West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 15 Jun 1911, p. 1

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J acq uard ‘Oc,50c and beautiful as. See IShildrehn’s mas for Parasols at 200., {for ladies the Rain iome,and LS Now ace sect-ion. Idefl aim or mixed 7" v easy terms. GS uarter section. Stockings - we have rel] Ribbed and ladies. for ladies LLAS BUILDING ZhIENCE “‘0 Agent; J. JILUS' hes. Parlor, it meals a to m and To- arrive To- nd-Leave '2 Durham 3 ram 3 Living”... Alberta Ch- FREE on Toronto Minn. ““0112 a hundred and ten tickets were S‘Uld here on Saturday for the EXcursion to the .Model Farm. The mr’ming had a very suspiciOPS appearance, and befou‘e the tram} Pulled out. 1:: had started 1:0 min (mite heavily, and looked 88‘ tthh We might have an all d:av downpoun ered the Sky, and it got as dJa'I'k as midnight far a few minutes. 1 'ing anorthezr refreshing Show-’1', the clouds rolled awaY~ and the day turned out to be most delightful, but perhaps a little {0° Warm for real enjoyment. bout Lard Strathcona has donated $100,000 towards fthe equipment of the new )Iedical Clonege, Montreal. Pasture.â€"We can supply pas. ture for a limited number of cows during the summer. Apply at McGowan Milling Co’s office. in Trinity church; Thursday evening. lic Strictly pure paris green at Macfarlan‘e’s. The 1.0.F. will attend divine ser- ('9 in a body at the Baptist 181‘ifh. un Sunday evening, June 1h. Band in attendance. Mem- -:'.~4 :1 re requested to meet at their The members of Trinity church re making arrangements for the 'Jlding of a garden party on it? rector-y grounds on July fifth. Mr John Kellv sold his awto last E't'ii In Mr. C Douglas, 'the 'jeW- e: im'e, and has purchased an- hcz' me“ one from 'the Ford 'peo- c. Hf M’alkerx‘ille. IE :LIEHI) pastor :22 years Of milled suicide by taking Hi5 mind became un- on account of the 41111935 ozhcr. who was suffering ~‘<:' Though the young 81:20::eg attached to his he didn’t show much Hf character by acting as taking his own life. We I‘smx-s who are possessed 211 devotion, but we think .xid be made of stronger 1 the young man in 01198-1" we was a screw loose; VGL. 44â€"N0. 2302. ursday. June 22nd, is a pub- oliday. and business places in will be closed Don‘t forget. baptismal service will be held 'inity churchat 8 o’clock thisl season of £1911 has been. so must pleasant one, and in ntinued warm Weather. .the ml garden crops are devel- wonderfully fast. As one Hf the mildness of this we were shonw on Satur- me 3rd, by Mr. DaVi'd Kin- :his place, a couple of z'awberries, plucked from He!) that morning. Foster. of the Hanna House ‘ disappeared with his} and not until he had time h the land of Uncle Sam. citizens surmise that he '1»: for good, leaving mourn- litors behind him. He was by the citizens to be hon- n his dealings, but the)" anged their minds om that down the river on the E White Star steamer in with the Times Press sion. is worth the fare atrial G.T.’R. excuersion :9 ,Owen Sound. and .1 Friday, July 7th, re- nday. July :10th. Great- y outing of the season. and tickets at all G. ns south to Hanover, laws and small bills. o p.m.â€"W. Johnston, er I Durham. ked burglars entered D:m\'ille. Que., a few :u': were driven off by rks. who slept in the fly on Monday morn- home of Rev. and Episcopal minister. at 3 entered. supposedly gang. and the minis- ifc were badiv beaut- ting the :bed on fire. )5 made their retreat le succeeded in get- es under CO‘DIt'l‘Ol. N0 iss‘ailan'tis has been For “ : out the whole district. 59 meetings ‘ were held. and 1410 peOple attend- fed them. The branch expenses Ethis year were $116.14, and cash on hand. $96.24. making a balance of $212.38 The district expenses were $24.46, and cash on hand $4262. ;making a balance of $67.08 Some for the branches send money to {the Sick Children’s Hospital, and father charities They also have, 'flower and shut in committees to, l |visit and send flowems to the sick. {One branch bought a piano, and :have it nearly cleumr of debt. The district officers for the following! Year were then elected. as follows: President, :‘ers. J'H. Allen, Varney; Vice President, Miss A. Re'nwixck, Dvromovre; Secretary, Mrs. T. Mecâ€" Girrr, Durham; Directors. 