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Durham Chronicle (1867), 15 Jun 1911, p. 2

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)NS 02.“) IP IN. er THE STORE FORMERLY occu- I â€" I I H pied by Mr. Mockler. Good con- €323; 85:11 gamf 33%;) £33953?“ early in the season, and thus cut 03' t Inge proportion of the desired. Appf; Durham. “USE AND LOT O_N CQUNTESS flL__-_L AT AN EXTREMELY LOW FIF- nre. and on easy terms, an up- town property in good location. Particulars furnished at the Chronicle Office. Mar. Qtf A_“PERFECT” BICYCLE DESIRABLE BUILDING LOT, 1-2 acre‘ corner lot, opposite Clark 5 Planing Mill. For particulars ap- ply at this office. 1f GOOD COMFORTABLE HOUSE and lot onn Geqyge street. Over ‘_ _ 313.091) SQW_FQR SALE, ON LOT LOT 5 AND 6, 2nd CONCESSION Egremont, ‘200 acres of good land. 120 acres cleared. good hardwood :bush. well fenced, well watered. For further particulars apply to Robert Meade. Varney. June 4 ti WP 21. CON. 2. TOWNSHIP OF kranont, containing 106 was about 10 acres hardwood bush. 0 acre» swamp tlmbered, the rest Char; barn 30x50, stable 30x40. Omaha-d 1 acre, watered by 2 wells ad opting. Part of purchase may can remain on me age. For particulars apply Wi liam LOT 3. CON. ‘22, EGREMONT, 100 100 ACRES NO. 1 LAND, BEING Lot 3. Con. 9, Glenelg. Cheap and on easy terms. Apply to J. AuRussell Box ’39, Sedgewick, Alberta. 5-4 tf 5 ACRES OF GOOD TILLABLE __v â€" vâ€"â€", v- “HALLL in good running order. and equipped with a first-class Am- erican Searchlight, which turns the darkest night into bright- ness, and adds greatly to the comfort and safety of the rider. All tools necessary, including a good foot pump. Also a 14- power magnifying telescope, 16 inches opened, closed, 6 inches, scientifically ground lens. A real bargain to quick buyer.â€" Robt. G. Hewitt, Box 17, Durham, â€"â€"-vv"_v" “v-'-' 'm Farm for Sale or Rent 5 flex AND Eds-{w on A .... _-__.â€"_â€"â€"â€" “‘ ' ” L; .. - ‘ short distances at fK ‘ 8 LOT GORE A,_EuREMo.\T, o5 AC- mm sum, 1.2%? r0933°5m§i°é res, about 40 acres cleared and )5“, hour. fmm l2to‘30'clock ' In good state of cultivation. Well] watered, frame barn, stone foun- P dation, good log house. For 1' 6' Hutton: ”- 0.. .1. I. further particulars apply to { FFIQE' TELFORD'S BLOCK. UP Mrs. H. Dennett, Varney. 2 23mc 3‘31”. Lambton _S‘r88¢L-h Rqside‘gce-e n-A-nA-n n--- -.... -_J I" â€"v- VA‘ UVUL‘LHUU Streetihgply to Mrs. John Har- bottle, Durham. 6303ptf an acre of excelléfit géiciéh 1.3.1111. good stable and orchard. Apply to Mrs. Geo. Hepburn, Durham. June 4 11 tf A LARGE QUANTITY OF FIRST class shingles for sale at reas- onable prices.â€"The Durham Furniture Co., Limited. 2 2tf 6. Can. 3, N.D.R.. Glendaâ€"Mr; Chas. Arnett. 3 301:! STRAYED FROM THE GRAND Trunk smock yards, on May 9th. two white pigs, one (hog and one sow, Reward for their return. Persons detaining them after this notice will be prosecuted.â€" J. G. Wilson, Durham. acres. 70 acres cleared: balance light bush. Brick house. good buildings, well fenced, well wat- ered. For further particulars. apply to D. Hamilton. Durham. Mar 30 3mc lmd in the town, will be let on wares to suitable person. Apply to Mrs. Lauder. near the Cream- ”. 9293 For Sale or Rent. To Let on Shares. Farms for Sale. Store to Refit Shingles for Sale Adventioemo-ma of one inch, or less. 25 cents far first i! atrium. and 10 cents for each unbooquont insertion. Over one inch and under two im-heo. double the shove anwnnt. Yearly rates on applzc tum For Sale. Pig's Lost up 1y . nt. , 82 GEAR SMALL ADS. l. P. telford. \nnnfiâ€"fi (successor to W. F. Dunn) ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CON. veyancer, Notary Public c. Money to 1mm on farm property, In- surance effected. life or fire. Office over Standard Bank, Durham. Ont- . '1 61', bonveyanaer. c. Insurance Agent. Money to Loan. Issuer of Mat-3 riage Licenses. A general financial b13333; aess traneacted. 