West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 6 Jul 1911, p. 8

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IP It)" .o‘ Men’s Chrome Blucher, “ Kangaroo “ “ Patent Oxford “ Velour Blucher Boys’ Velour Blucher “ Kid Blucher Groceries Boots and Shoes. Dress Gaods LARGE SALES The Highest Prices for Butter Eggs MCKEBHNIES’ WEEKLY NEWS FRESH GROCERIES are continually arriving. Try our 25 cent Black Tea. for 500. per yd. Suitings, self striped, in suit lengths, no two alike, worth $1.25 for 890 per yd. Diagonal stripes, all wool, in the newest shades, worth 7 50. for 580. yd. A fine stock of Ginghams, Muslins and Prints in newest patterns. A ' Fine Irish POplins, 40 in. wide, all wool, 500. per yd. Satin Cloth, 44 inches Wide, in all the newest shades, 500. per yd. Broadcloths in black, brown, green and navy, 54: in. Wide, worth 7 5c. (‘otton Cashmeres, 38 in. wide, worth 250. for 150. per yd. 40 inch Shepherd Plaids worth 35c. for 190. per yd. 40 inch Scotch Plaids worth 350. for 190. per yd. Wool Vuiles and Panamas 40 in. wide, worth 60c. for 390. per yd. Mohair Lustres, in all the popular weaves, from 250. to 500. per yd. J uly Bargains :ford 4.00 “ Patent Pumps [Cher 3.50 “ Patent Oxfords Icher 2.25 Misses Patent Pumps er 1.50 “ Dongola Blucher Children’s Soft Soles 250. Kid Bluchers 850. Our stock is full in all lines. $2. 25 2 50 4.00 Women’s Dongola Bluchers (K SMALL PROFITS H TEE DURHAM CHRONICLE. $2.25 3.50 3.00 2.75 1.75 1 .50 The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Hartley, of Durham, in the presence of about seventy in- vited guests and took place on the lawn beneath an arch of ever.. greens. At five o’clock, the groom took his place, and immediately af- terward. the bride, Who was given away by her brother James, took her stand beside him. The weds ding march was played bv Miss! Charlotte Fleming, cousin of the4 bride, and Reta Lawrecne. niece of! the bride. acted as flower girl“! After the young couple had re-+4 oeived the congratulations of their friends. all sart down to a daintily,’ prepared wedding supper. The bride, wearing a bridal veil. was becominffl’y attired in a pretty wedding gown of white' satin de chine. trimmed with an? over lace and soutache braid. and, carried a bouquet of White car-1 nations and maiden hair fern. Her; travelling suit was of mauve ma.‘ terdal, with hat to match. She was, the recipient of many beautiful 1 A very pleasant event took place at the home of .Mr. and Mrs. An- thony Lawrence, Glenerl'g, when their daughter, Alice, was united in marriage to Mr. Robert J. HOD-3 kins. of Benrtilnlck. Their many friends join in WiSh-e ing them many years of happy, wedded life The groom’s gift to the bride was a gold watch and fob. The happy young couple left on the afternoon traiin amid showers of lrice and confetti, fora short honey-moon to Toronto. Niagara Falls and other points, and on their return will reside on the groom‘s beautiful farm at Booth- ville. The bride was the recipient of many beautiful and costly gifts. showing the high esteem in which the young couple are held. ' After the usual congratulations the company" numbering about 30. sat down to a bounteous repast. A very happy event was sol-Â¥ emnized on .Wednesday, June 28th,; at the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Kendl nedy, :Bunessan, when her young-: est daughter, Catharine Elizabeth was united in marniag‘e to Mr. Neili Alexander McLean, a prosperous; young farmer of