West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 29 Jun 1911, p. 1

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o y'xthout. chine. mthg :k, Southern Albe Canada l'ta TE} hm en Neva paw for the Rain :Sure to Come,and r .__ m: 930 h 880131011. Ideal mign grain or mixed mg. Very easy terms. axe ( EBRELLAS GRANT S’l {£33342 mm ’ARASOLS Now vznwezuzmmm gt {tgencyjogpecun‘u 02 mmts BUILDING apolis - 1 r1.-\lberta,easy tenns, mm the Famous Livingsuu ed in Southern Alberta, cu, Mitre OI the Great UCKINGS “‘81) 9 Children’s 'mbrella-s for I 1 by Parasols run at 200., LSUIS for ladies r Mme) Jacqwg ~ at 400. 50c and <8 are beautiful ltd [0 US. See YOUR :.'1E'{t‘ (If BayS. T" :. Park. Mugabe“- 'E‘. HiVPl‘. Georgian arching. Kama-tbs ratvs. and so “189' ‘* expemsuce ing StOCKings n ~-â€" we have ar-well Ribbed w-n and ladies- particulars from Axergt. or addre. . ( nion Station. men. Town A gent. gen“ went per mile H‘s ticthS) will \YHIiUUS in 03“!" uka and “708131 to J FLY 4th. waves Toronto EXCURSION i une 22nd. .V. H, Ry. Hui]; for ladies Minn. {:f‘tm and owners of dogs, M..ss Annie McCreary is home ’C "19 “ho spend 3110de m from Harm liton, and is spending a wésmmalhv in Dmmbi’ted few davs thh her mother here. .11 do \' ‘ tice . -, .- ‘ ":3I‘ning xeldto t'ake Elem , Mr. Clarence Daxrkng, 0f Simcoe, ‘ an goxern is spending a few days in town. 56‘] " e5 ac( r ' ‘ _\)1‘ 1 v . mm d ngq» ’ ms the party renewing old acquaintances- COmplains in the martter as-‘ 5 us he is not blurring, but Mt-ss' Belle Tocher. of Momma! 3"6 the law on any and all spent a week With her nude, In-‘ QEI'S in the future. spector Campbell. WIr. N. *W. Campbell. Inspector of schools, was in Toronto lasf Week. Mr. C. Bamage is in London, on '- ‘t'-- 4 W15 very €n3'33'3‘b13" 7* have been made to u; {I -'. ’ ‘ ' | ; . , ‘““ Hounds. belong-11g to“ S. 0. S. bustness. "~9S;:at.‘~ .‘ - ~ 5 . . - - . ‘ “1' lunnmg loose. and. Miss Ada leln. of Detrmt. IS a ‘ , , | ”A- I ; _,., 1 ' . . _ ‘ “a and other game, m.vis1t1ng her parents here. i ‘ \‘ 41?!‘:;,\;_ Our informant 11611.35 Misses Mary and Nellie Lenahan v~ ' ‘ L“ " Â¥ 0 , “‘3L 0 1119 must stop or serious """ilil'f: ‘es \1 1} follow. No spent Sunday Ln Mildmay. . 5511‘: n ; , . .njA-A 7” 3 “2m to keep ani-! Miss Clara Alice is home from yf° ‘ 1‘» cannot look after them,‘ Chatsworth for the holidays. 2,57 I'unn_;g . o- aeas~ . . 3 nu -S,1nceat lggmeplajm is; Mrs. Hamilton Allen 18 V1.51t1ng 1n ,;_ ‘ “ ° ' ' ' ' le of Weeks at“ ' of Dex-sons {fishing on Hopevlle for a coup ‘ “3:1 and n prohibited Waters.' Mrs. Crowther, of Chatsworth,' math 09 severely dealt with if 1!; siting her brother, Robt. Aljoe. “.. 01”- A word to the W291? is; and other relatives. Sufici ' enti and owners of (1028: Miss Annie McCre'ar'y is home “i 9 “ho spend Sundaw 1n from Hamilton, and is spending a ‘ 200d Babfs We IZOD the night. all eve: freshme liberall‘ The Entrance examinations are bei :12: held this week. Sixty-three canddates are writing in Durham.‘ furtv-zwo in Dundalk, thirty-eight in )Iwkdale. twenty in Hanover, Shiraz; in Dromore. thirteen int Ayzm. and five in Neusrtadt. In-{' spec-tar Campbell, and Miss. Mar-nu gaze: )IacKenzie are the presiding examiners here. i give help help The Durham branch of 'the ’Wom- en's. Institute will hold a meeting in the town hall on Wednesday, July 37h. at 2.30 pm. The speaker Miss M. V. Powell, of Whitby, will give an address on “How we can gy spread. Finder kind-1y leave 53m»; at McKechnaies’ store, or at Central Hotel.â€"W.H. AII'OIWS'mith. Next Sunday, '"Rev. Mr. 