'Miss G. 1. Laurie, lEmeood: Mrs Dr. {Rog- ers, Hanover; Mrs. J. Schell, Ay- ton: Mrs. JH. Sharp, Holstein” Mrs. I Robb, Robb; Ma's. T. At-l chison, Dromore; Mrs. :W.. Lee,, Durham: Auditors, Mrs. C. Ram-:1 ag» Mrs. N. McCannel.â€"Com. b gave 'the report of the district and branch meetings. There are. seven branches in the South Grey district. Elmwood. Hanover. Ayton. Holstein. ’Robb. Dzromo-re, and Durham. Each branch has its own president and secretary. and are doing splendid work. Throughâ€" The District annual meeting of the South Garey Women’s Institute. was held in the town hall, Durham, on June 7th. The president. Mrs .McC'ri-e. was in the chair, The sec- retary’s books were audited. and found correct. The secretary then 3 Evening subject, “What We Mis on by Not Attending Church” e Garafraxa The ‘i basement '3 of Hiiion {Rowe about seven 01 1 0 ' . . . . s c norete and the eight years of age had one of h“ walls b31001) frame, Wi'th brick feel: badly cut a few days ago _ Veneer when finished. We are al- While running through long grass f ways glad to see Improvements in on the side of one of the streets 1 the way of building, and present indications, it will not long till I r ’ had died rather unexpectedly Alpena, Michigan, where and are, therefore, unable to give our readers any further informa- tion at this time. We tender our heartfelt sympathy to the bereav- ed husband, who fills the position of pastor in the Baptist church at Hartney, Manitoba. The family is ”1113' widely scattered, Mr. Newâ€"‘1 ton being in Hartnevy, the eldest [son Carl, in San Antonio, Texas, i’the other son, Keith, in some geo- logical work in British Columbja. from he steppe-d on a broken whiskey be flask inflicting a very deep gash greater accommodation which bled very profusely for a will be needed to house the peOple. time. He was attended by It was quite a shock to the citi- Button and i3 DOW doing W811- ’ zens of this town when the intelli- ; . ' gence was passed around on Mon- day last that bIrs. ('Rev.) ”Newton - Dr. Jubilee services will be held in the Presbyterian chunch Rocky Saugeen on Sunday and Monday, at June 25th and 26th, Sunday ser- she was v being treated for nervous trouble. We. have no further particulars. ice-s alt 11 a m. and '7 p.m., sacra- ment at morning service Rev. Mr. Little will! preach in the morning and Rev. er. McDonald in the ev- eningâ€"both former pastors. On Monday evening tea will be serv- ed in the church after which a suitable program .§will be rendered Admission 25c and 15c. Mr. Allan [Be-1,1 went to Guelph Saturday morning with the Farm- eirs’ excursion, but decided not to return for a time. On Monday, last he was married in Guelph; and the mother, during her late to Miss Maud Beckw’ith, anddefti sickness and death. in Alpena, Jon a honeymoon ’31P to lempeg! Michigan. As a slight tribute to the deceased. we may Estand. until about the first in ‘second week in August. reâ€" 'his absence, his undertaking busi- say that we always held her the highest esteem, while we personal Where he will be absent. we ‘under- or ' During garded the now bereaved husband 3855 119:9. will be 1nh chmrgle oft‘MrCi! ' " - ‘ ' :‘t In ' as the essence of‘honor and true ames 9113 31% M 0 “I a ie f l manhood. Ato all calls. Judge Haht'on, senior Judge of 'the County of Grey, died at the home of his parents, near Owen Sound, on Saturday Last. 'He had been ill for about a year, was unmarried, and fortyrfive years of age. Judge McCrimmon, senior Judge of the {County of Ontario. died on Monday night. He was in his fifty-sixth year. nearing completion. and the other will be pushed ahead as fast as possible. They willtbe for sale or rent. nearing co and the other Will be hush Get a kodak and learn pictures now. You’ll get worth keeping when you your vacation. $1 up, art 1 lane’s. cabinets fior $2.7 Kelsey. W'an-ted, â€"A~t APply to Mrs 1111.3! 