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Durham Chronicle (1867), 15 Jun 1911, p. 8

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KE )NS IP IN! no? 31033333311 . a é wkmgzLLâ€"Aaz maassscrssecss 19:99 Cataefafiwsso: sews“: E SUITS EIGHT ROBERT BURNETT BUTTER, EGGS AND FOVVL WANTED Sweaters and Sweater Coats For Men UNDERWEAR--A full stock m Fresh Groceries always We have a special line from ............ $1.25 to $5.00 Some nice styles for ladies’. Large variety for children A new line of Over-coats now inâ€"black, gray, striped or checked, with a. velvet collar. The (.‘ollege Collar is a nice fitting Overcoat for young men. OVERCOATS AND SUITS ! THE PEOPLE’S STORE Often the Cheapest U I TS Call and See Our Dis= play of Winter Suits Some speciaily good lines in blue and brown strip- These are something extra. of the opportunity of buying may still have it. not availed themselves We are still selling at the Sale Prices so that those who ‘ have A very nifty line for men. A good strong School Shoe for boys and girls. A full stock of Ladies’ Shoes always on hand. Boots and Shoes now on display for men, ladies and children rs on hand, the best to be had. Always the Best THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. Stewart belgng ‘having made tt} decoration for have Yet seen, credit on hi‘s ,u life Shortly after two o‘clock, in- vited guests began to come from the north, south, east and west, and by four o’clock, the wedding was furnished with guests to the number of fully 100 Prompt'ly at four o'clock. the bpunr set for the marriage, 'Miss Delia Reid, sister of the groom, took the organ seat, and to the sweet strains of the Mendelssohn wedding march, ably rendered, the groom appeared and took his stand under a tatstily liminaries which made them man and wife, and after the usual co-n- gratulations, tall pamtook of a dainty lunch, until the inner man was satisfied Afterwards, the assemblage were greatly .en Maple Grove Farm, the elegant farm and up-to-dalte surroundings of Mr Andrew Srtewar'c, was the scene of a pretty and fashionable wedding on Wednesday, the 7-211 ins-t, when his sisvte'r-in-law, M;ss Charlotte Ellis, joined heart and hand with the'man of her choice, in rthe perrson of Mr James ‘J. Reid of Egremont 9 promises to be a swell aflair and everybody is beginning to look forward rto hm mg a “dow n-hill slide” when The day comes round Admission 10 and 15 cents Lad- ies with baskets, and children, free M-r Geo. Seim is erecting frame kitchen and woodshed :c bined, which will add much convenience and comfort May 1911 was the hottest in 80 years, and .June, so far, bids fair to make the same record Mr John Sharp, and Mrs. Don. McIlyride and “two children, took in the excursion to the Model Farm on Saturday. Whether this was a premeditated arrangement between the two. we shall be largely pwrsuad-ed by the actions in the fwture â€"â€"v- Anuh \‘GD White silk braid, trimmed with light cream roses The presemts were handsome and numerous, the groom’s present being a hand-. some pendant set with pearls. A, very dainty supper was served on the lawn. aflter which a pleasant: evening was spent in music and! games We heartily Wish them a; long and prosperous lfie l J W’. Manary’s residence is un- dergoing the necessary repair after the explosion of a week ago The home of Mr and Mrs. An~ d'rew Stewart. of Normanby, was :the scene of a very pretty wed- ding .on Wednesday, 7th inst. when their sister, Miss Charlotte Ellis. was united in marriage to i.M'r James .W. Reid. of Holstein, more, in the presence of about ninety guests The grounds were beawtifully decorated for the oc- casion with evergreens At four o’clock pm._. to (the strains of Mendelssohn’s wediding march. played by Miss Delia Reid. sister of the groom, the groom took his! evergreens. decorated with red,I white and blue flowers. represent- ing the national colors. followed immediately by the bride. dressed. in light cream lissne trimmed with" white satin and lace. and carried in her hand a handsome bouquet of white roses and maiden hair ferns The bride’s travelling dress wasl blue Queen cloth. her hat was Mr and Mrs. J.W. Philp. of Metz. spent Sunday and Monday with friends in 'this 3ic. nit3 Ed .MdRob lost his valuable driv- er last Week p Mr Osborne «Edwards, of Mooreâ€" field. is spending a 6110th time with his brother Bent, here Miss EN Sharp left Tuesday for Berlin to attend as delegate the W M.S. convention. She will re- main With friends in Guelph for a week Rev. A.E. Marshall and family returned from Conference on Friday ' hi‘s taste. BLYTH‘S COR-'ERS hat accompany married [e t. 