West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 6 Jul 1911, p. 2

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IP iN' 1 LARGE QUANTITY class shingles for $3] enable prices.â€"The Furniture C 0., Limke I ACRES DESIRABLE BUILDING LOT, 1-2 acre. corner lot, opposite Clark 5 Planing Mill. For particulars ap- ply at this office. if 33001) SQW‘ ”USE AND LOT ON C Street. Apply to Mrs. 00 NTESS John Har- D.l\o n‘ ' PROTESTANT TEACHER WANT- ed mm 6.8. No. 5, Glenelg: salary $450: duties to Egg!) afgezr sum- â€"‘_- -1322-.. STRAYED FROM THE PREMISES of the undersigned on or about June 5th a white sow. Finder W;ll please notify by letter or otherwise or lea've word at this office. Parties detaining after this notice will be prosecuted.â€" Bobt. Baxter Thistle P.O. m 360m HOUSE AND TEN acres of land in the town at Durham. On premises are good lg pen, hem house and stable. ' ill rent house without land, if desired. Apply to John Moftatt‘ qua-LA 517m: STORE FORMERLY OCCU- pied by Mr. Mockler. Good con- venient stand. Apply, for par- ticulars, to David Allen, 2-9t-f two White pigs, one hog and one cow, Reward for their return. Persons detaining them after this notice will be prosecuted.â€" 1- ‘_-_ 0T GOKL A, LUIsLJLv-‘ 1-, VV __,_ res, about 45 acres ‘cleared and (1 state of cultivation. Well watered frame barn. stone foun- dation, good 10g house. For further particulars apply to Hrs. H. Bennett, Varney. 2 23mc FROM LOT 8, CON. 4, GLENELG, two 2â€"year-old steers. 1 part fiersey, all ~red, a Little White mark on hip; 1 red steer, White underneath. Any information as to their whereabouts will be thankfully receivedâ€"Jas. tRyan Traverston. 6 22 3pd n... 0,. pansy can. remain on mort age. ’or particulars ap 1y Wi liam M1937, Orchard. nt. STRAYED TO THE PREMISES OF the undersigned, lot 4 con. 22, Egremont, on or about June ist a thi te sow. Owner mary have same by provang property and pay ng expenses. -W. J. McFad- den, Bgzremont. _____________._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€", LAVD, BEING D0 ACRES NO. 1 - _ Lot 3. Con. 9, Glenelg. Cheap 1nd on easy terms. Apply to J. AiRusse-ll Box ’39, Sedgewick, Alberta. > _ .-~.__._ _» 5-4 tf_ ________.___._â€"â€"â€" OT 5 AND 6, 2nd CONCESSION Egremont. 200 acres of good land, 120 acres cleared, good hardwood bush. well fenced, Well ed. For further particulars apply 110 Robert Meade. V'arney. June 4 t_f__ 0T 3. COS. '22. EGREMONT, 100 acres. 70 acres cleared: balance light 'bush. Brick house. good buildings, Well fenced, Well wat- ered. For .further particulars. apply to D. Hamilton. Durham. Mar 30 3mc KUUU DUW ru 6. Con. 3, NHD wx 51.1““, V-‘ R. Glenelg. â€"-VIrS 3 30tf Chronicle Office. Mar. Qtf rOOD COMFORTABLE HOUSE and hot on George street. Over an acre of excellent garden land. goo-d stable and orchard. Apply to Mrs. Geo. Hepburn, Durham. June 4 11 tf A LOGGING CHAIN. OWNER can have same by describing property and paying for this notice cauu. UWLLLJ 'Uv UV”--- __-_V mer holidays. State Qualifica- tions and experience if any. Applications received until July 11th.