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Durham Chronicle (1867), 18 May 1911, p. 8

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IP (8' Pumps of all Kinds. Galvanized and Iron Pip- ing; Brass, Brass Lined and Iron Cylinders. Pumas from $2 unwam. CH open every afternoon . Ln BPAIEING promptly and prop orly attended to. “JV. D. CHINE W. D: CONNOR act directly on the kidneys, toning them up and helping them to clear the blood of the Uric Acid. If the Rheumatism is of long standing it may take some time to clear out all the poison, but almost from the first “No. 7” Tablets relieve the pain, and if used faithfully they rarely fail to cure. Even if Other remedies have done you no good, do not give up till you have tried Father Morriscy’s “No. 7” Tablets. 50c. at your dealer’s. 27 Father Mon-rise; Medicine Co. Ltd. EIGHT Rheumatism cannot exist order for then they take out alone causes the Rhe eumatizm. Manuficmrer of A 6 Dealer in â€" Father Mom'scy’s “N07” Tablets (3. SMITH 8: SONS, DURHAM, ONT THE DURHAM FOUNDRY when the kidneys are in perfect working of the blood all the Uric Acid, which Rheumatism u Several Years-â€" New as well as liver I am writing to tell you I have been a victim to Rheumatism for several years, and have been treated by seven doctors without finding any permanent relief until I got Father Morriscy‘s medicine. It has cured me so I am able to do my work and find I am as well as ever in my life. 64.7 Main St., St. john, LUNCHES SERVED AT ALL HOURS This is the place to buy your FRESH BAKED GOODS. A full supply always on ghand. ALSO FRESH GROCERIES Cooked Meats and Candies ‘ Do not forget our Ice Cream' Parlor and Restaurant. Yours truly, . Burnett "MWI, Quo. Nov. 27. 1908. JOHN CRAWFORD. uptill Rev. E. Lipkin of Oudtshoorn, Cape Colony, has, says The Jewish Chron- icle, completed and presented to the King a remarkable portrait in words of King Edward. The lines which make up the drawing contain about 85.0w words, being a history 01 the we Kings’ life. Canon Rhodes Bristow,”who is to succeed Canon Benham as chairman of the Poor Clergy Relief Corporation in Pbgland, has had a large and var- ied experience of life in the under- world of London. He once had an musing experience at a christening. Iniants usually cry while undergoing this ceremony, but this one was as quiet as a lamb. Throughout it smil- ed cheerfully in the canon’s face. “Madam,’ ’he remarked later to the young mother, “I must congratulate you on the little one’os behaviour. I have never before christened a child that has behaved so well as yours.” "No wonder he behaved well,” was the unexpected reply; “his father and I have been practicing on him with a pail of water for the last ten days.” Advertise i results. when you have got the money to budget with, but it would be a diflicult matter for the Chaficellor to budget on $4 or $5 a. week.” It is doubtful if a better man could have been selected for the post of La- bor Adviser to the British Home Of- fice than Mr. D. J. Shackleton, M.P. for Clitheroe. He has fought his way from poverty to his present influential position. At nine years of age he started work as a half-timer in a cot- ton mill, and, getting his education at the local school as best he could out of working hours, he was a teacher by the time he was twelve, with pu- pils almost old enough to be his fath- er. Known in the House as “Baby" Shackleton, he is one of the biggest and brawniest of M.P.’s, standing well over six feet and weighing 225 pounds. He has a soft corner in his heart for “strugglers,” particularly the strug- gling widow with three or four chil- dren to bring up. As he told Mr. Lloyd George on one occasion, “It is an easy matter to make out a Budget Trained For the Part. A Word Picture. Labor Adviser. in the Chronicle for THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. young politician. ‘ . j o ‘ Weil‘,‘ son,’ re-phed Sen ghum, an alarm clock ma ator Sor. Ybeuse- ful, but it isn’t very Popular n What Could He Call Her? Sheâ€"Lizzie’s bloke calls ’er ’is peaCh and the apple of ’is eye. Why can’t you call me things like that? Heâ€"Yes, that’s all very well, but ’e’s in the vegetable business. I’m in the whelk trade, remembm'n-London PuIICh. Professorâ€"Why dn'd you come to col- lege, anyway? You’are not studying. Will Rarahâ€"Well, mother says it is to fit [me for the presidency; Uncle Bill, to sow my wild oats; sis, to get a chum for her to marry; pa, to bankrupt the family. The remarkable instinct of the mud- fish to roll himself in a ball of mud when the dry season approaches is a wonderful provision of nature intend- ed solely, it would seem, to prevent the extinction of the species. The most interesting tact about this fish is that it breathes by means of its gills when in its native element and by means of