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Durham Chronicle (1867), 25 May 1911, p. 5

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'ucking, st rlors ;ctioner i Grocer 25th, wifite oes ! ac year, and ircss occasions- the “Emma!" e Store an buy :- Eggs " Shoe can be ved nd soap; have a l is the 8t. ++++++++++WÂ¥++++++++++H+ €~++++Méw+++++++++++++++f Â¥+++++++++++++++++++++++++ :--:-++-z-+++++++++++++++++++++ Abom tho Shoes we sell ex- cept the color. Our new spring Footwear for Men. “Cornea. Misses, Boys and sildren is ready for your :prection. \Ve know you wil‘: like them when you see them. We have some sizes :r; Men's. \Vomen’s. Misaes', Boys and Children's Shoes are are clearmg out st reduc- . :1 prices to clear quick.” we at». {mt stocking these lines season. They are bar- gains if your size is here. ‘2; to see our Hosiery. 'E‘runks. Valises. Suit Cases . in stock. pry: a, pair of Scholl’a Foot- \. \ .Afi .7 was. to rest your tired feet. price $23-00 I)?!“ pair May 25th, 1911 Lam bton St. We invite the :ladies of Durham to call and see our special dis- play of Trimmed Summer Milli- nery. We have added a new and large stock of beautiful Trimmed Hats for the .rush. 'E‘HE EARLY CITY DAILY The Mail and Empire "i‘HE EARLY TRAIN Always First in the Field'of Newspaper Enterprise THE DURHAM CHRONICLE to January lst, 1912, for $1.15 If your roof needs repairing or recovering, do it now before the heavy rains come. Buy your Roofing from us, we put it on. Have a look at our Washers just lnâ€"the Champion, high speed, and the Puritan Easy Washer. They are the best. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK :gurated by which the Early Morning Dailies of Toronto nbe landed here HOURS EARLIER than heretofore. has made arrangements with us by which we can offer the MORNING EDDITION of that paper from now to Septem- ber lst and A NEW AND IMPROVED TRAIN SERVICE has been in- SEND ALL ORDERS TO OFFICE OF THIS PAPER. Miss Storey our head trimmer, was in Toronto Monday and Tues- day selecting some of the leading shapes in Tags] Milan Chip. Some beautiful black Mohair shapes are in the selection. THERE IS NOTHING DARK M EANS' We are having a big rush for Summer Hats and we can assure you that you will have a grand stock to select from and should you favor us. We ,Will give your order our very best attention. DURHAM Should Gaelic speech he e’m- fnrgot Ami HPVO’T hrm‘nt $0 lnin'; For she'll be spake in Paradise In the days nf Auld Lang Syne. When Eve» all fresh in hemlty’s charms Fix-st met fond Admn’s viww. The first, word that he‘spnke to her \Vsis “cuumr achzun dhu". And Adam in his gar-dam fair. 'W’henp’vr the day (lid Muse The» dish that. hr" to supper Leuk Was always Achule Bmse. W'hen Adam from his leafy b uver Cam om. at. brake 0’ day. He’ll always fur his morning teuk A qtmit'h u’usquehae. Au’ whc n wi’ Eve he‘ll had a crack. He‘ll Leuk hi~ ~zwwliin’ hut-n, An’ on thv up ye'll Well mith mark A pon} prmv Unirngnrn. The snee-hin‘ mull is fine. my friens, The snreshin’ uni-l l5 gum: VVe’ll cenkm hem-W sueesh. my friend And pass fraa han' tn hnn’. “When man first fall the Want 0’ (:las The wind an’ cauld tn fleg He twisted rouu’ about his waist The tartan philabeg. An’ music first on earth was heard In’ Gaelic accents (hep. \Vhen .lnhal in his nxter squeezed The hlither 0' a :hwep. The hrnw bagpipes is grmx’ my fl'ien The bra W bagpipes is fixw: \Ve'll telnkfa nntlwr pihrnch yet; For the days 0‘ Auld Lang Syne. J.M. Howell, a popular druggist. of Greensburg, Ky., says, “We use Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy in our own household and Know it is excellent. For sale Ly Gun‘s Drug Store. GAELIC SPEECH OR “AULD LANG SYNE’ DONE UP IN TARTAN NEWSPAPER READER S BENEFIT Fullinformntinn may he obtained by addressing the Superintendent of Canadian Government. Annuities. Ottawa. to whom all letcers gt) free of poscage. One of the very first. advantages which the new early mm-ning Toronto to L: mdnu mail tmin \\ ill uwwnt is a. delivery here nf the anunm ninrning papers lmms eat-'liei than ever below. The Daih Mail and Empire is out, with an annmmcmem this isuw. Tlieir subscxiption canvassers are leady on thv gumnd. M.