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Durham Chronicle (1867), 29 Jun 1911, p. 2

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02.0) IP 25' A. LOGGING CHAIN. bWNER can have same by describing property and paying for this notice STRAYED TO THE PREMISES OF the undersigned, lot 4 con. ‘22 Egremont on or about June lst a \xhte sow. O“ nerr may haxe same by provv'ng property and pay ng expenses. â€"W. J. McFad- den, Egremont. ~ ~ â€"â€" . - --â€"â€"-â€"â€"--‘â€"- 'Onation Dam nd h d f .. atx ROOMSED HOUSE AND TEN jovable {me a 3 “mt ea“ 9“ acres of land in the town cf, ' ‘ ‘ ° Durham. On premises are good? The Sunday school intend h-oth-e ig pen, hem house and stable. ing their annual picnic in McGirr’s ill rent house without land, if grove on Fridav Jul . 'th E . desired. Apply to John Moffatt‘ ‘ " 3 ‘ ' very- Durham. 3.1m ibody ”me and bring: a basket. 7 _ ,_ “A Mr. J.‘McGIrr spent Coronation Store to Rent Day in Mt. FOrest. STRAYED FROM THE PREMISES of the undersigned on or about June 51h a white sow. Finder w;ll please nocify by letter or THE STORE FORMERLY OCCU- pjed by Mr. Mockler. Good can- venient stand. Apply, for par- ticulars, to David Allen, 2-9t-f FROM LOT 8, CON. 4, GLENELG, two 2-year-old steers. 1 part krsey. all 'red, 3 little White mark on hip; 1 red steer, White underneath. Any information as to their whereabouts will be thankfully receivedâ€"Jas. 'Ryan Traverston. 6 22 3pd IOUSE AND LOT ON COUNTESS Street, Apply to Mrs. John Har- bottle. Durham.’ 6303ptf Teacher Wanted PROTESTANT TEACHER WANT- GOOD COMFORTABLE HOUSE and lot on George street. Over an acre of excellent garden land. 200d stable and orchard. Apply to Mrs. Geo. Hepburn, Durham. June 4 11 tf AT AN EXTREMELY LOW FIG- ure. and on easy terms, an up- town property in good location. Particulars furnished at the Chronicle Office. Mar. 9tf DESIRABLE BUILDING LOT, 1-2 acre. corner lot, opposite Clark 5 Planing Mill. For particulars ap- ply at this office. if BROOD SOW FOR SALE. ON LOT 6. Con. 3, N.D.R.. Glenelg.â€"Mrs. Chas. Arnett. 3 30tf wr 21, CON 2, TOWNSHIP OF uremont containing 106 acres about 10 acres hardwood bush. 0 ecrev swamp timbered. the rest dear; barn 30x50, stable 30x40. Orchard 1 acre watered by2wella EBAYED P_P.O)I , THE 100 ACRES NO. 1 LAND, BEING Lot 3. Con. 9, Glenelg. Cheap and on easy terms. Apply to J. A. Russell Box ’39, Sedgewick, Alberta. f 5-4 tf__ LOT 3. (O). :2 EGRE‘IOBT, 100 To Let on Shares. SACRES OF GOODLTI‘ILQABEEI --vâ€"._â€"â€"â€"â€".___i A LARGE QUANTITY OF FIRST class shingles for sale at reas- onable pricesâ€"The urham Furniture Co., Limited. 2 212' ed for 8.3. No. 5, Glenelg: salary $450: duties to begin after sum- mer holidays. Statte quali fica- tions and experience if any. Applicati 0115 received until July‘ 11th. â€"-R..T Edwards Ebordale. ‘ otherwise or leave word at this office. Parties detaining after this notice will be prosecuted.â€" Robt. Baxter Thistle P.O. Hour; barn 30x30, Stable suxw.. . Orchard 1 acre. watered by2wellai 1- P Telfom. Ind spring. Part of purchase RARRTSTEL. SUIJICI'PC money can remain on mort age.; ‘; Hf‘fice. nearlv onpmive th‘ For particulars ap 1y Wiliam‘O‘fice. Lambfon L.D'Irham. 4 N16?» Orchard. nt. 2' f ”"33"" ‘0 loan at. 5 her 091 r. .M'?v Egremont, 200 acres of good land, 120 acres cleared. good hardwood bush. well fenced, well watered. For further particulars apply to Robert Meade. Varney. June 4 ti acres. 