s of the year, and is for dress occasions. Empress" Shoe can he lL‘annot be Cured agar and soap; :itoba Fiours ce Wanted fectioner Grocer hers 1n . am they canno' reach ‘1" :9“ var. I'here is 0n†080 - and that is by 0011st Hum.» is caused 1)? m b. 50111"! or Imperfect WM ~2y closed. Deafness :- 0" :nflammstion can be Oi“ Harm! to m; "011118le vj‘mi fur-over: nine 6.90. 9“ Catarrb. which to not“ htion of the mucous curb“. zandrod Donna for any 0" by eaten-h) that W ‘. sx‘rh C are. Send form ’Id at the lowest tamer hoe Store mzxnr a 00.. 1‘01.“ 0' iamfraxa St. hoes ! 0f W001 for ash or trade r1"13th].91]_ may can buy ash or Eggs RATH Heavy Tweeds, land Groceries. P111. for comm URHAM camâ€"ls. fl). grOW into money in a. short time, why here is some money. Durham will be scarce of good dw when the new factory, now in progress of erectio new families will require houses of good quality, and house rent must go up- Tbcx-efope, now is your time to buy a double dwelling house reasonable, If you don‘t buy now you will pay more for a good house later. then you Will by 5011'?- This house of mine is in 8. ve ry prominent place in the heart of Lyn-ham. on Garafraxa Street, known as the Keeler House; it contains all {-i-zn‘exiiences such as two furnaces, and the tow n water right in the kitchen in .nch house. soft water cistern, cellar, six roo ' ‘ affliilll and balcony with each dwelling. This house will not belong on the mug: and will be sold at a reasonable pr“ ' pygmmy lose no Lime. ,. n or I c All letters from Canada must be addressed 5‘ to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- m ment in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to Sec us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat 9° patients in our Windsor oflices which are for Correspondence and Laioratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: DRS. KENNEDY 8: KENNEDY, Windsor. Ont. Jul-y 13111 1911. 'rite for our private address. MEN-YOU NEED NERVE Wondcrful Nervous System @f 5.3“" prizes offered in this contesn .uo yuu that you have as good a. chance as the ¢‘_4_ 4-3;; mm to win one of these prizes? There are 141,1? :0: each ProV'in‘Ce, as follows: MEN/,2: “Axâ€"$100.00 to be given to the farmer in each {v.f.'.‘:nfe who will use during 1911. the greatest number of 1"“ Hz ~-C,\x-xDAâ€.Cement. PRIZE “Bâ€â€"â€"$100.00 to be ~_ 'he farmer in each Province who in 1911 uses :- .\.\..x1),~g' cémem on his {gm for the greatest num :- L" I’llri?oses. PRIZE “Câ€â€"~$100-00 ‘0 b‘ 3"“ ‘° ° “â€71?!“ In each Province who furnishes us with photograph Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold SL, Detroit. Mich. ' AR [HUR H. JACKSON, Durham Canada Cement Company, I. .b0‘ a v r o h be wen to the farmer m eac grins €911. the greatest number of ant. PRIZE “B"-â€"â€"-$100.00 to be each Province who xn 1911 uses a A‘- _ “An‘A-Q ““mh’ particulars apply; to and we will tell you whether you are curable or not. We guarantee eutnble cues of NERVOUS DEBILITY, VARICOSE VEINS. BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES. GLEET. BLADDER URINARY AND KIDNEY COMPLAINTS Free Booklet on Diseues of Men. If unable to enll unite for This is the condition our New Method Trentment in GUARANTEED TO CURE We have treated Diseases of Men for almost a life- time and do not have to experiment. Consult us FREE OF CHARGE The nerves control all actions of the body so that any- thing that debilitates them will weaken all organs of the. system. Early lndiscretions and Exceues have ruined thousands of promising young men. Unnatural Drains sap their vigor and vitality and they never deveIOp to a proper condition of manhood. They remain weal:- lings, mentally, physically and sexually. How you feel? Are you nervous and weak, dcspondent and gloomy, specks before the eyes with dark circles under