleared balance hardwood bush. 'rood frame barn 50x30 with stone basement 2 store}, 6- roomed house good soil, and well fenced and watered. Can be bought for $2700, ~31000 cash and balance on easv terms. Call or write A. C Grant Durham, for further particulars. well watered. To'be hadâ€"{6r @3800. For further particulars, call or write A. C. Grant, Durham Farm.â€"-Part lot 7. and part Lot 6. 3rd con., W.G R., Bentinck, 1.50 acres, large barn and stable with cement floor stone foundation, warm roomy 2-storey house, ex- cellent fences, part rail and part wire, one acre orchard, 40 acres hardwood bush, convenient to school and post oftfice. For fur- ther particulars, Write or cadl on A.C. Grant (Succwsor to W. F’. Dunn) ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CON- . veyancer. Notary Public 860. M‘bney to 1mm on farm property. In- aurance effected. life or fire. Office over Standard Bank, Durham, Ont. Farm.â€"â€"Lots 26 and 27 in the 11th concession of Egremont, 140 acres 3acres of hardwood bush. Good 2 storey brick house with cement ceiiar. Good frame - barn, 40x60. cement floors. First class .fences. An acre of good orchard. Wind-'- mill; large driving shed. This land is good loam soil and dree from stgnet.h Can be had {or $4910. For 111‘ er particulars. Wrie or' call on A.C. Grant. Durham. L‘ 81 Conveying-er ¢i Insurance A Money to Loan saucy - 1420 Mass Astana-a1 financial qua tramacwd. DURHAM ONT (Lower Town.) ABBISTEL, S 066% nearlyo 03809. Lambton 1.17 t! monev to loan at orcpartv. I F GRANT. D. D. 8 .L.D. 8 0303 GRADUATE. UN'IVERSL ty of anonto. Graduate Ron "allege Dental Snmeonn ofOntario. Dentistry m all its Branched. flay-(alder Block. over Post 050' A. H. Jackson. ovum 91731.10, 003451133105 L er. Converynx-er. c. lmuram )FFICE: ()vor J J Hunter’s FFICE. TELFORD’S BLOCK. UP stairs Lamhton Strwt. Raidence. Corner Queeuand Streetsâ€"N073], of Methodist Church. Geog“ howls-:9.“ ‘Lfll. 24 )Hm 7..c90m Teleohono FFICE AND RESIDENCE A short distance east of Knapp’a Hotel, Lamb son Street, Lower Town, Durhun 013m hours from 12 m 2 o’clock Arthur Sun, I. B. HYBICIAN AND SURGFDN, OF- doe m the New Hunter Bleak. 0E0 mars, 8m 10 a. m., w4_.p m.n.nd7to. g) m. Spmin. attention given to m i women and children. Residence op some Presbvwrian Church. an Assistant. Roy. London Ophthalmic H“ 433.. and to Golden Sq. Throat. and. 3000 Hall. SPECIALIST : EYE, EAR, THREAT NOSE 5,2‘1'63; 9». Owen sound. Dr. D.S.Craig. D.V.S. v.S.V.D. T\ IS EA S ES 0 F DOMESTICATED { 1 BADULATE of London, New ‘3' York and Chicago. Disease- of Eye. Eat Nose and Throat. Will be at Knapp House, Durham, the 3:6 4nmubv in each month. Hours-14 but l. 6. Hutton, l. D., C. I. C. Grant, Durham,0nt. Offers the following For Sale JR, 3m WN L R. C. P., LONDON ENG Manson-on. “119M Rat‘s Dr. W. 0. Pickering Dentist. Medical Directorv . Dental Director» Le a! ‘Dz'reciow l. P. Talford. A. C. Grant BR. BURT. opposite the Registry . Durham. Any ampum SOLICITOB. ETC. Notice is hereby given pursu- ant to the Revised Statutes of On- tario. 1597, chapter 129, that all . creditors, and others having claims f against the estate of the said John Q Redford, Who died on or about the 12th day of January A.D. 1911, re- quired. on or before the 20th day .of May. A.D.. 1911, to send by post prepaid or deliver to Duncan Clark or Hugh Fulton, the ex- ecutors of the last will and testa- ment of the said deceased, their Christian and surnames addresses and descriptmDS, the full particu- lars of their claims, the statement of their accounts, .and the nature of the securities, If any, held by them E And further take notice that t after such last mentioned date ‘ the .said Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the de- ceased among the parties entit- led thereto, hamg regard only to; the claims of Which they shall then; have notice, and that the said Ex-" ecutors will not be liable {or the assets or any part thereof to any‘ person ’or persons of Whose claims; shall not have been received by' them at the time of such distrihuJ tion. Dated the 15th day of May A. D.. 1911. DUNCAN CLARK‘ Mulock *P.O., Ont. i HUGH ‘fiFULTON Eampden P.O., Ont. Ex$ufb233,_ 01 the last will 0- In the matter of the estate of John Redford. late of the