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Durham Chronicle (1867), 15 Jun 1911, p. 5

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Sale § ure ham, Ont. This Week M iddlings at the ver been faring 3f this 'eeding ~ 1911. ham/9d and Iron Piping, Brass Q)“: Lmed and Iron Cylinders. -..1 3OP OPEN EVERY AFTERNOON Pumps From $2 Upward 7 ALL ,REI?AIR.IN_G promptly and AerWYXx‘x‘. -4 i F ufii‘i‘iJiS Skins Druggists and Booksellers TOWN OFFICE :: Buy Your ' Ennis Sponges . D. CONNOR I D. Connor-H. N. BURNETT; 'ly attended t6. macfarlane 8; $0. Manufacturer And Dealer U une 1 up: ones that wear 11k? iron 95 that, go to Ur third “ashi Prices have bee f‘v )lhm'ing' days. We 5 reductions as follows : v jnh yourseIf with the paints we carry. Come lt‘ colors. 25 cts, a can. n properly wash buggies. H the inzpultf'd, 0“ dress- it will become hard and AW the right kind from xtlil 1 medium size shape in tuscan. drooping effect. larg e b0“ of iresden and old rose x'elx'ie rib- “(in old rose band on edge A bargain Regular ”-56” 00. Sale price” ~2. 98 1 medium large chip hat. in «tus- can narrow edge turning up. one wreath of lilacs across crown in mixed shades. .bow of King’s blue and large steel buckle. Reg. $7. Sale price"... 2.98 w - ~\ A ukd 1 brown straw. (in a hecomino shape. 5 yds. 'I‘OISe net draped .u-ound crown. and wreath of li- lacs in mosy1shade across from. A (mod seller. Regular $5 75 Sale mica..." 2. 50 “uncut: plIlK SVVe'et peas. Reg. $4.15. Sale price ...... .15 7 large good quality white straw sort of 't'ricorn shape. S'yd-s. green shOt ribbon as a trimming. Regular $3.98. Sale price... 1.98 1 tuscan sailor. deep rolling-up ‘nrim. large bow of tan sattin rib- ham. and pink silk flowers Reg. $4. Sale price... ...... 1,98 2 tuscans. in Bailoxr shape. one has 5 yd. how of good quality deep rose ribbon as the only Jtrim- ming. The other has 6 yd. bow of green satin ribbon. and ‘Zlarge coral shade roses at side. A de- cided bargain. Regular $4.73. Sale price ...... . 7 medium size White straw braid hats. some slightly rolling up ai left. osthewrs straight out, trimmed with White and pink roses. Alice blue ribbon 'roses 'to match. one white satin ribbon and white roses I fancy white small heat. straw. dee velvet ribbon and tuscan roses and folâ€" iage. Reg. $3.90. Sale pr. 1 tuscan. small shape. «and good quality navy :ibbon. 12 a smart ready the wear. Reg. $2.50. Sale price ......... I 4 large white coarse halts. good cream satin ribbon, and hunches pink sweet peas- II ‘H {m dxess hat pink silk 1101055 crown, black silk and black iet velvet flange. Reg. $5,. sale pr. 3.98 1 white straw. turned 11p a little at one side and bow of 5 V',d good qualitx taffeta ribbon and pink ( sos Régular 1};3 90 gzile price ...... 9 1 K MISS DICK, at, go to pit-res after ix-d mashing. but me mt, they rust From L'.’ to tilt”. 5th.. 1911. :) drooping shapes in ' \vhrte. medium size, a good SSE)? hqt. for DIisses about 15 to 20 Trimmed with 3% Lvds. good vqual: my taffeta \ribbon, and flowers. Reg. 33-75.» for... I 98 . I 1 large shape, in 1e horn . {01. dress hat, pink gmsilk .sultable ‘inY'nCQ M‘A‘vv“ 1-]- of White flats give good Cost more Lte small hat.;1VIi~I=an velxet ribbon bows. hA.~ 1-7 ; snapes m coarse a size, a good selling as about 15 to 20, L 3% Lvds. good vqual- TL1- - ,, shape. and 4 .Vds. \_ ribbon. 