them, weak back, kidneys irritable, palpitation of the heart. bashful, debilitating dreams, sediment in urine. pimples on the face, eyes sunken. hoilow'cheeks, careworn ex- pression, poor memory, lifeless, distrustful, lack energy and strength, tired mornings, restless nights. change- able moods, premature decay, bone pains, hair loose, etc. EARLY INDISCRETIONS AND EXCESSES HAVE UNDER“ MIN ED YOUR SYSTEM QUESTION LIST FOR HOME TREATMENT 'Urham. Ont., or 200, Hanover, Ont. Be sure and get a copy of our Contest Circular, telling all 'about the contest. Ask your dealer for one or use the attached coupon, if you ï¬nd it more convenient. In writing us, mention whether you have received your copy of “What the Farmer Can Do With Concrete," 1. profusely-illustrated 160-page book, which tells you how to build with concrete, so that you can do much of the work yourself. It’s a mighty handy and useful book, and should save you many a dollar. Farmers who have received it, say p19 it is splendid. Write to-night and it will send use go back to you with Prize Contest “I†5:; Folder. by return mail. showing the best of any particylar kind of work done on his farm during 1911 with “CANADA" Cement. PRIZE “1)" â€"$100.00 to be given to the farmer in each Province who submit: the best and most complete description of how any particular piece of work shown by accompanymg photograph, was done. Contest will close on November 15th, 1911, and as soon as possible thereafter, prizes will be awarded. Montreal Never leave home on a journey without a bottle of Chamberlain’s Coliel Cholera sand Diarrhoea 'Rem- edv. It is almost certain to be needed. and. cannot be obtained when on board the cars or steam- ships. 82 are. The Comm-i} adjourned to meet on Thursday, Aug. 10th. at, 10 a. m.. in the tp. ball. Aynm. to strike the different rates and for general busi- ness. KennamBaetzâ€"That. the following accounts he. paid : David Brown, 17%) loads gravel, $12.50: John \Vhiteford, 233 loads gravel. $11.65: H. Schilling, cutting hush, etc., $7.50; \Vm. VVag- ner. gravel $6.10: Wm. Sharp to pay parties rep. bridge. lot 22, con 13, $52.10: Enoch Welt-z, gravel, 8.75; G. Filsinger, gravel, $4.70: Fred Liese- mer. to pay parties railing and posts at Moltke, $5.70: P. Grub, rep. Re- hopf bridge, $1.20; E. VVeltz, gravel, $4.50: J. Ries, ~179tile for D. McIlvride, . 23.95: the Canada Ingot. Iron Culvert (30.. Guelph, $180.60; H. Koenig, wire, and scrapers, $47.65; J. Schnell, re-1 pairing road grader, $45.50: P. Has- ; setn. gravel and use of road. $2.60; A. ‘Eurig. gravel. $2.80: G. Liehold, (36 tile. 70c.: J. Hertzherger. rep. bridge, $1.50: Com’rs letting and inspecting jobs, Schenk $4.75: Shiel $7.50; Ken- na, $1.25: Baetz $15.60: Holm $3.77; total $32.85: Council meeting at date. £14.10: Thos. Foley, sheep killed bv dogs, $4; Thos. Ryan, do, $41; J. Seim, salary as sanitary inspect-or. extra work by order of B of H. $10; E. Hollidav, gravel. $1.85: J. Miller. rep. bridge, $11.75: Otto Maes, railing and work, 50c.: R. Nichol rep. road. $10.50: H B. Maes, gravel. $11.30; C Herbst, to pay parties putting in new steel culvert, lot. 10 and 11 con 4. $45.60: H. Miller, to pay parties put- ting in new culvert. lot- 12, mm. 7 and 8. $16; MrG. Walsh. balance salary as: caretaker tp. hall. $5: J. H. Ellis, part. salary as th. treasu ; R. H' Fortune. part. salarv as Clerk. $50: H. Seim. lamb killed by dogs. $3.30: P. “’eltz. sheep and lamb killed by dome. $8: V. Hahn. for use of rope fnr clear- inq out jam at Seim and Miller 1910. $2.50. The Clerk was instructed to write the Clerk of Mintn and arrange a. meeting of the reeves of Mints). Nor- manby and Clifford to inspect bridges on County Boundry Line with Deputy- Reeve Shiel. dogs. ‘ Baetzâ€"Kennaâ€"Tï¬mt thgâ€"râ€"x'x-i-riutes of the» last regular meeting as read he adflpted.