Town- ship of Ben'tinck in the County of Ggey‘,‘Re§ired Farmer, deceased. ii J.M.Eowe1‘l, a popular drug-gist. of Greensbu'rg, Ky., says, “We use Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy in our own household and know it is exceflent. For sale by Gun's Drug Store. The council met May 6th .pur- suant to adjournment, ail the members present, the reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. Communica- tions read from the following: NS. Dunlap. re C.P.R. assess- ment: Dr. McCullough, re Health Officers' meeting; several circulars from iron culvert companies: Gol- die McCullough, account for vault door; Firthâ€"McMillan-That this coun- cil as a Whole be a committee to inspect deviation between Holland and Gâ€"‘Tlen-elg, to ascertain the best method of a settlement re- ga_;'_ding the same-Carried. __ The Eouncfl adjourned to June 3rd, at 10 amt - Weirâ€"McNaHyâ€"Th at this coun- cil (pay sheep inspectors $1 for each trip of five hours or ‘Iess, and issuing certificates, and that the clerk :provide them with printed forms for use as certificatesâ€"Car. By-law No. 520.. appointing sheep valuators was introduced and read a first and second time, and filled up with the names of John Mofifat. Malcolm McIn'nes, SH. Wright. Carlin McArthur and J as. Nelson. and passed. " McNallyâ€"Weir-That the Com- missioners. for the several wards be azllowed $200 each as ward alp- prgpriatip_o. fer 1911.-Carried. Mr. J03. Firth was instructed to have vault built in the hall. and that he be paid $2 per day wh-Jue superintend-ing the same. and the clerk was instructed. to have xplan of_the saine prepared. Weirâ€"McNaflIyâ€"That the reeve be instructed to pay the balance due on bridge at '10:: 56, can. ,3, R G.R., namely $400, when passed as cogpleted b): the engineers-:Car. preparatxoo. It is a tieptlc, quagy stops the sunning of a sete or cut, cures pil s, inflamed sore, and 500; poisrmn. . It a a. combine. ion of healing power and SCir'flI. ic purity. Ad: those who have pro» :1 i‘. Notice to Creditors That when you put a salve onto your child’s skin. it passes through the pores and enters the blood, inst as surely as if you put it into the child’s stomach P You would not put a coarse mass of animal fat, Colored by various mineral poisons (such as many code saIv s a. re) into your child’s blood by way of the :tomaeh? Then why do so by way of the pores? Take no risk. Ute always the are hcrbal essences provided in 4311b 2 mâ€"Buk contain: no trace of any animd oil or fat, and no poisor our mineral col ~r- tag matter. From start to finish it is purely herbal. I: will heal sores, «Ian, thwa- A ’l (I ‘1” (fix?! an” tuirrk 50c boa: 0f , 'ru.-Pu. (,7. , '1 ammo forpnce. GLENELG COUNCIL. TEE DURHAM CHRONICLE last _ will m; (C G- lens: on Saturday 1911. at 10 0'. The first sitting Revision for the Tq 913, for the year 1 at the (01151133241 5 Court of Revision Township of ' Mr. F.L. McGillivray, and Rev, J.H. Kelly Were about on sad mis- sions last Week. the former at Tot- tenham. attending the funeral of his brother-ihfil-aw, and the latter at Mayvi'lle, Mich., attending the funeral of his father. Mr. and Mrs. Ereâ€"cl. Rut‘ ledge, who now reside .at Wwoodbridge, were bereft of them little one year old daughter last week. Inter- ‘7 v _ , , - wz- ---â€" u--~ uuLAALLLCL. . Rev: 'W. Smcla'lr, of Sutton, vis- Ited his [parents here last Week, Mr Sinclairjs mother has been ill for some tune, but is '-recovering, mLA TDJSL-_V .5 L1 A the past two .Weeks in Parrv Sound. on a business and pleas- ure trip combined. His brother. Dr. Thurston, of Chicago, accom- pa_qied_him. Mr. 'VValter Loucks left Thurs- day for Porcupine, Where he ex- .pe_cts tg__sp‘end the summer. Mr. and Mrs. J. chGirr Sunday- ed with her zparents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Noble. Miss A. McKenzie, Durham, has been engaged as teacher at Hutton Hiil school for the next term. Miss-es Alice and Margaret Don- nefiZly spent part of Saturday ‘and Sunday with their aunt, Mrs. R. Bel]. Glepelg. Mr. K. Grierson pufchased a lit- tle driver from‘ Mr. Schutz, Dur- ham. Mr. A Ashley also [purchas- ed a high stepper from Mr. Rn- nev. Durham. The home of Dr. and Mrs. T. J. Hutton, Powers, Mich, was brightened by the arrival of a little girl; April 24th; u w ‘JQ‘ALV Mr. Ben. Whifrhiérg, Glemelé: called on a couple of his friends in‘fhese iparts lqtely. ‘ -â€" Mr. and. Mrs. Rob}; Lawson» 31d family, Durham, spent a day this wig}: with Mrs. Alexander. _ ___.