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Durham Chronicle (1867), 6 Jul 1911, p. 3

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ilso ito all Bosnia” lank. w E and gdes {cgu' U‘.‘ ‘zi‘ 1“ ° :su-de of Spending it, .c s‘21m6 time is getting ; into banking fOI‘Ins. .y um open an account f ROG ME I Shop. P" “arsed n" UBHAM EHRUNICLE with HAM, ONT. 1; a :~» x¢¢e~‘§”§§” .LE :zsr SCHOOL ' A :hine Oil. Harness . HUGHES W". IRWIN on A ND menmon 'ery Branch aiming AM, ONT. , '.‘._._â€"_t Forest and Ayton. m “:qui‘; - $6,350.000 O boy_keeps YSP' .IY Manager ‘- cLACHLAN. Principal O ’¢¢w¢9¢+¢¢¢¢090*' 11ng a Specialty ir‘aduates secure 31’!” demand in paS‘ .. times the number “'0 have three de- Cflmmercial, Shanna-d. hif. Uet our free cat- 1‘: mm: that. they are glenZS from the 01595 ~in recently 33345 $7 I per month. A :2": :0“)? experiem}o “watly at $1800 per notice. July 6th 2" mint-mom .- not no ex: to Swallow. Wigwamâ€"Nut Lawrenofi £41.“. .1. +++++++++++++¢+¢++ .mL.‘ ' ' REMEMBER F A full Estock of Corsets and Bush.’ t 3 l-‘«~x-ms found at Parlors of our ‘ ‘ 4 ‘ I spin-911:1 Rep. MRS. J. C. NICHOL Spirella Corsets and Corsét Accessories [POD 2 ~ . fitters-{:1 81:” (W and general R ‘ ‘Upphes, EWandTm’eshers. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE to January lst, 1912, for $1.15 THE EARLY CITY DAILY The Mail and Empire Always First in the Field of Newspaper Enterprise l"". }1; t J19: in th 6 1i n 9 Of F 69 8 a n g S 3 11» p, {Wm \ 1111' I, a )1 11d “11' pi; an 0 d m pt Ti 1y erxlsmit 90 h ut 1n ed g ° . 1n all it 8 1i D -98 “Q I -..‘_‘- N o H C S L THE EARLY TRAIN bet at SEND ALL ORDERS TO OFFICE OF THIS PAPER. 6th, 1911. +i.v++++.?n+++4.f:.:.:._ Our spring importations have arrived and we are ready as never before to meet the most exacting requirements of our clients in re- gard to corsetryâ€"too numerous in creations to describe. Ladies having met with diffi- culty in obtaining a satisfactory corset. are invited to consult MRS. NICHUL. our eXpert corsetiere. Her advice and assistance are free. SMITH 8: SONS. DURHAM. ONT. Repairing. Feed boilers. mm s and Tha‘esbers. Sash and Data's, Filing and General Wood \Vnrk. . 'M EANS‘ ¢ $¢$¢++é+¢++++ . .....r>vv+++++++++++++++ .I'..- 00 0' 0' t-.. y r r b D D O 0 O O THAT OUR TINSHOP IS AT YOUR DISPOSAL. Morning Dailies of Toronto heretofore. been in- ~ FLESHERTON Intended for last week. Miss Clarrie Sullivan is home from Montreal on two weeks’ hoI-i idays mom movntr'eal on two weeks’ hol-J' The Presbyteniwan Sunday School idays held their annwal picnic last week Master Bob ,K3 pp, of Stavne-r, 15,51] «Mr. Fred Bro.’wns bush and it visiting at Mr W..E Richardson‘s. iWflS \ery SUCCB'SSfUI Chaney Cross‘ley has returned ‘Rev. R.iM.Ph1alen, of Markdale, from Toronto, and taken. a p03} will condwct anniversary services, tion in the Armstrong jewellery mormng and evenmg, in Chalmers store gchurch next Sabbath, Rev. Mr. Mil- _____________________ jl:2:an will take er. Phalen’s work. acne, nettle rash, tetter, hives, uil- cers, [insect bites, and for healing sores .and wounds. I1: is a. pleas- ant smelling, grayish-white oint- ment, and :is Very cleanly for use. TW-o sizes, 50c. and $1.00. Sold only at our storeâ€"The Rexall Store. JMacfarlaniecgz C0. HDTV e the 8‘ store the p difion Far Stora Spra Keep Iain S Eecause 'of its remxarklabe clean- sing, antiseptic, germicidal, sooth- ing~ and healing influence, Rexall Eczema Ointment has a very proâ€" nounced value lin the treatment of skin diseases. especially Where the form of ailment is of the chronic aggravating sort. We highly rec- ommend it for the dry scaly fonm. or the .Weeping type, where there is a constant flow to ill-smelling ex- cretaison. 