â€"Garried. Hblm â€" Kennaiâ€" That Philip E. YVeltz be paid $8 for sheep killed by The Municipal Council of the Town- ship of Normanby met, in the town- ship hall, Ayton, on \Vednesday. June 28m, at IO-a.m.: all the members present, the Reeve in the chair. It was Country.†Nature had been kind to Frank An- struther. Tl ere was no startling beauty in his face, but he had in an altogether uncommon degree. that highly-bred grace, without which no man should dare to sing those courtly words. When his song closed, even Mrs. Roi could not help admitting. “Yes. that is best." sugar-W1: m DURHAI CHRONICLE “It is not mine to sing the stately grace. The great soul beaming in my ladys ace. But mine it is to follow in her tram, T30 her behosts in pleasure or in pain. Burn 213 nor altar love's sweet frank- _-_ v“- THE TEHDEBFOOT’S WOOIN G Continued fmm page 6. Comtin-ued next week. Normanby Council. R. H. FORTUNE. Clerk. For sale by Gun’s Drug wlth distant rever- Art the anniversaryâ€r services in rthe Presbyterian church on Sunday ‘R-ev. Mr. Pheban, of Markda-le, preached able and very high1y~ aDDreeixazted sermons. The Metho- dist congreg’aton and pastor fra- ternized with the Presbyterians in the evening, {but the extreme heat of the day interfered With the wt- te-nduance at 'both SBI‘VTZ'CGS. Excel- lent music was rendered, the choir being assisted :by Dr. Henderson. Mr. :and Mrs. T. J. Sheppard and Miss Evelyn (Hall, of Toronto, who Fifty years ago on the 53nd inst. the hate MIr. Robert Henderson. father of Mr. (W. .J. Henderson. of 'this place met his death at a barn raising on 'the old McMaster farm near .M't. Z'iion church. The half cen- tury gene has seen many changes and bwt few of the GRiI‘ly settlers remain who felt the shock of the sad fatality We have referred to. IMr. IW. Tralmbl'e spent Dominion Day at Owen Sound; Mr and Mrs. Geo. *Mjatcholl visited at Alliston: Mr. Kendall .MBtch-ell aat Palgravo and Miss {Lulu Mitchell mt Cale-J don East; Mr. J. A. Boyd and fam'ly visited at Mount Forest: Mrs. Alioan 'vifsitved at Churchill: Mrs Harm Wood at Stxatfoxd and Mr. 'and IMrs. Geo Stuart at Thorn- bury. Rev. Mr. iMcC’iausLand. of Dur- ham. who hesitated Rev. Mr. Kelly in special services last week. preached in the Baptist Church on Sunday miorn'ng. ‘Mr. K elJy sup- supplied at ‘Durlmm. The A. K). U. W. LodO'e here of c- nicked vast fthe Paark on Dominion Day and had an enjoyable ou'tirnO'. The cï¬ltizen’s band gtawe pleasin-zz wen'tertainnient. The band is making: splendid progress under Mr. Bow-1 l‘er. visited over "the holiday. The (Methodist Lvadies’ Aid held «a suodesusful Hawn party at the. par-â€" sonage on Thursday evening last. Durflng *the evening a pleasing pnogna'mlm’e was rendered, Mr. M. K. ‘incheardson presiding. Proceeds nearly ‘thirty dolbhars. :Mr. Robert Cook, of Ceylon, is now High lCoun'ty constable. ha-Vâ€" :inO' been ‘appoimted by the County Council in the palace of the hate ‘H'ec‘tor McDonald. of Pricex ille. The out Of town members of the school staff have :‘gone on their holidays, (Miss McKenzie vto Lis'to- we]. 'Mnj'ss Swimmer to Kirkt'om and iMi-ss 1391') to Owen Soumd. :Mrs. '12. H. Henderson and Ma’s- ‘ter Iwon are on their annual holiâ€" day alt M1. J. Blackburn‘s. Dr. Henderson ‘acco‘mna‘nsied them and Visited over "the h'olidxav. \Mrs. Gordon Bladg'erow, of To- ron'to. is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dmvis. Mr. Badge- row was .a‘ visitor over the holi- (La).- :Mr. fWin. Tucker. who has been very tiltL, land is :in Toronto for treatment, is reported slightl'y im- iproved. Mrs. Friank Taste. of Lucknow, is visiting her parents... :Mr. and Mrs. M. 