'Wright will preach in the morning on “Our Dominion.” a patriotic s‘erq mum. and in the evening on “Some things which the devil knows.” Rev. J. H. Kelly. of Flesherton. will occupy the pulpit in the Bap- tist church next Sunday, morning and evening. Mr. McCaaluslasnd will preach in Mr. Kelly’s «church at Flesherton on that day. LosLâ€"On June 26th, between Mc- Kecimies' store. «and Pine Hill, leneIg. a new rubber knee bug-a If $011 want to see a good base- ball match be sure and attend the guiden party at .Mr. James Mc- Gil:ray‘s on July 44th. 1-9.: sale.â€"-10 good Yorkshire 814.93.3ng pigs. 5 Weeks 016- Apply to F, Murdock, 1% miles south-west of Durham. in 'Bentinck. tinvmithfng and plumbing. Appi; t.) :J H. Sternall Durham. gqx. fresh in, three times a u may be obtained everyday at my residence. Garafrvaxa street. .415»; Wilson. f. p rentice Wanted.-To mm girls and how they can us.“ Come. and bxr-zng your i< uith you VOL. 44â€"N0. 2304 wavy “-Jâ€" -‘--‘H--‘ I '1:le the 315t Regimental! "' .Wilinfto give them credit for 9? gram until nearly middl'thezr good works. .Travrellers can Tim.- booths were kept busy? now enter the oar on .Durham ‘ at “-2. and the supplv of red; 7.15 .a.m., 9:0 to sleep ;'f.they Wlsh, Hts offered for sale were? and Wake up :n the Una-on Station. partaken of. Toronto, .at 11.10. 'R'eturnlitng they may leave Toronto at 5 p.m.. and, "went clgsing exercises at; without change. be landed here at . Ladies" College, Whit-( 8.50. .and the trains are on time, .~.~ ’E-Ileonore Wright tookftOO sanding medal in vocal! A very impressive memorial vser-' “*“r‘iViDg the A-T-CvM- di‘i‘ v-ice was held in the Baptist " ‘-:':‘. Toronto Conservatory; church Sunday morning, in memy 1nd the A.O.C.M. diplo-m-a'ory of the late Mrs. Newton, of 51150 Conservatory 0f Whose death the citizens‘ learner] successful in coming few dollars to the :Iz-ug‘r-am, and music by vz‘m ed the principal Dart 'rs‘ng’s amusemenbs, as three-mile run by Ver- re. The refreshment ' we]: patronfzed. and; .r was very enjoyabIYj Normza graduated in #1:: gold medallist stamd- has accepted the posi- '11 garden party of the “Fh was held in the rink «wining lalsrt, Though .1ther affected the at-J 'm’derably, the voung teacher in Pickering asmarket, for next year. -0 .. A, learn Wantedâ€"Farm ll} A \"81‘V5‘I‘I‘lDI‘855iVG memor 2‘11 ser , a; L'muuuu .u- Lu'cu‘ LUUI'UIX C’dI‘ II‘OF. .\ . held in the Baptist Montreal. They were guests 0 vzce was . .- . . “Mr. and sMrs. CIaJder o've ‘S . . * 5., church 'Sunday mornzng, m memo , , r unday The names of the v.151to-ns are Mr 2!or}; of the late Mrs. Newton, of . . f whose death the citizens learned gigs 111:5 K115; :2 thdlimg’ 11'. ”with deep regret about a week mg an 1‘ ‘3 urn " prey .ous. The text was taken --â€"-.-â€"--~ ' from parts of the 6th and 8th yer» . r 393 of the Gospel accord; ng to St. I HYMENEAL '- Mark. chap. XIV.: Let her alone. MORTONfBARBER. , She hath done what she could. On Wednesday, June lert, the Z The pulpit, organ, and choir rail- home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard I Eng were deeply draped for the Barbe: Normavnby, ,was the scene , occas on, and as the pastor made of a happv event, the occasion , h: 5 application, the congregation being the marriage of their eldest , was deeply moved ox er the tragic daughter, Florence Mary, to Mr. death of her they loved so we'll. Tho-mas Cowan Morton, of this Much sympathy is felt for Mr. D130: NeWt'On 311d family in the very The ceremony was performed by sore trial they are forced to Re... .q‘Mr Kendall 0f Dr‘O'mOI‘e, in I endure- flan 7n meant-no n? ahnnf o~~'crk+v- ninvflu. M3 sses Mary and Nellie Lenahan spent Sunday L’D Mildmay. . Mes Clara Alice is home from Chatsworth for the holidays. Mrs. Hamilton Allen