- my will no doubt, \\ elcmue the opi-imtunity of at. last being. able to sec-me the Daily Mail and Empire at an earl) hour. on F ridzty last shOuld do much to de-‘, tet mine the question for those it ho ‘1 haxe not yet taken advantage of the system, the opinion coming m- it does from one who has made the social“. problem a life study. He is reported to have said: "I have been trying for venrs to figure out a. similar scheme for the benefit of the people of the United States. and I cannot under-i stand why every civilized country does not follow the lead of Canada. and encourage the people to put some- ~ thing by for the day when they will be too old to work. This is true cc- operative Government,” he added. \Vhile other countries have establish- 1 ed pension schemes. which are but ex- ! tensions of poor Law Relief, the re- s 11! of which 11: to p -.111perize and notl to stimulate thrift. the Canadian Gov'- ernment has, by its Annuities act. in-l augemted a scheme whereby thrift is promoted. and the penisle 911 e provid- ed with facilities which n 111 enablel them to help thexnselvse . and at the same time preserve their se: t' respectl and dignity. The earnest tribute paid to the Can- adian Government Annuities system by Mr. \Villiam Jennings Bryan durâ€" inghis address to the citizens of Gait A prophet is without honour in his own country. As with prophets so it: is With the natural ad vantages which a. country enjoys. and those acquired advantages which are obtained under its laws and customs-it often needs the eye of the outsider to discover the striking benefits of some institution wi_t_h which the people are blessed: MR WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN COMMBHDS THE CANADIAN GOVERNMENT ANNUITIES SCHEME I received from your Liniment. For five years I had a sore shoulder, which prevented me from working or from sleeping at night. I had tried everything possible and still could find no relief, until I was advised to try a bottle of your liniment, which I purchased with. out delay. I only used one half of the bottle when I was completely cured, and now I feel as if I never had a sore shoulder. I would advise anyone sufier- ing from Rheumatic pains to give your liniment a. trial, for I cannot praise it too highly.” “I cannot let this opportunity pass without 1e_ttipg you know what bensfit A liniment that will do that is the liniment you want. It is equally good for sore throat or chest, backache, tooth- ache, ear ache, sprains, sore muscles, cuts, bruises, burns, frost-bites, chapped hands or chilblains. Rub it in, and the pain coma out. 25¢ per bottle at your dealer’s, or from Father Morriscy Medicine Co. Ltd., Montreal. Que. 64 Mr. 105.]. Roy, a prominent tinsmith of Bathurst, N. B. ,july 16, 1909: Until Half a Bottle of Father Morriscy’s Liaiment Cured His Shoulder. [All] UP FIVE YEARS is the only emulsion imi- tated. The reason is plain- it’s the best. Insist upon having Scott’sâ€"it’s the world’s standard flesh and strength builder. ALL DRUGGISTS m DURHAM CHRONICLE Remember, there is a limit to human endurance. The friend who stands up for you may tire in the course of time and proceed to .sit down on you. Only a girl with tiny feet and a genuine complexion enjoys being caught in a rainstorm. Judging from their actions here on earth, some men will try to beat his Satanic majesty out of his job as soon as they reach the other place. \ “Aren’t you wasting a good deal of that steak in trimming it?" The butcher gâ€"“No ma‘am, I weighed it first.” Ignorance is bliss when a man has more money than he knows What to do with. Zam-Buk soap, '25c. tablet is best for baby’s "bath and for deli- cate skins. Somtimes a man’s? idea of e- conomy is to tell his wife ‘how to save money. It’s queer how much interest a dignified inan can generate in a dog fight. Mothers should use Zam-Buk for all children’s skin sores, ring- worm, scalp sores, cuts, 'chafings, bruises, etc., because of its great purity. Also cures piles, eczema, bad leg, varicose sores, etc. 500. box, all druggists and stores. The Grand Trunk are in receipt of the following letter in; connec- tion with tourist sleeping car op- erated from Toronto to 'Winnipeg and Edmonton, via Chicago, on April 18th. “Upon returning from‘ my Weetern trip I feel it my duty to Write to you and say that the ac- commodation we received was far beyond our expectations, and evâ€" ery member of your party was more than pleased with the court- esy shown by your officials.