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Durham Chronicle (1867), 22 Jun 1911, p. 3

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{ANADI ‘33 Arum. > Swallows Nelsâ€"Nev Lawrenao’l mt you on ter- at '. Born/run m be at 00 I Dd uandhlack eopl'e. .. UNIEU .550,ood peg tilt shortest ;. SHITH 6: SONS. DURHAM, ONT. Always First in has made arrangements MORNING EDDITION o be: let and THE ' SENDALL ORDERS TO OFFICE in offer the t0 Septem- from FLESHERTON. . annua Crowded out last Week. gAssocj Mrs. R. Merrick, of the 800. is; Mrs. visiting her niece, Mrs. J. Cargo. about MT. W .A. Armstrong has been in. "911" ‘ Detroit on business for a couple Thurs“ Mir. W of days. _‘â€" JV“. The small sum of 70c. will :bring you both papens until January lst 1912, and the Coronation por- trait-s. The latter alone could not be bought for the price. -- ““45115550 They are acknowledged Abv com- petent judges to be the best pom- trains of Their Majesties in exist- ence, and will become historical growing in value year after vear, 5 The Chronicle has made ar- l‘rang‘ementas by which our readers can secure most beautiful Corona- H1011 portraits of their Majesties. King George and Queen Mary. 3'1 h:- 3' are by the celebrated “Lang- if1;r,’of London, and copyrighted. .i "‘.‘ :1:- Fa 1ti‘. 3' Herald and Week 3' .S a: of Montreal, has secured the Canadian rights, and are new €0f1‘ering vhese portraits free of charge to all who subscribe to that o"neat Weekly for the balance of 1911 at Fifty Cents. We will in- j c ‘uude the Chnonici e with the Famâ€" ! il3' Herald for the same period for ' on} 3' 70c., and each subscriber 3 il' ' receive Uhe Coronation pictures. The 'two port1aits are on the one; sheet, size about 18x15 inches, 3 ' most convenient size for framing ! CORONATION PORTRAITS year after year. '1’ 70¢. will bring THE DURHAM CHROV" 5. CLE for framinv. W1ight: S.S, MHE Wilson; J.S., C J. Bellamy; D. of C. C.N. {Rich- ardson; Tyler, WM. Burnett. W. past year of the Durham Furniture Company‘s mill at ”Rock Mills, has ‘moyed to his former home at Louise, and before leaving. was fg'iven a pleasant surprise at his 'home when the employees at the mill. and a few" of his neighbors. . presented him with a handsome Morris chair, accompanied by an appropriate address. Mr. and Mrs. .0 llson had made many friends in the community, who deeply regret ftheir removal l I A sad death occurred at Salem ion the 8th concession Artemesia, l ion Monday morning, when, afterI ia brief illness with pneumonia, Mr: :W.C. Pedlar passed away. The de-f g‘ceased. who was 40 years of age.’ :was a son of the late ex-council-l llor, Samuel Pedlar. He was mar-,- [ri-ed to a daughter of the lateI EHenry Meldrum, who sur'v'ives himi jwith four children. Very deeplg 'sympathy is felt for the young. widow and children. Installation of officers took place in Prince Arthur Lodge A.F.A.M. on Friday evening last, conducted l by Wor Bro. T,A. Blakely, and the following is the complete staff for the ensuing twelve momlthszWM. J P. Ottewell; S.‘W., GA. Watson: 3 W Herb. Smith; Chaplain, M. K. Richardson; Treas., J Blackburn; Sec., T Clayton; S.D., O.W. Phil- “DB: JoD g WoJ. caSWeu; IQGQ, WgLo a.“ 5M U oâ€"wuh. ! The marriage of Mr. istrong, pastor of i‘day, June 8th, at the home of the brldes parents, Hea'thcote. "W. Hickling came up from Toron- to. and accompanied Mr. and Mrs WA. Armstrong to the wedding. On Tuesday, June 18th, at the home of the bride’s parents. To- ronto, Mr. Edgar E. Bellamy, of Saskatoon Sask., was married to kins, the ceremony being performed bv Rev. G. , u.“ “Jug, wmcn Icaused alarm many, but fom'tuna-tely damage was done. pondent’s residence call a bolt hiav left its marks *su thnf dam-m to limited Your corres- had a close ing entered and fficien=t to show neighbor lady with the blac happened. Juuy, the young :ouple left Irip to the coast going by from Owen Sound. prnCl a month With friends and visit her husband, who is the kcspital. It, ‘ â€" in. reported improving. garden music Hen?“ 'LeGard had the mis- ‘- Ids. Week to lose his mare. Was ft-und dead in the fie1d newly foal-ed com on foot. is doing Well. alter Bo Wler’s li‘t’t‘Le son Carl got one of ' cwt with a scythe I: ‘ eight S‘ti’tC‘heS Were _â€"vVv“‘ : place between Price Fleshe'rton clubs, i1 {visitorrs we're the win- TO 0. Flgnho’fin“ “’ friendlv Thursday SCOPE maq 00,18, and two cars of are being delivered to 9- FlSShE‘I‘tOn during ‘the ev "91‘3" great. 3f Mr. A.E. Mr. and Mrs the wedding. baseoaLl ma-tch ' evening. at here for in h'OJlOtI‘ of has resided entertained Rock Mills {'5 deliVer- in the city 0 the Sound is now .‘ loads his Past It is Worse than useless to take any medicine internally for mus- cular or chronic rheumatism All that is needed is a free applica- tion of Chamberlain’s Liniment For sale by Gun’s Drug Store 11'] SWINTON PARK. Too late for last week. Intelligence was received here on Saturday of the death of Mr. Jas. H. Martin, of Seattle, at Kamloops, on June 9th. Mr. and Mrs. Mar-tin and their daughter visited friends in Egrem-on't, and his brother and sister here, and on their way home, Mr. Martin fell seriousl ill at Kamloops, 8.0. He died on Friday after a short illness. It makes it more sad to think he did not reach his home. He leaves to mourn his loss, his Wife. two daughters, a sister and three brothers. 