â€"R.T. Edwards Eborvdal-e. Durham. nbuquont For Sale or Rent. Shingles .__.â€"--.â€".. ’vâ€" .- GORE A, EGREMOET, 55 ACâ€" ““--AA nnfl Farms for Sale. Teacher Wanted Wilson Durhdm. w fillxuv " , Durham. Store to Rent Pigs Lost For Sale. OF GOOD TILLABLE the tow.;, win be let on L; suitable persgn. Apply “7â€".‘ Sow Lost Lluwu- .- "" ’Co., LimLted. 2 21:1 m of one Strayed Found SMALL ADS. inch, or lea. :5 cent: for first inn-tram: and 10m!“ each Over 030 inch and under two inchen. double tho shove amount. Yearly rates on applic hon. 6303pt! 3.17.3 " «to Maintain Roy. London Ophthalmic HOG. . sing. and to Golden Sq. Throat and Nose Boa. ‘ SPECIALIST: a, __:A§a,__ mnqn ‘8; yes: ' Diseases 0! Eye, Bat Nose and W Win be an. Knapp House. Durham. the 3rd : \‘aturdav in each month. Hoursâ€"lâ€"G nu). L, stairs, Lambton Street. Rasideuc Corner Queen and Gear Streetsâ€"No ot Eletiwdist Church. 63306 hour am. 2-4 Hm 7-9 pm. Telenhone o. . )FFICE AND RESIDENCE A .. short distance 8318! of Knaop's Hotel. Lamb ton Street, Lower Town. Durban 'Wfiue hours from 12 to 2 o’clock Officeâ€"Over Dnuglas’ Jewellery Store. l P. Telforfi. BARRIS’I‘EL, somorron ETC. Office. nearly opposite the Registry o."fice Lambton t. Durham. Anyammmt f monev to Man at 5 per cent. on fun ropertv. Dr.D.S.Craig D. V. 8. VS V D. ISEASES Ob DOMESTICATED animals treated on most scientif- ic principlvs. All calls promptly attended [0. Office and residence. Garafraxa Street. Durham, nearly 0p- pnsite the Chronicle Office. 6231 1/“â€"" l tic-e in the Saw Hunter Block. Ofica mute, 8 2010 a. m.. to 4 p. m. and 7 £09 -. 111. Special attention given. no (1188888 “' women and children. Residence op- .‘b smite Presbvberian U hurt-b. j)HYS1CITaL'\: 'AN'D SURGEON, or. ,A‘_ D1-_L J F GRANT. D. D. B .L D. 8. ONOR GRADUATE. UNIVERSI- ty of Toronto. Gtadnata Boys College Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Dentistry in all its Branches. II. Juku. I. OTARY PUBLIC, COMflISBION -.. er Cmaveyamer c. lmmr Agent. Money to Luau. Issuer of dams Licenses. A general flnma'a! nessfitgnucmd. (Sucoessor to W. F. Dunn) ARRISTER, SOLICITOR. CON. \eyancer. Notary Public 6m. Money to loan on farm property. In- surance effected. life or fire. Office OFFICE: Over J J. Hunter’s over Standard Bank, Durham, Ont. go to Macfiarlane Co. to-day. and get a large bottle of Pamisian Sage for only 50 cents. It is such a delightful and refreshing dressing that you will like to war: it regularly Panisi'a-n Sag-e *is guaranteed to stop falling hair and itching