'Makes LUNCHES Served at All flours DON’T FORGET OUR ICE CREAM PARLOR and Restaurant. Also FRESH GROCERIES Cooked Meats and Candies This is the place to buy your,: FRESH ‘BAKED GOODS. A FULL § SUPPLY ALWAYS ON BAND. 1 Lice are increasing with great rapidity this weather. better 1059 no time in applying this certain remedy- MacFarlane’s Light= ning Louse Killer. SPoultry Lice poultry from these pests. It is xidding your pnulty of lice. fleas and similar parasites. \Ve haw a prawn" atinn that has never failed to free they Must Go Price 25 cents} hiait S. 4 yds If you tealize lww nun-h damage do 3 on will not low any Your Tickets Here} two 1 Napoleon navy. made in fancy braid, pipings 0f navy velvet, trimmed with two navy strm w quills. This makes a smmm' sui: h v. R ., 1' i S ' Silt-e pri::.1.l.:r pica} 1 _ 7S 1 :tuscan braid. small halt. piped with green braid. - small brown roses and foliage. and brow 11 Yd- vet ribbon lRegulawr $5.00 Sale price .................. 3.15 i 1 Napoleon shape. not large. Cus- can color. piped wizh black v-eiveW. : black velvet ribbon. and black i spray complete the trim- mings. IReg. $5.75. Sale. pr. 2,? 5 3 small round Iturbans. wi'.‘h high medium. or draped crown. rtr‘immed 9 with flowers and fDlia'ze. rigbon l l l l and lace. lRegular $5.00 Sale price. 1:51.98 and ......... 2.98 1 dingaling. made in coarse. straw in burnt trimming Of navy velvet ribbon. and soft navy blue. feather spray. Reg. $33.25 Sale price...--- ............ u: I H“ 1 good quality tuscun braid. made on the Comonaltio'n slnpe. green spray. brown silk velvet ribbon, one of the best selling hats this season. Regular 293 $5.6. Sale price ......... a 1 good quality mohailr braid. deep cream colozr. roses in lsame shade, black moire ribbon com- plete the trimming. LReg- ular $4.75. Sale price... 2,98 1 draped ”toque. in ftuscan stmaiw. lace and cloth of gold In...:.U\'c. flowers and foliage. Reg- ular $6.00. Sale price ...... 2-98 1 small brown turban made mohair braid trimmed :with gigood quality brown ribbon, nelvet and foliaO'e for 111 imming's ”Reg. $4.25. Sale mice 2,15 5113.119 with 1:110'e b:1w of good qualitv diesdan 1il1l1:1n. 11nd 93111 1 pink roses. Regulax $4 95 Sale mice. ~11: 98 1 brown h:1t.c1e:1m s‘trau facing ' cream roses. and ribbon ulsed fo 3 1 1. 1 medium size hat in bI‘OWU Chill 2 i trimming. A bargain. 3 Regular $5 Sale price .. 2 @8 i 1 wireless ’tulrban. in burnt coa‘rse straw, trimmed with brown velvet ribbon and wing. «Reg. $3.25. Sale price ...... 1,98 1 bell shape in fancy chip. wide band of plaited .b‘rown Velvet rib- bon around crown. huge Wr-eavth of white daisies and foliage forr trim- mings. . Regular $4.25. 1 7‘ Tuscan Toques and Turbans ieW S um m er L Iil H De ry an ‘ d by Offer' 1110‘ ,_ til . 198 e t en mi“. .1110 ,. i 3'39 ax 1d s} 13 7'9 th at ' IS d 05' 11" .lblr' ( . me of t1 )8 D PPT .fi , psf . (on1 Brown Hats avy Hats lime in 5 Mr. Lyons is a harnessmaker by Etrade, and spent five or six Years iin this Itown. Our best Wishes go ;with the happy young couple in [their journey through life. The bride’s going away dress was of gray broadcloth, with large black hat. The groom’s gift to the bride was a handsome t-oIJaz ring, At the close of the ceremony. a sumptuous repas't was partaken of and the happy young couple drove to Markdale, where they are mak- ing a show“: visit amongst rela- tives and friends, before starting on their trip to :Halbrite. Sask., where they will begin their home making in earnest. On “'edn-esday, June 7th. at six o‘clock in the evening, a very quiet wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr David Allen. Twhen his daughter. iMabe], was joined in wedlock to 011'. “'eslay Lyons, of Murkdale. 