'Rexall Eczema Otin'tmen't is very prompt in relieving pimples, blot- ch‘es‘ skiin discolora'tions, ringowrm Mat-Tine Taken Internally Cannot Cure Eczema. It is Caused by Germs. Eczema cannot be om'ercorme by ordinary treatment, and the old- fashioned way of dosing the sysâ€" tem WJth drugs. Eczema is caused into the skin. It is generally a contagious disease. Until the parasite is completely destroyed and removed. eczema cannot be cured. ‘_ Fully oneethfr‘d of skin diseases are in the form of eczame. We so thoroughly believe that Rex all Eczema Ointment will over- come eczema (and allied skin anil- ments. that we unhesibaltingly promise to promptly return the money paid .us for it should it in anv w-av be unsa't-isfactroy to. the use: IT IS NOT IN THE BLOOD ;Ins require careful treatment quiet and apply Chamber- Limment freely It will re-_ t'n ~ sor eneas and quickly re- the parts to a healthy con- sale by Gun’s Drug THE DURHAM CHRONICLE :Mr. J'W. Livingston, o-f Bnadford, ‘Es visiting his :old friends here. Mr. CELJ. Carson, of Saugeen Junction, suffered a paralytic stroke on Fridav last, and Mr. P. Lcucks, of the mill, suffered a slight stroke on Monday. ‘Rev. Mr. Mercer, of ‘S:ingh:ampton was the guest of Mr. and Mns. Arch ’Bovd over Monday night. A bad break has again occurred at the electric light plant, and the service remains disorganized, with great iinconyenience to patrons. Mr. ;Wti1fr'id Wright, of Owen Sound, Vyisited 1the past week with his cousin. Mns. Albert Blackburn. and other relatives. Miss Lily Boyd, is home from Ladi'es’ College. ;Whitby, for the summer wa cart ion *R'ev. and Mrs. Stanley, of «Max- well, were Visitors at the parson- age on Monday. Mr. Charles McT'amish, of Toron- t0._- *is visiting :at Mr. D. McT'aav- ish’s. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nicholson left on Tuesday for Winnipeg, sand will make an extended Visit with friends throughout the West. .IVII‘. J.L. McM'ulloen had the mis- fortune to lose a very valuable Jersey cow Last Week. Court Fl-esherton I.O.F. attended service in the Methodist church on Sunday morning, when 'ReV. Mr. WV'BIIW‘OTOd gave an appropriate sermon. The band led the proces- s-ion. Mr Charles Stafford is spending this week at Toronto and Good- wood Patriotic services were held in the Presbyterian and Methodist churches on Sunday afternoon and evening. At the formem 'Rev. Mr. Millig-an based his sermon on. Deut. 4° 7 and 8. and Miss Evelyn [Hall of "Toronto, gave a beautifully rendered solo. At the Methodist chunch. ‘Rev. Mr. EWe-llW-ood’s dis- course waas based on Ps. 55: 1'2. and the music was approxpriate. ' Miss Mabel .Bo'yd gave a l'awn’ partv to :a number of young: per-Die on Friday evening in honor} people on Friday evening in honor of her fniend. Miss Elba Barnhouse.