is visiting in Hopevfille for a couple of Weeks Mrs. Growther,o of Chatsworth, visiting her brother, Robt. A110“- and other relatives. Durham peonle have very Little reason now to find fault with the Grand Trunk railway service. For long enough it was anything but satisfactory, and the public and the press were not sparing in. their denunciations of the companv. Now that such an imnrOVem'ent has been made. we should be all equal-t I .Word reached here thrls' week of the marriage at Calgary Of Mr. Clark Scott, to Miss Mabel Deugan. The ceremony Was performed at the residence of the bride’s broth~ er on 'Wednesdtay, June 215tt. 'Mr. Scott is an old Durham boy, and is :a grandson of Mr; and Mrs. {Robt Alice, sr. The young couple will reside in Nvan't‘o-nn Alta. 'We tender our congratulations. ‘ .~ I Mr. W. A. Jenkins, manufacturer or ,. n m rn. . ’. . .' d l' The rector, Rev. Mr. Hartley, de-' gave us a br ef call on Tues 33 . evening. to renew the acquaintamce hvered a strong fraternal sermon . ,. , , ; of our younger days. showmg that fnaternal socxetaes are bUt doing Part of the work of the. Mrs. Boyd, $1.110 hgstgee? "gating church, in caring for the widow; her mother, rs. '1 er an v ‘3 and orphans. The band was in at- Wednesday to 3°C.” her hUSb'am‘d f“ tendance - thmpeg. 0n the way she W111 .visit friends in Toronto. and other .Word reached here thrls' week of . . _ l- Misses Laura. Edith. and Edlie the marriage at Calgary Of Mr. MacKenzie. and Mrs. Alex. M'C-l Clark Scott, to Miss Mabel Deugan. Lachlan. and daughter, Miss Vida. The ceremony was performed at th '_. , , left :last week to snend the hot e residence of the bmde s broth~ months at the Lake of ‘Bavs. i er on 'WedDESdlflW- .Tnmo 9.1 cd' Mn Mr. Grover. of Victoriaville, Que. was in town Wednesdayr on u prospecting tour regarding the the establishment of an iron bed factory. A brief interview was held at the Hahn House, but there was no definite [action taken. I.O.F. on Sund y eve Baptist church. The attended by the ban: ed facred adrs to an church an exceptional? fi’ne The P335 {Matriculation examina- tion begins on Friday, at 9 a.m.. and the Entrance to Normal schools on Monday, July 3rd, at 9 a; m. Inspector Campbell Weill preside in Durham. PERSONAL. wn‘au' nine sermon to the Sundy yevendng, in the McCausl-and preached The society was hand, which plav- o and from fho The bride was becomingly rarttir- ed in a pretty weadingpgown of White Swiss embwoideryJ'and car- tied a bouquet of White carna- Ctéons. Her travel-Icing sufit was of [King’s blme, Wilth a White silk ibrraéd hsaxt, trimmed with White lilacs. She was {the recipient of : many beautiful presents. that of the groom being a gold ring set; with pearls and rubies. His gift to! the ring bearer was a gold ring, with pearl setting. i The ceremony was performed by Rev. *Mr. Kendall, of Dr-omore, in ‘ the. presenceof about eighty invit- g'ed aunts and took place 1on the fl-awn, beneath a chest-nut tree. At 't‘ w o’clock, the groom took his iplace and immediately afterward. {the bride .who Was given away by her father took her stand beside him. The wedding march was Nave-d bv Miss Hazel Barber. sis- ter of the bride, and her youngest sister, Winnie. was ring bearer. Bath bride and groom :were un- attended. The ceremony over. and after the young couple had receiv- ed th: congratulations of their 5 friends. all salt down to a daintily ‘ prepared wedding supper. :ysuuxx'c UU inla'LL'Il. Mr. Finley Graham arrived here After a couple of months in Kin- Saturday night from Hespeler !cardine and vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. where he has been engaged pro(Fuller will «leave