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Durham Chronicle (1867), 15 Jun 1911, p. 3

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west -ss.ssn.oT. Tine 'use, Careful! 10, $20 MUNICH ‘ ~ uccess human. 1. .r for?” fTOB‘. notifia- 0 Swallows ENCE~Next Lawrence? three P1538. J. C. NICHOL _ If your moi needs repairing or recovering, d9 It how before the heavy rains come. Buy your Ronfing from us, we put it on. ("b Have! a gook at our Washers jgst‘inâ€"the Wa‘mplon. hlgh speed, and the I’urltan Easy 'ashex'. They are the best. VN. H. STERNALL DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK €33 m T spireila Corsets and Corset Accessories urnett g; Next to the Standard Bank barn. teedtng floor or dairy. that you've been chinklnz at building. why not photograph it and send the picture to us? The photograph doesn’t necessarily have to be taken by'a profession.“ or an expert. In tact. your 3011’: at your daugh- ter's camera. will do nicely. Or. tailing this, you might use the kodak 0‘ your neighbor's son near- 9 131m 1311. (Q‘HUL. our e-Xpert corsetiere. Ir :HlVin and assistance are free. full srrck of Corsets and Bust ms found at Parlors of uur~ d to corsetryâ€"too numerous in atinns to describe. m) to mes-t. the most: exacting xix‘muents ved and we are ready as never Om- spring importations have :Iies having met with diffi- n nbtaining a satisfactory are invited to consult MRS. Rep. 01’ men ”he" 3 18 act conga»- ont for the farmer to pro... nur clients in re- {extra in the pleated front. also , also the soft, collar and tie to camera in Here is Where Fashion Reigns , Supreme ++++++++++++++++++++++ in everything a. man wears. See us about your Clothes. Some- thing extra in Men’s Ready-mades. also a number of Tweeds ready for the tailor shop. M AN. Remem oer we m to-night. and you’ll receive : and the circular promptly. K delayâ€"«1t right downâ€"- uncut. received your copy of "What I- Can Do With Concrete,” write for It’s a finely illustrated book of mu of useful and practical m- / v-v‘ .lh\ Chronicle for THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Canadian markets with American. products, and this ruin the mar- ?empty the pocket books,, and Shard-en the hearts of him who toils ‘trom morn till night, and earns Ihis bread by the sweat of his brow, but Ithese same prophets inever tell the town and city toilets Who pay for all consumed by themselves that Sh‘OUId free trade for rthe necessrties of we; que trade, ‘v’iewed from the standpomt 0f your humble scribe, cannot do all the ham that is being prophe- sied far it. for if a man has a full :on the Provincial throne that Sir gJames 'Whi’tney Itrod some years iago. when he got afiter tthe elect- 70'rs’ hearts by offering cheaperi §school books to them, along with some other pocket filling promis- fes of heart softening qualities :amd Equi-te lawful it was for him to do "so. Now Itha‘t 'the excitement over [reciprocity has somewhat abated. {and things have been painted too [black on one side, and perhaps too white on the other, would it not {be a good idea for some of the political prOphets on both sides to pour a pail of cold Water over their “overheated craniums,” and then try and strike a “grande medium” in placing {reciprocity be- fore [the electors of the country, for one thing is certain, that free perhaps all the good.thalt is being prophesied for it. One side claim the rHampd'en Iteam in ingly hospitable manr Some of those who took in the iexcu'rsi-on 'to the Model Farm. at =Guelph last week Were Mr. and Mrs. Wim. (Henderson, .Mr. Thus. Young and son Clarence. and Messrs. Alex “Sharp, James Park John'Bu His and John Blasi'ng. Mrs. David Robinson is v with relatives in Galt. .Miss Maggi-e Geddes is in Pres- ton. at the sulphur spring-:5, rto re- gain her health. Mrs. :Micha-el (Byers, and dauO'h- ter lMay, ' ‘ ' relatives in Galvf isiting The Chronicle has made 311"- rangemenns by which our readers can secure' most beautiful Corona- tion portraits of their Majesties King George and Queen Marv They areb; the celebrated “leng- fier,’ of London, and copyrighted. The Family Herald and Weekly S’az- of Montreal, has secured the (Canadian rights, and are now oil's-ring Uhese portraits free of charge to all who subscribe to tha: great Weekly for the balance of 1911 a; Fifty Cents. Wewill in- ‘ elude the Chronicle with the Fan- 9 ily Herald for the same period for only 70c., and each subscriber will receive the Coronation pictures. The two portr- g -b‘v com- petent judges to be fihe best por- , traits of Their Majesties in exist- ence, and will become historical ’ growing in value year after year. ' The small sum of 70c. will bring you :both 1‘ apex-s until January lst ‘ 1912, and the Coronation traits. The latter alone cou') d not be bought for the price. 1 for it. One side claim trade would flood the COVONA'!‘ .‘anadian producers and ' pocket books,, and hearts of him «who toils till night, and earns ifty Cent-s. We-will ihmonicle with the I" I manner}? he .same period for each subscriber will oronafion pictures. 