West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 22 Jun 1911, p. 1

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DING §CURSION 1e 22nd. 5 to or address m Station, .US‘ 1‘91] " S zlars from Rain wand AS Georgian hawartha Bays. Te- Maganeta. FREE on gent per mile Lvta) WI“ ‘1 Ontar- Minn, ronto to 1““ 1191!) to liquidate the church wt «of $500. when the giving spirit ;J°-\ Possession of the visitors {3 In ten minutes sufficient? W65. ‘5‘3‘1 to discharge the debt with emPa $23 which wais to be do- ted to the student pastor help to VJL. 44â€"4"). 2303. the taking up 'Of a and the hat was passed. e citizens expressed his that the contribution â€"â€"-v I’mmlfll SChOOI picnic atlfind the name of A. Derby Hano- Will he held in Mr. Wm.'vver Commissioner to the Presby- : ‘rush on Friday afternoon terian General Assembly at Otte- Th. Refreshments Will belwa leg slightly cut. The train is and a good time is ex-lsaid to have been going at a h-‘gh The program last }'ear;:ra'te of speed to make up time high order. and this year I when something broke and several ‘ is being made to eclipse:casrs were thrown from the track. 3 given on former occa- uimission to the grounds r-n free. Dr. J‘amieson. H. p- - and other speakers are A despatch from Ripley to. the London Free Press gives the fol- lowing intelligence of the death of i and a good musicangenneth McKay father of Mrs. W”; also be furnished “Reva 'Bice now of London. but . k . ' formerly of this place. Her‘manv éht‘ldon 'the blmd pool friends here will deepl.v sympath’ze created such a sensa- with her in her bereavement: This rear m Montreal was . A-“ 3 . _, ° 1 -O- -_A “'A_ -â€"A__ -4 C3K€ no Board of Trade has 51 the towns of New ithe little village of n the T. "N. 0. not .st four day’s excursion lke the special ex-cuzrsilon )m Owen Sound and ‘Wiar- ”riday July 7th. for Sarnia, amer trip to findsor and returning on Monday, 10th. njoy every minute. Spe for particulars or ask at .R. station south to (Ban. 11 Band will be in attend- :‘eshments of all kind: the grounds. Admission '0 for 25c; children 10c. f‘gFPt to learn of the death st of Mr. Thos. Lyons who well and favorably known he auspices of L. O. L. :1 garden party will be be grounds of (Mr. James con. 2. Glenelg, on Fri- ng June 30th. A base- 2 will be played between teams and a good pro- eing prepared. The 3151': \V e resident Of this tOWn five years age. JJLUKC DLLCCLu v; . ‘ On Saturday morning last )Ir. 1 W. .. : ., .. ' 5“.)Ogu'lz'rieirtn-lefhdfixtilr‘eg Arthur Edge son _Of the i3“: Robt Velma-lav previouslnydg? of .Edge Hill. met With a i. 1mg? honeymoon in I costly acc1dent :and had a narrow Rh. :1 merry gatherqescapeirom being killed at the :1; wed themselves in same tinie. He put on a new hay ‘51:? amusements un- ; loader~ at the Grand Trunk station midnight About l”and started for home. Ifor some lrttily prepared lunchgreason the horses tool: fright. and The bride was the{made an effort to get away. .Mr.‘ many beautiful andgléldge however hung to the lines‘1 y. 312,. and Mrs. Bur_;and was in a fair way to get thel :91) up housekeepingghorses under .control when the . gwagon sea-t slipped and rendered ihim powerless to guide the move- ' Board of Trade haSjments of the frightened animals the towns of New ' which stag-ted off on a lively run. :he little village ongu: they were Very 500a brought The T. 8: 1‘:- 0. DOIito a standstill as they ran into a li‘ane Will not SOODJIteleg-raph pole in front of Dr. isit. While there OD‘Wolfe-‘s office_ The neckyoke and ey visited the Union - wagon tongue were badly broken. :1 a jocular spirit and Mr. Edge was pitched Violent- 3‘ taking up 'Of 3 ‘ 1y forward onto the street but the hat was passed. escaped practically uninjured. The tizens expressed his sudden impact caused a breakage : t the contribution of four or five pieces of the new ‘ liquidate the church :‘Ioader which cannot be set up till hen the giving spirit the crepah-s come to band from the , sion of the ~yisnors [factoa-y. We are pleased to learn ] ates sufficieflt‘“ was gthat mwverescaped sov‘jyell as Large the debt with he would cert ‘ “hf-have been kill- vhich was to be (10- ed if thrown against the telegraph ! Indent pastor ipole instead of the roadelde. .. ‘ mily prepared lunch The bride was the mny beautiful and 5. Mr. and Mrs. Bur- ,en up housekeeping O F. will attend divine n the Baptist church next vening‘ lidlaw left on ‘Wednes- Week for Marlbank iIIe Where he will en- ploy of the Canada Billy was prominently 'ith sports here for the )r four years and will ssed on the local line- .