1 DURHAM ONT. (Lower Town_\ 5 J F GRANT.D.ns.Lb a ONOR GRADUATE. UNIVERSI- ty of Toronto. 811mb Raps College Dante! Surgeons 023mm. Dentistry in all its Branches. Office.â€"Oaldes' Block, over Post 0610-. The female house fly lays from 120 to 150 eggs at a time, and these mature in two weeks. Under favorable conditions the descendants of a. single pair will number millions in three months. Therefore all housekeepers should commence using â€" â€""‘ “vi-I'lbvu Oh. af monev to loan at uropertv. Dr. D. S.Craig. D.V.S. V in}. ISEASES OF DOMESTICA'PED animals treated on must scientif- ic principles. All calls prompfly attended to. Office and reside“ Garafraxa Street. Durham, nwlw posite the Chronicle (flies. \IOTARY PUBLIC, comi'mssm er. anveygmgr. 8m. Immune I m-..‘ IFFICE: 0V8: J J HW’, L R. C. P.. LONDON. ENG ‘! BADULATE of London, E '1 York 4nd Chicago. Diseases 01 Eye. Eat Nose and Tho-n. mu be an Knapp Home. Dal-bani {8:11;de in each month. Houn- 1: ate usmmnt- Roy. London Ophthalmic h 3113.. and coGoldeu Sq. Thvou and New Hm. SPECIALIST: EYE, EAR, THROAT a. loss FFICE. TELFORD’S BLOCK. UP “ stairs, Lambtou Street. Residence- Corner Queen and Gear Streetsâ€"Noni at Methodist Church. cs hoursâ€"- 1m. 24 MIL. 7-9 p.m. Telephone N0. 1 face m the New Huntar Blgciiriovfif. .ours Etc 10 a. m., to4p. m.and7to. J; m. Special_ attention given to disease If womefi and childremfi .vosite Presbvberian Church. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, O’- fice m the New Hunter Block. ()6- A LOGGING CHAIN. OWNER can have same by describing property and paying for this notice In rthe future, and until Novem- ber lat, the local banks will close on Friday afternoon at lo’clock. Traders Bank of Canada. tandard Bank of Canada. Ors. Jamieson 8:. Ilaclauml. (Successor tn There will be no room {or disap- pointment if you use our Want Ads. They wall bring you lodgers and boarders of a desirable class,_ Have you expended considerabie money and energy to make a dwetfing attractive tp lodgers and boarders and then been disappointed in your patronage. R0 Room for Disappointincnt LOCAL BANKS cL'o'Sf Legal Dental Damion} .‘ Arthur Gun, 5. D. Medical Directorv. UR. BRLWN A. C. Grant BR. BURT. Found WILSON’ invariably followed train, thus pre-.i Surveyors have commenced to venting that scalding of the crop.gla3' out the line for a street rail- Which so frequently “happens when way for our City. We W111 not say a hot sun succeeds a heavy it IS a sure thing, however, till shower. However. in this di's- we see the ca'rslrunning. trict, there has been one dark spot; The terribly tragic death of the in the otherwise brighrt outlooik. FM" 53.8. Magee was a dreadful The insistent. )inisiduous. though ShOCk “30 his many friends in this insignificant looking wire worm. district. Mr. Mage-e was islarted to has been getting in its destruct- give an address M the Conference ive work. In some sections, manila“ Week, but Was unable to be fields had to be re-s-oweld, on ac-lm‘esen’ta owing to ill health. growth of all {kinds of plant life. Everything is shooting up with amazing rapidity, and the pros- pects for a bumper crop in every line of farm products are exceed- ingly bright. The three chief el- ements of growth, light, heat and moisture, have been wonderfully harmonious. Cool weather has invariably followed train, thus pre- venting that scalding of the Crop. which so frequently “happens