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Durham Chronicle (1867), 18 May 1911, p. 4

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Will Ryan, of the 6th con. had the ill luck to lose one of his fingers while running,the engine Little 'VVilbert Haley, third son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Haley.. fell out of the wagon box, in which he was playing, one day last week, and broke his arm. person. and the sympathy or a wide circle of friends goes out to; the motherless little ones and the grief-stricken partner. things are hard to understand. He knows. Word came to the home of Mr. E.\\'. Hunt last week, that his daughter Flo, was very seriously ill at the home of her employer. Mr. Hill, of bronchial pneumonia. She is head milliner in a big es- tablishment there, and has had a very heavy season’s work. Mr. and Mrs. Hill are showing her ev- ery kindness and care. Latest re- ports indicated that she was some better. but Some . 1112);}:10enee iii Orehard 130 MP- [DU-St. : hp;- dating-t3] reside 1? Durha'fl Wlbb “f” ~. .‘ her. Victoria. Carmonnt, DP- . TI; > Right hand nurse. : 1W1 11*; (rigingers next big meet will be . -\ u‘in \ army on Friday night next. 3.1 ates-:11 etersainmg gem win : Lee-son t ”:11 R9Cler0cny. led by .Dr. 3 a. up] .11" . gas. Vi atson and POSS‘bIY , \I - ”Pg ‘by Phos. Mchece and Jas. ;- ellvrute. i thlen 80km}; over the school reports in l W , noxncle tast week we noticed e noticed that your worthy Travers- ton :51}! ibe is represented in almost i Ex :11; class. It. is quite consistent for l (:0 l. it: to preach “Canada . for the ,‘f““qm”5”- A few more lucky chaps [1 Le hirn and Geo. Binnie’s service’s as (10m uns.~ioner would be all up. Om new neighbor Mr. Mike Morrisâ€" on on the Jag, Baird farm is quite a. hustler in a, quien way. He has put We were deeply grieved t‘ learn of the death of Mrs. S. R, Jackson, of Meritt, B.C. She was a young matron possessing more than ordinary gifts of mind and person: and the sympathy of a Wide circle of friends goes out to the motherless little ones and the grief-stricken partner. Some things are hard to understand, but days. a constant incl ovex trifles. Sick kidneys m number of ways and it now known that a nervous con- dition often results from kidney I o 1 , A>_-H "no in a Owing to the lug child: en attendmg Kepzie and have e1 Vaddie Caldwell of hem spent one L121: xx.‘ their grandparents here Misses Alice and Mar neily Visited with their Rebt. Bell. of Glenelg. I" Felgus hospital is spe holidays with her .paren ent. Miss A‘ice Lawrence 01 nuuuu Bill spent Sunday last with Misses B. and A. Donneily and at- tended church here. Mr. and Mrs. Heughan of Muiâ€" uck visited in this vicinity on _ week with her sister 3112*. Alf. Bailey. of Allan Park. THE DURHAM EHRUNM DU R HA M . M AY th-n the kidneys are: heâ€" 11 \‘x'hnie nervous system 111' t: 111 1. , m a m VICKERS‘ with their aunt Mrs. H J )Ia ‘garet rd proprietm ' ISTH. 1911 of Hutton LL 0n- It-seergs adbig undertaking but in OUX‘ humble opinion 110‘: at all among the impossibilities. To have five 1i censed hotels in this fair Township i A public 5;;2et1ng is to be held in next to devise WRYsgnd means to se- vln'e local optlon 1n thls Town-mp next January._ luv; 'Vv“- ' _ _.. v"- “r" Om lww neighbor Mr. Mike Morris- an on thy Jag. Baird farm is quite a. hustlex'iuaquien way. He has put it a, big crop in good shape all alone with (mp team- In looking over the school t'eporgsin the (.fln-unicle vast week we nomced we nnnimd that your worthy Travers- tun S'Wibe is represented 3!] almost every class. It. is quite CODSIStent for Bollblfi‘ to preach “Canada . for the (,huuidians”, A few more lucky chaps like him and Geo. Binnie’s service’s as Unnuuisduner would be all up. r\--- â€" - " ‘ ing congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Matthews‘ who joined heart and hand last Wednesday, in Paisley, where the bride re- sidued. We also [give a hearty welcome to our section. 'We have no details of the marriage‘ but can safely say, as the bride is so well known Win- in IWhen we spoke a fortnight ago about the charms of music in the church ’choir‘ and its attendant re- sults, we should have included musicians connected with all classes of church work We have the plea-sure this week of extend- Mr. Geo. Lawrence lost a fine mare, valued at $250, a Week ago, from indigestion. Mr. ’Wm Marshall also had a similar one afflicted at the same time, in the bsame way. but Dr. ‘Wolfe was able to bring her round. This has been an ‘unusually hard spring on hors- es, from distemper and other causes. Mr. .Ja-s. Allan has returned to his duties in Sioux City, with the Morley Binder Twine '00. Fall wheat is meeting with some hardships this spring. Backward weather, and a recent frost, nip- ped it somewhat. CORNER CONCERNS Photographer Kelsey is taking the pictures of schools, and other prominent structures this \\ eek, uhile his brother is orna- menting the roofs of barns with lightning rods. He has secured about a dozen contracts close bx. while the former will take the Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Johnson re- joice over the arrival of a baby boy Week before last. in Mr. Jos. Schnitzler’s mill, one day recently. The high winds of last Friday caused considerable real estate to change ownership, while some for- est fires did quite a lot of dam- Mr. Carter English, and his sister. 