| Mr. Kendall Mitchell. who is at- tending Valparaiso University, Inâ€" diana. has returned to spend the. vacation at his home here. Miss Lulu Mitchell is home from Tor-onto Normal ‘School for the holidays. ' “\'AL V! IL; Miss Dieleree, imilliner at F. G. be notified to «appear before the K-arstedt’s. left on Saturday for council in reference to the matter her home (at ‘Walter’s Falls. and inspector to be paid $1.50 when Mr. Marcellus and Mr. Hollandtt'ax is co.l:ltected.â€"-Carried. are presiding at the exams. here ’Ph‘ilpâ€"JR.Oberts_‘That the tnancex and the latter on the hrigh to examine 'the bridges sch-001 promotions. south of 'f'hp fnmnaksn om: MA ‘Mr. ‘S. Damud'e, of Toronto, was a visitor here over Saturday and Sunday. :Mr. Damud-e., who is pre- s-ideant of the Grey Old Boys A's- s'ociati'on Was on this line arrang- dng for the annual excursion on Jul-y 8th. IMiss .Cl‘arla Duncan was in T-o-‘o ronto last week visiting her father, who is improving in the hospital. Miss .Miaud {Richardson has pea turned from Toronto. M385 Hazel Thompson Left on Monday to supply for 'two months tin the phone office at u Iarkdale. .Mr's. 'P:y1e left on Ssatumdsay to: visit her daughter in Toronto. ‘Mrs. H. C. Qwigg, who has been very :th for three Weeks, is yet in critical condition. .A trained nurse has been secured. The Band goes 'to Maxwell on Tuesday to play at the Methodist church garden party. The cerpen'ters have the roof on H'arry 'W'Ovods’ new resfidence and the masons have the foundation completed for Mr. M. K. Rinch'ard- son’s new store. Mrs W. Bleatty 'and daughter. of ., turgeon Pornt, rare guests of Mr find Mrs Thompson at the Park “House Marn'edâ€"At the residence of ’Rev I Tovvel Spadma 'Road, Toronto, on ‘W-edn‘asday, J wne ‘21st, Miss Florence Bellamy, youngest daugh- ter of Mr and Mrs. John Bellamy, Fleshert'on. to Mr Alvin "Harpellr of Toronto. toev G. '8. Minimal) 'a'ttended Presbytery .at :Onangevilie on Tues- day Mr Richard Clark. of Manitoluldn. is visiting old friends after an ab-* sence of 32 years M? as Evely: VJ siting- her Boyd Rev G. 'S. Mildiman 4 Evelyn Hall. of Toronto. is Archie Cnomr. McLachlan reported; Wm. Aldcorn put a new covering and two new stringers in culvert, lot 7 con. 6, cost $8, and John Durmnt pathm'ast'er, gravel’lfing by day’s labor in division 10. con. 2-3. am- ounting to $25.60. There were 44 loads gravel put on by said work, and 14 loads by statute Labor. Gravel obtained from Geo. Hunt cost $2.90 and $1.00 allowed for damage to crop. :Mc‘Rno‘bb-Roberrtsâ€"Tha't forego- ring report be adopted, and comr. be paid 500. rdozm. fees.â€"C!a.rried. Com. {Roberts reported Wm. Pin- der.. grave-Hing by day’s labor, $10. John Eunig, $63.15, John Swan- ston $26. :Wm. Aberdeim, operating grader 2% days, $7.50, A. McCaw, two men and team half day, $2.25, drawing tile for culvert, $1.50, Pet- er Match, gravellxing by day’s labor $18.00 Philp-qMcLachlqanâ€"Thait comr. Roberts be instructed to nitoify the comr. of Normanby to meet him at Dodds’ bnidg‘e‘, Orchardvillwe, to consider the expediency of making a road through the niver for traction engines, thus avoiding the! br~idgve.