West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 29 Jun 1911, p. 4

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)NS 02.0) IP IN rbR Mr. Rowland. and that the books of his company are open for any investigation along that line. Now here is 35300 that could be obtained for the Bruce County Hospital if Mr. Guthrie was telling the truth about that steer. and the Hosp.tal Trust should exert themselves in the matter. Mr. Lay. the treasur- er of the trust, is also an active member on the Board, and might for a few cents .in postage have Mr. Guthrie explain what he meant when he made the statement. .‘We would expect Mfr. Dack, the secre- tary. to take the necessary 5teps, «only he is on the sick inst. If Mr. Guthr--e was making a statement he knows to be untrue, the farmers of the country are ent-tled to an explanation, and if he was making a statement he knows to be true. the Trust Board of the Hospital should collect the money for that institution. Is it not a fact Mr. Guthrie’s statement was a false- hood. made for the purpose of de- ceiving the farmers, and that it is being hawked around by every Grit spieler who gets on the public platform? William Lyon Mack-en-v' zie King will likely fire off “the" Buffalo and Ottawa. steer story at Hanover toâ€"morrow night wheref he is billed to address a public meeting. and if he does, any mem- ber of the Hospital Trust rBoaird who may be present will be dere- ! licc in his duty if he does not tell the speaker all he has ‘tot do is! to f substant'ate the statement and: ' the Hosp- tal Treasury will be en- é. rched by :5300. Mr. King is re-é minded that farmers delivering : hogs in Hanover this week are reâ€" s ceiving $7.00 a hundred. that the price in Toronto is $7.30 fed and . watered, in Montreal $7.50 to $7.73 ' in Buffalo :56. 50 to $6.60 land in Chi- Cdg.‘ 125.95 to $6. 30 The best garden party of the season will be held at MT. Jas. Mc- Gilvray's on the evening of July 4th. Everybody welcome Mr. J03. Firth is busy thesg days; infant daughter'of Mr. and i] with the road grader in his diVi-i CuthberL Furth- aged 19 (13333 sion. Edge H411 picnic has been set for Saturday, July 8th Misses Valerie Edge and Lily Ritchie, who left here a couple of weeks ago for Bagot, Mam, have arrived safely.- Mrs. Sutherland. and two child- ren. of S'tratford, have returned to their home, after a pleasant The statute labor in this division was completed Last week. Mr. W. Quite a number from this part attended the Rocky church Jubileee sex vvices on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Maitland, of Owen Sound, were visiting at Mr. D. McFayden’s. Misses Kate Ritchie and Edith Edge are in Durham this week. writing on Entrance examination. Guthr 9 21.} he did not say Guelph but had said Ottawa. Mr. Rowâ€" land then amended his offer, and changed the word Guelph to Ottawa, and put it up to Mr. Guthrie, or his friends, to prove the statement. and thus earn $200 {or that worthy charity, the tBruce County Hosptal. We have be- fore us a letter from Mr. WV. E. Matthews. vice president of the George Matthews C0,, of Peter- boro, Hull and Brantford, saying that he knows of no meat trust in Canada, and that certainly Mr. J. 'W. Fl-avelle has no interest or in- fluence in the operation of their company. He also adds that Mr. Guthrie is entirely misinformed in stating that a steer for which the farmer would receLve $72 :could be sold by rthe butcher in Ottawa for $103. not countng the by-produ-cts. Mr. Matthews further says he will add $100 to the amount offered by THAT 51.333 STORY brother tang From the Bruce Herald. ago, called Recently the Herald publ shed a {V5.89}: statement alleged to have been! Clarence S made by BIT. Guthrie. at Ingersoll. iv: siti ng his to ,the effect that a steer for'gtaples which a farmer would receive 5'72 Mr. John could be sold at Buffalo for $84. or ; appointed b; that it could be retailed in Guelph cheep worn} for 35103. no: countfng the by-pro- l9“ :Monday t ducts for the alleged reason asi Lljoe’s flock advanced b3. «the speaker. that! S: nce our 1 there was a combine. headed bV_ lad es have Mr. J. -W. Flaxe'. 