'lVIiSS Minnie, of Glascott. were guests of Miss Myrtle Hunt the first of the week. Inspector Campbell grows more mellow and tender with the pupils of the schools, as the years go by, and they look forward, nowadays. with pleasure to his visits. He spent a good half day in No. 5 last week. and had some compli- mentary remarks for both teacher and pupils. e to fences and standing timber. of sand and there is no rorE formation“ ItbOV‘PlE. The Well is situated on a high piece of land which is said to be at least 40 feet above Duudnlk and as this is said to he the highest point in Ontario it is difficult to understand Where the pressure comes from to raise the water so high. Mr. Trud- geon realizes that he has added very materially to the value of his farm and Mr. Beamish is more than tickled with the result of his labors. D. H. Palmer was out Tuesday and took some photos of the well with the drill- ing’ nmchiue still in position for work. V They have regulated my stomach find bowels. I am cured of constipation, and I claim they have no equal as a medi- The Dundslk Herald says:â€"George Beamish. the local well driller got a surprise on Saturday morning last. that has kept him smiling: since. He started drilling on \Vm. Trudgeon’s farm on the gravel road on Tuesday of last week, and had gone down a- bout 55ft. when the water spouted out of the top end of the iron casing and the job was completed. The piping is six inches across and a steady stream of the purest spring water is flowing out of it. The spring was struck While the drill was working in a, bed That was indeed a lucky day for me, for I was so impressed with the state- ments made that I determined to give them a fair trial. "For many years I have been troubled with chronic Constipation. This ail- ment never comes single-handed, and I have been a victim to the many illnesses that constipation brings in its train. Medicine after medicine I have taken in order to find relief, but one and all left me in the same hopeless condition. It seemed that nothing would expel from me the one ailment that caused so much trouble, yet at last I read about that: Indian Root Pills. "Did you ebbEr hear of’ em hein cast out. of any odder woman. 82th.. and the old man assumed a wise look “Nu 1 nevex did.” ‘0 ‘9 “Well, den. sah, de odders has sure of. ’em vit!”â€"-Youth’s Com anion. g . Mr. George Andrews of Halifax, writes: “Walling, I understand you believe every woman has seven devils. Now how can you prove that; I’d like to know?” "\Vell, sar. did you ever read in de Bible how de seben debbles were Cast 0“th Marngagglelene?” "Oh,yes, I’ve" heard of that; but Whar does thqp prove?” Agentleman thus nccosted the old px‘eachg}: on S_und_ay: _."‘ A negro known as one-eyed \Valling was, and provably is now. a preacher in Virginia. His ideas of theolowy t5 and human nature were often very origtnal, as the following anecdote may prove: tiser. There was a man who advertised But onceâ€"a single time, In spot obscure placed be his ad. And paid for it a dime. And just because it didn’t bring Him custOmers by the score, “All advertising is a fake,” He said, or rather, swore. He seemed to think one hammer tap \Vould drive a nail clear in; That from a bit of tiny thread A weaver tents could spin. If he this reasoning bright applied To eating, doubtless he W'onld claim one little bite would feed Ten men a century. Some day, though. he will learn that to Make advertising pay, He’ll have to add ads. to his ad., And advertise each day. â€"_E. G. Townsend, in National Adver- It is to be hoped that the move- ment started by the Swiss Govern- ment for revising,r the calendar will meet with general approval and he putiht') affect. The. proposal is that by a Simple change, a given date shall always fall on the same day of the I week. The proposal is that New Year's [Day shall not be the first day of Jan- uary, but shall stand by itself not counting as a day of the week. month lor (platter. This leaves for the rest l of the year 364 days, a number which l divides exactly into four equal quart- ers of 91 days each and into 52 weeks l of 7 days each. Each quarter would lr-ontain thirteen weeksâ€"‘2. months of1 330 days each and one of 31. If the! change were made. in 1912 any given date would hereafter fall on the same l day of the weekmEaster Sunday. ; would hereafter fall on April 14 and l Christmas day would always come on lMonday. But what about the odd 5 day in leap year? The proposal is that l this loose day should, in every fourth pear, stand by itself and be known as Leap Year Day, be inserted between June and July, but not counting in the week, month or quarter. This day would be a. bank holiday. and, coming immediately before Dominion Day, would, in every fourth year, en- large the scope of that national festi- val. A bill embodying these proposals is before the British House of Com- mons. simplified calendar would greatly convenience mankind. Any printed calendar would answer for any or every year. A date would be a fixed date. and the human mind would be released from one of its vex- ing and unending worries.