West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 8 Jun 1911, p. 1

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IMO!!! ration. Idea] 3 or mixed quard )c and u tiful 353' terms. ladies KN 'I'Il Alberta nd C0. ladies. ladies ingham :NCE .ber 82 Now DING AS haVe See Minn. Bakery 71 Draw 08.28 .8!“ " ul}KI]:0\Vn writers unless we h ,3 ‘3 ' “3:44“ '10 be caught off our J. W. Blyth denies the st'ate- ‘ it“. last week’s Varney news. ha: a bad dog. We don't anything about it: in fact. have last Week’s items Came Ih'mt being signed by the ‘- and got into print by mix- We do not put in matter, unknown writers unless We I For sale.-â€"A1berta farm lands on very easy terms. Time or crop payment plan. For particulars Box 162, Owen Sound, Ont. contributor of an egg measuring six and one quarter inches, by St-vgrn and seven eigwhtzhs inches. Thanks. N93“! Mrs 090. Hepburn advertises E113? town property for sale. See 3~~1 ad on page 2. Mr. Du galld .McK echuie is - McGowan Milling Co’s office: Trinity church choir i-s prep g special music, appropriate e Coronation. service, to [be h the church at 10.30 a. he 23nd. account of June 22nd being nation Day, and a public )1 holiday, the County Promo- Examinations‘ set for the 22nd 23rd. will be held on the VOL. 44â€"440. 2301 'ampbel~l. of Bunesszan, died .day last, an the age of : We understand she had this country for a num- seaz's, and never under- my language {but the She leaves one 3011. Alex. p 1; takes place toâ€"da'yw 1d 23rd. annual excursion 'to the Farm ”takes place on Satur- xt. Tickets good to re- )t‘o Monday night. N 0 there will be a large at- re, as usual. :heir rounds now. and the d chestnuts of ten years wought into service again. of women to tell their wishes material-for one of ’ stock-in-trrade gags. )rtly. }' June Q2nd, is the day His Majesty, King is to be formally crown- ;minster. A special form iion service has been is- n will be used on that Ihe Anglican church : the British Empire. .5) will be heid in Trinity {0.30 a. m., and the pub- linlly invited. approach of hot wea- ry pro’rxable that the arc! of Hamish will ‘har: all dogs in the muzzIe'd during the labs. Alreaiy several 'biiE‘S have been re- as there were so few '71 last summer when 'e muzzied, it is ex- 3 Asimilatr order will e to lhear Hon. McKenzie .1 Mr. Stock, M.P.P., in the zink «on Thursday even- 2» '22nd. It’:s a It‘reat yo'ou WV DSUS District Lodge will meet 5 ham on the 14'thzo'f June .. for the transaction of business. The Scarlet will meet at the close.â€" I‘E *n‘ees may now be :e provincial a'ut'hori- 1 me. Ont" Without ob-‘ the Dominion Gov- .n Or der-in-Council. ~:- in the Canada Ga-' :3 this municipalityg‘ 21.10:) of the act for- , ale :of liquors wit-him the construction of to miss. Music from mid. ‘to boot enumerators are 1e Canada Gra- i K. (Mills. 8. A.. Public school In- s municipalityfspector of North Simcoe, have of the act for- been appoin'ied Continuation liquaxrs within Schoo‘l Inspectors. ;.;:tc:ouncttillo;lt:f 1' Mr W A. Campbell teaches near :Ncustairt, in a Lutheran settleâ€" Iment and Whitmon-day ubeing ob- 1 of hot wea- gserx‘ed by them as a religious 1‘01: that the : holiday .t‘he school was not opened Heawkh will juntn Tuesday of this meek. We l dogs in the ;admire people who have sufficient durklvg the ireverence to observe the holyvdays reaglv several of their church. There are many1 :ave~been re- of us Who seem to have hittle re- were so few gard even fior Sunday, which a summer when spirit of obraggasdoocia would cause ied. it is ex- many to break, were it not for: yr order will :3 fear of the Lanv. l n‘Olr is prepar- appropriate for Last fall, a number of rainbow trout were 'put in the McGowan .mill dam, with a View to increas- ling the fish product. When put in athey we're not more than three- quarter to one inch in length. Last week. Mr. John Robertson cast a ’ fly on the water. and wars surpris- ed to capture one of the enlarged rainbows, which measured six inches in length. 1% says the fish is just as sporty as the ordinary] speckled trout. and we understand , the flavor is equally as good. Mr ; Gun has the fish preserved in al-f coho]. ' held I Dr. Merchant, Inspector of N or- mal and Model ischooil‘si. and Chief Inspect-or of Public schools, has given up mhe latter position, and has been appointed Director of Inâ€" dustrial and Technical Education for the ‘Province of Ontario. R. H. Cowley. M. A., 01f Toronto, suc- ceeds Dr. Merchant. Dr. Waug‘h. of Ottawa Normal school. and G. K. :DIills. -B. A.. Public school] Tn- any of boys from Durham and vi- cinity. He asks us to change the address on his Chronicle from-In- dian Head to Dasup‘hisn, and Wishes the “old rag” every prosperity. We in turn sham be ever pleased to hear of Mr. Theobald’s success 9'0 DI" letter or telephone. ,cmch. When the party Wiltl Etaken txo . . On Monday morning last tihere.i . Toronto/by G’ T' R' was a change} in the C. P R.