when The ideal Weather conditions that have obtained during the past three or four weeks. have re- sul‘md in .a mostxre‘markable Parisian Sag-e is (the best hair grower 31nd :beauitifier, dandruff cure and scalp cleaner known. They s'guamanxt-ee it to emaldicate dandruff. stop fia‘lll'im’g' and split- ting hair ‘2.an itching scaa'l'p, or money |back. grow it the hair root is not dead: Parisian Sage "will make hair it puts 'Mfe land [buster into dull ano faded (hair, and is (the most dehig‘htful hua'iir dressing in the world. Only 50c. :a. large {baht-2e. .MaJcfiaersame 00. Win tell (you than: they teem la gwreart many bot- tles o»! iPasrisia-n Slag-e. (because it gives satisfaction. We were sorry to learn ‘that our ghvother scribe from Darkies’ Cor- ners had gone to accept a- posi- tion in Montreal, but such \will be the case and we must join with his many friends in Wishing him every success in his new field of labor. We are quite confident that .Bob is able to take care of himself wherever he goes. We understand 'that Mr. H. H. Miller punt 5000 fish into the stream running through Mr. H. Br'igha‘m’s place last Week. Mr. 'Herberrt ’Brigham was Visit- ing friends in Louise last week Quite a number from here at- tended the funeral of the late lRob- ert Disney. of Hanover, last week. W'e extend our sympathy to the the sorrowing family. Try it (on our money back Dian. CLASSIC CIT Y CHRONICLES. 311‘. James McMahon’s ba1rn was struck. by lightning one day last Week and pretty badly slivered in places. but it did not 'take fire It is quite an idea the Blyth Corner scribe has in ”crying rto do the good editor out of a few eggs. ‘We were informed that Mr. Ed- ward T. HOpkins, south line, had the misfortune to have eighteen sheep and lambs killed by (110935 last week. This was a big loss and still there are some people who think fthat because they pay a dog tax that their dogs have [the right to run at large and do all the damage they like and you dare not shoot them. There were quite a number from around here attended the excur- sion to Guelph, and [report a pleas- ant 'time. Mr. and Mrs. ”Wm. Kerr, *our gen- eral blacksmith, have moved into vthe house lately occupied by Mrs. Purvis. (Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Eidt went to Han-over last Week. to help his brother, Con. Eidrt, in the hotel business for a While. and Mr and Mrs. Yand't, of A'y'ton, have charge of ‘Mr. Eid't’s property here Mr. John H. Smith is busy Dut- ting up a silo for Wm. Hazlett this Week Mrs. Geo. Purvis left last week to reside with her son, Milford. in Guelph, for a while IT GROWS HAIR summer crop. ALLAN PARK THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Smelli-e, A. I] B. Kennedy. Sr. IIâ€"-A. (Pennock, (T. S. iMcMillan, ‘E. .Bea!ton, 1‘ lane. Jr. II~A. .McGilliVTray‘ Arthur, L. lMcKeown, M, Pt. IIâ€"P. Penn'ock, J. M M. Kennedy. Pt._.:Iâ€"E. iMcInnis, \A. M: [N HONOR ROLL FOR MAY NC. a. GLENELG IVâ€"J. :McKeown, S. McGilliVTay, M. Beaton, 3M. :McMillan. IIIâ€"E. Poole, E. Arn’e‘t't, 0. Pen- nock, F. McFatrlane, M. .M cKeown, N. IMcD-onald. I One of our brightest Public 'school teachers‘ Miss G. McCallum. idied quite suddenly a short time ago She graduated from the Nomal school last weau', and was one of the cleve'res't students in her class. Her many student com- panions in Western Ontario will be greatly shocked Ito hear of her untimely death. lakeston. She returned home on the King’s Birthday, much improv- ed in health. Mrs. Jacob Parslow, of Artemejs- ia. who has been seriously ill this spring, spent two Weeks lately with her sister-in-law, Mrs. YV. J. What might have resulted in a very serious fire, broke out in :McLagan’s Lalrge furniture factory last night, 8th. Some claths satur- ated with oil, had been thrown in a heap in the finishing room, and spontaneous combustion was the result. Fortunately, the factory is furnished with automatic sprink- ling apparatus, which sets to work as soon as a certain temperature is reached. Coronation Day will be fittingly celebrated in the Classic City, by a monster concert in the skating rink. {Music will be furnished by 1000 voices, consisting of Public school pupils and city choirs, as- sisted by the G.T.