scalp to eradicate dandruff and make the hair lustrous and radiant, or money back. Urs. lamieson laciaurin. HAIR GROWS THIN. Use Parisian Sage in Time and Prevent Baldness. If your hair is growing thinner and thinner, causing you anxiety, There is nothing just as good as Parisian Sage. See you get the package 'that contains the girl With the Auburn Hair. Right in your busiest nsesasaon3 when you have the least time to spare you are most likely to take diairhotea and lose several daye’ time unless you have Chamber-g lain’s Colic. Cholera. and Diarrhoea Remedy at hand, and take a dose at the first appearance of the dis-4 €8.96. Stare l. 6. Hutton, M. D.. C. M. iFFICE. TELFORD’S BLOCK. UP UR, BRGWN L R. C. P., LONDON. ENG BADULATE of London, New DURHAE ONT. (Lower Tova.) will kill more flies than Med {cal Directorv . Dr. W._C. Pickering fiiuz: 13, 'Fmst an... Owen Sound. rthur Gun, '6. D. Dental Dfiedm. Lem! A. H. Jackson For sale by Gun’s- Drug A. C. Grant BR. BURT. WIL$0N’S are hatched in manure and revel in filth. Scientists have discovered that they are largely responsible for the spread of Tuberculosis, Typhoid, Diphtheria, Dysentery, Infantile Dis- eases of the Bowels, etc. Every packet of 300 Shee O. s of sticky paper. Aberfoyle......... ......... Oct. 3. Abingdon......... ...Oct. 13, 14'. Alfred‘.....-... ......Sept. ‘26. 27.! Albigton...2...- ...-..Oct. 5-, 6. Alvins’ton.......-. -..Oct. 3, 4. Ainherstbur'g.....-.-.......Sept. 20, 21. Ancaster....-.... ..-..-......-Sept. 26, 27, Arnpnlor.-....... ......fiept. '1, 5.: Ashworth....-.... ......‘Sept, 29,: Astorvill‘e-.. ...... "Sept. 20. Atwood ..................... Sept. 21, 22., Awlmer........- ...Oct. 4, 5, 6.! Bancroft"-..â€" .:Sept, 28, 29 ! Barn:e......-.. :Sept. 25. 26, 211% Baysv’il'l'e.-....... ... .-.Oct. 4.‘ B‘eachburg......... ...Oct. 4, 5, 6. Beaverton.......-- Oct 3, 4. Belleville......... ............'Sept. 12. 13. Berwick...-..... ..-.........'Sept. ‘21, ’2'2.f Be'thel--- ......Oct. 14.i 'B.anr00k......-.- ......Oct. 2 3. 'Blenheim.“ ...-..Oct. 5, 6-? 'Bobca.ygeon.....-... ......Sept. 26, 7 Bo.1ton- .Oct. 2. 3.? Bothuell’s Corners" Sept. ‘28, 29.7 "Boumanx -110.....--.. ...Sept. 19, '20.§ Brampton......... .........Sept. 19. :20.3 ‘Brigd‘en...’\ ..................... Oct. 3.: Brighton......... ......Sept. 28.? Brinslev ............ . ............ Oct. 6.‘ Brockv.ille.-.... ...Sept. 5â€"8. Bruce Mines-........ ............"Sept. 27.3 Brussels .................. ...Oct. 5. “. o 'Burford......... ..."..Oct 3, 4. 5 6 ......u. .-.. .~- Burlington... ...Oct. .. Caledon... ......Oct. 5, Caledonia... .. ...-Oct. 12.13.? Campbellford ............. Sent. 26, 27. Oarp..-.....- ..........-..Oct «1,5. C‘astleton......... .-....-.....’Sept. 29. 30. Clayuga.......... ...Sept. 28, 29. Cxenttreville......... ...