‘ A-serrous 30°1’d93‘t0‘00111‘1'9d time 'table. The brains going east 01,) Monday morning, {MT- C leave Durham; now at 7.10 a m. and “hm-8‘ a seam“ man 0‘11 UN 4 p.m., and arrive in Toronto at P' R" :was '0“ a 1011’1‘V 11.15 am. and 7.55 p.m, The brains marl train “’3‘3 leave Toronto at 7.50 am. and 5.15 In order it") 'S’tOp quickly. p.m., and are due at Durham at bialfe’s 'Were applied, and 11.54 am. and 9.19 p,m, Intending ij'te fell forward, and 't'he ’10 travellers will please take notice. “:yt'h eight men aboard, ran C as all trains are due in Durham him” breaking his left leg and earlier, with the exception (if the arm very :badly, DP- Hu't'txon night train going west. icalled. and the firacturezs Were :duced. a-flter which 'the inju We had a letter from Mr. Wes .' man was taken to his home Theobald a few days ago. He is Proton Station. now travelling for the J. H. Ash-’ . down Hardware Company and his 1 The 1318110ij Huron has i351 headquarters are at Dauphin.:Man- the 'C'Om'en’mg Ci'I‘Clllar, W-h itoba, where there is a large col- calls the Synod t‘O‘EE‘Uhe’T‘ 1'" On Monday morning laesrt there was a change! in the C. P R. time 'table. The brains going east leave Durham now {at 7.10 a m. and 4 p.m., and arrive in Toronto at 11.15 a.m. and 7.55 p.111, The trains leave Toronto at 7.50 am. and 5.15 p.m., and are due at Durham at 11.54 am. and 9.19 p,m, Intending travellers will please take notice. Cat'halrinles, this being the sev sale he {has made \to 61126 < gentleman. There would nothing unusual in this, but the fact ‘t'hiat the gentlemam the other end of the deal he purchased at time of "bl” the .sales :all having been nego? ed by zle't'terr or telephone. Mayfor Black 183 span of homes to A letter from Mr. Con. KrelIIer of Disley, Sask., dated June lst says: “Crops are looking well now, but We 3have had a cold. backward spring. Last Sunday, We had six inches of snow. (but we have had quite a change, and it is very warm HOW.” A beautiful 2% lb. trout was on exhibition last Saturday in the w‘ndow of MT. Geo. Burnett. Mr. William McGirr caught the fish. which was one of the thick-set gvariety, and measured 16 54 inches in length. 'W-e still have some of those cheap summer silks at 40c.. " ._ and 55c. per yard also a good assortment of these job White waixsts at 59c.. worth $1.25 and $1.50 Worth $2.00. Don‘t miss this op- , if you need anything in the aboveâ€"C. L. Gran-t- the gentleman at of the deal has and-e \to and same There would be >u need anything -in L. Gran-t. n Mr. Con. Kremer LL, dated June lst ware l-ookin g well . Geo Burnett. Mr. '1' caught the fish. 2 of the thick-set especially fasrmers negotiat- eume in Contact with a thigh ten- ,sion Wire, With a pair of pincers, and received tube fuil Dome of the current 'Dhree other hnemen who were with him at the time. attach- ’ed a mope, first to the head, and then to the feet. before thev could drag the s‘body free from the Wire, receiving a severe shock in so do- ing. They have deft the job, as j ;the result :of the accndent. Thel fremains 'Were Ibnought to Shel-l burne, where an inquest was held. I Matthew Reynolds, 56 years 'old. and mnmasrried, employed as a: lineman nby mhe Dufferin Light a: ‘ Pow-er 00.. was instantly kilded While at work on Saturday last? He caught a guy Wire which had! for atown resi- dents have reason enough about them to think it would be only fair gto piaze it more centrally for the {benefit of those who have to pay itoward's its maintenance. 'We do met for a moment Wish to injure 'any u'p-Jtiown citizen by bringing {the library to a domvn-«fcown lo- }cati-on. It is sincerely to :be hoped {that 'a more suitaible site Will] be chosen before it is too late. As a trustee of the Public Library Board we protest against the chosen lo- cation as unfair and unjust to the ma}ority of the citizens. The idea of putting the library on the hillside is certainly an up- . a. . popuaz‘ one. Of all We have spok- en t-o on 'tlhe subject, not over ;half a dozen have expressed approval. cans the Synod together in the . , on June 13th. Hitherto the Synod has 'met in London. but as ghe General Synod of the AJngLLcan Church Canada is to meet in London September, the bishop thought it advisable *to cash} the Diocesan Sy- nod together in Stratford. ,Messrs. Jos. Atkinson and Wm. Da‘vis asre{ the lay (delegates from the pa'rish ! who will adtemd the Stratford_ meeting next :Week. ‘ the Thuradzax' morning Trunk Railway to Pane thence by the steamer Parry Sound. The re-t1 ‘be fimm Parry Sound wood lby steamer Gerrr. Friday will be spent, clock. when the part: taken to Toromn Ihxr a u.” “m: wewuner, and 510 far. We have .had no firost, though it came down nearly one night. The hay crop. The Markidale furniture factory came nearly Ib-eisng destroyed by fire on Monday of last week. The fire started in the fi n'is’hing room, ’a'ppaxre'n‘tly from opontamieo-us combustion. and but for