â€".Toronto Star W'eekly. Mr. Andrew: praises Dr. Morse’s Indian Root Pills. GHBEB 0F BUNSTIPATUN its one great, blight and danger. Just this afternoon a. saw-will had to shut down on amount of its men being so in nxicated with beer drinking as to render them unfit for work. TO REVISE THE CALENDAR THEY HAVE THEM YET TWO INKY WAYS THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. Fall Wheat .......... ...$ ‘78 to $ 1 Spring Wheat; .......... 78 to Oats £31} to Peas.................... u to ............ 45 to Effie? ........ . .............. 9 ()0 to 1( lButDer ................ .. E :0 E s .................... 1 0 ngatoes, per bag ....... §0 to. ( Flour, per cwt .......... 2 00 to .3 Oatmeal, per eack...... 2 40 to 2 Chop. per cwb .......... 1 25 to 1 Live Hogs, per cwt.... 6 00 to 6 Hides, pet-1b.... ' . o to Sheepsk'ms .............. 40 to Wool .................... 18 to Tallow .................. 5 to Lard .................... 17 to Turkeys ................ 17 to Geese... ........ . 10 to Ducks ........ .... 10 to Ohlckens . “‘ Hall’s Catarrh Cure acts directly on the blm the system. Send for mum‘s OF CITY 0y Toucno, OHIO. lg ' ‘ ‘ , ‘ v > . 8. Lu,» LOLMY. 5 Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the. firm of F. J. Cheney 8.- Co. doing; husists in the City of Toledo, County and State afuresaid. and that said firm will pay the sum of USE HUNDRED DULLA R5 for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be c ured by the nae of Hall's Czltal'rh Cure. FRANKJ. CHENEY. Sworn to before me {111d suhscribod in mv Sworn to before nu preSence, this 6th (I ay (SEAL) HUTTON.â€"In Powers Mich., on Monday, April 24th, to Dr. and Mrs. Hutton. a deughter. MARRIED. 8*. 3-..-"w CX'LDWELLâ€" BIRD. â€"At the Meth- odist Iparsonage Lloydminster. Sask. on MondahfiMaListLby Rev. "W. J. Wilson Lyman John Caldwell to Miss Mary Bird. BORN. MIDDLETONâ€"At Rocky Saugeen. on Fridav, May 5th to qu. and Mrs. Albert Middleton, a daugh- ter. ' Rapid Heartbeats. It is believed by scientists that. the smaller the animal the more rapid is its heartbeats. Thirty pulsations a minute have been recorded in the ele- phant, 40 in the horse, 70 in man and 200 in the rabbit. The heart of a manna boats 5m to 780 11:399.? Q :njm‘i“ Miss Annexâ€"Yes. Dr. Sargeant savs we must always walk with some ob- ject, and I suppose you will answer the purpose. Mr. Snoodlesâ€"Good afternoon Miss Annex. Going for a walk? I hope I mgg accompany you. _' â€"â€"â€"â€"v Sold by all Druggists 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation MARKET REPORT DURHAM, MAY 18, 1911 :rnuL‘ me anu sunscrzbod in my 5 6th d 33‘ of December A. D, 1866. A W. GLEASON. N01 ARY PUBLIC rrh Cure is taken internally, and m the blood and m ncous surfaces of Send for testimonials free. F. J. CBE’NEY 6.: CO, Toledo H er Object. 10 00 4O 80 80 F; EDWARD KREss NEW STOCK JUST living profits. Oatmeal Millers We have also some MD at $23.00 per ton in ton lots is good value. at present. prim Better results can be obtained by using a small quanti Feed in skimmed milk, than by feeding new milk. Andy Agricultural Farm claim that nothing equal to this feed has offered. FOR FEEDING HOGS IT HAS NO EQUAL. Did You Ever Conéider the Amount You Can FARMEHS’ ATTEFHIUN con 1n ton lots. and our OAT DUST or Oat at present, price, $15.00 per ton in ton lots. .â€"Rugs, all sizes and colors, Floor MatS. 0th of different colors. “VSâ€"Tapestry 0 ‘ lette Poles. Brass , Sideboards, Extension MIXED SEED on lb. Sacks a small quantity of this ATTENTION milk. Antlysts ct the Save by sold at lowest. Next Door to Post Office May 18th 1911 'e offering Middlings ever been Feeding May 18th, 1911 Owing I'M chants all over days. This is have gained _\' come to us. 1m Goods await 3 double the HM ed a tremenc1(..n Most critical 1); Take 3“ $2000 P For Spot Cash That Here are 11w ‘1: Clothing 1323} greater 15m I"; hand at 731% Highest stm « Sale Pliws. Men's Tu'm make, 51M Men’s Tweed 5 ed, very ST Broker‘s pri< Men’s Fine '. a snapâ€"111* Broker‘s p Men’s Fancy W est styles. ri:2 $10.00. Broker Store Closed Fl down all mere?! NOTICE MAY 20. 8: ment < fancy, W New Rugs New Fang} stock of wal For PR€4 . Ready

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