‘R. ’Band. ! Last Week we had the pleasure of a visit from Mr. Jacob {Parslow of Artemesia. In rthe eighties. your scribe gave 'Jacob his first lesson in “Reading, Biting, and Rithmetic.” He was easily handled in “them times,” but it would be a somewhat unsafe proposition to tackle him with the birch rod nowadays. The Normal school students. are right in the midst of their final examinations, Q‘th inst, The pap- ers. so far, have been very ac- ceptable, with the exception of “The Science of Education,” which is, to say the least, a crackerjack. The London Conference of the Methodist church has fiuysrt closed a very successful :session in Strat- ford. About three hundred min- isters and laymen .Were in attend- ance. Prince Albert coats, plug hats and white ties were the fash- ion. The coming week, it is ex- pected that over three hundred cleirg‘ymen and laymen of the Anglican Synod \of the Diocese of Huron will meet in the Classic City. count of the ravages of this bane- ful pest. “N0 honey! You only thl nk yo u d o. z. Just order some “35" Red Rose and fl notice how much further it goes!” 1 “Yes, this tea is 302., Amy. But I gay five Whole .- ‘92-}; C e n t S a ' "‘37 pound less!” NEVER SOLD INâ€" BULK Edwards, W. all, 'C. Thomp- equal, .A. Di'ebel. to ‘Rexall Eczema Ointment itching and irritation of 1 skin diseases. Try a box risk. TWO sizes, 50c. an Remember, it is «only sold storeâ€"The ’Rexall Store. We strongly recommend Rexall Eczema Ointment, which possesses remarkable cleansing, antiseptic germicidal soothing and healing qualities. It is a grayish-white emolient, with a pleasant odor. and very cleanly for use. The first application produces a re- f-reshing sense of relief. and it quickly subsides and overcomes the inflammation, irritation and discharge when present. It is intended to be applied with a piece 'of muslin or linen, or it may be applied and allowed to, dry in. "It affords very prompt ations, ringworm. acne. barber’s itch, ulcers, insect bites, nettle rash, hives, sores and wounds. In making this statement we back it )upnviith our pmmise ‘that if our irem-edy does not substantiate our claim 'in every particular, we will Without question or quibble ireturngevery cent you paid us for it 7We take all the disk-{mu [take none. Carrie Nation. the temperance reform-er f0 hatchet sfa‘me. died last week in the Sanitarium :at Leaven- enworth, Kansas, .wh-ere She had “been since the beginning of the present year. She was sixty-six years of age, born in Kentucky. twice married, once divorced. Outside her «own circle, she was not known till :J urne 6th, 1900, when she undertook to demolish a num- ber of saloonsN’ith brick barbs. Her hatchet war followed, (and in 1901l her husband, sCaptcain Nation, got a divorce in Kansas. In 1903 she was driven out of the [White ‘House at lWashingtvon, and in 1906 she ran a temperance paper, “The Hatchet’ in Oklahoma, and a warrant was issued against her for sending im- proper print through the mails. In 1901, she rvisited the saloon of John L. Sullivan, in New York, but the {big fighter got out of the way and theme Mas no smashing done