-â€"C«arried. ‘ McLachlanâ€"McRobbâ€"That we now zadjo‘urn, to meet on Monday. July 24th,â€"Carrded. tR0bertsâ€"McLavchlanâ€"That S. E. Smith be paid $13.75 for operating grader 5% dag'sr-Carried. Philpâ€"‘McRobbâ€"That 'S. Robb be paid $12 for tile making, and $3 for ESE-Wing cementâ€"Carried. Philpâ€"Mc‘Robbâ€"That above re- Dort be adopted, and comr. paid $3 com. f~ees.â€"Carr‘ied. Sundry accounts amounting to $212.59 were paid. Council met June 26th. minutes adopted. Communications receiv- ed: Fnom Royal Grafton, re- steel- beams for LI-IJo-lstein bridge. Beams are 8 «in number, 39 feet long, 15 inches deep‘ weight 42 lbs. per foot. at 2c. per 1b., cost $262.08. Beams received examined and approved. lRoberntsâ€"McRobbâ€"That forego- ing bill [of costs be Daid.~C:arried. From D Allan jr., sheep inspect- or for pivision No. 3. reported rthat (Mr S. Neil alleged that he had a lamb kiilied bV dogs, and required inspection, which was done. Re- port was given in detain. Time oc- cupied by inspector. half a day. 'Ro t e 1 tsaMcLavchlanâ€"That when to examine (the bridges in the south of the township, and see what timber is required to put *them in a safe condition. and re- portâ€"Carried. be notified to appear before the council in reference to the matter and inspector to be paid $1.50 when {Robertsâ€"McLachlanâ€"That comr. Pbilp be instructed to take an in- ventory of :tile on hand. and in- struct Mr. {Robb on sizes required and see about the timber for Hol- étein bridgeâ€"Carried. EGREMONT COUNCIL. ROAD REPORTS. D. ‘ALLANI Clerk. Upper Town - Durham W§¢M§¢§§§§§§§¢§O§§§NNO Mrs. A. SULLIVAN 24.391 Butter and Eggs Taken in Exchange ' may mv'mpr 8min? H. G“. Edl‘liqtt. _ A. E_. D_ufi. Traina will arrive and depart as to!- lows. until further notice:â€" 1.50 fun. £163.50 pun. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY TIME TABLE R. MAOFARLANE. - Town Amt. New Grocery Store Fresh Groceries Always in Stock 00§§+++¢¢+f¢+o¢¢ooo§+++¢¢¢ Galvanized and Iron Piping, Brass Brass Lined and Iron Cylinders. SHOP OPEN EVERY AFTERNOON Pumps From $2 Upward ALL REPAIRING promptly and properly attended to. PUMPS OF ALL KINDS DON’T FORGET OUR ICE CREAM PARLOR and Restaurant. LUNCHES Served at All flours Also FRESH GROCERIES Cooked Meats and Candies This is the place to buy your FRESH "BAKED GOODS. A FULL. SUPPLY ALWAYS ON HAND. J. TOWN'ER Depot Agent JAMES R. GUN. Town Agent and qualify for a good situation in business life. Itwill costlittle to do this. Get our plans. \Vrite THE SHAW CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL, 39! Yonge St., Toronto STUDY AT HOME Grand Trunk Railway TIME-TABLE 3.rd W. H. SHAW, President, Yonge Gerrard Stan. Toronto Central Business College, Tomato Invites you to write for its handsome catalogue. No vaca- tions. Summer; Term from July "9 " A I ‘ -'- n PLANING MILLS DURHAM ZENUS CLARK . N. BURNETT"E The undersigned begs to announce to resident; of Durham and surrounding country. that he has his Planning Mill and Factory completed and is prepared to take orders for . D. CONNOR Also a limited amount of iron work and machine re- pairs. Acai-l solicited. Ask for quotations on your next job. . D. Connor Custom Sawing Promptly At- tended To SASH,DOORS -â€" and all kind: of â€" House Fittings Manufacturer And Dealer at Duvhnm 8 at 7.15 mm“ s“ 'omnb.

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