'K. ‘Rdchcardson. «Mr. Tiazte spent Sunday here Mr. ‘T. J. ISheppard and family motored from Toronto on ‘Satur- day and spent a couple of days among old friends here. Dr. A. E. and ers. Armstrong, of Coballt are spending a week at {Mn “N. A. Armstrong’s before leaving on a trip to the coast. ers. Archt'e Sinclair, uof Tees water. :53 on )a. visit with her par' 'ents‘. Mr. and ers. Jzohn Hale's. Mrs. McFadden. of Mono Centre, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ‘R. Waller. Bornâ€" 'On Frada), 30th June, to Mr. and Mrs John 'Stewart..'a son. 'Mr. John Charters, of Calberr‘x. Man. ., 'is visiting his cousin. Mrs. Corbett. Lieutt. 1001 A. G. Oampbesll, Toronto was an visitor in town. Fr'idna'y Last. Miss ’Willia Wrighlt its home from her school at LD-esb‘oro for the hold- dza'y‘s. Mrs. J‘. 'W; Armgtrong has turned from Meafaord to her ] here. Mr. Arnold Thurston is home from Toronto on a visit. Rev. G. S. Minigwan is spending a few days in the city this week. Miss Nettie Foster, of Toronto. is visiting Miss Clinton. -‘ Intended for last week. 'tMr. ‘W. Lo'uckus leflt on Monday for Porcupine. spLe-ndddlay rendered solos. ' Wain. FLESHERTON . Campbell, of home ~ ' I .uhflxz‘b 2: . . a» With $5000.00 added to the prize money for horses the display of aristocratic ho‘rstefleash at the Cana- dian National Exhibition this year promises to eclipse anything in its h'?st~ory. Every class, from the pony to the draft animals, promis- es to ï¬ll exceptionally well, and the result can only be the greatest display of. horses ever seen in Can- works the hard-est and gives out first. The kidneys work night and day. and ~naturally a life of unusu- al activity doubles the duties of the laidnevs. and im. time. the strain tells. Th-e kidneys give out, and mature cries “snap.†Booth’s Kid- naa‘y Pills are scald by all' deaerxs. 50c vaS‘tDaJid. from the £R.T. Booth Co., Limited. Fort Emile, Ont. There is no pill just ‘as good. Send for a Free Box. The test will prove the truth of our statement. Charles Lowacks. Mr. Ilifford Ioucks and Masses Gertle. Nellie and Hamel L-oucks. of Meaford ° Mr. and lMI‘S. A. ’Btentthtam and Mrs. E. J. 'Sw'iflt. Toronto, and Mrs. A. ‘Brmooxks. Harriston. A bereavement extremely sad he- fell 2Mr. H. (C. Quï¬gg on Wednes- ‘dcaev 10f hast week. when his be- loved young: wife passed away after but a brief illness. Seldom ih-as there been such an expression {of sympathy from (the community for beneï¬t ones as that which has been maam’fested in this osae. The funenal whllch 'tOlOIk plate to Flesh-I erto cemetery I031] Fnidlay after- noon was one of Ithe Largest that has been ‘seen here. 'Rev. G. S. Milligvan conduct-ed the burial ser- vice, and referred fittingl'y to the deceased. who was a faithful mem- ber of IChtalmlers’ Church. For several years she was an active worker im the (Guild and Sab-I bath JSChiOxOl )by whom a beautiful: floral lod‘lferï¬ng was presented in moving remembrance. The de- ceased tho *wras the second (laugh-l 'ter of Mr. and ers Pliny Loucks. was within a. few days of twenty-4 three years lof age and was a win- some and highly esteemed vorung woman. Nearly two years ago she was mlatmfed to her now sorowing husband. who feels keenlny the great trial he has been callled on to pass through. {Relatives from a distance w-hxo, laattended the funeral were IMr. lel‘ter Ltoucks from Por- cupinle ;lM?r. and Mrs. W. Lou‘cks, ‘ .Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Loucks. Mrs. Among the holiday visitors here were; Mr. and Mrs. D. Strachan. of Toronto. who visited the formers? 9i sltler, (Mrs. 'Cl-yta'ton: Mr. and Mrs. Geo. iWLickens, at the former’s home; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mcâ€"< Tnavish, 'Doron'to, With the former’s ,par-entts; er. and Mrs. Thakne, of EHamnil'tton, at Mr. Herb Smith’s: Miss Etthel Trimblie. home from ‘OW'en Sound; Mr. J. T. Wyal-Lace. iof London, misi't'ed his father: Mr. D. thrb‘y ,‘T‘oroin'to Visited his br-Oith'erqin-lqaw. Mr. S. Badgerow; iMr. Arthur ,Wiardnobe. Toronto. visited :old fnine'nnds: Mr. 