01 Laure-y, died at the DI his parents, near Owen _on Saturday Lasnt. 'He had for about a year, was At once, servant girl. rs J. Towneu‘. une only. Regular :3: $2.75 per dozensâ€"Fred 91 “G” 5-pa‘ssrenger first class condition. application to D. L. 11D, at“: Macfar- garage, $193.. learn to take house this Views l 9:0 on _ A few weeks ago, we had a |{complaint from a Bentinzek resiâ€" ldent about the condition of the ’Durham [Road near the old creamâ€" Iery. The complaint appeared in} lthe Chronicle, and the Durham; Icouncil was not slow in making} {things right. Now, another Bent-g 'inck resident complains about a, pathmastecr leaving stones .ocn the,I roadway, which interfere, very: materially, with the comforts of travel, when a few hours"wo«rk in each division picking off the lstones, would make a Very de-I, ‘cided improvement. We are told; that path-masters are required, by law, to see that this work is done. and if this 'be so, :We are quite sure they will attend to it willingly.‘ For doing SIlCh-WOTk, ‘howeverp: they should be paid by the muniâ€" ' ‘ s cipalities to which they belong. I 1 I the 7 p..;m Monday, ’July 24: h, \Wal-l :iters Falls 11 a.m., Owen "Cound, 8,l p..:m Tuesday, July 25th Brook-33 holm 11 a.m. Shelburne, 8 p..'m , \V ednesda3, July “G'th,LDunda1k, 11 a..m Maxwell. 8 p..,m Proton, 7 p.‘ m.; Thursday, July BTIh, Egremon‘t 3 10.30 a.m.. Durham, 8 p.m. The, Rev. W. H. Hartley will commence; his confirmation cclass meute'ingsl next Week. All desitring to be! confirmed, orr ft-o learn something] about confirmation, are urged toi attend the meetings. I The Bishop of Huron will con- duct his confirmation tour in the Deanery of Grey. as follows' Sun- day, July 23rd, LVIazrkdzale, 11 am., Williamsforrd, 3 p.m., -Chatswomth. Mr. Allan {Bell went to Guelph Saturday morning with the Farm- ers’ excursion, but decided not to return for a time. On' Monday last he was married in Guelph to Miss Maud Beckw’ith, and left on a honeymoon trip to lWin‘nip-eg where he will be absent we ‘undeir- stand. until about the first or second week in August. During his absence, his undertaking busi- ness here will be in charge of Mr. James Lenahan. M‘hO will attend to all calls. Hiiton Rowe about seven or eight years of age had one of his feet badly out a few days ago. Whiie running through- ervng grass on the side of one of the streets he stepped on a broken whiskey flask inflicting a Very deep gvash which bled Ver'y pmofusely for :1 ftime He was attended by Dr. The subject of discourse in the Methodist chumch next Sunday morning will be. in View of Cor- ona‘tioln Day. “Honor the King," Evening subject, “What \Ve Miss by Not Altitending Church” i A garden party will be held by rthe Me'thuk srt Church on Mrs Su- itherland’s lawn. Countess street, on F'Iussday evening 'June 27th Band 'in attendance. Admission 10c. The Canadian Order of Forest- ers will attend service in Trinity Chmrch on Sunday, June 25th at 11 am. 'Band in attendance. Bre- othren are requested ‘to meet at the Lodge-room at 10.30. 2 sxanng rink on Friday, June 23rd Miss Maud Hamilton loaf: her watch returning from Guelph ex- cursion Finder will be rewarded lby leaving it at this office lpd Mr Robert Matthews. son of Mr. James Mamthews, of Egremo'n't. had a horse killed by lightning dur- ilthe storm on Saturday morning J [last ' m, when Rev. James Malcolm, of Holstein, will preach Service preparatory to the com- munion will be held in rthe Presby- terian church on Friday, at 8 D A lot of good matter has been crowded o'utt for want of spa'e. A ga’te post in front of Mr Dan- iel Edge’s was struck by lightning on Saturday morning last The Young PieOples’ Society of 'the Baptism Church intend holding their annual Garden Party in the skating rink on Friday, June 23rd . DURHAM. ONT“ THUFSDAY as he was tired of the Wedding ceremonies and preferred his own lplaymates A. policeman noticing gthe lad telephoned to know if he :had a red head and firecklved face. and being advised Vthla‘t this was a good description of the missing boy he was soon captured and re- stored to the bosom of hits anxious imother. The red head and freckled face served a good pwrpose for - 'eouo run-00 m Sherwood Bowie, *the five-year- iold son of Mr. and Mrs. Bowie, W313 .in Guelph Monday with his parents "at the Allan Bell wedding. Get- ;ting timed, he wandered away um- ;seen When missed there was a general search made. and police (notified. After spending an anxi- 'ous houur 01‘ two the young 000D iwas found near Guelph Junction :on rthe railway (mack, headed for‘ iDurham, intending the boot it home 1 An interesting and profitable ;eom ention of Owen Sound District iof the Baptist church is in session here this Week A large number of ministers and lay delegates are lin at endance. and many important .‘subjects are being discussed The gconvention opened on Tuesday evening, when a very hearty ad- dress of Welcome was given byJ Mayor Black A Picnic will be held at Hutton Hill on Thursday, June 29th Am- ong the many amusements is a prize Baseball Match Everybody come. Don‘t forget to bring a basket ' 9 l The nuptial knot tied.. the young ' i received the congu'a/tula- itions and Well Wishes of their ’friends there assembled, after ‘which rthe company sat down to a lmost sulmpttuows dinner. .Mr and Mrs. Burnett left on the :Grand Tlrunk afternoon train on a Eshort honeymoon trip to Toronto ‘and other points. the bride travel- ling in a suit of navy blue. withJ hat to match After (their return, they will take up their residence on 'Bruâ€"ce street. We join .their many friends in wishing them a lung and pros- perous married life A very pnemty Wedding was so]- emnized this ‘Wednesday at eleven io’clo'ck. at 'the home of :Mr and Mrs. Hugh MacDonald Bruce street when their only gdaught-er. IMyrntle, was united in :marriage with Mr George S. morning The ceremony was performed by the bride’s pastor ,‘Rev. Mr. Mc- Causland, in the presence of about fifty guests. Miss «Cassie MacDon- ald cousin of ‘the bride, played the wedding march. Miss Agnes, Howard. of Guelph. was bridesmaid maid. and Mr. Howard MacDonald. brother of the bride. 'Was ’best inan. At rthe appointed hour. the ithe lawn . .d 'immed- lately aflterward the bride Who was given away by her father” inn}: he" ~‘A““ ‘ Supper was served in the dining room, which was beautifully decor- ated with With ferns and carna- utions‘ Only (the immediate rela- tives from St. Catharines, Durham and Toronto. of rthe contracting parties, were present. The happy couple leave this evening for Win- nipeg and points west, and on their return will reside at Durham ‘ ~â€"Gu‘e1ph Mercury, Monday June 12 BUV‘R'NE'TTâ€"ilVIaCDONALD, -nv was given away by her brother. Mr Clayton Beckwith, was attired .in a beauftiful whirte silk mull. daintily trimmed with lace; Herr rtravelling gown was pongee with tan trimmings, with hat of laws-- can shade black velvet 'trimmed with roseebuds. The wedding march was played by Mrs. Staple- fton HYM EN EAL B-ELLâ€"-BE~CK WITH , JUNE 15,121: at when their only ym‘tle, :was united in hth Mr George S. this place. NQOWWQW“OOO Print Bargains, ix; short ends and remnants: reg. 100 and 12540 to clear at ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, a, Shoes Ladies’ Waists in Lawn and Silk Our Spring NIiliinery is the event of the sea- son. Our display consists of the latest original millinery creations from Paris, London and New York, backed up by the work of the best miliiner Special Cotton Hose, worth 200 3 pr Cotton and Lisle Hose in smart style at .......... ................................................. 25c, 40c and 50c OOOOOOOOOOOOO..‘ .;. at 2 for 25¢ $1.00 PER YEAR '0...’..........

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