Judging from her picture. she was a caamse, masculine look- ing piece, and the husbands had no picnic. be present. All druggists (sen and guarantee Bo-oth’s Kidney EPills, 50c. box. Money back if they fail ’to (relieve. Write (to the lR.T. rBo-O'th Co., ’Fort Erie, Out” for a freee trial. and restore a perfect filtering of the blood. Best of all, this re- lief is permanent. The simplest and most effective remedy for sick kidneys is Booth’s Kidney CPills. If Ithere is weakness, congestion, inflamma- tion or soreness, lBoorth’s Kidney Pills qbuickLy areli'eve irt. m"! Equipped to can” Efficient Servlce. Jr. Pt. LIâ€"R. Marshall, C. :Snider. ' ' G. Widme-yie‘r. F. Schenk, M. Little. Forelgn Lanlerds Average attendance, .40. imerChantSa and railway Officials W. ,S. ‘BINNIE. Teacher. ; â€"â€"everyone accepts our 1,2113le _.__.___.. cheques wrthout question, No SIMPiE REMEDY. ' ,Other form 0f monews 80 Con. venient. They come m bOOks in The simplest and mast effecti\:e!den0minations Of SIG, 820 5" remedy for 810k kldneys ls. d ’ 3° Dnn+L7n 17:3--." mzn... T: 4.1.-..A :.. an $IOO' 'SLI‘. Pt. ‘IIâ€"H. LHvou'Qt. L. Seim M. Byers, H. Young, A. Pfeffer. Sr. 'Pt. iIâ€"M. (Whirtefioard, C. 'White ford, M. 'Robinson, H. Fritz A. Pfeffeu‘. J'r. IIâ€"N. Anders-0n, H. Ball, C. Schenk, J. 'Pfefxfer. A. Robinson, Jr. IIIâ€"E. Sachs. tD. Geomge. Sr. IIâ€"A. Miller, E. Young, D. Pfeffer, 4C. Robinson and D. :Wid- meyeJr equal, 0. Metzger. ECZEMA IS CURABLE or the treatment of ) are tormented with Savings ) :Bruce Conservative - VanDusen They gently stimulate, tone and strengthen sick kidneys. drive away backache. rheu- Ima'tic pain and dizziness, clear inn and regu- late ’the urine and $1.00. MCI at our . Macfar- Bank at all Branches : [relieves the feet. The Job , {NOE com lately :tocknd '90:; .t ‘08 Dapartmentm ilitiesfor tailing 03% u > P ' ° - $1 00pcryeat.mytbletn 41.50 my be charged if not no ' . 1 to which ova-3 nub-a1 ' ' Mummy» on the addma lobe]. No .u continued to all arrears are phi. 63081 when of the proprietor. IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING At the Chronicle Printing House, Gwafrm Street. and Funeral Directm _,_â€"_â€"‘ Capital and Surplus - $6,550,000 DURHAM, ONT, Full line of Catholic Robes, and black and white Caps for aged people. #4 Bunches also at Mount Forest and Ayton, DURHAM.ONT blacksmith shop) EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR Embalming a Specialty k’o HUGHES "U'"â€"-- The Harnessmaw Manager '. J. Lawrencg’t z?+++.++++ *‘fl'f'fiffiwi' W+++ :-+++-:â€" Ho 4-: DOES YG’U ”R ROC : -- If your I‘U(>f71wd~1"epaili1 : it DOW befoxe the. hem V 1a . § Roofing from us we put it an 3' Have a look at uur W Champion hioh spew! dI‘u Washer. The) are the best. _.+ «is «x- i- *E'i‘MRS. J. C. NE Spirella Corse ‘ (Dorset 1 June 1311‘ 1511 Now just as soon rm' 3w: 5.5:» . barn. £00de £100? or digfif'." *r think-138' 0‘ 'buildlnz. writ: r: we: ,. Goad the picture to us? Tip ‘7 ‘ Wdly have it) be 2“; r. - 4 orenexpert. IntacL; ter’a camera. wm do . unfit: ‘ 1-, (“1 might use the Roda}: of 5"’-.2. :'- :t.:, by. In any ("n-{2: «‘. z. . g; luring 3 pb W‘IS'K; i". :14 {mm entering Lhr 4.3.3:; ticuiarly as we A; d "1.? ”0N0 the prizes we are ~97 Prize Contest is one )1“ 3‘. " tor the farmer 1:- La .3: }, nukes u- with a photogra; n gr say particulu' kind ,1 3.. ,, during 1911 with "CAN «QA' DH”. work at every “é‘f‘pt. ‘ .A Your Phot $3,600 NICHUL. 01::- Her advicu :md A full sh ck (' FONTS fmnvi Spirella Rep. COI’SPT. are cuhty in requirmuonts gard to com creations In d arrived and Wu :H before to mew! Our sprix .adle Cash Pri min nd ass V"

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