> hockey team gets go- .nter. 'W'e Wish him which will not mix” and last message to the 11 be subjects of ser- 9 Methodist church next 'ening last about guests assembled Mr. and :Mrs. Hugh :19 coming of Mr. m‘nett :who were nesday previously eir honeymoon in a merry gather- ed themselves in ' amusements un- lnig‘ht About 12 e Coronation ser- church at 10.30 a.m. All are invited to street t0 A despatch from Ripley to. the London Free Press gives the fol- lowing intelligence of the death of fKenneth McKay father of Mrs. [{Rev.) 'Bice now of London. bu: formerly of this place. Her‘manv friends here will deeply sympath’ze with her in her bereavement: Th-‘s village was again saddened by the death of Kenneth -McKay on 'Queen street .on Saturday June 10. {He had been for a month verv 'neaa- death‘s door. Mr. McKay was 8:? years 10f age and is ‘surVived by his widow three daughters.‘ two'of whom are at home the other .M'rs. (Rem) Bice: 'also three: sons Neil, William and Donald. who live on the 10th concession of Huron township. The funeral tooid place on zMonday June 12th. to.; Ripley cemetery and was very? largely attended. i In a G. T. R. train Wreck near Newcastle on Friday last. James Madill a commercial t-raVeller was killed and twenty-five were injured. Amongst the latter we find the name of A. Derby Hano- ver Commissioner to the Presby- terian General Assembly at Otta- Jubilee services w: 11 be held in the Presbyterian church Rockv Saugeen on Sunday and \Iondav. June 25th and 26th Sundav 5e1- vices at 11 a..m and” p..m sacm- ment at morning se1xice.Rev. Mx. Little will preach n the morning and Rev. Mr. McDonald in the ev- eningâ€"both former pastms. On 'Monday evening tea will be srv- ed in the church after which a suitable program will be rendered. Admission 25c. and 15c. . 7 reception at 'Winnipeg the first stoppino h place on his Western tour. He and his party purpose spending some time in the West discussing the reciprocity question. â€" \nlLuI- â€". - ‘1 it now presents [a fairly decent appearance. w u. m1. Sternall Durham. FOT saleâ€"10 good Yorkshire suckling pigs four Weeks old. Ap-, For sale.~Cheap fon cash. 5-passenger West of Durham in Bentinck. rltouring car in first class condition. gParticuIars on application to D. L. I The meeting of the Upper Can-,Steele, “0V ada Bible Society held Methodist church last Fri ening' erland” garage, Meat--l in ”thelford. Ontario day e\'-! . Y i ” though. poorly attended.’ Flossxe “hitmo. e, was helpful and enjoyable. Rev. girl. Was Told that her *Mi. Wa y Postmaster Smith was in Walk- w. erton on Friday night and Satur- _ . . . - l day last During his visit, be A 3oung man in Plainfield, flew inspected the post office not offi- Jersey, was fined $265 and sent to! ciallv but as one interested in jail for a year for the simple act the work and anxious to see the of putting- hls 10"”‘1‘1 building nan-a arm around pretty young girl. . Wanted â€"A~t once, Apply to Mrs J. Tow ring his visit, he >031: office not offi- one interested in anxious to see the of a government once, servant air I. Townerr, .nted.-â€"To learn plumbing. Appl; v f The town council have had crossing at George and Cour Mr. James Smith made a busi- ness trip to Walkerton on Satur- day last. Mrs. George McCausland of Thornbury is visiting her son. Rev. N. McCauslane. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lyons of Markdale visited at Mr. D. Allen’s over Sunday. Miss Mabel Macdonald of AJ- mon‘te is Visiting her sister, Mrs. Ted. Vickers. Rev. and Mrs. Wright are at- tending the closing exercises at Whitby Ladies’ College. Miss Bertha Harvey is home Toronto for a couple of weeks. Mr Thos. Gray is spending a few days in Hamilton. Mrs. Arthur Nealy. of Toronto. is visiting her mother, Mrs. John Russell. Mrs. E. H"ldebrand't visited in Stratford over Sunday. a man, but a true man will be e- qually quick to resent the really coarse buffoonery ahat some pass of for mere pleasantries. Vulgarity and profanity should never be Itak- en for jokes. and they never are by the better class. l A man should never give a joke if he isn't prepared to take one in return. There are people who are everlastineg driving at others and enjoying the exercise immensely till the tables happen to turn and the fun goes the other way. These big overgrown babies are found everywhere, even Durham is not an exception and it‘s no rare ‘thing to see a jokinO' smartie skulk off like a Whipped pup to his hi ding- place as soon as the fun takes a turn. If a man enjovs a joke. he should be able to enjov one at his own expense. He will, too, if he is ' takes place to-day, Wednesday. Mr. “'illiam \Villiams. of Collin}:- wood Bulletin. had the misfortune to have his hand caught in a Dress. The index finger was brokâ€" en near the hand and the. second and third fingers badly torn, while the hack and palm of the hand were terribly mangled. Two were killed and five injured on Saturday evening last at Hawkesyille near Orillfa. Lt reâ€" sulted from :a wheel breaking off. their automobile wh’ch turned a half somersault into the ditch pin-i ning [the 'two occupants of the front seat under the machine and killing them instantly. The killed are D. Wilson B'raidwood and Miss Florence Howard. The party all from Toronto were taking 11' week-end trip 'and their desti-na-i‘ tion was Atherley near Orill'ian They intended to remain at Ath-j erley over night and return to:1 Toronto next day. l Mr. ' ”m. Hazen. and old well known {res-Idem of this for many years, died at his here on Monday morning. 1:. 68 years of age. and had be: in}: for some time. Hn-te takes place to-dav. Wpdrme the street thereby, 7 77‘ -â€" _-_-- u. U. 1.1. K, UUL’3r’ . . ‘ asu'ater 'Sund med t the lat- Speclxal rates In photographs for 1a,: h' 1 1 a) a th :of June only Regular $4 ter‘ ome lere. mory . - ' Messrs. A. H. Jackson and E. T. cabmets for $2.70 per dozenâ€"Fred . ¢ ‘ ‘ KelseV, BICCIO'Cklln T‘Pu "mhnrq 1... r- See Levine’s ad c, vvâ€"‘w VI ets for $2.75 per dozenâ€"Fred Messrs. A. H. Jackson and E. T. McClocklin returned lrast Week 3V. Q o ' from a rthree or four weeks trip 3 town council have had the + ing at George and Countess Mr. John Colvme returned from s straightened out, so thatlthe W est last week and is spend- »v presents [a fairly decent ing a couple of weeks with rela- trance. tivles and friends here. saleâ€"Cheap for cash. one' Mr Peter Rarmisge, and his sister. [1 MOde-l “G” 5-paslseng‘eir ilILSS Alice. are in Toronto this g car in first class condition. week. and will take in the C.’P.A. ulars on application to D. L. P'Z'ET'V Sound .excursfon. ' “Overland” garage, Mea- he Editor is attending the. Can-4 Dn‘tario adzian Press :XSS‘OClfl'thl’l meeting in Toronto th’s week. [and Wiil 'take in a Kingstongthe Gerogflan ‘Baiy excursion. ‘ as told that her soldier 10V“? Mrs. Juas. ‘Barr of 'the Bank of' arried another girl and died Hamilton Staff Blyth, spent a few‘ :aking poison with suicidal'd-ays 135%: Week and this Visi’ci’ng‘,l The story of the marriage f at the iReetrov. I rt true- ' PERSONAL. DURHAM. UNI, THURSDAY. JUNE 22,19" the appe dged at his home morning. He was and had been ail- and 01d and t of this place {In-term ent n . _--. v “'A he Churches” the meeting was given nd into the hands of the ladies. Mrs. ed Johnson of Chesley. occupied the fss chair and Mrs. Stevens read the all address of welcome from *the ladies a of the entertaining chumch. Ad- fdresses were given by Dr. Smith 3" . . raolon foreign missions by Mrs. Mul- h_?lowney on home missions and by to éMrs. Sinclair on mission band work. . The )Moderaitor’s address in the {evening was a strong appeal to fvthe people to have principles and ingstand by them unflinchingly. He Fe,denounced the ne temere decree: WI Dr. Smith gave another helpful ad-.