for Phoenix Arid fess'fon-all'y for some time past. On _. . ' . zonta where they wall reSIde. arrival. he met his father-Ln-ll'aw. ’ and motheraln-lalw, and sister-in- 0n Frida'v. June 23rd, .a most law and brother-ain-Law, and wife. emoyable evening was spent at and :a. friend. who arrived thratithe home Off AJWin CeasWell, when afternoon gn their touring car from his sister. er5. Fuller. received Montreal. They were guests of frzends and neighbors. About fifty "Mr. and Mrs. (ladder over ”Sunday. W910? present to have a haDP‘Y- The names of the visitors are Mr soczal tmme 'Wl'th the new bridal and Mrs. King sr.. Mr. King, 11'. couple. and extend sincere good Miss King. and Mr. Ch‘adbuzrn Wishes for the future. _..._....._.. They also showed the high es-n teem in which they held the bride HYMENEAL by the many useful and valuable MO‘RTONeBARBER. presents of which she was the re- On 1Wednesday, June 21st, the cipient, The groom’s gift to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard bride was 3" handsome 8‘01'd watch Ember Nnr'manhv mfac rho cnono and Chain- ‘ \ v -â€" v- - '“CQMJ’ UL UGA‘U’L‘, 15 about two O’CIOCok Be. the guest of her sister-in-l'aw. Mrs. ' m. Wm. Calder .nbfguannda‘firsfiiifr’tggqowtllll regide Mr. Diliion. of 'Srtratford. was the . ' ‘ . ’“n 9 en- ie nest of Mr and Mrs Chas La- res-dence on Queen street, where as 1:." l: f. Of d ” l t “ k they are receiving the congratula- le e.e. or a 9W ays as wee ' tions of their friends m Miss Nellie McGra-th returned 3. last week from a visit with .Among those present from a friends in Guelph. dustance were Mr. :and Mrs. James 1 ' Harkn‘ess. Tee-swiater; iMr. and Mrs. .Mr. Barry L'amel.e. of . Ottawa. Thom-as Movrton, “Messrs. Alex. and spent a few diary-s twth hrs 'bcroth- George Morton, and Misses Bella. 9.1" ML C‘ R' Lavel.e Agnes, {and Mary Morton, of Aber- Mrs. N. ,W. Campbell, and SOD-,d-een; Mr. James May, 'Mr. ’Wjiliie Ian, and Miss Marion Calder, leave; Hay. and M"-ss Bella Hay. of Swin- ’d Thursday for their summer h'O'me'rbon Ptarrk: Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Mor-‘ ' {at Norway Point, Lake of Bays. 'ton, {Rocky .‘Staugeen,; M153 311.3! I let Mr. Arthur Pickering is home “Writtelr. and Mr. Fred Saunders. of‘ aâ€" 1.. is n. in :3! from Vancouver, 3.0., and is'Carlsr'uh'e; Mr. and Mrs. Tuck. of ._ spending a few days here withIOrchard: and Mrs. Schilling, of 0. his brother. Dr. W. C. Pickering. “Michigan. Dr. and Mrs. Madill. and three The Chronicle [joins in wishing children, of Persia, Iowa, near er. and Mrs. Mort-on an abundance AOm'ahia. are rvisiting Mrs. Madil'i’s of joy and prosperity. ‘a sister. Mns. KB. A. HAY. .8 1I Miss Len'ahan has returned to FULLERâ€"CASWELL. Muskokra. after Spending two The home of Mrs. G. Oaswel'l was weeks’ h-ol-‘davs with her brother 'the scene of :a very happy event Mr. .Tas. Lenahan. I ,on 'Wednesday, June 21st, at 6 p.m.. Mr. W. A. Jenkins, manufacturer when her eldest daughter” Sara A., 10f Royal Purple Poultry .save us a. brief call on Tuesday Fuller, of Phoenni., Arizona, for- Tevening. to renew the acquaintanice"m.el:13v of Kaincardine. The bride j 2; of our younger days. I'look-ed charming in a. dress of;‘ 3 Mrs. Boyd, who has been visiting cream nun’s veiling. hmmimv himâ€"J â€" r 8 9 i t Guelph. Where he will Iaccept 3 on the am of hex: brother Alvin. position with the Hydro-Electric. who ’af‘t'eer‘dS gave ‘the bfide Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Rzogers, Of'aWay. Immediately after the cere- ‘Toronto. Ont.. and Mrs. R. Lawson.momy ‘3 sumptuous r'epast was of Durham. Ont. are in Quebec,iserved and the evening pleasantly visiting Mr. and Mrs. George spent in music and games. Matthews. 