'W’. Little. Owen Sound. [Miss {Donna Morrow, Dundalk. and Miss Bella Blakeï¬m' Corbetttorn, were visitors at Mr. T. A. ‘Bllflk‘C'lPY’S. Mr. Charles Thistl'ewai-te visited his parents: Mast-er Jack [Hall visit-ed his aunt. Mrs. Arch (Boyd, and Miss Cornish, nof Toron/to was a visitor at Mr. D. {M'cTIaWish’s 'ding took 'place alt the residence of Mir. and Mrs. McGee, 8th eon. Antemeeita on Wednesday evening, June 28th. when “their daughter. Adeline, was married 'to Fred G. Martin. in the presence of about sixty guests. (Rev. H. E. Wemiwood tended. W138 tgwiven iaway by her father «and Looked yer-y prettv in la d'ali-ntty gmxm of white silk with long 'tudde wveail. After the Wed- ding supper the evening was en- joyably spent 'by the company. The bride received a Large number of beautiful wedding gifts. Mr. and .Mrs. Martin will reside near Eugenia. $5000.00 ADDED MONEY. anâ€"McGeeâ€"A pretty Wedâ€" stands to-dw w. (,3 Canada. Gradu~ .. fa]. Catalogue i'vpv, il] up-to-dato flour 31-" H ' l and zrocers keep our ï¬rm:- 'm- ..-- '9. n (mur grocer dons nnr kpnn iv mm to the mill and WP will nae ynn ï¬ght, A ‘- [8 made from selected wimp and IS a superior article for m pastry. etc. Call us up by fplpphnnnxn. 8. All kinds of Gram hnuehf '2' {what Price- Chopping Dene Evorv Day r pure Manitoba. flour, made from :. . 1 Manitoba wheat camun, he beat for either bakers or dorm-Mic use ipecial Reduction rm Flour 10 B9)! Lots. A small or large bag of a ï¬ne gram, white, nutritious ï¬nur, ic mm as our brand. Have you ever Wind it? your grocer to give you our kind time and see the 811130140? hwkihg qua. ities it possesses. Pr-ttvr am} [you “ï¬lm-ammo. lxacause of n Her-Hat, m'oceea that; we put the wheat through. Don’t forget. A blend ofï¬ Manitoba and; Ontario Wheat and is a strictly th‘st. claSI family flour ’kmds delivered an \i where Fall Term 0: People’s Mills No man who doies business with H. H. Min is ever sat “fled to g\) elbowâ€. Our methods seem ‘0 please. "Always Prompt. â€" Never Neglizï¬pj.’ be'm bugâ€"BEST '" -.._.,..... .633 ACRES near Proton Statinn md Sangeen Junction. ï¬ne brick maidenoo. splendid harm. splendid soii. gnod water. orchard c. Will sell less than $5 a Icn'e.i'.A bargain surely. """" .â€" store and dv'vellimz, barn. other {ran dwelling and $4 000 stovk. GENERAL COUNTRY STORE ï¬â€˜ miles from Durham; very chain. Large number of cheap farm propertiels Money to Lend at Low Rates. Lands? bought and sold. Debts collate! All kinds of writings drawn. EML Land Hunts: Look Here 325 XCRES close to Proton Station. brick dwellingï¬ne large out-buildi windmill c.: hay, 2 tons to acre. 0:5 $5,500: Knocks the sunshine off Al- I. . H. MILLER wide ..... Stair Oilc lath. Ans-wool Panama Dxcss Goods 42 in. wide in him-k. navy, brown. (a. snap) ....... 50c yard See our Dress Goods at 25c‘and 500 yard. They cannot, he beat New Prints and Giughams CALL AND SEE US Axminisber Bugs, 27 by 51 .......... _ $100930!) Floqr: Oilcloch, Land '2 yards- Unbleached Table Linen. 51 in. wide ........... 3.5:: yard Fine Bleached Table Linen, 68 inches widp. .. . . . . . . . .500 yard 2 yds. 2; yds. ‘3 yds. 31; yds, 35 yds. Large W'L‘ Counterpanr . ........ $1.4oe}{ch Best Quality, large 11-4. Flau- nellette Blankets . . . . $1.50 pair Unbleached Sheeting. 72 in. wide...... ......3Ucyard He Sells LACE CURTAENS Cheap PASTRY FLOUR nle Hanover Conveyance:- SOVEREIGN TORGT‘J'O, ONT. “m ELL’OTT long. long. long. long. long. ECLIPSE 27 in. 30 in. 30 m. 50 m. 60 in. . MILLER THE BIG nut -- m' :1 . .300 square yard .......... 150 yard 'IQ Wide. 25c pair Wide. 50c pair wide. 70v pair Wide. 90¢: pair Wide. $1 pair Opposite The» hi House. Hanovo win: pp Who fur making Calder-’8 Block in in "ior in succeal 38th. SEVEN