‘Sept. 16. vCh'arl‘t-on......... ............Sept. 19, 20. Chaa'tsw-orth...........-......S,ept. 14, 15. 'Chesley......... ...Sept. 19. 20. Cl-arksbur'g......... .........Sept. '21. 22. ’Cnbden......... ...Sept. ‘28, 29. -C'01born'e......... ....-.Oct. 3. 4. 'Comber......... ......f.. ......Oct. 10, 11. Cookstown.. ..Oct. 3, 4.» (‘ooksvi lle... ... ... ...Oct. 4. Delta......... ...?bept 125. 26. 27. Delaware- .........Oct 4. Demores-tville .................. Oct. 11. Desboro......... ...Sept. '21. 22. Dorchester......... .-.Oct. 4. Drxa'ytoni' ......... .........'Oct. 3. 4. Dresden......... ...‘Sep-t. 28. 29. Drumbo......... ...‘S'ept. 26. 27. Dund'alk ......... ...........O.ct 12. 13. Dunnvilbe .................. Sept. 19, 20. Dresden......... ...‘Sept. 28. 29. Drumbo..-...... ...‘Sept. 26. 27. Dund'alk ......... ...........Oct. 12. 13. DunnV'-ille......... .........Sent. 19, 20. DU'RHAMW .........'Se-Dlt. 26. 27: Elmira......... ......Sept. 26. 27.’ Elm-wallse. ..Oct. 4. Embro. ...Oct Ema. "Sent. 21 .22 Erin Oct.12.13. Essex......... -...... ......Sept. 26-28.! 'Ex.exter......... ...‘Sept. 18. 19.‘ F'enel-on Falls......... .........Oct. 4. 5.‘ Fleanick ......... ...........Oct. 17. 18. Fergus......... ...............S.ent. .28. 29. Feeversham ...Oct. 3. 4. Florence .................. ...Oct. 5. 6. Fort Er:ie......... ............Sept. 26. 2'7. Fort \Ws‘i-Lh'éa'm ............ Sept. 12-15. Frankford......... .........Sept. 14. 15. Funnkvfillp,_u_--_- “----..JSeD‘t. 28-. 29 Frankv‘ilhe......... .........Sept. 28 Freelton ...... ..'Oct. 4 Galettra.......... ...Sept. 26. Galt......... .........Sent. 22. Georgetown, ......Oct. 4. Gorrri'e......... ‘Ie-y ...... Gnav-enh'unszt......... Guelph......... . H'aliburt-on 'Hamilt'on......... :Han'ov'er......... kHarrIZ-st-on......... - Harrow"; Holstlei.n......... Hun4tsvilhe........ . Ingersou......... .. Inveranv..-...... Jarv=is......... . K-ag.a.wonvg.......... K»eene......... K'emble..-...... . Kemptvillle......... Kilsyth ......... Kincardine....... .. KTng'ston ......... ~Kinmoulvt......... . K-irkt-on........ Lakef.i.eld......... . Lakes:ide......... Grand Va Sept. ’14, 15. :Sept. 19-21. ...-.‘Sept. 28. Sept. 14-16. Sept. 12. 13. ...SeDt. 28. 29. ‘Oct. 10. 11. ...Sept. 19. 20. ...Sept. 13.‘ ..Oct. 3 4. :Sept 22 29.! Oct. 3. 4.! Oct. 4, 5.! .-.Sept. 20. 21.} ..Oct. 5. 6.? :Sept. 20, 21.I Sept 27. 28. ...Sept. 14,15. ..-‘Oct. 5. 6. Sept. 19. 20. - ...‘Sept. 29. Glencoe... G-wordon Lake... Dans of Fall Fairs . ...Sept. 26 . ......Sept. " ...... Oct. 3. DUQHAM FHRONTCT E Lanark,..,,,,.- ...-.Se '15. ’1, a. Lanzto-nm"... Oct. 14. Lansdowne......... .........Sept. 21, 22. Immington......-.. .........Oct. 4. 5.6. l Lindsayunum mmmSlep't. ‘21. 22. 23-;1 Listowel... ....(.- ....Sept 19. 20.1 Lombardy: .. ...