70 acres cleared: ‘ualanCE light 'nush Brick h 1158.2:00'1 buildings, well fenced, well mat- ered For further particulars. app!" to D. Hami. ton._ pur ham. res, about 4.3 acres Cleareu am. in good state of cultivation. Well watered, frame barn, stone foun- dation, good log house For further particulars apply to Mrs. H. Dennett, Varney. 2 23310 land in .‘he mm"). W: 1‘ be let on shares :0 5.5131216: person. Apply to Mrs. Lauder. near the Cream- " 9293 sow, Reward for their re‘ Persons detaining them : this notice will be prosecut J. G. Wilson. Durban. F or Sale or Rent. Farm for Sale or Rent Advent-omen“ of one it"), subsequent insertion. (we? Farms for Sale. Shingles fowr Salf AND 6, 2nd CONCESSION to D. Hami. ton. Durham. Mar 30 3mc For Sale. Sow Lost Pigs Lost Strayed Found acres cleared 0 will be let on persqn. :Apply SMALL ADS. inn or but. 25 mm for firm i'mrtion and meant-format (we? one inch and under two int-be. double tho above am- am. Year}: rates on apphc run. )rt age.§ ‘? “flice. hearlv onmsi'e the Registry Wi liam? o‘bce. Lambton 1.. Durham. Anyamount ; f mum-v tr» Man at 5 per cent. on firm f rupertv. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Redford, and daughter, Eva. spent Sunday at the home of Mr. G. Alice. The girls had a picnic on Cor- onation D352 and had quit ean en- .Mr. Arthur Atkinson. and his cousin. Miss Emma Davis, who have spent the last three or four weeks \ siting relatives here, re- Don’t forget the Orangemen’g garden party at Mr. Jas. Law-u rence’s on Friday night. The baseball team have been do- i119: some good practicing. and play their first game this Thurs- day at Hutton Hill. Deputy-reeve “'eir attended county council at Owen Sound last week. “Fell. Mr. Editor, as you 112.!"8. not had any news from this part for some time. we thought we would iot down a few items. veyancer. Nnmry Public 8m. Mnney tn 1mm on farm property. In- :uranccz effw‘fed. Iifp or fire. Office over Standard Bank, Durham, Ont. 91" meveyaxmer, 8w. lmmmnee Agent. Movmy to Lana. Issuerpf g- Pinup Licmmm_ A (mineral 60ml Officeâ€"Over Douglas’ Jewellery Store. are the best thing to rid your house of these dangerous pests. oesq tramavted. DURHAM ONT (Lower Town.) A. H. Jackson. OTARY PUBLIC. COMMISSION- er‘ meeyaxmer, (v. Insurance Dr. C. Gordon Hewitt, Dom tOMOIOgiSt, says, referring to the infam from intestinal diseases and diarrhoea spread fly, he believes that the so-called harmless fly i ing the death of thousands of infants, as well the germs of typhoid fever. \ . sfr’iw'. Lambmn Street. Raideuc Comer Quoun and G00! Strata-No 01 :mhuéi~t Church. Jffice hours-â€" am. :4 m. 7-9 mm. Telephone No. U animals treated on most scientif- ic prinviplos. All calls promptly attended to. Office and residence. Garafraxa Street. Durham, nearly 0p- posite the Chu nicle Cfl'ire. €231 r,T-:,( ‘ .. 1» .;nnrs 5"me DHYSICIAS AND SURGEON, 0P- 1 tic-e in the New Hunter Block. Ofice 101:3, z; to {U a. (5., _to 4p. m. an‘dfi' $09 i. I short dutuxce east of Rump”: Hotel. Lamb ton Sweet. Lower _To_wn. Durban: urz. BKiWN L R. C. P., LONmX. ENG {1 RADULATE of London, New \I ank and Chime. Diseases of Eye, Ear Nose and Thrust. Will be at Knapp House. Durham. the 3rd 42mm” in each month. Hoursâ€"lâ€"G p.13. )FFICE: Uxex J J. Hunter’ J F GRANT, D. D. 8 .LD. 8. ONOR G R ADUATE. UNIVERSI- ty of Toronto. Graduate Boys 3011926 Dental Surgeons ofOntario. Dentistry in all im Branches. t. m. Srecial attentinn given .12) (1188386 if wn'ngn and children. Resulenoe Op- fl‘uxiv‘ Preebvrerian Church. ars. Jameson Haclaurin. :xF‘I-‘ICE AND