1e. that controlled icouple of qu the pr-ces :n'thxs country. Mr. home of Miss Rowland challenged the state- :Fayden, and ment. and offered to gn‘e $200 to of Mrs. Tho: the Bruce County Hospital if Mr. . . . aloe afternm Guthre could prove Ins statement . to the satisfaction of 311-. James? The beefr Cameron and Mr. Duncan McKer-iagafl' The 1 ~ ' '. - Geo. Alice. . racher. tVVo lfe-.ong Gmts. On: - - being shown 'rhe chalieng’e. )Lp, .nice tasty m [HE DURHAM CHRONICLE 0. IRWIN tdlto: an? proprietnr. DURHAM. JI'XE 2913. 1911 pet DURHAM, JUNE 8, 1911 Fall Wheat ......... ...$ 77 t Spring \Vbeat .......... 77 I 503128.”.................- 361 .Peas.......,....,....... 771 Barley ...... . ........... 45! Hay ..................... 9 001 Butter. 151 lEggs .................... 141 Potatoes. per bag ....... 50 1 Fhmr per cwt. .......... 2 50 1 s0 thzll, per sack ...... 2 40 l {Chm}. per cwt .......... 1 25 I L'VP Hogs, per CWt.... 6 901 Him-s pPr 1b.. 8| Sheepskins.............. 7'1 While some from this part asta tended the different picnics on Coronation Day, many others went to Mt. .Forest to see the sports, and were well pleased. Yet they were well reminded, by standing on their feet all day, of the great adâ€"‘. vantages Durham has by way .of good grounds, for people to have a rest of body as well as a per- fect View, while events take place. In fact, many were heard to re- mark that it seems a sin to have such good grounds and not make more use of them. FIRTHâ€"In Three Valiey Wednesday, June 14th, and Mrs. Ben. D. Firth. ter. Two from (this place are in at-d tendance at the Entrance exam-in? atfon at Durham, 1Myrtle Allan and Sam 'Morrison. ~W'e Wish them? success. ' Turkeys ........ Geese ........... Ducks ........ ... Ob ickens ........ Fall \Vheat ......... ...$ 77 to Spring \Vheac .......... 77 to Oats..................... 361:0 Pe9............,....... 77 to Barley .................. 45 to Hay ..................... 9 00 to Butter. ............... 15w Eggs .................... 14 to Potatoes. per bag ....... 50 to Finur, per cwt .......... 2 50 to Onthal, per sack ...... 2 40 to Chnp. per (:th .......... 1 25 t0 L3H» Hogs. per cwt.... 6 90 to- Hidps. per lb ............ 8 to Shee skins.............. 75m “’00 ..... . .............. 18 to Tallow .................. 5 to Lat-(1.... ........ .. ...... 17 to Turkeys, ................ 17 to Geese ........ ........... 10 to Ducks MW. 10 to Obickeos...... 10 to {‘5 -l-;] V 7‘ ’ v' v Our annual picnic is to be held on the afternoon of July 4th, Tues- day. in the usual place, Wilson’s bush. Both the Sunday and day schools are doing their best to make it a success. as 30th are interested All in this Dart join heartily in extending best wishes to Miss Alice Lawrence. and Mr. iR'ob't. Hapka'ns who join heart and hand in the bonds of matrimony this Wednes- dav evening. Rev. “Mr. Hartley of-s flciatinz. Haying has not generally started vet. but those who have a- field of alfialrfa. are cutting it and say it is not as good as usual. Those of Methodist persuasion in this part went over to Varney church on Monday night to take part in a send off given to 'Rev. Delber on the eve of his departv ure to his new field of hbor. Orders will be issued for the above amounts by Inspector Camp- bell as soon as he is notified ‘by'the county treasurer that fhe money has been paid in by the Govern- men-t. .«. 0-. ”-9 CORNER CONCERNS Miss Venie Black returned home from Taronto on Monday for a visit to her parents. more than to trv to gain anything in Weight. The city seems to agree With her. Him: a but!» 501' interest. In the evening. all the Since our last budget, the young‘ visitors were taken over as guests ladies have been entertained at a. by the Toronto Street Railway Co., couple of quilting bees, one at the?when a couple of hours were borne of Misses Kate and Mary )lc-i spent in viewing everything to be Fajxden. and the other at the home: seen in the line of amusements at of Mrs. Thos. Banks. Most enjoy-Scarborough Bea-ch, after which, aloe afternoons were spent temple refreshments were served at The heefring is in onerationthe commodious refreshment hall. again. The first beef, furnished bvi The press men were given absolute Geo. Alice. dressed 487 pounds of freedom to go where they liked. nice tasty meat. land there was no tax imposed. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ritchie. and ezther on thespecral oars prowded. Mrs. “'m. Davis spent a counle of; or at the xanous amusement halls, l v _ . , . - _. days in Owen Sound last week heedless to .sa;~ that all emoyed themselves. and many who perhaps ’ hever thought of doing so before. - SCHOOL GRANTS las well as those who visited the Continuation school grants thisbeautiful recreation grounds for Year for South Grey, are as £014 the first time, indulged in the var: --*- lows: firms forms of pleasure, and with a Dundalk. legislative, $477.94. real enjoyment that can be felt county, $716.91. Total. $1194.85. only on oct'asions where so many Durham. legislative, $540.08. c0un- kindred spirits are associating in “(Y- $810.12. Total. $1350.20. a common amusement. Dundalk, legislative, $477.94, county, $716.91. Total, $1194.85. Durham. legISZatiV-e, $540.08. coun- ty. $810.12. TO/tal. $1350.20. Hanover, legislative. $422.34, coun- ty. $633.51. Total. 1055.85. Since our last budget, the young ladies have been entertained at a couple of quilting bees, one at the borne of Misses Kate and Mary 31c- Fayden. and the other at the home of Mrs. Thos. Banks. Most enjoy- al'oe afternoons were spent Markda-le, legislative, $464.24 county, $696.36. Total $1160.60. 311'. John Moffa‘t, who has been appointed by the county to value sheep wart-Ted by dogs, was called on Monday to see some of Mr. Geo G. Firth wasa capable pathmaster Canadian Press Association. Mr. Thos. Maui’son has BurchQSo ed a couple of pure bred Holw stein heifers from a well known dairy herd. é Miss Geddes. of Dromore. is the; guest of Miss Clara Greenwood f Mr. Grier. of Holstein. Whose brother taught in our school years ago, called on Wm. Ritchie last: week. ' i Clarence Staples, of Markdale. is: ViSitiDg’ his brother. Mr. Fred g Qtaples. 8 MARKET REPORT BORN. t0 Mr. 3 daugh- â€"vfi31. The Canadian Press Association known; held ther 5Â¥th annual! meeting on tTuesday and Wednesday of las‘ week, in the King Edward Hotel a Toronto. A large number of "publishers from Ontario and Que- whose bec, were in attendance, and the 1 years time was fullry occupied in the dis- ? 135? cuss-ion of subjects of interest to ' ‘themselves. but of very little dale. is concern to the general reader. is the road On Thursday morning, about two hundred and fifty Willing victims became guests of the Grand Trunk Railway System. and pulled out of the Union Station on'a trip to Penetanguishene, Where they ar- rived .a little before mid-(daisy. Accompanying the party, to give the pressmen and their friends a real wei,come was Mr. A.E. Duff the recently appointed District Passenger Agent of the Company. He is certainly a genuine enter- tainer for such an occasion, and in. a short time everybody felt at eas and settled down to enjoy the full trip. Th- ever vigilant} 6-3;. of the agent seemed to anticiQ pate the needs of his guests, and nothing was left undone for the comfort of the party.. On ‘Wednesday afternoon, the lady friends who accompanied the visiting journalists. were guests of the Women’s Press Club. of the city, and were taken out for a “tally-ho ride to visit several places THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. den party . rectorv on are invited. meeting. ' At 4.15, the corner stone of magnificent new school was and truly laid by Mr. J. F. 5 Kay, manager of the Tom At 5.30. the visitors bo'arded'the Grand Trunk train for Toronto. where they {arrived shortly eight o’clock. and separated for their respective homes, many of them hoping, no doubt, to meet next year in Ottawa. Where was decided to hold the next ”AAA-z..