‘ both at Chicago and Winni1:)eg."â€"â€"Sign- ed. 1". A. Neele-y. GRAND TRUNK SERVICE TO THE NORTH-W’EST. Mrs. C. Hardy; of 479 Seigneurs St.. Montreal, writes: “I cannot tell you how thankful I am for the cure Zam-Buk has worked in the case of my baby son. He was troubled with scalp disease and I tried everything I could think of but in vain. Finally, Itried Zam- Buk. I could see an improvement after two applications! After per- severing with Zam-Buk treatment he is now completely cured. Zam- Buk ’is certainly a wonderful balm, and 'I :shall always keep it on handf’ ZAM BUK HEALED BABY’S SORES Rev. Mr. Deller left on Monday to attend the annual District meeting in Mt. Forest. Mrs. Wm. Long. is improving nicely, and the beautiful weather will much benefit her. Mrs. W. Mountain is able to be around again, and we are pleased she has recovered so nicely. On Friday evening, the members of the new Grange lodge met in their regular monthly assembly for the discussion of various topics. They decided to hold a picnic sometime about the middle of June, so a good time is coming. DRS. KENNEDY KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. grim for on; grivate address. Dns.KENNEDYKEWEfiY All letters from Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- ment in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patients in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows : OUR NEW METHOD TREATMENT will cure on and make a. man of you. Under itsinfluence the brain becomes acuve. the b 00d purifiel so that all pimples, blotches and ulcers heal up: the nirves become strong as Steel. so that nervousness. bashfulness and despondency disappear: the eyes bec:.»r:’:e bright, the face fn'l and clear, energy return; to the Lodz: and the morn], physical and mental systems are im-i'torateci; all drains ceaseâ€"no more vital waste from the system. You feel yourself a man an‘l know marriarre cannot. be a failure. Don‘t. let. quacks and fakirs rob you of your hard earned dollars. “W flax-53115 W “811v e.ect__.â€"be1+f rthrce mom 1,15 bait rece ivcld Iktlelfe'xefit I' wzsirtduce to com: t. 13mg en 8 .. BEFORE TREATMENT Kennedy though I had lost all fa t‘. 1 in doctors. Likea drowning man I commanccd the NEW 31579; saved my Me. The improvement was i: exiagicâ€"I could feel I. AuL-‘Y... A-..’ ‘1-:.;- ‘ 11...- Y ‘AA__‘ -Au‘ BEFORE TREATMENT “1351mm“ w “"35“”? ”‘5' he“??? 99 ans: TREATMENT ennedy, though I had Iost all iaetu 111 doctors. Like adrowning man I comm°nccd the NEW 31571101) TREATMENT and it saved my km. The improvement was 2:3 magicâ€"I could feel the vigor going thPQUEIh the nerves. I was cured mentally and physicany. 1 have sent. them many patxents and continue to do so. CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY We treat and cure VARKCOSE VEINS. NERVOUS DEBIUTY, BLOOD AND URINARY COMPLAINTS, KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES and all Diseases peculiar to Men. CONSULTATION FREE. BOOKS FREE. If unable to call write for a. Quettion Blank for Hoine Treatment. NERVOUS DEBILITY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St, Detroit, Mich. VARNEY. “I say,” he said, as the porter passed him on the “up” platform, “why have they put this station so far from the town?” “Well, I never thought about it sir,” answered the porter, “but I s’pose they done it ed as to have it as near the railroad as possible.” The railway station» was situatâ€" ed about a mile from the business part of the town which it served, as a weary commercial traveller discovered one night‘ after atir- ingr day.__ We regret to learn .Of the death of Mr. Walter Nichol, an old and highly respected resident of this section, who passed away on Sun- day, aged 85 years. 