RESIDENCE A Dr.D.S.Craig, D.V.S. V.S.V D. nISEASES ()F DOMESTICATED ”nu: APVAMLI RoyLnndnn Ophthalmic HOG. £22.. and LoGuiden Sq. Thrown and Nose Boo. SPECIALIST: {:21 7A3, THROAT . NOSE i. 6. Hutton, M. D. C. I. \FFI’T, TELFORDS BLOCK UP ARRISTER, SOLICITORSâ€"ICON- (Slxrcpssor to W. F. Dunn) “n'o-mnv- ~A__A___ Dr. W._Q flickering Arthur Gun, '8. D. MM ira/ Diredorv Lem! "Directory Den/a1 Deflation). A. C. Grant RIVERDALE. DH." BURT. somcrmB. mo. 2 o’clock r} we'- ~‘o'md. "1 Hewitt, Dominion En- referring to the infantile death rate 3 and diarrhoea spread by the house SO-called harmless fly is yearly caus- ' Mrs. Herbert Brigham. and little daughter, were visiting her par- gents in Paisley Bast week. a good program, and lots of foot racing of all kinds, from children to old women. and old men racing and the eatables were good. and up-‘uo-dat,e~ and everybody had a good time, except SMr. Ab. Fizzell who had the misfortune to have his horse take fright from the train. and run away, smashing his new buggy and harness to pieces. The horse, also, was badly used up. Ab. likes fun, but that was a little too expensive for him. The picnic held here last week was a grand success. There was There will be a garden party held at the home of Mr. Jars. (Mar- shall. on Friday veening, July 7, Admission to the grounds. 10c. and 15c. Proceeds for the benefit of the English church. .‘We under- stand that a free lunch will be served on' the grounds. Some of the people from around here took in the picnic at Louise and report a pleasant time. If you have dandruff, get a large 50 cent bottle to-day, and rid yourself of it. Remember that if dandruff germs are not destroxâ€" ed :11 time the hair will surely fall out and baldness “:11 follow. Miss Dottie Brigham spent a week visiting friends in Hanover lately. Miss Millig'an. of Hutton Hill, was visiting at Mrs. A Wilsons Last week. .n this part. C0. to eradicate dandruff, stop fal'ing hair, splitting hair and scalp itch in two Weeks or money back. NO MORE D ANDRUFF McFarlane Knows What is Making Clean Scalpa In order to rid your scalp of filthy dandruff. you must kill the germ. There is a hair dressing? called Parisian Sag-e which is now sold in every town in Canada. It is guaranteed by Macfarlane 8: Help others when you c5n, but never give what you cannot afford simply because it is fashionable. â€"Selected. Keep ahead rather than behind the times. those of others. Do not meddle with business you know nothing of. Learn to say no. No necessity of snapping it out, dog-fashion, but say it firmly and respectfully. Mr. and Mrs. W. Ball. of Mount Forest. spent over the week end at t home of her parents. Mr. and 5} . John Stanles. Mr. Robt. McFadden took in the Dicni-c at Zion on the 223d. Bob seems to like to go to Zion. Pay as you go. Sever “fool" in business matters. D3 nOt kick everyone in your path. Learn to think and act for your- self. Don‘t ston to tell stories in busi- ness hours. Deputy-{reeve Weir has a gang of men finishing the fill at the new bridge here I The dogs are after the sheen a- gain. Mr. Geo. Alice had one wor- med on Sat urda} last. Mrs. J. McG- r spent Coronation Day at the home of her parents in Have order, system. regularity and also promptness. 