'I were 3'"le .enrter- a number of Very fine from M Adam K91 ler’s braid, 't-‘rimmed With roses The presents me and numerous, the HOLSTEIN Were Wh'iled lsnea com- mu.ch to games The Ike up r urLeI'nOllse ........ .26 - .24 The Pioneer Press concludes by say- ing: “Butcher, gr er and consumer ex- (specially. express themselves as well pleased with the ‘drop,’ because more s'oods will be solcl and business W111 be 1. . , . Ch Lckens ........... Sirloin steak ....... Porterhouse ........ “â€" w, OOOOOOOOOOOOO (_,‘h 9058 ............. Salmon. per doz. 2-lb. cans 000000000000 Navy beans, per bush Commeal, per bush.. Lard, per 1b ......... Cheese ............. Salmon. per (102. 2-1b. “-.."...u... ..1u.a Ar *Wiarrton. .10. 35 Ar. Wingham: ....... ..... .915 Am Kincacrdin’el: ... 1.0 .15 RETURNING .Lv Kincardinem ----____5 2r There has been a decided recession in the various markets for consumable com- modities in the United States since a year ago, when the great body of consumers in different parts of the republic pro- tested against the high cost of living in the form of anti-meat-eating leagues and by many petitions to the Government at Washington. The Pioneer Press, of St. Paul, Minnesoza, recently published the following table which shows prices of various commodities in April, 1910, and April, 1911: Consumable Commodities That Have Dropped in Price Since April, 1910 (Mr. H. I. (Starry returned Thurs- day last from a: week’s wsit to a brother cin (Midland, .Mich., 'W born he had not seen in forty years. Mr. Starry is greatly taken up with Michigan, and says that there, as here, the crops are looking 'their best. On Sunday last. Mrs. Riobt Boyd, 'S‘tra'tfoard, .Miss Anni-e L. Lawrence. 2 teacher‘ ‘Swin'ton 'Park. .Mr. Thomp- !son Boyd, and Miss Nancy Boyd Crawford, and, :on (Monday «after- noon, Mrs. Geo 'Noble, Duxrham. visited with Miss C. Hattie Hutton ‘ .Miss Jean 3R.Ob9l1'ztlSOn.\'I‘OI‘OD'tO, is spending her holidays at *the home of iMrs. James Whivt'mo‘re. Miss Whitmore. and Miss Laura. of TO-i ronto. came home fro attend their sister’s wedding, and will remain for their holidays. Mr. James Allan returned Mon- day night from Dakota, Where he has been engaged for some time He says the weather there is Very dry. and the farmers are red hot against reciprocity. PRICES IN THE STATES Mr. and Mrs Thos. Adair, and ‘tW’O children, of T'reherne, Man., are visiting Mrs. Adairis father. Mr. Hugh McDonald. upper town Mr. T. McKnight, representing the Tallman Brass .and aMJevtal 00.. of Hamilton. was in town Tuesday. on business. There has Mr {William Scarf returned Last week from an eight Week’s trip to the West. He went as far :‘3 the coast Mr. Jacob Levine returned Tues- .dav from a trip to the 'West. We understand he inr‘ends to move shortly to Saskatoon. Sarsk. Mrs Lamim'er spent Sunday with her friend. I'M-rs H. D. Davison in Guelph Mr. anti 311's E. A. 'Rowe went to! Guelph Monday. Ito be present at The marriage of her sister, Miss Maud Beckwi'th. rtso M'r. Allan Bell Mrs Barber. of Georgetown lS visiting her sister. Mrs Glass. Mr and Mrs. P. S. Buckingham visiied friends in foncamdine Dr. Edward Lauder. of Cleve- land. is visiting h‘ra father. broth- ers. and other relatives and fr’onds in drown. Mrs. Anflyrew Dale. of Grand V21- ‘ov. is visiting her mother. Mrs. McGowan. Mr. James AHan had a sheep ‘:"‘1e“l bf: lightning on Satuu‘dav morning last. Miss Aggie (Howard, of Guelph, ’s the guest of Ma's. Hugh Mc- Donald. Toronto on {Monday Mrs. Roadhouse. of Markda'le, is 'he finest of her sister. Mrs. (Dr\ Wolfe. )Ir. Cecil Wolf-e returned from unncsoza, recently published the g table which shows prices of conunodities in April, 1910, and )11- 1910. April, 21' bush $2.55 bush. . 2.10 ...... .1'8 . ...... .171742 PERSONAL. ...........9.»1o pgml ......... 10.20 p.m. 2.50 .1611: .181]; 6.00 1.65 ...5.30 a.m‘ 5.00 15n16 Apxil $2 35 1. 3U 1,6- .15 .13 19.11 1.90 .18 .20 Full Panhculm‘s from an.