1.75 1.75 ran straw, ' hue] id In.-:.ux'u. Reg '- 10 -- 2.98 E at 9 mt, piped I, my}; 1“ brown I' 0‘1 LYONSâ€"ALLEN. Laxg'e hat, slightly rolling around back. and laugh: up 111,211 a: the left \side front. fancy "chip b'aid. taffeta silk .f-Ir-ld on culge o; brim and large 'z-affcrtwa silk ”kw-3w makes a very stylish hart. Reg. $5.15. Sale price ......... I .98 1 small black 51.13 W trimmed 1" with flowers and i‘ith-n. Regular 3432’. Sale price” 2.1 '2 orthor Napoleon shapes. 'Izrim~ med Wl'th velvet :rihhm. Sprzu‘s. and Wings. -0tr f lowers. arranged in various pretty designs. making-1' Very :ui‘racuvc as well as hemm- ing huts Regular. $4.75 . Sale price .................. . Medium size «turban. high cmwn. mane in igmnod qualifiy mohair braid with {rimming .Jf ribbon. sm'u'ys. or flowers. Regular $4.00, Sale price .................. . 2. III-WV 1 large navy sailor, trimmed with large ribbon bow. containing 5 yds. ' good 'taff‘erta ribbon. lRiegu- la-r $3.75. Sale price ......... 1.938 ; 1 small navy sailou‘. good qual- 1 My chip. navy blue ribbon and 1 handsome paiu' wings. {Reg $4.75. Sale pric\e....... 1.98 1 navy turban. 'tu'i'mlm'ed with two bunches small :white moses and for}â€" iagle. st'z'appings of navy blue vel- Vet ribbon. Reg. $4.00, Sale price"... ............ , .1 Small hat of good quality S‘ttlfiW braid, cowonet around one side, dome crown. touches of red, and 0 two handsome quills. I 1 auto ha’t. :made in good quality mohaiu' braid‘ Wireless piping of coronation red. trimmed .with pos~ leitrtes of silk and braid. Regular 354.. Sale price-.- ...i.65 1 small draped half with wide. fancv biaid. trimmed wi1: h tw(d1 handsome navv and tan quills, and navy ribbon Regular $5. Sale price I 98 1 large chip hat brim slightlv rolled up ribbon mound crown with two large wreaths of mar- gueriIes. trimmed across crown. Regular $4.75. Sale price...1 “if oooooooooooooooooo THE DURHAM CHRONICLE )Iwrmg “1989 tempting inducmnents we 11pr to bring crowds , one of the prettiest collectiuus 0f the season. at ridinnlmml Black Hats satin and lovely Lace wi.:h tunic of chiffon bordered in silvm' and crystals A long girdle of the same o'rn zniments finished the bod- ice and the court train “as em- jbroidered in orchids HOP tUHL‘ veil was arranged in a French 'mob cap encircled with orange blossoms, and she carried .a shower fof white orchids and lilies and wore the sapphire and diamond ring gix en her by the groom Miss Kathleen Fao-y, as maid of honor. we're a most picturesque frock of pale pink satin. veiled in rose borr- dered tulle with touches of tur- quoise blue The bridesmaids. Miss Grace Wright. of Saginaw. and Miss Amy Kelly, wore beauti- fully embroidered ilingerie gowns insert with bebe Irrish lace. All wore quaint French poke boznnerts of silk net to match their gowns, adorned with pink roses, the long tulle! streamers at 1the back being-caught ‘ KELLYâ€"FOY An exceedingly pretty wedding was that which took plane at ‘St Basil‘s church. Thursday morning. at ten o'clock. when Florence Elizabeth, daughter of the late George J. F067. became the bride of Mr Reginald Alexander Kelly. gm of Air and Mrs. John Kelly, of Durham. Ontario The chamel was beautifully arranged with pink and white pe'mies and syrin- ga, against a background of graceful palms. while down the aisles were sheafs of the peonies Rev Father Keen officiated. 