4A man of honor respects his word as he does his bond. More mil-es can be made in a day by going ‘ steadily than bv stopping. Bentinck. Miss Annie Colier is home from T0ronto for the summer. HOW TO GET ALONG. ALLAN PARK brains rather than as spreading THE DURHAM CHR 03'7an ) Larry was a cowboy bold P VVbo Went out on a. bat; He. waved his-lasso once or twice, And where W’s Iariat ? ALL IN. Moses: Whose aifment was tuberculosis. He sleptpn the lawn From sunset *to dawn And called it a bum diagnoms. Mr. .Tnhn E. (‘hmtpm nrnprietm' of 'ha Pnslinch L9ke Hntpl. was: last, “-991: swam in as a rmmtv onnstahle. Thic wag dnnp that rnwdvism at the popular resnvt may hp stnpppd. Par- ‘tio: nf ymmfz man frnm Guelph and [ Prpsfnn havo bean in the hab‘t r.f gn- ing tn this Mama. Which is nndpr Vocal nprinn. With a plentiful supplynf liquor and causing a great disturbance. The rain and the hen have their WC As everything earthly must. The hen gets busy and lays an egg W’hile the rain is laving the dust Midsummer Madness. A STAG E EPISODE. A breeze New dawn the valley. They set it up again. Stage scenes, you know, Are apt to grow Topheavy now and then. cess Store Whooping cough is not danger- ous When the cough is kept loose, and expectoration easy by giving Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy It has been used in many epidemics of this disease with perfect suc~ 1 NERVOUS CONDITION The uniform success that has at- . . 1t ' tended the use dot Chamberlain’s; Bean 8 from Kidney Trouble Colic. Cholera an Diarrhoea Rem- ! ; ,. , , , . - edy. 'has made it a favorite ev-l S‘Ck I‘ldne33 make 3011 f€91 SICL erywhere It can always be de- .m a number 0f ways. and 1t {5 pended Upon For sale by Gun’s now known that a nervous cond:- Drug Store \ ‘tion often results from kidney __._____ ltrouble. When the kidneys are isick the whole nervous system be- VVOULD‘AW'AKEN CLERKS. comes irritated Because he is hampered and prey causng head- vented from doing his work by the 5 ache. d-ZZT" dilatoriness and refusals of treasurersI ~ . spells. fits of of municinalities to make returns to “blues.” neu- him. J. VV. Sharpe. provincial munici- ralg’c attacks nal auditor. asks the Governmentim ‘ , ' his annual report to pass special legis-j r h e u m a t 1 c lution making it compulsory for the; pains. weak eyesight, dull. treasurer to make the returns. He. also asks for special legislation roost-i tired days. and tam a uniform svstem of mumcmal. . . ‘_ ‘ accounting. He draws attention to ‘a constant inclination to worry the fact that the municipal auditors over trifles. receive little remuneration. and that; . ,. . . . A the time necessary to make the returns .300?) s Ldne§ Pll‘s strengthen for the Government is not considered s;ck kidneys, cure backache. regu- whcn their salariet are fixed. Lm'al auditors. he says. Should "“l h". “‘“n' mal conditions. They «are guaran- tent. With making a careful sorutmv of . 1 . . the municipalaccounts. The result of teed. fin dealers 591" OOC’ box or their examination should he setout. in POStPald from {he R'T' 300th C0"- their reports with details. clearness Limited, Fort Erie. Ont. If van and simnlicitv. so that each ratenaYPI' would like to test them free. write may readily understand the financial ' ”9'0"." r-f the municipality. An ex-lf'or 9‘ “ital box.. haustive uuriit is good, hut with pub- â€"-â€"â€"-..__ A llt‘l'V addfld. it. constitutes the best, . '. . check upon possible error. speculation n,eGne:rffet1:â€",¢:nigs ‘33:":Rththed experi- or extravagance. . .p- g e “55 0" The uniform success that has at- tended the use of Chamberlain’s Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem- edy. ‘has made it a favorite ev- erywhere It can always be de- pended Upon. For sale by Gun’s Drug Store \ Mrs Jas. Whitmore, accompanied by her daughter Laura. spent Cor- onation Day at Markdale. Mr. Ben. E.