-6 “OJ. Mr. and Mimi-Wm. Falkingham, and Mrs. Harbnttle, town, Sunday- ed withhMr. aricl Mrs. D. Donnelly. Is Ltbere anything in all this world that is of more importance to «you than good digestion? Food ‘must be eaten to sustain life and must be digested and convert- ed into blood. When the diges- tion fails the Whole body sufafers. Chamberlain’s Tablets are a ra- tional and reliable cure for indi- gestion. They increase the flow of bile, purify the blood, strengthen the stomach and. tone up the Whole digestive apparatus to a natural and healthy action. For --1- 1 Mr. and ‘MréTVH. Lawrence, Glen- e‘Ig, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T.__1!’Ii‘il'igan. ‘ " Mrs. Blake! Hanover. spent a week or two with her brother, Mr Dgyid prkins. Most of the farmers in our burg have finished seedino' a. Miss .L.P. Hop-Kins has accepted a a pomton as stenograoher with a A firm in Toronto, and she. and her work are pgreeinz fine sale Our storekeeper, Mr. Seim, is running an extensive business here, and if thin-gs continue to progress, it will soon be necessary for him to extend his premises. On Monday morning, Rev. and Mrs. Todd drove over to his home in 'Wa'lkerton for a visit. Rev. Mr. Deller was away over Sunday, preaching at,Conn for Rev. Todd. The people who have sought health and wealth in the ’W’est. re- .port everything as satisfactory and pleasing in the land of farms. The new lodge which was or- ganized here a few weeks ago. is now furnishing interest and profit to its members. HULL aLCEGLW ”Miss EIAdred Leeson, of Mt. For- est, visited her old home, and spent Sunday With her brother Dr. Leeson. Rev. J11. Todd, B.A.. of Conn, vpeached an excellent sermon on Sunday evening from. the text “I am debtor.” It was Well received by:_-a Large congregation. tending to try Red Rose Tea for some time but from “force of habit" have just Kept on using another tea. Break the Habit and buy Red Rose next time. --- v ubuVALq by Gun’; 'IS-rué Store. [0WD Your Grocer Will Recommend It 83 FLESHERTON. BUTTON HILL NEVER SOLD IN BULK HS BLAC‘ 6th 1911. K, Clerk. 5 11 3 VARNEY. have pro- 0f Glenelg Queer things sometimes happen in the big- departmental stores. The other day a wellâ€"dressed wo- man walked into a Toronto store and proceeded to make some pur- chases which were all small in .size and yet were valuable. She shop- ped on 'a transfer card, and when she had accumuiated about three hundred d-ollars’ worth of goods she produced a thousand dollar bill to pay for them, announcing that she would take the parcels with her. The employee to whom she gave the thousand dollar bill [looked at it critically and made some obiections to taking it. He said it would be necessary to call up some bank to certify as to its genuineness as currency. The woman was indignant but told him that if he doubted its genu- ineness by all means to verify it. So a bank was called up. and the information was obtained that thousand dollar bills really exist- ed. The employee came back to the customer with profuse apol- jogies explaining how careful they had to be etc. But the woman ‘: was very wrathy and said she had -made up her mind not to take the Fgocd’s after all. She had never gbcen so humiliated in 'her life be- ;fore She insisted on having her gmoney back and was on the .‘point 3 of leaving the store when the em- ,iployee succeeded in mollifying .her finally xpursuading her to take ;her purchases. EWith a great ishow of reluctance she produced ,the money received her 3700 in gchange and walked out with her (parcels. ‘Next morning when ithgthousand dollar bill was de- ipomted at the bank it was found jto be a bogus one. The woman. {had two bills in her purse and her 1 llittle scheme had been first to ified recover it. and then (pay out Fully guaranteed. at Macfarlane’s‘ [ Mr. and Mrs. Ben. Coutts spent 52. week ago Sunday with Mr. and IMS. Jas. Atkinson. I Mr. Chas. NeWeII of Rock Mills. tspent Sunday at the parental 3 home. For soreness of the muscles. wnether induced by violent exer- cise or injury. Chamberlain’s Lini- wt is excellent. This liniment is ‘ehly esteemed for 'the relief it rds in cases of rheumatism. '_ by Gun’s Drug Store. -___ ‘â€"â€"â€"c â€"â€"‘- 2' Mr. Anthony Lawrence had the misfortune to get laid off work last Week by stepping on a rusty nail. Under the medical treat- ment of Dr. Gun We hope to see him better in a short time. Our news items are scarce this week owing to the fact that We are busy planting murphys. if e ‘9 - ‘ vv .