‘-.Sept 16. '1 London. West’n Ear Sept. 8â€"16.‘i Loring......,,. .........Sept. 29. Lyndhurst......... .........Sept. 14. 15.; .M'aberly.,.,..,., -....,.....Sept. 26, 27.1 Madoc.,..,_,_, ..Sept. ‘27. 28. ;Ma£netawan-....... ..-SeDt. 26. 27. Manitowaning........." ......Oct. 2. 3. Mattawa......,-. ,..,........Sept. '27. 28.33 Markd.ale,,,,,.... ...Oct 3 4. ‘ zM'arkhamuu..." ...-Oct. 4. 6 Massey....-.--. ..‘Sept0 29 313xville......,._ m......Oct. 3. 4. Meaford ............... '...Sept 128- '29 . Merlin.-....._. ..Sept. 28, 29.I Me'tcalfe......... ..S.ept 19.20 Middleville......-.. ......... . Oct. 6 Midland......... ...Sept. 28. 29.§ Mildm'a'y..-...... ..-.........Sept. 25. 26.? Milton,,.,..,.- ..........-...-Sept. 26. 27.? Milxerton... .. ..S.ept 28, 29.; M3tchell... ...Sept.19. 20.‘ Morri sburv ...... Aug“ 30, 31. Sept 1. 1 Muncey.. .. .Oct. 5.1 McDonald’s Corners Sept. 28, 29 Mt. Brydges ......... .-...-.......Oct 6, xMt. Forest......... .........Sept. 28. 29. Neust'adt ......... .........Sept. '21, 22. Newboro......... ...............Sept. 2. .‘ New ‘.B»amburg...... ......Sept. 14, 15.’ N-9W23ngton......... .. ....Sept 18 19.9 New Liskeard..-... - ...Oct 5. 6,: Newm'arket......... Sept. 19â€"21. Norwich.-...-... ............Sept. 19. 20. Norwoeod........- ...........Oct. 10. 11. Oakwood,......... .........Sept. 25, 26.! Odessa......... ............Oct. 6.: Ohsweken..-...... ............Oct. 4. 5. 6. Oniond:agxa........._ ...Oct. 2. 3. Onangevelllze...... .........Sept. 14, 15.T :Oro.-....... ......‘Sept. 19. Or-ono......... ......Sept. 14, 15. Oshawa... .. ".....S-ept. 11,12 13. Ot'tt’erwillze. ... ...Oct. 6, 7. Owen Sound ......... Sept. 12 13,14. liaisley ......... ............Sept. 26, 27; l’arham... ... ............'Sept. ‘21, 22.2 Pari s.. .........Sept. 28. 29. Park H.311:.-.-........‘Sept. 28. 29, Paxr} Sound ......... Sept. '20, 21, 22.’ Perth" ......... Sept. 11, 12, 13.; Peterb-oro...e .........‘Sept. 14, 15, 16. I’Mnr-lea......... ..........-.»Sept. 21. 22.1 Pinkevton .................. ...Sept. 22. Port. Carling......... .-.......Sept. ‘21.’ Port 31mm...” ..........sep.t, 28, ,9, Itlowass’anmmm .........S«ept. '27. 28.; P1‘t‘5t’0‘tt......... ......‘Sept. '26. 27. 28 _ Providence :Bay... .........0vc't. 6.’ Queensxfille... .. ...Oct 11,12.i R~ai nhlam Centre ...... Sept. 21, 22. Ramona ........................... Oct. 4. R'enfrew... ....Sept. 20. 21, 22. Réchyard’s Landing....-.......Sept. 28. Lambe-th ......... R'enfrew ............ «Sept. ‘20, 21, 22. Réchsard’s Landing............Sept. 28. r.Rzidgpe‘t'own ............ Oct. '10, 11, 12. ‘R‘ipl!e.y......... ......zSept. 26. 27. Roblin’s Mills......... .............Oct 7. 'R-ocklyn ......... ...Oat. 5, 6. R-ockton ......... ...........Oct. 10, 11. Ro-sen-ealth......... .........