lungs during its volun- tary imprisonment in the mud cocoon, One of the quaintest sights in Ja- pan is the “push man train,” a. little railway which runs for nineteen miles Salong the seacoa-st between Atami and Odawara, taking four hours to com- ;plete the journey. Each car is hauled and pushed uphill by coolies and then allowed to run down the next incline by its own momentum, the ooolies jumping on behind. When skirting precipices and rounding sharp curves this becomes somewhat exciting. The sensation is rather like being in a runaway Switchback canâ€"Wide World Magazine. soda in the milk and make a dough just soft. enough to handle. Pat it out- oneâ€"half inch thick or make it softer and drop by spoonful-s into the "stew. Be sure to have it boiling and- il-eave room for the dumplings to rise. Cook ten minutes. Do not. add any shortening, as that will make them heavy. One pint of flour sifted before meas- uring, one-half teaspooniul of salt, one teaspoonful of cream of tartar and one-half teaspoonfiul of soda, or use two level teaspoonshll of baking powder Mix with a scant cupful of milk. Sift the cream of tartar and salt into the flour, add the baking The question naturally arises as to whether an animal killed in this manner would be edible. The scien‘ tist does not tell, but it is safe to Venture that if the meat procured after this style of hunting were not poisonous an adapting of: this style in our native wilds might tend to lessen the annual rate of human fatality resultant from the heedless discharging of rifles. “We all approached its side, and the hunter laid a hand on its shoul- der. It looked up at him, but show. ed no resentment or fear. Even its breathing seemed easy and natural- which surprised me, as I had heard that death resulted from paralysis of the lungs when caused by curari.” “When the hunter saw this he arose and stepped out in plain sight. The deer turned his head and looked at him, and moved forward, not away from him, a few steps, and stopped. It showed no fear, but simply curi~ osity. After another minute the pro fessor and I arose, and all three ‘Walked quietly to within reach of it. 'It made no movement to run away, but watched us intently, and shifted its position a little. Its movements seemed perfectly easy and natural. Absence of fear was the only observ. able change, until at the end of three minutes more; than it lay down, not falling. but as naturally as a cow 0: sheep when ready for sleep. “After a deliberate aim our hunter fired. if I may use such a word for the little puff, scarcely heard by us, and entirely inaudible above the rustling corn leaves at the distance of the deer. The animal gave a slight start as it felt the prick of the arrow on its flank and turned partly around; sniffing the air for a scent, and look. ing about as if searching for the in. sect that had bitten or stung it; Detecting nothing, it stood still and unalarmed. At the end of a minute, or a minute and a half at most, its head dropped a little, as if it was sleepy. Curari Has Baffled Science for More Than One Hundred Years. For more than a hundred years the Indians of the upper Amazon have baffled science with the secret of a poison which they brew for the pur- pose of rendering their arrow tips more deadly. Many of the world’s noted scientists have investigated into the chemical composition of this poison, but the natives of the Ama- zon have zealousry guarded the for- mula of the brew and efforts of these investigators have been without avail. Not long ago a professor in a. German university was sent to the South American wilderness for the purpose of discovering the herbs that were used in making curari, as the poison is named. After spending two years among the various tribes, he was forced to give up his quest and was coming out of the country when he fell in with a. traveler who had obtained possession of a native blow. gun. The latter tells how he put some of the professor’s curari on, some of his blowgun arrow-s, which; are like toothpicks feathered with cotton, and tried it on a buck deer in the forest. Instinct of the Mudfish. The Push Man Train. Dumplings For Stew. Different Opinions. A PECULSAR P013031. High Not Popular. inance. â€" vâ€"vâ€" R. MACFARLANE. . 