-v we highly respected having spent four years in the employ of her husband to Whom, with all the bereaved ones We Wish to ex- tend our sincere and heartfelt. sympathy in this their hour of sorrow- It was with feelings of deep re- gret that we learned of the death in Meritt B.C., of Mrs. Samuel Jackson, with Whom We were in- timately acquainted and Whom Miss Agnes Ewe-n Tobermorry, called on friends. in this burg one day last week. Now is the time to get rid of your rheumatism. You will find Chamberlain’s Liniment wonder- fully effective. One application will convince you of its merits. Try it. For sale by Gun’s Drug Store. About a score of young people of the village were out for afew hours’ jollihcation on. Friday ev- ening last, at a “potato roast,” held in Boyd’s bush. The party broke up before midnight7 and a good time is reported. Bornâ€"At Flesherton, on the 11th in~st., to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Morley, twin daughters, one still born. The surviving infant died on Saturday. Mrs. Dr. Aylesworth, of Roseâ€" neath, was the guest of Miss Mun- shy}? a_ maple of days Last Week. Miss Carlofha J'ohnvsl'ton and Mixes} Dot Cornett, of Du‘nd-alk. Visited thg Misses, A:_mst;'ong on Saturday Mr. Airon Wurts left on Mon- day for the west. Where, if the prospect pleases, he may invest in Ian . ment was made in the cemetery here on Thursday. 7 Mrs. TW.H. Graham, of Kimberley 'spent a few days last Week with her_ daughter. Mrs. Robt. Mppre. The annual election of officers in Prince Arthur Lodge, A.F. A. M.. took place as follows. on Fri- day evening last: W.M., Bro. Dr. J.P. Ottewell: S.W.. Bro. Geo, A. Watson; JHW Bro. Herb Smith: Chap" Wor. Bro., RINK Richard- son: Trea. Bro. J. Blackburn; Sec“ Bro. T. Clayton; Tyler Bro. W'. Burnett; auditors Wor. Bros. W. A._:~1rm'st_rong an_d John Wright. Mr. and MES. Fred Rutledge, of Woodbridge, are spending a few days with relatives here. Special Attentlod THOUSAND DOLLAR BILL DARKIES CORNERS. oogu-s one. The woman ills in her :purse and her me had been first to good one_ have it certi- allied out with her t morning when icillar bill was de- bank it was found For k The Job . . §1$.§hmy gfim I Department 9199‘ fur mm; m ,, ___‘_,___ etaâ€"Qua: I§$m-fi nboequat inaction. 8 can 41.8! my b0 omgea if £0 which 07m Inbfi the ammo: an the autumn-d to 311 m mum: of the m. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE l Small amounts can be sent Said; and at small cost by "=‘;’1g 3331 i Money Orders. Any bank 3.2 I ada (Yukon excepted w; 2 them without charge. and 213'er be cashed inleadingAmerLanéEm They are sold at the followizg ‘ “calender... 3m 3 Ova-$530310 .. 6cm ! OverflOtoSZO..lSom picture F ramtfig Funeral Director A. BELL UN DE RTAKER Capital and Surplus - $6, DURHAM, ONT. Branches also: tMount Form an'c .1.er Paying Out-of-town Accounts Full line of Catholic Robes, and flu! and white Cape for aged peogb. DURHAM. ONT SHOW Roomsâ€"Next to Swallow: Barber Shop. Rlsmmccaâ€" Vex dom- South of W. J. blacksmith shop. hing“? EDITOR. AND PROPRIETOR Embalming a Speciaity S. HUGHES . IRWIN Manager M37 18th Hal-nosed: aha! May 18th 1911 We haw business a in order t General M CLOTHING 4 MEN, WON’IE? WE HAVE R? PRICES VE . Call 32 and you money by ' not expect this sale, 1 stock at margin. RUSSEL would be glad to long. either, wou pleasure telling First you would 1 blon. Then you we kind of aggregate w of men employedâ€" method of mixingâ€"â€" anyâ€"and finally. wt fished. neighbor Wils: go about building {111 that you stand In Prize "D ofler $100.00 t with the best a piece of conn- The size of the portant thing * and “CANADA well we UPPOSE your 1 f‘pulled up" at : and asked abou 1 "1 MW hin' the

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