Boothville. The, ceremony was performed by thel bride’s pastor, Rev. Dr. Farquhar-d son. Art twelve o’clock, noon, the, bridal party, who were unattended; took their places beneath an arch- way of evergreen-s on the lawn. The bride was given away by her, brother Charles and looked beau- tifully gowned in mousseline silkJ and carried a bouquet of white; carnations. i l ADLAiMâ€"ANDE‘R‘SON At Holy Trinity Church, Rev. Mr. Owen officiating, on the afternoon of June 30th, Edna Mathers, daug-I ter of Mr. Thos. Anderson, of Vic- tor, avenue, was married to Mr. George R. Adlam. The bride, who was attended by Miss Gladys An- derson, was attired in a grey suit with hat to match. Mr. Bud Rob- ins assisted the groom. On their return from atirp to Northern Ontario, Mr. and Mrs. Adlam will reside at 11 Monteith streetâ€"To- ronto Telegram. HOPKINSâ€"LAWRENCE. For Sale Here by MCQUEENâ€"KENNEDY. HYMENEAL The above Facts can be Proven by a Trial. ISLâ€"They Skim Cleanest. 2ndâ€"They are Self-oiling. (each baring running continuously il a bath of oil.) 3rdâ€"They have a low supply can and convenient height of crank. 4th -â€"Tney have a centre-balanced DOWI- (the bowl that stays in balance, 5th--They are the most convenient to operate and last longest. The Renfrew Machinery Co. Limited? ED. HOPKINS, Vickers. I .white; .Nwer leave home on a. journey W.1th angmhout 1a bottle of Chamberlain’s rend. and z Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem-I We congratulate Mm. 8. Edge, on attaining her 95th birthday, She was born in Ireland, June 30th, 1816. the ho Forest Mrs D. Greenwood, Miss Clara. and Mrs C.H. Moffact, We ing friends in Mt week re visit- Forest last Mrs John Moffat, and Master iPenie. 01 Greenoch, spent a day . -- â€" "W“ i We own 8 quartersections Misses Correll fo- Toronto . . . . i __ d 7 an visiting the Edge families the be_1ofch.01ce mIXedlrmgaole . i ' non-lrrlgable land, partmu- larly well located in sunny Southern Alberta,,ea.sy terms. ‘ s Livingstone ' Mr and Mrs. Campbell. of Glas- We also own the Famou ‘gow. Scotland. are Alberta. C3“. visiting theirgllanch located in Southernth Great cousins. Messrs Donald and C. 0.3111 the centre OI ’ e ‘* M'cFaYd-en [Winter Wheat Belt: 2060 Misses Mary Edge’ Maggie Firth? acres of rich, black loam on and Ethel Greenwood, and Mr! ‘ , . ble 0f Thos Firth, are spending the sum-4? 3 Clay SUb‘SOII: cal-)8 mer hOI‘ida-Vs at their respectivelproducing maximum PFOP!’ “me“ lle is all fenced and cross com" 0") ms mencing hsaymg this week Aifenced, has about ~°3(- a ' ' ' ould broken, two houses, three be very acceptable just now {barns €011,318 Shedgfitc. FIDO Mrs D. Greenwood, Miss Clara. ’ ’ ’ , were visit-l Spring on each section. Ideal « Forest last for straight grain 01‘ mled week farming. Very easy ferms' Mr and Mrs. W.J. Ritchie 2f- ginning of the Week Mr Thoes. Banks and spent several dams with f Owen Sound Stare Mrs. Wm. Edge is visiting with friends in Walkerton. Wm Babbage ”is visiting the II Among those present from a distance were Misrs Wright, Mrs. H. Fleming and daughter, Miss Char- lotte. of Philadelphia, L. P. Hop-4 kins, of Toronto. and Mrs. W. Por- ter. of Swinton Park. For summer diarrhoea in children alwava give Chamberlain’s Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and pastor oil. and a speedy :cure is eertmn. For sale by Gun’s Drug (VJ.