1 Tra: ms $19111 arr IVE Upper Town - Durham $o¢+¢§+§++§+++§§§+ooo+¢++¢ Mrs. A. SULLIVAN Butter and Eggs Taken in Exchange New Grocery Store Fresh Groceries Always in Stock The Central Drug Store :: Durham N§”§§§§§§§§§§+§§+§N§§M We would draw your at- ' {,ention to the fact that the I price of Clover and Timothy Seed is advancing rapidly. We have bought early from the best and most reliable «eedsmen in the province, 3 large consignment of Tim- .ithy, Red ()lox-‘er, Mammoth, Alsike and Alfalfa Clover. We cannot give you the <ame prices in future ship- ments that we can now. Call at once and select your seeds. The largest stock to choose from in town. Give us a call. S EEDS at The Central Drug Store DURHAM PLANING MILLS Also a. limited amount of iron work and machine re- pairs. Acall solicited. Ask for quotations on your next job. The undersigned begs to announce to residents of Durham and surrounding country. that he has his Planning Mill and Factory completed and is prepared to take orders for â€" and all kinds of House Fittings SASH,DOORS fled denm .as u fl 1% 8.13., and Town ONTARIO Agent: i Ankyono sending a “BI: .. etch ound dcscrihti 7n . 2:15 on ‘3 W‘Obably patenmble. CoEEm a: car 303188 aytrictl yconfldLentiul. HAflBBUOK 01‘ my 29:! 881'}: 233: 939.293“ 93.05’ for pecungzg paw: Residence~l Door South And all orders ecuted. You rs I have purchased the Bus and Dray Business from Mr. John Whittaker and beg leave to solicit the patronage of the public. sub Awe. U50“: afenc f". ""-"'v:'r7‘ C873:- P um tat . Y oraecurum pa . Mam“ $3399.11 31113113 00. ccexfl Bus and Dray Business 202 ANDRUS BUILDING Minneapolis - I in the centre of the Great Winter Wheat Belt; 2560 Eacres of rich, black loam on a clay sub-soil, capable of producing maximum craps. Place is all fenced and cross fenced, has about 250 acres broken, two houses, three barns,corrals,sheds,etc. Fine spring on each section. Ideal for straight grain or mixed farming. Very easy terms. Hunter Land C0. Buy little Darling Stockings for your children â€" we have them, also the “fear-well Ribbed Cotton for children and ladies. Fine Cashmere Hose for ladies and Half Hose for men. We have Children’s School Umbrellas for 500., Fancy Parasols for children at 206., good Parasols for ladies from $1.00 up. STOCKENGS We also own the Famous Ranch located in Southern A We own 8 quarter sections of choice mixed irrigable and non-irrigable land, Particu. larly well located in Sunny Southern Alberta,easy terms, In C.P.R. lrrig Block, Southern Canada UMBRELLAS Prepare for the Rain It is Sure to Come, and - L. GRANT Careful Attention Paid to All Calls >rders will be promptly ex- Yours for business, l rrigation Rowe's Bakery Alberta. c“. Alberta Minn. It Was a oreaf exh Maexican Natim‘al Gr Cllmax took place Wfl'en five of the with Commander-in- ‘ *.{‘./Z‘. ibiti‘rl 'f t 9-7719: arr} 1 or: 314"? ; army 9012] Chief Telirj t‘afller than allow it to go to 07 MI-k‘h - M . 10 those \k’fI-J 7.2"! -‘ Previous EXZ‘u-‘I'i‘ ‘ of War, the 11394:“ » .. ' night Would 3"!7‘; w: A make the titni.’ , cyc10ne Cellar I171? ;. Just how i~ “n.1, s know, hm “xi : ~..' -(,.. yOung' men by... dailies a 1'9 ‘, .. Alkt.{) :" .1 Of late, and l‘a‘. 0‘ H “ .With the ("emit II ' ; i lean revolution. that I the}. “'OUId hilV‘.‘ .. ;'. .; themselves. ’1' 2w :.:~ ~ 1.. S~3Pted ahuut (*ItW't-ri-TE‘ET' kept up for 3;. .1“ pm,» 33 ~ . V. w ter the PNgQWI'T‘Jt‘TL. «.3 \ A Injured that the J Cross Wagan had to M. (-aiioii Service the next mwx-ni :3 S}? tor Campbell, too, Wim ('11??- v 0 to 903': some iot‘wrs. w 6 Scripted into the sex-‘53." -. i “.mingz 39 PmSident piay'éd the 3-3;; Diaz. in that EH“ \ kept. busy dodging firewurks : skater behind a tetavhwzc , finany gag-1t: um \ A: ‘LA -_ML- _--‘_ Mr. John Kir: Citv, Mich.. 1;-» the funeral Hf F: warning. wiry» a“ on Sunday. the mains Were 1:1; for intermezn Kinnee was a day until 83:22: A. team of horse-*9 Mr. Jas. Matht-r. ran away frnm if). 1 Hunter’s store. "m and made things in their route. They Were doing their seen. We haven't did any (lama-Ia. Dr. J. F. Gram i: r his comfortable new the iewellery Slnre Mr. Douglas. His v.- up is in progress. a has everything mm} have reason to he 3 new premises. It's ' and that’s a satisfm A six-roomed hox Within three minute P. R. depot. Will 1,: great sacrifice. Mus two Weeks. Immedm Apply to W, Laid'lau The C. P 4‘1. Markdale caught and brought the the scene. The}- were short of ‘h the fire with :1 f Mr. Alex. han, a forty-three years 3 the. Masonic lodge. with a suitably ins headed cane, in men;- lung services. On Tuesday eveni‘z Mr. E. J. Beng<')11;: Toronto, will give hi chalalogue, “The Syn the Baptist church. I is a nephew of th cartoonist. Admissioz There is a guessing connection with t‘n» sale. The one tolling exact time the clock >1 the lucky winner. The contract A of Trinity churc a Chesley firm seats will be in six weeks. Douglas makes a 5‘1"“C'i31 $15 and $25 diamond ring-F. are excellent value. SW :3“? Just arrived.-â€"A binder itwine, t«) 31:1 prices. -â€" _I\Iassey.n;i rooms. f”) Chesfey is negotia gift from Mr. Andre to establish a public The rite of baptism by sion was solemnized in 1‘21. church on Sunday evenir VOL. 44â€"410. 2299 NEWS A he racks: ould 33271215 Le timid w! Cellar and W 12 51:11“. For “ is negotiating Mr. Andrew (‘3 OS£ e S M M

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