- U’Edress on India stating the ob-' 'dlslacles which stand in the way of se spreading the gospel there. Dr. id.Smith has 'an attractive way of l'tfdescribing the conditions of hea- 2‘fthen lands. ”3 The Thursday morning session (e l was devoted chiefly to the trans-l .. - . l action of busmess. However there e;\\'ere two brief addresses by Rev: 5 J. TV. Black on “Sunday Schooli 5 Teacher " and ‘Rev. S. S. ‘Ba'tes. D.; ' D. on “Christian Education." Dr.: V Bates deplored the fact that there; 5 is so much ignorance of truth a-‘. 5' mong C‘hris:ian peoiile. He briefly} ; - outlined some of the distinctive! principles for which Baptists stand . as the equality of all believers and ; ~converted church membership. The: afternoon session of Thursday,‘ consisted of. addresses. ReV. J. H? l Kelly on publication work: Reva .W'. A“ Gun’ton 0n the church's reâ€" ,ilationship to social and moral re-g form. The Laymen's MissionarYf ~movement was represented byf “.Mr. Geo. McLagan of Stratford. In! jthe closing service after many! resolutions had been passed deal-1 ing with the ne temere decree the: :Peace movement and sympathy« .for Rev. .sW. L. Newton Rev. WVal-l 'ter Daniel gave an address On:l jle'estern missions. The last and 'perhaps the best address was eloâ€" quently given by Rev. E. S. Mul- élowney of Owen Sound. on “Sym- i’pathy: ,the power to reach men.” 9 The Baptists of Durham desire ito thank the friends who kindly- ‘assisted them in the entertainment of the delegates. making special mention of the kindness of Dr. and Mrs. Jamieson, in allowing ,' them the use 40! their newly purchased residence in which to provide the ‘meals. â€" a y 999+§++Q¢¢4§66¢¢¢.AA;AAA-A.. :99§§¢¢§§§§9§§§§’ l annual gathering in the Baptist ' church hereon Tuesday evening of last week and continued in session throughout Wednesday and Thurs- ! day The number of delegates ' present from surrounding church- es is estimated at about eighty. After the devotional exercises conducted by Dir. A. E. Pickar-d of Wiarton the moderator. Rev. H.D. Moore called on Mayor Black who welcomed the delegates to the town. Rev. A. H. Jones spoke on “The Christian Ideal ” after which Rev. C. J. Cameron gave an illus- trated ad‘dll‘QSS on “Home. Missions” showing a number of scenes from? :New Ontario and various charac-l iters among the immigrants who: have come to this country. The; new pastors were introduced tof the Association on VVednesday' morning. Since the Assoiréatfon. met last year there have been a? number of changes in the various! pastorates. At this session Rev] E. J. McEwen delivered an ladidrressi on “ tewardship ” and Rev. E. W.’ Piercey preached The annual ser-i mon dealing with some of the, live problems of the. day. After,‘ the address by Rev. Jas. ‘C‘wrrie on “Visions of Spiritual Things in Our h The Owen Sound Baptist Assoc- iat‘ion met for .its twenty-fourth annual gathering in the Baptist church here on Tuesdnv (mom-rm- n: THE BAPTIST XSSOCIATION Mr. and LMI‘S. D. H ned last week four Weeks" trip 00 per, of +944 Print Bargains, in short ends and remnants, reg. 100 and 121/0 to clear at ................................ 8c Shoes A choice collection of smart and lovely in up-to-dute styles. Our Spring Millinery is the event of the sea.- son. Our display consists of the latest, original Lace and Insertion Sale, reg. Ladies Underwear and Vests Lace and Embroidered Hose for l. otton Spring Clothing and Lisle Hose in smart style at and Vests, in light Weight ............................. me to 50c :lered Hose for the LOW . 25c; 40c and 50c 250. 40c and 50c $1.00 PER YEAR waists

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