31?. Jules ’Brazil was at the organ and Mr Arthur Leitheusm sans: the nuptial solo The bride. who was. escorted to the altar by her broth- er. Mr Fred Foy, wore an exquis- ite empire gown of softest cream 1 white Napoleon shape in fancy straw Va] 1300. m'im'd pink rib- hon velvet. pink silk ficwez's. and green fold, 'Reg. $4.;E. 2 Sale P‘I‘ICP .................. .35 1 large pale blue mohair? Napol- eon shape. dome crown. While Frenm roses and blueltulie. Ref: $5.90 Sale D‘I‘iCE‘-...... 315 4 1 large nwhuir shape. brim r01:- ing up slightly. trimming of 6 large White muslin roses, drape of net. “Regular price $5.75 Sale pricc ...... 3.75 1 lace hat. drawn plain over crown and hirim, binding of silk. trimming of 9 bunches of white I f0~1‘f,"0;m=€ n on s. and white sat e-en ribbon. Regular $5.50 Sale price ............ -. . 1 white mohair tu-rhun. ‘trimniul wiflg tnuchcs of black and white ribuon and flowers. 'Reg. $4.75. Sale price ............ . -.....::-...2.93 coo-oooouuu n...--...~--.o- 1 large dumping hat. crown .a.nd lnim mad-e in heavy lace facing of shixr'red ftulle, satin ribbon. large lxnv of whim Regular $5. 3 98 ............ . French sailor of tags] braid. medium size. velvet fold on inside of inim. velvet ribbon st'appings. and :1 lax-gu- clus'terof roses xat loft. side pa'ntly covering" crown. in the Wisteria and rose shades. Reg. $7.50. for ...... . Lace ha't. lairge drooping shape, made in handsome.,,\vi'de black lace delicate pink roses around crown. ha'x'tly hidden in (the folds 'of lace. Regular $5.75. Sale price... I] n: Handsome turban with two cor- onets brim rofc'mohair braid, and draped crown of black net, wrth gold beads. It'rimming of flowers. Reg. $5, for ...... 2.98 Small hart of‘Mihan straw. turned high :15: one side. and large bow of ribbon. A very smart li-t- ile halt. ‘Reg. $3.75, sale pr. 3 Smart Napoleon shape (in .tzagal braid. velvet ribbon strappings, an I handsome osprey fastened at I'lQ‘hi' side of crown. and falling a- cross crown. This is a very sty- lish hat for women. Reg. $4.50. Sale price..." 2.98 f‘ff’l “"T'?f.‘?::: , .. 3. 2 5 ale Blue 8: White Hats \1 in Dainty Materials tents we nope to mmg crowds of buyers on Saturday and s of the sea-sonaat ridiculously low prices. We show the American beauties. MT. ; Kelly’s new home is to b \Voodlawn avenue.â€"T0mr gram, Thursday, June 8th splendid golden canopy ered in pink and white. parting fair Atlantic City â€"â€"â€"v - \'l\,J vreceived sapphire and pearl pins. Following the ceremony a recep- tion was held at the family resi- dence, St. Joseph svreet, by Mrs; Fay, who was wearing grey char- meuse. Veiled in man], ”mm.“ 2v -, -â€"--~v- -TVVE" Athan Isomely musty; :' w: r: y Lam/Jr, cm culation of “gany use. at! 0 30mm}. 'Jcrzns to; Canada, 9:5... 