'We wish to extend our sincere sympathy, with that of the community, to the sorrowing ones. Parisian Sage is guaranteed to stop falling hair and isching scalp to eradicate dandruff, and make the hair lwstrous and radiant, or money back. There is .nothing just as good as Parisian Sage. See you get the package which contains the girl with the Auburn Hair. Mr. John McGirr spent Tuesda'v in Toronto. Messrs. Adam Watson and Ja’s. Ritchie are at present engaged in levelling up the ground in front of their respective residences, and it certainly will make a decided improvement. The Green Grove baseball team are about to reorganize for the season, a meeting having taken place Monday evening, regarding which We have not had any partic- ulars at time of writing. ‘2 How- ever, it is altogether likely that No. 9 will have a good line-up. as it always had. We are pleased to mention the rapid recovery being made by the mother of the writer towards gr-od health again, after a long an" cangerous illness. She is now able to go driving, through {hemeicies of a kind Providence. We feel truly thankful to see her able to enjoy the beauties of nature once more, HAIR GROWS THIN Use Parisian Sage in Time and Pre- vent Baidmss If Your hair is growing thinner and thinner, and causing you anxiety go to Macf arlane C-.o to-day and get a large bottle of Parisian Sage for only 50 cents. It 18 such a delightful and refresh- ing dressing that you will like to use it regularly. The pu'trifying carcass of adog lying very close to the road, in the vicinity of Jals. Ritchie’s, in the swamp east of his residence, on Lambton street, is causing avery disagreeable odor. Surely our council will see that it is speed- ily removed, as it has been there long enough, and is a menace to public health. Several of the farmers in this burg have recently had their buildings equipped with lightning conductors of Dominion manufac- ture. ' ‘ Miss Annie Lawrence, t‘eacfier, of Swin‘ton Park, spent Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lawrence. ‘ Sunday school at No. 9 opened! on Sunday,‘May 7th, with theisame staff of officers, and a fine at- tendance of 76. DARKIES’ CORNERS. iSpecial Reduction on Flour in 5 and g 10 Bag Lots. WI. [and Hunts: Look Hen: GENERAL COUNTRY STORE fin miles from Durham; very cheap. A small or large bag of a. fine gram. White, nutritious flour, is sold as our brand. Have you ever. tried it? Get ur grocer to give you our kind 1:? are and see the superior baking q - Mes it possesses. Better and more mboieeome. because of a secret process that we put the Don’t forgec. nesa.Grey County. post office in connec-ion. Loss than 610,011) will buy 40 acres of lanl. store and dwelling, barn, other fruit dwelling and 34 000 stock. bei-ta bargaihéjv __.- ___.____- v“ w 633 ACRES near Proton Station ti Bungee!) Junction. fine brick residencq, splendid barns. 8 lendid soil. good water. i orchard c. Wi sell 15 than 825 Icre. A bargain surely. _A ’I‘IARQWARE and_"I‘insmith Bn§~ Largo number of cheap farm propertiek Money to Land at Low Rates. Lands bought and sold. Debts collectai All kinds of writings drawn. A blend of g Manitoba and wheat and is a strictly 1 family flour Nc man who doies business with H. a Milhr is ever sat‘fied to go elsewherc Our methods seem to please. "Always Prompt, -- Never Negfige'nt.‘ Goods delivered anywhere in town. H. H. MILLER [8 made from selected winter whe and is a superior article for making pastry, etc. All up-to-date flour and feed and grocers keep our flour for sale. If your grocer does not keep it come to the mill and we will use you right. 325 ACRES close to vaon Station. brick dwellingfine large out-buildi windmill§c.; _hay,_ 2 tons to acre. 0:: t‘- an... Chopping Done Every Day Call us up by telephone No. 8: All kinds of Grain bought at Market P1106: People’s Mills 2 yds. 2; yds. 8 yds. 315 yds, 343 yds. Large White Counterpanei . . . Unbleached Table Linen, 54 m. Wide ............... .25c yard Fine Bleached Table Linen, 68 int-hes Wide. ......... 50c yard Best Quality, large 11-11. Flan- V nellette Blankets. . . .3150 pair Unbleached Sheeting, 72 in. wide ............ . ..... 30c yard Axminister Rugs, 27 by 54 ..... $2.00eacb F1091: Oilcloth, {and '2 yards wide ...... Stair Oilcloth. An-wool Panama Dxess Goods 42 m. wide in black. navy. brawn. (a snap) ....... 500 yard See our Dress Goods at 25c and 500 yard. They cannot, be beat New Prints and Ginghnms He Sells CALL AND SEE US LACE CURTAINS W. H. BEAN Cheap The Hanover Conveymcer PASTRY FLOUR qucks 't'he suvushâ€"ifig-Jfif SOVEREIGN long. long, long, long. long, ECLIPSE . MILLER 27 in. Wide. 25c pair 30 in. wide. 50c pair 30 in. wide, 700 pair 50 in. wide, 90c pair 60 in. wide, $1 pair BIG THE . . .300 squire yard ........... 15c yard vastte The kc. House. Hanovet Calder": Block $1.40 each Onmi. 'st. clam

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