-Sept, '28, 29. .Sarn 1.3. Sault Ste. Mar. e.. Se-aforth-........ Shannonvil‘l'euuu... Shzegmindnah.........' Shelburn.e......... ...... Sept. 26. ...Sept. 20â€"22. .Sept. 21. 22. ...Sep‘t. 16. ..Oct. 4. 5. ...Sept. 26. 27. :Slmcde......... ......O'c't. 17â€"19. Smirthvil'l’e ......... .............Oct 5, 6. South Moun'tain.........Sept, ‘14, 15. South Raver... ......Sept. 28, 29. Spencervil'le... ...Sept. 26. 27. Spningfield..-...... .........Sept. 28. 29. Spruced.ale......... .........Sep‘t. 26. 27. Stellfa......... .........Sept. 26. St|erlzing......... ............Sept. 21. 22. St. iMarys......... -...........Sep't. 26.27, S*trafor-dv:ille...... .. ......... Sept. 20. S'tna'tf-ord......... ............Sept. 14, 15. Sturgeon Fal1s.........-..Sept. 22.. 23. Strathr‘ownun ......Sept. 18. 19. 20. .Streetsmille...... ......Sept. 29.; Sundr:2dg=e........- ...........-‘Oc-'t. 3, 4.! Sutton 'West ............ Sept. 28, 29, Tara" Oct. 3. 4. Tav: stock .........Se-pt. 18, 19. Teesw'ater ......... .-....-.....Oct. 4, .5. Th.a‘mlesv:flle......... ......Oct. 2. 3, 4: Thedford........- ......Oct. 3, 4. Th-essal‘on ......... ...S-ept. 26. Th'orold... ...Se-p-t. 19. 20. Tillsonburg ......... Sent. 13, 14, 15. Toronto. Cian. N.aJt.Aug 26-Sp. 11, Tweed......... .........Oct. 4, 5. Underwood ......... Oct. 10. Utterson" ......... ...Oct. 3, 4. Vrankl-eek H111... ......iSept. 19-21. Verner......... ...Sept. 19. 20. W'alkteriton...-..... .........IS.ept. 13-15, 'anllaceburg. ‘ ......... Sept. 26, 27. Wall:a=ce"C-o.wn..-....-. ......Sept. 28, 29, ”Walter’s F.alls...... ......Sept. 26. 27, anlsh"._".u ,,....... ............0c't. 20. “7.3tf’0i‘d....u--- ......... ------OCt- 5: 6: .“TQI-r'ennnu," ......u- ..-Sep‘t. 20, 21. anterford......--- ------'OCt- 5- Welliandx ......... ---0C‘t- 4: 5- Welliandporft........- ......S-ept. 29. 30- W.e‘1rlesley'...------ .........Sept. 12. 13. Waeston.......-- ..-.....-...Sept. 29. 30. Whea'tley. - . -- .-..-. ------OCt- 2. 3- Wiar‘ton... . ............Sept 26. 27. Williramstown ............ "Sept 20.21. Winchester" ..Sept 5 5. Windsor......;.. ..:Sewpt 25-30 Wingham. .. .. .... MSeDt 28. 29 To.9dbmdge......... -- ..--- -0C-t- 17.. 18. Woodbrfidg‘énunm --.-.....0ct. 17. .Wiytt~on-........ ...... ......Sept. 25. :flephyr..-..--.- Zenhw......... .....-...oct. Zur‘ich...'.,.,., ......... ...Sept, 20. ...... Oct. 3. 29. 26. 27. 29. 14. 27. 22. 29. 29, 22. 13. 16. 22. 22. 21. 28. 28. 29. 27. 26. 22. 27. 15. 23. 20. 10. 