'We extend our sympa- thy to the sorrowina' friends r' We guarantee complete relief to all sufferers from constipation. In - every case Where We fail we will 3 supply the medicine free. '2 Rexall Orderliies are a gentle. ’ effective dependable and safe bow- e1 regulator, strengthener and tonic. They re-establish nature-‘5' functions in a quiet, easy way. to healthy activity. 'Rexall Orderl'ies are unsurpass- able and ideal for the use of child- ren, old folks and delicate person’s. We cannot ltoo highly recommend them rbo all sufferers from any form of constipation and its at- tendant evils. Two sizes, 10c. and ‘ '25c. ”Remember, you can obtain ity only at our storeâ€"The Rexall. 'S‘tore. Macfarlane 6.: Co. Rexall Remedies in this commun-l. has been the standard, world-wide treatment for consumption. m f MIDI-unin- In the cure of consumptio concentratedpasilydigest: nourishment is necessary. For 35 years Scott’s Emulsion V5 the first break in the family, 18 3h keenly felt by the surviving mem- ‘tibers The deceased was a mem- 9 ; her of the A.O.U.'W.. holding mem- ibership at Parry Sound, where he ls initiated. The funeral “I’ll take a place to Meaford Road cemetery d on Tuesday afternoon, When Rev. 11 0.3. Milligan. the family pastor.l will conduct the obsequies. a White. of Saugeen Junction, Where; ' the young couple have settled in? > . ., ' 3 their new home With many good; , Wishes of friends for their pros- the absence of Rev. Mr.: own home. The bride was recipient of a large number beautiful wedding gifts. ? After a prostrated illness, her- c-fcally borne, Mr. John Teeter, second son of m. and Mrs. {Price Teeter. passed away on Sunday mormng at the home of his par- ents on 'the' east back line. Arte- ,mesia Where he was born “26 years ago He was a steady, indurrtri-n 0135 young man, and a fine speci-‘l men of physical manhood. but un- der the poison of disease com? tracted in the West nine m-mths.‘ ago. his sturdy frame gave way.5 n01w;thstanding a‘l that was dare; ‘J __‘_ NO REASON FOR the Borrowing friends. olks and delicate person’s. >rt ltoo highly recommend all sufferers from any constipation and its at- Etiony Where 8 settled in many good their DP‘OS- IL!” 8.25 " Toronto “ 5.7!.) R. MACFARLANE, - Town A: N ONOQOOOQQOQOQOOQQOOOOQ‘O Trains W111 arrive and depart as fol until further notice-:â€" 6.58 Read down CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY TIME TABLE H. G Ediâ€"gm? J. TOWNER Depot Agent JAIMES R. GUN. Town Agent S T U D Y A T H O M E and qualify for a good situation in business life. Itwill costlittle to do this. Get our plans. W'rite THE SHAW CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL, 391 Yonge St., Toronto Central Business College, Tomato Invites you to write for its handsome catalogue. N o vaca- tions. Summer Term from July 3rd. W. H. SHAW, President, Yonge 8.: Gerrard 8153., Toronto -99999 gazes§§3 LV. ‘6 The salve t4";;1;i‘sc‘fgzi‘e,“;ad' quickly heals the inflamed membranes of the nasal passages. The tablets go to the seat of the trouble and restore the system to its usual tone. Together, they cure. Instead of neglecting a disease that is unpleasant to yourself and to others, and one which often leads to pneumonia and consumption, it is surelv the part of ‘sz- dom to take timely steps to do away With the efi'ects and at the same time remove the cause, No. 26 does Just that. 500. for the eombmed treatment. At our druggist’s, or from Father Morrisey iledicine Co., Ltd., Montreal, Que. DURHAM His Emous remeag'; No. 26, is a bined cure for catarrh. It consis: tablets to be taken three times a day, an especiglly eompogmded salve. Some doctors confine themselves to prescribing external applications, and thus do not. reach the seat of the trouble- Others give internal treatment excluâ€" sively, and thus do not promptly relieve the affected parts. Father Morriscy, the skilled priest- physician, rightly regarded catarrh as a double trouble, consisting of unpleasant local efiects and their fundamental causes, the latter having to do with im- paired general vitality. The sudden weather variations in or! climate result in a great many cases J mtarrhâ€"a troublesome disease usually A neglected cold in the head weakens the nasal membranes, so that at every future exposure the trouble returns. At length these conditions are fastened onto the system, and the suficrer undergoes the annoyance and danger of chronic catarrh. Also a limited amount of iron work and machine re- pairs. A call solicited. Ask for quotations on your next job. A DOUBLE CURE FOB DOUBLE . TROUBLE TIME-TABLE Custom Sawing Promptly At- tended To â€" and all kinds of House Fittings ONTARIO Agen t. 'oronto. THREE 100

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