“ Woods. of Bowman-i ville. spent from Saturday until Monday at A Watson’s, and re- turned to his duties, where he is engaged as inspector in an im- mense rubber works. He was ac-« companled home by his wife and two children, who have spent the past couple of months in the neighborhood Messrs. Chas. and Edward Pratt spent Coronation Day at Louise. The? were accompanied bv their lad; friends. Wedding bells are ringing in our famous land. Pratt Bros. are now drilling a well for Mr. A. HOOper. They sunk one for Henry Hooper last week. We are glad to be able to report that Mr. John Lawrence, jr., is re- covering from his severe illness. A COUPLE DELAYS WELL. WHERE McWILLIAMSVILLE. For sale by Gun’s Drug Rose ! ” “Well, I must order some on my way home!” 3 "Laura, your tea is always so good !â€" a n d min 6 does vary so. What kind do you use P" “Why, Red mes trash and nice' us in water till the :‘rom a. quart toa Lake l. v.“ uuc namesâ€"far too many namesâ€"of youngsters who got into trouble. Ask the parents if the de- linquents oave been subject to home iscipline. and the answer is in many instances, "Do you think I’d Jay a hand on my child ?” ’ell, they didn’t, with the result that the child has laid its hand on their hearts. Iddiscrimin- ate‘Chastinnrnou-n- :N ...____ . 3 , or prison, or any Judge. police magistrate. or chef of police, the large percentage ° ° 8, and he will tell you lack of proper home training. ' , , like all other papers. is and week out to keep out the namesâ€"far s: the experi- ment of keeping down the dust on the road with oil. Four hundred yards of the main street was sprinkled in two days by two men with wetering cans. Sixteen forty-two gallon bar- rels of oil were used. The oil costs five centsagallon. It is stated that three arplications in the year will keep down the dust on an ordinary . of Toronto, con- sick kidneys, cure backache. regu- late the urine. and restore to nor- mal conditions. They are guaran- teed. All dealers sell, 50c. box or postpaid from the R. T. Booth Co. Limited, Fort Erie. Ont. If you Would like to test them free write for a trial box. The new laws concerning the driv- ing of motor vehicles include some clauses which make for the protection i of the public, and will be generally appreciated. One is that speed on the highways or streets must be regulated . by circumstances, such as condition of ; the traffic, strte of the road, etc., and ‘ no one may driVe recklessly or negli- gently when by so doing the public is endangered. Again no person under the age of 17 years shall drive a motor vehicle on the public .‘street or highway. No one without a license is allowed to drive a car for or as a paid ? chauffeur, and no one is allowed to‘ engage a man as driver unless he hasl a license. These are the principal new clauses which go into force immedi- ately. THE STAN) mBANK A fatal accident that was foretold in a dream was described at an inquest at Old Hill, near Birmingham. Eng- .land. on the body of aminer named ! Benjamin Westwood, who was killed 1 Sat the Fly Colliery. His b1other,. \\ illiam, said that on the night pre-‘ Ceding the accident he had a dream, .. and in it he saw his brother lulled He added that he did not go to work on the. following morning for my‘ dream made me so ill thatb I was un- able to leave my bed, and have be en unable to do any work since. In my dxeam Isaw a