the fac- tory fire brigade, would thiav e des- troyed the Whole structure. me in from all directions, of rapid growth, and an excellent prospect for a good crop. Tnh'ingis never looked :bettert so most of the farmers tell us. Since the fimsxt of May A German speech, and 2m Eng- l‘is'h speech ‘on reciprocity, and a band concert. (in the Hanover rink. on 'Dhumswdzay evening, June 22nd me sweets were Literally jam- med on Satwrdray night last. Dur- ham has long been noted for big crowds on Saturday nights,. espec- ially during the summer months. ‘ 1 Parry Souni to Coiling- }* steamer Germanic, where will be spent, titbl four 0’- mam Press Association rronmo on Tuesday and the 20th and 21915 of 'ed by an excursion to :1, leaving Toronto on morning :‘by Grand prospect £0; a good as never looked better the farmers tell us. next of May ,we have was approaching. ISIt‘O'p quickly, the applied, and Mr. DURHAM. URL mussnav, JUNE 8 part-y wilzl be Pen etam‘gui-shene mer W'aubic, to return trip will occurred here an on the C, Grand re- is â€"â€"-â€" .v .fare now placed must :be anything !but satisfactory. They are not 'Well provided with light, and the many interferences they have to endure, will mfliitate strongly against the success of thefir open air concerts. If we are to have an efficient band, the town should go to some expense in providing them accommodation. But Where. u -â€" - Hvuuuu WHJHU a“: I I . N ow, if it is detrimental to the townls interests to have a iband stand away fmom the centre, What must it :be in the case not a public library being ‘sfinilltarly .si. - uated. Owr opinion is that it would “be just as weld foa' the band. and just as yell for the citi- zens to be a short distance away, flrom 'flhe principal thoroughfare. s’ul‘uullg'e'u existence. The com- .plete destruction of Uhe old fac- §tuory' 'by fine, was a big draw- i‘back. but the town did Wisely :he'lping the company to get on E'th-eir feet again, and continue ,‘opvevnation's. The extra loan of a lyue-zar ago, was, ' ’year round can hardly _be estimat- ed in dollars and cemts, but we ,“think there are very few, if any, !sane citizen-s to-day, who would like to go back to the old con- dition of things. We feel proud of our furniture factory, and we’ll ‘ soon have reason to feel prouder. “I The dry kril-ms. -too, are nearing" e {completion and when finished. " “will, we understand, 1be second to none in Uhe country. r a t The company is cert-army grow- a O ,Ing into a (big concern, and haw- _ 1' ing tim’ber areas of their own. l and operating their own saw mills. and under good business manage- ' :men't, there seems to be 'a bright {future in store. It is ommhy aco-m- ipnaratively young concern, (having :started on a small and unpreten- tious scale about ten years ago. ‘and struggling along for a time i'wityhlout much prospect for a l-‘prolingved exi'SItegice. The com- {pltete destruction of the old fac- gtuory 'by fire, was a big dram:- f‘back. but the town d‘id Wisely 5 k‘AAAAAA A A A n - A another question. at any time to keep the stazndpipe 'full. The waterworks system as a fire protection will cost the com- frpany about $12000, but Will soon i-'pa} for itself by reducing .the {cost of insurance on the plant. IW’ork is going on also at the Rocky .Saugieen. where the river is being harnessed, so as to gener- ate electricity with which alJl parts of the factory will be Operateud The post holes from the Rocky here are nearly all] ready for the pol es, and wiring, which will be rushed ahead as soon as possible] e Workmen engaged in the furni- tu-re factory extension are push- _ ing the work along nicely. Last _ fail, the lower storey, made of , solid concrete, was completed, and ’ is a very substantial foundation. and looks well. The walls of the ' second storey, which is of red brick, are now complete, and the heavy timbers are being put in . place, so that the brickwork mary ; be continued in a short time. An- other storey will 'be added to the old building, so that the whole structure, when completed, will be .of uniform height, and contain a large amount of floor space. A large water supply tank has been constructed. It has acaspa- city of about 80,000 gallons. On the elevation in the rear of .the factory, a high stand 'pipe will {be erected, and 60 connected with every part of the building which ‘will be supplied with the sprink- ,ling system, that should a fire ’start in any room, the water will be turned on automatically and re- duce the danger of fire gaining much ’h‘elad'w‘ay. We are told that which will have a capacity of 60,000 gallons. The supply tank will be constantly fed from the waterworks and other sources, and an engine may be turned on Uulr opinion is that it 'be just as welfi for the and jmst as yell for the citi- band stand artistically reproduced the the comina season. $1.00 PER YEAR best mil ' .mer ., original

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