110 Scott streetâ€"Que», Her gofisg ‘aw.'a:y 911“ i5 0f cream bec C‘hr-oni'cl-e. Mr. Jas. McLaughlan. elseotnician at the cement works for the past couple of yea-rs. left last week for Guelph. where he W011 accept a position with the Hydro-Electric. Mrs. ‘W. H. Hvar'tley was in Har~ 'riston over Sunday visiting among her peonle. Two of her sisters-in- law. who reside in Harris’ton. leave for the West this Week. Miss Nellie McG'ra-th returned last week from a visit with friends in Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vickers and family, of Renfrew, are visiting relatives and friends in the vicinity. Mrs. Neil Graham, of Dakota, is the guest of her sister-in-l'aw. Mrs. Wm. Calder Mr. Dufllion. of ‘Srtratford. was the . guest of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. La-f velle. for a few days last Week. DURHAM. out. mussauv, mm: 29.1.11 The home of Mrs. G. Oaswelll Ways 'the scene of a very happy event ’on 'Wednesday, J1me 21st, at 6 p.m.. acturer when her eldest daughter” Sara A., yer, of Phoenni‘ , Arizona, for- iIll-'Elnlcel'm.e1;l),' of Kxincardine. The bride Hook-ed charming in a. dness of 'isiting cream nun’s veiling, heavily trim4 d, left med with duchess satin and all- and in . over lace. and wore the customary e Willbwedd-ing veil. Another costume l otherishe afterwards donned was a. tan Edlie'and brown rtajah silk, with lace MC.) trimmings. (Miss Marie Caswell. Vida. sister of the bride, assisted as hot bridesmaid. Mr. Chas. Fuller‘ s. ’:brother of the groom. ably azssirsteds “gm [the groom fham. and Dr. Smith. of Dornoch. iThe Durham chair was in attend-o iance. and gave a number of g‘Ood [musical numbers. 1 Very interesting addresses were delivered by Rev. Mr.Phe1an, / of Markdale, Rev. Mr. Little and ‘Rev. Mr. McDonald. 'former pas- tors. Inspector Campbe-IL, of Dur- The pastor, Rev. :Mr. Stevenson, occupied the chair, and after“ a ibr-ief address called on Mr. Neil {.Clark, Who gave a succinct his- tory of the onigin, growth, and development of the church since its origin in 1856 up to the present time. including the opening of the‘ old log church in 1861, and the present stone bur: lding‘ in 1878. Dur- ing the Whole period, only seven ministers were in charge Jubilee services were held on Sunday last at the Rocky Saugeen church. Sermons appropriate to {the occasion were preached byy'ReV. 'Mr. Little in the morning, and by Rev. Mr. McDonald at night. 'Both were former pastors of the church and the services were well attend- ed. On Monday evening, a church; garden party was held on the‘ grounds, and an exceedingly DPOf- liable and pleasing program pre- sented. After a couple of months in Kin-3‘ cardine and vicinity, Mr. and Mrs. Fuller will leave for Phoenix. Arid zone, where they will reside. On Frzidca'v. June 23rd, .a most enjoyable evening was spent at the home of Alvin Ceaswell, when his sister. ers. Fuller, received. serge. with Large law but plume to match. The knot was Well and securely tried by Rev. JW. Henderson. of Hanover, only )the immediate friends being present. The wed- ding march .was played by Miss Lyndia Ciolw'eili. cousin of the bride, who descended Ithe stair, leaning The evening was most ple spent in dancing, and other ments. the company break about two o’clnnk- Jubilee at the Rocky omeu- amuse- braakfi-ng up “+9 WWWMW Oooooooooooo A choice collection of smart and lovely in up-to-date styles. Ladies’ Waists in Lawn and Silk ’99“ S. F. MORLOCK Lace and Insertion Sale, reg. 50, 6c Ladies Underwear and Vests, in H. Special Cotton Hose, worth 200 $1.00 PER YEAR

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