10. Recommendedâ€"Arthur Hutton. Form I Ito Fonm IIâ€"Rraly Farqu- harson, Scholarship: Emma 'Ri'bchi-e Susie Kelsey, ‘Ber't M'anshall, Alex. Hildebrand-t, Sadie McDonald, Jas Isaac, Irene Lawson, Madeline Mur- ray, Cassie Bwssell, Evelyn C-outts. Frank McIlnai'th, Mary McQueen, Lance 'M'cGrirr, Lucy McKelvie. Recâ€"Ella ‘Balrber, Vera Fluker, Fred. Laidlaw, {Margaret Hartford, Recâ€"Ella ‘Balrber, Vera h'lUKer,‘ Fred. LaJidLaW, {Margaret Hartford, â€"absen't,-sickne«ss. PUBLIC SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. Jr. IV to iSr. IVâ€"Mlary McIlraxith. Norman Lenaha‘n, Alice McCrie, Marion Marshall, Stuart Craig. Mary :McKechnxie, Isabel Lawson, Allie iMcGowan, Minnie Limin, Theresa V'ollet, Theodore Fallaise, Myrtle Spanking, Nellie Fluker, Pearl :‘Wnightt, iCecll Towner, Victor C'a-tton, John Hambottle, Violet Fal- lads-e. 'Wiggins, Ma'y McGirr, Emma Watt, John Lawrence, Philomena Walsh. QJWdlmIer :Sne-ll, Eddie McQueen, Ol- ‘wi’Vie iMilburn, .Arthur Everett, ,Eve- lyn Search, George Billings, Hilda Harvey, Lilli-e (Moore, Lillian Mil- burn, Earl Grasby, IMay McKechni‘e. Andrew .McAuliffe, .WiL‘fnid Th-omp-‘ son, lWiilli-e Vollett, Ward Koch, {Stanley .Wfilllilalms, Erben Schultz. ,, To Sr. -I-â€"Sadiite Russell, Beatrice .' P-ilkey, Gladys Marshall, Irvin E1- , vidge, Florence Fluker, Thomas ,3 Brooks, Peter Morris, Myrtle Yiirs, 'l Wilbert .Tr‘aynior, _-Joe Crultchley, Mildred Lawrence. _‘Ijilli1e McDonald, Ethel Hewitt. .:Ann.ie Havens, Jean Hepburn, _§Archie McKechnie, Myrtle Orr, ,3 Wilhelmina Collin son, Geo: ge _! Armstrong. Jr 111 to 'Sr. IIIâ€"Inez Redford, Nettie Lloyd, Sadie Ferguson, Melvin Greig, Willie Watt. Reeâ€"Arthur Wh-i'tmuore. 181‘. II Ito Jr. IIIâ€"Valerie Moran. Charlie Wright, Hilda Everitt, Harold Sharp, Anni-e Graham. Jen- nie Davis, Marguerite Kelsey. Jemima Lawrence, Lottie W'ilson, Myrtle Pwi'l'key, Donald McQueen. Hlanold Ramage, Ethel Whitmore, William Bond, Henrietta Havens. Ralph Catton, Eddie Hiludebrandt. Willet Snell, James Rutherford. Raymond Search, Jack McKechnie, Joe Whitehurch, Clarence McGirr, Louis Eotor, Hazel Hutton, Edith Hughes, Gladys Douglas, Elsie Welsh, Beell Lauder, Ruby Camp- bell. an, Fred Saunders, Nellie McKech-a ni-e, George Douglas, Russell Gun, Maggie Hartford, Nellie Levine, Wilbert Knisl'ey, Walter ;Marshall. Sadie .McKechnie, Georgina Lawson Harper ‘McGirr, Arthwr Ramage, Helen Leniahan, Gladys Search. Jr III rto 'Sr. IIIâ€"Inez Redford, Netti-e Ll-oyd, Sadie Ferguson, ‘Sr. III Ito Jr. IVâ€"Mary Smith. Willie Lauder, Charles McDougall, Robin Earquhaxrson, James Ma't- thxews, Gordon Gun, qulfrid Camp- bell, W'sillie Lawson, Mary Hartford Tillie Levine, Alex. McQueen, Irene McPhee, Vena .Alllsan, John chGow- Pt. II to Jr. IIâ€"Eana Browning, Jean Allen, Albert Davis, Bessie Everett, Stella :Mchae, Harry Kress, Violet Snell, Wilfrid Lake, Florence Lawrence, thllie Pilkey, Nona iSproalt, Ruby Carson, Bryson Morlock, Jessie McCrie, Annie Brooks, Annie Smith, 'Reany Snell, Fl-orabell Nichol, Myrtle Koch, Irene "Whittaker, Geo. Hazen, Mur- iel Snell, Campbell Clark, Vernon 'Wazt't, Ernie (McDonald. Recâ€"Percy McKechnsie, James Billings. Remâ€"Roy Campbell, :Neil Mc- Kechnxie. Sr. .I 110 'Pt. IIâ€"eRosswell Davis, Isabel Dapvds, Kartie McAmLiffe, Ruby ’Rilkuey, Jean Mior'ltock, Cecil v.