considerable quantity ofcoal fall from the roof on to my brother. knock him down and kiIl him, and from what those who wit- nessed the accident have told me, my dream was fulfilled. I did not go to my brother’s house to warn him, as I i was too ill to leave home, 1 Here is a minister who appreciates the editor. At a recent editorial con- vention he offered the following toast : "To save an editor from starvation take his paper and pay for it prompt- ly. To save him from bankruptcy advertise in his paper liberallv. To save h'im from despair send him every item of news of which you can get hold. To save him from profanity write your correspondence plainly on one side. of the sheet and send it in as earlyaspossible. To save him from mistakes, bury him. Dead people are the only ones who never make mis- takes.” First Trampâ€"“\Vish I had a. mil- lion fnd ten years ahead of we.” Seco d Dittoâ€"“\Vell, grab the mil- lion. and fiou’ll get the ten years all right. The Accounts of Corporations, ll Manufacturers _ and Individuals Small Savings Bank Accounts Speoial Attention. FORETOLD IN A DREAM. 1. and he placed the utshell, just: as did 80 Ask any head of an insane. the largest per- »f the inmates, and he gnorance in youth of 3 An]_ , ‘ ‘ 'S pare _-v\.« (111 the rod and wrote King Solomon ---- V"UUC' 1. It is stated tha :s in the year will inst on an ordinary 'd. of Toronto, con- :hpaper than water effectiveâ€"Erin Ad- OF CANADA Common a a nan-‘1 Our grad 'Business m a" g the best. 81 er- ' room were 1 he $50. $60 an( graduate v. was placed i annnm. A positions. year “'as 5 g graduating partments. ‘ and Telegrap : alogue. 9 D. A. M ‘l"¢¢¢¢<}{,4,¢\’ 6 poretions, Merchants. Individuals Solicited. t§¢§+§¢+AAAAA¢AAAxx D. A. MCLACHLAN. Principal ‘â€"“".'*Uuwl on” ' ”an!!! thonumoer ma the am Mr Pin!‘ ”ammo-(1 to 311 m Picture Franz mg on slzortasa Funeral Directorx year Was six times the “WWW???" graduating. ‘Ve have thx'w- “ed partments. Commercial, shorzhan and Telegraphy. Get our [I‘t't‘ 081' alogue. s'rau'rono. our. v” Our graduates are in (immuni- Business men state that (11ny .ue the best. Stlldents from NH" 17-158 room were placed recently nt $45. 350' $60 and $70 per 111(th A graduate With Son)? exppq'ft'hce was placed recently at 315' I)” annum. All graduates sermzt‘t" positions. The demand ir‘ gust year was six times the manner graduating. We have Ihxw- de- Your trip abroad Will be more pleasant If you Carry a book of our tra.vclle'r.:* 5;“91‘68. With them there is no ii‘u‘dble in procuring funds, no m;:.;.:r Where you happen to be. Lsued in denominations .of $10. of, a and 3100, they are as C-‘71'Vi‘nient as cash and yet perfectly s..fe Carry them on your r 22;: Hip. DURHAM, ONT. Branches also at Mount F4 Machine Oil. Harness Oil, Alma Grease and H001 Ointment, go to SHOW ’. P. SA UNDERS. Embalming a Sincialty S. HUGHES receive Manager 'i'b'e 'I-IJDâ€"gséfiaake’ June 29th $990090 -‘iln, 1911. and ,oON at“ ’3- 1’0!) and Bragg- Castings mu? ;: 1 fitters Supplies. Enginosmu? 1 Gwen O‘T‘I’T “‘fi‘.r't .. o WMM4-+-z~z~e \U\Thl1' Stoves Tim 2â€": I’lllflliviz); neat-sly and p; ; THE Db; ; t0 Januam Spirella THE DER Always First The M THE EA THE has made arratt 2-- UORNING EDL‘;:’_*‘.~ â€" be: ut’and A NEW AND 11m angurated by whicl can he landed here i .1 SMITH 6: SO Forms 1‘; Spirella I corset. a: NICHUI. Her advh A full 51 cultx requirem gard to ( creations arrived a before t0 29th, 1911 Our 0C Cor

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