- - after Globe, in the presence of number of spectators. Shortly after noon, the boat pulllA ed into the harbor, and to greet the approaching visitor's, pande-; monium reigned supreme. as every w'hstle blew and ev erv bell rangi to give a right good welcome back to the successors of those who met in convention there iusti forty-three years ago. All repair-l ed hastily to the Temple Building.i where dinner, provided by the' Board of Trade, was waiting, and; in an incredibly short time the' cravings of :all were fully satisfied.‘ A number of bright after-dinner speeches fol ow ed and the best of good humor prevailed. .Automoâ€"r b’les carriages and 'conveyamces of all kinds were brought into use and a drive through town and a sit to the shipyards was greatly enjoyed on the south shore, though scarce- ly observable. could be seen by the keen eye of the observer, and .Oollrfngwood to the south was gradually growing: larger, as the Iboat sued on. Mr. McDonald. of the Northern Navigation '00.. was present. and d‘id everything for the comfort of his guests. At six o’clock on Friday morné ing the joyous company were all laboard the Germanic, and the trip 3for Collingwood was commenced. This “outside” channel, too, pre-J sents a great many attractions in the way" of natural beauty, and the invigorating influence of an. ideal early morning atmosphere added its enchantment to the ,charms. As the Christian Islands :were being neared. Dave Williams, Eat the Comngwood Bulletin, who occupies the position of Big Chiefl of the Indian Club, in Colli-ngwood. was ready to give all sorts of indl formation concerning various . points We were passing on the trip. The 'Blue Mountains could be seen in the distance, extending northd"; Westerly thnough the townships of Collingwood and St. Vincent, and ending up in: Cape fRich. Glimpses of Meaford and Thornbury, nestled . ‘.“~. 11]- hJOId a gar- a large Oatmeal Millers s++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ “’e have also some MIX at $23.00 per ton in ton lots. is good value at present price, living profits. 37’ ‘ UNDERTAKINGIE RECEIVES S FOR THE PARLORâ€" Chairs, Parlor Tables, Musi Frames. and all other rpnm FOR » THE WIN DOVVSâ€"Ta pe Window Shades, Bobinette Pole ' 8.. FOR ’I‘HE DINING ROOMâ€"IE Tables, Dining Chairs. Mattressesfiprings. Did You Ever Consider the Amount You >r Tables M all other re â€"~â€" -v- quisites." UUILCE’ usic Cabinets, Picture Spring is here all sizes and fferent colors. MIXED FEED on :. and our OAT DUST or Oat e, $15.00 per ton in ton lots. Parlor Suites, .CEIVES SPECIAL ATTENTION ables, Chairs, Glass Cupboards. etc. Mâ€"Bufiets, Sideboards, Extension :, Hall Tables, Hall Seats and will be sold at lowest lb. Sacks land COlorS’ Floor BIELL‘. hand that we are offering China. Cabinets. Odd are Mouldings, Picture Durham, Ont. Save by Feeding This Week Middlings Jr. III to Sr. IIIâ€"31'. sackett, M. Mchufln fir. It to Jr. IIIâ€"A. Pierson, E. RUDCiI‘AiiI; Can do the job \‘mu‘xe‘f w WY- I'D-use paints we :‘:-I in five suitable colors. ‘ f~ \y Need one to properly was}: L12; but You want the imported. mi: 1 0d skin. or it will become Elan Buggy Paint Big strong ones Um" ,_ x.- Iervice and wear like ian. «us: than sponges that. go 1‘ pirm’s the second or third Wishing. ‘zz; worth double what they >1 ' 50:. up, according to site. stiff. We have the right kind 10 cents up. Buggy Sponges Chamois Skins PROMOTION } X; 75 '.“by F. 7 Cl: w r anhins no me: cu r} ’ y ”ting directh up C .mmne. It IS taken llecjrl::;:lig' b "1 Toledq. tho, by F.J. cm Tm. A 'June 29th, 1911 LEVI at cost. Clothing, Boot a Crockery and (Hus-sq GPOCGI‘IQS t0 Ch. 81‘ {1. Oxford Shirtizc; : Wrapperettp , .~ Print worth 1') . A Few pr! Gingham W( m White Vestinfq: 11p ‘2 Apron Ginghazi‘ 2.1 Dress Goods. a “ah; Ladies’ “'11 it w x :1: Staple's TOVVHT‘; Flannelette .13 U Giving RUSSELL' Prices cut 0! the storel must: L L. McDON.\_:.1> (C ists Price 75c Der b‘t 1' Imily Pills for constipa MOO 0â€"4 Drurfi'ists YC

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