'aits are on the one 'ION PORTRAITS “ exceed- __..vâ€" bAAwL the dose would [be repeated if he persisted in infusing. __â€"â€"â€"J tâ€""IQJU have a p'lace in my home and are looked upon as the family remedy.” Dr. Horse’s Indian Root Pills cleanse the system thorou hl . Sold all dealersatZScaboxg y by 3 Balkan by peop'le in tropi- cal countries all the year round. It stops wasting and keeps up the strength and “For some tune I had been in a low, depressed condition. My appetite left me and I soon began to sufier from indi- ' of small. sores The crowd from this part will likely divide pretty Well between the Grange picnic, and the Orange garden party on the fine {grounds of «Mr. Thos. McFadden, on “the 23 found, is to purify the blood. He writasz kidneys The American Wonder peas dis- tributed by {the Roger firm last springâ€"that may not be their real nameâ€"but they have kept so many wondering and watching, that the name has got fixed to ‘them same now Well out in blossom, and‘ have looked of a vigorous grovvth' since (they came through the ground‘ and a greart bulk of straw at one time predicted, but the bloom so soon is again causing wonder. The census enu'mera'tor has not called on us yet, so We have not heard any of 'the fool questions asked, but 'those who have had a call :tell us it reminds them of the old saying that it takes a Very Wise man to answer all the ques- tions that a tool can ask. 'Although a goodly number of entire horses pass through this section this season, they are all of the heavy class, except Young Picador, owned by AB. :McLellan. the well-known Dulrham agen't. A faizr representation went from this part ‘to the O..A.-C. on Satur- day. It is usually a profitable day for all who go. .M'r. Jas. Eden was so unforétuna‘te last Week, as to lose a mare, caus- ed by choking on oats. A young foal is left motherless as a con- sequence. 'We were completely shocked last Week, on reading Varney news, to see a Chronicle correspondent advocating dog poisoning, amd very much afraid some of your scribes might bring him into the menagletrie as ‘the merney Dog Poisoner, and disgrace the whole show. but We are pleased ‘t-o hear he was entirely unknown, and may never be heard .«of agiaain. fife“..- 1’33 SEZ'E’E °_f the bodyâ€"ham Prince The fine rains of late have caused all vegetation to book verv prosperous. Hay; especially, l'ooks long and strong, and promises a most abundant crep. MT. Herbert McLean has pur- chased a handsome new buggy. which will help {to While away the next ‘three Weeks, which he ex- Deects to go idle, owing 'to adis- heated wrist, which he got last week. he scarcely knows how Mr. 'Robt. Matthews was so un- fortunate as 'to have a horse killed by lightning on Sa'turrdav. An (the Baptismal service in St. Pau‘ls church a week ago Sundav Charlot 'e Bell Patterson and Am- anda Elizabeth .Matthews received ’the ri'tes. ' For some time past. we have re,- frained from making any remarks about young men going Pm spend a day or two Wi“h their 'best girl. and it is lucky for some of our young fellows that we have. or their performances would have been looked into this Week. PUBIHED HIS BLOOD Mr. and Mrs. WJ. Cook, of Zion, Visited their daughter, and also other Emremon't friends last Week. CORVER CO\CERN J aswell Upper New Grocery Store Fresh Groceries Always in Stock 30N0++¢++M9¢¢++++”;on ih-ains will arrive and depart as fol- lows. until further notice:â€" 'mms am at Durban at 10.21;“. 11.50 pm" and 8 50 pm. EVERY DAY m SUNDAY (H. (31 Egliott, A. 113; prf, A __-__4 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY TIME TABLE . p 'te THE SHAW CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL, 391 Yonge St., Toronto Grand Trunk Railway . TIME-TABLE Central Business College, Toronto Invites you to write for its handsome catalogue. No vaca- tions. Summer Term from July 3rd. W. H. SHAW, President, Yonge Gerrard Ste" Toronto ino. Aylward. There is not much time to lose when a cold settles on the lungs. Pneumonia kills within a week. With Father Morriscy’s “No. 10” at hand, you don’t even have to wait for adoctor. “No. 10” cures all throat and lung troubles. It is a reals Lungr Tonic, and fortifies against future attacks. Trial bottle 25c. Regular size 50c, at your dealer’s, or from Father Morriscy Medicine Co. de.,Montreal. Que. 53 'After I returned home I wrote to Father Morriscy explaining my case. I received a letter from him with a prescription for his medicine, which could not be filled at the time here. After one week‘s delay I received it, just in the nick of time to save my life. After one month’s use I felt like a new man. DURHAM During the winter of 1907, while travelling on the Gaspé Coast, I contracted a severe Cold which settled apex; my_lungs. Mr. Aylward’s letter tells the story : Campbellton, N.B., Feb. 5, 1909. Father Morriscy Med. Co., Gut Fame: h‘éarriscy’s “Nollfl PLANING MILLS Also a. limited amount of iron work and machine re- pairs. A call solicited. Ask for quotations on your next job. Town - I Duifiam The undersigned begs to announce to residents of Durham and surrounding country. that he has his Planning Mill and Factory completed and is pnepared to take orders for Lv. Custom Sawing Promptly At- tended To Just In Time To Save His Ute. â€" and all kinds of -â€" SASH,DOORS ONTARIO Yours truly, ‘o P. gent Bamako. THREE

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