-- - presents, that .0! the groom being a gold locket and chain. His gift to the flower girl was abracelet. with amethyst setting. The evening was pleasantly spent in music and- games. BECAUSE: F. D. VICKERS, Manager. Made in Canada by ars. W.J. Ritchie at- silver weddino of Mr D EDGE HILL if. Dromore, H. J. SNELL, Durham. 202 ANDRUS BUILDIKG Minneapolis - 1 Hunter Land C0. In C.P.R. Irrigation Block, Southern Alberta Canada Excellent Train Service to Muskoka. Lake of Bays, Temagami. Algonquin Park, Georgian Bay, etc. commencxng Saturday. J one 24th, trains will leave Toronto as follows: 2:058. m., daily, Muskoka-Huntsville- Temagami Express. 10:15 a.m.. daily except Sunday. Pent tang-Huntsville Express. 12:20 noon. Muskoka-Huntsville Ex- press, daily except Sunday. Convenient, connections from all pomts in Ontario. Literature and full information from any Grand Trunk Agent, or addreu A. E. DUFF, D. P. A., Union Station. Toronto. JAMES R. GUN. Town Agent; J. TOVVNER, Depot Agent. SINGLE FARE FOR ROUND TRIP (with minimum charge of 250.) Between 911 stations in Canada, also to Niagara Falls and Buffalo. N. Y., Detroit and Port Huron, Mich. Tick~ ets good going June 30th and July In. return limit Julv 4th, 1911. DOMINION DAY July 6th. vwgher University. th the MOLLQSIGI‘ '11: Beginning “W‘dlivr‘: ; July 19th. {McMaswr Evangelistic Band um: . lWM SDecizal Servi'mw ham Baptist church. m ‘B‘and és a Dormufi Campbell controlled all right till he f9}? :1: egossing, and in the fail. haw after Which the (hi‘ DOW'er of control. and . feeling his freedom. xxx-1 I On returning from H; week Where he was mmfiii th‘.’ Departmental exam; Mr. {W.A.. Campbell. s :‘ Specter Campbell, had ~ escape fmm serious Exist-j». driving into town in 1% \ of the C.PR., has hOI‘St‘ I 105' We were shown (11.1% 1'. .«u it? 'on Saturday afteI‘WJ-x." in: the Shape Of hen {T111 “’2' call tilt an egg, because it ;5 eggs, each being perfcr-T ”.243 developed, with the exr the Shell, Which had 1147? yet F coed. The two eggs. 93031 1.05. ing yelhs, were fastened 109:6 at the ends by a ligament 4! soft shell, sufficiently strong; bear the Weight when :i“~“.‘.'t‘*!-§ dangle. The freak was .-:-2C "7 Black Whoa hen. 0‘~'~'::»\_ui Tomtny Cook, one of our t {OWI fenders, and was drum-0c the 90mm air. under a 1:“; In the (Baptist churr-E. :‘2 .c series of meetings will 1-12 2; mendng 011 iWednesday 31:13 The McMaster male (111:1: 1.: E T. NBW'OD. B. A”, mlnis sing at each meeting The cement works at S Lake had a narrow own-”,0 fine on Tuesday. the work company’s fire brigade the plant from total destrm The Methodist congregatin their service last Sunday m on the church lawn. gl‘va‘t their comfort. This will ‘5 tinned during the hot wear}: The Orangemen from} 1}: trict celebrated in Sh“ u m ing there by special 1:21;; a large crowd accomp Ideal weather prevailr; out the day. flipfirentice wanted .-â€"-Tn tinnithing and plumbing. to N. (H. Sternall Durham. For the first two V‘qus 3. we win continue to gins 33-; photo for $2.75. Dnn': 21's splendid chanceâ€"F. W. K e i s. Boy wantedâ€"To 193?!) 123]“ Apply to W. c. Vollett. Wantedâ€"Farm laborer. ,, Apply toil‘hos. E. Hu‘ttoz‘” 1‘) Em SIDES “fifth a 111-;11“ Liz-‘3; _ ‘ ' rarely {man i‘ Ems. At present. 112-4 ”"35 are conductzng m 0c: ~'. 1 "‘9 Must church at A 32:: l’gg'ntdiately at the chase ' . they will come: 1' "Everybody is cordial} iffy}... ‘ Eét$9the services. The sing .2, #W will interest vou 11.: ‘Ws Will make 3'01 New potatoes for sale.-â€"Ap VOL. 44â€"N0. 2306. NEWS A a perm :1 McMast c r Mes )ist

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