- 55v hb‘ Alex. Lawson, Andrew Vessde, Al- bert Kness, {Royden Burnett, Har- old Matthews, Boy Buckingham, Gertie Orr, Winnie Ector', Elizabeth "Bartman, Laura Bartman, Esther McComb, Edith Willis. To In1ermediuate. â€"Sadie Hilltis‘ Ettie Levine, Arthur McDonald Donald Graham m, Vdohet Bartlett Alexa LaWQuan A hamn'n? ‘T-_.-- - 1 Satlsfactory Savings S‘ DEPT. Forsm IIIâ€"John «McIIa V Service assured to all Buslnfl.‘ Entrusted to this Bank. Department at Every Branch 3 Murray, Lawrence. '1 Hewitt. Hepburn, OF CANADA , A1- account and goes reg“. larly to the bank to put away his savings, he has a firstâ€"flags start on the road' to business success. He is learning to invest money instead of. spending it, and at the same tlme IS getting an insight into banking forms, When a boy‘keeps a bank Funeral Director THE DUHHAH CHHBNIELE Cgpital and Surplus - $6,550.65 41.50 my I». .W€'mt ..0 b 1'th 07m II the nut-9a n the DURHAM, ONT. 0mm Franggg A. BELL UN DERT AKER Branches also at Mount Forest and Ayton. \ D. A. ucucnun. Principal 0 +++N+¢+§¢¢¢v+¢¢+< «H 9"” Full line of Catholic Robes, and black and white Gaps for aged people. Machine Oil. Harness 0l Alee Gmme and Ba Omanent, go to x s. P. SA UNDERQ DURHAM. our sraarrono. our. \./ Our graduates are in demand. Business men state that they are the best. Students from the class room were placed recently at $15 $50. $60 and $70 per month. A graduate with some. experience was placed recently at $1800 per annoutn. All graduates secure P051tl0n8. The demand in {185‘ graduating. We have three de- partments, Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. Get our free catv' alogue. §§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§4 SHOW Booneâ€"Next to Swallow: Barber Shop. Bxsmnxcnâ€"N t d'om'Soufil of W. J. Lawrenot‘t Embalming a Smciaity S. HUGHES Manager ’. IRWIN July 6th r ~July 6th. 1911. THE EA THE EARL Spirella The Mail MRS. J “kt-.25" Always First in the THE DURH to January 15 A NEW AND IMPROV’ angmated by which the an he landed here HOUR The Idea! Furr km and Brass findings and an“! Was. Wes_:un3 has made arrangements UORNING EDDITION of See our new Shirts. mm. the soft. fronts in whim Mr (:4 match, the latest on HM 13:4. 1‘ EVERYTHING FUR T are agents for the Pm.- AND EXAMINF. OL I: \h SEND ALL ORDERS THE DUR i~Â¥+++~w . '-o:«:«:»f~§-~I« Our spring imp nrrived and we are 1 before to meet the Ladies having culty in obtaining corset, are invimi t requirements wf gard to corsetry- creations to dvscr A full ‘stm‘l Forms {mm NICHUL Her advice at SMITH 6: S Next to t Cors‘ EGGS TAK‘ BUB?

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