“ Gra Tmnk agwentt Otr address A E. ‘Dufi' « D.P.A., Union Station, Toronto: JAMES R. GUN. T0\VNER. Debut. v Muskoka Lakes. Lake of Bays. Te- magami, Algonqum Park. Maganeta- wan River, French River. Gem-gian Bay. Lake Cnuchic ing. Kawartha Lakes, etc.. at low r tes. Tickets and full "parrtjculars from any Grand Trun Agent; or address A. E. DUFF, D. . A., Union Station. Toronto. The low rate of one cent per-mile each way (for second-class Lickvm Wlll be in effect from all stations in Untar- to, Kingston. Madwaaka and “Rut. to all stations on '1‘. and N. O. Ry. Hail- eybux-y and North. RETURN LIMIT JULY 4th. “Cnhalt Special” leaves 8:30 p.m. Vacation Trips to Toronto them. BUY little Darling Stockings fnr ymfl‘ Children â€"â€" we have thun, also the \ 'e:u--well Ribbed Cotton for children and ladies. Fine Cashmere Hose fur “dies ‘ ' "" UR". in the centre or the Great Winter Wheat Belt; 2560 acres of rich, black Ionn on a clay sub-soil, cnpablu of producing maximum CI‘Ops. Place is all fenced and cross fenced, has about 250 acres broken, two houses, three liarns,corral;~1,sheds,et-c. Fine spring on each section. Ideal for straight grain or mixed farming. Very easy terms. We have Children’s School Umbrellas for 000., Fancy Parasols for children at 200-, good l’arasuls for ladies from $1.00 up. STOCKINGS and PARASOLS Now Prepare for the Rain It is Sure to Come,and ouu ouern :1 l Derr .easy termi We also own the Famous Livingstone Ranch located to Southern Alberta, tan. in the sentry or the Great We own 8 quartem potions Of choice miXed irriga Me am] non-irrigable land, particu, larly well located in sunnv Southern Albertaeasv farm: - L. GRANT R. GUN. Town Agent; ., Depot Agent. Minn, 0011‘ andWho spent their 1”,“, ... 3.\'.. ?Olpnto. It was “a my?" aand all enjoyed Ihuttr- ‘5 - ‘ ti1.-'?-"<=**~mg and Other amuxum J~ . â€" "911 after midniwm ‘ 9121i 3 daintily pl‘x‘i):li'a:i ,; wfag‘léerved The I‘lllit‘ '\\.'i‘ Wmnt Of many lwz-iutiz'ul ..; Gofifiy Present-s. Mr. and Mrs. ism- gruffve taken up hdusekuepga: 09 Street. LLIC uunu 7w?" and? MTG. G. S. BUI'ZIM‘ ' named the Vfi'ednesu i~ tha t he would doxoae : ‘‘‘‘‘ On ° . . sevempl‘lday e\ enin ” I:~:~' fitth y invited QUO>2~ 9 home Of ‘II‘. ”1th \I‘ MacDonald on Bru( Well» . :fie the home m‘ if; and; 8. G. S. Burlnv ' I The annual schnol y-i~t~.i<- .-:' Mulock will be held in \I: W" Fulton’ 8 bush on Friday. :‘aftm-ru .. June 30th. Refreshments will ( served and a good time is m:â€" Pected. The program 138: _\'<.~;:‘ Was Of a high order. and this M :1: an effou't is being made 10 ear-EL, anything given on form"? mys- liOns. Admission to the 51% ~‘ and lunch free. Dr. James . H. Miller and other spoakmw .2?" GXpected and a good :1 u~f : program will also be fumifimw C D Sheldon the 312m , ”list Who created sud 3 :a wt»;- (Ion la“ year in \IOIlIZt 11 found guilty and semen tn. Fem in ’the penetewwom mad-e a plea {OT clemvw UT“; - £01m Of his age and the stun-m. Under the auspices if .. NO. 1192 a garden {warty held on the grounds M Mr. Lawrence con. 2. (Hem-‘12. ( day evening June Shh. A ball match will be playmi ‘ two good teams and 3 ;:«.~ gram is being prepared. TI Regimental Band will ”re in .- ance. Refreshments mi all served on 'the grounds. Ad." 15c. 01' two for 25¢: (‘hfldr‘et' 311‘. W. Laidlaw left wz. day of last week for )1 near Belleville where 3:»; ter the employ of :hw Cement Co. Billy \mc pf‘c‘f‘ connected with spoz-rc hwy past three or four years .‘ be much missedpn they I0. up when 'the hockey tum ; ing next Winter. 4W: x; success. Greatest four day‘s H trip. Take the special Lg). train from Owen Sound 3ri ton on Friday July 71h. m with steamer trip to \Vinvis Detroit returning on Mum». You’ll enjoy every minun. posters for particulars <.-:‘ any G.T.‘R. station south by over. Remember ‘th? (5210 vice in Trinity churn: . this Thursday. All 1m attend. “Things which \V “Christ’s last n world” will be $11 'm-ons in 'the Metho Sunday. We regret to learn ( out 'West Of Mr. T1109. was so well and {amp while a resident (if four or five years age, The ‘I. 0 F. will a service 1n the Baptist Sunday evening. V‘DL. 44-4“). 2303 NEWS ARG F. will a Our New Ihé n '- wagon .' jand M1 3313' {om escape Wolfe

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