3 year. postage prepaid. Sold bx an m: mm. filers. muflfi ca 3618roadway, 533w Ygrk Branch Omce. 625 F St... Waamnc ton. 13.0. with a choux of pink roses. They carried armfuls of pink (monies. and wore pearl and olivine bars. '1 the gifts of the groom. To the, best man, Der. Bradshaw Jamio‘son.1 of Durham, and the ushers. Mr. Percy Kenya Mir. Louis S. Meyers“ 311‘. T xi. C889 and ML“ “7,“ n- L Y gave...) uscuruun ()‘1!'(l.‘it.i;lll ce Vt inven: inn is D “Chatx vp LLCIIIthé $3“ no‘as .arric‘. ymr 52:121. :.:'..1. E? ' "UL: {M gcr‘f .:ce. U!d.:$t name :7 £01 8H an. , ’.. 'c :3 taken thrr m: h 3' A. (.0. accede “pa-ta! notice, without. cnarce, in the $332 2222 £522 522,2 QWCk-‘i‘ usqeruifi' «Ezfiram mfimzlff‘p‘p prcbnbly mu Anyone scanning In.-. -__A_ Iuy, Mm. Louis S. Meyers. Case and MT. Wm. Foley sapphire and pearl pins. ' the. ceremony a recep- hav L .. COM'Bzc- HTS c. ’5 54°C 2’ 3M d I‘ficr’hflnn me; (I“ ”if .u'14___ S in k 17th. Mr. and Mrs. is rto be at '9: -U â€"â€"T0r0nto T919- ,_‘_v\ JJLVW'C (Jr-zip“! over crown H'H'k taffeta .ribbon r \alue Reg. price : Sal-e price ...... ‘1 folded silk banned Mzzr'k silk. flowers, 9"] 1h( trimmings. fa riblon ties. Reg. $3.75 In muslin straw, and ”silk. trim- med with good quality 5i!" rib- bon £10“ 051' etc, 1’: am 250 u!) Ito. . 980. Sailors in 'tusczm white blmr-k nfix V 110w.n \ki'th black and (0101‘- < 9:. Lands R-egular (”2.00 "8.98 with :' yds. hon Reg. $2 5310 price ...... I white and pale green fancv rim; given ribbon and pink Wreath of flowers. Reg $22.95 Sale price 1.35 lsuft Whi't'e leghorn. trimmed with 1’ yds. Wide cream silk rib- 1~,‘-- h A“ ‘â€" 1 cream straw shape, nOIt very large, and drOOping just 1a. little, medium small crow). blue wreath of flowers and blue white shod ribbon. ‘Rogulair $2.25. Sale price .................. 1.25 1 rr-eam straw shape. not ivery largr. dmOping jus't slightlrv all muunri tuscan ribbon, .and p‘nk Wreath forms the trim- mings. Regular $22.35. , 1 small drooping shape in clum- pnizn color. trimmed with 10 yards narrow white sa'tin ribbcn. and Link sweat peas. Rog. $2.35 Sale price 1.25 IK'hlt’D and Dale Q'rppn fqnnv 'H smart bonn‘et, um lx‘ )‘I'LG'; IT)! I :‘t0 1' $3 75. Sale price L C(L mauve flowers Mr. J. Lockie ,Wilson. superin- tendenlt of agricultural societies. announces that this year the Sec- {tion of the Act forbidding gamb- gling at agricultural fairs Will be lrigidly enforced, and that a {crusade against gambling Will be inaugurated by (the Department. 31K hour 9" good fi: tins: Lowers, $31}; loops form large C(mslgnmvnfr, Hf 1' im- mghy, Red (glover, Malmnoth, 'Alsike am] Ali'eflfa, CRUX-31‘. I! We cammt (rive you the Emma prices in future ship ments that we can now (1-2” at- om e and select your seeds. The largest stock to (house from in town. Give us a, call. nall crown.‘ blue wrem I and blue white short ’R'og‘ulair $2.25. 1 25 ................. -o- . all the latest 2.95. Sale pr We would draw yum at- .tention to the fact that {he p1 ice. of Clover and Timui My Seed is m‘lvamfing mphiiy. We have bought val-.3} fmm the best and most nu‘inhie «Mamet: in the proving-v, a. farm; C(Hrsin‘nn‘nmf “v 'r o m net, Wit h 59 q 115 n 9 flowers. faxed net Town and flowers "ibbon rosettes, good .A‘- â€" 7» made of lace W nffefa \EEDS IBIOiI‘G Sale I §pray a‘t Sate «and silk FIVE rue-g

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